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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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色情暴動:女性色情的論述結構與情慾能動性 / Porn Insurrection: The Discourse Structure and Sexuality Agency of Women's Porn

邱佳心, Chiu, Chia-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
色情不只是男性的專利,女性非但有權享受色情,近年來,更發展出一種專為女性打造的特殊色情類型:男性愛(boys' love)作品中具有明顯的性器官暴露或性行為描述之內容者,本研究稱之為「女性色情」。在女性色情中,觀看主體和慾望客體的性別位置受到翻轉,展現長久以來遭受壓抑和漠視的女性情慾。研究從Butler的「言說暴動」(insurrectionary speech)概念切入,探討女性色情是否隱含顛覆父權體制下性別權力結構的另類論述,重新詮釋女性色情背後所具有的社會意涵。 在對女性色情遊戲文本進行敘事分析,並對女性閱聽人展開深度訪談後,研究結果發現:遊戲文本倒置性別觀看位置,將男性身體予以性感化和客體化,且具有超脫異性戀鐵則的情慾思維;女性閱聽人則從其中獲得逃逸和想像的歡愉,一方面逃離現實性別權力結構的壓迫,一方面從性別權力的倒置中重獲觀看權力,以女性的主動觀看,對男性進行性感化想像。此外,她們亦在實踐中展現情慾能動性,並對父權異性戀宰制性意識形態進行反思,開放情慾態度,反對對性別弱勢的歧視。 / This article defines "women's porn" as the productions which depict genitals or sexualities explicitly in the genre of boys' love, and focus on realizing whether women's porn has a metaphor for alternative discourse of subverting the structure of gender authority in a patriarchal society. The article draws from Butler's notion of "insurrectionary speech" theoretically, and uses narrative analysis and in-depth interviews to study the discourse in a game of women's porn and the reception of female audiences. The study findings are as follows: First, the game text breaks heterosexual rules by sexing maleness body and overturning traditional viewing position. Second, female audiences get their pleasures from two major parts through the reading experiences: Escaping and imaging. That is, evading from the oppression of gender authority in daily life, and put maleness body in a sexing way by viewing actively which empower them to claim their rights of viewing. Besides, they also reveal their agency in sexuality practices, reflect on dominant ideology of patriarchy-heterosexuality, and open their mind toward multiple gender-sexuality practices which differ from mainstream.

三角行不行? PTT中三角關係之權力語藝分析 / A rhetorical analysis of power of the love triangle : perspectives from the couple, the player, and the homewrecker on PTT

戴宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
三角關係的三個角色,在PTT的三個板,大老婆、第二者與第三者板,分別以自我為主體抒發心情故事,依據板規陳述自我或評價他人,現實中對三角關係的看法與解讀的權力角力,延伸到網路討論板裡的各自表述,形成若有似無的隔空對話,這種為對話的自我表述型態與權力的運作息息相關,是一種網路與現實交會所形成的特殊溝通型態:三個角色以遵循與抗拒倫理規範看待自我與他人,而宰制與抗拒是權力運作的一部分,倫理價值觀也是權力產物,板上的文章成為乘載訊息的語藝產物。 本研究結合權力語藝分析、對倫理價值觀宰制與抗拒,分析PTT三角關係的三個角色互相指涉的文章,試圖從中找出三個角色呈現的訊息與形象、權力策略,並了解網路中的情境脈絡如何影響三角關係的三個角色,以及如何與現實社會的倫理規範對話。 整個社會對三角關係有一套約定俗成的主流論述:男外向、女順從忍讓,第一者是受害者,不需負任何責任,第二者是背叛者,罔顧信任與責任,第三者是破壞者、壞女人。網路的匿名性使人願意分享更多在現實世界裡礙於社會規範而較少表達的各種自我告白與揭露;三個板因板規而拉起無形的界線,每個角色都是「主流」,不用擔心勢單力薄。傅柯的權力論述指出,倫理規範透過全景敞視主義使所有人同時成為監視者與被監視者。肖小穗的權力語藝分析方法:解讀權力訊息、分析權力語藝策略(選擇、內化與聯合策略)。 從分析中得知PTT大老婆板、第二者板、第三者板的三個角色各自站在不同立場、宣示不同權力,把對倫理規範的宰制與抗拒也做為策略的一部份,運用某些相同與不相同的策略,企圖獲取認同、抒發心情。三個角色以對倫理規範的宰制與抗拒呈現其訊息、營造形象,其中三個角色多以宰制態度描述自己並指責他人,鞏固立場。以選擇策略來看,三個板中的任何角色都以符合他們角色的定位選擇發聲角度,並延伸其觀點:第一者與第三者所選擇的發聲角度大部分都較被動,第二者則有較多自主性;內化策略,第一者強調現今社會的倫理觀點,第二者強調人有權追求自由,第二者與第三者皆試圖合理化三角關係形成原因;聯合策略,三個角色運用各種論述權力的搭配強化選擇與內化策略。三個角色大部分還是選擇以自己角色為主體的板發表文章,仍有少數到不屬於自己角色的板發文,挑戰以該角色為主體的主流氛圍。文章發表者以女性為主,可能因女性易抒發情感及感受到社會對女性的約束。 三個角色在新舊觀念接軌時,意識與潛意識仍無法擺脫傳統倫理價值觀的影響,實踐層次上,則由於外在條件改變而有新的態度與觀點。三個角色試圖與他人對話、取得認同或影響他人的同時,現實與網路世界都籠罩在權力的控制下,網路與現實也始終相連。

現代社會多重親密關係現象探索 / Exploring multiple intimate relationships in modern society

許耿嘉, Hsu, Keng Chia Unknown Date (has links)
隨著西方工業革命之後「第二現代」社會的來臨,人們越來越關注自身,親密關係轉而成為個人日常生活中最重要的事務之一,親密關係也逐漸擺脫外在社會的約束,而將其基礎置於關係之中兩人對彼此的承諾上。這樣的特性,符合了英國社會學家Antony Gddens所謂民主化發展的「純粹關係」。本研究從社會學的角度,透過質性研究方法,以理解個人在現代社會中實踐多重親密關係之特性與其意義。 研究結果指出,臺灣現代社會的親密關係正邁向Giddens所指之「匯流愛」的發展趨勢,並有著下列幾個特點:第一,現代社會環境所組成的機會結構,暗助多重親密關係的醞釀與發展:;第二,「曖昧」是為多重親密關係逾越社會對於親密關係規範的跳板;第三,多重親密關係更能使當事人滿足自我;第四,實踐多重親密關係具有「堅守一對一」與「被揭穿」的雙重風險;第五,經濟與性別在多重親密關係的脫勾性。 然而,正處於轉型期的臺灣社會,多重親密關係的實踐仍面臨父權社會殘留與新舊價值的衝突現象。於是,我們也同時從經驗資料中發現類似英國社會學家Jamieson對Gidden論述的質疑,包括:第一,「性別」在多重親密關係中是最終的影響變數;第二,自我內在對於實踐多重親密關係所存在的矛盾感;第三,「一對一關係」的交往規則對多重親密關係來說,具有「限制」與「機會」的雙重意義;第四,現代社會下的「婚姻制度」對親密關係來說是更嚴格的「遊戲規則」,但卻也是多重親密關係的實踐者願意接受的遊戲方式。 / After the western Industrial Revolution comes the so-called “second modernity.” As people are more concerned about themselves, they cherish intimate relationships much more in their daily life. Intimate relationships have thus disposed of external social control and focused more on the promise between two lovers. This feature is similar to the democratization of pure relationships presented by English sociologist Antony Giddens. From a sociological perspective and through qualitative research methods, this study aims at understanding the characteristics and meanings of multiple intimate relationships as well as the individuals practicing multiple intimate relationships in modern Taiwan. The findings show that intimate relationships in the modern Taiwan society are approaching the “confluent love” stated by Giddens. Multiple intimate relationships are found in this study to carry five characteristics. First, the opportunity structure in modern society facilitates the fermentation and practice of multiple intimate relationships. Second, dubious relationships serve as a jumping board for individuals to bypass the social canons of intimate relationships. Third, people are more satisfied by involving in multiple intimate relationships. Fourth, the double risks of practicing multiple intimate relationships involve the risk for keeping monogamy and the risk for revealing the practicing multiple intimate relationships. Fifth, there is a disjunction between economy and gender in multiple intimate relationships. As Taiwan go through social transformations, the practice of multiple intimate relationships nevertheless remains controversial in a society in which the patriarchic elments remains and the modern values are in conflict with the traditional ones. The empirical evidence demonstrated in this study supports some challenges raised by English sociologist Lynn Jamieson to Giddens’ arguments. First, gender still serves as an ultimate variable in affecting the practice of multiple intimate relationships. Second, individuals often experience a dilemma between a sense of guilt and the pursuit of gratification in maintaining multiple intimate relationships. Third, monogamy implicates both a restraint and an opportunity to develop multiple intimate relationships. Fourth, in the “game” of intimate relationships, the marital system is considered a stricter rule and yet individuals practicing multiple intimate relationships are willing to accept it.

"留意這腐爛帶蛆性行為": 論艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>深刻書寫的性愛、疾病、死亡議題 / "Alert to even the grubbiest sexual possibility": The Immersive Writing of Sex, Disease, Death in Edmund White's The Married Man

胡家銘, Hu, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>愛滋書寫裡、對男同志性愛/死亡在愛滋年代的辨證關係,探討愛滋文學所能扮演的文化功能。第二章、利用傅柯式圓形監獄概念衍生下主體自我內化規訓,討論男同志性愛原先具有的顛覆本質,如何隨著80年代、HIV病毒出現,在生物醫學論述下對男同志進行”再次病理化”的辨證關係。 第三章參考喬瑟夫.凱迪在1993年發表的文章、 分類愛滋書寫為深刻書寫和反深刻書寫,討論<已婚男人>裡愛滋深刻書寫裡、藉由呈現詭異疾病身體來製造驚嚇感、引發讀者對於愛滋議題另一層次的反思。第四章、則是探討<已婚男人>呈現無病徵的衣櫃身體、其造成主體/客體在視覺上/心理上、介於有病/無病的模糊詭譎狀態,可以被視為愛滋文學、一種提供讀者在愛滋年代裡、在絕望中仍可懷抱希望的正面力量。透過以上探討、艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>豎立愛滋書寫之中、呈現男同志文化與愛滋病複雜關係的傑出作品。 / This study discusses Edmund White’s AIDS writing in his The Married Man, a fiction that depicts the issue of gay sex and death in the age of the Epidemic. In chapter two, I intend to discuss about how biomedical discourse of HIV/AIDS fosters a Focauldian apparatus of panoptical surveillance and self-discipline in relation to gay sex. With the advent of HIV virus, the once subversive lifestyle of gay sex becomes more problematic. In chapter three, I attempt to employ Joseph Cady’s definition of AIDS writings as either immersive or counter-immersive, and argue that Edmund White’s The Married Man should be viewed as an immersive AIDS writing wherein the ugliness of the grotesque body is used as a literary weapon to engender its readers a sense of shock. In chapter four, I contend Austin’s HIV asymptomatic/closet body in The Married Man should be viewed as an ambiguous symbol by which a dialect between hope (future) and despair (no future) is discussed. To conclude, Edmund White’s The Married Man, a subversive text as it is, thus stands as a masterpiece of AIDS writing not only explicitly depicts the history of HIV/AIDS of the 1990s but that promises its gay readers a potentiality of hope for the misty future.

人性裂變後的家族末路 : 論張愛玲獨特的親情書寫對家族的拆解 = Deteriorated human nature inducing to the family's terminal : Zhang Ailing's achieving of the families' disintergration by unique families' writings / Deteriorated human nature inducing to the family's terminal : Zhang Ailing's achieving of the families' disintergration by unique families' writings"

徐璐 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

近代臺灣動物文化史:以臺北圓山動物園為主的探討 / A Cultural History of Animals in Modern Taiwan: a case study of Taipei Zoo in Yuan-shan

鄭麗榕, Cheng, Li Jung Unknown Date (has links)
公共動物園被引入臺灣的歷史才僅一世紀之久,但在這短短的百年之間,它的樣貌已歷經多重改變。1910年代起臺北動物園本是總督府博物館下的一支,後移入圓山成為都市公園的一角,再後是遊樂園與動物表演的娛樂場,到1980年代下半加入學校校外教學輔助場域的功能,並利用物種的保存基地(「方舟」)口號建構自我的存在意義。而在經營主體上,臺灣的公共動物園多以市級公立機構的形式經營, 20世紀初是作為帝國(國家)或地區城市的文明設施,園中動物成為市民的共同寵物;而在1970年代起受全球環境政治影響,動物園組織集團化,知識交流頻繁,動物的飼養、登錄、繁殖、交換等各項管理更具有國際視野,園內動物在全球生態系中的自然資產價值也被強調。 在探究動物園急欲與過去的娛樂歷史劃清界限的原因的同時,本文擬在探討國家、社會對圈養野生動物的利用面向之外,也思考被圈養的野生動物在不同時期的處境,牠們(或牠們的血統來源者)如何從棲地被帶到城市?在動物園這個空間如何被安排融入人類社會,成為人類社會生活的一部分?因此本文的書寫方式並不是一部單純的動物園園史或動物園經營史,而是期望從動物文化史的角度談動物園的歷史。 無論是前述各種對動物的資源化運用,或基於環境主義對瀕臨絕種動物的保育以及環境教育的新目標,動物園內的動物作為生命個體的意義在何時開始被注意到、甚至受到重視,都是值得關切的動物園歷史問題。動物園中的動物在人們眼中並不等值,受重視者生前、死後在園中都經過特意的文化儀式處理,包括命名、婚配、標本化與在展示中意欲喚起人們對該動物在人類社會扮演的角色的記憶。本文除思考圓山動物園自開園以還,園內動物被施行肉體虐待的問題,並提及戰爭結束前,幾位名人遊客描寫圓山動物園內人氣動物在圈養中身心困頓的處境,也探討動物園經營者自1970年代開始承認空間規劃等管理與動物福祉的直接關聯。雖然戰後1950年代臺北動物園的職員已創組愛護動物協會,但是其對愛護的觀念,是侷限在購買更多的珍奇動物、訓練動物表演、作動物展覽等娛樂人們的活動,與考量動物本身需求的關愛仍有相當的距離。更多探索動物與人類社會相遇的歷史,必有助於吾人思考真正的人與自然關係和諧之道,這也是本文撰寫的主要動機。 / The concept of public zoo was first introduced into Taiwan about one hundred years ago in 1910s. Although the zoo history in Taiwan was short, its role and function was still vital and changed many times. The Taipei Zoo was originally established as an adjunct to the Taiwan Governor Museum; however, it was later made accessible to the public as a park in Yuan-shan and transformed to be a playground and a place for animal performances as well. In the late 1980s, zoos in Taiwan, taking the responsibility for educating visitors especially young students, became a spot for field trip and started to be aware of the need to engage in species conservation (like the ark) so as to construct its meaning and importance. Most of public zoos in Taiwan were governmental institutions. At the beginning of 20th century, a zoo was a facility which represented civilization of a progressive empire, country or city. Animals in zoos were like “pets” for all citizens. In the 1970s, global environmental and political situations influenced ways to manage zoos. The collectivization of zoos became popular. Many of them cooperated and shared zoological researches with others more frequently. Besides, there showed a more international vision in nursing, registering, breeding or exchanging animals in zoos. Their values and positions in the global ecosystem were eventually emphasized. In addition to exploring the reason why zoos strived to make a clean break from their past, this thesis intends to discuss how the country or the society utilized captive wild animals and to examine situations of captive wild animals in different periods as well. How were they (or their ancestors) brought from their habitats in the wild to cities? How were they arranged to integrate into human society and became a part of people’s social life? Therefore, this study is not a history of a particular zoo or about zoo management. Instead, this thesis attempts to demonstrate the zoo history from a viewpoint of a cultural history of animals. In the field of the zoo history, it is worth considering when animals in zoos were treated or respected as individual subjects since they were often used as resources to meet people’s needs. The development of environmentalism strengthened the idea of conserving and breeding endangered species and also evolved new thinking for environmental education. In fact, there still existed a hierarchy to classify animals in zoos. Those who were carefully chosen and raised would experience specific cultural rituals such as naming or pairing during their lifetime. After they died, they would be preserved as biological specimen and displayed to the public to intentionally recall people’s memory of their roles in human society. This thesis not only examines issues like animal abuse from the opening of Taipei Zoo in Yuan-shan but also refers to some celebrities’ descriptions of popular animal stars’ physical and mental illness due to being confined within enclosures before the end of World War II. Moreover, it reveals that from the 1970s managers of zoos began to pay attention to animal welfare when making spatial planning or managing the zoo. Even though in the 1950s staff in Taipei Zoo founded a society for animals’ care and protection, they still strictly focused on buying precious animals, training them to perform tricks for visitors or exhibiting them in order to entertain human beings. These behaviors could be scarcely comparable to those caring actions designed to meet animals’ real needs. To explore history of human-animal interaction more fully can surely help us to think about how to live more harmoniously with nature. This is indeed the main goal for this thesis.


劉文綺, Liu,Wen-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
人類文明發展的演進歷程中,工業革命與石油世紀將大量生產、大量消費與大量廢棄的傳統成長模式推展到極致。人類社會雖然因此獲得經濟上的快速發展,卻對自然環境造成不可回復的嚴重侵害。年年加劇的自然反撲現象,使人類在一方面藉由簽署國際公約與章程來發揮約束力的同時,也思索兼容社會經濟發展與環境保育的新社會型態—循環型社會的推動。本研究以2005日本愛知萬國博覽會為研究個案,財團法人2005年日本國際博覽會協會為研究標的,探討人類活動的永續化經營作為。 由於愛知萬博會為自九○年代數個萬博計劃中止或失敗以來,創下第一個參訪人數大幅超過預定人數紀錄的世界博覽會。並且,愛知萬博會乃以環境共生為主題,強調市民力量的參與,成為結合在地能耐與國家文化來呈現二十一世紀型的創新「自然博」,因此具備研究代表性。此外,從愛知縣爭取主辦權到實際舉辦的十五年間,博覽會計畫歷經數度修正,震盪漣漪從民間擴及到中央政府,到國際。儼然是一場「人定勝天」與「自然睿智」的攻防戰,而過程中的種種現象也象徵著多項新時代意義。 本研究以發展自司徒達賢CORPS模式(1999)的「文化活動之永續化經營模式」為研究架構,分別從「市民參加的影響力展現」、「主題滲透度與服務對象之行為改變」、「主題意識的擴散與深化」、「硬體設施的撤除與價值再創造」及「資於的再生利用」等五構面進行分析討論。研究發現,市民參與的層次已從過去被動的吸收資訊進展為主動的參與決策以及經營管理;一次性博覽會活動難以促成或誘發參觀受眾的行為改變,但能強化新觀念與行為改變間的正向連結;落實永續理念的博覽會活動,在策劃設計上需融入經濟、社會與文化因素的考量將有助於推動進行;博覽會活動在空間利用與撤除整備策劃設計上,應盡量活用既有地形與建材,且使用空間的再利用設計上應具有多元功能;運用巧思,讓事業廢棄物成為創意紀念品不僅為主辦單位帶來經濟收入,也是保存活動記憶與承續活動主題意識的最佳媒介;任何事業廢棄物都有其可利用價值,資源的使用乃是循環型的迴圈。 最後,得出以下四項結論:一、循環型社會是社會發展演進的趨勢。二、市民力量已成為人類活動中不可小覷的一股影響力。三、舉辦博覽會具有經濟發展與理念傳達兩方面的效益。四、永續化經營包含無形與有形兩個層面,有形係指在經營管理與作業流程中融入永續理念,無形則為永續理念的擴散、滲透,及誘發行為的改變。 / Thanks to rapid technological development bring by industrial revolution, people enjoy the outcome of industrial growth and economic development in the 20th Century which was characterized by mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-discarding. At the same time, this has placed a tremendous burden on the natural environment, exceeding its capacity for self-recovery. Also, these trends resulted in various global environment issues such as global warming, unusual climates, species extinction, desertification, and the shortage of natural resources. As these issues cannot be resolved by one nation alone, there were several international rules be made to deal with environmental crisis. But human efforts still cannot catch up with the speed of global ecosystem damage. Thus, a brand-new, eco-compatible business model is needed which balanced society niches, biological diversity, and economic efficiency. The 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan, as the first world exposition in 21st century offered a great platform let countries to work together in the pursuit of a sustainable and harmonious coexistence for all life on Earth. Furthermore, form the setting of Expo themes to the planning, designing, and operating of the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan these have symbolized the change of the managing philosophy in holding a big cultural activity. Considering the concept of circular orientated society and 3R policies (reduce, reuse, and recycle), this research focuses on the timeline after the duration of Expo, trying to figure out the eco-compatible conducts of Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition in sustainable way. ‘The sustainable management model of cultural activity’ is adopted in this research to analyze the case. Besides, there are five variables in this model which as following: ‘the influence of citizen participation after Expo’, ‘the understanding of Expo theme and the behaviors induced by changes of visitors after Expo’, ‘the diffusion and internalization of Expo theme to visitors after Expo’, ‘the remove and value creation activities of hardware in Expo site after Expo’, and ‘the processing and reusing of resources in Expo site after Expo’. In addition, first hand material (the interview of the chief producer of Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition, Shohei Fukui) and second hand material are used in the studying and analyzing process. According to the background above, the following questions would be answered by this research: 1. What influence did ‘citizen participation’ affect the recovery and the new plan of Expo sites after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 2. What levels did the visitors reach on the understanding of the Expo themes? And what behaviors of visitors have been induced due to the attending of Expo? 3. How did Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition cope with its operational activities, remove activities of facilities and pavilions, and the value creation activities of Expo sites based on Expo theme which man and nature can co-exist in harmony, after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 4. How did Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition diffuse and internalize the Expo themes into public through specific activities, carriers and organization after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? 5. How did Expo theme which man and nature can co-exist in harmony affect Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition on the way of resources processing and reusing after the 2005 world exposition, Aichi, Japan? Combining 12 research findings were brought up from this research, there are 4 conclusions of this research can be summarized as below: 1. Circular orientated society is the next trend of human society apparently. People have to aim to benefit from nature without harming it, and develop ways of maintaining a mutually dependent and beneficial relationship with nature. 2. The power of citizen participation cannot be ignore in holding of human cultural activities. Without the concern and involvement of citizen, cultural activities will lost of uniqueness and won’t be last in local areas. So that the objective of incubating local competitive ability will not come true. 3. There are two advantages from holding an Expo, which are economic development and the diffusion of new concept, new technology and new social system. 4. The concept of ‘the sustainable management model of cultural activity’ includes two meanings: In tangible aspect, fulfill the vision of a sustainable and harmonious coexistence into management conducts and operational process in daily life. In intangible aspect, diffuse and internalize the eco-compatible theme or environmental concept into public, induce behaviors changed of public unconsciously.


陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,產品置入之行銷手法開始大行其道,除了電影之外,在各種型態的電視節目中,尤其是戲劇類節目,隨著偶像劇的熱潮,也常常出現劇中人物的對話內容穿插著產品訊息的情形,鏡頭也常常帶到商品或品牌的特寫,讓觀眾在收看節目時,同時達到廣告宣傳的效果。 然而,過去對產品置入效果之研究,大多均選擇單一電子媒體作為置入媒介,顯少出現比較性的研究。因此,本研究欲利用產品置入方式之差異,分析當使用不同電子媒介來進行產品置入時,對置入效果之影響,並進一步探討觀眾對影片劇情喜愛程度對置入效果及產品置入接受度之影響程度,而本研究所稱之置入效果,主要包括了品牌回憶度、品牌態度與購買意願三個衡量變數。 研究結果發現置入媒介與置入方式僅對於置入效果中之品牌回憶度有顯著影響,即當產品置入方式為視覺與聽覺並行置入時,產品置入電視劇相較於產品置入電影,對觀眾而言會有較佳的回憶度,但對於品牌態度與購買意願之影響不顯著,而劇情喜愛程度對於置入效果與產品置入接受度之影響亦呈現不顯著的情形。

大學生伴侶間人際行為對愛情依附的影響 / The impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment for college students

孫頌賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖整合成人依附理論與Benjamin的SASB人際行為環複模式,主要研究目的有二,研究目的一:探討伴侶間的人際行為是否會影響個人在愛情關係中依附特質的展現,研究目的二:探討伴侶間的人際行為對個人在愛情關係中依附風格、依附特質改變的影響情形。在本研究中,在伴侶間人際行為的內涵包括親和性(又分成滋潤性與破壞性)與互依性(又分成自主性與控制性)等人際行為,伴侶間互動層次共測量個體自陳對方提供行為、實際對方提供行為,個體的尋求行為、以及提供-尋求行為之間的互補性(亦分成個體自陳伴侶間的互補性、以及實際伴侶間的互補性)。依附特質的測量包括個體自陳在愛情中與伴侶間的焦慮與逃避依附特質等,並可組合出安全型、焦慮/矛盾型、逃避型、與錯亂型等四種依附風格。 本研究採取「追蹤研究法」,平均間隔約12.49週,進行兩個時間點的測量,邀請正在約會關係中的大學生伴侶雙方共234人接受單獨的成人依附特質量表(ECR)、伴侶間人際行為量表(SASB模式)的測量,並同時詢問其壓力事件調查表與測驗大學生身心健康調查表(GHQ),以作為排除影響依附風格改變的干擾變項,兩個時間點皆完成測驗且未分手者共計199人。研究目的一的分析對象為第一個時間受測者,但必須是正在談戀愛而未分手的大學生,共計232人符合標準,其中男性佔35%,女性佔65%,,而完整的配對資料共76對,故有152人可進行實際伴侶間互動的分析。 研究目的二的受測者除了兩個時間點皆受測且未分手外,還必須排除在兩個時間點遭受重大壓力者與GHQ量表上表現出身心健康狀況不佳者,共計有效受試者為183人,伴侶雙方皆完成測驗的共計63對,故有126人可進行實際伴侶間互動的分析。本研究亦針對個體自陳對方提供行為、以及各人際行為的親和性與互依性指標、提供與尋求行為的互補性指標等,進行信效度的檢驗。 本研究結果可分成兩大部分。第一,在人際行為對愛情依附特質與風格改變的影響方面,可發現部分伴侶間人際行為的確可對依附特質造成影響:1. 「親和性」人際行為最能影響愛情依附特質,並與依附風格、依附特質改變最有關連;2.「滋潤性親和」不同於「破壞性親和」對依附特質的影響;3.個體在愛情關係中的依附特質,主要受到個體「主觀認知」到的伴侶間人際互動,而並不一定會受到「實際」伴侶間人際互動的影響;4. 逃避特質則較明顯受到伴侶間滋潤性親和人際行為的影響,而焦慮依附特質較受到伴侶間破壞性人際行為的影響,但焦慮依附特質的改變與伴侶人際行為關連性較低。第二,對個體在關係中單向的人際行為而言,親和性比互依性人際行為更能影響愛情依附特質,甚至與依附風格、依附特質的改變更有關連;但互依性指標(自主性)對依附特質並非沒有影響力,而是會顯現在雙向人際行為的互補性當中。 最後乃說明本研究的討論與限制,並提出未來在研究上與伴侶諮商實務上的建議。 / This study tried to integrate adult attachment theory and Benjamin’s Structural Analysis of Social Behavior Models (SASB). There were two major purposes of the study: The first one was to, discussing whether the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment characteristics for college students. The Second was to, discussing the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on the change of attachment styles and characteristics. In this study, the content of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors includes affiliation (best and worst) and interdependence (autonomy and control) behaviors. The interactions of dating couples were measured by self reporting partner’s providing behaviors, actual partner’s providing behaviors, subjects’ seeking behaviors, the complements of self reporting dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors, and the complements of actual dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors. The measurement of attachment characteristics included anxiety and avoidance trait, which could be combined to four attachment styles: secure, anxious-ambivalent, avoidant, disoriented / disorganized. The study took ‘panel study’, and the average interval of test-retest time points was about 12.49 weeks. Total subjects were 234, who were measured by ECR and couples’ interpersonal behaviors (SASB model). Questionnaires of stress events, and GHQ were interference variables for the use of the purpose of the second study. There were 232 subjects composed of 35% male and 65% female in the purpose of first study. These subjects who were all measured in the first timing were falling in love and not yet breaking-up. There were 76 pairs complete matching data, so 152 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship. There were 183 subjects in the purpose of the second study. Besides subjects who were measured in the two time points were falling in love and not yet breaking-up, it had to eliminate two interference variables. There were 63 pairs complete matching data, so 126 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship. There were two major results in this study. First, couples’ interpersonal behaviors had the impact on attachment characteristics: 1. affiliation interpersonal behaviors could affect romantic attachment characteristics, and was related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics. 2. The impact on attachment characteristics was different between ‘best affiliation’ and ‘worst affiliation’. 3. Self reporting couples’ interpersonal behaviors had impact on attachment characteristics. On the contrary, actual couples’ interpersonal behaviors had no impact. 4. ‘Best affiliation’ had impact on avoidance attachment characteristics, and ‘worst affiliation’ had impact on anxiety attachment characteristics. The association between the change of anxiety attachment characteristics and couples’ interpersonal behaviors was low. Second, for one-way interpersonal behavior in dating relationship, affiliation behaviors affected romantic attachment characteristics more than interdependence. Even affiliation behaviors were more related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics than interdependence. The complement of couples’ autonomy interpersonal behaviors also affected attachment characteristics. In addition, implication for adult attachment research and couple therapy in dating relationship was discussed. Research limitation was also explicated.

數位電視體育頻道之創新特質與品牌忠誠度研究─以愛爾達體育台為例 / A Study of Innovation Attributes and Brand Loyalty of IPTV Sports Channel: Case Study for ELTA Sports

王于齊, Wang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
2012年愛爾達體育台取得倫敦奧運的台灣區獨家媒體版權,並與中華電信合作推出「多螢一雲」服務,讓使用者能夠透過中華電信MOD、Hichannel網站與行動載具上的Hami App收看賽事直播。根據尼爾森於奧運會後所進行之媒體研究指出,愛爾達體育台的觀眾廣度雖僅略微成長,但是觀眾的收視忠誠度則明顯升高。本研究以科技接受模型為主要研究架構,結合創新事物特質與品牌忠誠度,探討愛爾達體育台的多平台服務之特質,是否影響到使用者的採用意願,甚至更進一步提升對該頻道的忠誠度。研究結果顯示,愛爾達體育台的「多螢一雲」服務之創新特質,確實會透過影響使用者的認知有用性、認知易用性與態度,而提升採用意願,並增強收視後的頻道忠誠度。 / In 2012, ELTA Sports obtained the exclusive London Olympics media rights in Taiwan and launched “Three Screens and A Cloud” service with Chunghwa Telecom, which enabled users to watch sports live-broadcasting through Chunghwa Telecom MOD, Hichannel website and Hami App. According to AGB Nielson Media Research, although the breadth of audience grew slightly, the brand loyalty to ELTA Sports had an obvious increase after London Olympics. This research takes Technology Acceptance Model as the main structure and combines Attributes of Innovations and Brand Loyalty to discuss whether the attributes of ELTA’s multi-platform service affects users’ adoptive intention and even increases loyalty to the channel or not. As a result, the attributes of “Three Screens and A Cloud” service indeed enhance the audiences’ adoptive intention and brand loyalty to ELTA Sports through affecting their Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Attitude toward Using.

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