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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣的文化政治:電影敘事中新移民女性的形象分析 / The cultural politics in Taiwan: narrative analysis on the image of the immigrant women in films.

王秀濱, Wang, Hsiu Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討電影敘事中的新移民女性形象,是否如後殖民主義批判所述地將「外籍新娘」再現為弱勢的「他者」,以彰顯主流族群的主體優越性。新移民女性被再現為弱勢的國族、文化、性別、階級的「他者」,台灣對於新移民女性的負面建構,反映了普遍存在的貶抑「第三世界」的價值觀。 除了影片中新移民女性的負面再現部份,本研究發現少數影片試圖轉化新移民女性之形象,記錄著新移民女性的賦權過程。飄洋過海的新移民女性從沉默失語到自主發聲,也展現了新移民女性從受害者形象到能動者的可能。 隨著移入台灣的新移民女性人數越來越多,但主流意識卻將她們視為從屬地位的、聲音被隱沒的,甚至是較為低劣落後的「他者」,成為了文化政治角力弱勢的一方。多元文化主義的視角目標在於尊重文化之差異,作為一個思考的途徑以反省主流社會的文化政治現象。但並非理想化地提倡多元文化視角,即能改善現行狀況,惟有在新移民女性享有其他完整與平等的公民權,才能真正從多重的弱勢困境中解脫,台灣也才能成為一個更尊重並實踐多元文化的社會。

雷鬼音樂在歐洲的後殖民現象 / Postcolonial phenomena of reggae music in Europe

黃崇政 Unknown Date (has links)


黃寬裕, Huang, Kuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
壹 研究目的 本文以「後殖民與民族主義:中國大陸愛國主義教育理論之構成」為題目,研究的主要目的有五:一、探討「後殖民主義」理論及其與中國大陸教育的關係內涵,特別是其對愛國主義教育理論的反思與批判,期能藉此以進一步擴充教育學方法論的研究領域;二、分析在後殖民批判向度下民族主義的不同類型,並探討中國大陸以國家中心為主的民族認同教育的特性及其歷史文化背景;三、審視並反思在「後殖民論述的概念架構下,不同形式民族主義的愛國主義教育的意義、性質、任務與內涵;四、闡述後民族主義的愛國主義教育的意涵、特性,並說明這種與資訊化、全球化時代相配合的愛國主義教育,其實質乃是公民教育的真諦;五、歸納研究發現,並重構合理的愛國主義教育理論:一方面先建立現代意義民族主義的愛國主義教育,另一方面再朝轉化成全球化時代的公民教育方向努力,以作為今後中國大陸愛國主義教育進一步轉型或實踐工作的參考,而這種合宜的公民教育亦有助於兩岸關係的未來發展。 貳 研究架構 本文以後殖民論述途徑為主要架構,兼採歷史詮釋分析途徑、全球化論述途徑和意識型態批判途徑,冀能超越中共把民族主義作為愛國主義教育的理論困境。本文的論述內容,除了第一章緒論與第六章結論外,主體結構大致上分成下列三部份: 其一,理論與背景部份:第二章,適用於中國大陸教育研究的後殖民理論。第一節則從後殖民主義與建構當代中國的公民國家教育的關係作為分析起點,承續上一章的一般性愛國主義教育理論文獻之探討,試圖超越民族主義與自由主義兩種對立的愛國主義教育,且能在全球化時代建構現代中國具有後殖民思維的公民教育;第二節則探討後殖民主義論述及其與中共建政五十多年教育發展間的關係內涵,特別是在第三節中將其對愛國主義教育理論進行批判與反思,期能藉此以進一步擴充中國大陸教育方法論的研究領域。第三章,民族主義類型論與愛國主義教育的背景。分析在後殖民批判向度下中國與西方民族主義的兩大類型,並探討現代中國民族認同的建構基礎與其歷史合理性,以及中國大陸從毛澤東時期、鄧小平時期到鄧後時期愛國主義教育的歷史文化背景。 其二,理論的印證部份:第四章,作為愛國主義教育理論基礎的民族主義,包括第一節以階級民族主義為主軸的愛國主義教育,第二節以國家民族主義為依托的愛國主義教育,與第三節以文化民族主義為憑藉的愛國主義教育。這就是說,我們從中共官方文件、出版刊物與相關專書中,考察中國大陸愛國主義教育的理論內容,可分三大塊,即階級民族主義、國家民族主義和文化民族主義;同時,筆者審視、反思在後殖民主義論述的概念架構下,並輔以意識型態批判途徑與全球化論述途徑,探討中國大陸階級民族主義、國家民族主義和文化民族主義等三種不同型態的愛國主義教育理論之意涵、性質與任務。基本上,中共從改革開放以來、特別是「六四」天安門事件之後,一方面不斷深入世界經濟大循環之中,被資本主義全球化所納編,但另一方面又強調要防止來自西方的「資產階級自由化」與「和平演變」。而其用來作為抵擋西方文化價值觀滲透的基礎乃是國家民族主義和文化民族主義的愛國主義教育,已較甚少標榜階級民族主義的愛國主義教育了。 其三,展望與結論部份:第五章,筆者歸納研究發現,提出現今中國大陸愛國主義教育理論的難題與反思,並至盼中共當局能順符中國大陸社會變革與發展對教育的要求,以及適應全球化時代的潮流,用公民教育的概念來代替愛國主義教育的概念。最後,面對全球化應有後民族主義的愛國主義教育的思維和作為;亦即,筆者嘗試提出後民族主義的愛國主義教育的理念與精神,作為中國大陸欲與世界接軌時必須進行愛國主義教育理論轉型之參考。 參 研究發現 一、愛國主義教育理論的特點 ※ 階級民族主義的愛國主義教育 (一)愛國主義教育即為堅持以馬列主義和毛澤東思想為指導的意識型態教育。 (二)愛國主義教育即為強調階級鬥爭和反「資產階級自由化」的教育。 (三)愛國主義教育即為加強國際反帝、反霸和反「和平演變」的教育。 ※ 國家民族主義的愛國主義教育 (四)愛國主義教育的主題是建設有中國特色的社會主義。 (五)愛國主義教育必須有利於社會主義現代化建設。 ※ 文化民族主義的愛國主義教育 (六)愛國主義教育是社會主義精神文明建設的重要內容。 (七)愛國主義教育要繼承和發揚中華民族歷史與傳統文化。 (八)愛國主義教育要高舉「三個代表」重要思想的理論旗幟。 二、愛國主義教育理論的難題 (一)愛國主義教育必須擺脫階級民族主義的束縛。 (二)愛國主義教育必須正視國家民族主義的侷限。 (三)愛國主義教育必須迎向後民族主義的挑戰。 肆 展望 一、後殖民主義對中國大陸教育研究的啟示 (一)後殖民主義教育即為重建主體性教育。 (二)後殖民主義教育即為喚醒人文精神教育。 (三)後殖民主義教育即為形塑公民社會教育。 二、愛國主義教育理論的轉型 (一)全球化時代宜用公民教育來代替愛國主義教育。 (二)建立制度化的民主公共領域讓傳統民族主義轉化為現代意義的民族主義。 (三)面對全球化應有後民族主義的愛國主義教育的思維和作為。

香港區議會與基層政治 / A study of district council and local politics in Hong Kong

郭展瑋, Kuo, Chan Wei Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,因為「九七回歸」、「一國兩制」等因素,台灣對香港的政治研究,多半將關注的焦點放在上層的政治制度,如行政長官(特首)、立法會的選舉和職能,亦或是政治民主化的討論。本文認為,一個地方的基層政治,如何的發展?具有什麼樣的成長過程?才是影響其政治文化產出的基礎。因此,本文以Lefebvre、Soja的空間理論、後殖民學者Chatterjee的政治社會理論,做為進入香港基層政治田野中的認識論基礎;透過歷史和社會學新制度主義的途徑,以區議會和區議員做為研究標的,來瞭解現今香港基層政治的面貌與對於香港政治文化發展的意義。 / 研究結果發現,香港雖然經歷了1997年的「解殖」,但因為來自《基本法》和「主權」的制約因素,所以基層政治制度發展仍然無法脫離過去殖民時期的脈絡。區議會擁有在最多數直選代表的組織,仍是被「吸納」、「鎖進」特區政府的地方行政管治主導架構當中,讓區議會只能發揮它代表基層民意接受來自特區政府的「諮詢」,而無法在制度上發揮充份制衡或影響行政權的能力。這符合了「政治社會」對於後殖民時期下的政治制度與底層人民參與之間距離的解釋。此外也發現,1997年之後來自於中國的新移民,在漸漸取得香港選舉的投票資格之後,也將開始影響未來香港的選舉和政治發展。 / 雖然香港的民主派持續地將民主制度、普選制度,放在香港政治發展過程中,作為一個很重要的追求目標。但是從回顧過去歷史的發展,到現在香港基層代議政治運作,以及未來發展的模式來看;代議民主、地方自治的那種「自主性」,並不是香港基層政治制度演變的重心。而基層民意代表組織對於民眾的意義,也集中在於提供類似「社會服務」的功能。即便所謂擴大區議會職能的改革計劃,也是包括在「地方行政」的思維中來推行,區議會仍然是輔助「行政權」的「委託」組織,而不是有能力和行政權並行的「自治組織」。如此,這就是本文所言,在民眾、區議會和區議員對於地方代議組織,角色認知的「異化」。毫無疑問地,這樣的「異化」,對於如民主派想建構的「民主政治制度」是有不小的落差。甚至最後就有可能將解殖後的香港政制,不斷地鎖回到殖民時期的風貌上。而這究竟是集體政治文化的選擇?亦或是主權者有意識的操作?不可否認的,本文認為,這兩種特性都存在於現在香港的基層政治文化當中。區議員的價值和地位,因為角色認知的「異化」,有可能不會更加弱化,但暫時似乎也找不到往地方自治方向再提升的動力了。脫離了殖民統治之後,香港市民應該有更多的正當性可以藉由選舉投票、公民集體運動來展現他們的聲音;香港未來的政治文化會往哪個方向走,現在的基層政治將會是塑造的起點。 / For a long terms, due to factors such as ”Handover in 1997”, ”One Country Two Systems”, Taiwan’s political research on Hong Kong is usually focused on the political system on the upper layer, for example, the administrative officer (Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region), the election and function of Legislative Council, or the discussion on political democracy. In this article, it was thought that how the Local Politics is developed, what kind of growth process it has is the basis to affect the political and cultural output. Therefore, in this article, the Space Theory of Lefebvre, Soja, the Political Society theory of Post-colonialism Chatterjee is used as the basis to enter the rural epistemology of the Local Politics of Hong Kong; through the path of historical and social new system principle, District Council and District Councilor are used as research targets to understand the meaning of the current Hong’s face of Local Politics on the political and cultural development of Hong Kong. / It is found from the research result that although Hong Kong has passed through the ”de-colonialism” in 1997, yet because of the limiting factors from “Basic Law” and ” sovereignty”, its development in Local Politics system still can not escape from the past path of colonial period. District Council is an organization that owns the largest number of directly elected representatives, yet it is still ”absorbed”, ”locked into” the main structure the local administrative government of the Special Region Government; therefore, District Council can only exploit its function to represent the people’s opinions to accept the ”consultation” from the Special Region Government, and its capability to fully balance or affect the administrative power in the system can not be exploited. This meets the explanation of the distance between the political system and the participation of the people in the bottom layer in the post-colonialism period from ”Political Society”. In addition, it is also found that the new immigrants from Mainland China after 1997, after the gradual acquisition of the election right in the local election of Hong Kong, they start to affect the future election and political development in Hong Kong. / Although the democratic party of Hong Kong continues to put democratic system and general election system into the political development process of Hong Kong to be used as a very important pursuit target, yet if we take a look from a review of the past historical development to the to the basic representative politic operation in modern Hong Kong, as well as future development model, Representative Democracy and “autonomy” of local self-government is not the evolution center of Local Politics system in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the meaning of the basic representative organization of the public’s opinion is centered around the supply of the function similar to ”social service”. Even the improvement project for the expansion of the function of District Council is also included in the thinking of ”local administration” for the implementation; District Council is still a “consigned” organization to assist ”the administrative right” but not a ”Self-government organization” that has both power and administrative right. Therefore, this is what is mentioned in this article, this is ”alienation” among the public, District Council and District Councilor on the recognition of the local representative organization and role. No doubt, such ”alienation” has a pretty much gap to the ”Democratic political system” that the democratic party is going to build. It is even possible that the political system of Hong Kong after de-colonial period is continuously locked into the look in the colonial period. But is this the choice of group political culture or the conscious operation of the top level people who owns the power? Undeniably, it is thought in this article that both these characteristics all exist in the current Local Politics culture of current Hong Kong. The value and position of District Councilor, due to the ”alienation” of role recognition, might not be further weakened, but it is temporarily difficult to find power for the enhancement toward the direction of local self-government. After the escape from colonial governing, residents of Hong Kong should have more justification to send out their voices through voting in an election and the civic group movement; where the future politic and culture of Hong Kong is going to head toward, the current Local Politics is going to be a starting point for its final shape.

為奈波爾辯護 :《抵達之謎》的後殖民與離散閱讀 / In Defense of V. S. Naipaul: A Postcolonial and Diasporic Reading of _The Enigma of Arrival_

顏子超, Yen, Tzu Chao Unknown Date (has links)
諾貝爾文學獎得主奈波爾(V. S. Naipaul)可以說是當代文學中最具爭議性及最難以捉摸的一位作家,因為他對自己祖國千里達的前殖民國英國懷有一種好惡相參的矛盾態度。奈波爾的自傳性小說《抵達之謎》,故事橫跨三十年,描述一位曾被殖民的離散敘事者其人生旅程。旅程始自敘事者還是一個得到牛津大學獎學金的十八歲學生,終至敘事者成為在英國有立足之處的作家,其間歷經迷惘、錯置、覺醒、安頓等過程。在後殖民批評及文學的「信條」下,奈波爾的作品理應對大英帝國表示出一種明確的對抗態度,但其作品卻幾乎未能達到此一預期,而這也使得他必須承受遭指控為背叛者的衝擊。批評家普遍將奈波爾稱為英國的喉舌,而本論文旨在提供一個有別於此的觀點。本論文想要處理的關鍵問題如下:奈波爾是否真的是大英帝國的擁護者?如果不是的話,他如何與英國性(Englishness)協商以換取發言位置? 論文首章對奈波爾及《抵達之謎》的批評做簡短的回顧。第二章以法農(Frantz Fanon)的觀點來檢視敘事者與白人女性角色的關係,以說明敘事者從崇拜英國文化到擺脫對英國謬誤幻想的發展。筆者也嘗試描繪出敘事者成為一個作家的軌跡。藉此,筆者認為敘事者經歷一段從目光狹隘的英國經典作家模仿者,到寫自己人生故事的作家的歷程。在第三章,本文認為在倫敦及英國鄉間的停留期間,敘事者看出帝國中心的破敗以及英國文化核心中英國性的矯揉造作。第四章首先就「離散」這個概念做一回顧,並說明奈波爾及《抵達之謎》如何能置於這樣的概念之下來解讀。筆者指出,敘事者同時身為離散者及流亡者的身份,使得他能夠取得一個「對位」的觀點,而此觀點幫助敘事者發展其後殖民牧歌,揭發英國性背後的殘酷。第五章揭示筆者對現存奈波爾批評中潛在缺陷的根本關懷。本論文希望藉由提供非主流但具建設性的觀點來補足現存的奈波爾批評。 / A Nobel laureate in literature, V. S. Naipaul is arguably the most controversial and elusive writer in contemporary literature because his signature is his ambivalence on England, a country which once colonized his mother country Trinidad. Spanning thirty years, The Enigma of Arrival, Naipaul’s autobiographical novel, delineates an ex-colonial and diasporic narrator’s life journey—from an eighteen-year-old schoolboy granted a scholarship to Oxford University to a writer gaining a foothold in England—of disorientation, dislocation, awakening and anchorage. Under the “doctrine” of postcolonial criticism and literature, Naipaul’s works are expected to express an explicit and confrontational attitude towards the British Empire, but his works hardly come to terms with such expectation, which makes him bear the brunt of the accusation of being an apostate. This thesis aims at providing a different viewpoint from criticism in general which labels Naipaul as the mouthpiece of England. The pivotal issues this thesis intends to tackle are as follows: Is Naipaul really an exponent of the British Empire to the core? If not, how does he negotiate with Englishness for a position of enunciation? The opening chapter offers a brief review of criticism about Naipaul and The Enigma of Arrival. In Chapter II, I examine the narrator’s relationship with white female characters in the light of Fanon’s perspective, trying to illustrate the progression in which the narrator at first worships the English culture but at last sheds his false fantasy. I also try to chart the trajectory of the narrator’s becoming a writer. By doing so, I intend to argue that the narrator undergoes a course from a blinkered colonial emulating English canonical writers to a writer writing his own life story. In Chapter III, I argue that during his stay in London and the English countryside, the narrator discerns the dilapidation of the imperial center and the artificiality of Englishness in the heart of English culture. Chapter IV begins with a review of the concept “diaspora” and how Naipaul and The Enigma of Arrival could be situated in this concept. I point out that the narrator’s identity as a diasporan and an exile enables him to obtain a “contrapuntal” perspective that contributes to the narrator’s postcolonial pastoral which exposes the cruelty behind Englishness. The concluding chapter reveals my ultimate concern about the latent flaw in the established Naipaul criticism, unfolding my intention to make this thesis complement the Naipaul criticism by contributing an alternative yet constructive perspective.


許景泰, Hsu, Ching-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用電影院的殖民建築、設計以及週遭的城市歷史變遷過程,探討「上海電影院」的空間歷史與殖民性。   進入本文分析之前,先從文獻中了解「後殖民」意義與源起。建立基本認知後,一併對後殖民理論重要概念,「東方主義」、「戲擬」與「混雜性」加以耙疏,歸納整理出後殖民主義的批評觀點,以作為本文在探討上海殖民及後殖民現象在問題上提供反思與運用。緊接著透過對「全球化」理論的認知,勾勒出上海作為後殖民城市的全球及在地思考。同時,為了讓思考更為緊密,分別就「後殖民主義與全球化」、「後殖民主義與民族主義」、「後殖民主義與帝國主義」作一整組概念的理解,以作為本研究的理論與概念架構。   本文分析十九世紀末到二十世紀的上海電影院與城市之歷史系譜,檢視上海殖民租界時期的影院建築與城市。其次,在殖民之後,對中國社會主義主政下的上海影院與城市做一發展脈絡的理解。最後,基於對上海影院與城市歷史的認知,進一步探求當前全球化架構下,「西方」與「中國」對上海城市及影院所採取的觀看方式與干預形式,是否存在著(後)殖民文化意義的肇因轉變。   研究結果發現,進入九○年代後,上海存在著「向前看」與「向後看」的兩股想像力量,同時影響上海城市與影院發展:一股「向前看」的想像力量,是在全球化架構下,國家與跨國資本合力打造了一座座新式電影城的崛起,淘汰了老舊電影院的動力來源。同時,在上海城市空間的劇烈變動過程中,中國有意引渡香港作為「第三勢力」,以便在上海城市影城發展上與西方跨國資本勢力抗衡。另一股「向後看」的想像力量則存在於後殖民語境裡。中國政府投入大量資金進行影院改建工程,大面積的修改、摹仿了原初殖民影院建築,以展露出一個全新的歷史空間。在這種狀況下,當前標誌著殖民霸權的上海影院跟過去有了分別:現在的上海殖民影院是中國政府通過與資本共謀,戲擬式的營造出三○年代老上海電影宮的摩登形象,以投射出中國政府積極推動下新的混雜產物。這一切的改變,使得原初上海影院空間所夾雜的殖民符號在意義的閱讀與指涉上有了不同。新創建的殖民影院不僅成了上海城市產業上文化空間及休閒娛樂的消費賣點。同時在九○年代上海懷舊熱潮席捲影響下,也開啟了殖民影院被重新閱讀及詮釋的可能。本文以為,當西方帝國以戀物凝視姿態持續對上海殖民影院刻版印象作確認,以維持“殖民凝視(殖民規訓)”穩定的同時,也一併在國家意志與懷舊氣氛當中,經由各種懷舊媒材創作、重寫,賦予了過去特性新的內涵,虛構了新的歷史深度。 / The study aims to explore the spatial history and colonialism of cinema, process as cinema of architecture, design and urban evolvement in colonial Shanghai. Prior to embarking on the textual analysis, a concise literature review has been made to instill a rudimentary conception on the significance and origin of post-colonialism, which is then used to discern some of the crucial concepts of post-colonial theories: Orientals, mimicy, mestizo. Drawing from post-colonialism, these critical viewpoints are adopted to facilitate the attempt of this study and to examine the issues of colonial and post-colonial phenomena in Shanghai. What follows is, through globalization theories, to map out a global and local thinking on Shanghai as a post-colonial city. In order to conclude the theoretical examination and conceptual ascertaining, this study sorts out the serial subjects of “Colonialism vs. globalization”, “Post-colonialism vs. nationalism”, and “Post-colonialism vs. imperialism” as a comprehensive understanding.   This paper reviews the paradigmatic relation between the city and the colonial cinema of Shanghai from late 19th to 20th century. Then, after the colonization, a comprehensive discerning of Shanghai cinemas and the city as a whole under the control of Chinese socialism is examined. Lastly, based on the understanding of Shanghai cinema and the city history, a further attempt is to figure out if there’s catalytic change of significance of the Shanghai City and its cinemas on (post) colonial culture from the West’ and China’s viewpoint and intervention. The study findings reveal that in the 90’s, there are two imagined forces: “looking forward” and “looking backward” that exist in Shanghai and the two forces have influenced the development of Shanghai cinemas and the city. The “looking forward” imagined force had spurred the mushrooming of cinemas, which are advocated by cross-nationally joint venture under the framework of globalization, and that became the dynamic for eliminating the old cinemas. Meanwhile, with dramatic changes in Shanghai, the Chinese regime intends to bring in Hong Kong industry as a third counterforce to withstand the dynamic of Western multinational capital in Shanghai city’s cinema development. On the other hand, the “looking backward” imagined force can be seen in the post-colonial context of China. In order to demonstrate a new historical space, the government of China invested quite a lot to reconstruct cinemas via simulating but refining the original colonial architecture style. Thus, it can be distinguished form the present Shanghai cinemas to the past: the present colonial cinemas in Shanghai are the new mestizo by the efforts of China government, and they have built a modern mimicry of old Shanghai cinemas in the 1930s. The process of transferring has made a difference in the textual meaning from old Shanghai cinemas to the new ones. As the cultural and entertaining space in Shanghai, the newly constructed cinemas has not only become the popular area for consumption, but also turned on the possibility of re-read and re-interpretation under the trend of nostalgia. As a result, when the Western imperialism continues to acknowledge its stereotype and takes a materialistic stance toward Shanghai to maintain the stability of a colonial doctrine, those old features are new-minted different meanings by various kinds of nostalgic creature, so that a new historical depth is fabricated at the same time.

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