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問題基層金融機構經營特性之研究謝人俊 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究係採用文獻檢討分析法,參考國內外相關期刊、法令及專家學者意見,蒐集整理我國七十九年迄至八十五年底止問題基層金融機構擠兌個案,詳加探討,並針對基層金融機構經營管理問題,彙整出問題機構經營特性,發現分別與外在經營環境不佳、基層金融機構內部管理欠妥及政府法令與監管未盡完善有關。上述現象不僅可以作為該類機構的營運預警指標之參考,另可就上述研究發現提出問題機構管理之建議,以期對擠兌現象及經營風險有較深刻了解與掌握,作為金融業者健全經營及主管機關監督管理之參考,冀使我國整體金融市場發展益臻健全。 / Preventing banking crises and managing problem banks has been a primary concern of the financial authorities. It is also an important area of research for finance scholars. To date, in the wake of a round of financial shocks as well as a deterioration in bank asset quality, American, Japanese, and European supervisors have begun strengthening their supervision and examination of troubled banks, focusing on operational shortcomings and the successful implementation of an early warning system, in order to ensure the safety and soundness of banking, infrastructure and facilitate the smooth operation of payment system.
The pace of financial liberalization in Taiwan has been very rapid over a period of many years. The structure of the financial industry has also been speedily transformed. Community Financial Institutions, faced with stiff competiton, and with spreads that are increasingly squeezed, have been crucially challenged. From the second half of 1995 to the end of of 1996, as domestic economic growth significantly slowed down and both the real estate and stock markets sharply declined, bank runs repeatedly occurred across Taiwan, affecting institutions such as the Changhua Fourth Credit Cooperative, the Fengyuan Credit Cooperative, the Chungli and Yenpu farmers' associations' credit departments, and so on. The financial situation in each case was quite unstable, thereby exposing severe weaknesses in the financial system, institutional internal controls, and other areas.
Owing to the fact that a problem institution or bank failure would not only influences other institutions, but would also tend to undermine the confidence of the community, and, in turn, jeopardize economic development, the poor operations as well as slack management in the case of a troubled community financial institution are indeed issues that cannot be neglected. To study these operational characteristics is also a necessity.
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are applied in the research. At the same time, both foreign and local papers where relevant, domestic laws and regulations, and professional opinions are cited. In order to engage in empirical analysis, data on community financial institutions from 1990 to 1996 are collected, and the operational discrepancies in respect of these institutions are abstracted. The paper concludes by stating that, although a wide range of bank runs can be attributed to a corpus of causes, they are invariably identified because of the poor institutional setting in which they function, their deficient internal management and controls, and lack of a comprehensive legal and supervisory system. Not only can the above-mentioned phenomena be applied as warning signals, but the recomendations drawn up for the management of problem institutions, which provide a deeper understanding of bank runs and their opertional risks, can serve as valuable reference material for market participants and pervisors, thereby increasing the safty and soundness of Taiwan's financial markets.
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基層行政組織志工參與志願服務之研究:以臺北市內湖區戶政事務所為例 / The research of the basic administration organizes volunteers participating in public service : a case study of household registration office Neihu District Taipei City林雅慧 Unknown Date (has links)
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雲林縣農村基層建設之研究徐世榮, XU, SHI-RONG Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣郵政基層監督人員角色之研究黃森雄 Unknown Date (has links)
昔日克紹箕裘的家庭式與基爾特(Guild)式的生產,隨著產業革命的完成而蕩然無存,產業革命的衝激產生了今日大規模之生產組織,但那僅是生產手段的爭劇改變,至廿世紀初葉,泰勒(Frederick w.Taylor)提出科學管理及其後繼者對科學管理運動的推波助瀾,始為企業之組織與管理帶入了重要的歷程,的確也提高了相當的生產效率(註一),科學管理的風波所及,行政機關的管理亦相繼倣效,汲取諸多原理原則以推行行政管理,自二次大戰以來組織與機關的管理又經一次的變革,從人群關係的觀點去研究,更自羅次力斯柏格(Fritz J. Roethlisberger)與狄克生(William J. Dickson)提出「管理與工作員(management and the worker)」一書後,而受到普遍的重視,認為機關組織不僅是目標取向、技術的運用,分門別部活動的整合,而且是一心理社會系統,而所謂管理則是在機關組織中經由成員運用技術邁向目標(註二),機關組織中對於技術的運用,已經為產業革命及科學管理者所致力,人群關係的研究則認為成員在組織中的心理社會系統不應被遺棄,被忽視,成員的奮發努力、精誠團結,對於目標的達成同具有不可磨滅的功能,此種論說與研究,更因為科際整合的提倡,行為科學的推展,而益見充實與蓬勃,如心理學、社會學、人類學等諸多學門的知識。均廣泛地運用到組織與管理理論的研究,譬如爾近研究機關組織與管理之學者以團體動態學(Group Dynamics)來研究組織成員的行為,而團體動態學則是原自於社會學的研究。
本註旨在從台灣郵政基層監督人員之角色群及基層監督人員本身做一客觀與主觀的調查及做統計分析的事實說明,並不寄望於任何經驗性理論(Empirioal theory)的建立,全文共分六章,約十二萬言第一章緒論闡明研究本文之基本立論及搜集資料的調查方式、觀點與統計方法。第二章角色群與基層監督人員之關係調查角色群與基層監督人員的溝通情形及關係的良窳。第三章角色群希望基層監督人員所表現之行為調查角色群對基層監督人員某些行為類型希望與不希望的情形及分析希望不希望所會造成基層監督人員角色上之衝突的情形。第四章角色群影響基層監督人員所採用之方式從角色群所可借用的影響力量調查角色群採用以影響基層監督人員的情形。第五章基層監督人員對本身角色混淆與衝突之看法由基層監督人員的主觀體認,調查有關工作業務內容、職權範圍及他與角色群的種種關係。第六章結語係對本文之統計做一檢討及從各章調查的結果對基層監督人員這一角色做一綜合性的述說,並提出一、諮詢建議制度的建立,二、團體活動的鼓勵與三、角色群態度的調查等三點建議。
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基層警察人員在職進修成評估之研究 / The Evaluation of Police Officers’ In-Service Training沈明昌, Shen, Ming-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從文獻探討階段,針對國內外訓練評估理論的相關學說、著作、期刊論文及實證研究結果等進行資料的整理與分析,歸納出相關的研究發現與貢獻,以作為本研究決定實證研究方向的重要參考基礎。問卷設計及前測階段,則根據前階段文獻分析與整理所得,建立以Kirkpatrick所提出的訓練成效評估四層次-反應、學習、行為與結果之評估理論為依變項,「個人性格特質」、「工作環境」與「與個人基本屬性資料」為控制變項與自變項形成研究架構做為後續實證研究的基本模型,並據此設計問卷,透過前測之進行以檢驗本問卷的信度與效度並修正之。問卷的前測與正式施測,利用SPSS for windows 10.0 中文套裝軟體運算問卷回收資料,以推論出研究結果。
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基層警察養成教育課程設計之研究 / The study of the curriculum design of grassroots police cultivation陳麗文, Chen, Li Wen Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究發現,提出11項教育實務的建議,4項未來研究的建議,期盼能有助於提升基層警察素質與效能,以及未來研究者參考。 / Police is a demanding, dangerous and uncertain job; facing special working surroundings. Taiwan Police College is in charge of the cultivation of the grass-roots police. She has to shape the blue-chip and professional police to fit in with the social anticipation 。
My study mainly focuses on the research of the curriculum design of the junior college students at T.P.C.. It bases on Tyler’s curriculum design model,from the aspect of the goal of the curriculum, the selection of the curriculum, the structure of the curriculum and the evaluation of the curriculum, to gradually sort out what core abilities the grass-roots police should possesses. Then it examines the structure and selection of the curriculum of the T.P.C. and issues related to the practice education. This study will discuss the curriculum design and the grass-roots police education, basing on native and international bibliography-- references. Through profound interviews, we can realize the views of the on-the-street police on the graduates of T.P.C. and their views on the curriculum design and the practice education. Furthermore, I invited the senior students of the T.P.C. to hold a group seminar on these issues related to my study to further discuss the thesis of my study.
This study has found the newly graduates of the T.P.C. can hardly cope with their tasks right after they started their career. They needed veteran sergeants to lead them to fit in with their jobs. Then they can gradually get to know how to deal with all kinds of situations take place within their jurisdictions. The curriculum design should be adjusted in accordance with the time, the social surroudings and the job requirments. There is room for improvement of the curriculum design of the T.P.C. Practice education plays a pivotal role in ‘sandwitched education’ and is necessary in police cultication. Students can broaden their horizons on policing and know the special surroundings of the policing through one-to-one practice education mode. The age of the graduates and the length of the training span they’ve received are related to the loyalty to their career and the rate of quiting jobs. The mode of “taking examination, receiving training and serving”is a must in recruitment. I proposed 11 suggestions on police education and 4 suggestions on future studies, basing on the findings of my study. Hopefully, it can do some help to enhance the quality and efficiency of the grass-roots police and be the reference for the oncoming researchers.
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基層行政人員組織信任之研究—以台北市區公所為例張文華 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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新進基層特考女警工作適應之研究 / Work adjustment for new entry-level female police officers recruited through civil service special examination for entry-level police officers胡雅芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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新北市新莊地政事務所基層公務員之衝突管理 / Conflict management in the street-level bureauacy : A case study of Xinzhuang Land administration office in New Taipei city government陳瀅如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以新北市新莊地政事務所為個案,採質性研究,利用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,透過立意抽樣方式,選擇具有相當地政工作經歷之各階層地政人員為研究對象進行研究。參閱相關文獻及蒐集民眾陳情案件,以依法行政、專業知能及服務品質三大構面,分析面對不同的衝突情形,應實施何種衝突管理的方式,並以衝突管理模式評估實施衝突管理成效。歸納與分析研究的結果,本研究提出法令規定、制度與專業技術層面相關建議。 / The purpose of this research is to explore the conflict interaction between the street-level bureauacy of the land administration office and the public,and how to implement conflict management to reduce the negative effects,and get the positive.This research also provide other land administration offices.
This research is based on Xinzhuang Land Administration Office in New Taipei City Government as the case.Qualitative research was adopted and literature review
and in-depth interview,purposive sampling method are utilized.Personnel of various levels who have considerable experience in land administration work in practice are
selected for the study.Thouth the literature and the case of public petition, we construct three main dimensions:「rule by law」,「professional knowledge」,「quality
of service」,to analyze under what conditions.That different kind of conflict management should be implemented.We also use conflict management model to assess its effectiveness.Finally,we propose several suggestions from the regulation, institutional,and professional and technical level.
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基層人事人員離職因素之研究-以司法院人事處暨所屬人事機構為例 / A Study on Turnover Factors of Junior Personnel Officers in the Judicial Institutions of Taiwan陳貞秀, Chen, Chen Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
為了解上述基層人事人員高離職率背後所隱含的原因,本文以質的研究方法,運用文獻探討法及深度訪談方式,探究司法院人事處暨所屬人事機構基層人事人員之離職因素,以期找出問題所在並提出對策。 / For the organization, the movement of persons is a normal phenomenon. However, the high turnover rate actually adversely affects the organization. Take Judicial Personnel Office and its subordinate personnel institutions for example. Despite their internal mechanism for transfer is acceptable, the average turnover rate of Junior Personnel officers in Judicial Personnel Office and its subordinate personnel institutions is still as high as 11.29% from 2008 to 2012, while the average turnover rate of Junior Personnel officer in The Executive Yuan is only 6.53% in the same period.
In order to find the reasons of high turnover rate of junior personnel officer in Judicial Personnel Office and its subordinate personnel institutions, I used qualitative research method, documentary Analysis and depth interviews in this thesis. By doing so, we may identify the problem about this issue, come up with strategies to deal with them.
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