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ERIC資料庫領導主題文獻之書目計量學研究 / A bibliometric study of leadership topics literature in ERIC王艾苓, Wang, Ai Ling Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究依據研究結果,針對資料庫製作者、圖書資訊服務界、研究者,以及未來研究等四方面,提出相關建議。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of leadership topics literature from earliest to 2009 based on the theoretical perspectives of the bibliometrics. Five fields are used to compile statistics, including publication year, language, education level, publication type, and target audience. The scattering of leadership topics journal articles is examined by Bradford’s Law and Bradford-Zipf law, and the characteristics of core journals are analyzed. Finally, the study counts the leadership theories or ideas explicitly mentioned in abstracts of articles published by core journals from 1980 to 2009 to find out the focuses of the lately leadership topics, and have a better understanding of the developments and trends in leadership research. A total of 38,230 bibliographic records are retrieved from ERIC database.
The study concludes as follows:
1.The overall growth of the leadership topics literature is stable, and the growth curve fits exponential growth.
2.English is the most often used language in leadership topics literature.
3.Elementary Secondary Education is the education level that leadership topics literature most concerns.
4.Reports are the major publication type of leadership topics literature.
5.Practitioners are the primary target audience of leadership topics literature.
6.The scattering of leadership topics journal articles doesn’t fit Bradford’s Law, but it fits the S-shaped curve of Bradford-Zipf law. According to Bradford’s verbal expression, there are 13 core journals in this study.
7.The core journals have the publication country and the discipline subject centralized situation.
8.The focuses of the lately leadership topics are instructional leadership, distributed leadership, teacher leadership, transformational leadership, moral leadership, and transactional leadership.
According to the results, some suggestions were given for database provider, libraries or information service institutions, researchers, and further research.
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圖書書目著錄加值分析之研究 / A Study of Value-Added Information Analysis on Bibliographic Descriptions鄧英蘭, Deng, Ying-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣、香港、大陸地區之學術合作研究─以工程類為例 / Research collaboration in Taiwan,Hong Kong and China: A Case of engineering study郭政遠, Kuo,Cheng Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果在為兩岸三地工程學門文獻之作者生產力提供一個概括呈現,以了解不同的工程學門間之差異,並協助高等教育評鑑對於工程領域的學術生產力概況有一背景瞭解,作為日後之評鑑參考。 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the degree of collaboration among engineering literature authors within Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China from 1989 to 2008. We use the quantity of literatures that are collected from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China by the SCIE database to further observe the number of authors in fourteen engineering subjects, the people with whom the authors collaborate, the high production organizations and the people with whom they collaborate, and the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited.
The findings are as follows. Biomedical engineering has the highest average number of author collaboration in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Environmental engineering also has high average number of author collaboration in relation to other subjects in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Therefore, we can see that immunity biomedical engineering and environmental engineering are the subjects that require more scholars to collaborate. The percentage of multi-author literature is approximately 90% in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. There are fewer sole-author literature. For high-production organization, the majority of author collaboration has higher concentration in National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Chaio Tung University in Taiwan. In addition, the researchers from National Taiwan University collaborate mostly with the researchers from the same university.
In addition, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China has the most international collaboration with the United States of America. Finally, we discuss the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited. The finding is that the sole-author literature in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China has lower frequency of being cited in general, but we cannot find the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited.
The findings of this research is to provide a general representation of literature author productivity in engineering subjects in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China, to understand the differences in different engineering subjects ,and to assist higher education institute with background understanding in evaluating the academic productivity of engineering areas in the future.
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資訊科學之知識地圖與研究前鋒研究 / A research of knowledge map and research front on information science沈純慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分別利用書目對分析與共被引分析的方法,以資訊科學重要期刊之高引用期刊、作者與高被引期刊、作者作為研究對象,建構1991年至2010年之資訊科學知識地圖與研究前鋒。知識地圖的建構,採用文獻內容探勘工具(Content Analysis Toolkit for Academic Research,簡稱CATAR)作為分析工具,利用Web of Science下載書目資料,進行期刊與作者之書目對分析,以了解資訊科學高引用期刊與作者的叢集情況,進而探討資訊科學的知識結構。研究前鋒的建構則是透過Web of Science檢索共被引分析之數據,了解高被引期刊與作者之叢集情形,進而探討資訊科學之核心議題。
本研究結果可看出資訊科學的知識結構與研究前鋒,可應用於館藏規劃與評估,檢視圖書館的資訊科學領域館藏是否完整,並提供資訊科學領域的學者觀察學術研究趨勢之用。 / Through bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis, this study builds on the knowledge map and research front of information science fields from 1991 to 2010. First, this research use CATAR which based on journal bibliographic coupling analysis and author bibliographic coupling to analyze the high citing journal and author in information science, and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Science. Second, this research use journal co-citation analysis and author co-citation analysis where journal and author citing co-citation clusters to build the research front of Information Science.
To result of the study reveal that:
1. Library and Information Science, Computer Science are the main disciplines in Information Science area.
2. The field of Information Science has the nature of interdisciplinary. The research area of any journals and authors are not limited to Information Science, and even likely to go beyond the subject of other disciplines, such as: Computer Science, Psychology, Management, Linguistics, History, etc.
3. Co-citation frequencies of Information Science high cited journals and authors are low.
4. The core area of Information Science field is Library and Information Science, Computer Science, Information Technology and Management.
5. During 1991 to 2010, library and information service automation, and design and management of database have been declining.
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臺灣少年小說出版發展之研究 / A study on the publishing history of juvenile novels in Taiwan廖冬日, Liao, Tung Jih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究兼採書目計量法,對台灣地區出版的少年小說創作出版品之出版年代、出版社、作者等書目資料進行統計分析,以供未來相關研究參考之用。研究結果歸納:(1)台灣少年小說出版量在1990年代急速成長;(2)1990年代以來大陸少年小說作品數呈現穩定的成長;(3)前十名重要的少年小說出版社:依序為九歌、文房、民生報社、幼獅、小魯、福地、小兵、台灣省政府教育廳、富春以及聯經出版社;(4)前五名重要的大陸少年小說出版社:依序為民生報社、九歌、聯經、風雲時代、小魯以及麥田出版社;(5)前十三名重要的少年小說作者:依序為李潼、沈石溪、管家琪、郭妮、李光福、溫小平、張之路、曹文軒、李淑真、黃海、鄭宗弦、周姚萍以及張友漁;(6)前六名重要的大陸少年小說作者:依序為沈石溪、郭妮、張之路、曹文軒、周銳以及秦文君;(7)少年小說作者生產力與80/20 定律驗證並不相符;(8)台灣少年小說出版發展歷程與出版年代的書目成長變化二者可相互呼應。
綜合研究結果,歸納建議:(1)對兒童書目資料庫的建議:早日成立一座國家兒童圖書館,專門負責建置兒童讀物書目資料庫;(2)對兒童圖書編目的建議:應將少年小說與故事書分開獨立編目,便於兒和童少年選讀適合自己的作品;(3)對出版社的建議:應採計畫出版;鼓勵作家展現本土風情的創作,培植寫作新秀;創作和翻譯作品並重,既可觀摩優秀作品又可滿足讀者需求;(4)對作者的建議:多閱讀優良中外少年小說作品,拓展國際視野;從歷史鄉土中尋找題材,持續不斷磨練寫作技巧,提升作品的品質;(5)對圖書館的建議:圖書館應竭盡所能搜羅優良的本土少年小說作品,並且定期舉辦閱讀推廣活動;(6)對相關研究者的建議:研究結果可供兒童文學界、出版社或圖書資訊服務單位作為參考。 / The start of Taiwan juvenile novels was comparably slower than European and American countries. It was as late as the 1960s when the first batch of local single-volume juvenile novels came out. Juvenile novels started to gain recognition until the 1990s when novels of high quality and high volume have been published. The study aims to discuss the process of publishing development for Taiwan juvenile novels between 1960 and 2010, and the important events and influence factors of the publishing development in Taiwan juvenile novels. The study further analyzed the changes in the growth of bibliography for juvenile novels over the years.
The study is based on historical research. According to literature review and historical data, the development of Taiwan juvenile novel publication is divided into four periods: Nurturing Period from 1960-1973. Growing Period from 1974-1987. Exchange and Expansion Period from 1988-1996. Booming Period from 1997-current. The publishing development of Taiwan juvenile novels is closely related to the social changes in political opening, economic prosperity, social diversity, and enhancement in the cultural and educational level of the overall environment. The resercher Picked up 16 major events with indicators of significance in the developing process of publication in Taiwan juvenile novels.
The study also employs Bibliometrics to conduct statistical analysis on bibliographical data including the year of publication, publisher and authors of juvenile novels published in Taiwan. The result will be used for reference in related studies in the future and is inferred below:
1.The amount of publication for Taiwan juvenile novels showed rapid growth in the 1990s.
2.The number of Chinese juvenile novels appeared in steady growth since 1990.
3.The top ten important juvenile novel publishers include the followings: namely Chiuko, Winfortune Co., Ltd. , Min Sheng Newspaper, Youth, Tien-Wei Publishing Company, Winfortune Co., Ltd., Xiaobin Publishing Company, The Department of Education, Taiwan Provincial Government, Fu Chun Publishing Company Limited, and Linking Books.
4.The top five important Chinese juvenile novel publishers include the followings: namely Min Sheng Newspaper, Chiuko, Linking Books, Storm and Stress Publishing, Tien-Wei Publishing Company, and Rye Field Publishing Company.
5.Top ten important juvenile novelists include the followings: namely Tong Li, Shixi Sheng, Jiaqi Guang, Ni Guo, Guangfu Li, Xiaoping Wen, Zhilu Zhang, Wenxuen Cao, Shuzhen Li, Hai Huang, Zhongxuen Zheng, Yaoping Zhou, and Youyu Zhang.
6.Top ten important Chinese juvenile novelists include the followings: Shixi Sheng, Ni Guo, Zhilu Zhang, Wenxuen Cao, Rui Zhou, and Wenjun Tai.
7.80/20 Rule is inapplicable to the distribution of juvenile novelists’ productivity.
8.The process of publication in Taiwan juvenile novels correspond with the changes in growth for the year of publication in bibliography.
The proposed guidelines are summarized as follows.
1.Recommendation for children’s bibliographical database: Establish a national children’s library soon possible which bears the major responsibility of building the bibliographical database for children’s books.
2.Recommendation for children’s library cataloguing: Juvenile novels and story books are recommended for separate and independent cataloguing so that children and youths could select the books suitable for their own reading requirement.
3.Recommendations for publishers: Publication should be planned and authors are encouraged to exhibit the creativity of local style while incubating the new talents in writing. Emphasize both on creativity and translated works that could offer observation of excellent works as well as satisfying reader needs.
4.Recommendations for authors: Read more excellent Chinese or foreign juvenile novels, expand international horizon, search for materials from history of localness, continue to discipline on writing skills, and improve work quality.
5.Recommendation for libraries:Libraries should do the best they could to collect outstanding local juvenile novels and hold reading promotional activities on a regular basis.
6.Recommendations for relevant researchers: The research results could be offered as reference to children’s literary circle, publishing companies or library information service units.
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數位學習領域文獻計量與主題分析 / Bibliometric and subject analysis for the E-learning research field李清福, Lee, Ching Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採廣義數位學習定義之檢索策略,蒐集2000年至2009年間合計2,125篇數位學習領域SSCI期刊文獻,針對這些文獻以自動化內容探勘工具CATAR進行全面性計量分析,再分別以共現字及書目對進行研究主題分析,以藉此歸納數位學習領域的研究主題架構。此外,本研究亦將經由共現字與書目對歸類所獲得之主題架構,與Computers & Education (C&E)專家分類之主題架構進行相互的參照與比對,以歸納出更為完備的數位學習領域研究主題架構。
本研究歸納獲得之數位學習領域研究主題架構,可幫助研究人員檢視自己的領域專長、掌握數位學習各研究主題面向發展狀況以及作為學者專家選定研究主題之參考;此外,透過文獻計量分析所得之國際間數位學習領域最具生產力作者、最具競爭力機構、最具影響力國家、高被引用期刊文獻、較具代表性研究主題發展趨勢以及數位學習跨領域整體學術研究發展概況等,有助於研究人員瞭解目前整個國際間數位學習領域的研究發展現況。 / With the digital development and the global trend of information technology applying teaching and learning in recent years, every country around the world regards the promotion of e-learning as a very important policy of the country. They lay special emphasis on the development of the subjects of study in e-learning. In order to help the researchers to predominate more precisely about the study of e-learning field, it is necessary for us to carry out the comprehensive calculation and subject context analysis toward the published periodical literature in connection with the e-learning field.
The present study adopts the search strategy of generalized definition of e-learning and collects 2,125 SSCI periodical literature in total on e-learning field from the years of 2000 till 2009. They are analyzed with automatic context exploration tool CATAR to proceed to the general bibliometric analysis. Then they are analyzed with co-occurrence words and bibliography coupling to proceed to the study subject analysis. Thus it can generalize the frames of study subjects of e-learning field. In addition, the present study will carry on the interactive reference and contrast through the subject frames by the co-occurrence words and bibliography coupling with the subject frames classified by Computers & Education (C & E) experts to figure out more complete frames of study subject in e-learning field.
The present study can help researchers examine their own field specialty, master the dimensions of the development of study subjects and make reference to the scholars and experts to determine their study subjects. Furthermore, it can help the researchers understand the development status of international e-learning field at present with the most productive author, the most competitive organization, the most influential country, the most adoptive periodical document, the more representative trend of development of study subject and the study development status of e-learning interdisciplinary field overall academic research through literature bibliometric analysis.
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台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力之研究 / Study on the Scholarly Productivity of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Taiwan’s Universities詹二洋, Chan, Erh Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域發表於Web of Science之SSCI、A&HCI引文索引資料庫所收錄之文獻,以書目計量學探討台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力之研究,並針對人文及社會科學領域不同學門其學術生產方式加以分析。
本研究結果為台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力提供一個概括呈現,並協助高等教育評鑑對於全臺灣各大學社會科學領域,學術生產力概況有一背景瞭解,作為日後之評鑑參考。 / This study aims to investigate the scholarly productivity of the humanities and social sciences in Taiwan’s universities by employing a bibliometric methodology. The research data are retrieved from SCI and A&HCI database via Web of Science. In addition, this study reveals the academic production regime in different disciplines under humanities and social sciences.
According to the academic classification by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan, this study is conducted to divide the humanities and social sciences into 21 disciplines, collect the statistical data, and analyze the output in all the disciplines as well. The findings are as follows. Manegement I, with an output of 6,876 articles, leads in quantity of academic papers. Furthermore, Manegement I is also the most highly productive discipline in the fields of humanities and social sciences by the research papers from 122 colleges. As for numbers of average output papers, the discipline Manegement I, again, indicates that it is currently the main department in social science fields; an average output of 56.36 papers is the highest productivity.
Compare the multi-author documents with the sole author articles in humanities and social science fields; it is statistically found that, the majority are multi-author papers among the disciplines. Only a small proportion of single-author articles in some areas, the ratio are higher than that of the multi-author documents. In the analysis of the average numbers of authors after rounding to the nearest integer, Chinese Literature and Philosophy, with the average number of author--1, are the only two disciplines which are close to single-author output in all 21 disciplines. The average numbers of authors in the 19 remaining fields are more than 1.5 persons.
The results of the study may draw an outline for the scholarly productivity of the humanities and social sciences in Taiwan’s universities. This thesis, on the other hand, may suggest an overview for the further evaluation of the higher education in Taiwan, by building background knowledge for the disciplines under the humanities and social sciences in the universities.
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組織採用資訊科技之彙整分析 / Organizational Adoption of Information Technology: An Integrated Analysis傅品甄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用彙整分析之研究方法,將過去三十年相關的文獻利用關鍵字搜尋,並利用人工篩選後分析結果,最後我們發現:(1)科技、組織、環境三個因素確實會影響組織採用資訊科技,證實了TOE架構在研究組織採用資訊科技相關之議題的適用性。(2)有些變數像是「顧客滿意」和「採用時機」現在比較少學者探討,但在樣本數足夠的情況下可能是有影響力的變數,未來學者可考慮納入探討。(3)發現「高層支持」、「預期效益」、「競爭壓力」都是確實會影響組織採用資訊科技時會考慮的變數,在實務上,資訊科技的供應商在推廣產品上,應該致力於高層主管的推廣。 / Organizational adoption of information technology is an important research issue for many scholars. However, different scholars may investigate the issue from different technological, organizational and contextual factors (called TOE model), which may lead to inconsistent findings. Therefore, this research aims to build a profile of previously published literature to show historical development.
This research adopts bibliometrics as our research method and uses CiteSpace and CATAR toolkit to do our analysis. The results indicate that (1) technology, organization and the environment do affect the organization adoption of Information Technology, confirming the applicability of the TOE model in studying organizational adoption of information technology; (2) some variables like customer satisfaction and timing of adoption are under- explored, more research in the future may better understand their influences; (3) top-management support, expected benefits and competitive pressure are key factors that affect the adoption of IT. In practice, IT vendors may use the result to help promote their products.
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圖書館視障資源館藏書目共享制度之研究 / A study of bibliographies resource sharing in libraries by alternative format materials for the visually impaired陳宜慧, Chen, Yi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
需要專責圖書館的輔導與支援。 / National Taiwan Library launched Visual Impairment Information System in December 2012 which started the integration of visual impairment resources. To realize the intension of resources sharing in the public libraries, university libraries and private organizations which have alternative formats materials available in Taiwan. The study adopt qualitative interview research method, and choose 12 units which provide services to visually impaired people with quite scale.
The study gets results in three aspects:
I. Bibliographies of visually impaired materials are
offered by centralized union catalog.
1.Visual Impairment Information System:
First, it can be not to buy and produce materials in
duplicate with respect to organizations. But timing of
producing alternative materials is still need to be
considered. Second, there is another way to find
materials, but the interface of the system should be
more friendly with respect to readers.
2.The intensions and difficulties of sharing and
cooperation of visually impaired organizations.
(1)12 units have the same responses of willing to
participate in the cooperation:
The need can be satisfied with bibliographical sharing
when visually impaired people find materials. Every
organization has the same opinion not to produce and
to record books in duplicate.
(2)There are three aspects of difficulties of sharing and
cooperation: systematic, mental and expectant
1)Bibliographies can be connected and accessed by API
program, and the library designate provides the cost of
API program.
2)The organization with less resources hope to cooperate
as soon as possible to increase resources for
3)The organization with rich resources demand for
performance, achievement and feedback.
II. Resources sharing and interlibrary loan
1.Electronic full-text materials are hard to share, and
access the materials with single authentication.
2.Providing home delivery service of print materials in
alternative formats and audio books will have been more
3.Formulate the goals, meanings, roles and functions of
cooperated organizations.
III. The model of sharing and cooperation in visually
impaired resources
1.Centralized union catalog and distributed services are
2.Producing materials in alternative formats is
professional. Blind-used computers are developing
continuously. Library designate should give advice,
assistance and supports.
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台灣地區的世界文學翻譯作品:書目計量分析 / A Study of World Translated Literature in Taiwan: A Bibliometric Approach董蕙茹, Dong, Huei Ru Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果歸納如下,1.台灣地區世界文學翻譯作品概況為:(1)翻譯文學的作品國別集中在英、美,其次為法、德、俄;(2)翻譯文學作品呈現穩定成長;(3)翻譯文學出版社出版量集中在21所出版社當中;(4)被翻譯最多的文學作品、作者、與最多產的翻譯者皆集中在英國、美國、法國、德國及俄國;(5)翻譯文學各分區分佈情形大不相同。2.歐美文學翻譯作品生產力定律驗證情形為:(1)被翻譯作者生產力及翻譯者生產力與洛卡定律均不相符;(2)書目單位計算的低生產力作者比例與洛卡定律最為相近;(3)不含重印本計算的低生產力翻譯者與洛卡定律最為相近;(4)翻譯文學作者與翻譯者的生產力與普萊斯平方根定律驗證及80/20定律驗證均不相符。 / Translation is a process to communication by languages or signs. Literature translation should follow the original principles which are real, clear, and understanding, and it should also afford the value of literature art. Therefore, we can say literature translation is an art, which shows the appreciation of the beauty and sense for two different nationalities. The modern literature translation is not only the result of cultural exchange but also the way for cultural exchange.
The main purpose of this study is to explore the world translated literature in Taiwan from 1950 to 2008 based on the theoretical perspectives of the bibliometrics. Three ways are used to compile statistics, including “bibliographic units”, “copies”, and “works” . The distributions of institution productivity are examined by using the Lotka’s, Price and 80/20 Laws. A total of 32159 bibliographic records is retrieved from the NBINet (National Bibliographic Information Network) databases.
The results of this study about world translated literature in Taiwan are as follows: (1) The original translated literatures are mostly concentrated in England, USA, France, German, and Russia. (2) The overall growth of the world translated literature in Taiwan is in a vigorously up-growing trend. (3) The publishing of the world translated literature in Taiwan is concentrated in 21 publishers. (4) Most translated literatures, authors, and translators are mainly concentrated in England, USA, France, German, and Russia. (5) The distribution in every country is not the same.
Furthermore, the examinations of world translated literature in Taiwan are: (1) The examination of Lotka’s Law is found inapplicable. (2) The percentage of low production authors counted by bibliographic units is similar to Lotka’s Law. (3) The percentage of low production translators counted by works is similar to Lotka’s Law. (4) Price’s Square Root Law and 80/20 Law are found inapplicable to the distribution of authors’ and translators’ productivity.
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