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建構可重用與細緻化的剖面導向存取控管框架 / Building a Reusable and Fine-grained Aspect-Oriented Access Control Framework黃植懋, Huang , Chih-Mao Unknown Date (has links)
最近興起的剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Programming)基於關注分離的原則(Separation of Concerns),針對像安全這類橫跨性的需求,倡議在原有的物件或函式模組外,另以剖面(aspect)作為這些橫跨性需求的模組單位,以大幅改善應用系統的模組性。近兩三年來,這方面的發展迅速,各種支援方面導向的程式語言與相關工具相繼推出,美國全錄公司柏拉圖實驗室發展的AspectJ語言就是一個具代表性的成果。本論文以剖面導向的原則,以AspectJ及JBossAOP為主要工具,針對Web應用程式在認證與存取控管方面的安全需求,設計與製作一套具重用性且可處理資料內容相關、細緻層級的存取控管框架。 / Access control is a system-wide concern that has both a generic nature and an application dependent characteristic. It is generic as many functions must be protected with restricted access, yet the rule to grant a request is highly dependent on the application state. Hence it is common to see the code for implementing access control scattered over the system and tangled with the functional code, making the system difficult to maintain. This thesis addresses this issue for Web applications by presenting a practical access control framework based on aspect-oriented programming (AOP). Our approach accommodates a wide range of access control requirements of different granularity. AOP supports the modular implementation of access control while still enables the code to get a hold of the application state. Moreover, framework technology offers a balanced view between reuse and customization. As a result, our framework is able to enforce fine-grained access control for Web applications in a highly adaptable manner.
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專案融資運用於一般產業之研究-以K集團公司為例 / The Study of general company Project Financing - take K group corporation for example郭雨民 Unknown Date (has links)
因科技日益創新下,許多投資案的規模及複雜性亦日漸擴大,現行傳統融資方式逐漸無法滿足企業之需求,專案融資(Project Finance)之模式逐漸受到重視。但因過去研究中多以政府BOT專案融資案件作研究,鮮少有企業個案提供參考,故本次研究目的為提供較不易得取資訊之企業專案融資個案作參照。
本次研究個案之專案融資係以客製化方式,針對個案之特殊需求(非一般營運週轉金用途),在個案進行輔導公開發行 (Initial Public Offerings,IPO)階段中提供融資進行財務結構調整之協助。並建置監控資金用途之控管機制(Milestone),搭配完善的還款機制以保障債權。個案藉由本專案融資之進行,財務結構調整沖銷內部股東往來、與提高流速動比及負債比,目的為讓個案財務結構更加透明,以利後續IPO階段進行。
故不論在私人企業之投資計畫或於公私部門合作(BOT)之計畫案中,專案融資皆扮演相當重要之角色。然在我國法制上,就融資案中居於關鍵地位之擔保機制,並未為特殊之規範,而僅以銀行法之擔保授信作為規範依據。然細究該規定,其僅將民法或動產擔保交易法中早已明文規範用於一般交易行為之擔保機制羅列於條文中,無法完全滿足銀行於專案融資中對擔保機制之需求。本個案企業之融資需求與金額在一般銀行往來融資條件下,並不容易成就。故本專案融資中的研究主要係在說明如何加強擔保機制並作相關之防範功能,使在債務人違約時能有效保障銀行債權。 / The scale of operations continuously extend with the development of the domestic and international economic situation in recent years, capital adequacy is no doubt a key point in the process of enterprise development . In general, the corporate-owned fund of the source can be divided into internal capital and external capital fund. The current corporation use common way raising capital fund through the issuance of Market Securities to the general public. Though indirect financial way to the bank financing is more flexible and still an important channel for gaining access to external funds, bank can customize the conditions of the financing contract case by case.
The traditional financing can’t meet the needs of corporation. Project finance model has to be taken seriously during innovation in technology, scale and complexity of the many investment cases. But most researches focus on BOT project finance of government in the past years, there are few references about single company. Our research provides single company project finance that is uneasy to get to be referred.
This case study of project finance based on the way of customization for the special needs of the case (a non-operating revolving function) , and bank provides financial restructuring during IPO consulting stage. The Bank structures the Milestone mechanism to monitor the use of funds, with carefully repayment mechanisms to guarantee the debt. This case can use project finance to write off the account receivable of shareholders, and to improve the financial ratio such as flow rate ratio and liabilities. It can help financial statement more clear to follow-up IPO stage.
Project finance plays a very important role in any investment case whether the Public sector or private corporation. Guarantee mechanism which is key position of financing case doesn’t be special limited in our legal raw. The technical regulation just bases on the security guarantee of credit in The Banking Act of The Republic of China. The rules of Banking Act of The Republic of China record security guarantee of general trading from Civil law and Personal Property Secured Transactions Act, but it can’t meet the project financial demand. It’s not easy to meet with success under the scale of this project finance and the limitation of general finance. The most important purposes of project finance strengthen guarantee mechanism and control credit risk when debtor defaults.
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連續聯結清算系統組織與風險控管之研究許惠華 Unknown Date (has links)
CLS銀行藉由提供同步收付(payment versus payment,PVP)機制,使交易雙方一手付出賣出貨幣時,能一手收到買入之貨幣,以確保收付兩訖。該系統自從於2002年9月營運以來,處理之交易量快速成長,目前平均每日清算金額高達3兆美元,佔總外匯交易量一半以上,相當可觀。
本研究著重於探討CLS銀行的運作方式、風險控管模式以區分傳統外匯清算方式與CLS銀行的同步收付機制之差別,並思考台灣的銀行如何在台幣尚未成為CLS的合格貨幣之前,要如何以第三參與者的身份參與CLS銀行的清算機制,以享受它的好處並避免赫斯特風險,更進一步因應BASEL II 的作業風險的要求。
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建構電子病歷存取控管規則之可設定式編輯環境 / A Configurable Editor for Specifying Access Control Rule In Electronic Medical Records王心怡, Wang,Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在「設計易調整的電子病歷存取控管機制」論文中,針對病患隱私的保障,設計了一套XML格式的存取控管規則語言,讓安全管理者可以藉由設計安全組態檔,動態並細緻化地切換電子病歷的存取控管程式碼。根據前述論文的需求,我們建構出一套可融合於Eclipse開發平台中的存取規則編輯環境。除了具備XML編輯器的基本功能外,我們的編輯環境針對此存取控管規則語言提供使用者自訂屬性與規則變數的機制,以半自動化的方式免去記憶屬性值的困擾;並在存取規則的限制條件編修畫面當中,加入語法解析功能與基本格式驗證功能,協助使用者編輯限制條件,早期發現錯誤,大幅簡化安全管理人員設計存取控管規則的工作。 / This thesis presents a Configurable Editor for Specifying Access Control Rule in Electronic Medical Records based on the XML rule schema designed in another thesis, "Using Aspects to Implement Adaptable Access Control for Electronic Medical Records". Our editor is developed as a plug-in in the Eclipse development platform. It has three distinguished features. First, the user can configure the specific attributes and rule variables referenced in the rule schema and rule instances. Second, the user can edit access control rules as any XML documents and view the rules in multiple views, such as tree view. Third, the editor performs static checks on the constraints specified in the rules to provide early error detection. Thus, we argue that the editor will of significant help to the security administrators.
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3D電腦動畫電影--台灣進入國際數位內容產業的契機 / 3D Computer Animated Movies -- An Opportunity for Taiwan to Compete in The Global Digital Content Market黃寶雲, Huang,Pao-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以作者多年的國際媒體產業經驗與觀察為主軸,輔以豐富的產業研究資料及分析,探討台灣在發展3D 電腦動畫電影產業時的各項競爭條件。論文架構採用學者波特在國家競爭優勢中所提出的價值鏈及鑽石模型理論,逐一分析台灣在面臨國際競爭時,各項條件的優勢與不足。
要了解好萊塢如何成功地揉合「創意」與「科技」,不斷創造出一部部席捲全球的3D電腦動畫電影,必須先認識好萊塢電影產業的運作基礎。好萊塢有著相當複雜的產業發展背景,時至今日,這些時空背景仍深深地影響著產業的各個層面。本論文先深入剖析好萊塢電影產業的各項價值活動、產業及人力結構、以及電影投資、融資與風險控管等機制。其後,則進一步分析3D電腦動畫產業的版圖現況及發展趨勢,並以三家領導廠商Pixar、DreamWorks Animation、Blue Sky進行個案分析,透過對這三家廠商發展歷程與運作模式的檢視,台灣可以從中學習成功的經驗,並避免重蹈覆轍。
論文最後,則基於以上之論述,提出兩項論點,說明此刻是台灣以3D電腦動畫電影切入國際數位內容產業的良機。第一項論點是現階段仍屬全球3D電腦動畫產業發展初期,新進入者較易跨入此一新興市場;第二項論點則是台灣世界級的資訊產業提供了優勢的競爭基礎,使台灣具有更高的策略位置。因此,台灣可以高科技產業帶動數位內容產業的發展,延續「科技矽島」的成功經驗,再創「Silicon Hollywood:矽谷+好萊塢」的國家新競爭優勢。 / The 3D feature computer animation industry has grown tremendously in the past 10 years. In Taiwan, the government has identified the “digital content” industry as one of the two rising stars in the “Two Trillions, Twin Stars” national industry development plan, with “computer animation” as its top development priority.
Based on the author’s years of observation and experience in international media and business, with abundant industrial research and statistical data, this thesis discusses Taiwan’s competitive advantages in the development of a globally competitive 3D feature computer animation industry. This thesis also refers to Michael Porter’s “Competitive Advantages of Nations”, which uses the Diamond Model to identify a nation’s weaknesses and strengths in the global economy.
To realize how Hollywood can successfully combine creativity and technology to create box-office 3D computer animated movies, it is wise to consider how Hollywood fundamentally works. Hollywood is a complicated machine fed by its rich background and history that currently affects every facet of its behavior. This thesis breaks down that behavior into sections that detail topics such as value chain activities, modern industrial and labor structure setup, film financing and risk management. Three leading computer animation studios are Pixar, DreamWorks Animation, and Blue Sky. After understanding how the Hollywood film industry works, the next logical topic to examine is how these studios relate globally with the international 3D feature animation industry’s landscape and development trend. Using these studios as case studies, examining their timeline of development and work methodologies, important lessons can be learned and previous pitfalls avoided as Taiwan takes its first steps towards establishing its own successful 3D computer animation industry.
Upon its analysis, this thesis identifies two strong reasons that justify why now is the time for Taiwan to establish its 3D computer animation industry as a means to compete in the global digital content market. The first reason is because the current global landscape of the 3D feature animation industry is just past its infancy and in an early stage of development, making it easier for new entries into the market. The second reason is because Taiwan has the advantage of having a strong resource in its world-leading IT industry that provides strong leverage above the competition. Taiwan is already world famous for being a technologically strong “Silicon Island”. By creating a bridge between technology and creativity, Taiwan can emulate its previous success model and thus create a new international identity as the “Silicon Hollywood”.
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就風險控管之觀點評析我國現行證券市場「共同責任制交割結算基金特別管理委員會」之效益陳志宏, Chen,Chih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
我國證券市場自設立共同責任制交割結算基金以來,大型證券商迭有反應,其凍結大量資金於防範市場違約,影響其資金運用之靈活度,筆者除了解上開情事之真實現況外,擬參酌國外之相關作法, 就共責制基金設置之適法性及基金運用之靈活度、流動性等構面,加以研議分析共同責任制交割結算基金之一定金額以保險方式取代現行以現金繳納方式之相關可行性意見,俾供 主管機關卓參。
二、研究潛在風險值之建議:現行「共責制基金」之規模大小,亦即彌補市場因證券商違約所造成資金缺口之能力大小,究係應較現行規模增加或減少,因該項議題牽涉的因素甚廣,例如:全體及個別證券商經營風險之涉險程度不同而產生差異;再者,個別證券商可以接受委託買賣之額度,因個別證券商之可動用資金淨額倍數不盡相同,亦即一般淨值達二億元之證券商每日得接受委託買賣之額度最多僅達四十億元(公司本身淨值之20 倍),然而大型證券商淨值達一百億元之證券商每日得接受委託買賣之額度最多幾可達二千億元(公司本身淨值之20 倍),故估算全體市場真實交易潛在之風險值,應有進一步研究的空間,用以重新衡估「共責制基金」之最適規模,俾有效率的運作「共責制基金」,發揮最大效能之餘,又能兼顧「共責制基金」安全性、流動性及變現性等之訴求,亦為本研究最終之期許與建議。
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上限型股權連結保本票券之評價、避險和風險控管 / Valuation, Hedge and Risk Management of Capped, Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes陳芬英, Chen, Fen-ying Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇文章為上限型股權連結保本票券之設計、評價和比較。本文考量投資人保守的投資行為與設限型股權連結票券所存在的delta跳躍(delta jump)現象,延伸Brennan and Schwartz (1976)模型,提出一個能在股價波動之際,使發行的避險部位delta呈現平滑變動且兼具保本(protected principal)功用的一般化模型(general form)。相較於一般的設限型股權連結保本模型,本模型具有以下特色。第一,加入股價成長率的調整因子(adjustable factor),當景氣低靡,股價不停下跌時,正的調整因子可減緩股價下滑之勢,進而增加投資人在票券到期日時獲取更多資本利得(capital gain)的機會。同時,調整因子縮小了當期股價成長率與股價上限成長率(capped stock growth rate)之間的差距,繼而減緩delta 跳躍的幅度,降低發行者的避險成本。並且在HJM利率模型下,delta隨股價與股價波動度的變化更顯平滑(smooth)。第二,在保本率(protection rate)和參與率 (participation rate)不變之下,本模型的期初合理價格(fair price)較低,投資人能以較低的成本取得同等的投資保障。第三,若將本票券的名目面額(notional principal)視作共同基金(mutual fund)的淨值(net value),而該淨值與股價連動,則本模型即成為股權連結的保本型基金(principal-protected fund)。
第二篇文章是路徑依賴之上限型股權連結保本模型之評價和風險測量。該文是擴展Brennan and Schwartz (1976)模型發展一個路徑依賴之上限型股權連結保本模型,並且提出一個比二元數模型更精確的封閉解。此外,也對七個時間序列進行股價波動度之精確檢定,得知AR-ARCH(1)模型對上限型股權連結保本票券而言,較其它時間序列模型,更能有效估計股價之波動度。
第二篇文章是外國資產的風險管理。目前在國內金融市場上,國外金融商品很多,大都以外幣計價,因此匯率風險是投資人不可忽視的因子。本文拓展Kupiec(1999)模型,將匯率風險加入模型中,使投資人更有效進行風險管理。 / This thesis studies valuation, hedge and risk management of capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes by means of the following essays:
(1) Design, Valuation and Comparison of Capped Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes
(2) Valuation and Risk Measurement of Capped Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes with Path Dependence
(3) Risk Management of Foreign Assets
Capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes are similar with barrier options. There exists delta jump as stock price or growth rate reaches the barrier. But previous studies about equity-linked and principal-protected notes with a restricted growth rate of stock price never explicitly discussed how the delta jump could be solved. In my first essay, I present a new design for capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes and add an adjustable factor to growth rate of stock price in such a way that the adjustable factor narrows the gap between the current stock growth rate and the capped stock growth rate and thus really reduces the magnitude of the delta jump and hence lowers the hedging cost for brokers.
Recently, the focus of previous studies about principal-protected notes has been on either the restriction on the rate of stock return or the path dependence on the underlying asset, but not both in the same context. In my second essay, I develop a model on the capped, equity-linked and principal-protected notes with path dependence. There are two issues in this article. The first issue is valuation on the capped, equity-linked and principal-protected notes with path dependence. I find a closed-form approximation using the 2nd-order Taylor approximation and the method of Vorst (1992) that has higher accuracy than binomial tree model as maturity time or volatility becomes large. The second issue is risk measurement. I use VaR model to evaluate market risk of the principal-protected notes, and employ seven univariate time series models to forecast volatility and examine the accuracy.
Additionally, investors may well encounter potential loss as the prices of financial products are reduced in the secondary market. The VaR is mainly concerned with the downside risk and becomes a standard measure of financial market risk that is increasingly used by investors. But if we want to apply 〝textbook〞formulation to risk management of foreign assets, there leaves exchange rate risk out of consideration. Therefore, I extend the work by Kupiec (1999) to present VaR formula with exchange rate risk for foreign assets and then to manage market risk usefully.
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