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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

國際股市間的外溢效果 / Mean and Volatility Spillover Effects in the G7 and BRICs Stock Markets

周宛瑩, Chou,Wan Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究應用Chelley-Steeley and Steeley(1996) 的ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)in mean(以下簡稱ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)-M) 模型來檢驗美國與加拿大、義大利、英國、法國、德國、日本股市與巴西、俄羅斯、印度及中國(四者合稱金磚四國)之間,是否存在報酬外溢效果以及波動性外溢效果,並且探討國際股市間之關連性。實證結果發現:第一、國際股市間確實存在市場互相感染的現象,不論金融海嘯的前後,各國股價指數報酬率皆存在著從美國引起的報酬外溢效果,而且G7及金磚四國股市不僅皆具有自我波動性外溢效果,在金融海嘯前也受到美國前一期衝擊的波動性外溢效果。第二、在重大的金融危機事件後,大多數國家的股市報酬單獨被國內金融市場所解釋的程度大為減少,而且對衝擊的影響具有更強烈的持續性。第三、無論環球金融危機的前後,除了巴西之外,其他六大工業國家較容易受美國股市的連動性影響,而代表新興國家市場的其餘金磚三國則較不受其影響。 / This paper investigates the mean return and volatility spillover effects from the U.S. to Canada, Italy, England, France, Germany, Japan and the BRICs by using ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)-M model of Chelley-Steeley and Steeley(1996), furthermore, we explore the conditional correlations between them. The empirical results from examining the data for the period of 1992 to 2010 suggests that international market contagion exactly plays an important role in the transmission mechanism, and the U.S. market is influential in transmitting returns and volatilities to the G7 and the BRICs countries. Moreover, we found that the spillover effect of Brazil after financial crisis is the greatest, and the G7 countries are more inclined to be affected by the U.S. than Russia, India, and China.

台股現貨指數與期貨指數連動關係 / Spillover effect between Taiwan stock market and Taiwan futures market

葉宗旻 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper examines daily return and volatility spillovers in Taiwan spot and futures stock index markets by using a generalized vector autoregressive (generalized VAR) model where forecast-error variance decompositions are invariant to variable ordering. We measure both total and directional volatility spillovers. This study has used six spot and futures indices, Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TX), Taiwan Stock Exchange Electronic Sector Index (TE), Taiwan Stock Exchange Finance Sector Index (TF), Future index of TAIEX (FITX), Future index of TE (FITE) and Future index of TF (FITF), daily data spanning over 1th January 2001 to 31st March 2010. From empirical result, the generalized vector autoregressive model shows that the return and volatility spillovers from FITE and FITF to other indices are relatively large. It is clear that futures market is more dominantly to have an effect on spot market but return spillovers from spot to futures could not be ignored.


林其美 Unknown Date (has links)


黃琳鈞, Huang,Lin-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近代經濟的發展來自於生產力長期的累積增加,而生產力長期持續增加的原因,來自知識不斷的累積與有效應用,在知識經濟時代,知識儼然已成為提升生產力與促進經濟成長的主要驅動力;知識之來源即是人力資源。因此人力資源之利用,可促使科學、研發的商業化,推動創新體制,提升產業的競爭力及生產力。人力資源的培訓,則仰賴大學與研究機構,透過產學間的合作、人才的訓練,以增進產業的生產力。 國內目前研究機構的設置漸趨多樣化,從早期的中央研究院、工業研究院到大學的普遍設置,顯現出政府對基礎研究的重視。然而這些研究機構的外溢效果對於產業生產力的影響是否顯著著實值得商榷,因此本文從我國大專院校為例,探討大專院校所產生的外溢效果對高科技產業及傳統產業之影響。 透過實證結果亦發現:1、大專院校的外溢效果對於高科技產業具有正面的影響,表示大學此類之研究機構設置在地理空間分佈上,對於高科技產業的發展是有利的;2、大專院校的外溢效果對傳統產業而言,並不顯著;顯示出我國傳統產業在利用政府研究機構的技術轉移能力還是比較薄弱,而產業區位之分佈也未如高科技產業有著與研究機構空間分佈有高度相關。 / The recent development of economic relies on the long-period accumulation of productivity while the accumulation of productivity is caused by the increasing and effective application of knowledge. In the period of knowledge economic, knowledge itself becomes the major force to promote the productivity and the development of economic. The origin of knowledge comes out from human resource. Therefore the application of human resources can commercialize science and R&D, create innovative systems, and promote the industry’s competitiveness and productivity. The training of human resource relies on the cooperation and career training among colleges, research institutes and the industry that can increase the industry’s productivity. Recently the research institutes have been being set up variously. We would say the government highly cares about the basic research; while that can be proved in the set of Academia Sinica and Industrial Technology Research Institute to the broadly colleges. However it’s still arguable if the research institute’s spillover effect on industry’s productivity is obvious or not. Therefore this thesis takes the college as a case study and focus on the colleges’ spillover effect on high-tech industry together with the traditional industry. The findings of this thesis are as below: 1.The colleges’ spillover effect on high-tech industry is positive relevant while it means the set of research institutes in geographic space is useful to the development of high-tech industry; 2.At the meanwhile, the colleges’ spillover effect on traditional industry is not obviously proved; the effect mentions that it is weak to use the tech transferring ability of the traditional industry taken from governmental research institutes. In comparison with the high-tech industry, the space distribution of traditional industry is not highly relevant with the set of research institutes as expected.


陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文利用2007年台灣經濟新報(TEJ)之廠商數據為研究母體,並從中選取了傳統產業的塑膠工業、紡織纖維產業,高科技產業的電機機械產業、電子工業等四產業為研究樣本,以最小平方法與分量迴歸分析廠商之資本、勞動人數、無形資產、研發經費、研發外溢效果與地區別對於產值的影響。 (一)最小平方法分析 本研究所探討之四產業之生產要素對產值的影響,其估計值皆正,這表示增加生產要素的投入皆使產值增加。除了紡織纖維產業的無形資產的估計值不顯著外,其他產業之變數皆顯著。 四產業之地區別虛擬變數為不顯著之負值,表示無足夠證據可說明廠商產值會因地區不同而有所差異, (二)分量回歸分析 四產業之資本與無形資產之估計值走勢為遞增,表示廠商的資本與無形資產投入將隨著廠商規模越大,對產值增加的貢獻越大。 各產業之廠商規模勞動人數對產值的影響情形不一。 研發經費在對產值的邊際影響,在傳統產業廠商中的影響是先升後降;但高科技產業研發投入對產值之估計值走勢則是逐漸下降。 而由四產業之研發外溢效果對產值的影響,可發現分量迴歸估計值走勢遞減,表示小規模廠商其受到外溢效果的影響較大,這結論也說明小廠商為什麼常常會出現在大廠商附近。 利用地區別之虛擬變數,傳統產業在各分量下之廠商產值仍不受區域別影響;但高科技產業在廠商規模大時,其產值在北部會較中南部高。


劉玉蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
研究發展在現實的社會中已日趨重要,而研發結果具外溢效果的特性常是使廠商駐足不前的最大阻力;此時,政府若干獎勵或補貼政策往往扮演促進的角色。過去學者研究相關問題時,多侷限在研發外溢效果對廠商研發數量與產出的影響,或對政府不同貿易政策影響的比較;未見探討政府最適貿易政策的構成因素及研發外溢效果對政策的影響。因此,本文希望對過去研究未盡完善之處進行探討,為更符合實際社會情況,並加入廠商對政府政策遊說的考量。由於遊說行為造成社會福利的損失,因此有必要重新認定政府政策的效果。   本文以D'Aspremont & Jacquemin(1988)及劉碧珍(1995)的模型為基礎,加入Moore & Suranovic(1993)遊說行為的概念,建立一個兩國兩廠商的不完全競爭貿易模型。文中將決策分為政府政策、廠商研究發展與產出等三階段,來探討當廠商有遊說能力與研發存在外溢效果的產業結構下,所衍生之政府貿易政策性。   根據本文的研究,得到以下的結果:   1.研發外溢效果大小影響政府最適宣告研發補貼額之高低。當彼此產品差異程度相對外溢效果來的高時,研發外溢效果大小與政府最適宣告補貼額之高低呈正向關係;反之,產品差異化程度相對外溢效果來的小時,則呈負向關係。   2.遊說行為造成社會福利無謂的損失。   3.考慮了廠商的遊說行為之後,政府追求社會福利最大的出口政策,可能是對廠商的研發行為課稅,而不再一定是補貼。   4.廠商的遊說能力愈強,政府所宣告的最適補貼額愈低。

台港澳資本和外資直接投資之技術外溢效果比較-以中國大陸製造業為例 / An estimation of the technology spillover effect of foreign capital and capital from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao-A Case Study of Manufacturing Sector of China

陳思婷, Chen, Szu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
外人直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)的溢出效應是有關外資間接投資效應的一個重要課題,也是被視為一國推動國內經濟發展有效的管道。而中國自改革開放以來,即積極的使用外資來推動經濟,經過三十年來努力的產業升級和結構調整,經濟實力不容小覷。在全球化的思維下,世界就如同一個地球村,不僅縮小互通有無的距離,在經貿方面也彼此依存。依照中國大陸2007-2009年的統計資料顯示,外人直接投資占全社會固定資產投資約0.5%,所占比重雖然不大,對中國大陸的經濟發展卻有十足的貢獻度,在培育人才、創造工作機會、引進技術及擴大國內需求等方面都影響甚鉅。 本文以中華人民共和國國家統計局進行年度「工業企業數據庫」調查1998-2006年製造業廠商資料,運用STATA統計軟體進行跨時橫斷面分析,並將直接投資依照來源分為台港澳和外資兩個部份,研究其對中國製造業技術外溢的效應和比較。主要研究發現為整體製造業、輕工業、小公司與華北、華中、華南、西北、西南及東北地區中,台港澳有負面外溢,而外資有正面效應;在高技術產業和重工業中由於和外資技術差距太大導致外資負外溢,台資正外溢;化學工業和大公司裡台資和外資均有正外溢效果;在華東地區無論台港澳還是外資均有負面的技術外溢效應。不僅在產業裡存在差異,公司規模和經濟地理區位也都出現不同的結果。


莊秉宜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為國內少數研究企業贊助活動之論文,本研究之目的為探討當企業從事贊助活動時,可能產生的外溢效果,其中,外溢效果以品牌形象和企業形象來衡量,並將外溢效果分為產生於企業內部的外溢效果與產生於企業外部的外溢效果兩種,在企業內部外溢效果部分,探討當企業以企業名義從事贊助活動時,是否會提升品牌形象;當企業以品牌名義從事贊助活動時,是否會提升企業形象;以及企業規模是否會影響外溢效果的產生。在企業外部外溢效果部分,探討企業從事贊助活動時,贊助效果是否會外溢到其他同業競爭者;當同業競爭者的規模與從事贊助者相似時,是否會較容易產生外溢,希望藉由這些研究,讓企業從事贊助活動時,能發揮事半功倍的效果。 本研究依企業內外部進行區分,將主研究分為研究一與研究二,研究一主要探討企業內部外溢效果,以實驗法進行,測試「企業規模」、「以品牌名義/以企業名義」和「從事贊助活動」對於「品牌形象」和「企業形象」之影響,屬於2×2×2之實驗設計,以維他露舒跑與統一純喫茶作為研究標的。但發現研究一無法證明企業從事贊助活動時會產生企業內部的外溢效果,推測可能原因為兩個品牌與企業之品牌形象與企業形象已經相當高,可再經由品牌或企業從事贊助活動之方式提升品牌形象與企業形象的空間有限,日後可針對此處加以修正後進行更深入之研究。 而研究二主要探討企業外部外溢效果,採用調查法進行,以中國信託蓮花卡和花旗銀行喜憨兒卡為調查標的,測試被誤認為贊助者之銀行是否因此提升其企業形象,以及規模相似會不會導致誤認贊助者情形更為嚴重。結果發現被誤認之台新銀行的確因被誤認為贊助者而提升其企業形象,但是規模相似的中國信託與花旗銀行卻無外溢較多之情況,推測原因應與企業之形象相關,因為中國信託與台新銀行同為本土銀行,形象相似,較容易外溢,而中國信託與花旗銀行一為本土一為外商,形象差異較大,不易產生外溢。建議未來可採用形象相似的廠商再進行贊助活動外溢效果之探討。 / This study focuses on the spillover effect of the sponsorship for which measurements are made based on brand image and the corporate image. The spillover effect could be resulted from both the internal and external aspects of the corporate. In the part of the internal spillover effect, this study examines whether the brand/corporate image is enhanced through any form of sponsorship activity in the name of corporate/brand. Whether or not the influences of the scale of the corporate on the spillover effect exist, is also discussed. On the other hand, for the external spillover effect, this research discusses any possible benefit could be acquired by the competitors when the corporate carries out the sponsorship. If the scale of the corporate and its competitors are similar, the consumer will misremember the sponsor easier. The purpose of this study is to provide useful suggestions which might allow the corporate be more efficient for carrying out its sponsorship activities. The results of the study on the internal aspect of the spillover effect generated by the sponsorship show that the brand/corporate image is not enhanced through the sponsorship in the name of the corporate/brand. The possible reason might be the existing ceiling effects of the brand/corporate image. According to the results of the study on the external aspect of the spillover effect of sponsorship, the corporate image of the competitor is enhanced since it is mistakenly recognized as the actual sponsor. However, from the viewpoint of the similarity in the size corporate scale, the external spillover effect does not emerge easier presumably due to that one of the investigated targets is a local bank and the other one is a foreign bank. The differences between a local bank and a foreign bank are complicated enough to cause difficulty in transferring the spillover effect. According to the results of this study, the suggestion for future studies is to target the corporate with more space work on to improve its image in order to discuss the internal spillover effect. For the external spillover effect, the further studies could include the criteria in selecting the competitors i.e. whose corporate image profiles are similar to the target corporate, in order to test the external spillover effect.


王超駿 Unknown Date (has links)
當一個多國籍企業決定對外直接投資(foreign direct investment),基本上有兩種主要的進入模式:一種是購併國外的廠商,另一種是在外國設立新廠或稱直接設廠投資。過去購併一直是對外直接投資的主要模式,但在某些高科技產業卻偏好以直接設廠作為對外直接投資的方式。但是之前有關對外直接投資的相關理論文獻中,對於購併與其他對外投資決策的研究卻不多,而且有關外溢效果與對外直接投資決策這方面的探討也相當少見。 為了解釋上述的現象,本文延伸Yokota and Chen(2005)的理論模型架構,探討外溢效果與廠商對外直接投資進入模式的關係。本文發現,在直接設廠的固定成本較小時,若外溢效果越小,本國廠商會越有可能選擇購併;當外溢效果變大時,本國廠商就越有可能選擇直接設廠。但是當直接設廠的固定成本較高時,雖然這時購併的固定成本也會變高,但此時不論外溢效果為何,廠商都會以購併去取代直接設廠。 本文亦發現,購併者所付出的購併價格,將會取決於被購併者在直接設廠下的利潤以及購併者在購併與直接設廠下的利潤差距。且可進一步知道購併價格與被購併者在直接設廠下的利潤及購併者在購併與直接設廠下的利潤差距成正比,亦即當直接設廠下的利潤及購併者在購併與直接設廠下的利潤差距越大(小),則購併價格會越大(小)。另外,若以地主國的社會福利來看,這兩種對外直接投資方式並沒有絕對的優劣,還需視外溢效果及購併與直接設廠的成本而定。


劉惠珍, Liu, Hui-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過追蹤資料 (panel data)模型,被解釋變數以平均廠商生產力當作衡量指標,利用台灣經濟研究院於2001-2003年對250家生物科技廠商追蹤調查報告,來實證群聚及研究發展 (R&D)投入對台灣生物科技產業是否為該產業帶來生產力外溢效果 (spillover effect)之研究;藉此可探討群聚與研究發展對台灣生物科技產業產生之外溢效果,同時並可比較分析歐美日對生物科技產業推展之政策,本研究結果進一步在政府擬訂生物科技產業政策上或能提供些許參考。 生物科技產業依其產業範疇分成醫藥品、醫療器材、特用化學品與食品、農業生物技術、環保及生物技術服務業等5項次產業。本文建立追蹤資料模型的固定效果 (fixed effects) 和隨機效果 (random effects)群聚及研究發展外溢效果之實證模型,然後開始進行參數估計及假設檢定,並加以分析,實證結果顯示:一、生技產業不存在固定效果,存在的是隨機效果,表示隨機干擾項 與投入變數 不具相關性。二、群聚與研究發展對國內生物技術產業所引發的外溢效果確屬存在,惟群聚外溢效果對生產力影響不顯著,但研究發展外溢效果對生產力卻具正面影響而且顯著。三、生技產業隨機效果模型與移動平均動態調整Da Silva模型估計結果一致。四、研究發展投入存在有不穩定現象,可見研究發展投入並不是對所有生技產業均有正面貢獻,諸如:特化與食品、農業生技及環保生技服務業有利於自行從事研發活動;而醫藥品業及醫療器材業則可能以與其他生技廠商或研究機構建立策略聯盟關係,如合作研發、研發活動外包 (outsourcing)及購併方式取得技術較有利。五、研究發展外溢效果最高的是特化與食品,其次是環保生技服務業,最低的則是醫療器材業;群聚外溢效果最高的是醫藥品業,其次是醫療器材業,最低的是特化與食品。六、若加以控制產業內研究發展資本存量變數,則研究發展投入與產業間研究發展資本存量對廠商生產力影響,具顯著外溢效果,且該等變數估計結果顯示其對廠商生產力的影響更大。 關鍵字:外溢效果、群聚、研究發展 / This empirical study examines the spillover effect of biotech industry clusters and R&D in Taiwan between 2001 and 2003. A sample of 250 biotechnology firms in Taiwan is used for the analysis. The biotechnology industry is classified into pharmaceutical, medical devices, specialty chemical and food, agricultural biotechnology, environmental biotechnology and service industries. To tell the difference between fixed effects and random effects panel data model of clustering and R&D, this study employs several estimation methods and tests some useful hypotheses. The results of the study show that the biotechnology industry in Taiwan does exhibit random effects, but no fixed effects. This implies that regressors are not correlated with the effect. In addition, clustering and R&D variation can affect productivity of Taiwan’s biotechnology firms. The R&D influence on the productivity of biotechnology firms is positive and significant; however clustering does not have significant impact, a result similar to that between the Fuller-Battese estimation and the moving average Da Silva estimation. R&D investment influence on the productivity of biotechnology firms is not stable in Taiwan. The specialty chemical and food, agricultural biotechnology, environmental biotechnology and service industries, for example, exhibit positive results from independent R&D. The pharmaceutical and medical devices industries, on the other hand, could benefit from building strategic R&D alliances with firms or institutes for abroad as well as through R&D outsourcing and M&A (merger and acquisition). The specialty chemical and food industry has the highest R&D spillover effect, followed by the environmental biotechnology and service industry, and last is the medical devices industry. In terms of spillover effect from clustering, the pharmaceutical industry benefits most followed, in descending order by the medical devices industry, and the specialty chemical and food industry. This study illustrates that the estimator of R&D and between industries R&D are also much larger with Fuller-Battese estimation when the control for inter-industry R&D variable is excluded. Keywords: spillover effect, clusters, R&D

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