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許文昌, Xu, Wen-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論:本章分四節,表明研究動機與目的、研究範圍、研究方法與流程、基本 概念等。 第二章市價比較法之運用:本章分七節,運用市價比較法來查估基地價格,其程序為 搜集買賣實例、期日修正、求建物價格、求基地價格、標準化補正、區域因素與個別 因素之比較。 第三章土地殘餘法之運用:本章分四節,運用土地殘餘法來查估基地價格,其程序為 求大廈總收益及總費用、求大廈純收益、求土地純收益、求基地價格。 第四章樓層別效用比率與地價分配率:本章分六節,闡明樓層別效用比率的意義、算 定方法、影響因子與地價分配率之意義、性質、算定方法。 第五章設定地價持分:本章分三節,計算基地持分價值并設定地價持分,最後說明地 價持分的作用。 第六章結論:就各章所研討的主題作一摘要,並作一些建議。


余敏玲, Yu, Min-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
停滯後的俄羅斯,自從彼得大帝向西方開窗以後,隨著時間的推演,因西化而產生的 文化矛盾逐漸加深,知識份子對於本土社會的疏離感與日俱增,故有「知識階層」(i ntelligentsia)的誕生。「知識階層」的言論與思想,乃是一九一七年俄國大革命的 播種者之一。本論文擬有十九世紀俄國著名的文學批評家別林斯基(Vissarilon Beli nsky,1811--1848)一生的思想為個案,由小見大,來探討「知識階層」在西潮的洪流 中如何自處,如何為落後的俄國找出一條適當的道路。 第一章首先說明「知識階層」起源、演變及其特徵。其後則對十九世紀上半葉的俄國 文化思想背景作一概述,藉以了解所謂三位一體--專制政體、東正教、民族性--的官 方文化政策,以及德國浪漫主義在俄國流行的原因和大略經過。 第二章主要在敘述別林斯基的早年生活及其思想搖藍「史坦凱維奇圈」(Stankevich Circle )。別林斯基陰鬱的童年,使他不禁要問:人活著是為了什么?人生的意義何 在?他一生的哲學探索、思想轉變無非是在尋找這些問題的答案;試圖理清人與世界 、人與現實之間的關係。而別林斯基自從被莫斯科大學開除以後,史坦凱維奇圈便成 了他吸收新思想新觀念的重要來源。 第三章則以年代為經,別林斯基的作品為緯,分節析論他思想轉變的前因後果;特別 重視他對西方迎拒的矛盾心理和如何調整自己與現實之間的關係。別林斯基曾流連徘 徊於各家學說(謝林、費希特、黑格爾、烏托邦社會主義等),每一次的拒絕與接受都 付出血淚般的代價。俄國沒有值得驕傲的傳統文化,因此使得「知識階層」在西潮的 衝擊之下,要為自己、為俄國尋找安身立命的哲學時,備嘗難辛,從別林斯基的思想 歷程,可以得到證明。 第四章是對別林斯基一生的思想作一總結與評述。並附錄一八四七年別林斯基政果弋 里書簡。


廖慧美, LIAO, HUI MEI Unknown Date (has links)
近年來政府致力於整合第一、第二及第三部門的力量,透過分工、互補,促使民間的私部門與非營利組織共同承擔公共事務的責任。惟政府就可以從此消失不見,由私部門及第三部門所取代嗎?由於政府存在的最大目的除了追求效率、效能與經濟之外,更重要者就是發揮公平與正義,此以立法機關仍於管制性政策、經濟政策、社會政策、文化政策等面向上,大量授權行政機關行使「行政裁量權」以實踐個案正義,最為具體及明顯。本論文所關心者為在過去官尊民卑的時代中,基層行政人員行使行政裁量權,僅須實踐「依法行政」的角色,完成與人民之間的「權利-義務」關係,而在司法不予介入的範圍,行政機關擁有決定自由的領域。解嚴之後,人民自我意識抬頭,勇於追求自我的權益,人民與基層行政人員間的「權力-服從」關係已不如警察國家一般,取而代之的是人民在行政裁量的灰色地帶,不斷透過各種方式以影響基層行政人員,而形成基層行政人員行政裁量的困境。基於此,本論文致力於以基層行政人員行政裁量行為之轉換型領導觀點為研究焦點,針對基層行政人員行政裁量時,面臨裁量系絡中多元、衝突的價值觀困境進行探索性的研究。本論文的研究目的有五: 第一、 整合有關行政裁量之相關文獻,試圖對形成當前基層行政人員行政裁量困境之原因有所瞭解。 第二、 綜合相關文獻確立基層行政人員負責任之行政裁量行為之內涵,以提供基層行政人員行政裁量價值採擇之規範標準。 第三、 評析當前文獻中已存在之行政裁量行為,是否能有效地解決基層行政人員行政裁量面臨之困境。 第四、 由相關文獻中,嘗試以轉換型領導之觀點,建構型塑基層行政人員負責任之行政裁量行為之理論基礎。 第五、 透過深度訪談的方式,以瞭解以轉換型領導之觀點,型塑我國基層行政人員負責任之行政裁量行為之可行性。 本論文採取的研究方法除文獻探討法之外,主要是以質的研究當中的深度訪談法為研究方法。在研究對象方面,本論文以立意抽樣的方式,針對我國基層行政人員實施訪談,實際完成訪談者計十二人。 總結本論文的主要研究發現可分別就文獻探討、深度訪談內容分析等兩方面予以說明。文獻探討的說明可對應於本論文所希望達成的第一項至第四項的研究目的。訪談內容分析則可對應於第五項的研究目的。謹將本論文之研究發現摘述如下: 第一、 基層行政人員行政裁量的系絡環境包括:1. 基層行政人員個人因素。2. 服務機關。3. 上級機關。4. 主管。5. 同事。6. 法律或司法機關。7. 當事人或相關利害關係人。8. 媒體。9. 民意代表。10. 社會大眾或旁觀者。11. 其他變數。其各有不同的利益、期望與價值觀,這些價值觀包括:1. 個人價值。2. 專業價值。3. 法律要求。4. 組織之層級節制。5. 公務人員個人之私利。6. 民眾私利之要求。7. 公道。8. 公平。9. 效率。10. 為民服務。由於這些不同的價值觀,本質上就存在衝突性,且裁量的結果會對這些系絡環境的權益產生得、喪、變更。因此,各系絡環境莫不透過各種方式、管道或彼此的交互作用與互動,以影響基層行政人員的裁量決定。由於不同的個案有著不同的系絡環境,而相同的個案,對不同的基層行政人員也會有不同的影響方式。故使得基層行政人員行政裁量決策的制定,充滿複雜性、衝突性與政治性。 第二、 本論文綜合論述國內外有關行政裁量的規範性理論與價值採擇之相關理論認為所謂「基層行政人員負責任之行政裁量行為」係指基層行政人員的裁量行為當以「誠信」為基礎,在「合法」的前提下,透過程序的參與機制,調合及妥適地反映系絡環境中的多元價值觀,並由科學、倫理及法制等途徑所追求裁量的正確、良善與起碼水準的品質中,使裁量系絡的參與者,對基層行政人員的裁量行動或決定加以支持與滿意。 第三、 本論文綜合各家學者的相關文獻,歸納出六種行政裁量行為:1. 官僚人員模式(法規-制度型或由上而下模式)。2. 執行者與政策制定者模式(由下而上模式、整合模式;效能執行型)。3. 權力指揮者模式。4. 專家模式。5. 問題解決者模式。6. 政治行為者模式(個人-責任型)。每一種裁量行為皆有其之優點與缺點,且其對基層行政人員面臨的裁量困境的描述,皆有某種程度的相合,但也有無法涵括之處。 第四、 由於轉換型領導的目的之一在於解決、消弭與調合人們間各種價值觀歧異所引起的衝突,此與基層行政人員負責任之行政裁量行為之價值採擇的內涵相迎合。而許多實證研究也發現轉換型領導的運用,對調合社會中人與人之間衝突的價值觀有諸多助益。因此,轉換型領導觀點之行政裁量行為為有效地解決基層行政人員行政裁量面臨之困境的有用行為模式。本論文綜合論述與轉換型領導有關的相關文獻與實證研究發現,基層行政人員運作轉換型領導的方式為:其一,基層行政人員運作轉換型領導的目標為在合法的前提下,調合多元、衝突的價值觀,以滿足各系絡環境的需求,並提升其之價值觀至更高的道德層次。其二,基層行政人員在轉換型領導中,所謂「部屬」係指基層行政人員行政裁量系絡中與基層行政人員互動的所有系絡環境。基層行政人員可奠基於其之專業及具有國家賦予其行使公權力的合法的權力,而能融合魅力領導者與交易型領導者之特質,進而成為裁量系絡中的轉換型領導者。其三,基層行政人員運作轉換型領導時,會採取一些策略並利用某些場域,使其與各裁量系絡環境產生互動,進而影響其之價值觀的改變與提升。 第五、 藉由本論文對訪談內容分析後,主要的研究發現可摘述如下: (一) 專業知識、遵守法律、民眾私人之利益或需求以及組織之層級節制為基層行政人員行政裁量經常面臨之價值環境,而組織之層級節制的價值觀,唯有在主管無法親臨行政裁量現場之情況,影響程度才較低。 (二) 同事、當事人、相關利害關係人、主管、旁觀者等為影響基層行政人員行政裁量之重要系絡環境,而民意代表、官員或其他有力人士、社會大眾、環保團體、專家及媒體,則在該裁量個案攸關社會大眾的權益時,影響程度才較大。這些系絡環境皆會採取不同的策略,或者透過彼此間的交互作用與互動,以影響基層行政人員的裁量決定,這使得基層行政人員行政裁量的系絡環境充滿政治性。 (三) 基層行政人員行政裁量面臨之九種價值觀,在服務對象的價值觀與其相衝突、科技發展迅速造成基層行政人員無法處理日新月異的價值觀問題、組織對基層行政人員在人力、物力、時間及資源的支援程度不足、組織之層級節制與個人對社會大眾價值變遷之認知進度不同,以及法令來不及修訂以跟上社會生活態樣變遷的速度等情況,會形成九種衝突態樣,而造成基層行政人員行政裁量的困境。 (四) 基層行政人員在面臨行政裁量系絡中九種價值觀衝突的態樣困境時,其除皆能成功地扮演價值抉擇者、分配者角色,以符合負責任之行政裁量行為之價值採擇的標準之外,也能以轉換型領導之觀點,在裁量系絡中成功地扮演平衡輪、分析者以及教育者的角色,以型塑負責任之行政裁量行為。此外,深度訪談之結果顯示我國的基層行政人員會以下列的方式運作轉換型領導: 1. 在運作轉換型領導之行政裁量種類方面,無論基層行政人員僅擁有「過程裁量」、「結果裁量」或者同時具有「過程裁量」及「結果裁量」者,其皆在面臨行政裁量之價值觀衝突時,表現為轉換型領導者。 2. 在運作轉換型領導之權力基礎方面,基層行政人員大抵在其擁有的合法的及專業的權力基礎上運作轉換型領導。 3. 在運作轉換型領導以與各系絡環境產生交互作用的場域方面,基層行政人員會在行政程序中之陳述意見、處理裁量個案的現場、聯繫會議、校務會議、會客室、協調會、說明會、其他相關座談會或會議等場域運作轉換型領導。 4. 在運作轉換型領導以與各系絡環境產生交互作用的策略方面,基層行政人員會牽引下列四種策略以與各系絡環境產生交互作用與互動: (1) 基層行政人員會隨機應變為整個行政裁量過程配速,將裁量系絡中衝突的價值觀加以調整,並控制各方衝突者的情緒在可忍受的範圍內而不躁進。 (2) 設身處地試著從服務對象或價值衝突者的觀點,看待行政裁量個案的問題。 (3) 鼓勵服務對象或價值衝突者一起面對面溝通,參與找出問題的真相與事實。 (4) 巧妙地運用策略,以提高基層行政人員與裁量系絡之各系絡環境彼此之信任關係。 然而,為使基層行政人員在實際個案中,成為真正的轉換型領導者。本論文建議基層行政人員及其之服務機關與主管,當應在組織內部的人力資源管理的人員招募、訓練與績效評估制度上有許多配套措施,以培養基層行政人員發揮專業及合法的影響力,使其成為裁量系絡中有效能的轉換型領導者。 最後,鑑於本論文在研究方法、研究對象的取樣等方面造成許多未盡及推論上的限制之處。故本論文提議下列的議題,以待未來繼續研究: (一) 行政裁量行為之轉換型領導觀點研究之多重資料來源。 (二) 行政裁量行為之轉換型領導觀點長期性之研究。 (三) 擴大行政裁量行為之轉換型領導觀點研究廣度之研究。

主題廣告、促銷活動與品牌層級之綜效研究 — 考慮產品類別之調節效果 / Research of synergies between feature advertisements, promotional activities, and brand tiers — considering the moderating effect of product type

張馨云 Unknown Date (has links)
推廣活動的種類繁多,但是究竟推廣組合的綜效如何,是值得探討的問題,近年來學界與實務界開始重視這個問題,提出「整合行銷溝通」(integrated marketing communication;簡稱IMC)之重要性,顯示在市場競爭日趨激烈的今日,規劃整合性的推廣策略才能有效運用行銷資源達到最大的綜效。 因此本研究主要探討「促銷與否及活動類型」(價格促銷、贈品促銷、無促銷)、「品牌呈現方式」(直接比較、分開比較--有主題廣告)、「品牌層級」(高品質/高價格品牌、低品質/低價格品牌)對於「消費者選擇率之變化」的影響,並且加入「產品類別」(功能性產品、享樂性產品)作為調節變數。 經過分析的結果發現: 一、享樂性產品提供享樂性贈品的促銷效果比價格促銷的效果更佳,但不顯著。 二、功能性產品提供功能性贈品的促銷效果與價格促銷的效果相若,甚至更好。 三、在直接比較時,低品質/低價格品牌進行價格促銷的效果皆比高品質/高價格品牌的效果更佳。此發現與過去的研究結論相反。 四、主題廣告與贈品促銷同時進行時(亦即在分開比較的情況下),低品質/低價格品牌進行價格促銷後所增加的選擇率與高品質/高價格品牌所增加的選擇率差不多,但在直接比較的情況下,低品質/低價格品牌所增加的選擇率卻明顯大於高品質/高價格品牌增加的選擇率,亦與過去的研究結論相反。 五、在直接比較時,低品質/低價格品牌進行贈品促銷的效果比高品質/高價格品牌進行贈品促銷的效果佳。 六、主題廣告與贈品促銷同時進行對高品質/高價格品牌較有利。 七、不論是功能性產品或享樂性產品,贈品促銷的效果皆比價格促銷的效果佳。 / There are many kinds of promotional activities. It is a worthwhile problem to investigate the synergy between promotional mixes. Recently, the academia and business start to pay attention to this problem and brought up the importance of “Integrated Marketing Communication”. It means that only integrated promotional strategy can effectively utilize marketing resources to reach the greatest synergy in today’s increasingly competitive market. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of “presence and types of promotion” (price promotion, premium promotion, and no promotion), the “types of presentation of the brand” (directly compare and separately compare — with feature advertisement), and “brand tier”(high quality/price brand and low quality/price brand)on ”the variation of consumer choice rate”, including the moderator of “product type”(functional product and hedonic product). The conclusions are as follows: 1.The effect of hedonic premium of hedonic products is better than price promotion, but it’s not significant. 2.The effect of functional premium of functional products is equal to price promotion and even better. 3.When directly compared, the price promotion effect of low quality/price brand is better than that of high quality/price brand. This finding is opposite with the research conclusions drawn before. 4.When feature advertisements and premium promotions are proceeding simultaneously(that is, in the separate comparison condition), the amount of increase in consumers’ choice rate after the price promotion is about the same for low quality/price brand and for high quality/price brand. However, in the direct comparison condition, the amount of increase in consumers’ choice rate is significantly greater for the low quality/price brand than that for the high quality/price brand. This finding is opposite from the research conclusions drawn before. 5.In the direct comparison condition, the effect of premium promotion of low quality/price brand is better than that of high quality/price brand. 6.Proceeding feature advertisements and premium promotions simultaneously is more advantageous for the high quality/price brand than for the low quality/price brand. 7.For Both functional and hedonic product, the effect of premium promotion is better than price promotion.

顧客權益之前置因素與後果之探討 - 以多層次傳銷業為例

曾瓊妮, Tseng, Chiung-Ni Unknown Date (has links)
品牌權益的相關研究與實務已經做了許多年,但對於一個包涵面更廣的管理概念-「顧客權益」的相關研究,則是一塊比較新穎的研究領域。「顧客權益」的觀念能幫助企業更加了解、管理和維持舊有的顧客,並積極爭取新顧客,而且又將顧客視為一項重要資產,以審慎的觀念與態度加以管理。 根據Rust, Zeithaml和Lemon(2001)提出的顧客權益架構,即價值權益、品牌權益、關係權益三個構面所形成之構念,本研究將其與傳/直銷商五大類活動相結合,即核心表現、對會員貢獻之肯定、會員間相互依賴之加強、傳播組織知識及招攬外部會員之需求,使顧客權益的模式應用到傳/直銷業者舉辦的活動上,藉以了解在傳/直銷業中,顧客權益是如何藉由互動活動來影響組織的顧客經營績效,即顧客取得、連帶銷售及顧客維持。 本研究採便利抽樣法,選取美樂家、安麗、玫琳凱及如新等四家傳/直銷公司之會員為研究對象,共回收有效問卷306份進行LISREL統計分析,得到以下結果﹕ 一、核心表現對社群建立及知識建立的影響效果有顯著差異﹔對會員貢獻之肯定對特別的辨識及對待和認同感的影響效果有顯著差異﹔會員間相互依賴之加強對社群建立的影響效果有顯著差異﹔傳播組織知識對認同感、社群建立和知識建立的影響效果有顯著差異﹔招攬外部會員之需求對品牌知曉度及忠誠度回饋的影響效果有顯著差異。 二、價值權益中的認知價格對顧客取得、品質對顧客維持的影響效果各有顯著差異﹔品牌權益中的對品牌的態度對顧客取得、企業倫理對顧客維持的影響效果有顯著差異﹔關係權益中的忠誠度回饋和社群建立對顧客取得的影響效果皆有顯著差異﹔知識建立對連帶銷售的影響效果有顯著差異﹔社群建立和知識建立對顧客維持的影響效果亦有顯著差異。 三、核心表現會透過影響社群建立,再從社群建立影響顧客取得及顧客維持,亦可透過對知識建立的影響,再從知識建立影響連帶銷售及顧客維持﹔會員間相互依賴之加強會透過影響社群建立,再從社群建立影響顧客取得及顧客維持﹔傳播組織知識可透過知識建立來影響連帶銷售的提升及顧客維持,亦可透過社群建立來影響顧客之取得及顧客之維持﹔招攬外部會員之需求可透過忠誠度回饋進而影響顧客取得。 / Although many researchers have done lots of researches and practices about brand equity for many years, there is a new and scarce researching area called customer equity, which contains wider managing concept more than brand equity. The concept of customer equity could help the company to know, mange, and retain their customers more and to acquire the new customers aggressively as well. Moreover, it helps company to view customers as an important asset and to manage them in a cautious way and attitude. According to the structure of customer equity proposed by Rust, Zeithaml and Lemon in 2001, which is the concept including value equity, brand equity, and retention equity, this study combines it with five major activities between the multi-level marketing operators and companies, which are, core service performance, recognition for contributions, member interdependence enhancement, dissemination of organizational knowledge, and external membership requirements, to know that how does it work to influence the customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention by which kind of activities. This study takes four companies’ members as researching subjects. With collecting 306 valid samples, this study uses LISREL as a tool to analyze the data. The results are as follows: 1. Core service performance has significant influence both on community -building program and knowledge-building program. Recognition for contribution has significant influence both on special recognition and treatment and affinity program. Member interdependence enhancement has significant influence on community-building program. Dissemination of organizational knowledge has significant influence each on affinity program, community-building program, and knowledge-building program. External membership requirement has significant influence both on brand awareness and loyalty program. 2. Price has significant influence on customer acquisition and quality has significant influence on customer retention as well. Attitude toward the brand has significant influence on customer acquisition and corporate ethics has significant influence on customer retention as well. Both loyalty program and community-building program has significant influence on customer acquisition. Knowledge-building program has significant influence on add-on selling. Both community-building program and knowledge-building program has significant influence on customer retention. 3. Core service performance will influence customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention indirectly by community-building program and knowledge-building program. Member interdependence enhancement will influence customer acquisition and retention indirectly by community-building program. Dissemination of organizational knowledge will influence customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention indirectly by community-building program and knowledge-building program. Finally, external membership requirement will influence customer acquisition indirectly by loyalty program.


張麗美, Chang, Li-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 成功的人力資源管理策略,方能有效提昇組織效能,而組織能否「得才」,為組織效力,更是影響組織成功與否之關鍵。組織投注大量資源培育人才,冀望成員對組織忠誠及有所貢獻,是以個人與組織的適配性,對組織及個人生涯發展而言,具有密不可分之重要性。 人力晉用與教育訓練功能整合,對於「警政再造方案」具關鍵性影響力,本研究以臺灣警察專科學校專科警員班第23期正期組行政警察科,及93年基層行政警察特考班學生為研究對象,探討學生人格特質、工作價值觀與組織認同之相關性,透過問卷調查蒐集資料,取得有效樣本937份,利用獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、卡方檢定、皮爾森相關係數及迴歸分析等統計方法,分析結果發現: 一、在人格特質方面:55%學生人格特質較多傾向於內控型。 二、工作價值觀及組織認同之知覺情形 (一)社會地位:53%覺得警察工作是受社會大眾尊重,有良好的聲譽與地位。 (二)利他:79%認為警察工作是深具利他價值的,可以服務人群,伸張正義、濟弱扶傾,可為社會做些有意義的事, (三)安全:79%對於警察工作的安全性深感擔心,顯示學生個人及家人對於其從事警察工作之身體安全均感到擔憂。 (四)休閒:僅有46%覺得從事警察工作可以有自己的假期,安排休閒活動與陪伴家人,可見警察工作之休閒價值普遍偏低。 (五)自我實現:62%覺得從事警察工作得以發揮自我的能力與抱負。 (六)經濟:78%覺得警察工作的待遇,符合其經濟需求,對於警察工作的薪資待遇,普遍感到滿意。 (七)升遷:約有69%滿足於警(隊)員的職務,顯示出「升遷」對將近七成的學生之工作價值觀而言,並非首要追求目標。 (八)組織認同:70%對警察組織感到認同。 經統計77%以上學生表示服務期滿仍願留任警職;畢業分發意願以專業警 察單位最高佔33.1%,其次為警察局或分局的內勤單位佔30.3%。 三、各項檢定結果分析 (一)在人格特質方面:僅「有無親屬任職警界」在人格特質上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (二)在工作價值觀方面:「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「入校前教育程度」、「有無親屬任職警界」及「任職警界親屬人數」之不同,在工作價值觀上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (三)在組織認同方面:「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「有無親屬任職警界」,在組織認同程度上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (四)對於各變項之相關分析,「人格特質」及「工作價值觀」與「組織認同」均有顯著相關,人格特質與工作價值觀,亦有顯著相關。 (五)學生服務期滿後之留任意願與個人基本屬性之「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「入校前的教育程度」、「親屬任職警界」、「父親職業」,有關聯性存在。 (六)學生分發意願與個人基本屬性之「性別」、「役別」、「親屬任職警界人數」、「父親職業」,有關聯性存在。 四、組織認同的預測力 對於整體學生、正期組學生、基層特考班、男性學生而言,均以「自我實現」預測力最佳,「利他」及「社會地位」次之,對女性學生則以「利他」預測力最佳,「社會地位」次之。 關鍵詞:臺灣警察專科學校、專科警員班正期組、基層特考班、 內外控人格特質、工作價值觀、組織認同。 / Abstract A successful management strategy of human resource can usually result in a great increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. But more often than not, the key factor that directly leads to its success is whether the organization can gain the necessary “brain”. Thus, the good fitness between the organization and its members, are vital to the development of the organization and its members’ careers. Recruit the manpower and the integration between the function of education and training are influentially important to police reform program. This study that bases on 937 valid samples from the survey of the 23rd phase Junior Police Officer of Administration Police Department of Taiwan Police College and 2004 Junior Special Examination for Police Officer are aiming to discuss the relativity of personalities, work values and Organizational Commitment. Through t-test, One Way ANOVA, Chi Square, Pearson's Contingency Coefficient and Regression Analysis, etc. the results of this study are as follows: 1. Personalities:55% of the samples are internal control. 2. Work values and Organizational Commitment a. Social status:53% of the students think policeman is publicly respected and reputable b. Altruism:79% think that they are altruism, Being a policeman could serve people, righteous and is meaningful to the society. c. Safety:79% feel insecure about the safety of being a policeman, which shows the surveyed students and their families are all worried about the safety of being a policeman. d. Recreation:Only 46% think policemen can have their own vacation, recreational activities and time with their family, which shows the value for leisure of policemen is low. e. Self-fulfillment:62% think being a policeman can achieve their goals in life. f. Financial need:78% think what they earn can afford what they need. They show average satisfaction for their salary. g. Promotion chance:69% feel contented to be a policeman. Getting promoted is not a main pursuit in their work value. h. Organizational Commitment:70% identify with the police organization. In the survey, more than 77% are willing to continue their job after they have finished their compulsory term. According to the intention of dispatch program after graduation, the professional police units is account for 33.1 %,the rate of regular office units of police bureau or station is 30.3%。 3. The test results: a. Personality: Only “whether or not relatives work for the police” makes an obvious difference. b. Work values: “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Student”, “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “the number of relatives who work for the police” cause differences in this aspect. c. Organizational Commitment: “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, and “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “How many relatives works for the police” cause differences in this aspect. d. To analyze the correlation among different variables, we find that personalities, work values, and Organizational Commitment are significantly different at α=.05 level. so are the personalities and work values. e. The willingness to continue their job after tenure is over is relative to “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Students”, “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “their father’s occupation” f. The desired work is relative to class”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Students”, “the number of relatives who work for the police” and “their father’s occupation” 4. Predictability of Organizational Commitment To either all the tested students, Junior College Classes, Junior Special Examination for Police Officer, or male students, the predictability of self-fulfillment works best. Next come altruism and social status. The predictability of altruism works best to female students and then the social status.

果戈理《狄康卡近鄉夜話》之神話境域 / The Mythological World in Nikolai Gogol's "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka"

陳怡錚, Chen,Yi- Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討果戈理早期浪漫主義作品《狄康卡近鄉夜話》中的東斯拉夫神話成分與題材,其神話成分屬「下層神話」或謂「魔鬼學」的領域,由於這些神話成分在故事中絕大部分扮演「惡」的載體,因此論文從作家個人對「惡」感受的生成切入,逐步剖析作家與「惡」爭鬥的歷程,進而延伸探討作品所傳達的善惡觀。 本論文共分為五章:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究途徑、方法及限制、文獻評論、研究架構;第二章介紹東斯拉夫神話的緣起、發展、特色及研究情形;第三章則是對果戈理及《狄康卡近鄉夜話》這部作品進行分析、評介;第四章探討果戈理如何在《狄康卡近鄉夜話》中詮釋東斯拉夫神話的成分和題材,如何營造出《狄康卡近鄉夜話》中引人入勝的神話境域,又如何透過這些虛構的神話角色來體現人性中的善惡特質,傳達作者本身甚至擴及整個民族對善惡二元論的看法;第五章則為結論。

購屋方案選擇評估指標建立之研究 / The Study on Housing Choice Decision-Making Factors for Home-Buyer---An Empirical Analysis of Taipei-Taoyuan Areas

黃國保 Unknown Date (has links)
住宅,不只是一個房子,還是一個家的所在。所以購屋,當然是一生中重大的決定。而與住宅相關的價格、環境、交通、品質、交易安全等這些都需要有專門的知識與經驗。另外住宅還涉及了很多風水、信仰、喜好等沒有對、錯的個人價值觀等問題。而且一生中發生的次數不多,不容易累積足夠的知識與經驗,所以要從購屋市場供給的產品中,找到完全符合自身需求住宅,不但一般人不容易做到,即使不動產的專業相關人員,由於購屋過程涉及多樣專業,亦不能面面俱到,作出最佳的購屋決策。本研究藉由文獻回顧與實證分析,就這個即重大又複雜的購屋問題,探討三個主題,其研究結果之結論如下: 一、我國各購屋方案可量化購屋影響因素,所存在的價格差異性 在實證結果部分,不論從地區上的分類,或是從時間上的分類,經自我選擇偏誤問題校正後。其拍賣市場相對於搜尋市場的住宅價格折價百分率確有差異,折價差異大約在1.53% ~3.69%間。實證結果顯示,購屋時機的不同階段呈現價差差異性,在2005~2007年第一季期期間景氣狀況較佳時價差不明顯之外,由不同地區與第一階段購屋時機(2003~2004) 景氣狀況較差時結果都顯示拍賣市場相對於搜尋市場的住宅價格仍有17%~24%明顯的折價現象。然替選方案之購屋影響因素,除了價格因素之價差外,仍有可量化之住宅條件因素與可量化之購屋者條件因素顯示其重要性。 二、不動產從業人員和一般人購屋決策的差異性 在這個主題裡,我們利用AHP(分析層級分析法)探討了與不動產密切的不動產從業人員和一般的購屋者,由不同地區來看,其最大的不同,是在台北縣及桃園縣的「不動產從業人員」購屋者,都最重視「住宅條件」,但在台北市的「不動產從業人員」的選擇上,卻優先考慮的是「價格」。 三、消費者購屋選擇決策的影響因素之評估指標及方案分析 我們利用AHP(分析層級分析法),在台北市、台北縣、桃園縣三個地區,分別進行問卷調查、評估指標分析。發現在最優先考慮購屋方案的問題上,在五個購屋替代方案預售屋、成屋、金拍屋、銀拍屋、法拍屋,消費者最可能的購屋方案都是選擇成屋,權重都是五個替選方案中最高者。從此一結果結果得知,就購屋者認知的效用而言,成屋優於預售屋,且優於各拍賣市場的金拍、銀拍、法拍。 影響消費者選擇購屋決定的四個評估指標為價格、住宅條件、交易制度及購屋者條件四個因素,其中購屋者最重視的是「價格」及「住宅條件」,特別是價格,在台北市不論是「不動產從業人員」及「一般購屋者」、台北縣的「一般購屋者」及桃園縣「一般購屋者」,其權重都是四個評估指標中最高者。「價格」仍是大部分購屋決策中最重要的影響因素。但是不是有坊間所提的:「沒有賣不出去的房子,只有賣不出去的價格」,那般極端強調「價格」就是一切呢?仍值得商榷。 另外,在評估指標之影響因素細準則方面,從「價格」準則中其第三層細準則三個因素價差、交易費用、貸款中都為前三項之首選,可見得在購屋市場中建立「價格」資訊、秩序是很迫切的。在影響房屋住宅條件的因素中內環境、外環境為前三項之首選,而內環境為不論地區或各種購屋著都為重要考慮因素。「不動產從業人員」及「一般購屋者」的受訪者,除了價差為共同考量因素外,其差異性為前者亦考慮貸款,而後者加入交易費用之考量。以地區性來看只有桃園縣之不動產從業人員較重視環境,其他地區仍以價差為首選之考量因素。 / A residence is not just a house but also a place where people set up their homes. Purchasing a house is certainly a very important decision throughout everyone’s lifetime. However, the elements such as pricing, environment, traffic, quality, and transaction security that are closely in connection with such an important choice all take specialized knowledge as well as experiences. Besides, to appraise a residence also involves some personal view of values such as fate, beliefs, and fondness, which are rather difficult to be thought of as good or bad. Moreover, purchasing a house is something that isn’t going to happen frequently throughout one’s life, so there won’t be many chances to accumulate enough knowledge and experiences in this field. Not only is it difficult for common public to choose, among the supply of housing market, a residence that would completely meet their own demand but it is quite a challenge for a professional real estate agent to make a decision on how to purchasing a most suitable residence as the process is often so diversified and specialized. In this study, by means of reviewing related documents and analysis, three main subjects based on this critical and complicated issue of house purchasing have been explored, and the conclusions of the research are given as follows: 1. The price differences among quantifiable and determination factors of each house purchasing alternatives. In practices, it is verified that whether it is classified based on regional divisions or based on timing of purchasing, differences do exist in housing price discount percentage between auctioning market and searching market after correcting the estimate bias of self-selection, and differences of price discount fall roughly between 1.53% and 3.69. It is also verified that, by observing various districts in the first house purchasing stage (2003~2004), a period falling in economical recession, price differences do vary with different purchasing timings in the stage. The price differences of the auctioning market relative to searching market appear significant price discount percentage ranging from 17% to 24%. The only exception to this case might be during each of the first seasons in the years from 2005 to 2007, a period of booming economy, in which price differences didn’t seem so significant. However, when it comes to decisive factors of alternative house purchasing choices, there are still some quantifiable elements of resident condition and quantifiable purchaser elements that can be evaluated in addition to price differences. 2. The difference in making decision on house purchasing between real estate professionals and ordinary buyers. In this theme, we utilize AHP to explore the interaction between real estate professionals who are closely related to this industry and ordinary buyers. From the regional point of view, the most significant variance appears in Taoyuan County and Taipei County where real estate professionals and ordinary buyers both value “resident conditions” as a most important factor while in Taipei City real estate professionals would view the price as the first priority. 3. Evaluation indicators and alternatives analysis of the factors which affect consumer in making decision on house purchasing. Adopting AHP as an analytical method, we carried out questionnaire survey in Taipei City, Taipei County, and Taoyuan County as well as analyze their appraisal indicators. The findings are that, among five purchasing programs, namely newly completed houses, houses ordered before being built, houses auctioned by court, houses auctioned by banks, and houses auctioned by private financial sectors, the most likely case that consumers will choose is that of newly completed houses. The four evaluation indicators that have affected consumers’ decision on buying a house are price, residential conditions, transaction system, and purchasers’ conditions. Among them, price and residential conditions are given more weight by consumers, but price alone possesses the highest weight to which both real estate professionals and ordinary buyers in Taipei City, ordinary buyers in Taipei County, and ordinary buyers in Taoyuan County all have given. Price is still the most influential factor when making a decision on house purchasing. However, is it realistic that price is so decisive as to reach to the extent like many people say “There is not any unmarketable house but an unacceptable level of price” ? The extremely aspect of this view needs be further considering deliberately. As for the influential factors set up under the four evaluation indicators, here are the analyses: The three factors (price difference, transaction fee, and loan) of the first indicator named “housing price” are the first three valued factors either observed based on regional variance or based on purchasers. It can therefore be realized that how important and urgent it is to establish “price” information of the house purchasing market. In the second appraisal indicator named residential conditions, internal/external environment are the first three valued factors. However, internal environment seems to have more priority, and that is quite consistent with the traits of our fellow people, most of whom think only to care about themselves. Such phenomenon is quite common in many residential communities nowadays. The real estate professionals and ordinary buyers both value “price difference” as a most important factor while the former added the factor of transaction fee, and the latter added up loan. From the difference areas point view, only Taoyuan County value “environment” more important than others. The rest of areas value “housing price” is the most important factor than others.

台灣職場性別隔離的趨勢 / Trends of Sex Segregation in the Taiwanese Workplace

姜馨彥, Chiang, Hsin Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用民國六十七年至九十一年人力資源調查五月份的資料,建構人力資源調查合併資料檔案,根據相異指數、以及Tam(2001b)的標準化女性比例,進行職業層次、產業層次、工作層次性別隔離的程度和樣貌的趨勢分析,並以三維立體圖形方法呈現結果。研究結果顯示,職業層次的性別隔離近乎整合且標準化女性比例的百分比座落在60%至70%之職業有逐漸增多的趨勢、產業層次的性別隔離也呈現整合而中性職業增加的趨勢、至於工作層次性別隔離程度則逐漸下降且也呈現出整合的趨勢變化,而工作層次性別隔離程度高過職業層次性別隔離程度。另採用民國六十九年與七十九年台閩地區戶口及住宅普查資料完整母體資料所建構的工作層次資料,以檢驗使用人力運用調查的樣本資料得出之工作層次資料的結果,證明後者的分析具有效度。而採用普查資料進行探究也發現,無論是在更細緻的職業層次(三分位職業代碼)和工作層次(三分位職業代碼與二分位行業代碼的工作代碼組合)、或者是在與人力資源調查相同的職業層次(二分位職業代碼)和工作層次(二分位職業代碼與二分位行業代碼的工作代碼組合)的分析層次下,採用相異指數和標準化女性比例的結果皆是性別隔離程度下降、也呈現出整合的趨勢變化,工作層次性別隔離程度也高過職業層次性別隔離程度,然其僅提供十年間的資訊,實為可惜之處。 / This study uses data from 1978-2002 Manpower Utilization Survey (MUS) for analyzing, ultimately, job-level sex segregation in Taiwanese workplace. Taking into account the limitation of large amount of small-N job cells due to the relatively smaller sample sizes, the method of mid-point of interval estimation and 5-year aggregation is applied with its strength of consecutive data series: pooling data across 1978 to 1982 as estimation for year 1980, and so on, to construct 5-year aggregated MUS data. To view the job-level sex segregation pattern, job-level datasets are established by the “combination of occupation and industry codes”, from which there are units of analysis, job cells. And discarding small-N reliable sampled jobs in MUS is essential to avoid biased results for they contain extreme sex composition after comparing with those from population data of 1980 and 1990 Taiwanese Censuses. Findings indicate that the degree of occupational, industrial, and job-level sex segregation is somewhat increasing by Duncan and Duncan’s Dissimilarity Index, by which it is unable to measure the exact segregation degree because of its margin-dependent trait. However, by using Tam’s margin-free index: Standardized Percent Women, findings indicate that: (1) for occupational-level sex segregation, there is a trend of integration, and those occupations with 60%- 70% SPWOM shows a slight increase; (2) for industrial sex segregation, the trend almost remain the same, just that gender-neutral industries increase a bit, especially in recent years; (3) as for the degree of job-level sex segregation, it is declining, and there is a long-term trend of integration in Taiwanese workplace over the past 25 years. Therefore, job-level analysis does show what the past occupational and industrial analysis cannot present. And the findings from MUS are robust, based on the contrast analysis from population data of 1980 and 1990 Taiwanese Censuses; in addition, research outcomes from Census data also show integrated pattern in occupational and job-level sex segregation in that decade.

單一性別環境對國中女生數學成就的影響 / Effects of a Single-sex Curriculum on Girls' Achievements in Mathematics during Junior High School

林詩琪, Lin,Shih-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從教育社會學角度探討造成數學成就性別差異現象的成因,以班級的性別環境為研究脈絡,研究影響國中女生數學成就的可能原因。假設數學成就的性別差異是受到後天學習歷程影響,班級環境中隱含的性別刻板印象為其中一個重要社會文化影響因素。透過比較國一到國三階段女生班和一般男女合班女生數學成就的異同,嘗試找出造成數學成就性別差異現象的成因,是否與班級性別環境、師生的性別刻板印象等因素有關。利用階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Models,HLM)統計方法,分析資料取自由中央研究院、教育部和國科會共同規劃的全國性長期的調查計畫:「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)。研究結果發現女生班、數學老師性別及班級學業氣氛等因素對於國中女生數學成就有顯著影響力,但進一步考慮學校公私別變項之後,女生班的影響力即消失。 / The main purpose of this study is to assess the magnitude of individual and contextual influences to explain gender differences in math achievements. Adopting the hierarchical linear model analysis to determine whether or not statistically significant differences between the mathematical achievements of 7th grade students who attend all-girls classes compared with those who attend coeducational classes at the same time, and their academic performance after two years. The result shows that there are three factors that have significant influences on girls’ math achievement in junior high schools, which are the single-sex classes, female math teachers and the academic climate of each class. However, if private schools are taken into consideration, the significant influence of the gender composition of classes will disappear.

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