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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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鍾宜君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣十四家金融控股上市(櫃)公司,其公司治理機制為董監事持股、持股質押、控制權與現金流量偏離度、機構投資人的持股比率,本文並加入考慮質押影響的董監事淨持股比率、調整後控制權與現金流量偏離度及合理的控制權與現金流量偏離度。針對2001年至2006年9月進行研究,為得出公司治理對績效影響與最適的公司治理使績效達最佳狀態。 吾人採用迴歸分析實證發現:董監事持股質押與公司經營績效具顯著關聯性,且得出使公司績效達最佳之最適持股質押比率為不超過56.50%之結果;董監事持股比率與公司經營績效具顯著正向關係,且其支持利益收斂推測;而在考慮董監事持股質押後之董監事淨持股比率,其亦支持利益收斂推測,但考慮了質押後的董監事淨持股對報酬率增加的幅度較小;機構投資人持股比率與公司績效多呈正向關係,但結果並不顯著;控制權與現金流量偏離度、考慮控制股東之持股質押後的調整後及合理的控制權與現金流量偏離度,其與公司經營績效多呈負向顯著關係,且辦理股票質押確實會使股權更加的偏離,並對於公司績效產生較負面的影響。


黃燕瑜, Yen Yu,Huang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2001年至2005年為研究期間,從股權結構及董事會監督功能分別探討公股角色對投資標的公司經營績效之影響。本文之研究結果顯示:(1)股權結構變數中,公股投資標的公司之經營績效較無公股投資之公司為佳。(2)公股持股比率愈高,公股投資標的公司之經營績效則愈差。(3)董事會組成變數中,由公股代表出任董監之公股投資標的公司之經營績效較未派任公股代表之公司為佳。(4)當公股代表的席次比率愈高時,公股之投資標的公司之經營績效愈差。(5)公股持股比率偏離公股代表席次比率之程度愈高,公股投資標的公司之經營績效愈差。 / This research from 2001 to 2005 as research period, aim to explore the role of government ownership in the relationship between board composition and firm performance in the enterprises with government ownership. The empirical results document that from ownership structure variables, the effect of government shareholding on firm performance is found to be positive. Furthermore, firm performance decreases with an increased size of government shareholding. From board composition variables, the effect of the board with the government shareholding represents on firm performance is found to be positive. Furthermore, firm performance is worse with an increased size of government shareholding represents in the corporate board composition. Finally, when the government shareholding and the government shareholding represents’ seat ratio deviation degree is bigger, the firm performance would be worse.

上市上櫃公司買回庫藏股之經濟效果與經營風險之研究 / A research on the economic effect and operating risk of buying back company shares by TSE-listed and OTC-listed companies

林淑芸, Lin, Shu-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於我國證券交易市場受非經濟因素影響致股價下跌之情形時而有之,證券主管機關一財政部證券暨期貨管理委員會為健全證券市場之發展,自民國八十五年七月起即積極研議建立庫藏股票制度,直至民國入十九年六月三十日經立法院三讀通過包括證券交易法第二十八條之二有關庫藏股等部分條文修正案,並於同年七月十九日經總統公布後,於同年八月七日訂定發布「上市上櫃公司買回本公司股份辦法」後正式實施。 庫藏股制度之實施,係為一種穩定市場的調節機制,為避免上市、上櫃公司因非財務或業務因素,導致公司股價不合理下跌,而影響公司信用、損及股東權益,於必要時由公司買回自己的股份,其對於企業延攬人才、認股權憑證等金融商品之發行及維護證券市場之安定,有積極之功能與效用。 自八十九年八月十日廣豐實業股份有限公司申報買回股份開始,截至九十年十一月底止,有三○九家上市、櫃公司施行庫藏股制度,目的為轉讓股份予員工、股權轉換或維護公司信用及股東權益而買回其股份。惟我國實施庫藏股制度將近二年,其成效如何,所帶來的經濟效果是否如主管當局所預期,公司所承擔的經營風險又是如何?諸此,乃是本研究的重點。 本研究係以八十九年八月至九十年九月底止已施行庫藏股制度之上市公司為研究對象,透過事件研究法檢驗異常報酬的方式來評估庫藏股制度的宣示效果外,並以CAPM(資本資產訂價模式),觀察公司實施庫藏股前後市場風險(β)變化;另利用無母數統計方法,就上市公司之關係企業交叉持股情況與買回庫藏股作關聯性分析,檢視交叉持股與庫藏股施行之關係。 研究結果如下: 一、公司宣告實施庫藏股前,其股價通常有異常下跌的情形,宣告前三十天至宣告前一日的累積異常報酬高達-11.80%,宣告實施庫藏股後,累積異常報酬逐漸止跌回升,其中以宣告當日至宣告後第三日的異常報酬最為明顯,宣告後三十日累積異常報酬回升至-1.93%,顯示公司實施庫藏股確實存在著穩定股價的效果。 二、公司實施庫藏股後的市場風險月,較宣告前的市場風險心顯著下降,表示就短期而言,公司實施庫藏股後確實能降低該公司證券的市場風險。 三、根據599家上市公司之關係企業持有母公司股份及買回庫藏股資料,利用卡方獨立性檢定,發現交叉持股與實施庫藏股有顯著關聯性;進一步採用Spearman等級相關分析,發現上市公司關係企業持股佔母公司已發行股份總數比例變動情形,與買回公司股份佔其已發行股份總數比例亦有顯著之關聯,呈同向變動,亦即交叉持股的情況未因庫藏股之實施而有所減少。 關鍵字:庫藏股、股票買回、交叉持股 / Seeing that sometimes our stock markets are disturbed by non-economic factors makes the price of stock come down. The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has been committed to developing a sound stock market. It began to consider establishing the treasury stock system since July 1996. The amendment of The Securities Law, promulgated on July 19, 2000, includes the treasury stock system. SFC announced the“Guidelines for Buying Back Company shares by TSE-listed and OTC-listed Companies”on August 7,2000. The treasury stock system is an adjustment mechanism of stable market, in order to avoid the unreasonable falling in stock price of TSE-listed and OTC- listed Companies by non-financial or financial factors, influence company credit and shareholders' equity. The company can buy back shares when it is necessary. It is positive that the company invites qualified personnel, the warrants are issued and the stability of the stock market is maintained. Since Kwong Fong Industries Corporation started to declare buying back shares on August 10, 2000. By the end of Nov. 2001, a total of 3 09 TSE-listed and OTC-listed companies carried out the treasury stock system. These companies buy back shares for the purpose of transferring to employee, conversion of stock equity, maintaining company trust and stockholders' equity. We have carried out the treasury stock system for two years. How are effects of the treasury stock system? Did it come up to expectations of SFC? How are risks of these companies operating? Such these topics are focus of this research. These TSE-listed companies of buying back company shares from August 2000 to September 2001 are objects of this study. An event study methodology is used to examine the excess returns to evaluate the announcement effects of treasury stock. By CAPM, it can compare the changes on market risk before and after these companies carried out the treasury stock system. Nonparametric method is used to analyze the relationship between the cross holding and the stock repurchase. The results of this study are as follows: 1.The stock price is often descending before the announcement on buying back company shares, the accumulative abnormal returns reach -11.080% from 30 days to I day before stock-repurchase announcement, but the accumulative abnormal returns are increasing gradually after stock-repurchase announcement. The abnormal returns have significantly from the day of announcement to 3 days after the announcement. The accumulative abnormal returns reach -1.93% on 30 days after stock-repurchase announcement. So, it exists the stock price stability effect on carrying out the treasury stock system. 2.The market risk after company buying back shares is lower significantly. In the short term, the company using the treasury stock system can reduce market risk. 3.There are significant relation between Cross-holding and stock-repurchase. Furthermore, the ratio of parent company's shares held by its subsidiary company has positive correlation with that of parent company buy back shares of its own. Key words: Treasury stock ; Stock repurchase ; Cross holding


洪琬瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本次研究將以台灣地區1988年至2008年的上市櫃公司,再扣除金融保險業後作為研究對象。本文使用混合資料的兩階段式迴歸模型來進行實證分析,欲了解在實際經營情況下,當公司有其管理者與股東、股東與債權人的代理問題時,管理者持有公司股份的多寡,是否會對公司的融資決策,如資本結構與負債期限,產生影響。實證結果發現如下: 1. 管理者持股比例與公司負債比例呈現不顯著負向關係。 2. 固定資產、公司規模與公司負債比例呈現顯著正向關係。 3. 獲利能力、營運風險與公司負債比例呈現顯著負向關係。 4. 公司成長機會與營運風險皆與公司負債期限呈現顯著負向關係。 5. 傳統產業、航運產業、觀光產業等三種產業與負債期限呈現顯著相關。 6. 在公司成長機會高時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為顯著負向關係。 7. 在公司成長機會低時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為顯著正向關係。 8. 在公司營運風險高時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為不顯著正向關係。 9. 在公司營運風險低時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為不顯著負向關係。


林吟山 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係探討,在兩稅合一施實前後,投資人對兩種無償配股的偏好程度。根據實證的結果,本研究獲得下列結論: 一、就兩種無償配股的稅負差異對一般投資人的影響而言,迴歸模式的實證結果顯示,在兩稅合一之前投資人的確有偏好公積配股的傾向存在。而此一情形一直延續到實施兩稅合一後仍然存在,故假說二中,關於兩稅合一之後公積配股不再對投資人具有吸引力的假設,未獲得實證支持。 二、就董監持股比率高低對公司無償配股政策之影響而言,假說四預期在兩稅合一實施之前,董監持股比率越高公積配股率越高的假說,並未獲得實證的支持,可能原因有下列幾點: 1、期會推動健全股利政策,抑制上市公司配發公積配股之股票股利。 2、股東利用人頭戶及收購委託書的方式當選為董監,持股相對較低,利用公積配股為自己省稅的動機較不強烈。 3、公司若符合緩課的條件,董監取得盈餘配股之股票股利一樣享有免稅效果。 4、公司在制訂股利政策時,可能利用盈餘配股來傳達未來投資或成長機會的訊息。稅負問題僅是考量的因素之一。 而假說五中預期兩稅合一之後,董事及監察人利用公積配股為自己省稅的動機將不如以往強烈,甚至於董監持股比率對公積配股率之影響將呈反向關係,實證結果支持假說五之預期。又若從趨勢上來看,迴歸模式之實證結果亦顯示,董監持股比率對公積配股率的反向關係,在兩稅合一實施後,有更趨強烈的傾向。 三、兩稅合一實施之後,兩種無償配股之稅負差距縮小,其主要因素在於股東可扣抵稅額。假說三中預期每股股東可扣抵稅額較高者,其股票之累積異常報酬率也將越高,但未獲得實證結果支持。至於假說六則站在公司管理當局的立場,預期每股股東可扣抵稅額越高者,其公積配股率將越低,而實證結果支持假說六之預期。此外,從股東可扣抵稅額在假說三與假說六之實證結果不一致的情形,亦可看出公司管理當局與證券市場一般投資人間的資訊不對稱情形。


許世盟, Hsu, Shih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用投信公司公佈之基金持股比例及持股內容明細,分析基金經理人的操作行為以及和股市股價指數的互動關係。研究主題有二:   一、群集效果的研究,從持股內容的分析來研究「基金經理人在操作基金時是否有群集行為」。   二、研究共同基金對國內股市的影響,探討「共同基金平均持股比例和股價指數間的因果關係及相關性」。   實證結果如下:   一、國內的基金經理人在操作時有明顯的群集行為(效果)。   二、台灣證券交易所股價指數和基金平均持股比例兩者間,不論是當期對當期,或是股價指數落後一週至十週的檢定,皆為顯著的正相關。   三、若以八個分類股價指數及對應之基金平均持股來看,塑化、機電、紡織、造紙、營建、金融股的11個檢定值皆為顯著正相關。水泥股及食品股的11個值則皆為顯著負相關。

公司治理機制對個別類型投資人交易行為之影響性 / The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Trading of Different Trader Types

賴可容 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper discuss the issue of how corporate governance variables affect the cognitions of groups of investors to lead they separate their investment strategies in 1997-2011 sample period, the results indicate that firms with higher management stockholdings, lower blockholders’ shareholdings, smaller board size, more outside independent supervisors, CEO duality, and one of ultimate controllers served as chairman would be appealing to individual investors; the robust test from 2007 to 2011 only positively affects the investment strategies for foreign institutional investors. Moreover, we explore that lower blockholders’ stockings and smaller board size are favorable characteristics for investors to increase firms’ trading volumes but also the trading volatilities. Finally, we compute the corporate governance score for every sample company called CG-Index, and discover a perfect corporate governance mechanism would inspire investing motivations of domestic individuals and foreign institutions, after considering the information disclosure ranking in 5 years sample period, the stockholding of whole individual investors is indicated positive related to the corporate governance degree.

員工分紅入股制度與生產力關聯性之研究-以台灣本地銀行為例 / Correlations between Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Productivity of Taiwan-based Banks

張力文 Unknown Date (has links)
目前的薪資制度,逐漸由固定薪酬制度走向以績效為導向的分紅制或獎金制,冀望藉由激勵(incentive)措施,吸引高素質的優秀人才,提高勞動生產力,進而提升企業生產力。屬於團體薪酬制度的員工分紅入股制度係將績效與報酬的關聯性相互結合,促進勞資合作,員工不僅可以分享企業利潤,並可藉由股權的取得,成為公司股東,參與公司經營決策,員工與公司的利益一致,共同為提升公司生產力而努力。然而團體薪酬制度搭便車(free rider)的行為,卻會降低生產力。因此本文的研究目的在於員工分紅入股制度的生產力效果是否存在。 以往台灣對員工分紅入股制度與生產力關聯性之研究大都以電子產業為對象,而對於商品同質性高、產品差異程度小,亟需具有研發創新與技術能力之金融專業人才參與,方能提升競爭力的銀行業之研究卻付之闕如,因此本文以1997年至2005年台灣本地銀行之非平衡追蹤資料(unbalanced panel data),搭配固定效果模型(fixed effect model)進行員工分紅入股制度生產力效果的實證研究。研究結果發現,第一、員工分紅入股制度以虛擬變數衡量時,對台灣本地全體銀行的影響並不顯著,但在α=10%的顯著水準下,對民營銀行的生產力會有顯著的正向影響,此外,以平均每位員工現金分紅來衡量時,民營銀行的生產力效果亦為顯著正向,惟以現金分紅占全薪比率來衡量時,生產力效果則不顯著。第二、員工現金分紅對金融控股公司子銀行的生產力效果並不顯著。第三、平均每位員工股票分紅面值(市值)與股票分紅面值(市值)占全薪比率對台灣本地全體銀行生產力均有顯著的正向效果,顯示在台灣地區,股票紅利的激勵效果大於現金紅利的激勵效果,另股票分紅面值的生產力效果則大於股票分紅市值的生產力效果。 最後,台灣本地銀行所具有的固定(特質)效果,包括政府政策的扶植,集團文化、領導人風格,以及區域固定特質確實存在,並會對其歷年的生產力,產生長期的固定正向影響。

外資持股比例與公司價格效率性之關聯性研究-台灣股市的實證分析 / A study of the relationship between foreign ownership and stock price efficiency: evidence from the Taiwan stock market

劉雅雯, Liu, Ya Wen Unknown Date (has links)
許多研究指出開放外資投資國內股票市場的好處,但卻很少文獻探討外資是否有促進市場效率的功能。因此本研究旨在探討外資持股比例的高低是否會影響公司價格效率性。我們使用台灣證券交易所的資料,以2007至2016年間所有外資持股的台灣上市公司為樣本,進行分析。其中,我們使用日報酬的一階自我相關係數來衡量價格效率性,當係數趨近於零時,表示價格是有效率的且遵循隨機漫步。研究結果顯示,在台灣股票市場,無論是整體股票市場,或是分別以各產業及外資持股高低的四個組合來看,外資持股比例的增加並沒有助於公司價格效率性的提升。 / Various benefits of opening a market to foreign investors are indicated in prior studies. However, few studies point out whether foreign investors improve efficiency of stock prices. Using a large sample of TWSE-listed stocks over the period 2007 to 2016, we investigate the relation between foreign ownership and price efficiency. In our analysis, we use the first-order return autocorrelations, which should be zero if prices follow a random walk to compute price efficiency. After controlling for the change in foreign ownership, firm size, stock price and stock liquidity, finally, we find that stocks with greater foreign ownership are not priced efficiently whether in overall market or in each level of foreign ownership and also in different industries. In summary, these results suggest that the foreign investors could not improve price efficiency on the Taiwan stock market.


李湘羚 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以Dittmar and Mart-Smith (2007)所使用的模型為基礎,研究公司治理對公司價值、現金持有價值以及股利的影響。以市值對淨資產比、資產報酬率(以同產業的平均ROA調整後)為衡量公司價值的變數。而以內部人的行為和公司監督機制2項指標來衡量公司治理。其中,公司內部人行為指標包括:董監質押比、盈餘股份比、關係人融資比。公司監督治理機制指標包括:法人持股比、大股東持股比、獨立董監席次比、外部董監席次比、外部持股比。 以民國85-95年上市櫃公司為研究對象,以panel data之fix effect方式進行分析,實證結果顯示(一)對公司價值影響方面:盈餘股份比和法人持股比與公司價值呈現顯著正向關係;而董監質押比、獨立董監席次比、外部董監席次比與公司價值呈負向關係。(二)在現金持有價值影響方面:內部人行為中,董監質押比、關係人融資比對現金持有價值影響為顯著負向,並無發現監督機制對現金持有價值有正向影響。(三)在股利影響方面:內部人行為中,董監質押比、關係人融資比對股利的影響為顯著正向,並無發現監督機制對股利有負向影響。整體來看,公司治理對公司價值確有影響,但對現金持有價值和股利的影響方面,並沒有發現如Pinkowitz et al. (2006)之實證結果。 / Based on Dittmar and Mart-Smith (2007) valuation models, I investigate how the corporate governance affects the contribution of cash holdings and dividends to firm value. Firm value was measured by market value to book value ratio and the adjusted return on assets. We use two major categories of corporate governance measures including the degree of insider acting and the presence of shareholder monitoring. The degree of insider acting includes the ratio of directors' and supervisors' shares pledged (dsip) , the ratio of controlling shareholders’ cash flow rights to voting rights(ehb), and the ratio of relation party loaning to equity(rplp). The shareholder monitoring includes institutional holding(ihp), large shareholder holding(mhp), the ratio of independent directors and supervisors(idsp), the ratio of outside directors and supervisors(ocp), the ratio of outside directors and supervisors holding(ohp). Firms listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and OTC during 1995-2006 are selected as the sample. The empirical results indicate that the ratio of controlling shareholders’ cash flow rights to voting rights(ehb), and institutional holding(ihp) are significantly and positively related to market value and return on assets. Second, the ratio of directors' and supervisors' shares pledged(dsip), and the ratio of relation party loaning to equity(rplp) are significantly and negatively related to the value of cash holding. We didn’t find the shareholder monitoring significantly increase the cash holding value. Finally, only the ratio of directors' and supervisors' shares pledged(dsip) and the ratio of relation party loaning to equity(rplp) are significantly related to dividends value. The conclusion is that although corporate government affects firm value, corporate government doesn’t significantly determines the value of cash holding and dividends. That empirical result is not consistent with the one of Pinkowitz et al. (2006).

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