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預測競賽, 解釋預測機構的行為 / Explaining forecasters' behavior: sequential forecast contest黃柏鈞, Huang, Po Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Paradoxically, pepole avoid being totally the same with others to keep their uniquness but follow the fads to avoid isolation. We construct a simple model under this concept to explain the empirical findings of forecasters’ behavior such as old forecasters are more radical and late forecasters tend to anti-herd. We show that forecasters' forecasts are not necessarilly unbiased when they consider
the benefit of making correct forecasts and the cost of being wrong. Furthermore, we extended our model and show that when uninformed agent cannot differentiate which informed agents is better, she chooses mean of the two experts' opinions when the difference of the opinions is small but choose randomly from the two experts' opinions when the difference is big.
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群聚觀點下的產業空間分布之研究--以電子產業為例陳玟君 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣製閥產業轉型策略之研究 / Research on strategic transformation of Taiwan valve industry楊蕎綺 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣製閥產業曾經在世界閥製品市場佔有一席之地,但隨著產業由成熟邁入衰退期,廠商紛紛外移、供應鏈上游亦逐漸式微、人才流失,加上海外市場的競爭對手紛紛興起,並挾其廉價勞力及政府政策協助之優勢,讓台灣製閥廠商面臨極大的生存壓力。故近年來廠商積極轉型,期望有效運用在地資源,再造競爭優勢。故本研究目的在於探討:(1) 瞭解台灣製閥產業的發展歷程及競爭優勢的轉換過程 (2) 探討台灣製閥產業未來可發展之策略 (3) 提供第三方單位協助製閥產業可發展方向之建議。
本研究亦發現,製閥產業群聚提供廠商難以模仿之競爭利基,故建議廠商應善加利用在地資源 (例如協力廠商相鄰,構成綿密的供應網),促成廠商間的合作,形成垂直式與水平式的策略聯盟,以進行聯合採購、重新定位共同品牌、參與共同研發平台、加強電子資訊平台之運作,最終目標希望能成為亞洲區或世界製閥產業供應鏈的採購中心,再造台灣製閥廠商的競爭優勢。
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虛擬群聚平台之研究─以文化創意產業為例 / The research of virtual clustering platform─A study of creative cultural industry吳杰翰 Unknown Date (has links)
「虛擬群聚」(Virtual Clustering),是透過跨組織間的電子化,以整合性網路相互連接,形成一個泛地區性、資訊交流迅速、企業互補且競爭的產業網絡。虛擬群聚的概念帶給整個產業合作、企業競爭與經營方式上重大改變。
本研究以文創產業虛擬群聚平台建置者作為研究主軸,採用個案的內容分析法,以專家推薦的方式,總計蒐集了國內外總共42個文創虛擬平台。以群眾外包的概念,歸納出在不同的虛擬群聚類型與文創產業價值活動之下,平台建置者管理方式與經營要素。本研究建議平台建置者經營網站前,需針對自身平台目的與定位進行全盤的考量,進而找出最適合的經營方式。 / The definition of Virtual Clustering is that industry network is linked by cross-organizational integrated internet, which results in fast information sharing and unique competitiveness. The concept of virtual clustering may changes the way of operating business.
In the environmental of virtual clustering, users, content providers and web builders may have closer interactions by crowdsourcing.
The Study aims at creative cultural industry and focuses on the analysis of interactions modes among the users, content providers and web builders. The study contains 42 real cases and adopts content analysis approach to propose some useful suggestions for web builders. Web builders may have to seriously consider their own position and purpose before the business.
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台灣生物科技產業群聚與研究發展之外溢效果劉惠珍, Liu, Hui-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過追蹤資料 (panel data)模型,被解釋變數以平均廠商生產力當作衡量指標,利用台灣經濟研究院於2001-2003年對250家生物科技廠商追蹤調查報告,來實證群聚及研究發展 (R&D)投入對台灣生物科技產業是否為該產業帶來生產力外溢效果 (spillover effect)之研究;藉此可探討群聚與研究發展對台灣生物科技產業產生之外溢效果,同時並可比較分析歐美日對生物科技產業推展之政策,本研究結果進一步在政府擬訂生物科技產業政策上或能提供些許參考。
生物科技產業依其產業範疇分成醫藥品、醫療器材、特用化學品與食品、農業生物技術、環保及生物技術服務業等5項次產業。本文建立追蹤資料模型的固定效果 (fixed effects) 和隨機效果 (random effects)群聚及研究發展外溢效果之實證模型,然後開始進行參數估計及假設檢定,並加以分析,實證結果顯示:一、生技產業不存在固定效果,存在的是隨機效果,表示隨機干擾項 與投入變數 不具相關性。二、群聚與研究發展對國內生物技術產業所引發的外溢效果確屬存在,惟群聚外溢效果對生產力影響不顯著,但研究發展外溢效果對生產力卻具正面影響而且顯著。三、生技產業隨機效果模型與移動平均動態調整Da Silva模型估計結果一致。四、研究發展投入存在有不穩定現象,可見研究發展投入並不是對所有生技產業均有正面貢獻,諸如:特化與食品、農業生技及環保生技服務業有利於自行從事研發活動;而醫藥品業及醫療器材業則可能以與其他生技廠商或研究機構建立策略聯盟關係,如合作研發、研發活動外包 (outsourcing)及購併方式取得技術較有利。五、研究發展外溢效果最高的是特化與食品,其次是環保生技服務業,最低的則是醫療器材業;群聚外溢效果最高的是醫藥品業,其次是醫療器材業,最低的是特化與食品。六、若加以控制產業內研究發展資本存量變數,則研究發展投入與產業間研究發展資本存量對廠商生產力影響,具顯著外溢效果,且該等變數估計結果顯示其對廠商生產力的影響更大。
關鍵字:外溢效果、群聚、研究發展 / This empirical study examines the spillover effect of biotech industry clusters and R&D in Taiwan between 2001 and 2003. A sample of 250 biotechnology firms in Taiwan is used for the analysis. The biotechnology industry is classified into pharmaceutical, medical devices, specialty chemical and food, agricultural biotechnology, environmental biotechnology and service industries.
To tell the difference between fixed effects and random effects panel data model of clustering and R&D, this study employs several estimation methods and tests some useful hypotheses. The results of the study show that the biotechnology industry in Taiwan does exhibit random effects, but no fixed effects. This implies that regressors are not correlated with the effect. In addition, clustering and R&D variation can affect productivity of Taiwan’s biotechnology firms. The R&D influence on the productivity of biotechnology firms is positive and significant; however clustering does not have significant impact, a result similar to that between the Fuller-Battese estimation and the moving average Da Silva estimation. R&D investment influence on the productivity of biotechnology firms is not stable in Taiwan. The specialty chemical and food, agricultural biotechnology, environmental biotechnology and service industries, for example, exhibit positive results from independent R&D. The pharmaceutical and medical devices industries, on the other hand, could benefit from building strategic R&D alliances with firms or institutes for abroad as well as through R&D outsourcing and M&A (merger and acquisition). The specialty chemical and food industry has the highest R&D spillover effect, followed by the environmental biotechnology and service industry, and last is the medical devices industry. In terms of spillover effect from clustering, the pharmaceutical industry benefits most followed, in descending order by the medical devices industry, and the specialty chemical and food industry. This study illustrates that the estimator of R&D and between industries R&D are also much larger with Fuller-Battese estimation when the control for inter-industry R&D variable is excluded.
Keywords: spillover effect, clusters, R&D
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台商電子業在大陸之群聚現象及其對績效之影響賴玟伶 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:台商、電子業、大陸、群聚、績效。 / Not only are Taiwan enterprises one of the main investors in China but their trends in investments are toward agglomerating in the electronic industry and some specific locations that triggers my interesting to explore the cluster phenomenon and the impacts of these clusters on Taiwan enterprises’ performances.
Because the previous studies were rare involved in the impact of cluster on Taiwan enterprises’ financial performances, this paper aims to employ empirical method to analyze whether industry clusters influence on the performances of Taiwan enterprises of electronic industry which invested in China, and further find out whether this affection will be changed by different cluster boundaries and industries.
The samples of this paper are 219 Taiwan firms of electronic industry which invested in China from 2004 to 2006. The proxies of industry clusters are location quotients and the numbers of firms in specific districts respectively, and the proxy of financial performances is net revenues of each firm.
According to this empirical results, for the firms of whole electronic industry and computers, electronic products and optical products manufacturing industry, no matter what geographic borders they clustered, the clusters have significant positive influences on their performances, nevertheless for the firms of electronic parts and components manufacturing industry, there are significant positive influences on their performances only when they clustered around specific regions.
In conclusion, clusters have positive influence on firms’ performances, but these affections will be changed due to different geographic boundaries and industries.
Keywords: Taiwan enterprises, Electronic industry, Cluster, Performance.
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異質與分群訊息在金融市場的交易行為及績效分析 / Analysis on heterogeneous and subgroup information in financial markets楊祐宗, Yang, Yu- Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
金融市場中存在著許多預測機構, 他們各自召集信眾並且不時地釋放訊息給其會員好讓他們能在交易中獲利。每筆訊息皆代表著各機構對此資產價值的預測, 會員則依此訊息至市場上尋找機會交易。他們交易前會先理性地觀察市場過往的波動。如果市場走勢所預測的訊息與自己的訊息一致, 那交易者交易時大概不會有所顧慮。然而當市場趨勢與自己的訊息不一致時, 交易者勢必會陷入兩難。仔細地衡量斟酌兩股力量的輕重後, 進而選擇他覺得對的決定。如果交易者放棄自己的訊息而追隨前人交易的腳步, 那我們可定義這是一種群聚的行為。
如果某一機構的會員人數龐大, 則他們勢必會影響市場價格的波動。不知情的交易者在看到價格趨勢如此時, 可能會放棄自己的訊息轉而追隨過往交易者的選擇。然而此種交易伴隨著風險, 因為不知道正確的訊息為何, 當價格已經達到機構所預測的目標時, 知情的會員便開始反向操作, 而不知情的交易者可能會持續地採取此一交易策略。於是當資產真正價值揭露時, 不知情交易者便可能因此被套牢。跟隨大眾的決策相對保險, 但是當追隨的人沒有額外的訊息無法查覺情勢的變化時, 便可能面臨損失的風險。
我們建構了一個存在兩種類型交易者的市場, 一方是沒有參加機構的一般交易者, 另一方是同時參加某一機構的會員交易者。透過私有訊息與公開歷史交易預測的權衡, 交易者必須想辦法在這一次機會的交易中獲利。而我們想找出是否對任何交易者而言, 參加預測機構是有利可圖的。
想當然爾, 市場中會員交易者的多寡對於機構預測目標價位的達成頗為重要, 因為影響力的大小間接決定了市場雙方的利潤。當然每位交易者對訊息的信心也有所不同, 這些因素都會影響雙方的利潤。而本篇論文即是嘗試找出在哪種條件之下, 參與機構交易者的交易績效會比沒有參與機構交易者的績效為佳。 / Traders with their own heterogeneous hidden information are coming to the market to trade in order to maximize their expected profits. They will observe the trends of prices and compare it to their private signals and then make the right decisions. The trends might not consistent with the private signals. If the traders choose to abandon his own signals and follow the actions made by predecessors, we called the action “Herds.”
In this paper, we set a mechanism to harmonize with these two powers. Also we put the traders into two subgroups, and one of the groups will send another signal to its members. For simplicity, we use a sequential trading model to see the trade patterns. Since we use the closing price to measure traders’ profits, traders in the market need to presume what the closing price will be. Then we calculate the profits of each group and find out their performance.
We want to see under what kind of conditions, the performance of one group will be better than that of another group. If we can find the conditions of better performance, it is worth for the traders to join that group.
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台北市街區中的創意群聚研究 ─以中山雙連街區與師大路街區為例 / Research of the creative clusters in districts of Taipei古佳玉, Ku, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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產業群聚、政府與企業—臺北新竹四個產業園區的比較研究麻匡復 Unknown Date (has links)
相較於過去認為政策導向產業園區開發成效優於市場導向產業園區的研究,本論文從產業群聚的觀點重新檢視兩種園區,則並未發現上述的現象,內科與土城頂埔的發展成就,也突顯了市場導向產業園區對於產業群聚的調適性要快於政策導向的產業園區。制度架構的完整性是形成上述狀況的主要原因,也就是第二章理論與文獻中所提到的「公共領域」是否充足的問題。臺北新竹地區一直是世界知名的電子產業群聚地點,甚至有亞洲矽谷的美稱(Mathews, 1997),這裡不僅匯集了臺積電、鴻海與廣達等知名企業,也有像是新竹科學園區、南港軟體園區、頂埔科技園區以及內湖科技園區等具有高新聞性的產業園區。 / 在竹科與南軟的個案中,政府都透過政策直接規範廠商規模與產業結構,單就園區開發與招商而言,明確的制度規範固然有助於降低開發招商過程的不確定性與交易成本,但就強調廠商間彼此互動而衍生出綜效 (synergy) 的產業群聚而言,完善的制度規範與政策引導反而限縮了廠商的互動機會,讓非交易性依賴的形成遭遇困境。反觀幾乎沒有制度規範的內科與土城頂埔園區,由市場自行決定進駐廠商規模與產業結構,則提供了廠商非交易依賴的形成基礎。由上可知,廠商 (市場) 而非政府政策才是產業園區創造產業群聚效應的主要形成原因。
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臺灣便利商店的空間分佈和群聚結構 / The Spatial Distribution and Cluster of Taiwan Convenience Store林佩運 Unknown Date (has links)
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