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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張曦雯 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

澳門藥事法規修訂及其對公立醫院藥品供應的影響研究 / Study of pharmaceutical regulations modification in macau and its impact to public hospital medicine supply

蘇柏昇 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences


彭玉明 Unknown Date (has links)
武裝衝突法已成為各交戰國(方)爭取國際支持之重要手段,軍隊執行作戰任務,必須遵守武裝衝突法及國際法的相關規範,始可確保作戰行動的合法性及正當性。陸戰法規是一系列戰爭法規則和慣例的重要歷史淵源,為武裝衝突法之主體。隨著以規範交戰規則為主的海牙法體系與規範人道保護規則為主的日內瓦法體系逐漸整合,陸戰法規除規範作戰使用武器的規則外,其他有關交戰者、敵對行為及軍事佔領等規則均納入1949年日內瓦公約及1977年的兩項附加議定書。 觀察國際社會對陸戰法規實踐的面向,除可從戰史例證中得到驗證外,尚可從童兵、地雷、武裝衝突遺留爆炸物處理及文化資產保護等議題,得以進一步瞭解陸戰法規實踐的全貌。要禁止利用童兵的行為,除了國家行為者應負履約義務外,對非國家行為者侵犯兒童權利行為的制止是當務之急,國際刑事法院應扮演更積極的角色。2003年波灣戰爭中,《禁雷公約》雖未能阻止伊拉克使用人員殺傷雷,但已顯示該公約對非締約國產生的隱性約束力,禁用人員殺傷雷的規範雖未完全實現,但已為多數國家認同,未來可能成為一項習慣國際法。《戰爭遺留爆炸物議定書》雖可為解決武裝衝突結束後平民所面臨的主要威脅提供一項法律制度,但因條約內容強制性不足,成效尚難顯現。目前對文化資深保護的重點在於免遭武裝衝突毀損為主要議題,因武裝衝突而流落異域之文化資產回復或返還,可能成為未來發展之主要議題。 / The Law of Armed Conflict has become one of the important means to win the international support for all belligerent. The army must comply with the Law of Armed Conflict in combat, in order to ensure the legitimacy of military operation. The law of war on land has its historical origins for regulations and customary of the Law of War, and also has codified as the main body of the Law of Armed Conflict. The Law of The Hague and the Law of Geneva have been gradually integrated. All these regulations of the law of war on land about combatant, hostilities and military occupation were included in the “Geneva Conventions of 1949” and two “Additional Protocols of 1977”, except the regulations of the use of the weapon. Observing the different aspects of the law of war on land in the international community from the cases above, furthermore, the issues of “Child Soldier”, “Landmine”, “Explosive Remnants of Armed Conflict” and “Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict”, can help to understand the full view of the practice of the law of war on land. For stopping the use of child soldiers, the obligation of convention should be executed by the state actors, the task of top priority should prevent the infringements of the right of child of the non-state actors, and the International Criminal Court should play a more positive role. In the “Gulf War 2003”, the rule, “Convention on Prohibition of Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Landmines and on Their Destruction”, although it has not prevent Iraq from the use of anti-personnel landmine, had showed the indistinct effect of the convention to the powers in the conflict that may not be parties to the convention. Although the rule of prohibition of use of anti-personnel mines has not completely realized, it had already been approved by most states, and may become one of the international customary in the future. The “Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War annexed to the “Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War (Protocol V to the 1980 Convention)” provided a legal protection for the civilian after the armed conflict. Its effect was still too difficult to manifest, because the force of provisions of the protocol were insufficient. The protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict focuses on exempting from the damage of cultural property at present, but the issue like how to recover the cultural properties which were pillaged in armed conflicts, would become the main theme in the foreseeable future.


黃馥瑤 Unknown Date (has links)

銀行法規開放與會計穩健性之關聯 / The relation between banking deregulation and accounting conservatism

徐筱淳, Hsu, Hsiao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國證券市場為樣本,探討銀行業之法規開放是否對非金融業公司之會計穩健性造成影響。銀行法規開放可使銀行透過併購於州內擴張,借款公司可能面對之銀行議價能力上升,使得銀行要求融資顧客出具高品質之財務報表。另一方面,州際銀行法規開放可能使他州銀行進入本地金融市場,進而提高金融市場之競爭度。由於會計穩健性可降低管理階層與投資人的資訊不對稱,被視為高品質的財務報表,本文推測銀行業法規鬆綁會影響公司會計穩健性。實證結果顯示,州內銀行法規開放與會計穩健性間具有顯著正向關係;然而,州際銀行法規開放與會計穩健性間具有顯著負向關係。額外分析顯示,大型企業更傾向於對銀行法規開放作出反應,而較依賴發行公司債融資方式之公司在面對銀行法規開放時則減少財務報導中認列損失之即時性。 / This study uses US banking deregulation as a research setting to examine whether banking deregulation has an impact on the degree of accounting conservatism of non-financial firms. Since banking deregulation would enable large banks expand within states through merge and acquisition, bank’s bargaining power to lenders may increase. Banks may require their clients to provide higher quality of financial statements. On the other hand, banking deregulation may increase competition in local financial markets by enabling large banks to enter into local markets. As accounting conservatism could alleviate information asymmetry between management and investors, and serves as an indicator of high quality of financial statements, I expect that banking deregulations would have an impact on firms’ reporting conservatism. I find that there is a significantly positive relationship between intrastate banking deregulation and firms’ timely loss recognition. In contrast, interstate banking deregulation has a significantly negative influence on firms’ timely loss recognition. Additional analyses reveal that large firms are more likely to respond to the banking deregulation and that firms that rely more on public debt financing respond to the banking deregulation by decreasing their degree of timely loss recognition in financial reporting.


宋恩同, Sung, En Tung Unknown Date (has links)
行政、立法、司法三權在功能界定上向來有「行政=現代人」「立法=未來人」「司法=過去人」的說法。換言之,司法者如能將已發生的既存事實與爭議釐清其法律關係,任務即可算是達成。不過,隨著科技爆炸性進步,高品質生活背後卻代表了新型態的危害往往發生得又急又快,造成損害的規模或是嚴重性更鉅,回復也高度困難,避免危害的發生可能比事後追究責任歸屬更為重要。因此,不論行政、立法甚至司法者行使職權,將目光投射至「未來」恐怕皆無法避免。就此而言,司法者解釋與適用法令時取向於未來的後果,正是呼應上述主張,如此操作思維本文即稱為「結果取向」。 問題在於,目前對於結果取向方法的完整討論仍不算多,「結果取向」一詞在理解上十分模糊,如果界定為取向於「結果」的方法,那麼「結果」又是何指?具體操作步驟為何?與傳統法律解釋方法的關係為何?並且追根究底,取向於未來後果之司法裁判與政治部門的政策決定活動相似,司法者採取是種方法是否仍具有正當性?另外,如果把結果取向方法投入個別法律領域運用,特別在憲法領域,正當性議題以及具體操作上又有何應注意之處? 循此,本文試著先劃定出結果取向方法較為清楚的輪廓並且探討正當性的議題;接著以憲法領域為核心,考量到憲法獨特的規範特性、規範結構以及大法官任務定位等因素,重新檢視結果取向觀點運用在憲法解釋與適用活動時之正當性以及操作上應所調整之處;最後再把焦點拉回我國大法官解釋實務,從過往釋憲實務中,試著找出幾號採取結果取向觀點的解釋,另外,若是大法官在往後要繼續採用結果取向觀點,本文從程序建制如何配套的面向上提出一些建議。

中國大陸醫療器材法規與監督管理制度之研究 / A Study on Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices in China

尹其言, Yin, Chi Yen Unknown Date (has links)
醫療器材法律規章與監督管理制度的探討,能夠教育社會大眾遵守法律、保障醫療器材產品品質、維持市場公平競爭、保障人們使用安全和身體健康。進而對於整體醫療器材產業,可以在面對法律問題之前的法律責任、行為規則、違法情形以及類推適用作為憑據和參考。 本研究目的是(1)檢視中國大陸醫療器材法律規章之起源與形成由來。(2)瞭解中國大陸醫療器材監督管理制度的發展情況。(3)探討中國大陸醫療器材監督管理相對人違法責任與違法處罰行為。 本研究主要以「內容分析法」,從中英文參考書籍、學術論文以及相關市場報告、期刊文章等,蒐集具有醫療器材相關的法學理論、法規制度、監督管理等關聯性資料加以歸納整理並進行討論。其次,採用「比較分析法」,將歐盟、日本、中華民國以及美國之醫療器材法規和監督管理制度與中國大陸進行對比分析。本研究以中國大陸醫療器材法律體系、法規制度和監督管理三項研究構面進行觀察,期許呈現符合學術標準的信度與效度之研究結果。 研究結果發現,中國大陸《醫療器械監督管理條例》屬於「行政法規」層級。監督管理的方式主要為「產品上市前審查」與「產品上市後監督」。其中「產品上市前審查」需要遵循:(a)醫療器材檢測管理、(b)醫療器材註冊管理、(c)醫療器材生產管理、(d)醫療器材說明書、標籤和包裝管理與(e)醫療器材經營管理;「產品上市後監督」必須恪守:(f)醫療器材使用管理、(g)醫療器材廣告管理、(h)醫療器材進出口管理、(i)醫療器材不良事件監測管理、(j)醫療器材召回管理、(k)醫療器材監督檢查和(l)醫療器材行政處罰等各項法規與條例。 研究結論歸納,2014年最新修訂的中國大陸《醫療器械監督管理條例》主要是:(1)風險管理分級、(2)審查制度精簡、(3)產品流向追蹤、(4)監管功能強化以及(5)明確法律責任。 / This study aimes to determine the regulations for the supervision and administration of medical devices which is able to educate citizen to complying with the law, ensuring the quality of medical products, maintaining fair competition in the market, protecting the safety and health of people utilization. Furthermore, according to the breadth and complexity of the industry, this proposal can be directed rules as reference in case encountered juridic liability, legal issues or wrongful circumstances before acquired appreciable support from counsellor. The research topics of this article are (1) Examining the draft laws, regulations and rules and policy plots on the governance of medical devices in China. (2) Understanding the development of medical devices regulatory system in China. (3) Exploring the regulatory responsibility of medical devices and penalize illegal behavior in China. Content analysis methodology was conducted for this overview, this writings evaluated regulations of medical devices and administrative institution. Quality system regulations were also investigated by the comparative analysis along with China, European Union, Japan, Taiwan, R.O.C. and the United States. Results reveal that the regulations of medical devices are belong to administrative statute level, the supervision of meical devices is divided to pre-market review and post-market surveillance. Pre-market review contains (a) inspection management, (b) registered management, (c) production management, (d) manuals, labeling and packaging management and (e) advertisement management. Post-market surveillance embodies (f) the application of medical devices management, (g) medical devices advertising management, (h) medical devices import and export management, (i) medical devices monitoring and management of adverse events, (j) medical devices recall management, (k) supervision and inspection of medical dvices together with (l) medical devices regulations and administrative penalties, and other regulations. The findings were summarized as the following statements, the essentials on the latest revised regulations for the supervision and administration of medical devices in China in 2014 are (1) risk based classification, (2) market notification and approval, (3) products sales tracking, (4) supervisory functions strength and (5) distinct legislative liability.

陸資赴台直接投資法制之研究 / A Study on the Regulation of Mainland China's Direct Investment in Taiwan

上官丹怡, Shang Guan, Dan Yi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣開放陸資赴台直接投資已逾七年,相關投資法制體系初步形成,而法制環境對評估投資而言,一直都是最重要的影響因素。本文基於對陸資赴台投資直接適用之法令,並結合與之相關的其他法規範,通過研究,對陸資赴台直接投資之法制有較為清晰之認識。 由於台灣對陸資與僑外資採分別立法管轄,並將陸資經由第三地區公司赴台投資視為陸資間接投資,與陸資直接投資適用相同之法律規範。故本文首先對陸資的意涵進行分析,釐清其所指代的範圍,並說明主管機關在實務認定上的要點。其次,本文結合台灣公司法上涉及股東出資的相關規定,對陸資赴台直接投資可為之出資方式進行討論。最後,陸資投資業別項目的歷次開放說明,以及陸資可選擇之投資型態亦為本文論述的重點,目的在於明確現階段台灣市場對陸資的開放程度,以及陸資的相關投資待遇。 在對陸資赴台進行了法令結合實務的研究之後,本文進一步將其與外資赴台投資進行比較分析,並從開放投資業別項目、投資主體身分限制、申請程序、後續核查機制四個方面論述了二者投資台灣的差別待遇。兩岸雖然已經在逐步減少投資限制,促進投資便利化等方面達成協議,但台灣對陸資與外資在事實上的差別對待仍然較為明顯。 隨著陸資赴台投資逐漸顯現其正面效益,台灣同樣應該對現行的陸資政策進行檢討,適時作出調整,逐步放寬對陸資的限制,改善陸資投資環境。 / Taiwan has permitted Mainland China to make direct investment in the Island over seven years, and the relevant preliminary legal investment system has been formed. This thesis has made a research on the directly applicable laws for the direct mainland investment in Taiwan and other related laws and regulations, so as to give readers a clearer understanding of the law of direct investment in Taiwan. Considering that Taiwan has made different laws to manage mainland investment and overseas investment, firstly, this paper analyzes the connation of mainland investment and clarifies its meaning ranges. Secondly, combined with the part of contributions of shareholder stated on Taiwan company law, the paper also discussed what way the investors from mainland could choose to make direct investment in Taiwan.Finally, descriptions of all previous business categories that could be invested and investment patterns that could be chosen by mainland investors are also the important discussion points of the paper. After a research combining the practice with regulations, this thesis will make a further contrasting analysis of mainland investment with the foreign investment in Taiwan, as well as their treatment difference for aspects of opening investment projects, investment restrictions on the identity, application procedures and the subsequent verification mechanism. Although, the two sides have gradually reduced investment restrictions and promote to make agreements on investment facilitation, there are still obvious differences of Taiwan’s treatment on mainland investment and foreign investment. As mainland investment is gradually making positive effect on Taiwan’s development, Taiwan should also review the current policy on mainland investment and make timely adjustments, so as to slowly relieve its restrictions and improve the investment environment for mainland investors.


金勝南, JIN,SHENG-NAN Unknown Date (has links)
一般經濟發展中國家,為求保證本國幼稚工業之發展,而採行高度保護關稅,故進口 貨物之稅負偏重,內銷價格自相當高昂。外銷退稅之施行,將加工式製造成品輸出時 所需原料或中間品所負擔之稅捐等退還,因而減輕外銷廠商之生產成本,藉以增加對 外競爭能力,對外銷廠商而言,實佔有重要之地位。 在第二資次世界大戰后之初期,中、韓兩國均為相當貧窮落後的國家,但由於兩國政 府之積極開發其經濟,引入各種制度,遂使其短短三十五年間之經濟成就,由低度開 發而一躍進入開了中國家。在中、韓兩國經濟方面,其發展十分相似,兩國之境內資 源貧乏,國內市場狹小,必須大力拓展對外貿易,始能維持兩國經濟之快速發展。故 兩國均採用外銷退稅制度來鼓勵輸出廠商而擴增對外貿易。 本論文係以中、韓兩國現行外銷退稅制度為範圍,探討兩國目前施行之有關外銷退稅 法規,而分析、比較其法規之內容,導引出兩國外銷退稅制度上之差異。 本論文分為共計六章,各章內容要點如次: 第一章為「緒言」,本章說明研究動機及目的、研究範圍及方法。 第二章「外銷退稅制度之理論及其淵源;本章說明外銷制度之意義、理論根據、淵源 及法令依據。 第三章為「中華民國之外銷退稅制度」;本章第一節說明中華民國外銷退稅制度之實 施背景、沿革、法令依據及歷次修正之經濟,第二節闡術現行外銷品沖退原料稅捐辦 法之主要內容。 第四章為「韓國之外銷退稅制度」;本章一節說明韓國外銷退稅制度之實施背景、目 的、法令依據及歷次修正之經過,第二節闡術有關現行外銷退稅制度法規之主要內容 。 第五章為「中、韓兩國制度上差異」;本章依據第三、第四章內容,分析、比較兩國 制度之差異。 第六章為「結論」;本章說明中華民國將取外銷退稅制度之主要理由探討韓國外銷退 稅制度之改善方案。


張沛華, ZHANG, PEI-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
垃圾是人類利用大自然,維繫生存的過程中,所產生的固體廢棄物,近年來台灣地區 經濟快速成長,國民生活水準提高,造成了大量生產與大量消費的社會,人口集中都 市以及高度工業化,使得台灣地區固體廢棄物不僅在量的方面大幅度增加,且在質的 方面亦較以往為複雜,因此固體廢棄物處理已由以往的病媒問題轉變成公害問題。 自七十一年五月中旬以來,台灣地區曾發生多起民眾反對固體廢棄物處理事件,甚至 演變成嚴重的社會與政治問題,因此近幾年來,政府乃陸續對行政體制、經費、法規 、計畫等做了一連串的改進,此種改進使得固體廢棄物處理從過去比較偏重技術層面 ,轉變成比較傾向整個的考慮,本文即是從行政機構與管理法規的面向,對台灣省固 體廢棄物處理作一分析,全文一冊共分六章,約七萬餘言,各章要點如下: 第一章緒論,簡述台灣地區固體廢棄物處理現況與本文研究動機、方法與範圍。 第二章台灣省固體廢棄物處理之法令依據,旨在探討台灣省固體廢棄物處理各時期之 法令依據與制度沿革。 第三章台灣省固體廢棄物處理機構之組織體系,計分五節,首先述明台灣省固體廢棄 物處理機構之組織體系,再就此一體系中個別機構按其組織功能與職掌之不同分別加 以敘述。 第四章台灣省固體廢棄物處理機構之人力運用與人員管理,主要在探究固體廢棄物處 理的最基層單位--清潔管理所與清潔隊之人力運用與人事管理制度。 第五章組織理論與人事管理原則之運用,旨在提出有關理論與原則以作為來討與改進 現況的依據。 第六章結論--檢討與改進,分別就前述各章主要內容,對台灣省固體廢棄物之處理 加以分析檢討,並指出缺失及改進之道。

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