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新教科群③ : 国際コミュニケーション学 (Ⅲ. 中学選択プロジェクト・高校教科群)斉藤, 真子, Saito, A., 藤田, 高弘, Fujita, T., 岡村, 明, Okamura, A., 野田, 真里, Noda, M. 30 November 2004 (has links)
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新教科群3 : 国際コミュニケーション学 : 多様な文化の共通性と異質性からコミュニケーションのあり方を探る (Ⅲ. 高校新教科群の取り組み)藤田, 高弘, Fujita, T., 斉藤, 真子, Saito, A., 岡村, 明, Okamura, A., 野田, 真理, Noda, M. 30 November 2005 (has links)
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神韻派詩論之研究易新宙, Yi, Xin-Zhou Unknown Date (has links)
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敏感性分析在毛豬飼料研究上之應用林淑姬, Lin, Shu-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
第壹章 導論
第貳章 敏感性分析之理論探討。
第□章 實例應用--毛豬飼料之研究
第肆章 結論
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利與義孰為重?以中共對台水果統戰為例 / Is the Carrot Mightier than the Stick?Assessing the Effectiveness of China's Fruit Offensive蔣靜萍, Chiang, Ching Ping Unknown Date (has links)
近年中共在逐漸認知到台灣中南部民眾為擁護民進黨當局獨立訴求之強大力量後,相繼透過與台灣在野政黨合作、牽線,以及「放權讓利」式的大批「惠台措施」,冀求爭取農民好感與向心,進而潛移其政治意向。本論文的目的,乃是嘗試由最基層民意的觀點切入,探討中共此番作為的可操作性。作者以深度訪談 (in-depth interview)方式分析,農業貿易「惠台措施」的過程中,誰是真正的贏家? 再者,讓利措施是否真為解決台灣農產品產銷困境的及時雨?其真正意含為何?最後,農民對「中國」(中共)觀感能否因此變移?又是如何轉變?冀以跳脫一般的思維與視角,看待此一頗為特殊之兩岸經貿議題。 / Relations across the Taiwan Strait are complicated by “a deep political divide, but close socioeconomic integration.” China recently is aware of Taiwan farmers integrate huge power in the DPP’s independence advocacy, thus tries to sway their political tendency by utility of economic leverage in the form of tariff-free in fifteen species of Taiwan-grown fruit. Not knowing the effectiveness, this thesis aims at searching the truth by way of in-depth interviews with people of agricultural professional; and the narration reveals Taiwanese farmers are not the direct beneficiaries, sometimes even sufferers, in the whole process. Is fruit policy a carrot for Taiwanese farmers or a stick for the ruling government? The answer is hard to define. Other maneuvering tactics between the KMT and CCP and interests of fruit agents were hidden behind China’s so-called “good will” behavior.
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土地開發之財務分析江青穗 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃針對建地進行開發之財務分析,土地取得方式以業界最普遍之買斷與合建兩種方式並用探討,找出影響土地開發之變數,先從建立土地開發建築規劃開始,將欲開發之土地作最大之建築面積規劃,按著進行財務分析的變數探討與模型建立,藉著現金流量折現模型運用修正淨現值法(Modify Net Present Value; MNPV)計算出投資個案之稅後淨報酬。並由敏感性分析來研判各種影響土地開發因素之重要性,進一步研究合建分回比例與土地成本、營建成本對開發者的投資報酬之影響、研判訂價政策對開發投資報酬的影響、評估投資計畫的銷售率與投資報酬之關係、分析開發募集資金的來源(融資的狀況)對投資報酬之影響,並研判在不同情境下之土地開發投資獲利性。最後考慮風險狀況下之財務分析模型的蒙地卡羅風險模擬,而加以分析土地開發的自有資金與投資報酬之各種可能風險與報酬之關係。
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The Box-Cox 依變數轉換之技巧 / The Box-Cox Transformation: A Review曾能芳, Chan, Lan Fun Unknown Date (has links)
The use of transformation can usually simplify the analysis of data, especiallywhen the original observations deviate from the underlying assumption of linearmodel. Box-Cox transformation receives much more attention than others. Inthis dissertation, we will review the theory about the estimation, hypotheses test on transformation parameter and about the sensitivity of the linear model parameters. Monte Carlo simulation is used to study the performance of the transformation. We also display whether Box-Cox transformation makes the transformed observations satisfy the assumption of linear model actually.
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公司規模及產業競爭對於CEO現金薪酬與 正、負股票報酬不對稱關聯性之研究 / The effect of firm size and industry competition on asymmetric sensitivity of CEO cash compensation to stock returns王姿惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公司規模及產業競爭對CEO現金薪酬與股票報酬敏感性之影響。根據Leone et al. (2006)之研究,認為依未實現利得而給付之現金薪酬將產生事後交割成本,未實現損失可能遞延CEO之決策責任。由於未實現損益可反映至股票報酬上,因此有效率的現金薪酬契約對含有未實現利得之正股票報酬的敏感性低於含有未實現損失之負股票報酬,顯示現金薪酬與正、負股票報酬之敏感性呈現不對稱關係。本研究以此文獻作延伸,探究CEO現金薪酬與股票報酬之敏感關聯性及其不對稱性關係是否受公司規模與產業競爭之影響。
以ExecuComp資料庫2000年至2009年的CEO現金薪酬樣本進行迴歸分析,結果發現公司規模愈大,現金薪酬對市場績效之敏感性愈大,顯示為避免CEO從事會計盈餘管理,公司現金薪酬之給付更著重於市場績效之衡量;產業競爭方面,產業競爭愈激烈,現金薪酬與市場績效之敏感性愈小,符合風險差異化假說。關於CEO現金薪酬與正、負股票報酬敏感性之不對稱關係,實證結果顯示大規模公司及產業競爭程度較高者對CEO決策之審慎性更加要求,因此CEO現金薪酬與正、負股票報酬敏感性之不對稱的差距愈大。 / This study investigates the effect of firm size and industry competition on the asymmetric sensitivity of CEO cash compensation to the stock returns. Leone et al. (2006) shows that since stock returns include both unrealized gains and losses, cash compensation would be less sensitive to stock returns when returns contains unrealized gains (positive returns) than when returns contain unrealized losses (negative returns). As an extension, this study examines whether firm size and industry competition affect the sensitivity of cash compensation to market performance and the asymmetry of sensitivity of cash compensation to stock returns.
Based on the CEO cash compensation during 2000 and 2009 from ExecuComp database, the empirical results show that the firm size has positive effect on sensitivity of cash compensation to market performance while the industry competition has negative effect. Moreover, the asymmetry of sensitivity of CEO cash compensation to stock returns increases as firm size and industry competition increase.
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初探情感性精神病患身為疾病照顧者之家庭生活適應歷程 / An exploratory study on the process of family-life adjustment among caregivers who have affective disorder.龔千逢 Unknown Date (has links)
在了解情感性精神病患身為疾病照顧者之家庭生活適應歷程中,影響其家庭生活適應之相關因素和議題之後,研究者根據研究結果的整理,提出具體建議與結論,提供助人實務工作和政策方案設計在協助情感性精神病患執行照顧角色之參考。 / This research aims to caregivers who have affective disorder had or having the experience of taking care of his or her sick families. With in-depth interview, author try to understand what issues will face during their process of family-life adjustment, like stress and burden issues, care issues, and live adjustment issues. Research design takes narrative research to collect and analyze from four caregivers who have affective disorder.
This research has three parts of finding. First, in "Stress and burden issues", caregivers face seven subjective and objective issues, such as "emotional suffering", "responsibility stress", "feeling of restrain", "feeling of being separated or rejected", "fear of the future", "stereotype, prejudice, and stigma", and "changes of family function and relationship". Second, in "Care issues", caregivers face five issues, such as "symptoms cause negative feelings", "using the resources and supportive system", "mental health", "physical health", and "support of emotional needs". Third, in "Life adjustment issues", caregivers face four issues, such as "role change", "supports", "care belief", "care needs".
After discovering those issues and relative factors that influence the process of family-life of caregivers who have affective disorder. Base on above findings, author gives suggestions on policy making and practice work for caregivers who have affective disorder.
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馬庫色《愛欲與文明》一書中 康德美感概念之探討 / The Concepts of Kant's Aesthetics in Marcuse's "Eros and Civilization"李元碩, Li, Yuan Shuo Unknown Date (has links)
馬庫色 (Herbert Marcuse) 在《愛欲與文明》(Eros and Civilization) 一書中,引用康德 (Immanuel Kant) 《判斷力批判》(Critique of the Power of Judgment) 的第一部分〈審美判斷力批判〉(“Critique of the Aesthetic Power of Judgment”) 所提出之美學概念作為非壓抑性新文明的準繩。不過,馬庫色對美學概念的引用十分簡單扼要,本論文將從解析《愛欲與文明》一書對壓抑性文明的省思,以及闡述康德的美學概念著手,試圖探討美學概念在新型態文明願景中之作用為何、其落實可能性與應用的難處。
本論文除前言與結語,共分四章:第一章為導論;第二章循《愛欲與文明》之理論脈絡,以佛洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud) 的文明觀及馬克思 (Karl Marx) 的異化 (alienation) 概念為理論背景,帶出馬庫色所認為的宰制性文明及其顛覆的可能性;第三章闡述作為理想文明指導原則的康德與席勒 (Friedrich Schiller) 的美學概念;第四章先提要馬庫色所認為的非壓抑性文明,以及新感性 (the new sensibility) 發揮希望與顛覆力量的藝術領域,再行探討康德美學概念與愛欲 (eros) 得以自由抒發的理想生命型態之間的關係,並試圖討論美學概念的應用問題。文末,以結語總結以上研究工作。
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