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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣地區學術文獻被引用情形之研究:探討12所大學學術影響力 / A Study of scholarly literature citation in Taiwan: Base on the case of 12 universities

吳孟瑾, Wu, Meng Jin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是王亦勤《台灣地區學術生產力研究-以12所頂尖大學為例》之後續研究,同樣以台灣教育部第一次補助五年五百億款項的頂尖大學計畫中,獲選之12所大學為研究對象,根據WOS系統收錄之期刊文獻,收集了大約13萬筆資料進行被引用次數分析研究。主要研究目的是期望透過各校被引用次數之分佈情形,對各校學術學術文獻影響力進行瞭解。研究方法是利用WOS系統收集各校學術文獻的資料,接著進行書目計量統計,分析各校及各系所的被引用次數,透過各系所文獻被引用的情形探討此12所大學在各領域的學術影響力。 本研究結果發現,各校被引用次數於各類組之分佈情形綜合來看以台大的表現最佳;各校被引用次數之歷年分佈並不一致,但由整體被引用次數分佈情況可發現,學術文獻要達到被引用的最高峰可能在5~10年左右,超過這段期間或時間距離太近的文獻被引用的情況較低;本研究利用普萊斯平方根定律及80/20法則,進行被引用次數與研究單位數之集中特性分析,所獲得之研究結果符合80/20法則的規律,接近普萊斯平方根定律的分佈特性;透過各校之H指數與各類組被引用次數之學校排名後發現,難以根據各校之H指數瞭解各校於不同領域之學術影響力,要對各校系所及各領域之H指數進行探討才能進行較客觀的比較研究,但由於WOS系統對於各研究單位名稱之著錄並不一致,難以獲得較精確之數據,因此本研究不以此方法對各校學術影響力進行綜合評比,僅就各校H指數與各校之被引用次數進行比較分析;本研究以被引用次數及文獻篇數進行相關性研究,發現文獻被引用次數與文獻篇數之間具有高度正相關的特性,因此推論各研究單位文獻發表篇數多能獲得較多被引用次數,但並不表示發表文獻愈多的單位被引用次數一定高於發表篇數較少的研究單位。 / This study is a continuing study fellow Wang Yi-Chin’s “A study of scholarly productivity in Taiwan: Bade on the Case of 12 Universities”. The studying units selected by this study are the same as Wang’s. Base on WOS database, this study collected one hundred thirty thousand data for research. The main purpose to research journal article’s cited times is for understanding the influence of Taiwan top 12 universities in scholar. This study discoveries several results as: National Taiwan University has the best cited references times; the cited references of 12 universities distribute differently in every year, but articles cited by five to ten years ago reached the top peak of overall cited times; this use “Price square root law” and “80/20 principle” to examine the cited times and the research units which has cited times. And the outcome of this study is approaching “Price square root law” but match with “80/20 principle”; by H-Index, this study prefers to infer it can’t be considered as a exact indicator for measuring the performance of research influence created by universities in different fields; account to this study, there is quite highly interrelationship between cited times of articles and the number of articles.

透過專利、學術論文分析技術發展趨勢-以蝕刻技術為例 / Technology Trends Analysis via Patent and Scientific Publication - A Case Study of Etching

徐竣祈 Unknown Date (has links)
競爭是現代社會中無所不在的行為,國家或企業透過產業競爭分析、企業競爭分析,乃至市場分析及技術預測(Technological Forecast),才能知己知彼並且擬定正確的決策。對科技產業而言,若企業無法隨時掌握技術發展的趨勢,儘早投入技術研發或調整企業的經營策略。不久之後,市場便會被其他競爭對手所佔據。所幸,沒有一項技術發明是直接由發明者的腦袋直接跳到廣泛應用的境地。其間總是經過好幾個連續階段,每一個階段都使得「實用性」及「有用性」更成熟。因此若能掌握科技發展的脈絡,早期投入研發,便能維持企業的競爭優勢。 專利資訊可以用來評估與預測技術發展、規劃研發或技術發展項目、避免誤觸專利權而浪費研發資源、掌握企業發展動向及市場需求。許多企業和政府機關已經發現專利分析的重要性,並且投入大量的人力、物力來進行專利分析的工作。然而,專利的申請日和公開日之間還是存在至少18個月的時滯,若企業過渡倚賴專利資訊的分析,容易使後續的研發資源投入競爭激烈的技術紅海當中。因此若要充分掌握前瞻技術發展的脈動,基礎研究趨勢分析相對於專利趨勢分析,其重要性有過之而無不及。 在分析方法方面,現存的書目記錄以科學與技術類佔大多數,因此,以書目計量學為工具,自然成為研究「科學」技術整體發展的主流。除了傳統的計量分析之外,利用自動化的方法,挖掘大量文件中的隱含及有用知識,也是最近熱門的研究議題。對探勘技術而言,關聯分析、分群、預測等探勘技術,也漸漸成為技術預測不可或缺的工具之一。 過去曾有眾多的研究利用書目計量來分析學術論文或專利資訊,而最近幾年則陸續出現利用文字探勘來分析學術論文或專利資訊,但這樣的分析結果是片段而不完全的。本研究提出整合性的概念,同時結合計量分析(Bibliometrics)與文字探勘(Text Mining)兩種方法,分別對學術論文(Science Citation Index Expanded)與專利資訊(Derwent World Patents Index)這兩種文獻資料作分析,透過互相比較來瞭解技術發展的趨勢。除此之外,也希望透過個案分析,對本研究所提出之方法論本身,探討之間的關聯性。 在選擇個案方面,奈米科技是目前最熱門的科技產業發展方向。其中最具代表性的產業即「半導體產業」和「微機電系統產業」。蝕刻(Etching)製程與設備技術的良劣,直接影響晶圓產品良率的高低,是影響奈米科技未來發展的重要技術之一。故蝕刻技術之發展趨勢值得深入研究。 而本研究之研究結論如下: 1.技術趨勢分析在層次上宜由遠(計量分析)而近(文獻探勘),理論(論文資料)與應用(專利資料)應並重,分析結果才能互補長短。 2.科學發展與市場需求為專利技術生命週期的領先指標。 3.科學發展增加技術商業化的應用,但市場需求則強化了創新擴散的效果。 4.蝕刻技術的基礎研究目前處於成熟期,而技術發展目前處於成長期。在電子產品輕薄短小、高效能的需求下,預期蝕刻技術將持續被商業化應用。 5.蝕刻技術的領先地位,美商已逐漸被亞洲企業所取代,尤其近來南韓的半導體廠商最為積極。台灣的台積電和聯電過去已累積雄厚的技術發展基礎,惟台灣在基礎研究與產學合作方面仍待加強。

資訊科學先驅的共被引研究:以美國資訊科學學會最佳貢獻獎得主為例 / A Co-citation Analysis on Information Science Pioneers:The Winners of Award of Merit of American Society for Information Science

黃瑞期, Huang, Ruei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
偉大的科學家牛頓曾說:「如果我能比別人看的更遠,那是因為我站在巨人的肩膀上」。任何一個學科的發展,其創始和演進的過程中,必定有一群具有前瞻性與領導風格的研究者,憑藉著他們本身的才能與智慧、努力的奉獻和卓越的理念做出具體的貢獻,透過相同的理念奠定學科的根基,並促使學科興盛發展。 本研究採用書目計量學研究方法中的共被引分析法,以美國資訊科學學會所頒發「最佳貢獻獎」之得主為研究對象,並以1900年至2007年為研究範圍,進行資訊科學家之間的主題性分析。本研究旨在探討44位資訊科學先驅的共被引情況,以瞭解各位先驅和各領域主題的群集現象,進而探討資訊科學的知識結構。本研究透過Web Of Science資料庫分別對於44位資訊科學家與個人被引用最多之著作進行共被引次數檢索,製成共被引矩陣,除了瞭解資訊科學家與其被引用最多之著作的共被引強度外,並以KNOT軟體進行路徑搜尋網路分析,進一步探討資訊科學之主題分佈情況,並與前人所做的相關研究進行比較。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、資訊科學先驅的被引用次數和共被引次數 (一)被引用次數和共被引次數高低的差異,較高者可強化連結強度,較低者可反應出不同的學科結構。 (二)共被引次數較普遍者,具有跨領域的特性。 二、資訊科學先驅的路徑搜尋網路分析 (一)資訊科學領域以五大領域為主要範疇。分別是以Salton, G所領軍的資訊檢索領域;Lancaster, FW所代表的圖書資訊學與圖書館教育、圖書館自動化與自動化系統、圖書館與資訊服務評鑑等領域;Garfield, E為核心的資訊計量學與引用文獻分析之領域;Belkin, NJ所代表的使用者研究與資訊尋求行為領域;Saracevic, T為主的圖書資訊科學概念與理論、圖書資訊科學史的領域。 (二)單篇被引用最多之著作的網路圖無法判別。 三、本研究與White, HD (2003a)研究結果之比較結果 (一)資訊科學領域的學科結構並無太大變動。 (二)資訊科學中心點的不同。本研究所得的網路圖是以Salton, G為圖形的中心點,而White, HD (2003a)則是以Lancaster, FW為圖形中心點。 四、資訊科學領域有跨學科之性質。透過分析結果可以發現資訊科學有跨領域的特性,在許多的資訊科學先驅本身的研究範疇不只侷限於資訊科學,甚且有跨越其他學科主題,例如:電腦科學、社會網絡分析、數學、統計學等。 / Newton, one of the great scientists, said:「If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.」The development in any discipline, in the founding and evolution of the process , there must be a group of forward-looking with the leadership style of the researchers. They make concrete contribution by virtue of their own abilities and intelligence, outstanding efforts and dedication. They through the same idea lay the foundation of their subjects and flourish their disciplines. This study aims at using co-citation analysis of bibliometrics, and regards the Winners of Award of Merit of American Society for Information Science as the research objects to analyze the relevance between and between information scientists, and the research years from 1900 to 2007. The main purpose of this study is to explore the co-citation counts of 44 information scientists to understand the pioneers and the major subjects in information science, and further explore the structure of scientific knowledge of information science. This study through the Web Of Science database retrieve the co-citation counts of 44 pioneers of information science and the most cited of their works to build co-citation matrix. The result let us understanding the co-citation strength of 44 pioneers of information science. We also use the KNOT software in the analysis of PFNETs, try to explore the subjects how to distribute in information science, and take the results compare to the results of the study by White, HD in 2003. The results of the study reveal that: 1.Cited counts and co-citation counts of 44 pioneers of information science (1)The difference between higher counts and lower counts. The higher counts can strengthen the connections between the network, the lows counts can response to the different structures of information science. (2)The higher co-citation counts commonly have the characteristics of cross- discipline. 2.The PFNETs of 44 pioneers of information science (1)The fields of information science divide into five main areas. Salton, G lead the field of information retrieval. Lancaster, FW represent the education of library science and information science, library automation and automated systems, the evaluation for library and information services etc.. Garfield, E as the core of the field of informetrics and citation analysis. Belkin, NJ represent the field of the users research and information-seeking behavior. Saracevic, T represent the field of library information science concepts and theories, the history of library and information science etc.. (2)The network map of the most cited works of 44 pioneers of information science cannot be differentiated. 3. Take the results compare to the results of the study by White, HD in 2003 (1)The field of information science disciplines have not much change in the scientific structure. (2)Different focal point in the maps of information science. This study is based on the network map as Salton, G as focal point for the network, and White, HD (2003a) is based on the network map as Lancaster, FW as focal point for the graphics. 4. The field of information science has the nature of interdisciplinary. The results can be found through the co-citation analysis of information scientists on cross-cutting nature of information science. A pioneer in many areas of study itself is not limited to information science, and even likely to go beyond the subject of other disciplines, such as: computer science, social network analysis, mathematics, statistics etc..

西文資訊科學文獻被引用之分析研究 / Analysis of western cited literature on information science

蔡玉紋, Tsai, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用書目計量學與引用文獻分析法分析引用1998年至2008年資訊科學重要期刊之特性。四種代表性期刊分別為Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology、Information Processing and Management、Journal of Information Science以及Journal of Documentation,研究樣本取自WOS資料庫,共計9579篇書目資料。希冀藉由分析探討引用資訊科學文獻之分佈現象與主題範疇,以觀察其他學科與資訊科學學科的互動關係。 本研究結果歸納如下:(1)資訊科學期刊被引用文獻篇數數量隨年代增長。(2)研究型文章為引用資訊科學期刊文獻最主要的資料類型。(3)本研究不完全符合布萊德福與布萊德福-齊夫定律,但可經由布萊德福-齊夫定律圖解,觀察出核心期刊有七種,核心期刊主題以圖書館學與資訊科學為主。 (4)引用資訊科學期刊文獻之學科大類分佈情況,以引用圖書館學門以及科學類為主,JOD是圖書館學門重要的參考期刊。(5)期刊及圖書主題分佈以被圖書資訊學主題和資訊檢索引用最多。(6)高被引用文獻以JASIST所佔比例最多,顯示JASIST是高生產力與高品質兼具的期刊,是資訊科學最重要且最受關注的文獻來源。(7)高被引主題以全球資訊網最多,其次為線上資訊檢索以及搜尋。(8)高被引作者共21位,目前皆任職於學校機構,以從事資訊科學、資訊研究領域為主,研究主題則是資訊檢索、資訊計量學等為多。這21位核心作者可以說是目前資訊科學界的核心領導作者。 本研究結果可應用於館藏發展與管理之參考,界定重要的期刊與圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位規劃、建立完整的資訊科學研究架構,以支援研究。同時,可將本研究之分析應用於資訊科學領域研究者,提供投稿之參考、了解目前研究主流以及未來的發展趨勢等,並可提供於資訊科學期刊編輯者,讓其了解該期刊之表現,適時調整,作為期刊長期追蹤的參考。 / Through bibliometric approach and citation analysis, this study analyzed the related disciplines and subjects of literature citing the important Information Science journals during 1998 to 2008. The four leading Information Science journals are Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Information Processing and Management, Journal of Information Science, and Journal of Documentation. A total of 9579 bibliographic data were from WOS database. Results show that:(1) The cited times of Information Science journals increased steadily. (2) Journal article is the main documentation type citing Information Science journals. (3)The distribution of literature citing Information Science journals does not exactly fit Bradford’s Law and Bradford-Zipf Law. However, by observation on Bradford-Zipf Law graph, there are seven core journals. The chief fields of core journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Information Science. (4) Primary disciplines of literature citing Information Science journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Science. JOD is the important reference journal in Library Science & Information Science discipline. (5) The subjects of journals and books highly citing Information Science journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Information Retrieval. (6) JASIST is highly cited, showing that it is both a high productivity and high quality journal. (7) The highly cited subject is World Wide Web, and followed by information retrieval and search. (8) The highly cited authors, who mainly serve in college and most of whom hold the post in the related Information Retrieval and Information Study departments, defined in this study amount to 21. Most of them specialize in information retrieval and informetrics. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection development and management, and identify the core journal and books. It assists libraries or information centers in planning and establishing complete research framework on Information Science.

數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫學術研究成果與跨領域合作探討 / A study on interdisciplinary collaboration of Taiwan digital archives and e-learning program

吳萱, Wu, Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國數位典藏計畫自民國87年起至今已發展逾十四年,並於民國91年啟動數位典藏國家型科技計畫。目前已有超過100餘個圖書館、檔案館及博物館等機構參與,且具有多元豐富的主題內容。 本研究旨在探討我國數位典藏計畫自民國91年至99年間之學術論文成果,包含民國97年至99年數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫之成果文獻。本研究採用書目計量學進行文獻特性與跨領域合作分析,經資料蒐集及統計後共計3,032筆書目。首先,針對近九年書目進行文獻特性與主題分析,再者,針對近三年文獻作者計1,186位,進一步進行跨機構與跨領域合作分析。希冀透過本研究,檢視我國數位典藏計畫近九年之學術論文成果分析,並觀察我國數位典藏計畫參與機構/成員間之跨領域合作情形。 本研究結果歸納如下:1.我國數位典藏與數位學習計畫學術研究多元,以研討會論文類型發表居多;2.我國數位典藏與數位學習計畫文獻內容以系統建置與技術服務主題居多,觀察近三年文獻主題則以「數位學習與教育」方面文獻數則較多,可推論因97年起與「數位學習國家型科技計畫」計畫合併,因而在數位學習方面之文獻數量比例增加。3.近三年機構生產力排名為國立臺灣師範大學、中央研究院、國立中央大學、國立臺灣大學、國立臺南大學;4.近三年作者領域以人文及社會科學與工程技術為背景居多;5.近三年作者跨領域合作以工程技術與科學教育合著情形居多。 / The Taiwan Digital Archives Program had been developed 14 years since 1998. Presently, more than 100 libraries, archives and museums and other institutions had involved, and the digital content range covering art, humanities history and life science. This study aimed to explore the Taiwan Digital Archives Program from 2002 to 2007 and its successor of Taiwan Digital Archives and e-Learning Program from 2008 to 2010 as research scope. The research is to find out characteristics of the literature production and to look into the interdisciplinary collaboration between co-authors. The major findings are as follows: a. Taiwan Digital Archives and e-Learning Program has diverse research and development, and types of published papers were mainly conference papers. b. The subject of published papers of Taiwan Digital Archives and e-Learning Program were mainly system building and technical services. However, to observe in recent years the literature subjects are mainly e-learning and education. c. The past three years of productivity rankings in sequence is National Taiwan Normal University, Academia Sinica, National Central University, National Taiwan University and National University of Tainan. d. The past three years of author background is mainly humanities and social sciences and engineering and technical. e. To observe the interdisciplinary collaboration of co-authors is between engineering technology and science education.

從作者與發明人的關係探討技術發展各階段論文與專利活動之關聯性──以電腦視覺領域之賈伯濾波器技術為例 / Discovering the Relationship between Publishing and Patenting Activities from the Relatedness of Authors and Inventors over the Life Cycles of Technological Development── Case Study of Gabor Filter in Computer Vision

許舜棋, Hsu, Shun Chi Unknown Date (has links)
在技術快速變遷的環境中,如何迅速掌握與研發相關的情報以協助研發決策的制訂,已經成為企業重要的競爭優勢來源。近年來,由於電腦運算能力的快速提昇,使用電腦輔助企業自動、快速地從大量增加的科技資訊(特別是專利和論文)中淬取出攸關的資訊,就成為了近年來產業界和學術界積極研究的目標。 在眾多方法中,使用書目計量分析和專利分析方法是最引人注目的方法之一。使用書目計量分析和專利分析可以從龐大的論文和專利資訊中,快速瞭解科技發展的動態:包括瞭解科技發展的階段為何,熱門的科技領域為何,重要的作者和企業為何等等。然而,現階段的書目計量分析和專利分析雖然可以協助瞭解科技發展的全貌,對於科技發展下技術發明活動與科學研究活動的關聯性,以及不同的科技發展階段裡發明人和作者的動態關係,卻仍然缺少相關的研究。 因此,本研究提出以下三點研究問題: 1. 不同類型的論文作者和專利發明人的科學研究/技術發明活動,與技術發展階段的關聯性為何? 2. 發明作者的技術發明/科學研究活動與一般發明人或作者的差異為何? 3. 發明作者的技術發明活動與科學研究活動關係為何? 針對以上的研究問題,本研究首先通過回顧相關文獻以建立分析發明人和作者的研究架構,再蒐集專利和論文的資料並依照架構的需要處理資料,最後進行分析與討論以得到研究結論。 本研究主要獲得以下三點研究結論: 1. 天才發明人是技術發展處於萌芽期時專利發明的要角,而關鍵發明人大多在技術發展進入成長期時才投入專利發明。至於頂尖作者,則在技術發展的萌芽期、成長期和成熟期都是論文發表的要角。 2. 關鍵發明人有很高的機會是頂尖作者,而發明作者如果不是關鍵發明人,則其專利發明的表現有略高的機會較其他發明人更差。 3. 大部份發明作者的專利發明活動在論文發表活動之後;但是關鍵發明人則較傾向先申請專利,再發表主題高度相關的論文。 / Mining information to improve corporate R&D decision making had been an important source of competitive advantage in the rapid changing technological environment. Recently, extracting relevant information quickly and automatically from massive amount of technological data (especially patent and scientific publications) with the aide of computer had become an active research area for both industrial and academic researchers due to ever-growing computing power. Among the methods of retrieving technological information, bibliometrics and patent analysis are two of the most attractive ones. Bibliometrics and patent analysis provide a quick way to capture the dynamics of technological development, including the stage of technological development, active technological research area and important researchers/corporates, etc. Although bibliometrics and patent analysis are helpful to understand the landscape of technological development, there still lacks researches about the relationship between scientific invention and research activities as well as the dynamics between patent inventors and publication authors along different stages of technological development. Hence, this research raises the following questions: 1. What is the relation between scientific research/invention activities and technological development stages for different categories of publication authors and patent inventors? 2. What is the difference of scientific research/invention activities between Inventor-Authors and other inventors/authors? 3. What is the relation between scientific research and invention activities of Inventor-Authors? This research reviews related researches to define a research framework connecting authors, inventors and technological development stages. Then patent and publication data are collected and processed based on the research framework. This research conclusion is made after analysis and discussion. Conclusion of the research includes the followings: 1. "Talent Inventors" play important role when the technological development is in "Emerging" stage, and "Key Inventors" starts patent inventions after the technological development enters "Growth" stage. "Top Authors" play important role across "Emerging", "Growth" and "Maturity" stages of technological development. 2. "Key Inventors" are more probable to be also "Top Author". "Inventor-Authors" who are not "Key Inventors" are more probably to perform worse than other inventors. 3. Most "Inventor-Authors" apply for patents after papers of highly related topics are published. But "Key Inventors" tend to apply for patents before papers of highly related topics are published.

「資訊社會」文獻之書目計量學研究 / A bibliometric study of information society literature

盧傳傑, Low, Chwan Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖從研究資訊社會之期刊文獻進行觀察,借此瞭解資訊社會相關議題研究與各學科領域之間的關係,並得知資訊社會對各領域發展的影響以及深入瞭解資訊社會的研究內涵和未來發展趨勢。故針對書目資料庫中的出版頻率、出版語言、期刊出版國別、期刊來源、被引次數、學科主題類別和文獻類型欄位,進行各項書目資料的數據分析。   本研究以書目計量學的方法分析1963年至2011年間,資訊社會期刊文獻之特性,借此瞭解資訊社會相關研究的學科主題範疇及其未來發展趨勢。研究樣本取自WOK所涵蓋的SCIE、SSCI與A&HCI三大資料庫,針對書目資料進行期刊文獻的分佈分析,以界定出資訊社會文獻之核心期刊,並應用高生產力期刊、高被引用期刊、影響係數與被JCR收錄的狀況,深入了解這些核心期刊之學科主題範疇與驗證核心期刊之品質。透過對資訊社會文獻之學科主題分佈狀況及變化分析,藉此瞭解資訊社會之相關研究為何種學科以及哪些學科受資訊社會影響最深。最後,整合分析與判斷資訊社會相關研究議題之研究領域與發展趨勢。   研究結果歸納如下:(一)資訊社會之文獻分佈相當分散,但仍有其核心期刊。(二)資訊社會期刊文獻分佈大致符合布萊德福定律,但與布萊德福-齊夫定律曲線並不完全吻合。(三)核心期刊與前十名核心期刊的文獻類型皆以期刊文章為主。(四)核心期刊的學科主題分類以資訊科學與圖書館學為主。(五)核心區之期刊品質值得信任。(六)資訊科學與圖書館學是探討資訊社會文獻最主要的學科主題。(七)資訊社會文獻正處於蓬勃發展階段。(八)教育與教育研究、經濟學、管理學這三個學科主題,未來將會成為探討資訊社會相關研究最多的學科主題。(九)資訊社會文獻之出版國別以英國居首,出版語言以英文為主。   本研究結果可讓資訊社會相關研究人員瞭解過去、目前與未來探討資訊社會議題的學科領域,以供他們在資訊充裕的大海中挑選出更適合、更熱門、更具影響力的期刊與文獻。同時,亦可作為圖書館的館藏發展與管理之參考。 / The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between the discussions of the Information Societies within various disciplines, development of the information society, the research content of the Information Society and its future trends. We adopt the frequencies of the publication, publication languages, journal countries of publications, journal sources, time-cited, disciplines of subject categories and document type field from the bibliographic database as analyst component.   This study analyzes the characteristics of Information Society literatures from 1963 to 2011 by a Bibliometric Approach. These data are retrieved from SCIE, SSCI and A&HCI database which were covered by WOK. This research focuses on the distribution analysis of the journal literatures in order to define the core journals of this field. In addition, include the highly productive journals, cited journal, impact factor and the collected status by JCR to verify the quality of the previous stated core journals. Through analyzing the distributions and changes of the disciplines, we have a full screen on what subjects the information society related and what affections influenced by these subjects areas. Through integration and determination, this study reveals the future trends of the Information Society.   The results of the research as follow: (1) The distribution of information society is quite dispersed, but core journals still available. (2) The distribution of the Information Society journals are roughly fits Bradford Law, but not fully consistent with Bradford-Zipf’s S-shaped curve. (3) The document type covered most by the core journal and top ten core journals are articles (4) Information Science and Library Science is the main discipline in core journal area. (5) The qualities of the core journals are reliable. (6) Information Science and Library Science covered most of the disciplines in the literatures of information society. (7) Information Society’s literatures are under a flourishing development (8) Education and Educational research, Economics and Management will cover most of the disciplines to explore the information society. (9) UK is the major countries of information society publication and English is the most often used language.   Finally, the results of this research provide a full screen on researchers in order to understand the past, current and future of the information society issues, to pick out more suitable, more popular and more influential journals and literatures. Furthermore, this study can be used as reference to the library's collection development and management.

發展性書目療法應用於國中中輟高關懷學生之研究─以嘉義市某國中資源式中介班為例 / A study on the application of developmental bibliotherapy for dropout high-risk students : the example of one junior high school in Chiayi city

江瑋珉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用「發展性」、「互動式」、「團體書目療法」的進行方式,選取中介班學生4位,高關懷學生7位,其中5男6女,共11位九年級學生,進行每周兩小時為一次,共十二次書目療法團體課程,並採用「青少年心理健康量表」做為研究工具,蒐集11位成員在書目療法團體前後,關於「憂鬱向度」、「焦慮向度」、「自傷向度」、「衝動向度」、「精神困擾」等心理構念的百分等級變化情形,並輔以訪談資料,分析書目療法團體課程對於中輟高關懷學生之心理層面與行為的改變和影響。   研究之結果,中輟高關懷學生經過十二次書目療法團體後,在青少年心理健康量表各向度有明顯的下降,顯示書目療法之「認同」、「淨化」、「領悟」架構有助於調節情緒,並達到改善其心理健康之狀態。 / "Development", "interactive" and "group bibliography" were implemented to this study. 5 male and 6 female students in the ninth grade were selected, including 4 students from midway-resources-class and 7 students with high risk. A total of 12 times bibliographic therapy group courses were conducted on weekdays, and the (MHSA-SA) was used as a research tool to collect 11 members before and after the bibliographic therapy courses , on "depression-tendency", "anxiety-tendency", "suicide-tendency", "impulse behavior", "mental disturbance" and other psychological conception of the percentage of changes in the course situation, and supplemented by interviews with information, analysis of bibliographic therapy group courses for dropout high-risk students psychological level and changes in behavior and influence.   The results of the study showed that the items of (MHSA-SA) had decreased significantly after 12 times of bibliographic therapy group courses, and the "identification", "catharsis" and "insight" adjust the mood, and to improve the state of its mental health.


田島, 公 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(文学) / 乙第13594号 / 論文博第674号 / 新制||文||746(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科国史学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉川 真司, 教授 上島 享, 准教授 三宅 正浩 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

美國紐伯瑞兒童文學獎作品(1922年-2015年):作者、體裁、題材與中譯本之研究 / A Study on Newbery Award Books 1922-2015: Their Authors, Genres, Subjects and Chinese Translations

蔣千芳, Chiang, Chien Fang Unknown Date (has links)
紐伯瑞獎為創設於1922年的美國兒童文學獎,每年頒發給最傑出的美國兒童圖書的文字作者。創設至今,培育出無數傑出作家及優秀作品。不唯為全美兒童文學獎項的權威,也是全世界相關領域的師法對象。本研究採取書目計量法,探索1922年到2015年美國紐伯瑞獎作者背景、作品體裁與題材分佈,並透過台灣NBINet及中國CALIS蒐集中譯本書目,以瞭解作品中譯本出版狀況。研究結果歸納如下,一、作者背景:(1)作者有279名,美國與紐約州出生者最多,女性是男性的2倍,平均壽命78.3歲;(2)集中在30到59歲首度獲獎;(3) 1次得獎者最多,Meindert DeJong及Laura Ingalls Wilder創下最高得獎次數5次。二、作品體裁與題材:(1)體裁最多的是小說、傳記、短篇;(2)題材最多的是歷史、現實、冒險。三、作品中譯本:(1)54%的作品有中譯本,最早的中譯本是1925年上海商務印書館《人類的故事》,由沈性仁譯自《The Story of Mankind》;(2)最多中譯出版社及譯者翻譯出版的是《The Story of Mankind》,中譯書名種類最多的是《The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle》;(3)作品的中譯出版社、中譯譯者、中譯書名三種數量高度相關;(4)中譯本與英文本平均出版時間間隔,繁體是17.95年、簡體是27.83年;(5)繁體中譯出版社有72家,主要出版社是智茂、東方。簡體中譯出版社有108家,主要出版社是新蕾、中國少年兒童、河北教育;(6)譯者有438組,主要譯者是趙永芬、鄒嘉容、趙映雪;(7)中譯出版社最青睞小說體裁,不青睞知識文藝及傳說體裁;(8)中譯出版社最青睞動物及現實題材,較不青睞神祇題材。 / The Newbery Award was named for eighteenth-century British bookseller John Newbery. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. Based on bibliometrics, this study explores the genres, subjects and author’s backgrounds of Newbery winners and honor books from 1922 to 2015. The study also collects bibliographic records retrieved mainly from NBINet and CALIS databases for the purpose of investigating overall publishing status of their Chinese translations. The results are summarized as follows. First,with regards to the authors’ backgrounds, it is observed that: (1)Among the 279 authors, those born in USA comprise the largest number. New York is the most common birthplace for these USA born authors. Moreover, female authors account for twice the number of male authors. Furthermore, the average life expectancy for the authors is 78.3 years; (2)The majority of these authors received the award between 30 and 59 years of age; (3)Most of the authors were awarded only once. Meindert DeJong and Laura Ingalls Wilder, having been awarded 5 times, hold the record for the most Newberys won. Second, with regards to the distribution of the genres and themes of these works, it is observed that: (1)In terms of genre, the majority of the works fall under fiction and nonfiction novels, biography and short story; (2)The subject of these works mostly center around history, realism and adventure. Third, regarding the publishing status of these works’ Chinese translations, it is observed that: (1)Chinese translations are available for 54 percent of the works. The first Chinese translation was “Ren Lei De Gu Shi” published by Shanghai Commercial Press in 1925, which was translated from "The Story of Mankind" by Shen Xing-Ren; (2)The works with the largest number of Chinese publishing houses, Chinese translators and Chinese titles are "The Story of Mankind", “The Story of Mankind" and "The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle" respectively; (3)The numbers of Chinese publishing houses, translators and Chinese titles of a book are highly correlated; (4)In terms of the average time interval between the publication of English original works and Chinese translations, it took an average of 17.95 years for a Traditional Chinese translation to be published, while a Simplified Chinese translation usually took 27.83 years; (5)The number of Traditional Chinese publishers is 72, with the major publishers being Wisdom World Publishing and Eastern Publishing Co.. The number of Simplified Chinese publishers is 108; major publishers include New Buds Publishing House, China Children Publishing House and Hebei Education Press; (6)There are 437 group of translators, among which ZhaoYong-Fen, Zou Jia-Rong and Zhao Ying-Xue are the main translators; (7)From the standpoint of genre, Chinese publishing houses prefer to publish translations for fiction and nonfiction novels, while nonfiction depiction of facts and works based on folk legends are less favored; from the perspective of subjects, Chinese publishing houses favor realism and works with animal-related, whereas works based on mythologies receive least attention from publishers.

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