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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王嘉棻, Wang, Jia Fen Unknown Date (has links)
由於台灣每到農曆三月便會掀起一股媽祖熱,彰化歷年也都會因為媽祖遶境而熱鬧好一陣子,加上筆者自己本身是道地的彰化人,所以媽祖信仰便成為撰寫論文的主軸。然因為彰化與早期的台灣社會一樣,都是屬於移民社會,且主要的移入的人群分為漳州、泉州與客家這三大系,於是筆者試圖在此研究中整合媽祖信仰與移民,透過觀察宮廟內的建築、金身、歷史、旁祀神…等,觀看不同移民在同一信仰中的表現方式。   本論文的題目為「漳泉客三系移民與彰化平原媽祖廟」,目標在於發現漳、泉、客三系移民在媽祖信仰上所表現的異與同為何,以及想藉由這些線索與資料來看媽祖信仰中的彰化族群間邊界的存在與否,論文的研究方法是透過民族學的觀點,及配合文獻、古籍的閱讀與田野實察來進行,研究的對象則為彰化宮廟中主祀神為媽祖的宮廟。   本論文除緒論與結論之外,共分為四章。   第一章的主要內容為闡述彰化平原的移民與開發歷史,從介紹平埔族的歷史到日治時期所做的籍貫分佈分析,藉由文獻資料的整理,來釐清彰化平原中的人群分佈與整個歷史源流,接著再談到隨著移民進駐彰化的媽祖信仰。 第二章是整理、分析田野實察中對於媽祖宮廟建築的基本材料,藉由案例來說明不同族群間對於宮廟建築的特色,然後再將彰化平原中的媽祖廟做一分析與歸納整理。   第三章則針對媽祖的金身、造型來做發揮,先談到媽祖香火的緣起類型,並對彰化的案例作分析歸納,接著再試圖與移民的來源做一疊合。   第四章先談到民間信仰中的多神崇拜,然後再進入彰化媽祖的配祀神,藉由配祀神所代表的族群意義與民族分佈做一比較,再由其中找出媽祖與配祀神的組合類型。   結論為綜合前四章所做的分析與調查,闡述媽祖信仰在漳、泉、客之間的表現情形與分佈,以及族群間邊界的存在情形。

殖民地臺灣的戀愛論傳入與接受 —以《臺灣民報》和新文學為中心——(1920~1937) / The Adaptation and the Acceptance of Love Discourse in Colonial Taiwan —Along the Taiwan Minpao and Taiwanese New Literature— (1920-1937)

吳婉萍, Wu, Wan Ping Unknown Date (has links)


楊可凡 Unknown Date (has links)
在週休二日實施之後,國人休假方式由每週一天半增加為週休二日,休閒時間明顯增加,而民眾對於國內旅遊的意願提升高達八成。以台灣觀光休閒產業發展趨勢及現況來看,為因應地方經濟需求,滿足國人對地方資源的懷舊及偏好,以地方資源特色所建立的觀光發展已儼然成型,而這種整合地方資源、吸引觀光人潮,增加城市能見度,彰顯主政者施政能力的觀光策略,已在地方蔚為風潮。 首次舉辦的彰化縣2004台灣花卉博覽會,為彰化帶來實質經濟效益,同時這個行銷案也獲得「2004年中華民國行銷傳播卓越金獎」以及「2004年國際行銷傳播卓越銅獎」,評審稱譽是近年來推動地方節慶事件觀光非常成功的行銷企劃。花博團隊是如何選用適切的傳播工具與置入性行銷手法,和消費大眾進行溝通?在選擇及應用上有什麼樣的策略?都是本研究亟欲深究的主題。 本研究以「個案研究法」選取「彰化縣2004台灣花卉博覽會」為研究個案,同時以「參與觀察法」進行為期2年10個月的觀察,並以「深度訪談法」訪問「彰化縣2004台灣花卉博覽會」的計畫主持人及票務組組長,進行半結構式的訪談。同時,輔以次級文件分析,期望對觀光節慶節慶活動運用整合行銷傳播及置入性行銷之可行性等做法,有較明確的認知及建議。 研究發現,花博團隊在傳播工具的使用與整合上,包括:(一)傳播工具的有效整合,創造最佳成效(二)品牌忠誠度及關係建立(三)傳播工具的選擇兼顧全國性及區域性(四)執行策略完善,全面性曝光(五)團隊由高層主導,內部公關得宜。而在置入性行銷的溝通內容部分,則包括(一)個人關聯性的結合(二)移情作用(三)資訊的傳遞(四)如臨現場的執行性。在行銷策略的擬定及行銷工具的表現,則包括:(一)市場定位明確,傳播工具及訊息合宜(二)代言人及吉祥物策略選用,增加曝光效應(三)異業結盟擴大觸角,創造行銷新模式(四)營運及宣傳的整合。 就未來各縣市舉辦觀光節慶活動的建議策略,應朝:(一)善用媒體作營運團隊,開創行銷新紀元(二)新聞置入效果佳,但須考量公眾利益(三)經費有限,創意無限(四)永續發展之路等面向經營。

彰化縣活化休耕農地多功能性之研究 / The Study on Multifunctionality of Revitalizing Fallow Agricultural Land in Changhua County

梁世賢, Liang, Shih Hshang Unknown Date (has links)
我國農業用地實施休耕補貼之相關政策迄今已逾32年,該政策因長期推行,導致大量農田連續休耕及廢耕,致使生產環境惡化及農地資源浪費,龐大的休耕補貼金額不僅侵蝕國家財政亦讓農民產生不勞而獲之錯覺。農委會冀望透過「調整耕作制度活化農地計畫」的政策目標,本研究選取彰化縣福興鄉、芳苑鄉、大城鄉等領取補貼金額將近該縣半數之農業鄉為樣區,目的在於檢視該政策施行是否具有農業多功能性及永續發展,並就計畫產生的問題擬定對策和修正建議。   本研究以文獻分析及深度訪談作為研究方法,透過多功能性的多項評估指標檢視研究結果發現:在經濟生產面向中,量化成果達成率極高,活化農地減少影響鄰地耕作,創造小地主大佃農契機,政策執行成果整體偏向經濟生產面;至於社會生活面,則因農村人口老化、青農返鄉誘因不足與耕地取得不易等,不甚彰顯。另於生態環境面,因多施行慣行農法對於環境較不友善。因而,農業多功能性聯合產出特徵不明顯,離農業永續發展目標仍有距離。   本研究建議,政府對休耕地活化補貼政策應再作調整,就商品產出面言,加重申報不實罰責及建立政策退場機制,以確保農業競爭力,並考量因地制宜明定復耕作物項目;就非商品產出面言,應排除耕作困難地補貼,增加環境生態或景觀維護補貼,俾利展現農業多功能,實現永續農業目標。 / Taiwan has been subsidizing the fallowing of agricultural land for 32 years. Due to the long period of execution of the fallowing policy, large areas of agricultural land have been continuously fallowed or abandoned, causing the deterioration of production environment and waste of agricultural resources. In addition, the large amount of subsidy has not only eroded the country’s financial situation, but also caused misconception of farmers of reaping without sowing. The Council of Agriculture expects to achieve the policy objective through adoption of “Adjustment of Farming System and Plan of Revitalizing Fallow Agricultural Land.” This study selects half of the agricultural townships receiving subsidies in Changhua County such as Fuxing Township, Fangyuan Township and Dacheng Township as examples. It aims to examine whether or not this policy is able to facilitate agricultural multi-functionality and sustainable development, in order to formulate countermeasures and suggestions.     This study utilizes literature review and in-depth interviews as research methods. Through various Multi-functional indices, this study discovered the following phenomenon. First, from the perspective of economic production, the extremely high achieving rate for revitailzing fallow farm land reduces the impact on the farming of neighboring fields, and creates opportunity for small landowners to become big tenant-farmers. The outcomes of policy execution are tilted to the economic production. Second, in terms of the aspect of social life, due to the aging population in the farming villages, less incentives for young farmers to return to hometowns and difficulty of acquiring arable lands, it is difficult to manifest results. Last, regarding the ecological environment, owing to the unfriendliness of conventional farming skill, the characteristics of Multi-functional agricultural outputs are unclear. There is a certain distance to go to reach to goal of sustainable agricultural development.  This study suggests that the government should adjust the Fallow Land Subsidy Policy. As for the output of Commodity outputs, government should aggravate the penalties for false declaration and establish the exit mechanism, in order to keep the competitiveness of Taiwan’s agriculture. It is essential to clearly indicate the replanting items that suits local circumstance. With regard to the Non Commodity outputs, the subsidy for difficult arable land should be abolished. Nevertheless, the subsidy for maintaining environmental ecology and scenery should be increased. These measures can help achieve the Multi-function of agriculture and realize the goal of sustainable agriculture.

污染農地整治後再利用之探討 -以彰化縣和美鎮為例 / Reuse of contaminated agricultural land after remediation: Hemei Township, Changhua County as an example)

徐采資 Unknown Date (has links)
早期政府倡導「客廳即工廠」產業發展政策,卻在土地使用分區劃分不明確、法令規範與管制不嚴謹之下,工廠直接將含有毒性與重金屬廢水,排入灌溉系統,導致農地與其生產的農作物遭到污染,威脅到社會大眾食品安全。截至民國100年底,依環保署公告資料顯示,將近8成的污染農地,整治完成並解除列管,故宣稱污染農地之改善,已達一定成效。然而,目前研究指出,台灣污染農地的整治方式,大多以翻土法進行,僅將污染土壤埋入地底,並非真正清除污染物質。另一方面,政府亦無積極改善污染源,使得部分農地即使整治後再度污染,而必須重新整治。如此情況,不禁讓許多學者質疑這樣整治的實質意義何在。   近年來,由於整治技術的侷限,以及龐大整治經費的壓力,對污染土地已不再以整治為唯一考量,而是透過風險的概念,藉由轉變土地利用模式,讓受污染土地得以再利用。目前台灣關於污染農地再利用之研究,大抵建議污染農地變更為非農業使用,甚至認為污染農地整治後恢復農用,效益偏低。然而,本研究認為,此等研究未考量到農地維持農用之多功能性,除商品價值外,仍有許多非商品價值,包括環境、生態、景觀等效益。   基此,本研究以污染農地整治後再利用,朝向種植非食用作物為主軸,並分為污染農地為何需要再利用,與污染農地如何再利用二大部分進行論述。首先以污染土地再利用的風險原則,融合多功能性之觀點,建立污染農地再利用之理論基礎。而後,進一步研擬三項污染農地再利用方案,包括「植樹造林」、「種植能源作物」、「種植花卉景觀作物」等。本研究認為整治後的污染農地,若推行此三項再利用方案,可兼顧風險原則、發揮農地農用多功能性,並避免繼續種稻威脅食品安全,以及節省政府後續管理成本等。接著,以彰化縣和美鎮作為個案,採用深度訪談的方式,針對和美鎮污染農地農民,與彰化縣污染農地相關承辦人,檢視實際整治與後續利用的困難,以及對於污染農地再利用之想法與建議。   最後,透過文獻分析與深度訪談結果,可獲得以下結論:(1)台灣污染農地整治方式以翻土工程為主,對農地造成破壞;(2)污染農地即使整治後,仍可能再度被污染;(3)污染農地整治完成後,以長期休耕為主;(4)台灣處理污染農地,違反再利用之基本原則。有鑑於此,本研究對於污染農地如何再利用,提出以下之政策建議:(1)推動污染農地轉作非食用作物,可創造諸多效益;(2)以中央層級確立污染農地再利用政策;(3)劃設高污染風險農地專區,優先輔導種植非食用作物。此外,必要配套措施包括:(1)依區域條件評選合適的再利用方案,提供技術與後續產銷輔導;(2)重視污染源頭管制,使工業生產者擔負污染責任。 / In the past, government advocated "living room factories" industrial development policies, but without clear land zoning and strict regulations, the factories discharged toxic and heavy metal wastewater into the irrigation system, resulting in agricultural land and the crops were contaminated, and threatened the public food safety. EPA 2011 announcement data shows that nearly 80% of contaminated agricultural land is completely remediated, and it is claimed that the improvement in contaminated agricultural land has reached some success. However, current research indicates that most Taiwan's contaminated agricultural land remediation methods, only buried the contaminated soil into the ground, not really cleaned away the pollutants. On the other hand, the government nor actively improve pollution sources, and therefore some of the agricultural land even after remediation polluted again, which must be remediated again. This situation, many scholars can't help but question what the real significance of such remediation.   In recent years, because of technical limitations and remediation funding pressure on contaminated land, there is no longer only consideration in remediation, but through the concept of risk, by changing land-use patterns, so that contaminated land can be reused or revitalized. The researches on reuse of contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan, most suggest contaminated agricultural land change for non-agricultural use, and even think the benefit of contaminated agricultural land after remediation if keep agricultural use is low. However, this study suggests that past researches neglect the multifunctionality of agriculture, in addition to the value of goods, but there are still many non-commodity values, including environmental, ecological, landscape and other benefits.   For this viewpoint, this study concentrates on the reuse of contaminated agricultural land after remediation, and gives first place to grow non-food crops. There are two parts to discuss, including why contaminated agricultural land need to reuse, and how to reuse. First, the study establish the theoretical foundation of contaminated agricultural land reuse, which based on the risk principles of contaminated land reuse and multifunctionality of agriculture. Then, to further develop three contaminated agricultural land reuse programs, including the "trees", "energy crops", "flowers or landscape crop", etc. This study suggests that if contaminated agricultural land after remediation can implement the three reuse programs, it can not only take into account the risk principle and multifunctionality of agriculture, but also avoid threats to food safety, as well as saving the government follow-up management costs. Next, Hemei Township, Changhua County, as a case study, using depth interview for the Hemei town contaminated agricultural land's farmers and Changhua County public servant who deal with contaminated agricultural land remediation. Survey the actual situation and subsequent use difficulties of contamination agricultural land after remediation, as well as their ideas and suggestions of contaminated agricultural land reuse.   Finally, through a literature review and interviews results obtained the following conclusions: (1) the main remediation method of contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan is to bury the contaminated soil into the ground, and it causes damage on agricultural land; (2) contaminated agricultural land even after remediation may still be contaminated again; (3) contaminated agricultural land after remediation is mainly long-term fallow; (4) dealing with contaminated agricultural land in Taiwan is in violation of basic reuse principles. Therefore, this study suggests the following policy recommendations for how the contaminated agricultural land to reuse: (1) promote contaminated agricultural land grow non-food crops, it can create many benefits; (2) the central level government establish contaminated agricultural land reuse policies; (3) the designation of the high risk of contaminated agricultural land area, give the first place to help grow non-food crops. In addition, the necessary supporting measures include: (1) select the appropriate reuse program by regional conditions, and provide technical help and sales counseling; (2) emphasize the control of pollution sources, and make industrial producers shoulder the responsibility for the pollution.


陳靜芝, CHEN, JING-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
從亞里斯多德問題,團體就成為學者研究的焦點之一。歷來有關利益團體的研究即備 受爭議,特別是在利益團體的源起部分,學說層出不窮,至今仍未有定論。公益性團 體的興起,更使得團體理論愈加複雜。 近年來,我國政治情勢及社會環境的變遷,人們參與團體活動的趨勢有增無減,特別 是一些新興的公益性團體,除了消費者文教基金會,另外最惹人注目的該是一些以環 境保護為訴求反公害團體了。我們所感興趣的是,用什麼理論來解釋這些團體的發展 呢? 本文企圖由複雜的團體理論分析中,歸納出一個適合解釋反污染團體源起及維持的分 析架構,並以彰化縣公害妨治協會為個案分析對象,希望獲得一個初步的了解。 全文共分五章,計六萬餘言。 第一章緒論部分,將就本文的研究目的、研究方法、名詞界定分別闡述。 第二章理論探討,抱括杜魯門(David Truman),奧爾森(Mancur Olscn),哈定( Russell hardin),薩利伯瑞(Rcbert H.Salisbury )等人的理論要點闡述,並就 各項之優劣點予以評估而提出本文之研究架構。 第三章源起分析,就整體社會變遷、政治企業家,約定俗成及道德理性等因素探討彰 化縣公害防治協會的源起。 第四章維持分析,就組織目標、向心力、資源等方面探討彰化縣公害防治協會的維持 狀況。 第五章結論。檢討及建議。

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