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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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公辦民營幼兒園之資源基礎對家長滿意度影響之研究-以品牌權益為中介變項 / The effect of resource base on parental satisfaction of the private management of public kindergarten: the mediating effect of brand equity

張義雄, Chang, I Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣少子化的衝擊和托育公共化政策推動下,使得幼教經營競爭越趨激烈。政府的公立幼兒園,雖然收費低廉,因為受政府諸多法規與行政制度的制約,常發生經營效率不佳;整體的品質不如私立幼兒園。為了不與民爭利及幼教發展的多元化,於是有了公辦民營幼兒園的政策推動。而有少數一、二家營運不佳而關門大吉,為了使公辦民營幼兒園的政策能更成功推廣下去。本研究想探討造成公辦民營幼兒園經營效率良窳的影響因子,而「家長滿意度」就是幼兒園品質一項重要觀察指標。根據文獻探討得知「資源基礎」和「品牌權益」是影響「家長滿意度」的主要因素,故本研究主要在探討公辦民營幼兒園將投入何種策略性「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」具有影響力,同時也了解「品牌權益」是否具有中介效果? 本研究採用文獻分析法和問卷調查法進行研究。文獻分析法方面分別探討「資源基礎」實施情形、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」三者中,兩兩之間的關係。也進一步探討在公辦民營幼兒園中,「資源基礎」實施情形與「品牌權益」是如何影響「家長滿意度」。而在問卷調查法方面,以「公辦民營幼兒園實施資源基礎、品牌權益與家長滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,並以大台北地區19家之公辦民營幼兒園之2492為幼兒家長為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共發放1,833份,剔除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷回收數為1,136份,有效問卷回收率為61.97%。 本研究採用結構方程模式分析方法軟體分別驗證「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之內涵外,也進一步探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之間的關係。本採用SPSS 18.0軟體探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之實施現況及不同背景變項是否對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」有預測效果。 本研究獲致下列結論: 一、公辦民營幼兒園對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」備受幼兒家長肯定 二、公辦民營幼兒園的「資源基礎」分別對於「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」及「品牌權益」對於「家長滿意度」均具有顯著的預測效果 (一)「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」具有顯著正向的直接效果(γ1=0.92) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園落實「資源基礎」將有助於大量提升其「品牌權益」。 (二)「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向的直接效果(β1=0.70) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園提高「品牌權益」將有助於大幅改善其「家長滿意度」。 (三)「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向但小量的直接效果(γ2=0.25),此顯示加強實施「資源基礎」對於提升「家長滿意度」的直接效果較小。 三、「資源基礎」可透過「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著且大量的中介效果0.64(即0.92*.70=0.64,p<0.001);原本「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」的直接效果只有0.25,而「資源基礎」對於「家長滿意」之總效果為0.89 (即0.25+0.64=0.89,p<0.001)。 四、背景變項對「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」之效果方面 (一)對於「資源基礎」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數、家庭平均月收入及幼兒園立案年數等5個變項。 (二)對於「品牌權益」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 (三)對於「家長滿意度」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的性別、年齡、教育程度及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 / With the impacts of low-birth rate and the impetus of the public policy of how to make private childcare public, causing the competition of the preshool management become keener and keener. Although the fees of public kindergarden are low, the efficiency of their managements are also low because of the restriction on legislations and the administrative system of the government. Their qualities are also not as the private kindergartens. In order not to compete with the public kindergarden and the diversification of the early childhood education, hence there are the impetus of the private management of public kindergartens. In the cause of successfully spread the private management of public kindergartens, there are also a few closing down.   This study is to explore the cause of the private management of public kindergartens efficiency good or bad of the influence factor, and the parental satisfaction is an important observation index of the kindergarten quality.   According to the literature review, “Resource base” and “Brand equity” is the main factor impact of “Parental satisfaction” . Therefore, this research is to explore the influence of how the kindergarten of private management of public kindergarten put into the strategies of “Resource base” to “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. And also to understand whether “Brand equity” has the intermediate factor or not?   The present study adopted two approaches, including “literature review” and “questionnaire survey”. The study designed the “questionnaire of the Resource base , Brand equity and Parental satisfaction as the instrument. 2,492 Child’s parents in the 19 private management of public kindergartens in Big Taipei area were the population. The study distributed by convenient sampling, and got 1,136 valid samples after gathering and deliting some invalid questionnaires from 1,833 samples. The rate of valid samples is 61.97%.   The study not only took structural equation modeling(SEM) to confirm the contents of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”, but also discuss the relationships of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. Moreover, the present study used the software of SPSS 18.0 to understand the current of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” in the private management of public kindergartens and confirm the contents of the variables of the subjects.   There were some major conclusions made as follows: 1.“Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction' in the private management of public kindergartens are highly accepted by the child’s parents. 2.“Resource base” for the “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” and “Brand equity”in the private for the Parental satisfaction" are significantly predictive. (1)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.92) on “Brand equity”. That is ; the higher degree of the “Resource base” implementations significant is , the higher “Brand equity” is. (2)“Brand equity” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.70) on "Parental satisfaction ". That is , the higher the implement degree of “Brand equity” is , the higher practice degree of "Parental satisfaction ". (3)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”. That is ; strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing “Parental satisfaction” is small effect . 3.Although “Resource base” has positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”, strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing "Parental satisfaction" is little effect. “Resource base” has an indirect effect on "Parental satisfaction " through “Brand equity” (the indirect effect size is 0.64) and the total effect is 0.89. In other words , when the “Resource base” is higher, "Parental satisfaction " will be indirectly enhanced by the “Brand equity”. To sum up, “Brand equity” is much of mediating effect between “Resource base” and “Parental satisfaction”. 4.The effects of the context variables on the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction " are made as follows: (1)5 context variables have significant effects on the “Resource base”. These variables involve age, education, the number of children, and the average household monthly income of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten . (2)4 context variables have significant effects on the “Brand equity”. These variables involve age, education, and the number of children of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten. (3)4 context variables have significant effects on the "Parental satisfaction ". These variables involve sex. age, and education child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten.

家長對幼兒的學習期望與期望確認之研究 / Early Learning Expectation and Outcomes Confirmation:Parent's Perspective

黃侑華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼兒家長對幼兒的學習期望與如何確認期望達成之歷程。因過去的相關文獻以量化調查研究為主,缺乏質性觀點;又過去多以消費者行為模式探討選擇幼兒園的決策行為,但不能深入了解家長選擇這些因素背後的想法。因此本研究以質性訪談的方式,探究家長對幼兒的教育期望、對幼兒園的課程期望與這些期望如何被達成或期望是否改變的歷程,試圖建構家長在選擇幼兒園與對幼兒期望之間的關係。 研究設計上,先就過去文獻之研究進行整理與分析,提出尚未被探究及可深入探究的議題,蒐集相關資料而擬定訪談大綱,針對台北市公私立幼兒園大班家長進行深入訪談,公私立幼兒園各兩所共計十四位家長。 本研究結論可歸納為下列五點: 一、教育期望:公私立家長對幼兒學習的教育期望主要皆為生活自理、人際互動、品格個性與認知學習等等;而在認知學習上公私立幼兒園家長看法不同。 二、課程期望:公私立家長對幼兒學習的課程期望都會先要求教學方式,再要求與教育期望相關的課程內容,其中,私立家長進而要求認知方面的課程;此外,公私立家長都會期望園所在音樂或工作等美感領域課程上進行多元化或才藝教學。 三、期望確認:公私立家長都會將選擇幼兒園前的期望與選擇後的經驗做確認,確認方式以觀察幼兒在學校或家庭中的行為表現為主,而參與園所活動也是家長了解課程的一種方式。四、滿意度:樣本家長對幼兒園滿意度高,滿意的項目集中在課程與師資上;而期望確認及其歸因推論影響滿意度。五、期望改變:公立幼兒園家長對幼兒的課程期望會因園所特色而改變,並隨著上小學的時間拉進,公私立家長皆會增加與銜接小學相關的新期望。 根據研究結論,本研究對幼兒園提出以下建議,做為增進幼兒園品質參考: 一、幼兒園需要了解家長的期望,跟著家長一起做確認,幫助教師與園所看見家長觀點進而反思與成長。二、建立園所教學特色並努力發展,成為有深度的課程。 三、教師應幫助家長用更多的方式來確認學習,以客觀的資料去補充主觀的觀察結果。四、教師應讓家長看見教學的多元化,用不同的方式讓家長了解音樂或美術等方面的課程是包含在原本的課程規劃中;教師也應加強美感領域課程的專業能力。 / The purpose of this study is to inquire parent's perspective of early children’s learning expectation and outcomes confirmation. There are many quantitative studies about this process, while few are conducted qualitatively. In the past few years, most research focus on how to make a decision to choose kindergartens by consumer’s decision behavior. But we can’t understand what the real reasons of the parents’ decision. This study explores the parents’ educational expectations on early children in a qualitative way, including curriculum expectations and how these expectations will be achieved or changed, attempt to construct the relationship between the choice of kindergartens and child learning expectations. In this research, we review prior studies and purpose issues that has not yet been explored and can be in-depth inquired, gathering relevant information and arranging the interview outline for the Taipei public and private kindergarten parents, a total of fourteen parents in two public and two private kindergartens. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as the following five points: First, educational expectations: public and private kindergarten parents have different views on the cognitive learning. Second, the curriculum expectations: In addition to the curriculum related to educational expectations, parents would expect the music or arts-type learning, they hope kindergarten provide the field of diversified curriculum or skills and talent teaching. Third, expectation confirmation: parents really do expect confirmation, confirm the performance of the main way to observe the behavior of children in school or at home, and participate in kindergarten activities also the way of parents to confirm the curriculum. Forth, satisfaction: parents kindergarten satisfaction is high, satisfactory project focused on curriculum and teacher; expect recognition and attributed inference affect satisfaction. Fifth, the expectations change: the curriculum expectations of public kindergarten parents will change with kindergarten’s features, and parents would increase the new expectations related to the convergence Primary.

幼兒課程歷程品質之研究: 教室教學品質與幼兒學習投入 / A Study of Process-oriented Early Childhood Curriculum Quality: Classroom Quality and Children Involvement

洪郁婷 Unknown Date (has links)
高品質的幼兒園課程除了考量課程設計品質,例如,課程目標、學習內容、教學方法及評量標準外,也應考量課程的實施或歷程品質。 本研究採取課程歷程品質觀點,以教室教學品質與幼兒學習投入,探討我國幼兒園課程實施品質。研究樣本為臺北市26所公立幼兒園的37班、295位大班幼兒。研究者採用教室教學品質評量表(CLASS)與幼兒學習投入度評量表(LIS-YC)入班觀察,並運用SPSS21.0進行統計分析。 主要研究結果為: (一)教室教學品質之情緒支持與班級經營為高品質,教學支持為中低品質,此 結果與近期國內外之相關研究發現類似。 (二)幼兒學習投入為高品質,幼兒在參與學習活動時僅偶爾分心,此結果高於 近期國外之相關研究發現。 (三)教室教學品質之情緒支持和班級經營,都與幼兒學習投入呈現低度正相 關。 (四)活動型態影響教室教學品質與幼兒學習投入的關係,包括: (1)自由活動時,幼兒的學習投入高於點心活動與教學活動時, (2)自由活動時,教師的情緒支持高於教學活動時; (3)點心活動時,教師的班級經營高於自由活動時; (4)教學活動時,教師的班級經營和教學支持,都高於自由活動與點心活 動時。 (五)自由活動型態影響教室教學品質與幼兒學習投入,包括: (1)自由體能活動時,幼兒的學習投入高於自由角落時; (2)自由體能活動時,教師的班級經營高於自由角落時; (3)自由角落活動時,教師的教學支持高於自由體能活動時。 本研究根據研究結論提出實務與後續研究建議,希望能作為幼兒園課程品質之相關研究參考。 / Early childhood curriculum quality consists of design quality, such as curriculum goals, context, teaching and assessment, and implementation or process quality. This study purports to explore the curriculum process quality in Taipei public kindergartens through classroom quality and children involvement. The research sample includes 37 classrooms and 295 children at 26 public kindergartens in Taipei. The observation tools are Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) and Leuven Involvement Scale for Young Children (LIS-YC). The conclusions are: A.Teacher’s emotional support and classroom organization are high, while instructional support is medium-low. The findings are similar to relevant researches. B.Children involvement is high, and higher than foreign researches. C.Both teacher’s emotional support and classroom organization are slightly associated to children involvement. D.Curricular activity type effects classroom quality and children involvement. (1) Children involvement is higher in free play than in snack and instructional activities. (2) Teacher’s emotional support is higher in free play time than in instructional activities. (3) Teacher’s classroom organization is higher in snack time than in free play time. (4) Teacher’s instructional support is higher in instructional activities than in snack and free play time. E.Free activity type effects classroom quality and children involvement. (1) Children involvement is higher in free physical activity than in free learning areas. (2) Teacher’s classroom organization is higher in free physical activity than in free learning areas. (3) Teacher’s instructional support is higher in free learning areas than in free physical activity.

幼兒園推動本土語言的歷程探究 ~與閩南語邂逅 / The Research of Promoting Taiwanese Course in Pershool

陳靜美, CHEN, JING-MEI January 1900 (has links)
本研究以本土語言(閩南語)教學,如何在幼兒園推動與實施的歷程探究,探究本土語言(閩南語)在幼兒園實施的困境及問題。研究問題(一)幼兒園推動本土語言(閩南語)教學的實施策略與歷程為何?(二)教師、教保員在實施本土語言(閩南語)教學之策略?(三)所遇困境與因應策略為何?本研究是以質性研究採結構性深度訪談的方式,邀請幼兒園教學現場人員包含:合格老師2位、教保員1位及私立幼兒園園長3位,有具閩南語身分背景及非閩南語身分背景的現場教學人員;藉由不同條件的現場教學人員,探究推動本土語言(閩南語)實施教學困境與歷程。本研究結果如下: 一、本土語言教學推動有助於母語的保存。 二、全語言教學環境有助老師進行閩南語教學。 三、老師對教學策略的運用有助閩南語的推動。 四、母語在家庭與社會的流通性不佳,會造成母語教學推動的困境因素。 研究結果中發現,母語最好的發芽地在家庭,母語要真正永續需要政府政策的支持。最後,根據研究結果提出具體的建議,期望作為推動本土語言教學研究者的參考。 / This study is based on how local language (Taiwanese) teaching is promoted and carried out and discussing the problems and difficulties of its implication in Pershool. Research problems are: (1) What are the strategies and processes of promoting local language (Taiwanese) teaching course in Pershool? (2) What are the strategies of teachers’ teaching on the implication of promoting local language (Taiwanese) courses? (3) What are the difficulties and the strategies of solving them? This study adopts the approach of structural interviews, so we interview two certificated teachers, one child-care worker and three principals who are Taiwanese or non-Taiwanese native speakers in Pershools. By interviewing those teachers in different conditions, we can research the difficulties and processes of promoting local language (Taiwanese) teaching courses. The results of the study are as followings: (1)Promoting native language helps preserve mother tongue language. (2)Whole language teaching and learning environment helps teacher's teaching in Taiwanese. (3)The usuage of teahcer's teaching strategies helps promote Taiwanese. (4)The poor circulation of mother tongue langauage in families and societies cases the predicament of promoting mother tongue language teaching. The result shows that the on-side evaluation program promotes the motivation of learning native language. Mother Language Day is one of the strategies to spur the Pershool on promoting mother tongue language teaching. However, the promotion by the school isn’t enough. The origin of mother tongue language is our home. And the sustainable development of native language requires the support by government. Last, according to the result, we expect that this study can be referenced by the future researchers and Pershools to promote local language teaching. / 謝 誌 I 中文摘要 II Abstract III 目 次 IV 表 次 VI 圖 次 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 本土語言的教學現況 7 第二節 本土語言的教學策略 12 第三節 本土語言教學困境與解決方法 17 第三章 研究方法 23 第一節 質性研究與研究流程 23 第二節 研究場域與研究對象 27 第三節 資料收集 32 第四節 資料整理與分析 34 第五節 研究信效度與研究倫理 36 第四章 研究發現與討論 38 第一節 閩南語教學歷程 38 第二節 實施之困境與因應策略 52 第五章 研究結論與建議 56 第一節 結論 56 第二節 建議 58 第三節 省思 60 參考文獻 62 一、中文部分分 62 二、英文部分 66 附錄 67 訪談大綱 67 訪談同意書 68 訪談逐字稿範例 69 台灣母語日實施企劃範例 76 表 次 26 表3-1研究流程 26 表3-2受訪者教學背景 29 表3-3訪談對象、日期、地點一覽表 34 圖 次 41 圖1兒歌唸唱教學 41 圖2中秋節戲劇表演 42 圖3節慶活動包春捲 42 圖4古早味做菜燕 42 圖5古早味麥芽餅製作 42 圖6童玩製作做風吹 43 圖7風的主題活動—風吹被風吹 43 圖8全語言情境—兒歌區 44 圖9全語言情境—圖卡區單字篇 44 圖10全語言情境—圖卡區水果篇 45 圖11全語言情境—教室裡的學習區 45 圖12全語言情境—童玩遊戲區丟沙包 45 圖13 全語言情境—童玩遊戲區跳格子 46 圖14全語言情境—古早文物區 46 圖15全語言情境—洗手區 46 圖16全語言情境—融入主題教學 47 圖17母語日早會篇—互動式 48 圖18母語日早會篇—認識自己的五官 48 圖19母語日早會篇—認識生活物件 48 圖20母語日早會篇—融入主題 48 圖21廣播電台時間 49 圖22童玩遊戲—踢罐子 50 圖23童玩遊戲—打陀螺 50 圖24童玩遊戲—丟沙包 50 圖25童玩遊戲—挑橡皮筋 50 圖26全語言情境—操作區 54 圖27全語言情境—教室裡的教學互動 54 圖28雙語教學策略—我說你來找 55 圖29雙語教學策略—介紹物件的名稱 55

幼兒園經營與策略行銷分析 / The Study of Strategic Marketing Analysis in Preschool Business

林倍瑜, Lin, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
自貿易自由化及全球化以來,先進國家的教育「市場化」已成趨勢。此時教 育產業中的消費者-學生與其家長可依據其意願和偏好在眾多教育機構中來做 選擇,教育市場勢必逐漸走向「消費者」主導的競爭機制。近年來,全球少子化 議題延燒,台灣更在 2012 年創下全球最低生育率,其中幼托產業首當其衝。不 僅在幼兒就讀人數的逐年下降外,幼兒園的核心資源-幼教師亦因不斷增設的公 立幼兒園,嚴重的流失。 本研究即以幼兒園為研究主題,屬質性之個案研究,以個案公司-A 公司為 研究對象,並選擇同一教學法及規模相近之標竿公司作為比較基準,探討與個案 主體公司之經營現狀比較,並運用策略行銷 4C 模型中四項消費者心中產生之成 本-外顯單位效益成本、資訊蒐集成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本作為架構, 進一步探討兩公司之現行策略中,與消費者心中主觀成本間所產生的落差,並依 據分析結果提出針對 A 公司未來發展策略之建議。 研究中發現私立幼兒園在營運模式上,應著重在服務模式及教學專業的精進, 以提升消費者心中的價值,得以降低其外顯單位效益成本(C1),並對消費者及內 部員工皆維持一致的產品定位,以降低資訊搜集成本(C2)及道德危機成本(C3); 最後因長期耕耘的品牌價值,與消費者建立起專屬資產,得以成為消費者最後的 選擇。最後,需同時洞察市場變化及風險,即時掌握學前教育政策,靈活彈性的 調整企業自身的狀態,達到永續經營的長程目標。 / Since trade liberalization and globalization, the marketization of education in advanced countries has become a trend. At this point in the education industry, consumers - the students and their parents can choose educational institutions in accordance with their wishes and preferences. Therefore, the education market is gradually moving toward the consumers-leading competition. In recent years, as the world's dramatically birthrate declining and continuing as a hot issue, Taiwan even reached a new record of world’s lowest fertility rate in 2012, which directly impacted private child-care industry. Not only declining number of children enrolled, but also increased turnover rate of the teachers due to new-established public preschools and day-care centers. The theme of this research aims at preschool industry, using the qualitative study on A company and choose a same approach and size as the benchmark company to discuss A company current operation situation. Besides, applying strategy marketing 4C model –Cost of External Unit Effectiveness(C1), Cost of Searching(C2), Cost of Moral Hazard(C3) and Cost of Engagement(C4), to further investigate the gap between corporate strategies and the consumers’ insight needs. Then propose suggestions of future development strategy to A company based on the analysis results. The study found that the business model of preschool should focus on client service systems and sophisticated teaching development in order to enhance the value of consumer insights, and to significantly reduce the external unit tcost-effectiveness (C1). In additions, given the consistent brand positioning to both consumers and internal teachers could effectively reduce the cost of searching (C2) and the moral cost (C3). In the end, as a result of a long-term cultivation of brand value to establish exclusive assets to clients, it spontaneously becomes the customer first choice with high royalty. Moreover, it is also suggested that people should keep high awareness to industrial changes and challenges, and timely review the government regulations to ensure sustainability of the company.

全美語幼兒園市場導向、核心競爭能力與組織績效之關係研究—主管的觀點 / A Correlation Study among Market Orientation, Core Competitive Competence and Organizational Performance of English Immersion Preschools – From Managers’ Perspectives

鍾玉婷, Chung, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台北縣及桃園縣立案且以美語為主要托育方式之合格私立幼稚園(托兒所)之主管為對象,採取立意及滾雪球抽樣方式,選取台北縣私立幼兒園(園所數有七十五所)和桃園縣私立幼兒園(園所數有八所)共計八十三所。 研究目的有四:一、瞭解全美語幼兒園「市場導向」;「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」的內涵及現況分析;二、探討不同「背景變項」的全美語幼兒園在「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」的差異情形;三、探討全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」之間的相關分析;四、探討全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」對「組織績效」之聯合預測力分析。 本研究採用「園所基本資料」問卷、「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」量表,採問卷調查為資料蒐集分法。研究結果發現如下: 一、全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」的內涵及現況分析 (一) 全美語幼兒園「市場導向」 在情報產生部分各題項的回答趨向於「大致符合」;在情報回應部分除了可透過同業的外聘教師獲知競爭者情報及定期(至少一個月兩次)對市場趨勢舉行會議研討兩個題項趨向於「有點符合」之外,其餘都趨向於「大致符合」;在情報傳播部分各題項的回答趨向於「大致符合」。 (二) 全美語幼兒園「核心競爭能力」 在創新能力的部分各題項的回答趨向於「大致符合」;在人資管理能力部分除了「經常辦理師資訓練(研習)以提升教師專業素質」趨向於「大致符合」之外,其餘各題項都趨向於「非常符合」;在策略管理能力部分各題項的回答趨向於「大致符合」;最後在行銷運籌能力的部分各題項的回答也趨向於「大致符合」。 (三) 全美語幼兒園「組織績效」 在「組織績效」(財務控管、顧客滿意、運作品質、學習成長)各部分之各題項的回答皆趨向於「大致符合」。 二、不同「背景變項」在全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」之差異情形 全美語幼兒園在「市場導向」(情報產生、情報傳播、情報回應)、「核心競爭能力」(創新能力、人資管理能力、策略管理能力、行銷運籌能力)與「組織績效」(財務控管、顧客滿意、運作品質、學習成長),不會因園所「基本變項」(規模、師生比、經營型態、兼營項目)之不同而呈現差異存在。 三、探討全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」之相關分析 全美語幼兒園「市場導向」與「核心競爭能力」之間具有正相關;全美語幼兒園「市場導向」與「組織績效」之間具有正相關;及全美語幼兒園「核心競爭能力」與「組織績效」之間具有正相關。 四、探討全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」對「組織績效」之預測力分析 「核心競爭能力」(創新能力、人資管理能力、策略管理能力、行銷運籌能力)皆以「情報產生」為最大預測因子,其預測力在23%~54%之間;且在「組織績效」變項中的「財務控管」的最佳預測變項是「創新能力」;「顧客滿意」的最佳預測變項是「行銷運籌能力」;「運作品質」的最佳預測變項是「策略管理能力」;「學習成長」的最佳預測變項是「策略管理能力」;「組織績效整體」的最佳預測變項是「行銷運籌能力」。「核心競爭能力」變項中的「創新能力」、「策略管理能力」及「行銷運籌能力」為「組織績效」最主要的三個預測變項。 / This study selected 83 English immersion preschools ranging from Taipei and Taoyuan Counties from the purposive and snowball sampling techniques. The research aims are: 1. Exploring the contents and current situation of the Market Orientation, core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools; 2. Exploring the significant differences of the Market Orientation,core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools across various background variables; 3. Examining the correlation relationship among the Market Orientation, Core Competitive Competence and Organizational Performance in the English immersion preschools; and 4. Examining the accutable variance in the organizational performance from the Market Orientation and core competitive competence in the English Immersion Preschools .The result findings are as followed: 1. The contents and current situation of the Market Orientation, core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools. (1) The Market Orientation The items of the construct (Information Production) are approaching in the “almost agreement”; The items of the construct (Information Correspondance) approach in the “almost agreement”except two items such as getting the competitor’s information from the part-time teachers of counter parters; and regular meeting to the current marketing trend approaching to “somewhat agreement”. (2) The Core Competitive Competence The items of three constructs (Innovative Ability, Strategic Manament Ability and Marketing Coping Ability) in the English Immersion Preschools approach “almost agreement”; however, the items of the construct (Personnel Management Ability) approach higher hierarchy of scale—“agree strongly”. (3) The organizational performance The items of four constructs (Financial Control, Customer Satisfaction, Operating Quality and Learning Development) in the English immersion preschools approach “almost agreement”. 2. There are no significant differences existed in the Market Orientation, core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools across various background variables. 3. There is positive correlation relationship existed among the constructs of the Market Orientation, core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools. 4. “Information Product”can account for between 23% and 54% variances of the core competitive competence (Innovative Ability, Personnel Management Ability, Strategic Manament Ability and Marketing Coping Ability); Innovative Ability, Strategic Manament Ability and Marketing Coping Ability are the primary predictive variables to the “Organizational Performance”.


李良熙 Unknown Date (has links)
本硏究旨在探討韓國幼兒敎育的演進與現況,並分析韓國幼兒敎育公共敎育的現狀與問題∘本硏究目的主要有三 : 一ᆞ探討韓國幼兒敎育的演進與現況 ; 二ᆞ分析韓國幼兒敎育公共敎育的現狀與問題 ; 三ᆞ提出具體建議∘ 本硏究基本採用文件分析的方法,這些文件包括幼兒敎育制度及各種相關硏究報告ᆞ學術論文ᆞ專著ᆞ統計ᆞ法令和政府機關的各種資料∘根據上述目的和方法,本硏究所探討內容如下:首先,將對幼兒敎育的槪念及其必要性ᆞ幼兒敎育公共敎育的槪念ᆞ近現代幼兒敎育的理論背景進行考察;其次,對韓國幼兒敎育的歷史變遷過程:傳統階段ᆞ發展階段ᆞ成長階段ᆞ發展和整頓階段ᆞ成熟階段等階段進行論述;其次,以幼兒敎育的社會背景ᆞ幼兒園的種類ᆞ設立與經營ᆞ敎師培訓ᆞ課程和相關法令爲中心,對韓國幼兒敎育的現狀進行論述;再次,論述外國幼兒敎育公共敎育的現狀ᆞ韓國幼兒敎育公共敎育的確立及其發展ᆞ韓國幼兒敎育公共敎育的財政狀況等等;最後,對硏究結果作槪略性的歸納和整理,同時提出六項具體建議 : 一ᆞ儘量擴大提供幼兒公共敎育的機會,以期實現普遍主義理念∘ 二ᆞ應保障公共敎育政策的連續性與平衡性,以期達成合理主義理念∘ 三ᆞ用全新的思考方式建構新的經營方式,以此實現變革和發展∘ 四ᆞ充實敎師培過程並强化培訓過程,以此提高敎師的專業性∘ 五ᆞ改善敎師待遇,以此吸收優秀人才ᆞ提高敎學水準∘ 六ᆞ推行課程和項目的標準化,以此使敎育質量有利於統一∘ / The theme of this study is historic transition, present situation and problem of early childhood education in Korea as well as the direction for future development. The three main objectives of this study are as follows : 1. To discuss the alteration and present situation of early childhood education in Korea. 2. To discuss the present status and problem of early childhood education to public one in Korea. 3. To present the direction for development of early childhood education to public one in Korea. This study basically adopts the method of literary analysis. Literatures comprise diverse reports, academic dissertation, specialized books, statistics, law and materials of government institutions related to early childhood education. The main contents of this study are as follows. First, it described the concept and importance of early childhood education, concept of early childhood education to public one and theoretic development process of modern early childhood education. Second, it discussed the transition of early childhood education in Korea by dividing it into traditional stage, initial development stage, growth stage, development and arrangement state and maturity stage. Third, it investigated the present situation of early childhood education in Korea in the aspect of educational institution, curriculum, cultivating teachers, related law and so on. Fourth, it described the present situation of early childhood education to public one in foreign countries and discussed development process and problem in early childhood education to public one in Korea. Finally, it presented the following suggestions by generalizing the above contents and drawing conclusion. 1. To maximize the opportunity of public education. 2. To maintain continuity of educational policy and to secure equilibrium between regions and classes. 3. To import new management method on the basis of fresh way of thinking. 4. To reinforce teacher cultivating course and re-education course. 5. To improve the treatment for teachers. 6. To propel the curriculum and standardization of educational items.

弱勢幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就之探討 / A study of high risk children's school readiness and later achievement

賴涵婷, Lai, Han Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過回溯方式探究幼兒弱勢因素、家庭社經、學前經驗、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度之影響;另,探究就學準備度對日後學習成就之影響及就學準備度對日後學習成就預測之重要領域能力,並比較弱勢及非弱勢幼兒之差異。 本研究透過問卷調查法,以弱勢幼兒為主要探究對象,以立意取樣方式選取南投縣草屯鎮及信義鄉352位三年級學童樣本回收率為71%。將教育弱勢幼兒定義為:偏遠地區、原住民、新移民子女及中低收入戶,樣本中弱勢學童占60.8%。研究工具分為三部分:(一)學童一、二及三年級學業成績,其中一年級學業成績採計五科作為就學準備度五領域之替代指標;二年級及三年級上學期成績則作為幼兒日後學習成就短及長期之替代指標。(二)兒童自評之生活適應問卷作為長期學習成就之另一替代指標。(三)透過自編之幼兒背景問卷、幼兒及小學時期家長問卷了解幼兒之基本資料及家長參與情形。本研究所使用的統計方法包含:描述性統計、交叉表分析、卡方分析、Pearson相關分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、線性迴歸及多元階層迴歸分析。 研究主要結論如下:(一) 弱勢因素對幼兒就學準備度有顯著之負項影響其影響可延伸至小學三年級。(二) 曾就讀幼兒園、就讀私立幼兒園對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響,其影響可延伸至三年級。(三) 家庭社經、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響。(四) 就學準備度及學前因素為影響就學準備度之主要因素;弱勢因素及就學準備度為影響幼兒就學準備度及幼兒日後學習成就之主要因素。(五)弱勢幼兒就學準備度對日後短期及長期學習成就之預測力,較非弱勢幼兒高。(六) 弱勢幼兒就學準備度之數學及語文領域能力,能有效預測其日後二年級及三年級上學期之整體學業表現。(七) 非弱勢幼兒之幼兒就學準備度數學及語文領域能有效預測其二年級上學期之整體學業表現。 / The main purpose of this study is trying to figure out how disadvantaged factors, family Social Status, preschool experience and parental involvement will affect children’s school readiness and their later achievement. And try to find the connection between school readiness and later achievement, looking for the important school readiness area that can predict later achievement. Also try to compare the difference of above answers between disadvantaged and advantaged children’s. Ex-post-factor research and questionnaires investigate are used. Using purposive sampling, choosing Sinyi and Caotun 2 township of Nantou County, 352 3rd grade student are involved, and Effective response rate is 71%.There are 60.8%of sample are educational disadvantaged student. 3 main research tools are used:1. 1st grade’s academic score of 5 subject are using as the substitutes of school readiness performance;2nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of short-turn later achievement; 3nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of long-turn later achievement. 2. A children answered life adaptation questionnaire as another substitutes of long-turn later achievement.3. Using a self-edited student background and 2 parental involvement questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t-test, linear regression, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The main finding of the study: 1. Disadvantaged factors have negative effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 2. Having the experience of preschool and going to private preschools have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 3. Family social status and parental involvement have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 4. Disadvantaged and preschool factors can and strongly predict children’s school readiness; disadvantaged factors and school readiness can strongly predict children’s later achievements. 5. School readiness can effectively predicts short and long-turn later achievements, and the effect is more significant on disadvantaged children. 6. Disadvantaged children’s school readiness of math and reading can strongly predict their short and long-turn later achievements. 7. Advantaged children’s school readiness math and reading can strongly predict their short-turn later achievements.

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