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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳若芷 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


翁美花 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣金融檢查一元化制度之研究-從執行面分析 / A research on the unified financial examination system in Taiwan – analysis from executing aspect

姜正和 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣金融檢查原由財政部金融局、中央銀行金融業務檢查處及中央存款保險公司以分工方式辦理,後為求檢查標準一致,於2004年7月移撥各金檢單位人力,成立行政院金融監督管理委員會檢查局,統籌辦理金融檢查相關事宜,台灣金融檢查邁入一元化時代。檢查局成立迄今已近七年,現行金融檢查一元化制度是否有調整或檢討之處?本文研究目的將針對台灣現行金融檢查一元化制度之運作情形予以分析,探討以下問題。一、對金融檢查「一元化」情形之探討;二、一元化對金融檢查任務影響之探討;三、一元化對檢查後導正措施影響之探討;四、一元化金融檢查對金融機構成本負擔之探討,並進一步訪談金融機構主管及資深金融檢查人員,提供具體建議供台灣日後檢討金融檢查一元化制度之參考。 / The on-site examinations of financial institutions in Taiwan were carried out by three different agencies - the Ministry of Finance (Bureau of Monetary Affairs), the Central Bank (Department of Financial Inspection), and the Central Deposit Insurance Corporation. For consistent standards of financial examinations, the Financial Supervisory Commission Financial Examination Bureau (FEB) was then set up on July 1, 2004, with examiners came from these three agencies. The FEB is responsible for examining financial institutions and examination connected therewith. The financial examination system in Taiwan is then in unified era. The FEB was set up almost seven years till now. Would there be any adjustment needed for the financial examination system, or should the financial examination system need to be reexamined? The purpose of this study is to analyze the operating conditions of current unified financial examination system in Taiwan and to investigate the following issues: 1. Investigating the situation of “unification” in financial examination system. 2. Investigating the influence of the executing results of financial examination in the implementation of unified financial examination system. 3. Investigating the influence of the correcting mechanisms post financial examinations in the implementation of unified financial examination system. 4. Investigating the influence of the burden costs of financial institutions in the implementation of unified financial examination system. Further more, interviewing some officers of financial institutions and senior financial examiners to provide some amendable suggestions as references when reexamine the unified financial examination system in Taiwan.


王富美, WANG, FU-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
在金融自由化措施目繼實施及新銀行開放設立的現況下,銀行經營的競爭性與風險性已大為提高。因而,金融當局必須盱衡實險情勢,參酌先進國家相關制度及其經驗,適度修正當前國內金融檢查制度,使其充分發揮應有功能,健全對銀行的經營監督。 就各主要國家的金融檢查制度言,中、美、日三國採取比較嚴格的檢查,且是監督管理的重心;英國金融當局則並未直接檢查;主要依賴報表資料整理及管理人員面談之方式監督;德國金融當局亦不自行檢查,而係透過查核人員向主管機關所提報告來監督。 目前,我國金融檢查制度由於金融檢查事權尚未統一、報表稽核制度績效不彰、金融機構內部稽核未受重視及缺少統一的銀行會計制度等原因,致使金融檢查之功能未能充分發揮。是以建立檢查事權統一的金融管理、借助外部稽核、改善現行報表稽核制度、提昇稽核人員素質、統一銀行會計制度,均為當務之急。此外,如循序推行財務報表的公開,以發揮市場監督力量,使銀行經濟人負法律責任,及資產負債表外交易風險的重視等,均為我國金融當局未來努力的方向。

房地產巿場預警系統之研究 / The study on Taiwan real estate market early-warning system

陳彥光 Unknown Date (has links)
本文為了建立房地產預警系統,針對1992年至2007年期間房地產巿場相關指標為警情指標選取之研究對象,利用層級分析法、因素分析法與擴散指數模型,選擇如同房地產景氣指標四個層面之重要代表性(非先行性)為主變數之警情指標,再綜合確定各指標之權重組成之房地產警情指標,不同於以往將選擇房地產景氣指標利用專家意見的定性方法,且其權重皆設定相同之方式。 警界檢查值是根據房地產警情指標預警值級別判斷房地產警情狀況,檢查值的計算運用變動百分比的方式,拔靴法,3σ法及理想目標值法,評估房地產警情指標之適度警界檢查值。 預測房地產巿場未來情況,採用指數平滑法、Box-Jenkins預測方法,以及灰色GM(1,1)Alpha模型,來預測房地產巿場警情指標及其單指標,並比較其預測績效方式選出較佳模型。據此便可對房地產巿場發生不正常現象的可能性和嚴重程度進行預測和監控。 研究發現,在民國95年第1季至民國96年第1季房地產警情狀況,可以看出其中的建築貸款餘額與全體金融機構放款總額之比值(S7)過高燈號為5分,顯示銀行對於房地產業貸款過熱,而住宅使用率(S19)有過低燈號為1分的不正常情況,並產生出過多的空屋的情形。接著預測民國96年第2季,所選擇的重要性指標來看,延續了前一季的狀況,更可看出其中的建築貸款餘額與全體金融機構放款總額之比值(S7) 過高燈號為5分,臺灣地區住宅建照樓地板面積與臺灣地區建照執照樓地板面積之比值(S8) 偏高燈號為4分,反應出供給多,五大銀行新承做購屋貸款金額與全體金融機構放款總額之比值(S16) 過高燈號為5分,需求過多,然而住宅使用率(S19)有過低燈號為1分的不正常情況,過多空屋,部分也可能含有餘屋的情形,此買了不住的情形,使住宅資源浪費,需加以警戒,並應適時提出修正。 關鍵字:房地產預警系統(Real Estate Early-Warning System) ,擴散指數模型(Diffusion Index Model),層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process),因素分析法(Factor Analysis),檢查值(Check Point),3σ法,拔靴法(Bootstrap),指數平滑法(Exponential Smoothing)、Box-Jenkins預測方法,灰色GM(1,1)Alpha模型(Grey Forecast)。 / In order to establish real estate early-warning system, We select the main indicators from real estate market relative indexes during 1992 to 2007.Selectction are similar as the four layers of real estate cycle indicators that we have the important not proceeding indicators. The important indicators selection we applied the analytic hierarchy process, factor analysis and diffusion index model, forthmore, we integrated to determine the weights of the indicators and composed of main indicators. Unlike the past, the real estate cycle indicators choose the use of qualitative methods of expert advice, and set the same weight manner. Warning check point is based on the real estate early-warning value of indicators to determine the status of real estate market. Refered as the current cycle indicators, we have the check value calculated by using the range percentage, bootstrap method, and also developed the 3σ and ideal goal methods to determine an appropriate warning check point of the real estate early-warning value. To forecast the real estate market situation, we use black-box model of exponential smoothing, Box-Jenkins methods, as well as the gray GM (1,1) Alpha model to predict the real estate market indicators and their single indexs. Comparing and electing the better prediction performance model which can forecast and monitor the real estate market situation. The real estate market situation are estimate based on the empirical analysis during the first quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2007. The construction loans (S7) is too high for the signal is 5 points, which show overheated. The residential usage (S19) show too low for the signal is 1 point, which indicated non-normal conditions and produce too many vacant houses. Thereafter, we forecast the second quarter of 2007. We have continuously the situation of the previous quarter which as the construction loans (S7) is too high for the signal is 5 points. The residential building floor area (S8) is too high for the signal is 4 points, which was reacting too much supply. housing loan (S16) signal is too high for the signal is 5 points, which show too much demand. But The residential usage (S19) is too low for signal is 1 point, which show too many empty houses and some may contain redundant house.To buy and not to live, so that waste the resources of residential. We need to be alert and should be the right time to amend. Keywords: Real Estate Early-Warning System, Diffusion Index Model, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Factor Analysis, Check Point, 3σ, Bootstrap, Exponential Smoothing, Box-Jenkins, Grey forecast.

中共「紀律檢查委員會」之研究 / A Study of PRC'S Commission for Discipline Inspection

林明昌, Lin, Ming Chang Unknown Date (has links)
中共黨的紀律檢查工作是執行路線保證,在「黨的建設」中居於很重要的部分。它表現在「黨建」的作用方面,包括:對於維護「黨的肌體健康」,保持「黨的先進性」,提高「黨的戰鬥力」,堅持「四項基本原則」和「改革、開放、搞活」的方針與政策,保證「社會主義現代化」建設的順利進行,具有重大的意義。   撰寫中共「紀律檢查委員會」之研究,對我來說是一個探索和嘗試。有關中共的各層級組織,過去的學長大都有做過研究及發表論文,一般皆能深知熟諳,然而對中共紀律檢查機構,至今尚屬未見。因此,選擇它做為研究題目,以期為將來提供一個有用的參考。   本論文係以政治系統理論,運用政治參與及政治社會化的概念,再透過歷史制度研究法的陳述,分別對中共紀律檢查機構的理論基礎、歷史沿革、組織工作、業務範圍,以及各個時期不同的發展,用比較歸納法加以探討。   本論文共分七章二十三節,全文內容大致如下:   第一章:導論。旨在說明本論文的研究動機與目的,研究範圍與方法,研究資料的來源與限制。   第二章:設立「紀律檢查委員會」的理論基礎。本章分別從馬克思、恩格斯、列寧、斯大林、毛澤東及中共領導階層就有關黨的紀律和紀律檢查工作之重要講話做為理論之依據。   第三章:「紀律檢查工作」之沿革。本章探討方式分別從中共政權成立前的紀律檢查工作,和政權成立後以迄「十三大」期間的紀律檢查工作。從歷史演變中研究各個時期紀檢機構組織的不同與職能的消長。   第四章:「十四大」後之紀律檢查工作。本章將「十四大」之有關紀檢工作單項專章研究,包括組織體制之改變,任務與組織編制,以及當前中共各領導者所強調呼籲的「反腐敗鬥爭」。   第五章:紀律檢查工作的具體內容。本章主要介紹紀律檢查工作到底是包括那些項目?它的實際運作如何?在探討過程,並適切地舉例及附表解釋說明,以彰顯它的功能。   第六章:紀律檢查工作之綜合探討。本章首先認識紀檢工作的性質和作用,其次在各個不同的歷史階段中,探討比較紀檢機關任務和職權的變化、紀檢機構和領導體制的變化,以及紀檢機關地位的變化。   第七章:結論。首先分析「紀律檢查委員會」在中共政治系統中的角色地位與功能,並評估它的功過得失,以及筆者研究所得提出個人粗淺的見解作一總結。   最後,很幸運的蒐集到中共歷次黨章中有關黨的紀律和紀律檢查工作的規定;及中共歷屆「中紀委」(中央監察)主要成員暨領導人簡介,在附錄中一併提出說明,祈使本論文之內容更為充實和具參考價值。

臺灣婦女產前檢查對生產健康的影響 / The effect of prenatal care on pregnancy outcome in Taiwan

詹惠如, Jan, Hui Ju Unknown Date (has links)

酒醉駕車之酒精測試檢定與檢查身體 / Alcohol concentration testing and physical examination for drunken driving

楊汝滿, Yang, Ju Man Unknown Date (has links)
酒醉駕車可能同時涉及行政違序行為及刑事犯罪行為,而血液中酒精濃度更為判定行為責任之重要準據,現行警察職權行使法、道路交通管理處罰條例及刑事訴訟法就呼氣或抽血取得行為人酒精濃度數值固有相關規範,惟並未確切掌握其為干預基本權之性質,以致規範不完備而有違反正當法律程序之虞。本文第一章即先就問題之緣起、研究目的、研究方法及研究範圍作一全面性之概述。    第二章探討酒醉駕車所涉及之行政責任及刑事責任。按道路交通管理處罰條例自民國57年立法以來,迄今已六度修正提高酒醉駕車之裁罰標準,88年4月間刑法增訂185條之3不能安全駕駛罪,將酒醉駕車入罪化;而授權警察得下命強制抽血檢測酒精濃度之規定則係於90年1月間增訂,而92年間警察職權行使法之修訂,使警察發動酒測得有較為明確之授權依據,然而實務運作上仍存有諸多爭議,並因酒駕可能僅為行政責任、亦可能同時涉及刑事責任,致使強制抽血檢測酒精濃度措施究屬警察的行政調查手段,抑或已屬犯罪偵查領域而應適用更為嚴謹的程序規範,即應加以釐清以杜合法性之爭議。    第三章探討強制抽血檢測酒精濃度所涉及之基本權,就人身自由權、身體不受傷害權、隱私權及不自證己罪原則逐一探討。首先概述上開基本權之權利內涵,確認其是否屬我國憲法所保障之基本權,如為肯定,再探討強制抽血檢測酒精濃度是否侵害該基本權。而依本文之觀察,強制抽血酒測應已侵及人身自由權、身體完整不受侵犯權及隱私權。    第四章採用比較法研究,探討強制採血以取得血液中酒精濃度數值作為刑事犯罪證據使用,在刑事訴訟法之體系定位為何,並比較92年1月刑事訴訟法就侵入體內取證之行為在修法前後之法規依據、相關學說爭議及實務運作情況。其次,基於鑑定之檢查身體規定係繼受自德國刑事訴訟法第81條a,因此本章中除著重於追本溯源,以德國立法例作為主要的外文文獻參考資料,透過對於德國法的立法解釋、學說見解及實務案例的分析,希望能對檢查身體制度在我國制度定位上有一定的幫助外,並輔以美國法上對於檢查身體的相關案例與見解,期能進一步釐清檢查身體制度的意義及定位。    第五章探討現行檢查身體在我國刑事訴訟法的體系定位,以其乃為具有強制處分性質之措施,惟在現行法卻有定位不明之憾,形式上固符合法律保留原則,惟在實質合法性上則似不盡符合正當法律程序原則,未來修法上實應明確訂定該等強制處分發動的程序與實體要件、執行規範、事後審查與救濟規定,期能同時兼顧人權保障與實體真實之發現。    第六章則綜合整理歸納各章論述重點,並認未來檢查身體在刑事訴訟法上有明確規範後,現行道路交通管理處罰條例授權警察得逕為下命移送醫療檢驗院所強制抽血之規定則亦有相應調整之必要性,期以程序正義保障實體之正義,落實法治國原則保障人民權益之價值理念。 / Driving while intoxicated (DWI) may involve in disordering administrative law or committing criminal crime, which mainly depends on the person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC). According to the Police Act, the Act Governing the Punishment of Violation of Road Traffic Regulations and the Code of Criminal Procedure, we have relevant regulations for BAC measurement (a mass of alcohol per volume of blood) through breath alcohol testing or blood testing. These regulations, however, are fragmented and against due process because of violating the fundamental rights of the people. Therefore, I begin at overview of the origin of the studies, the purpose of studies, the methodology of studies and the range of studies in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, I discuss responsibility of DWI in administrative code and criminal code. According to the Act Governing the Punishment of Violation of Road Traffic Regulations (which enacts in 1968), we have revised standard and raised the penalty on DWI. In April 1999, the Criminal Code revised and augmented Article 185-3- not safety driving crime. That is, criminalization of DWI. In January 2001, the police are authorized to implement BAC testing due to law augment. The revises of the Police Act grant the police to enforce BAC testing while there are disputes in practice. DWI maybe just against administrative liability or involve criminal liability at the same time. Thus, the enforcement of BAC testing belongs to either the methods of the police administrative investigation or the field of delinquency investigation. If it belongs to the latter, we should adapt due process more strictly so that we could prevent legality from disputes In Chapter 3, I discuss the enforcement of BAC testing in accordance with fundamental rights of the people, including personal freedom, defense of bodily harm, privacy right and Principle of privilege against self-incrimination. First of all, we should make sure whether the content of nature rights corresponds to Constitution or not. When it is approval, we will discuss whether the enforcement of BAC testing trespasses on nature rights. According to the article, the enforcement of BAC testing against personal freedom, defense of bodily harm and privacy right.     In Chapter 4, I use comparative studies in order to obtain a mandatory BAC value as criminal evidence in Code of Criminal Procedure. Besides, I compare the evidence obtained by body invasion before and after amending the Code of Criminal Procedure in January 2003, the disputes of relevant theories and the practical operation. Secondly, based on the identification of the physical examination provided by the German Code of Criminal Procedure Article 81 a, we not only use the German legislation as major reference but also analyze the legislative interpretation, insights and practical cases of German Law. We are eager to anchor our system of physical examination associated with relevant the US cases and insights so that we can further advance the significance of the physical examination. In Chapter 5, I discuss the present physical inspection in our Code of Criminal Procedure due to its compulsory measure. It is a pity that, however, the present criterion for physical inspection is invalid. Although it conforms to principle of legal reservation, it does not consist with due process of law on the real legitimacy. We should consider due process of compulsory measure as well as substantive requirements, execution regulations, retrospective review and remedy when we amend the law in the future. By doing so, we not only protect human rights but also discover the substantive reality. In Chapter 6, I summarize the keynotes of all chapters and consider clearly definition of physical examination in the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Act Governing the Punishment of Violation of Road Traffic Regulations, which empowers the police to transfer the suspects to the medical institutions for blood testing, should adjust accordingly. By doing so, we can protect the entity of justice through due process and implement the principle of constitutional state. That is, to secure the interest of human rights.

一例一休制度對企業及勞雇行為影響之研究 / The impact of the five day work week amendments to the labor standards act on enterprises and employment

卓佳芬, Cho, Chia Fen Unknown Date (has links)
立法院於2016年12月6日在紛擾中三讀通過勞基法部分修正條文,這項被簡稱為「一例一休」的新法,自2017年1月1日起實施。包括了:每7日應有一例假日和一休息日、刪除勞工7天國定假日、特休假未休完雇主應發給工資、提高休息日出勤之加班費、增加資淺勞工特休假等重大議題。 本研究主要探討勞基法新制對企業及勞雇雙方所產生之衝擊,透過各章節的論述及分析,了解其對企業之影響,進而彙整歸納相對應之措施。本文藉由勞基法背景之介紹,分析一例一休歷史脈絡,更透過比較新舊制度之差異,迅速洞析其在法條上之法理。而從國際相關法規之比較,更發現歐美相較於亞洲,集體協商機制相對完善,彈性工時與部分工時相對比例較高,使其展現在總工時上,也明顯偏低。根據OECD資料,德國是全球總工時最低的已開發國家,卻無礙其競爭力。一例一休實際執行後,若干負面效應顯現,本文彙整各報章、雜誌、媒體所披露之重大議題,藉由多角度深入問題的論述,期能減少勞雇雙方之衝擊,降低企業營運之危機,並提供政府未來相關政策擬定時之參考。

兩岸金融監理比較分析-以銀行業為例 / A Comparison of Financial Supervision System between Taiwan and Mainland China-Evidence from Banking Sector

周治萍 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著兩岸政策的逐漸鬆綁,台灣地區銀行業進入中國大陸深耕勢在必行,然而在兩岸分立分治之情況下,台灣地區之銀行業進入中國大陸設立分支機構時,除應符合台灣地區銀行監理機制外,更應了解中國大陸銀行業之監理規範,以期在符合兩岸監理機制及相關法令之規定下創造雙贏。 兩岸之監理原則,皆以母國監理原則為前提,並依據國際清算銀行(BIS)1992年公佈之「監理國際性銀行集團及海外分支機構最低標準」為指導原則,但針對目前兩岸跨國銀行之監理,台灣面臨最大的困境即是「國家認同」的問題。台灣目前的監理制度存在有深度(一般檢查)及廣度(專案檢查)的問題,且金融檢查係屬於交易發生後之事後檢查,故金融主管機關除加強金融檢查外,尚需督促金融機構建立落實內部控制及內部稽核機制,以健全金融機構之經營。 / As the cross-strait policy gradually untie, Bank deep into mainland China in Taiwan is a must, however in the case of partition of separation between the two sides, when set up branches of Taiwan banks entering the Mainland, apart from banking supervision mechanism in Taiwan should be consistent with, and should be aware of mainland China's banking supervision norms, with a view to in the cross-strait supervision mechanism and under the relevant provisions of the Act creates a win-win. Principles of supervision across the Taiwan Strait, are premised on the principle of home country supervision, and in accordance with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) published in 1992 "minimum standards for the supervision of international banking groups and overseas branches" as the guiding principle, however, in response to the current cross-strait supervision of transnational Bank, Taiwan faces the biggest dilemma that is "national identity" issues. Taiwan depth with the existing supervision system (General check) and breadth (project review) issues, and financial checks belonging to transactions that took place after the ex-post checks, financial authorities in addition to strengthening the financial checks, still need to urge financial institutions to establish the implementation of internal control and internal audit mechanisms, based on sound management of financial institutions.

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