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我國大學生通識能力指標建構之研究 / A Study on Constructing of the General Education Competence Indicators for College Students in Taiwan紀盈如 Unknown Date (has links)
期望此項研究成果能提供我國高等教育主管機關、大學校院行政主管、教師及對未來研究之參考。 / This is a study aimed to establish the general education competency indicators for the college students in Taiwan. In the preliminary analysis, General Education Competency Indicators of 57 categories were initially proposed. Guided by the surveys of College Directors of General Education Centers, Education scholars, and Administrators, also adapting the Fuzzy Delphi Method as evaluation and revision model, competency indicators of 31 categories thus established. Concept mapping and cluster analysis were then applied to divide the 31 indicators into 5 separate dimensions as well as to obtain the weighting score of each indicator in its belonging dimension. The results of this study are identified accordingly as follows:
1.This study showed that the general education competency can be represented by 31 indicators and 5 dimensions.
2.The 5 dimensions of general education were self-management(4.12), Interpersonal interaction and communication(4), capacity of critical thinking and problem solving(3.96), social responsibility and multiple cognitive abilities(3.75), and knowledge application ability(3.39).
3.The dimension of knowledge application ability consisted of Integration of learning(16.84%), information ethics(15.44%), areas of knowledge and information technology and media(15.09%).
4.The dimension of self-management comprised of healthy-management(21.05%), emotional management(21.05%), and self-learning(19.84%).
5.The dimension of capacity of critical thinking and solving problem consisted of problem-solving(17.54%), capacity of critical thinking and value judgment (17.19%), logical rational thinking and independent thinking(16.49%).
6.The dimension of interpersonal interaction and communication was composed of capacity of communicating with mates (36.11%).
7.The dimension of social responsibility and multiple cognitive abilities was composed of ethical practice (10.89%), civic Responsibility (10.67%), international perspective(10.67%), multicultural and cognition, and understanding and respect(10.44%).
The results of this study is highly anticipated to be utilized as a reference by higher education institutions and administration authorities, scholastic researchers, and additional future studies.
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以概念構圖為學習策略之教學對小學生自然科學習之成效結果 / Teaching by Using the Strategy of Concept-Mapping on the Effect of Elementary School Students' Learning Scientific Subjects陳嘉成, Chen, Jia-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
在概念構圖的相關研究中,並非每一次的教學處理都 能達到顯著的效果,其關鍵應該包括哪些因素?此外,有 一些概念構圖研究中,教學者本身並未深入研究過概念構 圖,所以對於概念構圖之所以能夠產生學習效果的機制可 能並不清楚,甚或這些教學者本身的信念是否可以接受這種新的教學法,尚不得而知,教師若只是在上課時間內用 少許的時間呈現該學習單元的概念圖,或是「模仿」了一 套概念構圖的教學程序,是否能夠產生概念構圖教學應有 的學習效果就更令人懷疑了。
因此,本研究的進行即是先進行整合相關的心理學研究與理論,從不同的理論來審視一個有意義學習的歷程, 教學者在教學上應該注意哪些因素或持有哪些信念,然後 再由研究者親自進行概念構圖學習策略的教學,並透過各種指標來考驗學生的學習效果,並嘗試回答以下的問題。
二、接受以概念構圖為學習策略的學生(實驗組),只有合作學習式概念構圖組的學生,會比未接受任何實驗操弄的學生(控制組),在高層思考的試題上有較佳的表 現。
三、接受以概念構圖為學習策略的學生(實驗組),只有合作學習式概念構圖組的學生,會比未接受任何實驗操弄的學生(控制組),在記憶保留量的試題上有較佳的 表現。
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系統結構圖與概念構圖的教學策略對國小學生科學學習成效之研究陳嘉甄, chen, chia-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究證實,在學習歷程中,採用概念構圖策略或系統結構圖策略,將比採用一般教學方法,較能有效增進學生的學習表現及保留效果,其知識結構也會較接近專家表現。因此在教學歷程中,結合策略進行教學有其必要性。圖像式的思考及學習方法能有效協助學生學習。然而研究所取用的二種圖形策略的思考本質是不同的,一重視靜態架構、一重視動態因果變化,未來研究者可進一步探究造成改變的內在機制,及是否能真正轉化為習用的思考型態。 / The world of system and system thinking marks a shift from the more linear, analytic way of thinking that most people are used to. A system is a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent components that form a complex and unified whole. Systematic structure diagram is a useful tool to offer a glimpse into the complex systems behavior.
Concept mapping, known as cognitive maps or organizers, semantic networks, or visual/graphic organizers, make use of figures, lines, arrows, and spatial configurations to show how content ideas and concepts are related. Concept mapping is described repeatedly in the literature as a tool that can support and enhance students’ learning in science classrooms. It is an important meta-cognitive tool in science education today.
The research uses the experiment methodology of multiple baselines designs. In the study 100 students in 3 classes at grad 5 were studied to see the implications of the learning results. Assign the subjects to three groups, control group (n=34), Systematic structure diagramming group (n=33), and concept mapping group (n=33). The graphics oriented strategies, Systematic structure diagramming /concept mapping, were used in the teaching processes of the systematic structure diagramming group /concept mapping group. The researcher evaluated the performance of the subjects with duplicated-tests, checklists, and Pathfinder. The testing of the students was done in a pretest-posttests design using written tests. Data were analyzed in the use of three-factor repeated measures.
The analysis of repeated measures showed a statistically significant difference in duplicated-tests and knowledge structures between control group and two experimental groups. There also exists an interaction between group and strategy. The result revealed that concept mapping may improve test scores of low-achieving students.
This research verified that the learning performances, knowledge structures, organizations, and delayed memories of the subjects who belong to concept mapping strategy group and systematic structure diagramming strategy group were better than control group. The results indicated that, for improving students’ learning performances and retention effects, adapting concept mapping strategy and systematic structure diagramming strategy in the teaching processes may help students form a cognitive schema to assimilate and relate the information.
Base on the results from this study, some recommendations educators were suggested.
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高級中學學校自我評鑑指標建構之研究劉鈞銓 Unknown Date (has links)
(二)研究方法係利用概念構圖原理(concept mapping),研擬學校校務自我評鑑指標。
關鍵字:學校自我評鑑 概念構圖法 學校評鑑指標 / The school self-evaluation refers to the omni-directional evaluation and inspection coming from the school spontaneity in view of school administration, teaching, equipment and teachers. By means of the appraisal, we may comprehensively realize the school effect in order to improve flaw, overcome difficulties, display the superiority of the school management and guide the school development. The primary intention of the research is redacting the index of school self-evaluation. The research technique uses the Concept Mapping to draw up the self-evaluation index of the school and transfer the index as the questionnaire survey tool about school self- evaluation meter. It could be the important reference for school self-evaluating and school improvement in senior high school. Through the way, the participates in self-evaluation, according to the diagnostic result from the school organization situation and the demand, do themselves justice in potential under spontaneous and independent intrinsic motives, determine its superiority and solve problems and flaws to promote improvement. Besides, bring as much potency as school can into play and develop school characteristic as a kind of school evaluation under the possible opportunity in the external environment.
Keywords:School self-evaluation Concept Mapping
Indicator of School self-evaluation
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臺灣永續大學評估指標建構之研究 / A study on the construction of assessment indicators of sustainable university in Taiwan張家綺 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 本研究建構之臺灣永續大學評估指標含「永續承諾與完整計畫」、「永續氛圍與營運規劃」、「永續課程與研究發展」、「永續環境與制度平等」及「永續推廣與專業培訓」等五大構面與48項指標。
(二) 五大構面於永續發展政策中所佔之分量與重要性,由高至低為「永續環境與制度平等」(22.51%)、的「永續氛圍與營運規劃」(20.96%)、的「永續課程與研究發展」(20.08%)、的「永續承諾與完整計畫」(18.42%)及「永續推廣與專業培訓」(18.08%)。
(三) 分析高等教育永續發展學者、永續政策行政主管及高等教育永續政策承辦人員的三方之意見。由綜合比較分析後發現:
1. 「永續承諾與完整計畫」構面的重要性具有高度共識。
2. 「永續課程與研究發展」是三方意見較具歧異之構面,於大學校園內工作之高等教育永續發展學者及永續政策行政主管較為重視此構面,而高等教育永續政策承辦人員則較為不重視。
3. 「1-3.永續發展計畫的制定」及「1-5.永續發展計畫的落實執行」受到三方群體皆高度重視的指標。
4. 「2-6.建立公開透明的課責機制」、「1-7.永續發展的刊物或文宣」與「3-1.開設永續發展相關課程」此三項指標則因各方利害關係人在大學永續發展中所扮演之角色不同而具有較大的差異。
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應用模糊邏輯的攝影構圖辨認方法 / A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Recognition of Photographic Compositions黃瑞華, Huang, Jui Hua Unknown Date (has links)
實驗證明,本文所提出的方法能有效地辨認攝影構圖類別,針對不同攝影構圖所作的影像修正,才能更符合人眼的視覺喜好。 / This thesis addresses the problem of how to recognize the photographic composition from a given photo based on the theory of fuzzy logic. Composition is one of the important aesthetics for the plane figure photo art. To present the balance of its holistic picture, it takes the advantage of special object arrangement after acting perspective projection. A piece of professional and qualified photo work will realize these basic photo composition methods. For many applications about the digital photo, the operations, i.e., photo enhancement, segmentation, output, and synthesis, all need to match up the photographic composition to do accurate processing rather than “blind” processing that assumes each photo with the same “composition.”
An automatic recognition method using image features from some specific regions is described. The method is employed in a Mamdani model and combines outputs of multiple fuzzy logic rules and feature extraction algorithms to obtain confidences that can identify the correct photographic composition.
Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust and effective for photographic composition recognition. The feature with adjusting in different photo composing will be able to comfort our human sight.
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幾何圖像的平衡度與偏好度知覺歷程研究 / The Study of Perceptual Process of Balance and Aesthetic Preference in Geometric Images林幸蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
平衡是視覺藝術中一項重要的構圖原則,因為它能將畫面中分散的元素統整起來,使得各個元素所造成的知覺強度或張力(tensions)能在平衡中心相互制衡,進而成為一個有秩序的整體,因此以往文獻對於平衡與美感偏好的關係有諸多論述。本研究目的在於以幾何圖像探討平衡性與美感偏好的知覺歷程。參考Wilson與Chatterjee(2005)的研究成果,本研究以幾何圖像為對象,除了對其實驗加以重複驗證,以及進行更深入的分析,並進一步將畫面元素的明暗納進來一併探討。本研究包括四項實驗,實驗一和實驗二皆採用二值化圖像探討平衡度及美感偏好度,實驗三和實驗四則是採用灰階圖像探討平衡度。實驗一探討圖像中元素位置的分布如何影響個體知覺到的整體平衡度,並根據分析結果以改進Wilson與Chatterjee的算則。實驗二探討圖像中元素分布位置之不同如何影響個體的美感偏好度,並探討偏好度與各項平衡指標的關係。實驗三探討圖像中元素的不同灰階是否影響個體知覺平衡度。實驗四則是以實驗三為基礎,進一步操弄畫面中元素的灰階變化,以觀察元素分布位置與灰階對整體平衡度知覺所造成的影響,並檢視改進後的算則是否更能有效預測主觀平衡度。結果指出,採用二值化圖像探討平衡度及美感偏好時,重心偏離度指標和四項軸對稱指標平均對於主觀平衡度均有極佳的預測力。然而,八項對稱指標平均對於主觀美感偏好有較佳的預測力。灰階的主要效果達顯著,支持先前灰階會影響主觀平衡度的想法。最後,將灰階權重納入算則後,大部分客觀平衡性指標對於主觀平衡度的預測力均有增加,然而其差異僅在重心偏離度指標達顯著。基於本研究結果,各分項指標對於主觀平衡度的預測力不盡相同,因此在發展預測主觀平衡度的指標時,應對各分項指標賦予不同的權重。然而,在尚無足以預測美感偏好之最佳指標的情況下,Wilson 與Chatterjee (2005)所發展出的八項對稱指標平均對其的預測力仍是最佳的。最後,研究者建議未來在從事相關研究時,應將影響平衡的因子一併納入考慮。 / Balance is an important compositional principle in visual arts. Balance gives unity to an image with separate elements, allowing them to produce visual forces and tensions that compensate for each other, and then becoming a whole with order. Previous research has provided plenty of discussions on the relationship between balance and aesthetic preference. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptual process of balance and aesthetic preference in geometric images. Based on Wilson and Chatterjee (2005), geometric images were used again to reexamine their proposal more thoroughly and study the balance and aesthetic preference further taking grayscale into consideration. In this study, four experiments were conducted. Binary images were used in Experiments 1 and 2. Experiment 1 was aimed to test the effects of element distribution on perception of balance and further improve the algorithm proposed by Wilson and Chatterjee (2005). Experiment 2 was intended to investigate how element distribution affects aesthetic preferences and how each measure of balance is related to aesthetic preferences. In the Experiments 3 and 4, grayscale images were used instead. The goal of Experiment 3 was to test whether grayscale affects the perception of balance. Experiment 4 manipulated grayscale levels based on the results of Experiment 3. The goal of this experiment was to observe the effects of element distribution and grayscale levels on balance perception and examine whether introducing the grayscale weight into the algorithm could help predict subjective perception of balance. Results showed that for binary images, deviation of center of weight and the average of symmetry measures along four principal axes were good predictors for subjective balance rather than the average of eight symmetry measures. In contrast, aesthetic preferences were better predicted by the average of the eight measures of symmetry. The main effect of grayscale was significant, supporting the hypothesis that grayscale contributes to the subjective perception of balance. Finally, after the grayscale weight was included in the algorithm, most objective measures of balance improved predicting power for subjective perception of balance, but the difference was significant only for deviation of center of balance. According to the findings of this research, it is suggested that the weight of four measures of inner and outer symmetry should be reduced when applying to predict the perceived balance because including them lowered the predicting power. As to aesthetic preferences, the average of the eight measures of symmetry introduced by Wilson and Chatterjee (2005) was still a better index for predicting aesthetic preferences. Finally, this study suggested that future researchers should consider other factors which also affecting balance perception and evaluate their effects respectively.
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不同年齡與線上閱讀經驗在線上閱讀歷程及教學策略之差異比較研究 / A study on the comparison of online reading process and instructional strategies between different aged groups and online reading experiences李彥玫 Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀帶動了文化的傳承、資訊的傳遞,也是學習過程中不可或缺的環扣。透過閱讀,形塑了讀者對訊息的認知思考模式及邏輯組織能力。而數位時代的來臨,網際網路的使用,讓習慣於傳統印刷紙本閱讀形式的社會,面臨了閱讀習慣與學習方式的轉變。是故,本研究旨在探討不同年齡層及不同的線上閱讀經驗的網路讀者,其線上閱歷程之技巧與概念的認知模式。透過概念構圖法,探討28 位線上閱讀者(包含14 位中學生,以及14 位50 歲以上之銀髮族),其線上閱讀歷程的認知架構,並以實際線上閱讀任務之研究方法,瞭解網路讀者在線上閱讀時所面臨之困難與問題,進而提出解決方案與教學策略。
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學校翻轉教育的策略指標建構與應用之個案研究 / A case study on strategic indicators construction and application of school flipped education潘筱芸, Pan, Hsiao Yun Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 以概念構圖建構翻轉教育的4項構面與21項指標應用個案學校。
(二) 個案學校翻轉教育之重要性最高構面為「教師增能」。
(三) 個案學校翻轉教育之重要性最高的指標為「教師應有充足的備課時間」,其次為「提升教室的數位載具資源」、「教師所製作或選編之教學內容具吸引力」。
(四) 個案學校翻轉教育之執行表現最佳構面為「科技支援」;執行表現最差構面為「社群支持」。
(五) 個案學校翻轉教育之執行表現最佳指標為「提升教室的數位載具資源」,其次為「雲端課程平台分享」。
(六) 執行表現最差指標為「翻轉教學社群討論空間與時間安排」。
(七) IPA分析結果最急需改進的構面為「教師增能」。
(八) IPA分析結果最急需改進的指標為「教師應有充足的備課時間」,其次依序為「翻轉社群師資研習或學習機會」、「讓學生依照個別學習進度精熟學習」、「建立學生個人學習歷程檔案」、「教師能規劃翻轉學習之課程內容」。
(九) IPA分析的應用性。
(一) 指標運用: 逕行利用指標繼續檢視翻轉教育歷程,利用指標繼續檢視個案學校往後的翻轉教育歷程。
(二) 應強化「教師增能」及「社群支持」。
(三) 應關注學生學習。
(四) 對未來研究之建議: 從個案研究的指標建構,推展至適用於全國性的樣本;持續針對指標系統做適當之更新。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the strategic indicators of school flipped education and to explore its application. In addition to providing individual case feedback on flip education, we also provide a structural reference to strategic indicators. As for research methods, by means of literature review, and discusses with the members of the case to construct 21 strategic indicators of school flipped education. Concept mapping questionnaire used to analyze the school members' opinion on the importance and implementation of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, find the weight of each indicator within each dimension and construct the system of indicators of school flipped education. The conclusions are follows:
(1) This study constructs 4 main dimensions and 21 strategic indicators of school flipped education.
(2) The highest aspect of the importance of school flipped education is " faculty enhancement ".
(3) The most important indicator for flipped education is that "teachers should have sufficient preparation time" followed by "upgrading the classroom's digital vehicle resources" and "the teaching content produced or selected by teachers should be attractive."
(4) The best performing aspect of the importance of school flipped education is "science and technology supporting"; the worst performing aspect is "community supporting".
(5) The best indicator of the performance of school flipped education is "enhancement of digital mobile device in the Classroom" followed by "cloud-based course platform sharing".
(6) The worst indicator of the performance of school flipped education is "flipped teaching community discussion space and schedule."
(7) The most urgent aspect of IPA analysis is "faculty enhancement".
(8) The most urgent indicator for IPA analysis is "teachers should have sufficient time for preparation", "community teachers' study or learning opportunities", "allowing students to master the learning process based on individual learning progress", " build student personal study files "," teachers can plan flip learning course content. "
(9) The applicability of IPA analysis.
According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed:
(1) Use of Indicators: Using indicators to continue to examine the course of overturning education, and using indicators to continue to examine cases of school rollover education in the future.
(2) Teachers and community support should be strengthened.
(3) Should pay attention to student learning.
(4) Suggestions for future study: From the construction of indicators of case studies to the application of national samples; and continual updating of the indicator system.
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相依競爭風險邊際分配估計之探討張簡嘉詠 Unknown Date (has links)
由於關聯結構定義出兩變數間的結合關係,我們可利用關聯結構解釋兩事件發生時間之間的關係。假定兩變數之相關性參數為已知,且採用機率積分轉換的觀念,本論文討論了Zheng 與 Klein提出的關聯結構-圖形估計量,是否會依設限程度、相關性強度和關聯結構形式的不同,以致估計能力有別。 / The problem of estimating marginal distributions in a competing risks study is often met in scientific fields. Because main event and secondary event compete with each other, and a first occurring event prevents us from observing another event promptly, the intact lifetimes or survival times are unable to be collected in the circumstances that the probability of both lifetimes coinciding is 0. Unless lifetimes being independent or adding other conditions, there is a problem that the marginal distributions are non-identifiable. But the condition of independence is not always reasonable, we may assume the relation between lifetimes has some special form
Because the copula defines the association between two variables, it can be employed to explain relation between lifetimes. Assuming that the dependence parameter in the copula framework is known, and adopting the concept of the probability integral transformations, this thesis has demonstrated whether the estimating abilities of the copula-graphic estimator, that Zheng and Klein put forward, are different in rates of censoring, intensities of dependence, and forms of the copula.
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