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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從行政過程論稅務調查-以所得稅為中心 / A study of tax investigation from the perspective of administrative process with a focus on the income tax

劉麗霞, Liu, Li Hsia Unknown Date (has links)
我國所得稅係採年度申報自繳制度,具有大量、反覆之特性,因此稅捐稽徵機關在所得稅申報期間之前,即已進行各種課稅資訊之蒐集活動,除藉此定出各類所得、費用標準,以作為核課依據外,嗣人民申報其年度所得稅後,即將蒐集之課稅資料與申報資料互相勾稽,作為選定事後審查對象及釐正申報資料與核定所得額之依據;當年度之所得稅申報資料及核定情形復又成為次一年度之課稅基本資料來源及比較對象,二者環環相扣,互為因果關係,形成一個獨立體系,而得以單獨作為研究之對象。次為掌握稅務調查制度之全貌,必須對其作全面性之審視及檢討,故本文採用源自日本之行政法學研究方法「行政過程論」從實現稅務行政目的之過程,歸納、整理所得稅事前課稅資訊蒐集活動及事後審查階段之調查手段、程序、屬性、相關人之法律關係、調查效果及其救濟途徑,以宏觀角度檢視現行法制下之稅務調查制度,藉以發現問題並試圖提出解決方法或修法建議。 / Taiwan adopts an annual self-reporting system for income tax return. Such reporting system involves massive and recurrent information. Hence tax authorities would collect all kinds of tax information before the annual income tax reporting period and use such information to set out the norms for different types of income and expenses as basis for taxation. Upon receiving the annual income tax returns filed by taxpayers, tax officers would check the filed data against the collected tax information, and based on the results, determine the taxpayers to be audited and the assessed income tax. The information contained in an annual income tax return and the results of assessment become the source of basic tax information and comparison for following year’s return. Hence income tax returns of two successive years are interrelated and can form discrete units for research purpose. In order to grasp the full view of the tax investigation system, comprehensive examination of the system is necessary. Thus this study employs the methodology of the “theory of administrative process” originated in Japan to examine the tax investigation system under the prevailing law in a macroscopic manner, from the process of tax administration, pre-filing tax information collection, the means, procedure and attributes of post-filing investigation, legal relationship of the parties concerned, to the effect of investigation and remedies available. This study attempts to discover problems, and based on which, propose solutions or suggestions for regulatory amendment.


闕銘富 Unknown Date (has links)
日本與臺灣現今同屬歐陸公法之繼受法國家;在二次大戰前,臺灣即受日本公法支配,戰後由國民政府攜來者亦本是同根之學說與制度,故日本為了實現實效性保障人民權利與法律上利益之課題,所為之討論、改革及於行政事件訴訟法中之落實,均值得臺灣司法審判及立法修法借鏡參考。本文主要採日本修法之認識論、價值論之研究體會後,歸納而成,而日本之行政法理論主要來自德國理論的引入,取其法制為範所作的對應,自有溯源德國法制學說的必要。 本文研究架構如下: 首先以「日本行政訴訟權之保障」為題,說明緣起及研究方法與基本架構。繼以檢討訴權理論的承繼及演變、與日本憲法第32條接受裁判之權利的結合;進而論述日本自由權理論的形成以及日本行政法理論上自由權之定位;繼而論述日本接受裁判之權利的傳統意義及界限;學界對接受裁判之權利新涵意的闡述、重新建構的主張,最後解析接受裁判之權利的實效性保障應有的內涵。 其次,以「2004年修正前日本行政訴訟之問題」為題,剖析日本行政法理論上的問題點,分列(一)對訴訟基本權之定位、(二)行政訴訟權憲法上根據之不同、(三)行政訴訟之訴權成立要件、(四)實體基本權認知之差異及(五)行政法信念之拘束五個項目加以論述。繼而探討促成2004年日本行訴法修正之原因,就行政事件訴訟法之基本構造、制度上基本缺失尋其根源,並對行政訴訟實務的問題點,分析其一般實際運用狀況,並專就訴訟要件的問題點做重點探討。 再以「2004年日本行政事件訴訟法之修正」為題,介紹2004年日本行政事件訴訟法修正的基本旨趣;除技術性之修正項目外,擷取與實效救濟國民權利利益直接關係之修正點,大別為行政訴訟救濟範圍的擴大以及暫時救濟制度的整備兩項,分項論述(一)撤銷訴訟原告適格的擴大、(二)新增課予義務訴訟、禁止訴訟;明示公法上當事人訴訟之確認訴訟修正前的問題點,修正的意義及如何活用的論點、(三)緩和停止執行之要件、新增暫時課予義務及暫時禁止制度的意義及活用論點。 承續前章之修正項目,以「修正法之運作實態」為題,分項論述(一)撤銷訴訟原告適格之擴大、(二)新增課予義務訴訟、禁止訴訟;明示公法上當事人訴訟之確認訴訟(三)緩和停止執行之要件、新增暫時課予義務及暫時禁止制度等修法後,實務界之回應,以及各該修正點所殘留之課題。 接續以「修正法之再修正」為題,分列修正法產生之新問題、修正法下學者之新構想及再次修法之課題三大項目,論述2004年修正法理論尚未整理部分的探討、新滋生的運用上及解釋上的難題,以及今後應再檢討之大課題。進而,論述學者活用修正法的解釋空間,意欲達成實效保障國民權利利益的最直接、最有效的途徑所作的新構想,為行政訴訟權實效保障之現代意義提供素材。 末以「行政訴訟權保障之現代意義」為題,論述基於前面章節的檢討,所顯現的行政訴訟權實效保障之現代意義,並以展望作為代結論,展望台灣行政法學界及實務界朝實效保障人民權利利益的有效救濟之借鏡,並提出建議。

從正當行政程序論民間參與公共建設甄審與爭議處理 / A study on Evaluation and Dispute of the Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects from Due Administrative Process

蔡志明 Unknown Date (has links)
司法院釋字第520號解釋於理由書指出:「基於法治國原則,縱令實質正當亦不可取代程序合法」,即一語道出程序正義之重要性。 民間參與公共建設具專業性、複雜性及高風險性、隔代性、利益衝突等特性,在政府與民間合作理念的推動下,法律規定模式已呈現由「條件式」的模式轉向「目的式」模式,致使政府合作對象的甄審(選)成為一種高度專業趨向之判斷,並且可能陷於「決策於未知之中」的困境。民間參與公共建設的推動上,除技術層面之實體審查標準外,實應認真思考面對決策的程序問題,藉由程序之提升,用以補足實體規範的不足。據此,有關引進民間參與公共建設之法規,甄審程序選出的最佳締約對象、最優申請案件或最優申請人「是否即屬適當」,應思考甄審(或評選)程序與組織設計,是否妥適。 本文擬由正當法律程序於美國及日本之發展出發,藉以了解其規範基礎與發展情形,並分析我國司法實務有關正當法律程序原則之解釋,理解我國對於正當法律程序之內涵與要求。其後聚焦行政實務上經常引用作為民間參與公共建設案件辦理依據之獎參條例、採購法及促參法,就其甄審、評選或評審程序與爭議處理程序檢視正當法律程序實踐情形。 本於基本權保障意旨及法律承認權利之保障,基本上本文認同至少應有一最低限度之保障(即聽證權)。至於其他要求為何?本於民間參與公共建設之興建或營運,涉及政府有限資源之分配及申請人(營業自由、契約自由)與使用者(生命、身體、財產)之基本權保障相關,應可由司法院釋字第384號解釋及釋字第709號解釋推導出「組織」要求,而其他如公正作為(迴避、禁止程序外接觸)、受告知權、說明理由及資訊公開,亦正是落實組織適法與聽證權,所不可或缺之要素。

社會給付行政中行政機關之諮詢及提供資訊義務─ 兼論社會法地位回復請求權 / A Study on Administrative Agencies’ Consultation and Information Providing Obligations in Social Welfare Procedure─ Including a Discussion on the Right to Recover the Procedure Status

侯幸彤, Hou, Hsing Tung Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 資訊時代下,要求國家對於人民提供資訊,係為行政程序要求公開透明化之國家重要任務。近年來,我國法制發展,主要著重在要求政府對不特定多數人公開資訊之相關法制建構。相較於此,課予行政機關於行政程序對特定人民提供資訊,無論是行政機關為單方面的資訊提供,或進一步以對話的方式提供意見的諮詢,為我國法制規範上未予關注之處。現代社會變遷下,行政任務內容朝向複雜及專業化發展,國家扮演的角色亦隨之重新定位,除了在消極方面,要求國家不得過度干預人民權利的行使外;在積極的面向上,國家負有提供人民生存照顧服務的義務。具體落實在一般行政程序當中,由於行政任務的變遷以及法規的繁雜,常使人民難於釐清之間的權益關係,除此之外,在社會行政程序中,程序相對人大多具有在資訊取得較為弱勢之特徵,為了有效落實並達成個別社會給付之目的,需透過行政機關在社會給付行政程序中,提供人民相關協助。 要求國家於行政程序中提供人民相關資訊,涉及正當行政程序在憲法上的定位。釋憲實務對於正當法律程序之發展,及對該概念所為的闡釋,說明程序在憲法上亦受到檢視。除了透過憲法明文規定之權利推導出程序的要求外,特別是在行政領域中,行政程序基本權的肯認,所能發揮人民權利保障的功能,係為近年來實務及學理上,就該權利主張之具體依據及內涵,於法制發展上關注的重心。而要求國家對個別人民提供資訊,足以作為行政程序基本權的具體內涵之一。 在法律的層次方面,基於公益的考量,課予行政機關於行政程序中踐履相關的義務,必須進一步探求系爭法規之規範意旨,透過保護規範理論的操作,探究人民是否具備主觀公權利。我國行政程序法中,並未就行政機關對人民之諮詢及提供資訊義務作一般性規定,然而,在個別社會相關專業法規當中,則存在許多課予行政機關負有諮詢及提供資訊之具體規範。對此,德國法上考量在一般行政程序中,相較於在社會行政程序中的不同需求,將行政機關之諮詢及提供資訊的內容作不同規範,甚至及於行政程序尚未開啟前之程序階段作討論。在我國未就社會給付行政程序另行規範一部專業法規的前提下,在社會給付行政程序中,說明行政機關對個別人民負擔諮詢及提供資訊義務之正當性,分別從行政程序法之一般性規定,及個別社會專業法規之規範作探討。 行政機關違反行政程序行為的法律效果,除了影響系爭行政決定作成的效力外,在國家責任制度方面,透過地位回復請求權之制度建構,俾使人民得請求回復到,如同行政機關已為正確資訊提供之程序地位,進而得為權利之行使及選擇。地位回復請求權對於人民權利保障所能發揮的功能,殊值作為未來我國相關法制度發展的思考面向。 關鍵詞:正當法律程序、正當行政程序、程序基本權、協助義務、良好行政、 諮詢、提供資訊、社會法地位回復請求權、社會行政程序、信賴保護。 / Abstract Under the information age, requiring the State to provide information to the people, is the important tasks for the procedural requirements of transparency. In recent years, the development of Taiwan’s legal system, mainly focused on asking the Government for disclosure of information to public. Compared to this, whether to ask administrative agency to provide information, further to provide advice on ways of dialogue to the specific people were not of the legal norms of the attention. Changes in modern society, the administration task definition faces complex and the specialized development. The role of the State is to reposition, except the negative side, requires that the State shall not interfere unduly with the exercise of the right of the people, on the positive side, the State have obligations to provide the life of care. Realization in general administrative procedure, due to the changes of the administrative tasks, as well as the complexity of regulations, often makes people difficult to clarify the relationship between rights and obligations. In the social administrative procedure, most people are more disadvantaged on the information obtained. In order to effectively implement and achieve social benefits purposes, asked the administrative agency to provide people to assist in the social welfare procedure. Require the State in administrative procedures to provide relevant information to the people, is related to administrative procedures in the positioning of the Constitution. Due process of law in the interpretation of the Judicial Yuan, to illustrate the procedure has also been reviewed in the Constitution. Except through the right of the Constitution provides to derive the requirements specification process, there is necessary to develop the procedural constitutional rights. Especially in administrative area, administrative practice and doctrinal in recent years, are committed to advocating the basis and content of the rights. Require the State to provide information to specific people, enough to serve as one of the content of the procedural constitutional rights. At the level of the legal aspects, based on public interest considerations, obligations of administrative agency in administrative procedures, must further explore whether people have the right of the legal norm. The Administrative Procedure Act of Taiwan, does not provide for the obligation of the administrative agency to consult and provide information to specific people. However, among the social regulations, provides that the administrative agency must provide consultation and information. In this regard, Germany considered the law of general administrative procedure, compared to the different needs in the field of social administrative procedure, provides consulting and providing information in different content, even before the stage has not yet been opened. In the case of social welfare are not standardized administrative procedures and regulations. The legitimacy of the administrative agency in social welfare procedures to provide advice and information to the people of the obligations, can be discussed separately from the general provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, and the requirements of social administrative regulations. If the administrative agency violated administrative procedures, in addition to affecting the validity of administrative decisions made. In the regime of State responsibility, through on the right to recover the procedure status, so that people will ask to return to, as administrative agency to provide correct information, for the exercise of the rights and choices, as the future development of Taiwan's legal system. Key Words:due process of law, due process of administration, the procedural constitutional rights, obligation to assist, Good Administration, consultation, information, the right to recover the procedure status, social administrative procedure, bona fide.

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