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中國大陸國務院行政審批制度改革之研究 / The research of administrative examination and approval of the state council of Mainland China陳璽全 Unknown Date (has links)
改革開放以後,中國大陸的發展重心逐漸轉往經濟面向的發展,一九七八年才逐步改革開放的新中國至今不過三十多年,但中國的經濟發展成績卻令世人驚艷,今日中國早非昔日吳下阿蒙,無論在基礎建設、經貿發展與招商…等都有著長足的進步,舉凡加入關稅暨貿易總協定(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,GATT)、加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,WTO)、東協加三等各種積極融入世界經濟體系的作為,乃至人民實質收入的增加與生活水平的提高,都顯示出今日中國大陸一改過往汲汲於政治權力鬥爭卻輕看民生與法治的思維。
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中共國務院行政審批制度改革研究─以政府職能轉變分析陳明毅, Chen, Ming-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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「中華人民共和國行政許可法」之研究 / The reserch about the administrative license law of the People’S Republic Of China李明益 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自一九七○年代末期以來所展開之經濟體制改革,不僅經濟體制本身受到關注,其法制建設亦逐步恢復。由於大陸長期以來實行高度集中之計劃經濟體制,使得行政許可之運用極度膨脹,已滲透到經濟、社會各個領域,幾乎到了動輒要許可、步步要審批的地步,嚴重影響大陸當前正著力推行之企業經營機制的轉換與經濟效益的提高。有鑑於此,大陸乃在一九九六年著手行政許可法之調查研究及起草工作,嗣經進一步反覆研究、修改及意見徵詢,再予增減損益後,終於在二○○三年八月二十七日第十屆全國人大常委會第四次會議通過《中華人民共和國行政許可法》,內容計八章八十三條,舉凡行政許可設定權、行政許可之實施機關及程序、行政許可之收費、監督與檢查、違反本法規定之行政許可機關及其工作人員與被許可人之法律責任等,均在本法規範調整之列,並預定於二○○四年七月一日施行。惟本法就行政許可制度之基本程序設計是否完備,使得行政許可制度既能發揮行政規制之功能,又能適當調節人民權利之行使與公益的衝突;在大陸加入WTO後,既應接受WTO規則之約束,本法之相關規定是否符合WTO規則關於非歧視、透明化、自由貿易、公平競爭等原則之要求,均有待進一步檢討。 / The reform of the economic structure since the late 1970s in the People's Republic of China (PRC)has made a gradual recovery of the legal system.Due to the planned economy structure for a long time, the system of administrative license abused in the field of society and economics had severely done harm to the transformation of enterprise management mechanism and the enhancement of economic efficiency.According to this,
the PRC government began to research and draft the administrative license law since 1996 .After unceasing investigation、amendment and opinion collecting,the Administrative License Law of The People's Republic of China has been adopted at the 4th session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 27, 2003 and shall be implemented as of July 1, 2004.The law including 8 chapters and 83 articles stipulates the establishment of an administrative license、the executive organ for administrative license、the procedures for administrative license、the expenses of administrative license、the supervision and check、legal liabilities and so on.But is the basic procedure design of the system of administrative license stipulated by the law perfect so that it could manage administration and adjust the conflict between people exercising right and public benefit?and do the stipulations of the law correspod with the requirements of WTO rules which include non-discriminatory、transparency、free trade、fair competition principles and so on?all of them need further discussion.
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從法律觀點論台灣音樂產業在中國大陸之保護與發展 / The intellectual property protection and development of Taiwan music industry in china: a legal perspective楊珮琪, Yang, Pash Unknown Date (has links)
由於數位化科技、盜版等因素影響,台灣音樂產值逐年驟減,產業步入寒冬。面對中國大陸越來越富裕的十三億人口、對於娛樂文化等資訊需求直線上升的廣大消費市場,全世界的音樂廠商彷彿看見曙光,積極搶進中國,台灣音樂相關從業人員亦紛紛移往彼岸尋求生路。雖然兩岸音樂交流頻繁,然而台灣音樂廠商面對中國大陸陌生的行政、司法體制與繁複的異地法律,產生諸多佈局大陸、保護智慧財產權與解決紛爭的疑難。身為中國大陸流行音樂最主要的輸入源頭,我們自無法置身事外,而有必要對於中國大陸音樂產業法制環境做一深入的探討,從產業角度檢視現有智慧財產問題並提出對策。本研究首先從中國大陸與音樂產業相關之內國法制做一整體性之探討,釐清中國大陸對於外資進入音樂產業所設下市場進入障礙及審批制度之雙重限制,並介紹大陸音樂集體管理組織之運作情形與兩岸合作之問題所在,最後針對大陸近年來關於音樂著作權重要之法令與司法實務、在大陸解決智慧財產爭端之策略、台灣音樂產業在大陸面臨的智慧財產保護問題深入研究,並試圖提出可行之解決方案。由於中國大陸已成為台灣音樂產業的主要市場,本研究除整理前揭發展趨勢外,並提出給音樂業者與政府部門的建議,希望在極力發展文化創意產業、兩岸邁向經濟區域整合之今日,音樂業者得以妥善保護自身智慧財產,維持台灣為全球華語音樂中心之地位,使音樂產業能夠真正成為台灣文化創意產業重要的一環。 / The industry value of Taiwan music industry declines due to the rapid growth of digital technology and internet piracy. On the other hand, music companies around the world invade China Market for its vast population and increasing market demand. Taiwan music talents are no exception. Though the cross-strait communication in music is frequent, Taiwan music companies are not familiar with the complicated legal and administrative system in China and thus usually trapped in intellectual property disputes. Taiwan is the precursor for China’s popular music and it become a necessity for Taiwan music companies to fully understand the law and regulation about music industry in China and frame the strategy for current intellectual property problems from the industry perspective. This thesis begins with a general introduction and analysis on China’s law and regulation concerning music industry, elaborating the dual restrictions of investment examination system for foreign companies which plan to enter the China market. It will also describe the practice of music copyright associations in China and problems in cross-strait collaborations. The thesis will also discuss topics about important issues on music copyright law and legal practice, strategy of intellectual property dispute resolution, and intellectual property protections with which Taiwan music companies are confronted in China. Feasible solution will as well be advised in this thesis. China has become the main market for Taiwan music industry. This thesis will elaborate the developments of the industry and provide some advices for music companies and government. Culture industry is now the focus of government policy in Taiwan and in China while cross-strait economic integration becomes the trend. Hopefully, Taiwan music companies can, through a well-structured intellectual property protection, stay as the heart of global Chinese music and make music industry an important part for Taiwan culture industry.
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