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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國民小學教師領域性與協同教學意願關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationships Between the Concept of Territoriality of Teachers

王素芸, Wang,Su Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在透過人類領域性理論,探討教師領域性相關內涵,以理解教師領域性心理與行為,進而探討國小教師領域性與協同教學意願的關係。本研究重點主要包括:(1)人類領域性與教師領域性的相關概念、(2)協同教學相關概念、(3)國小教師領域性與協同教學意願的關係、(4)對國小協同教學實施的建議。 本研究採用文獻分析法以及問卷調查法進行,以自編之「國民小學教師領域性與協同教學意願調查問卷」,針對台北市五所有班群教室設計與協同教學的國小及五所一般國小,合計十所國小全體教師實施問卷調查。合計發出502份問卷,有效問卷共計247份,有效問卷比例約49.2%。使用的統計方法除描述性統計外,還包括信度分析、T考驗、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、因素分析及潛在變項分析。 本研究主要結果如下: 一、國小教師確實會以領域相關概念處理教學相關事項,亦即,教師對教學相關事項的處理,確實存在領域性。 二、國小教師對教學相關事項的處理,偏向於初級領域概念。保守言之,其教師領域概念介於初級領域與次級領域之間,且略偏向初級領域。 三、整體而言,國小教師具有中等以上程度的教學相關領域性。 四、在五種教學相關領域事項中,國小教師最期望獲取的是時間與空間,最尊重不侵擾的是時間與學生群體。相對上,「教學時間」最能代表國小教師領域性。 五、經實證調查分析,八項有意義的領域性影響因素為:人際身分因素、領域特質因素、情境因素、性格/經驗因素、人際異同喜惡因素、資源因素、自我概念因素、程序因素。 六、整體而言,國小教師協同教學意願維持在中等程度,並傾向認為學校教師彼此間應該像是「親密的一家人」。 七、國小教師似乎偏好某些類型的協同教學。 八、國小教師若越傾向以初級領域概念處理教學空間、教學資源、教學時間、學生群體、及個人對教學的想法或做法,就越傾向不願意實施協同教學。 九、不同人口變項的國小教師其教師領域性與協同教學意願高低有顯著差異。 十、國小教師的教學相關領域性與其他場域領域性的特性有差異。 最後,依據上述研究結果,本研究分別提出對國小學課程與教學、學校或教育行政機關及未來研究的建議。 / This study aimed to investigate the content of territoriality of teachers through the theory of human territoriality, for realizing the psychological and behavioral significance of territoriality of teachers, and then studying the relationships between the concept of territoriality of teachers and the willingness of team teaching of elementary school teachers. The main pointes of this study includes: (1) the concepts about human territoriality and territoriality of teachers, (2) the concepts of team teaching, (3) the relationships between the concept of territoriality of teachers and the willingness of team teaching of elementary school teachers, and (4) the suggestions on the implementation of team teaching in the elementary schools. In this study, literature review and questionnaire survey were adopted; and the questionnaire “A Survey on the Relationships Between the Concept of Territoriality of Teachers and the Willingness of Team Teaching of Elementary School Teachers” was designed. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 502 elementary school teachers, from five clustered-classroom and team-teaching public elementary schools and five other general public elementary schools in Taipei city. At last, 247 questionnaires (49.2%) were valid and analyzed. Besides descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, factor analysis and SEM were used to analyze the data from the questionnaire survey. Some of significant findings of this study are as follows: 1. Most elementary school teachers treat related teaching affairs with territory concepts. That’s to say, the concept of territoriality of teachers can be found in the treatment of teaching affairs by most elementary school teachers. 2. Most elementary school teachers tend to treat teaching affairs with the concept of primary territory. In terms of conservative analysis, the inclination falls on the border between the primary and secondary territory, but towards the primary territory. 3. In general, most elementary school teachers possess above-average level of related territoriality of teaching. 4. Among five related territoriality of teaching affairs, most elementary school teachers desire to have time and space—value time and “space” most—and extremely respect time and students, which cannot be bothered. In other words, “Teaching time” is the most representative of territoriality of teachers. 5. After the analysis of the empirical study, eight significant Influential factors of territoriality are: (1) inter-personal relationship and status, (2) territorial characteristics, (3) situation, (4) personality/experience, (5) inter-personal preference, (6) resources, (7) self-concept, and (8) procedure. 6. On the whole, most elementary school teachers’ willingness to team teaching are moderate, and tend to regard each other as intimate family members. 7. Most elementary school teachers tend to prefer some kinds of team teaching. 8. The more elementary school teachers tend to treat—with the concept of primary territory—teaching space, teaching resources, teaching time, students, and their thinking and doing about teaching, the less they are willing to practice team teaching. 9. For the elementary school teachers of different demographical variables, the relationships between their territoriality of teachers and willingness of team teaching are significantly different. 10. The characteristics of territoriality of teaching are different from those of other fields. Finally, based on the findings of the questionnaire survey and related literature review, the researcher works out some suggestions on the elementary school curriculum and instruction, schools and educational administrative organizations and future researchers.


林佳儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「媒介再現刻板印象」為主要議題,並以融入教學為主要取徑,期能為有興趣實踐媒體素養融入教學的現職教師,發展出符合其需求的教學指引架構,並供有志推動媒體素養教育的組織或教科書出版商參考。 本研究首先整理媒介再現刻板印象以及媒體素養教育文獻,發展出適於國小各年級教學的「媒介再現刻板印象教學目標」;接著分析主要教科書版本(康軒、南一、翰林、仁林)、四大領域(健康與體育、综合活動、社會、藝術與人文)的教科書,從中找出可實施本議題融入教學的課程與特色,進而提出「教學主題與課程架構」。繼而,研究國內、外的教學指引,比較在架構與設計理念上的異同,進一步發展出適合於台灣的社會脈絡下,實施本議題融入教學的「教學指引架構」,並依照該架構設計成範本(附件一),俾使未來教材設計人員,能有具體的參照。本研究希望結合了教學目標、主題與課程架構,以及教學指引架構等三項根本而關鍵的內容,能使有興趣以此為議題發展教材的相關人員與組織有完整的資訊。 本研究採取專家評鑑法,邀集長年觀察與推動媒體素養教育的「媒體素養專家」,及有豐富教學經驗的「國小現職教師」擔任評鑑工作,找出教學目標、課程架構與教學指引架構之缺點和問題所在,再根據專家意見進行改良和修正。 研究發現,每一個學習領域都有實施本議題融入教學的空間,且融入課程是目前推行媒體素養教育的最佳方式,並需為其設計專門的教學指引,以做為現有教學指引的輔助工具,且應包含學校裡可運用的、可與課程結合的各種媒體研究方法。此外,教材必須以現職教師最熟析的形式呈現,並提供認知地圖,則能讓教師快速吸收且便於使用。

高一學生複數與複數平面解題主要錯誤類型及其補救教學之研究 / A Study on the Main Error Types and the Related Remedial Instruction about Solving Problems of Complex Numbers and Complex Plane by the Tenth Graders

吳銘川 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高一學生於「複數與複數平面」單元教學完畢後,解題時發生錯誤的主要類型,並探討發生錯誤的原因,再根據這些錯誤的原因,設計補救教學課程,以進行補救教學活動,並分析補救教學活動的成效。 根據本研究,學生於「複數與複數平面」單元解題主要錯誤類型有下列十一種:對複數的定義了解不清、不知二根式乘除的運算規則、不熟悉i的次n方或不具「級數」觀念無法順利利用 乘冪的特殊性質、作複數的四則運算時易發生錯誤、不知複數絕對值的意義或觀念仍停留在國中「負的變正的,正的還是正的」的錯誤觀念、不清楚共軛複數的定義或共軛複數與複數絕對值產生混淆、不會利用複數絕對值的運算性質、無法將複數正確地對應到複數平面上、平面幾何能力不足、尚未建立複數概念、習慣以整數思考。發生錯誤的主要因素有:定義不清,似是而非、受直觀影響,產生錯誤類推、無法將複數與複數平面連結、先備知識不足。 補救教學成效方面:空白率不論由整份試卷或個別試題做檢定,均呈現明顯下降、答對率以整體學生來看,大部分試題答對率均上升,以高低分組來看,無論是高分組或低分組學生,成績均明顯改善。保留效果以整體學生來看,答對率並沒有顯著差異,全體學生後測與延後測成績呈高度正相關。特別針對低分組學生做檢定,發現低分組學生的學習保留得很好,後測與延後測答題差異並不顯著。此外,學生普遍認為以PowerPoint 與 GSP 為工具的補救教學,學習內容與教材更能吸引學生的注意,增進學生的學習成效,因此學生對補救教學大多抱持著正面的看法。 / The research aims to explore the main error types of first grader’s in a senior high school when solving the unit of complex number and complex plane after the instruction, including the possible reasons of their errors. The course designs of the remedial instructions are followed according to those reasons. At the end of this study, some analyses of the effects of remedial instruction activities are provided. In this study, there are eleven main error types from the first graders when proceeding to do the unit of complex number and complex plane : vague understanding about the definition of complex number; lacking necessary knowledge for the operation rules with the multiplication and division of two radicals; unfamiliar with handling the power of i and sum of the them; constantly making mistakes when doing the fundamental operations of arithmetic with complex number; confusing the meaning or conception concerning the absolute value of complex number under the false ideas existed in junior high about “A negative becomes a positive , and a positive is still a positive ”; not knowing the definition of conjugate complex number or confusing conjugate complex number with the absolute value of complex number; incapable of using the idea of operating the absolute value of complex number; failing to relate complex number to complex plane; inability in plane geometry; unable to construct the concept of complex number; habitual thinking with integer. The primary factors of making the above errors, according to this research, are as follows: ambiguous definition; paradoxical; influenced by instinct; making false analogy; failing to effectively connect complex number with complex plane; lacking prerequisite knowledge. As for the results of this remedial teaching, the rate of blank in students’ answer sheets, regardless of the whole test sheets or individual tests, has obviously decreased; the learners’ rate of accuracy as a whole is mostly higher; the improvement of grades, both in the brilliant group and in the poor group, is significantly improved; the effect of retention, in view of the whole participants’ rate of accuracy, varies insignificantly; more important, the results of students’ post-tests and postponed post-tests are in highly positive correlation. In testing the poor group, we find their retention of learning excellent. The variations of answers in the post-tests and postponed post-tests are not significant. Besides, most learners pay much attention to the contents and materials of employing Power Point and GSP and consider them as useful tools in the remedial teaching. In conclusion, the participants make great progress under this experiment. Therefore, most learners take positive perspectives from the remedial instruction.

電腦輔助漢英與英漢翻譯例句搜尋服務 / A Computer Assisted Environment for Searching Related Translations between Chinese and English

賴敏華, Lai, Min Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為提供一個能輔助學生學習英漢翻譯與漢英翻譯時,搜尋翻譯例句的環境。我們的平行語料是利用網路上可取得的文件,如:英語教學網站、學習單等,利用人工擷取中英文對照的句子。標記化語料庫中記錄了中文句、英文句、中文句斷詞後的結果、中文句的詞性標記、中文句結構樹以及英文結構樹等資訊。 使用者輸入的查詢句可包含中文句、英文句及中英文混合句。我們的系統會依據不同的搜尋功能,針對查詢句作前處理,如:斷詞、詞性擷取、結構樹分析、詞性還原、查詢句的詞彙擴展等,再與標記化語料庫作比對,最後提供與查詢句相似的中英文對照句子給使用者,讓使用者在學習翻譯時,有更多類似句可以參考。 我們的系統不容易使用正規的方式評估;為了評估系統的效能,我們記錄各個搜尋功能,在不同門檻值下所得到的類似句句數,並利用NIST及BLEU來評估本系統所提供的類似句品質;另外我們透過問卷調查請受試者勾選本系統所提供類似句。問卷調查結果顯示受試者對於本系統所提供的類似句共識度並不高;本系統在提供10句類似句中,僅有1.6句的類似句是受試者認為有幫助的。 / I present an environment for searching related translations between Chinese and English. A parallel and tagged corpus was constructed based on the text material obtained from the Internet, including English teaching websites and public learn¬ing sheets. The corpus contains both English and Chinese sentences, the infor¬mation about how the Chinese strings were segmented, the POS tags of the Chinese words, and the syntactic structures of the English and Chinese sentences. The user can use our system to do some queries by entering a Chinese sentence, an English sentence, or any pattern with mixed Chinese and English. The query sentence will be preprocessed according to the search function which the user selects, and the results of preprocessing will be used to search in the tagged corpus. The search results will be the reference sentences that are related to the query sentence. A formal evaluation of our system is not easy. I evaluated the system by entering a set of selected queries. For those tests, I recorded and compared the amount of reference sentences the system returned, and evaluated the quality of the reference sentences with their BLEU and NIST scores with some standard translations. In addition, I evaluated my system with the help of human subjects. Human subjects were asked to choose useful sentences from the reference sentences returned by my system. Experimental results indicated that the agreements between human subjects were not high, and the human subjects found that only about 1.6 sentences were useful from 10 reference sentences.

國中英語教師教學意見調查之研究 / The study of the investigation of the teachers' opinions about in Junior High School

黃馨葆, Janet Huang Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究主要在調查國中英語教師對於教學方面的意見,其內容包含以下六個部分:一、探討語言學的內涵與研究範圍。二、探討語言學習理論的基礎。三、介紹語言教學的發展。四、介紹語言測驗的重要性。五、了解教具與教學資源的種類。六、建議與結論。 本研究以台北市國民中學英語教師為調查對象,在學校方面抽出20所國民中學,發出200份問卷,回收167份,回收率83.5%,有效問卷151份。調查工具採自編之「國中英語教師教學意見調查」問卷。研究中所採用的統計方法包括次長分配、百分比統計以及卡方考驗等,問卷的處理則採SPSS for windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 據此,本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 在英語教師應接受的專業訓練方面:超過90%的國中英語教師認為英語教師應接受語言學的訓練,而其中以語言發展史與語音學為最重要的範圍。 二、 在各種英語教學方法中以溝通、口說教學法最受國中英語教師的重視。值得注意的是默示教學法、暗示教學法這類新式的教學法只有不到六成的英語教師覺得重要,這有可能是因為有多數的英語教師不了解其意涵,且此兩種教學法在現行的國中英語教學上有其施行的困難。 三、 在教學技巧上,現行國中英語教師認為教導學生學習會話與造句的技巧最重要。 四、 在語言測驗方面,現行國中英語教師認為聽力與發音的測驗最重要。 五、 在教具與教學資源上,現行國中英語教師認為使用圖片與黑板、戲劇來教學是重要的。 再者,綜合文獻探討、研究過程及實證調查之分析結果,針對有關單位與 國中英語教師、未來研究提出以下建議: 對於有關單位的建議: 一、 釐清英語教學的目的及其在中學教育的地位。 二、 實施英語教學的內容,宜將聽、說、讀、寫四種技能列為平常地位來設計課程與教材。 三、 提供充分的教具與教學資源。 四、 採用合宜的入學測驗,導正正確的英語教學。 五、 具有彈性的英語課程內容與授課時數。 六、 籌劃真正實用的英語師資培養課程及提供足夠進修管道。 對於國中英語教師的建議: 一、 教師應建立終身學習的信念。 二、 授課時所採用的教學教法須與教學理論配合。 三、 採用合宜學習評量的方式。 對於未來研究的建議: 一、 本研究採量化之研究,未能再深入了解英語教學的現況,建議可再採深度訪談或觀察的方式來進行研究。 二、 研究對象方面,建議可將研究對象擴大至台灣省英語教師的研究。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究問題與名詞釋義 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 語言學的意義與研究範圍 第二節 語言習得理論 第三節 英語教學法的介紹 第四節 英語測驗的重要 第五節 英語教學與視聽教育工具 第三章 研究方法 第一節 調查研究的架構 第二節 調查對象與樣本之選取 第三節 調查研究工具的編製 第四節 調查研究的實施過程 第五節 調查研究資料的統計處理 第四章 調查結果的分析與討論 第一節 對於教師應接受的教學訓練的調查結果 第二節 對於各種英語教學法看法的調查結果 第三節 對於各種教學技巧看法的調查結果 第四節 對於英語測驗的看法的調查結果 第五節 對於使用教具看法的調查結果 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 / The study of the investigation of the teachers' opinions about teaching in Junior High School Abstract The main purpose of this study are to explore junior high school teachers' opinions about teaching. It contains six parts: First, the study explores the content of Linguistics. Second, the study explores the basic theories of language learning. Third, the study introduces the development of language teaching. Forth, the study introduces the importance of language exams. Fifth, the study wants to understand the kinds of teaching resources. Six, the conclusions and suggestions. Objectives of the study include public junior high school English teachers in Taipei City. 20 schools have been sampled and 200 copies of the questionnaires dispatched. 151 copies of effective samples are actually acquired. Data of questionnaires statistic packaging software "SPSS for windows". Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follow: 1.The professional training about English teachers: Over than 90% of English teachers think that an English teacher should accept the training of linguistics. Most important parts of linguistics are Phonetics and the history of language development. 2.Most of the junior high school English teachers think that communicative language teaching method, and audio-lingual method are most important teaching methods to teach English in junior high school. 3.Most of the English teachers think that the most important teaching skills is how to teach conversation and sentence-making. 4.The junior high school English teachers think that the listening exam is the most important part of language exams. 5.The junior high school English teachers think it important to use blackboard, drama to teach English. According to the results of this study, following proposals are offered: 1. As to the educational authorities, they should (1) Make sure that status of English in junior high school education. (2) Design the textbook with the equality of four skills, the content contains: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing. (3) Offer enough teaching resources. (4) Adopt suitable entrance examination. (5) Design flexible class. 2. As to the teacher: (1) The teachers should have the faith to learn as old as one can. (2) The teachers should use suitable teaching method. (3) The teachers should adopt suitable exams. 3. As to further study: (1) They can enlarge the samples. (2) The can use another way understand the truth of English teaching in junior high schools.

國小班級分組合作學習之研究 / The Study on Cooperative Learning in The Elementary Classroom.

周立勳, Chou Li-Hsiun Unknown Date (has links)
為驗證國外發展漸趨成熟的合作學習法於國內小學班級教學情境中的適用 性,本研究旨在探討國小班級分組合作學習對學生學習表現的影響,釐清 分組合作學習中團體獎勵的效果。 本研究以國小四年級三班144位學生及五年級三班139位學生為對象,進行兩項為期四週之實地教學實驗,分別考驗四項主要研究假設。實驗所得資料經單因子變異數分析、單因子多變量共變數分析、二因子多變量共變數分析、多元迴歸及路徑分析等統計方法,考驗研究假設,結果發現: 1.班級分組合作學習對國小學生互動表現有顯著影響,對學習動機與學習成就表現無顯著影響;2.國小班級實施分組合作學習與學生「性別」、「焦慮」、「成就」、「控制信念」、「合作偏好」等特質對學習動機表現的影響,除「成就」特質外,餘皆無顯著交互作用存在;3.國小班級實施分組合作學習與學生五種特質對學生學習成就表現的影響無顯著交互作用存在;4.競爭與合作團體獎勵結構在國小班級分組教學中對學生互動、學習動機及學習成就表現無顯著影響;5.在使用團體獎勵的分組教學中,團體獎勵的作用主要係由小組的互動、成就預期與專注學習之學習動機的路徑,再影響學習成就表現。 綜合文獻探討的結果、實驗假設考驗及其他資料分析之主要發現,本研究獲致五項結論: 1.國小班級分組合作學習對改善學生學習表現具有一定程度的積極效果; 2.國小班級分組合作學習與學生個人特質影響學習表現之交互作用仍不明顯; 3.在國小班級分組合作學習中,團體互動經驗是影響學生學習表現的關鍵; 4.在國小班級分組合作學習中,運用合作與競爭團體獎勵結構對對學生學習表現無顯著積極的影響。 5.在國小班級分組合作學習中,團體獎勵結果對學生學習表現的影響重於團體獎勵結構。 根據研究結論,本研究從分組合作學習在國小班級教學的應用策略、國小教師運用分組合作學習能力的充實、以及未來研究方向等三方面,提出研究建議,做為應用分組合作學習提昇國小班級教學品質,以及未來研究發展之參考。

不同教學模式對於台中市國中生的聽力及閱讀理解之研究 / A study of the effects of different teaching modes on junior high school students' listening and reading comprehension

張心瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討三種不同的教學模式對於92位較低成就的國中學生的聽力及閱讀理解的影響,採取量化及質性並行的研究。實驗的自變項為三種事前教學輔助,分別為:一、獨立回答學習單的問題;二、老師給予單字及背景知識的教學;三、學生分成小組回答問題,而依變項為學生在聽力及閱讀理解測驗所得的成績。本實驗除了以聽力及閱讀理解測驗驗證事前教學模式的功效,也以學習態度問卷收集相關的資料。教學流程為學生接受15分鐘的教學輔助,然後收聽30分鐘英語學習雜誌,學生接受10次教學,實驗進行十週。實驗結果發現三組學生經歷不同教學模式後,他們的閱讀成績有顯著的差異,其中「學生分成小組回答問題」對閱讀能力幫助最大,而「獨立回答學習單的問題」優於「老師給予單字及背景知識的教學」。另外,「學生分成小組回答問題」能有效提昇聽力及閱讀成績,「學生獨立回答學習單的問題」也對學生的聽力及閱讀有幫助,但未達顯著水準。本研究建議老師在教學前,將學生分為小組討論並回答學習內容相關的問題,以提升學生的學習及理解力。 / The present study aimed to examine the effects of three different kinds of teaching modes on the listening and reading comprehension of 92 less-proficient junior high school students in Taiwan. Comprehension tests and questionnaires were employed to collect related data, which were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The independent variables were the three different kinds of teaching modes; the dependent variables were students’ scores on the listening and reading comprehension tests. There were three experimental classes learned in three kinds of modes for 15 minutes before they listened to a 30-minute English learning magazine’s teaching program. One class read a worksheet and finished the tasks on their own. Another received vocabulary and background knowledge instruction from the researcher. The other class discussed in small groups and answered pre-questions. The experiment took 10 class periods in 10 consecutive weeks. The results are found that the teaching mode including a) studying the handouts and completing the tasks in the individual mode, and b) small group discussion to answer pre-questions are beneficial to lower-proficient EFL junior high school students’ listening and reading comprehension. The latter pre-activity exalted reading comprehension to a significant level, and it also contributed to significant improvement in both listening and reading comprehension. However, receiving vocabulary and background knowledge instructions in a teacher-centered class did not effectively facilitate the participants’ performance. To sum up, the results showed that teachers could ask students to have small group discussion on pre-questions of extra-curriculum learning materials in regular class periods to enhance their listening and reading comprehension.

運用專題研習於電腦教學上的成效研究 / Study on effectiveness of project-based learning in computer teaching

陳嘉健 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education


林振煒 Unknown Date (has links)
過去已有不少文獻比較傳統教學與遠距教學學習成效之異同,然而大部分研究都著重於探討學習效果差異,但是對於因為不同授課方法學生學習投入不同所產生之學習認知差異部分則尚無研究加以探討。因此本研究嘗試從學生學習的過程(投入)與學習的成效(滿意度)及不同授課方法是否對學習認知有所影響,來探討傳統教學遠遠距教學之差異。Adam(1963)所提公平理論認為一般人會同時考慮自己的投入與產出(報酬),與別人之投入與產出相比較,如果比率類似則在心理上會覺得的公平,反之則覺得不公平,不過公平理論並無具體提出如何加以衡量這些「感覺」。本研究採用公平理論觀念,整合資料包絡分析法建構出學習認知公平的綜合指標,並以此指標探討不同授課方式學習認知之差異。 實證結果發現在課程滿意度方面,學生對於遠距教學方式提供方便且有彈性的學習活動和多樣化的學習內容感到滿意;在課程參與度方面,遠距教學環境可提高學生發問的意願,並有助於學生在課程中提出問題;在認知公平方面,單變量實證結果顯示在不同授課方式下,學生在課程中增加一單位投入對滿意度增加程度有顯著差異,但控制可能會對不同授課方式產生影響之變數後,結果顯示不同授課方式對於學習認知公平無顯著差異。

教學影片講解順序對初學者網球正拍動作偵測錯誤能力的影響 / The Effect of Instructive Content Sequence of Tennis Forehand Teaching Videos on Error Detection Performance

陳仲殊, Chen Chung-Su January 1900 (has links)
資訊的進步讓學習者可透過多媒體進行動作學習,有偵測錯誤能力才能在無指導者的狀況下進行自我調整。本研究目的為探討多媒體教學影片講解順序對於學習者錯誤偵測能力的影響。研究對象為四年制大專學生,且無網球或其他持拍類運動背景60名 (男:33位;女:27位;年齡:22.0±1.0)。研究中預先設計A、B兩段網球正拍教學影片,A.先講解身體重心後講解球拍軌跡,以及B.先講解球拍軌跡後講解身體重心,實驗進行前參與者隨機觀看教學影片,建立認知基模,進行實驗時使用SMI 公司的RED遠距測量眼動儀,捕捉參與者偵測初學者網球正拍動作時的凝視軌跡,並以手機錄音的方式紀錄參與者口述偵測的錯誤,所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定處理分析 (α=.05)。結果顯示:1. 觀看不同順序的參與者凝視初學者正拍動作的視覺分配不同,其中手臂、軀幹的AOI達顯著差異;2. 分期階段的拉拍期手臂與軀幹的AOI達顯著差異;3. 擊球期與完成期則皆只有手臂AOI達顯著差異;4. 偵測錯誤結果上觀看A教學影片的參與者偵測較多錯誤,結果也達顯著差異。本研究結果發現不同順序教學影片對參與者偵測錯誤的視覺軌跡或能力皆有影響,建議未來網球正拍教學過程先給予身體重心的重點,將有利於學習者偵測錯誤能力提昇。 / The advent of information technology made learning motor skill through multimedia possible and error-detection ability is essential to self-regulate learning under no instructor condition. In order to study the effect of multimedia instructional video content sequence to the learner’s error-detection ability, this research used sixty (male:33; female:27; age: 22.0±1.0 yrs old) four-years university students with no tennis or racket sports experience as subjects. Two demonstration videos were designed: A: explain body Center of Gravity (CG) first follow by racket trajectory; B: explain racket trajectory first follow by body CG. Participants were randomly assigned to watch the videos to build-up their cognitive schema. The SMI RED remote eye tracker is used to capture participant’s gaze trajectory when watching the beginner’s Tennis forehand drive motion. A cellphone is used to record the participant’s dictation of detection of errors. Data gathered were analysed with independent t-test (α=.05). The results indicate that: 1. participants watching different video content sequence allocate their visual distribution differently, with the arm and truck AOI significantly different; 2. The AOI of arm and truck in backswing stage were significantly different; 3. In waving and follow through stage only the arm AOI exhibit significant difference. 4. In error-detection, watching the A instructional video group exhibit significant error-detection results. The results indicate instructional video content sequence affect the learner’s error-detection visual trajectory and ability. The author suggests that emphasize on body CG in tennis forehand drive instruction process can be favourable to the error-detection ability. / 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究範圍與限制 2 第四節 操作性定義 3 第貳章 文獻探討 6 第一節 多媒體與學習理論 7 第二節 動作學習理論 14 第三節 眼動與運動相關研究 22 第四節 網球正拍動作 25 第五節 本章總結 27 第參章 研究方法 28 第一節 研究架構 28 第二節 研究對象 29 第三節 實驗時間與地點 29 第四節 教學影片與實驗素材 30 第五節 實驗儀器 32 第六節 場地布置 33 第七節 實驗步驟 34 第八節 收集資料與處理方法 40 第九節 統計分析方法 42 第十節 預備實驗 43 第肆章 結果與討論 45 第一節 凝視AOI區域分佈 46 第二節 偵測錯誤語音資料 51 第三節 偵測錯誤凝視順序 54 第四節 綜合討論 55 第伍章 結論與建議 58 第一節 結論 58 第二節 建議 58 參考文獻 60 附件一 正拍動作技術檢核表 67 附件二 人體研究倫理委員會通過證明 68 附件三 受試者同意書 69

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