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學習曲線在成本控制與績效評估上之應用吳曉珠, WU, XIAO-ZHU Unknown Date (has links)
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基差風險之探討-以Basis Swap為例陳憶芳 Unknown Date (has links)
西元二零零八年(民國九十七年)發生的全球性金融海嘯在歷史上絕對會是重要的金融事件之一,初期的徵兆點可追溯自二零零七年美國的次貸事件惡化,此次金融海嘯會在何時畫下句點,各領域的大師眾說紛紜:有人聲稱這次金融海嘯是二次世界大戰以來發生之最嚴峻的一次,將持續至少四~五年;有人說經濟大蕭條會延宕到二零一零年;樂觀的多頭大師則云今年(西元二零零九年)下半年即可嗅到景氣回春的訊息,然而在我寫這論文時,景氣蕭條的氛圍仍持續瀰漫著。雖然這篇論文並不是要探討這次歷史性金融海嘯的前因後果,但是引發我探討這篇論文主題的基差風險,卻源於美國次貸事件惡化後,金融市場反應的LIBOR 3M與LIBOR 6M間基差報價擴大現象而有所關聯。
本文針對交易室的投資組合中,在利率產品交易裡使用的浮動利率指標(Floating Rate Index),不論是LIBOR 1M、LIBOR 3M、LIBOR 6M或LIBOR 12M,原本用來評價內含這些浮動利率指標產品的曲線(Revaluation Curve)均是由3M Swap Rate (USD LIBOR 3M)市場價格所建構而成;在納入基差因子,實際反映市場基差報價來分別建構不同浮動利率指標交易對應的不同評價曲線,比較納入基差因子前後及模擬各種基差市場價格情境下,對投資組合進行評價的損益差異,來說明忽略基差風險對投資組合的影響程度。
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透過利率期限結構建立總體經濟產出缺口之預測模型 ─ 以美國為例 / Construct the forecast models for economic output gap through the term structure of interest rates ─ evidences for the United States張楷翊 Unknown Date (has links)
得出以下結論,第一,殖利率曲線對於未來總體經濟產出缺口具有一定之解釋力;第二,對於高維度之預測模型在機器學習中的支持向量機表現會較一般常用之迴歸模型佳;第三,進出口的預測力在三個模型下均表現較差,可能為殖利率曲線對於進出口並不具有完整有效的資訊,可能有其餘的經濟指標或金融市場資訊可以解釋;第四,對於實質消費與投資等民間部門經濟行為有超過80%的預測力。 / The output gap of the economy has always been the objectives of policy practitioners. When a country appear the output gap, it means that the allocation of resources is not equilibrium and the inflation or unemployment will occur. The output gap will allow policymakers to implement the policy as early as possible, and the literature notes that the information of the yield curve has information about the future economic situation.
In this paper, we using the data from the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve to predict the output gap by the slopes of the yield curve. Our goal is to construct the prediction model for the next quarter. To forecast the real GDP gap, three prediction models were compared, linear regression model, logistic regression model and support vector machine. The results show that the accuracy of the three predictions are more than 65%, support vector machine accuracy to reach 80.85%.
We can have conclusions showing below: First, the yield curve has significant explanatory power for the overall economic output gap in the future. Second, the support vector machine perform better than the commonly used regression model. Third, the predictive power of real import and export in the three models are poor performance, there may be the rest of the economic indicators or financial market information can be explained. Fourth, the real consumption and investment has the predictive power more than 80% of the forecast.
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熱帶圓錐曲線之研究 / On Tropical Conics黃馨儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章主要研究熱帶幾何之圓錐曲線,即二元二次多項式``根''的圖形。在文章中,我們以二元二次多項式係數關係做曲線的分類,歸納出20種熱帶圓錐曲線圖形,並證明此為完整的熱帶圓錐曲線之分類。然後,我們進一步討論如何調整二元二次多項式係數使圖形平移。最後,提出以熱帶直線輔助熱帶圓錐曲線快速作圖的方式。 / The purpose of the present study is to investigate conics -the graphs of the ``roots'' of quadratic polynomial- in tropical geometry. First, we induct and classify twenty types of tropical conics based on the relation between the coefficients and roots in quadratic polynomial. Second, evidences are provided to prove the classification thorough and intact. Then, we further discuss how to modify the quadratic polynomial in order to translate the graphs. Finally, suggestion about how to use tropical line to assist the graphing of tropical conics more efficiently is provided.
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嬰童服飾產業兩岸垂直及水平分工整合研究以麗嬰房公司為例 / Research on Vertical and Horizontal Division of Labor Across the Strait of Childrenwear and Baby Garment Industry Case Study: les enphants林光儀, Lin,Kuang-I Unknown Date (has links)
一.以大陸廉價的勞工設立工廠,從微笑曲線來看卻是附加價值最低的投資。二.「自有品牌 + 自有通路 + 國際嬰童品牌合作」麗嬰房核心競爭策略,台商經營嬰童服飾,擺脫代工廠的角色,此一商業模式可為經營參考。三.針對兩岸不同的市場需求,採取水平分工,但在朝向國際化或區域性發展,母公司負責產品設計研發整合,繼而兩岸的生產功能整合,藉合併生產擴大規模經濟。四、國際童裝紛紛將生產基地設在中國大陸,避免斷絕與世界名牌童裝接軌的機會,政府應加速開放中國製童裝紡品輸入,加速台灣嬰童服飾產業與世界領導品牌合作。 / The cause of this study is to analyze whether it is possible for some traditional industries to extend company lives, increase profits and promote operational performance through division of labor across the straits. I will present the case of childrenwear and baby garment industry for substantial examinations in three dimensions: 1. To examine the opportunity and development of China market due to the drop of birth rates in Taiwan. 2. To discuss how business operational performances are influenced by division of labor across the straits. 3. To explore the business models and the critical moment of transformation for Taiwan business through the value chain of children industry.
The research consists of six chapters. Chapter one is a general introduction. Chapter two is the documentation of vertical and horizontal division of labor theory. Chapter three outline of childrenwear and baby garment industry in Taiwan and China. Chapter four presents the in-depth interview with Les Enphants, topics include SWOT Analysis, the Five Forces Model, Operational Strategy Analysis, Analysis of Business Operation across the Strait, global division of labor for Nike childrenwear vs. division of labor across the Strait for Les Enphants. Chapter five on the division of labor of childrenwear, analysis of industry characteristics and value chain, and analysis on division of labor of international chidrenwear companies and les enphants. Chapter six draws up conclusion and suggestions. Les Enphants is the major company of case study, the research methods include data collection and in-depth interviews.
The conclusion and suggestions to childrenwear and baby garment industry are:
1.The cheap and affluent labors in China is the least value-added investment in terms of Smile Curve theory.
2.“Own-brand + own channel + international children brand cooperation” adopted by Les Enphants is a feasible business model for Taiwan’s childrenwear and baby garment industry.
3.Horizontal division of labor is necessary for different markets across the Straits, but early integration of product design is the key for production combination in larger scale.
4.More and more international childrenwear companies set up production base in Mainland China, in order not to cut ourselves from international re-known childrenwear brands, the government should lift the bar on the import of childrenwear and textile products made in China, to speed up the cooperation of Taiwan childrenwear industry and international leading brands.
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影響臺灣學生自律學習的因素:TEPS資料的縱貫性分析 / The impact of self-regulation learning on taiwan student: longitudinal analysis of TEPS data趙珮晴 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣共同基金費用之規模經濟探討張中伍 Unknown Date (has links)
我國投信在93年底時共發行有466支基金,資產淨值達新台幣貳兆肆仟捌佰餘億元,已成為一般投資人主要的投資工具。 共同基金的報酬具有不確定性,費用卻需持續支付,對基金績效造成負面影響。
本研究利用超對數成本模型,對91年至93年均存在之238檔開放式股票型、平衡型及債券型基金的費用作實證分析,基金費用包括經理費、保管費及其他項費用。 研究結果顯示基金的費用存在規模經濟的效果,且經理費為主要的規模經濟來源。 研究結果同時顯示基金費用具學習曲線的效果,且隨投信公司同類型其他基金規模的增加而下降。
本研究因此建議投資人在選定投資之基金類型後,在該類型基金中挑選規模較大者,應是較有利的選擇。 同時建議基金公司應考慮對旗下同類型之基金加以合併,使基金規模擴大後費用率得以降低,以嘉惠投資人。
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利率浮動與路徑相依型信用連結債券之評價與分析謝曉薇 Unknown Date (has links)
自1992年首次公開「信用風險的衍生性商品」之後,信用衍生性商品市場從此展開,本國財政部也於民國91年底開放信用衍生性商品的交易;然而,目前信用衍生性商品仍是以英、美為主要的市場,信用違約交換為最大宗,其餘依序是擔保債券憑證(Collateralized Debt Obligations,CDO)、總收益交換協議(Total Return Swap)、信用連結債券及信用價差商品,然而,從市場接受度、法令配合度及券商的競爭優勢等方面來看,卻以信用連結債券較高。
目前已有部分券商及銀行發行信用衍生性商品,其條款報酬對投資人是否合理,發行價格對券商是否有利可尋,都將是對財務工程及商品條款設計一項考驗。本文藉由兩個市場上信用連結商品的實例:「台幣二年期錸德信用連動組合式商品」及「滙豐四年期和記黃埔信用連結組合式債券」,利用Hull-White(1994)利率三元樹與David Li(1998)信用曲線的建構來分析商品與評價,希望能將所學應用於實務,對台灣將來可能造成熱潮的信用衍生性商品,做一完整的說明與分析,使投資人了解到商品本身的風險及獲利,發行人也可注意其避險方法,造成雙贏的局面。
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交通機能損傷を考慮した総合的災害リスク管理に関する研究玉置, 哲也 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第19113号 / 情博第559号 / 新制||情||99(附属図書館) / 32064 / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科社会情報学専攻 / (主査)教授 多々納 裕一, 准教授 畑山 満則, 准教授 松原 繁夫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM
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可展面の幾何学特性を用いた曲面構造の形状最適化 / Shape optimization of curved surface structure using geometric characteristics of developable surface崔, 京蘭 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21731号 / 工博第4548号 / 新制||工||1709(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 大崎 純, 教授 竹脇 出, 教授 西山 峰広 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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