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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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就業之體格檢查與基本權利保障 / Study on “the Relationship between the Physical Examination of Employment and Protection of Basic Rights

范瑞珠, Fan,Juei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
由於不同的行業,其工作內涵差別極大,而不同的工作,其特性更是相去甚遠,自然,對於工作所需之人員,其應具備之資格條件也就大不相同,例如社會各種職場之報考者常常面臨著體格檢查限制的壓力,日常的生活、人際交往、求學、就業、失業、等等問題無時無刻不在困擾著他們,甚至在人生的每一個階段,他們都必須在縫隙中尋求生存的空間。 有些人事用人機關認為體格檢查限制並非是一種歧視行為,而是基於公共利益的需要而給予的合理的差別待遇,所謂「歧視」一詞具有多義性,在此應從侵害「國民就業機會平等」理解之。針對體格檢查限制之問題,本文擬先就體格檢查之意涵予以說明,並舉例說明公務人員考試之體格檢查限制,例如對B型肝炎帶原者限制其報考各類國家考試,這樣一個涉及健康標準的問題,其所設限之體檢標準是否合理?其唯一標準是「醫學標準」,如果科學證明B型肝炎帶原者對他人不構成傳染或雖有傳染性但並不嚴重且可以採取措施加以預防,則上開有關體檢之資格限制標準,構成對B型肝炎帶原者平等競爭公職權利的侵犯,是違憲的,因大量的醫學證明,B型肝炎帶原者並不會對公眾的健康構成威脅。 本文係以有關人民參加需經國家考試公務人員就業體格檢查限制所涉及之基本權利之保障與限制(干預)為研究之課題,人民就業體格檢查是否可以予以差別待遇?而該差別待遇是否合理?合乎比例原則?手段與目的之間如不符比例原則,恐有違憲之虞,故國家於設定體格檢查限制條件時,必須有合理的限制標準,並能依據合理的判斷基準予以救濟,避免侵害人民之權利,且立法、司法及行政各部門,更應負起積極的責任,研擬相關配套措施,以保障人民憲法上的基本權利,全文共分6章:第一章緒論,旨在說明本文之研究動機並界定研究範圍,同時提出本文之研究目的和方法。第二章體格檢查之基本概念,先敘明體格檢查之意涵,包括體格檢查之概念、目的(功能)、意義及特點(執行機構),再加以整理公務人員體格檢查標準之法規依據。第三至第五章構成本文之本論。旨在依序探討公務人員就業體格檢查限制所涉之基本權利保障與限制(干預),並檢討相關行政救濟案例,各章內容以我國憲法所保障之就業基本權利探討為主,並以憲法對於限制人權之相關原則的討論為輔。第六章結論,則在將前述各章之研究結果作綜合性的簡要陳述,並嘗試提出檢討及建議作為本論文之歸結。 / Each career has unique requirements for employees due to the different entity of the career. Therefore the job applicants have to face the pressure of physical examination during application to a new job frequently. Some human resource organizations consider “the abridgement of physical examination” as a rational differential treatment based on the public interests, rather than a discriminative behavior. As the term “discrimination” has versatile meanings, it will be interpreted as an interference of “the equal opportunity for civil employment” in this thesis. In this article, the meaning of the abridgement of physical examination on employment will be illustrated, followed by an example from the abridgement of the physical examination on professional examination. For example, it should be scrutinized whether it is appropriate to abridge a hepatitis B carrier of attending the civil examination, which is concerned from a view of health judged by the medical standard. Some researchers argued that the scientific evidences showed hepatitis B will not be transmitted via carriers, or even can be transmitted but not severely and can be prevented. Then standards of the physical examination on employment would invade the right of equal competition for civil service. Those would be unconstitutional because hepatitis B carriers would not make any threat to public health, which were proved through lots of medical evidences. The main purpose of this thesis concentrated on the protection and interference of basic rights involved in the abridgement of physical examination on civil service. The study will scrutinize the appropriateness, rationality, equality of discriminative treatment in the physical examination on civil service. If the goal and the means of public deeds are not proportional, it would be unconstitutional. To set up the conditions for the abridgement of physical examination, the government should have reasonable standards of restriction and also reasonable judgment criteria of relief for the abridgement of physical examination to avoid invading civil rights. The organization of legislation, justice and administration should take the responsibility of drafting relevant integrated measures to guard the civil privilege. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one (prolegomenon) includes the motive, scope, goal and methods of this study. Chapter two (introduction) elucidates the concept, goal (function), construction and characteristics (an executive body) of the physical examination, and regulations related to standards for the physical examination on the civil service. Chapter three to five (main body) center on the protection and abridgement (interference) of basic rights and the review of administrative relief cases involved in the physical examination of employment. We will study the protection of right of work in our constitution mainly, accompanied by discussion of the relative principles of interference of human rights as well. Chapter six (conclusion) summarizes the research results in previous chapters and make conclusions and suggestions.

高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之衡量:模式建立、構念驗證與資訊科技應用 / Measuring Service Capability Maturity Level for Advanced Health Checkup Businesses: Model Building, Construct Validation and IT Application

張芳凱, Chang, Fang Kai Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,企業核心競爭能力早已被公認是企業獲利以及維繫的驅動者,對於服務業當然也不例外。為了有效生存於現今惡劣的商業環境,服務業必須維護其服務能力之成熟度,以使用者為服務的核心,並以消費者的需求為服務的出發點。唯有以客戶為本,才能使企業永續經營,故台灣服務業若要加入國際市場營運,企業服務能力將扮演一個相當重要的角色。 隨著人類壽命的延長、以及關心個人健康的中產階級崛起,健康檢查已逐漸成為新全民運動。由於市場龐大與需求旺盛,為了服務有健康意識且經濟條件佳的客群,全台醫院和專業診所紛紛設立健康管理中心,提供燈光美、氣氛佳、餐點好、服務親切的健檢環境,其中不少醫院更是砸下重金,重新改造內部裝潢與購買最新式的檢查儀器。因此,高階健檢產業如雨後春筍般的蓬勃成長。 本研究認為,為了實現更高的服務品質,高階健康檢查事業應適當的進行商業流程再造。藉由不斷地改善流程,企業得以回應並滿足顧客的需求,增加企業服務顧客的能力,持續提升服務品質。因此,本研究引用服務企業流程模式的架構,以高階健康檢查事業為研究對象,主要的研究問題分為三大部分:一為適用高階健康檢查事業的服務能力評量模式發展,其二為編輯符合實務用詞的流程領域描述說明,其三為提供高階健康檢查事業品質成長的參考軌跡。 本研究之結果,定義了高階健康檢查事業服務能力等級與成熟等級之表述方式,主動性的給予被評鑑機構一個品質提升的建議與參考的軌跡。本研究設計一套『高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之自我評鑑與改善建議系統』,協助高階健康檢查事業自我評量服務成熟等級,並提供透過資訊科技應用來提升等級的建議。透過階段性的資訊科技應用採納,可妥善配置資訊科技採納進程並編製預算執行順序,來強化醫療照護服務的能力成熟度等級。 / Core competitiveness of enterprise has long been recognized as the driver of profits and sustainability of a business. Service industry is certainly in no exception. In order to effectively survive in today's harsh business environment, services business must maintain its maturity of service capabilities, treat consumer as the core of the services and serve the consumer need as the basic of services. Such consumer-oriented strategy is the key to ensure the long term prosperity of business. It is also essential to Taiwan's service industry for her successful operations in international market. With the extended human lifespan, as well as the rise of the middle class with concern about personal health, health checkup service has become a new national sport. In order to serve customers, who have health-conscious mind and favorable financial affordability, hospitals in Taiwan provide specialized clinics and health management centers. They offer soothing lights and good atmosphere as well as healthy meals and friendly services. Such reformation in health checkup business has seen vigorous market growth and received significant investment on both medical equipment and interior remodeling of examination facility. This study suggests that in order to achieve a higher quality of advanced health checkup service, adequate business process reengineering should be carried out as per need. With constantly improving processes, the service unit would be able to respond and fulfill the customer needs, increase the customer service capacity of the enterprise, and continue to improve service quality. Therefore, this study adapts service business process model as research framework and chooses advanced health checkup business as the research subject. The main research questions are divided into three parts: first is developing a service capability evaluation model for advanced health checkup business; second is editing descriptions of process areas in line with practical terms; third is providing a roadmap of advanced health checkup business to improve their service quality. Results of this study helps to define the capability level representations and maturity level representations for advanced health checkup business. It could proactively provide suggestions to and also be adopted as a reference roadmap for service quality improvement by the evaluated companies. This study also implements a “self-evaluation and improvement recommendation system for advanced health checkup service capability maturity level”, which assists advanced health checkup business to self-assess the maturity level of service capability, and provide recommendations to enhance the level through IT applications. Through the stage-wise IT application adoption, it could properly arrange IT adoption schedule, prepare budget execution order and strengthen the maturity level of health care services capability.

運用使用者輸入欄位屬性偵測防禦資料隱碼攻擊 / Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Using the Field Attributes of User Input

賴淑美, Lai, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
在網路的應用蓬勃發展與上網使用人口不斷遞增的情況之下,透過網路提供客戶服務及從事商業行為已經是趨勢與熱潮,而伴隨而來的風險也逐步顯現。在一個無國界的網路世界,威脅來自四面八方,隨著科技進步,攻擊手法也隨之加速且廣泛。網頁攻擊防範作法的演進似乎也只能一直追隨著攻擊手法而不斷改進。但最根本的方法應為回歸原始的程式設計,網頁欄位輸入資料的檢核。確實做好欄位內容檢核並遵守網頁安全設計原則,嚴謹的資料庫存取授權才能安心杜絕不斷變化的攻擊。但因既有系統對於輸入欄位內容,並無確切根據應輸入的欄位長度及屬性或是特殊表示式進行檢核,以致造成類似Injection Flaws[1]及部分XSS(Cross Site Scripting)[2]攻擊的形成。 面對不斷變化的網站攻擊,大都以系統原始碼重覆修改、透過滲透測試服務檢視漏洞及購買偵測防禦設備防堵威脅。因原始碼重覆修改工作繁重,滲透測試也不能經常施行,購買偵測防禦設備也相當昂貴。 本研究回歸網頁資料輸入檢核,根據輸入資料的長度及屬性或是特殊的表示式進行檢核,若能堅守此項原則應可抵禦大部分的攻擊。但因既有系統程式龐大,若要重新檢視所有輸入欄位屬性及進行修改恐為曠日費時。本文中研究以側錄分析、資料庫SCHEMA的結合及方便的欄位屬性定義等功能,自動化的處理流程,快速產生輸入欄位的檢核依據。再以網站動態欄位檢核的方式,於網站接收使用者需求,且應用程式尚未處理前攔截網頁輸入資料,根據事先明確定義的網站欄位屬性及長度進行資料檢核,如此既有系統即無須修改,能在最低的成本下達到有效防禦的目的。 / With the dynamic development of network application and the increasing population of using internet, providing customer service and making business through network has been a prevalent trend recently. However, the risk appears with this trend. In a borderless net world, threaten comes from all directions. With the progress of information technology, the technique of network attack becomes timeless and widespread. It seems that defense methods have to develop against these attack techniques. But the root of all should regress on the original program design – check the input data of data fields. The prevention of unceasing network attack is precisely check the content of data field and adhere to the webpage security design on principle, furthermore, the authority to access database is essential. Since most existing systems do not have exactly checkpoints of those data fields such as the length, the data type, and the data format, as a result, those conditions resulted in several network attacks like Injection Flaws and XSS. In response to various website attack constantly, the majority remodify the system source code, inspect vulnerabilities by the service of penetration test, and purchase the equipment of Intrusion Prevention Systems(IPS). However, several limitations influence the performance, such as the massive workload of remodify source code, the difficulty to implement the daily penetration test, and the costly expenses of IPS equipment. The fundamental method of this research is to check the input data of data fields which bases on the length, the data type and the data format to check input data. The hypothesis is that to implement the original design principle should prevent most website attacks. Unfortunately, most legacy system programs are massive and numerous. It is time-consuming to review and remodify all the data fields. This research investigates the analysis of network interception, integrates with the database schema and the easy-defined data type, to automatically process these procedures and rapidly generates the checklist of input data. Then, using the method of website dynamic captures technique to receive user request first and webpage input data before the system application commences to process it. According to those input data can be checked by the predefined data filed type and the length, there is no necessary to modify existing systems and can achieve the goal to prevent web attack with the minimum cost.

日治時期臺灣防疫體制下的預防接種與人事變遷 / The Vaccination and Fluctuation of the Epidemic Preventive Infrastructure in Japan-ruled Taiwan

沈佳姍, Shen chia san Unknown Date (has links)
本論文運用史學、統計與GIS繪圖法,自表至裏,自應用至體制,再至緣由,論述1895~1945年50年間臺灣預防接種史之開展、歷程與引發原因。論證臺灣人用疫苗發展歷史超過百年;日治時期臺灣住民已廣泛接種多量疫苗;臺灣諸免疫界變革不可忽視日本人事體制。 全文首先以法定之傳染病為例,論證疫苗在臺灣民間應用之普遍。首先論述最早在臺灣實施,作為全民接種開始,且採皮上切種之天花種痘,其官方制度演變、於民間推展方法、技術變革與臺日差距(少),以及從統計面所見之臺灣高接種率(社會高免疫力)、低天花感染率和死亡率,和1900年代一遇疫情風聲,即立刻實行臨時接種或擴大定期接種之防疫定制。其次論述血清型疾病預防注射。如1900年鼠疫接種,是臺灣最早由官方執行較大規模針式\侵入性皮下預防注射之始。但1904年後因花費金額高、人體副作用大而少在臺灣實施。再如霍亂,1902年臺灣已應用霍亂血清,1916年較大規模實施\實驗,1919~1920年國際霍亂大流行更極力推廣,兩年間,每年各有百餘萬人接種,是各地臺灣人普遍認識和接種預防注射針之始。1918~1920年流行性感冒,確切菌種和傳染原因等等均未知;但當第二波疫情較集中且嚴重時,官方已鼓勵配合副致死病因如肺炎球菌等,實施預防注射,與今日流感疫苗類似。其後,對霍亂或流感使用預防接種之防疫法,終日治結束均為常例。又如流行性腦脊髓膜炎,自1917年臺灣出現購買疫苗案例後,該疫苗自1920年代起即大量應用,1930年代後之接種人數更屢以十萬或百萬為單位。而臺灣1935年前所謂流行性腦炎或腦炎,常是指流行性腦脊髓膜炎;流行性腦炎或腦炎預防接種,實際指流行性腦脊髓膜炎接種。以上各種疫苗大量應用,至約1920年代已形成官方一遇疫情即立刻接種地積極、強力防疫定制,亦影響臺灣該等傳染病感染率和患者死亡率,以及官民對上述傳染病恐懼態度轉變。 繼應用面,本文次論人事、體制之制度面發展。首先,臺灣在1902~1905年,先後出現在臺灣設置血清藥院聲音、鼓勵細菌血清學研究、設置牛疫血清作業所、起議在臺實施全新生兒種痘和創設中央科學研究所。1916年開始製販血清疫苗,擇製本島常見菌種、強調「賣捌」非「販賣」,此後製品種類陸續增加。臺製疫苗亦供應沖繩和中國等等臺灣以外地區。1922年起,臺灣不再製造牛疫血清,改由朝鮮提供防疫之常備用品;1939年士林廠房完工,臺灣開始製造乾燥和精緻血清疫苗。另就中央衛生部人事和業績比較,細菌血清類研究和專任人力常多居各研究單位之首,1920年代達高峰;1930年代研究比重雖看似降低,然其負責人員數量、製劑內容和販賣數量,卻更深刻且快速進展,故臺灣中央一直重視免疫醫學或細菌學研究。而使臺灣於各階段發生細菌學興起、開始製販血清疫苗、研製機構體制和製品製程改變原因,首先,使細菌學、免疫學和血清研製機構在臺展開,首須歸因後藤新平和高木友枝等臺灣首長個人意識,以及其背後穩固之內務省衛生局(行政)、傳染病研究所(技術)和眾議會(審議)等人事資源和總體意向,並因人際網絡使臺灣得參酌美國作法。1916年臺灣開始製販血清疫苗,源自1914年傳研移管;擇製某類型製劑且限定專賣,則為前期人事派系延續和檢定制度便宜之計。傳承人事脈絡與社會局勢,再配合新發地政治社會需求,使1920年代後期起中央研究所人事漸變化,來自地方者再回歸地方,中央日益學術、大學化。最極致表現是1936~1939年中央研究所成為臺北帝大附屬和東大傳研化。此外,臺灣與海外各血清疫苗單位有連絡互通;臺灣是日本諸外地中最早大量製販各種血清疫苗者;也是日本國境內,極少數可以帝大附屬研究所之姿製販血清疫苗者。 / The dissertation aims to use historical data a long with GIS methods to explore the vaccination prevention to certain infectious diseases in colonial Taiwan (1895 – 1945). The smallpox vaccination was the earliest vaccination has been practiced in Taiwan. The change of polices and influstructure in cowpox manufacture revealed how the vaccination adminstration transformed and shaped local society. With the cowpox vaccine popularized, the immunity was gained as well as the low infection and mortality rate after 1910s implied its effectiveness. Secondly, the plague vaccination in 1900~1904 was the first big-scale preventive injection by the Taiwan official, but rarely injected after 1904 due to the high cost and side effects. following that, the cholera serum was often used in scale in 1916 which 3 million people received injecttion during 1919~1920, a period of cholera pandemic. One effective that cholera imunizationleft was that Taiwanese strated to accept needle injection a way of vaccinated prevention. The pandemic influenza invaded Taiwan in 1918~1921but the etiology was unknown currently. As the second wave of the epidemic occurred, the authorities began to pay attention and encouraged people to take injection from indirect causes of death such as pneumococcal. This injection strategy was applied in the whole Japanese ruled era. The epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, since its vaccination reported in 1917, was larger implemented in the 1920s, then greatly practiced after the 1930s. Furthermore, the epidemic encephalitis or encephalitis named after Taiwan before 1935 usually referred to the epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Therefore, the epidemic encephalitis or encephalitis vaccination actually meant the meningococcal meningitis vaccination. In general, most implementation of vaccination appeared around 1916 progressed in 1920s and prevalently practiced after the 1930s. The police of vaccination brought down the infection and mortality rate in Taiwan a long withthe attitude of acceptance to immunization injection among people. Furthermore, Taiwan set up a professional animal serum factory and established the Central Science Institute of Taiwan Governor in 1903. In 1916, Taiwan started to make and sell serums and vaccines to the public which indicated the vaccination were already prevalent among Taiwanese. The govenemnt monopolized the sale of vaccines and the products could however offer to China and other places. In 1939, Taiwan went a step further to manufacture the dried vaccine, toxoid, and anatoxin. The phenomenon above implied various meanings. First, the promotion of bacteriology, immunology and serum in Taiwan were based on personal commitment by Gotou Shinpei (1857-1929) and Takagi Tomoe (1858-1943). With their connection to the Bureau of Sanitation of the Ministry of Interior, the Institute of Infectious Diseases (Kitazato Shibasaburou, 1853-1931), and House of Representatives, their works might link to the Rockefeller Institute which brought strong trust to the developing of bacteriology. In 1916 the attempt to produce and sell vaccine was a side-effect deriving from the domentic friction of the Institute of Infectious Diseases in 1914. It caused by the struggle of the administrative and resources, the dispute of practical and academic, and maturates of the bacteriology; lead to the essentially open to the serums and vaccines market in Japan and its foreign lands, included Taiwan. Taiwan closed to the faction of Kitazato. Soon after, the great spread of infectious diseases in 1918-1921 bright the emergency to apply and manufacture of biologics in 1920s in Japan and all of its territories. Taken the impact, the Central Research Institute of Taiwan Governor changed its infrastructure and products in the 1930s. It is worth noting that the Central Research Institute of Taiwan Governor and the Taiwan Medical Specialized School became branches of the (Taipei and Tokyo) Imperial University in 1936-1939, for the necessity of dried vaccine, toxoid, and anatoxin.


呂世文 Unknown Date (has links)
民96年5月民法親屬編修法前,我國強制認領制度存有不少爭議與缺失,其乃立於生父之立場,儘量設置多重限制,以阻止非婚生子女取得婚生子女之地位。不過,經過民國96年5月民法親屬編之修法,強制認領制度在我國立法沿革上產生重大變革,不僅刪除有關強制認領請求權行使條件及行使期間之限制,更刪除向來遭受詬病之不貞抗辯規定,同時承認死後認領制度,對於非婚生子女權益之維護,與真實主義之追求,均可獲得保障。不過,就死後認領效力之部分,因受限於民法第1069條但書之規定,被認領人對於已死亡生父之遺產無法享有繼承權,故就結論而言,死後認領對非婚生子女實質意義不大,使得此次修法之規範目的無法達成。因此本文建議,可將同條但書之「第三人」透過目的性限縮之方式排除生父之其他繼承人在外,同時立法論上參照日本民法之規定,設計遺產分割後僅能請求支付相當於應繼分之價額之制度,以權衡遺產分割之安定性與被認領人之利益。 鑑於DNA鑑定技術在現今已成為親子關係解明之最佳利器,於認領訴訟上即應積極運用,課予當事人或第三協力義務,以協助發現真實,達成實體法上之規範目的。例如,在當事人就親子關係之存在已為一定程度之釋明後,DNA鑑定即得作為法院優先調查之證據;在現行法下,為發揮勘驗命令之效用,於當事人無正當理由不從法院所為之檢查命令時,宜於訴訟上依證明妨礙之規定對其為不利之判斷,以達到制裁之效果;甚至在立法論上,基於發現血統真實、保障子女之血統認識權,無論係對訴訟當事人或訴外關係人,皆可考慮採取直接強制之手段以迫其履行協力義務。惟,在積極運用血緣鑑定技術之同時,為兼顧保障檢查義務人之人權,對於使用之時機與手段亦須慎重。例如:原告起訴時須先提出一定之客觀事實而足以懷疑某人為生父,以防止證據無端摸索;義務人有健康受損等正當理由時,得拒絕接受檢查;如立法論上承認對當事人或關係人得採取直接強制之手段,則應注意「直接強制之最後手段性」等。如此一來,方能在兼顧發現真實與保障人權之前提下,達成實體法上之規範目的。 最後,強制認領之變革亦可能對人工生殖政策產生衝擊。亦即,基於民國96年5月民法親屬編修法已承認死後認領,透過類推適用之方式,子女婚生性之問題應可獲得解決,且進而可發生親屬間扶養或代位繼承之效力,因而本文認為,倘若相關制度上之設計能給予該子女一個符合正常人格發展之環境,則在可以符合子女利益之原則下,將來人工生殖法未必無開放死後人工生殖之空間。至於如有法規範外之死後人工生殖子女之出生,在亡父生前同意之前提下,應准許其類推適用民法第1067條規定請求死後認領,以保護留後子女之利益。

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