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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中共公職幹部人事制度改革之研究(1987-1994)-兼論其「國家公務員」制度之建立與發展 / Research on Reformation of Personnel System for Public Cadres of The People''s Replic of China (1987-1994) with Establishment and Evolution of It''s "Civil Service" System

洪雲霖, Hung,Yun-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文系以中共所謂「建國」以來,所事實統治之中國大陸為研究地區,其自課為一「社會主義國家」,並將國家工作人員統稱為幹部,涵蓋黨、政、軍、群、企、事等各部門,此等幹部管理迥異一般民主國家,不僅概念籠統,而且缺乏科學分類,自文革後其黨十一屆三中全會(一九七八年)決定推動改革開放政策以來,幹部體制為應需要而不斷調整,尤其自黨十三大(一九八七年)確立推行國家公務員制度,並將其行政部門人員分離出來,嗣後不斷研議相關法規,而黨十四大則決定加速推行此種制度,一九九三年八月因其國務院發布「國家公務員暫行條例」的總體性法規,業已確定其幹部邁向現代化的競爭實績、科學管理取向,稚在總結經驗,配合實際管理需要而作調整之外,意識形態,黨政關係仍然貫穿整個管理體制及運作之中;因此,本文為便於分析,幾經斟酌,乃以其黨十三大以來的國家行政機關工作人員(不含工勤人員)為分析對象(中共過去因概念含混,是以本文仍以幹部稱之)。 全文共分七章,二十二節,其實容要旨如次: 第一章「緒論」,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法,並就一般性了解,提出研究架構、假設與限制,同時對本研究重要概念予以界定與區分,以為本文探討之準據。 第二章「中共幹部制度之發展與改革」,說明中共體制現代化與理性,意識形態的關係,牌瞭解改革之特殊性,其次再析述其幹部建構理念與制度發展,以及改革背景與發展要求格局,然後再就改革運作原則,國家公務員制度之建立過程、取向加以敘述,以掌握改革動態。 第三章「人事管理體制宏觀分析」,就中共幹部管理體制而言,其宏觀層次的人事體制傳統與現行模式架構予以解析,次就其管理機構等設置及其原則,監察管理予以析述,然後再就人員的行為規範之權利義務,迴避、申訴控告等予以解析,牌期瞭解其體制總體運作。 第四章「人力引進與調節」,政府體系運作涉及人力配置、運用,中共隨改革發展、計畫體制走向市場經濟而變革,茲就其法規等歸納,得知其人力甄補的考試錄用、人員任免,以及人力流動的升降遷調與交流等制度設計,特再述明並分析其人力培訓發展之情勢。 第五章「人員少勵與維護」,激勵維護措施,在維護現有人力運作暨未來人力投入之誘因,經由考核獎懲汰劣獎優,確保工作品質與人力素質,而以工資福利維持其生活與地位,並激發工作意願(勞動積極性),而退離辭卸則促使人力有效代謝與雙向交流。 第六章「幹部體系轉化的檢視與調適」,經由前述各章分析,總結其幹部改革戰略與檢視發展走向,並先釐出其改革議題,再研析發展模式與中國特色,牌期瞭解國家公務員制度發展建構;然後再分析其改革論爭、具體問題,並說明其改革調適與影響。 第七章「結論」,就前述各章所發現問題及獲致之研究結論,參照本論文研究架構與假設,提出研究發現與發展評估,並說明其高制改革之發展前景。

普丁時期俄羅斯菁英政治之研究 / A study of elite politics in Putin's Russia

林子恆, Lin, Tzu Heng Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯時期性質單一的「意識型菁英」在戈巴契夫的政經改革下開始分化成政治菁英與經濟菁英兩大類。到了葉爾欽時期,由於國家制度不彰、政府職能紊亂以及聯邦從屬關係被破壞,再加上總統本人執政後期健康情形不佳而導致大權旁落等緣故,造成各方菁英團體為了自身利益而彼此傾軋不已,也形成了以地方勢力、反對派政黨以及經濟寡頭為箭頭的「分散型菁英」。進入普丁時期,新執政者承繼了前朝唯一「正面」的遺緒 –「集權總統制」,再佐以個人的施政風格與高人氣支持,於第一任期內便大抵完成收編菁英的政治改革:於新設立的七大聯邦區派駐聯邦權力代理人 – 總統全權代表;改革聯邦委員會以削弱地方首長勢力;組建權力黨「統一俄羅斯黨」 並掌控國家杜馬。而在「共識型菁英」的氛圍下,作為普丁政權主要幹部甄補來源的「聖彼得堡幫」成員當中,又以所謂的「強力部門幹部」為大宗。其軍警情治背景與國家治理手法不僅為普丁治下的俄羅斯型塑了「軍事政體」的外觀,更讓後共俄羅斯或多或少出現了「蘇維埃化」的傾向。 / The single-natured “ideocratic elite” of the Soviet Union begins to differentiate into political and economic elite under the impact of Gorbachev’s reforms. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin’s elites jostled with each other for their interests and transformed into the “fragmented elite,” characterized by regional leaders, opposition parties and economic oligarchs. This occurred due to the malfunction of state institutions, disorder of government functions, destruction of central-peripheral relations and the regency by the President’s cronies during his illness in the second term. Later in Putin’s Russia, with the only “positive” legacy – “authoritarian presidential rule” that the new ruler inherits from his predecessor as well as his own personal ruling styles and high popularity, Putin achieves the approximate incorporation of Russian elites with the political reforms in his first term, including the delegation of Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoys as federal agents in the seven new federal districts, the weakening of regional elites by reforming the Federation Council, and the seizure of the State Duma with the party of power – “United Russia.” Under the atmosphere of the “consensual elite,” the “Petersburgers” – especially the so-called “siloviki” – constitute the main source of cadre recruitment in Putin’s Russia. The security-intelligence background and state governance tactics of these siloviki not only mold the façade of “militocracy” for Putin’s regime, but more or less contribute to the tendency of “sovietization” in post-communist Russia.

國軍幹部終身學習相關影響因素之研究-以空軍政戰軍官為例 / The Study of Effecting Factors that Affect the Lifelong Learning-For Air-Force Political Warfare Officers

于親文 Unknown Date (has links)
國軍為社會之一環,也必須隨著社會進步,積極提昇人員的本質學能,才不致於為社會所淘汱,國軍自85年「精實案」後,93年再實施「精進案」,其所透露的訊息即是國人希望國軍部隊是一個「質精,量小,戰力強」的勁旅,在未來的人員逐漸遞減,國防業務依舊繁重的情況下,國軍幹部必須大幅提升個人工作能力及效率,才足以應付各項挑戰。目前既有的軍事教育體系所無法一時滿足的,準此,國防部積極推動「終身學習制度」並以學費補助配套措施為誘因,鼓勵國軍幹部利用公餘進修,希望能將所習得的知識運用於工作上,大幅提昇工作效率。   我空軍二代兵力自86年起相繼成軍,高科技精密武器與裝備業已順利獲得,而戰力之發揮,有賴我空軍官兵高素質人員之操作,如此方可發揮我空軍最大戰力,因此,解決迫切的人員素質提昇,便是空軍幹部「終身學習」的重要課題。 空軍政戰軍官在未實施精進案第二階段組織調整前,雖佔空軍軍官人數的十分之一(約1000餘人),未來精進案組織調整定編後,可能更少於這個數字。然而,其分佈於空軍每一個層級,小至排、連級,大至師、軍團及總部級,只要有官兵的地方,一定就有政戰軍官在列。  空軍政戰軍官已參與終身學習,雖有逐年增加,但比例仍算少,如何瞭解影響空軍政戰軍官終身學習的真正原因,進而提昇空軍政戰軍官終身學習意願,除對提昇空軍整體終身學習具有指標作用外,對空軍未來發展將有重大影響。  本研究擬對空軍政戰軍官終身學習影響相關因素,做一分析探討,並針對其影響因素提出具體建議,以為學術單位及空軍組織提供終身學習政策之參考,主要研究目的有以下四點: 一、瞭解空軍終身學習制度是否週全。 二、大學院校終身學習管道能否配合空軍政策需求。 三、空軍政戰幹部個人及組織單位、家庭狀況及社會關係等問題,影    響其終身學習意願程度如何。 四、將研究結果做成具體建議,以為空軍組織及學術單位提供終身學   習環境與政策之參考。   最後依據研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、對國軍終身學習主管機關的建議 (一)貫徹「上下班制」,有助終身學習參與 (二)提高「學費補助」,促進終身學習參與 (三)加強「終身學習」政策推廣與宣導 二、對教育機構的建議 (一)進修科目排定,以進修者實需考量 (二)課程時間安排,採彈性化調整 (三)教學地點設置,採增設或彈性調整 三、對單位組織的建議 (一)主官(管)支持,鼓勵參與進修 (二)開放連結網際網路,增進資料蒐集 四、對個人及社會的建議 (一)充實本職學能,提昇國軍戰力 (二)爭取社會支持,獲得進修動力 / The Armed Forces, one part of the society, should actively enhance each individual’s profession in order not to be knocked out. After “Jingshih Program (The ROC Armed Forces Strengthening Program)” in 1996, the Armed Forces brought “Jingjin Program (The ROC Armed Forces Refining Program)” into practice in 2004. These moves meant that all ROC’s citizens expect the Military to be an armed force with “refined quality, low quantity and strong power.” In the future, military faculty is in gradual reduction but national defense affairs are still burdensome; therefore, in order to tackle all challenges, every cadre has to advance his personal working ability and efficiency in great deal. Presently, educational system in the army couldn’t satisfy the need. Because of this, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) actively sets ”Lifelong Learning System” into practice and provides tuition subvention as a seducing motive, encouraging all cadres go for advanced study on holidays. MND hopes all cadres to utilize their acquired knowledge in their works, consequently enhancing working efficiency. The second generational forces in Air-Force were formed since 1997. We also obtain high-tech weapons and equipments successfully. It still depends on the operation of all Air-Force members with high quality. In this way, Air-Force could bring its fighting power into full play. Accordingly, the significant problem of “Lifelong Learning” in Air-Force cadres is to solve the urgent enhance of personal quality. Before the second phase organizational modulation in Jingjin Program, political warfare officers were only 1/10 (about 1000 people) of all officers in Air-Force. In the future, the number would be less after the organizational modulation in Jingjin Program. However, political warfare officers are in every order in Air-Force, from a platoon and a company to a division, a legion and even the Headquarter; wherever there are officers and soldiers, there are political warfare officers. The number of political warfare officers in Air-Force who go for advanced study increases year by year, but it grows in low proportion. To understand the real reasons that affect lifelong learning in political warfare officers in Air-Force and to improve their will to learn would play the role as a directional function in enhancing the whole lifelong learning in Air-Force and have great influence on the future development in Air-Force. This research aims to do analysis and discussion about the relating factors that affect the lifelong learning for political warfare officers in Air-Force. To supply academic institutes and Air-Force organizations with the information concerning policies about lifelong learning, the research lists some practical suggestions by integrating those effecting factors. Four main objectives of this research are as follow: I. To understand if lifelong learning system in Air force is thorough. II. To know if the ways to lifelong learning in all colleges could meet the needs of Air-Force political policy. III. To see how personal problems, organizations, family situations and social relationship affect Air-Force political warfare officers’ will to lifelong learning. IV. To provide Air-Force organizations and academic institutes with information about lifelong learning environment and policy after summing up some practical suggestions based on the research results. Last, I offer some suggestions according to the conclusion: I. Suggestions about the military lifelong learning for the authoring institute: (I) Implement of “Working Hours from 9 to 5” helps participation in lifelong learning. (II) The increase of “tuition subvention” stimulates participation in lifelong learning. (III) Promotion and propaganda of lifelong learning policy. II. Suggestions for educational institutes: (I) Arrangements of learning subjects must meet the learners’ practical needs. (II) Schemes of timetables should be flexible. (III) Arrangements for teaching locations should be in larger quantity or in flexibility. III. Suggestions for the authority: (I) Support for the authority stimulates the participation in advanced study. (II) Free Internet connection helps data collection. IV. Suggestions for individuals and the society: (I) Fullfill personal profession to improve fighting power in the armed forces. (II) Gain social support to motivate advanced study. Keywords: The Armed Forces cadres,Lifelong Learning of the Armed Forces cadres,Lifelong Learning of the Armed Forces,Political Warfare Officers,Effecting Factors of Lifelong Learning

臺灣警察專科學校隊職幹部轉換型領導風格之研究 / A Study on the transformation leadership style of the command leaders in Taiwan police college

陳素專 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣警察專科學校是培育基層警察人員的搖籃,而職司生活教育訓練的隊職幹部則是推手;近年來由於警專的招訓對象大幅度改變,予負責學員生生活教育訓練之隊職幹部帶來不少衝擊,因此對其領導風格,實有深入研究的必要。 本研究對臺灣警察專科學校隊職幹部轉換型領導風格進行研究,根據研究目的,經文獻探討、深度訪談及參與觀察綜合分析後,獲得以下結論:在個案部份,組織編制攸關隊職幹部領導的成效,其主要的領導方式是轉換型領導;隊職幹部在轉換型領導各核心面向表現稱職,隊職幹部的領導向度以平行、雙多向領導居多,且其領導風格與領導效能息息相關;隊職幹部領導的實踐度大多如預期,領導典範對學員生之影響至深且鉅,惟隊職幹部工作成就感未與認同感成正比。 研究最後,在政策執行層面提出了短、中長程的建議和省思;此外,對於後續研究者亦提供若干的建言供參。 / Taiwan Police College is the cradle of nurturing basic-level police officers, and the command leaders is the important backhand of students’ life education. In recent years, due to the substantial change of the enrolling students in Taiwan Police College, it has impacted on the command leaders who are responsible for the students’ living education. As a result, it is necessary to do the research in depth. This research is based on the style of transformation leadership. According to the purpose of the research, some conclusions have been found as following after the literature review, depth interviews and observations. In individual cases, the organization structure is related to the effect of leadership of command leaders and the main way is the transformation leadership. Meanwhile, the command leaders is competent for the core of transformation leadership, and the guide directions of command leaders are mostly parallel, two-ways and multi-ways. Moreover, the efficiency of leadership is closed to the style of leaderships. The leadership practices of the command leaders are mostly as expected, and the pattern of leadership influences students profoundly. However, the self-actualization of the command leaders and the recognition is not in portion. Finally, some advices and reflections for the short term, mid term and long term policies have been carried on and will be reference materials for the following researchers.

高潛力人力資本發展之研究 / A study on the development of high potential human capital

林欣婕, Lin, Hsin Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
「高潛力人力資本」即所謂的「高潛力人才(High potential或Talent)」係指那些具備企業目前與未來所需要的核心職能,並具有卓著績效貢獻者而言。在人才類型而言,他們即屬核心人才(Core Employees),如企業中的關鍵性管理與研發人才。 然而高潛力人才的培育也是有等級性的區分,公司同時要考慮到內部初階、中階及高階的高潛力人力資本的需求。高潛力人才是公司未來高階經理人的種子,相對於企業間對於各等級的經理人彼此挖角的人才競爭方式,越來越多企業意識到自行培育能認同公司理念的高潛力人才之重要性。是故很多企業開始打造自己的高潛力人才─也就是未來經理人的培訓之路,而因此促成了「儲備幹部制度」(Management Associate Program,簡稱MA制度)的誕生。 而近年來台灣企業紛紛起而效之,除了本土金融公司之外,科技公司與零售服務商也一一加入儲備幹部的招募、培訓制度的設計,與未來發展的考量,希望發展出適合所屬產業與自身公司體制之儲備幹部制度。 然而關於台灣本土企業之儲備幹部制度研究量尚有限,是故本研究希望從「高潛力人力資本」在「企業智慧資本」中的定義出發,結合學術理論與業界訪談,探究不同企業在運行儲備幹部制度的動機、邏輯與制度設計,進而透過綜合的分析與探討,歸納出儲備幹部在人力資本的定位與角色,以及儲備幹部發展的內涵與特質,再進而推論出台灣本土企業在運行儲備幹部制度時應有之綜合考量與成功因素。 / The definition of high potential human capital, also regarded as high potentials, refers to the employees who have the core competency and could contribute extinguish performance to the company. They are the core employees in the company, playing an important role in management and development functions. The cultivation of high potentials differentiates into the basic class, intermediate class, and high class, based on the demand of company. Because high potentials are candidates of future chief executive, more and more companies realize the importance to cultivate their own high potentials who identify with company’s philosophy, rather than to hunt the talents from other companies. Based on above reasons, the management associate program (MA program) was applied and well developed in many companies. Recently, not only finance holding companies but also technology and retail service companies, based on their industry features and future development, are working on their own MA program. However, the studies related to MA programs of Taiwanese companies are not abundant. Therefore, this study focused on the definition of high potential human capital and intellectual capital, combining with industry interviews, to discuss the motivation, design, and the operation of MA programs in different companies. This study summarized the position and importance of MA in human capital, discussed the intrinsic characteristics of MA program, and thus concluded the dominant factors to achieve successful MA program that could be applied in Taiwan.

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