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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以GIS為基礎的不動產估價應用系統 / The Design of The Real Estate Appraisal System Based on GIS

周宏曄 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,社會經濟進步,對「不動產估價」之需求日益殷切,例如投資房地產、利用房地產來進行借貸行為等各項需要,在在皆得依靠不動產估價的技術,因此提升了社會上對不動產估價的重視。而在今日科技如此蓬勃發展的資訊時代,若能將不動產估價的技術與電腦的數位技術相互結合,藉由電腦的強大計算能力與快速的回應能力,相信必能提升不動產估價的技術及準確度。  所以本研究致力於將不動產估價與電腦科技相結合,期望能提升不動產估價的準確度,除了利用其強大的計算能力之外,本研究更進一步地將不動產估價動作與地理資訊系統GIS(Geographic Information System)相結合,利用GIS強大的地理資料處理能力,希望能將不動產估價的技術提昇至更高的境界。  本研究的研究過程為先對不動產估價之理論與方法進行研究,並尋找出不動產估價時的程序及其所需要考量的事項,在整理融會之後,再進一步地結合GIS,以建構出一個以GIS為基礎的不動產估價系統。且每當一估價個案完成,系統便自動將此筆估價個案之資料與結果回饋(輸入)給系統,成為一筆新增之買賣實例,如此一來,買賣實例資料庫將會愈來愈大,愈來愈完整,也將會使得系統的估價能力愈準確、可信度愈高。 因為在台灣不動產估價已經逐漸受到社會各界,例如銀行、租賃公司和房屋仲介公司等的重視,所以本研究企圖整理出各種常用估價模式及其所需的資料,並結合地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System,GIS)的技術,建構出一個以GIS為基礎的泛用型不動產估價資訊系統之原型,期能藉此提高不動產估價行為的效率與精確度,並希望對GIS的應用領域提供一個新的窗口,進而擴大GIS的長遠發展。 / Recently, the need for appraisal of real estate is more and more important for people. When we invest the money in the real estate or use real estate to borrow money, we must depend on the technique for appraisal of real estate. Now, we are in the information world. If we can take advantage of the ability of the computer to appraise the real estate, it must be able to promote the technique and accuracy of appraisal in real estate.  So in this thesis, it was applied to combine the appraisal in real estate and the ability of the computer and it hoped that it could increase the accuracy of appraisal. Besides the computing ability, this thesis wanted to combine the technique GIS (Geographic Information System) and the appraisal in the real estate. It wanted to take advantage of the processing ability in geographic data in GIS to higher the technique in appraising real restate.  In this thesis, we attempt to arrange some general appraisal models and data the models need and to use the technique of GIS to design a prototype appraisal system. We hope that the system will be able to higher the efficiency and accuracy of appraisal in real estate. And we hope we will create a new way to take advantage of the ability of GIS.

街道特徵與地標位置識別之研究 / Content-based map localization using street map with landmarks

李澤毅, Li, Ze Yi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著GIS的發展,地圖定位成為空間查詢中極為普遍的行為。一般地圖定位大多透過地址來進行,但是在缺乏地址的情況之下,進行地圖上之定位變成極為困難之事。 本論文嘗試對手繪地圖在真實地圖上進行定位,我們提出了一套機制,使用者可以隨意地以手繪方式繪製街道圖與地標,透過我們提出的方法,即可自動地在真實的地圖上進行定位。 論文中,我們使用相鄰街廓中之地標配置與相鄰之交叉路口之地標配置等變數組成的表示法來描述地圖。我們將手繪地圖與真實地圖轉換成這些表示法,並透過字串編輯距離、圖同構等關係來比較手繪地圖與真實地圖之相似度,從而對手繪地圖進行定位。 實作中,我們挑選了幾處真實場景在台北市地圖中進行比對並觀察其結果。系統採用之地標包括政府機構(如派出所、消防隊、區公所等)、學校、醫院等資料。在實驗中,應用這套表示法可成功的定位出使用者所輸入之各場景所在位置。另外,透過控制相似度門檻值,我們可以調整辨識之精確度,不至於錯失可能之定位結果。 / As the widely spread of the GIS applications, map localization becomes one of the most important features in the spatial information retrieval. Normally, map localization is done through street addresses. Without this information, map localization becomes very difficult. In this research, we are trying to do map localization using hand drawing maps. We proposed a mechanism that can localize the user's drawing map in the reference map automatically. Our approaches use the landmark configurations of the adjacent street blocks as well as the landmark configurations of the adjacent street intersections as the descriptors in representing a map. The user's hand drawn maps and the reference maps are converted into these representations. The string editing distances and graph isomorphism are used in determining the similarities between the hand drawn map and the reference map. The map localization can be done by comparing these similarities. We used various real scenes in Taipei City to verify our systems. The landmarks we used including police offices, fire stations, county offices, schools and hospitals, etc. The experimental results shown that our system can localize the user's input successfully. Moreover, by controlling thresholds in similarity analysis, we can adjust the system's accuracy that reduces possibility of miss localizations.

多源遙測影像於海岸變遷之研究 / Coastal changes detection using multi-source remote sensing images

梁平, Liang, Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以不同時期之航遙測影像偵測宜蘭海岸濱線變遷,影像來源包含1947年之舊航照影像、1971年的美國Corona衛星影像、1985年的像片基本圖、2003年的SPOT-5衛星影像及2009年以Z/I DMC(Digital Mapping Camera)航空數位相機所拍攝之高解像力航照影像。 由於影像獲取的時間與感測器皆有所差異,故本研究透過不同的方式處理資料,將影像地理對位,並利用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information Systems, GIS)軟體數化濱線及沙灘(丘),且以套疊分析觀察不同時期濱線與沙灘變遷之情形,最後收集宜蘭地區的自然或人文資料如潮汐、降雨量與輸沙量等,分析宜蘭海岸變遷的原因。而在濱線萃取方面,由於以人工數化方式太耗時間與人力,故嘗試以半自動化方式如影像分類或影像分割萃取濱線,並與人工數化結果比較。研究結果顯示,利用多時期之遙測影像,並結合GIS之空間分析功能,確可有效掌握濱線與沙灘(丘)的歷史變化概況。 / This study used multi-temporal remote sensing images to detect shoreline changes along the Yilan coast. Various types of remote sensing images were used in this study, including old aerial images taken in 1947, Corona satellite images acquired in 1971, photo base map produced in 1985, SPOT-5 satellite images obtained in 2003, and high-resolution aerial images taken in 2009 by using Z/I DMC (Digital Mapping Camera). Because these images were taken in different time using different sensors, different procedures were applied to process the data and georeference the images to a common coordinate system. GIS (Geographic information Systems) software was used to digitize shoreline and the beach area, and overlay analysis was applied to find the shoreline changes in different time periods. Then various ancillary data such as tides, precipitation, and sediment load was collected to analyze the causes of coastal changes in Yilan. For shoreline extraction, manual digitization required a lot of time and manpower. Therefore, semi-automatic method such as image classification and image segmentation was applied to extract shoreline. The results show that, by using multi-temporal remote sensing images and spatial analysis functionalities of GIS, the historical changes of shoreline and beach area can be detected effectively.

應用自願性地理資訊於社區物種調查之研究 / Application of Volunteered Geographic Information in Community-based Species Investigation

郭芳妤, Kuo, Fang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
台灣擁有豐富而多樣的自然生態資源,而物種調查將有助於維護物種之多樣性與生態平衡。然而,台灣生物多樣性高且分布廣闊,調查工作往往需耗費龐大的人力、物力、經費與時間成本。故本研究採用自願性地理資訊 (volunteered geographic information, VGI) 的方式,鼓勵社區民眾參與社區之物種調查工作。藉由社區民眾對社區當地的瞭解與使命感,有效且快速地蒐集物種調查資料。望社區民眾可經由親身參與物種調查之工作,更加瞭解及關注社區生態環境之現況,體認生態保育及生物多樣性的重要性,提升環境保育意識。 而近年來隨著行動科技的快速發展,智慧型手機與平板電腦等行動裝置日益普及。為使物種調查之工作更加快速且便利,本研究利用多數智慧型行動裝置所擁有的即時定位、無線網路及照相等功能,建置社區物種調查系統App。該App可作為物種調查之工具,並提供適時適地之物種資訊查詢服務。此外,本研究亦透過物種空間資料庫與網際網路地理資訊系統 (WebGIS) 平台之建置,提供社區物種資料分享、管理與分析等服務。 / Taiwan is abundant in ecological resources, and species investigation will contribute to preserve species diversity and ecological balance. However, due to high biodiversity and wide distribution of species in Taiwan, the traditional investigation works cost a lot of money, time, human and material resources. Therefore, this study uses the concept of volunteered geographic information (VGI) to encourage the public to collect field data and to participate in species investigation for local communities. With local knowledge and enthusiasm about the community, residents are capable of collecting species data more effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, through volunteered participation in species investigation, residents will have better understanding about the current status of ecological environment in the community. Thereby the residents can realize the importance of ecological conservation and biodiversity, and promote their awareness of environmental conservation. With the rapid development of mobile technology in recent years, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers are gaining popularity. In order to make the investigation of species for communities more quickly and conveniently, this study makes use of the functions of most smart mobile devices such as real-time positioning, wireless networking, and digital camera to build a mobile App system for community-based species investigation. The mobile App system can serve as a tool for species investigation, and it also provides with location-based inquiry services timely and efficiently. In addition, Geographic Information System (GIS) is applied to manage the geodatabase, and a WebGIS platform is built to facilitate data sharing and analysis.

台灣地區高速公路系統建設對人口及產業空間分布之影響 / The impact of highway construction on the spatial distribution of population and economic activities- the case study in Taiwan

陳學祥, Chen, Syue Siang Unknown Date (has links)
高速公路系統建設可提升區域與區域之間的可及性與易行性,同時達到節省旅行時間和成本、高速公路交流道沿線地區土地價值上升等效果。此外,高速公路系統建設對於周圍地區人口、產業可產生相當程度之影響,例如大量的人口遷移、區域交通影響衝擊、社會和經濟層面產生重大變化等,進而改變國家及區域發展方向。於此情況下,合宜地評估及分析高速公路系統建設開發對國家及區域發展之影響,將有助於其推展並降低對地區之不利影響。 本研究希望以我國從1976至2010年來,共九條高速公路系統 建設為研究主軸,利用台灣城際運輸系統需求模式(TMD2008)之旅行時間資料、內政部戶口普查及工商普查資料為基礎,並運用事前事後比較(before and after analysis)與空間自相關分析(Spatial Autocorrelation analysis)等分析方法對高速公路系統建設所造成區域人口、產業之空間變動進行評估,分析高速公路系統建設對於區域人口、產業及交通可及性之空間分布變化影響。最後則建構高速公路可及性對區域人口及產業空間影響模型,並針對歷年來高速公路系統建設對國家及區域發展的影響進行實證分析。 / The benefits of highway infrastructure investments include promoted inter-regional accessibility and mobility, saved travel time and cost and increased land value in freeway interchange areas. In sum, highway infrastructure investments play an important role in national and regional development. It contributes to the population re-distribution, the growth of economic activities, and more importantly, the land use change. Therefore, how to effectively evaluate the impact of highway investments on national and regional development is an important research topic. The analytical results in this study can be applied to increase the accuracy of population and economic projection, and to manage transportation policy decisions. Between 1976 and 2010, there were nine highway systems had been built in Taiwan. This study emphasizes on the impact of highway investments on the spatial distribution of population and industry, and regional accessibility change. In this paper, we utilize before and after analysis and Spatial Autocorrelation analysis with Geographic Information System to analyze demographic data, economic data and TDM2008 database in order to perform the spatial analysis of population and industry re-distribution along highway constructions. Finally, a spatial gravity model is built to verify and describe the related spatial impacts so that several influential factors can be identified by this empirical study.

應用克利金法劃分地價區段之研究 / Applying kirging estimation to define land value district

廖彬傑, Liao, Pin Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
我國公部門以課徵土地稅、發放土地徵收補償為目的而進行土地大量估價,並以區段價法與路線價法為主要估價方法。由於此二估價方法之評估基礎為平均區段地價,故是否能準確劃分地價區段乃至關重要。然而,地價調查估計規則中有關地價區段之劃分規定,並無具體規範劃分準則與方式,導致地價人員僅能透過參考各項可得之圖表資料,並根據自身認知與前輩經驗,將地價相近、地段相連、情況相同或相似之土地劃為同一區段。因此,地價區段劃分之公平、客觀、準確性往往遭受民眾質疑。 劃分地價區段之目的係為掌握地區特性,故其實屬劃分同質區之概念。惟地區特性乃難以定義或量化之區域因素的空間聚集特性,致使地價人員難以掌握具體劃分準則,並準確劃分地價區段。而過去相關研究指出難以定義或量化之空間因素存於特徵價格模型的殘差之中,遂有分析殘差之空間特性以劃分同質區者。但是,各種劃分方式皆侷限於已知樣本所在位置的空間關係,導致可能出現無法就整體地區劃分同質區,或出現預測樣本不屬於任何同質區的情況。 由於克利金法可依據樣本的空間變異結構特性推估未知空間位置的觀察值,因此本研究以區域化變數理論為基礎,應用克利金法結合地理資訊系統之空間分析功能,進而依殘差之空間特性劃分空間效果同質區。研究結果顯示該同質區可合理呈現空間效果之同質性,應用於大量估價的準確性佳,且不會扭曲地價高低層次。因此,應用克利金法劃分地價區段確實為合理、準確且可行之方式。 / Public assessors evaluate official land value for taxing and compensating by land value district approach and street value approach. Since the basis of these two approaches is land value district, whether public assessors could define it accurately or not is an important issue. However, there are no specific defining criterions in Regulations on Land Value Assessment; public assessors could only refer to concerning information, especially their own subjectivity and experience of senior assessors, to define district in terms of “close land value, connected relation and similar circumstances of lands”. Accordingly, district that defined by public assessors not only the fairness and objectivity, but also the accuracy are quite doubtful. The main purpose of defining land value district is capturing local characteristics; therefore, it’s similar to the task of defining homogeneous area. Nevertheless, local characteristics are agglomerations of spatial effect, which are difficult to define or quantity. Due to the fact that public assessors are unable to get specific defining principles, they cannot define land value district accurately. A few researches indicate that spatial effect is in the residuals of hedonic pricing model, thus, some researches defining homogeneous area according to the spatial distribution of residuals. However, the defining approaches of these researches are all restricted to spatial location of known samples. Hence, it’s possible to fail to segregate different homogeneous area, or fail to take unknown samples into consideration. For the reason that kriging estimation can predict unknown spatial location’s value in basis of spatial variation structure characteristics, this research apply kriging estimation and GIS to define homogeneous area based on Theory of Regionalized Variables. The research concludes that homogeneous area which is defined by kriging can capture homogeneity of spatial effect. Besides, the prediction accuracy is quite well by adding variables of homogeneous area to hedonic pricing model. On the other hand, predicted land values still remain the exact relation between each other. Therefore, applying kriging estimation to define land value district is a reasonable, accurate and feasible method.

數位化原住民農耕知識之策略─以尖石泰雅族部落為例 / The Strategy For Digitization of Indigenous Knowledge of Farming ─ A Case Study of the Atayal Communities in Jianshih Village

張孟瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
原住民農耕知識乃長期適應自然環境,並與自然達成平衡關係之農耕方式,因此藉由探討原住民農耕知識,得提供高山農業政策上的建議。惟偏向質性的原住民知識,需萃取、轉化為科學形式,方能利用。是以,本研究以地理資訊系統為基礎、利用土地適宜性分析與羅吉斯迴歸為方法,設計一套適用於數位化原住民農耕知識的策略。此策略為一個迭代的循環,包含蒐集、轉換、分析與檢視的程序。首先,以量化方式蒐集原住民農耕知識,次將知識轉換成空間資料的形式,再透過分析將知識轉化成有意義的資訊,並以視覺化方式展示分析成果,而分析成果可用以檢視知識蒐集的完整性、檢驗知識轉換後的正確性,進而以為基礎,針對興趣點再度蒐集知識,如此反覆操作上述程序。以土地適宜性分析為核心之策略,可用以探究原住民農耕區位選取知識;以羅吉斯迴歸為主軸之策略,則以個別農耕地為基礎,驗證農耕行為與邊坡穩定性之關聯。本研究以尖石泰雅族部落為研究區域。研究發現此數位化原住民農耕知識策略是可行的,得以有效地達到原住民農耕知識蒐集、分析及展示的目標。數位化後的原住民農耕知識具體而明確,可作為相關政策之參考。 / Indigenous knowledge of farming is empirical rules based on a long-term interaction between human and organism which benefit to each other. As a result, by discussing indigenous knowledge of farming, it could provide positive suggestions for the cultivation on slope land. However, indigenous knowledge tends to be qualitative rather than quantitative. Thus, we need to translate it into a scientific formats so as to take use of it. Consequently, the paper which is based on GIS, utilizes land use suitability analysis and logistic regression aims to establish a strategy for digitizing indigenous knowledge of farming. Actually, the strategy is an iterative circle with the procedure of extraction, translation, analysis and review. Firstly, investigate indigenous knowledge of farming in quantitative way. Secondly, translate it into layers. Then, turn the fragmentary data into meaningful information, and illustrate it on the map. Finally, review the result whether it is comprehensive and reliable. We used land use suitability analysis as the strategy to explore indigenous knowledge of farming site selection. Similarly, we use logistic regression as the strategy to demonstrate the correlation between the practice of farming and slope stability. The Atayal communities in Jianshih village was used for testing of the above strategy. In conclusion, the strategy for digitizing indigenous knowledge of farming is feasible for investigating, analyzing and visualizing the indigenous knowledge of farming. Therefore, the result is quite clear and specific as an important supplement to policy.

XML在地理資訊系統空間資料表達上的應用 / The Application of XML in the Representation of GIS Spatial Data

張家坤 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,傳統的地理資訊系統也從早期的單機系統朝Web GIS的方向發展,但是關於地理資料的格式卻仍舊莫衷一是,沒有一個為業界所共同遵從的標準,其結果除了人力與財力資源的浪費,也造成不同單位間的地理資料整合上的困難。傳統的電子地圖採用點矩陣的圖形格式,因檔案太大而常造成資料傳輸上的延遲,而且圖形的解析度與品質不佳;此外在建置上十分不便,需要專門的處理軟體才能進行編輯修改。因此傳統GIS的處理方式已經不能滿足網路化的GIS應用系統的資訊需求。  在XML出現之後,W3C與業界也體認到這樣的需求,因此新一代的網路二維圖形標準,可變動向量圖形(Scalable Vector Graphics,SVG)便應運而生,雖然目前SVG仍在候選建議階段,但鑑於它的諸多特點與優越性,目前已獲得業界各大公司的支持。本論文便在此種情況下產生研究動機,我們期望透過SVG這種新興的向量圖形格式,找出解決目前GIS在地理空間資料上所面臨的困境。經過本研究所實作出來的雛形系統顯示,以SVG作為新一代的Web GIS地理空間資料格式不但可行,而且突破許多傳統方式的瓶頸和缺點。 / With the development of Internet, traditional GIS was being changed from single user to Web GIS. But the file formats of geographic spatial data are still various. We don’t have a simple and effective standard. The result are financial and manpower resource wasting. It is inconvenient and difficult to integrate geographic spatial data between different GIS and organizations. Traditional maps are bitmapped format, with lower quality at high resulation. We have to use particular tools when modifying bitmaps. Therefore, traditional way in GIS should be improved.  The Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG) format is a new XML grammer for defining vector-based 2D graphics of the Web and other applications. SVG was created by World Wide Web Consortium(W3C), the non-profit, industry-wide, open–standards consorium. Over twenty organizations, including Sun Microsystems, Adobe, Apple, IBM, and Kodak, have been involved in defining SVG. SVG is a subset of XML, which is rapidly becoming the foundation for all modern Web applications. SVG gave us a motive to do the investigation. We hope to use the SVG format to solve the problems in GIS. In the result of the prototype system in our thesis, we find out that SVG should be the better, effective spatial data format of Web GIS.

應用開放源碼WebGIS於社區資源管理之研究 / Application of open source WebGIS in community resources management

單勇恩 Unknown Date (has links)
國內許多社區擁有豐富的自然及人文資源,為了有效促進經濟發展與促使遊客了解社區環境資源,部分組織體系較完整的社區,已陸續展開社區發展規劃工作,鼓勵社區民眾共同參與社區林業經營與環境資源管理等工作。對於社區資源管理方面,如何將社區內各項資源進行有效地規劃與適當地呈現,以及與其他不同社區之間的資源資料整合,皆為當前主要面臨的課題之一。為考量社區的經濟條件限制,本研究利用低成本的開放源碼(Open Source)軟體如Django和QGIS (Quantum GIS),及網路上提供的免費軟體Google Earth,搭配空間資訊科技輔助資料蒐集,建構出社區資源之地理空間資料庫,並建立一套完整的網際網路地理資訊系統WebGIS (Web-based GIS)平台,提供使用者可經由操作網頁方式進行資料分享、管理及分析等服務。並結合MapServer、Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface)、Openlayers API與JavaScript設計動態網頁,讓社區和一般使用者可以透過地圖互動方式與相關地理資料的多樣化呈現以了解社區之各項資源,且促使社區管理者更有效進行資源規劃及提高生態旅遊之效益;同時融入公眾參與地理資訊系統(Public Participation Geographic Information Systems, PPGIS)的理念,鼓勵共同參與資源管理,於網站上加入討論與分享機制,進而擴大居民參與社區資源規劃討論的空間。研究成果顯示,利用GPS軌跡記錄器可於低成本的條件下,幫助環境資源等資料的收集;本研究舉辦數次的教育訓練以及觀察社區居民的學習情形,證實利用WebGIS平台的簡易操作,能促使社區中不同的使用者願意分享各自擁有的資料,發揮自發性地理資訊(Volunteered geographic information, VGI)的精神。且藉由公眾參與的方式,將能獲得更多不同來源的圖資或社區資源相關資料,以強化系統的資料庫內容。此外,透過各種豐富圖資瀏覽與空間分析工具,更有利於社區資源管理與決策分析之應用。 / Many local communities have a wealth of natural and humanistic resources. In order to effectively promote economic development and let more tourists know the environmental resources of the community, some more well-organized communities have launched community development planning to encourage local people to participate in community forestry and environmental resources management work. For community resources management, the most important issue is how to manage and present various community resources effectively, and to integrate resource data collected by different communities. Considering the economic constraint of community, this study used low-cost open source software such as Django and QGIS (Quantum GIS), and free software such as Google Earth, and spatial information technologies to collect data and establish geospatial database of community resources. Moreover, a WebGIS (Web-based GIS) platform was built to provide users with various services including data sharing, management, and analysis. By combining MapServer, Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface), Openlayers API, and JavaScript dynamic web pages, the system let users understand the resources of the community through a diverse display of interactive electronic maps and related geographic information. It also enables the community manager to carry out resource planning more effectively, and promotes benefits of ecotourism. In addition, the system incorporates the concept of PPGIS (Public Participation Geographic Information Systems) by adding functionalities of discussion and information sharing so as to encourage public involvement in resource management, and facilitate residents to participate in the discussion of resource planning. The results show that, GPS tracking devices can assist in collecting community resources data with low cost and high efficiency. By observing the activities of community residents after several training workshops, this research proves that WebGIS platform can facilitate different users of the community to voluntarily share their own data, which conforms to the spirit of VGI (Volunteered geographic information). With public participation, the geodatabase can effectively incorporate more data about the community resources from different sources. Furthermore, the geodatabase and spatial analysis tools will be helpful for decision-making on community resources management.

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