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外匯選擇權的定價-馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅法(MCMC)之績效探討任紀為 Unknown Date (has links)
在真實世界中,我們可以觀察到許多財務或經濟變數(股價、匯率、利率等)有時波動幅度非常微小,呈現相對穩定的狀態(Regime);有時會由於政治因素或經濟環境的變動,突然一段期間呈現瘋狂震盪的狀態。針對這種現象,已有學者提出狀態轉換波動度模型(Regime Switching Volatility Model,簡稱RSV)來捕捉此一現象。
本篇論文選擇每年交易金額非常龐大的外匯選擇權市場,以RSV模型為基礎,採用馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅法 ( Markov Chain Monte Carlo,簡稱MCMC ) 中的吉普斯抽樣(Gibbs Sampling)法來估計RSV模型的參數,依此預測外匯選擇權在RSV模型下的價格。我們再將此價格與Black and Scholes(BS)法及實際市場交易的價格資料作比較,最後並提出笑狀波幅與隱含波動度平面的結果。結果顯示經由RSV模型與MCMC演算法所計算出來的選擇權價格確實優於傳統的BS方法,且能有效解釋波動率期間結構 (Volatility Term Structure) 與笑狀波幅 (Volatility Smile) 的現象,確實反應且捕捉到了市場上選擇權價格所應具備的特色。
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投資組合保險應用─複製型賣權策略與固定比例投資組合保險策略(CPPI)之比較蘇思瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 複製性賣權策略在空頭市場之績效會比買入持有策略及台灣50ETF好。然而,在大空頭時,由於股價急速下滑,導致資產配置來不及調整,而產生保險誤差。另外,複製性賣權在多頭市況下,較低的保本比例,會帶來較高之報酬。
2. CPPI策略在各種市況下,其績效大致都會優於買入持有策略,且完全沒有出現保險誤差,但只有在空頭走勢下,CPPI會打敗市場,原因在於CPPI發揮了保護下檔風險的功能,且說明了投資組合保險策略之目的並非超越市場報酬。
3. 將複製性賣權策略與CPPI策略相比時,從報酬率來看,空頭市場下CPPI的保護功能較複製性賣權強,而多頭或盤整市況下,並無一致的結果。從Sharpe ratio、長期相對平均成本、上方獲取率損失等績效指標,CPPI大致上都比複製性賣權好得多。
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報酬率、連續波動度與跳躍項之因果關係-美國與歐洲期貨市場之實證研究 / Causality Effect of Returns, Continuous Volatility and Jumps: Evidence from the U.S. and European Index Futures Markets廖志偉, Liao, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討金融危機期間,美國與歐洲金融市場之日內報酬率、實質波動度、連續波動度與跳躍風險行為之日內因果關係,並採用美國三大指數期貨(S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq)及歐洲期數期貨(FTSE, DAX, CAC)之高頻資料,檢定是否具有顯著槓桿效果(Leverage Effect)與波動度回饋效果(Volatility Effect)、在報酬率與跳躍風險之間具有相互影響效果。探討在金融危機發生前、後期間其日內報酬率、實質波動度、連續波動度與跳躍項間在1分鐘、5分鐘及60分鐘之抽樣頻率下之日內行為。因此,實證研究包含金融市場之上升及下降趨勢,顯示在金融危機發生後,日內波動度與跳躍項之槓桿效果(Leverage Effect)與波動度回饋效果(Volatility Effect)受到叢聚(Clustering)現象影響且顯著增加。不同抽樣頻率下之因果關係效果在金融危機發生前、中、後期間,特別在5分鐘及60分鐘之抽樣頻率方式,跳躍風險受到波動度回饋效果影響呈顯著增加,此實證結果對政策制定者及投資人具有重要之意涵。 / This study examines the intraday causality between returns, volatility and jumps in the U.S. and European markets during the financial crisis. examine whether during the financial crisis, the S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, FTSE, DAX and CAC index futures markets have a significant impact on the leverage and volatility feedback effects, as well as whether these interactions also occur between returns and jumps. The intraday behavior of 1-min, 5-min and 60-min sampling of returns, volatility and jumps is examined by employing data from the period between financial crisis. The study covers the major upward and downward trends in the market. Our empirical data indicate the main leverage and volatility feedback effects caused by intraday volatility and jump clustering significantly increased after the financial crisis. The causality effects with different sampling frequencies before, during and after the financial crisis show that jumps have increased the volatility feedback effect, especially when in a 5-min and 60-min sampling frequency is used. These findings have important implications for both policymakers and investors.
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Empirical Performance and Asset Pricing in Markov Jump Diffusion Models / 馬可夫跳躍擴散模型的實證與資產定價林士貴, Lin, Shih-Kuei Unknown Date (has links)
為了改進Black-Scholes模式的實證現象,許多其他的模型被建議有leptokurtic特性以及波動度聚集的現象。然而對於其他的模型分析的處理依然是一個問題。在本論文中,我們建議使用馬可夫跳躍擴散過程,不僅能整合leptokurtic與波動度微笑特性,而且能產生波動度聚集的與長記憶的現象。然後,我們應用Lucas的一般均衡架構計算選擇權價格,提供均衡下當跳躍的大小服從一些特別的分配時則選擇權價格的解析解。特別地,考慮當跳躍的大小服從兩個情況,破產與lognormal分配。當馬可夫跳躍擴散模型的馬可夫鏈有兩個狀態時,稱為轉換跳躍擴散模型,當跳躍的大小服從lognormal分配我們得到選擇權公式。使用轉換跳躍擴散模型選擇權公式,我們給定一些參數下研究公式的數值極限分析以及敏感度分析。 / To improve the empirical performance of the Black-Scholes model, many alternative models have been proposed to address the leptokurtic feature of the asset return distribution, and the effects of volatility clustering phenomenon. However,
analytical tractability remains a problem for most of the alternative models. In this dissertation, we propose a Markov jump diffusion model, that can not only incorporate both the leptokurtic feature and volatility smile, but also present the economic features of volatility clustering and long memory.
Next, we apply Lucas's general equilibrium framework to evaluate option price, and to provide analytical solutions of the equilibrium price for European call options when the jump size follows some specific distributions. In particular, two cases are considered, the defaultable one and the lognormal distribution. When the underlying Markov chain of the Markov jump diffusion model has two states, the so-called switch jump diffusion model, we write an explicit analytic formula under the jump size has a lognormal distribution. Numerical approximations of the option prices as well as sensitivity analysis are also given.
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選擇權與信用衍生性商品之研究 / Essays on Options and Credit Derivatives傅瑞彬, Fu, Jui Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分為兩個部份,第一部份提出評價選擇權時,應考慮加價利益(Mark-Up Interest)的觀點,第二部份則提出信用違約交換選擇權的新評價模型。
在第一部份,所謂加價利益是指選擇權賣方為彌補採取避險組合後仍可能發生的損失而向選擇權買方收取的風險補償。本研究的方法是將選擇權市價拆解成理論公平賭局價格與加價利益,建立包含加價利益、買賣權平價理論、隱含標的價格與猜測波動度的選擇權評價模型,解決隱含波動度微笑(implied volatility smile)所帶來模型內部不一致的問題。在建立各種情境條件下之加價利益後,可用來評估選擇權市價的合理性,以提升買賣雙方對市價的合理判斷,有利於風險管理者進行選擇權之造市操作與避險。本研究經由對台指選擇權(TXO)的實證結果發現:加價利益受到距到期交易日、價況程度(moneyness)及猜測波動度的影響。
第二部份所提出之信用違約交換選擇權的新評價模型則是延伸Schonbucher ( 2000, 2003, 2004 )、Brigo ( 2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2006 )、Brigo & Mercurio ( 2006 )、Brigo & Morini ( 2005 )、Jamshidian ( 2004 ) 與Wu ( 2006 ) 的研究,以市場上交易之各年期信用違約交換之商品所導出之費率期間內之各單期( single tenor )遠期信用違約交換率之費率端價值做為計價資產,假設各單期遠期違約交換率為對數常態分配下,可以將信用違約交換選擇權拆解為由各單期加總之違約交換選擇權,應用在投資銀行發行許多相同標的但不同起始日、不同到期日之一系列信用違約交換選擇權( CDS options )時,可以具有評價簡易的優勢,吻合各期間之信用市場狀況,避免套利機會,並能運用信用違約交換( CDS ),增進避險與管理信用風險之技術。 / This thesis is composed of two parts. The first part is the standpoint of the “Mark-Up Interest” on options. The second part is the new model about pricing and hedging on credit default swap options.
In the first part, the Mark-Up Interest is regarded as the reward on the hedging portfolio to compensate for possible losses. For presenting this, options market prices are decomposed into the fair-game options prices and the Mark-Up Interests. The options pricing model formed with the Mark-Up Interest, put-call parity, implied underlying price, and guessed volatility is used to solve the internal inconsistence caused by the implied volatility smiles. Therefore, the justness of the options market prices could be estimated with the Mark-Up Interests under different scenarios. The result will help the risk manager to do market making and hedging. The empirical results based on the Options on Taiwan Stock Exchange Weighted Stock Index (TXO) in this paper are as follows: The trading days to expiry, moneyness, and guessed volatility are the factors affecting the Mark-Up Interests.
The second part of this thesis extends the research on Schonbucher ( 2000, 2003, 2004 ), Brigo ( 2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2006 ), Brigo & Mercurio ( 2006 )、Brigo & Morini ( 2005 ), Jamshidian ( 2004 ) and Wu ( 2006 ). We use the fee leg of the single tenor forward credit default swap rate ( tenor CDS rate ) as numeraire. Under the lognormal distribution assumption on the tenor CDS rate, we decompose a credit default swap option into the sum of tenor CDS options. The result can be used by investment banks to manage credit risk when their derivative book consists of different start-date and end-date CDS options. In addition, our result shows that CDS can be used to hedge against the risk of CDS options. The proposed method helps improve the techniques of hedging and managing credit risk.
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多維風險分析-實證研究 / Multidimensional risk analysis-demonstration research蘇愛鈴, Su,Ailing Unknown Date (has links)
Fong與Vasicek(1997)提出風險分析應考慮敏感度分析、風險值及壓力測試,才能完整揭露投資組合的風險狀況。其中風險值的計算,不僅考慮二階風險,並且利用三階動差進行偏態修正。本文除了以變異數-共變異數法、歷史模擬法及蒙地卡羅模擬法此三種方法計算風險值,並利用Fong與Vasicek(1997)偏態修正法及Cornish-Fisher偏峰態修正法來做偏態及峰態的修正。而後再利用概似比檢驗法、回溯測試百分比法及Z檢定法作為驗證風險值模型的評比工具。我們建議在95%及99%的信賴水準下,求算風險值可利用Cornish-Fisher所提出的方法修正偏態及峰態。 / Fong and Vasicek (1997) mentioned that risk analysis should include sensitivity analysis, value at risk (VaR) and stress testing, in order to capture portfolio risk. The calculation of VaR should not only consider the second moment but should also adjust the skewness using the third moment. In this article, we determine VaR by employing three methods, the variance covariance, the historical simulation and the Monte Carlo simulation methods. In addition, we also adjust VaR for the skewness and kurtosis using the methods developed by Fong and Vasicek (1997) and Cornish-Fisher. Then, the likelihood ratio test, back testing and the Z-test are used to verify the VaR model. Our final test results suggest that calculating VaR should be adjusted for the skewness and the kurtosis as shown by the method proposed by Cornish Fisher in the 95% and 99% confidence intervals.
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探討外匯市場匯率波動不對稱性─以美元及日圓兌台幣為例廖怡婷 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,金融資產報酬波動的推估一直是重要的研究課題。然而,過去的波動不對稱研究均集中在股票市場,探討外匯市場波動不對稱性的實證研究並不多,但若忽略其不對稱效果將影響未來波動預測的正確性。因此,本研究利用近十六年來美元及日圓兌台幣匯率日資料,以傳統的波動不對稱性指數型GARCH模型(EGARCH Model)、門檻型GARCH模型(TGARCH, GJR GARCH Model),亦延用異質自我相關迴歸模型(HAR-RV Model)及修正型異質自我相關迴歸模型(Modified HAR-RV Model)分別探討美元及日圓兌台幣匯率波動是否存在不對稱現象及其不對稱程度,並加以分析。實證研究中,上述四種模型均顯示美元及日圓兌台幣匯率波動的確具有不對稱效果;美元兌台幣匯率波動,與股票市場一致,報酬率與波動度間呈負向關係,當台幣相對美元升值時,波動度較高;而日圓兌台幣匯率波動,與美元匯率變動方向相反,報酬率與波動度間呈正向關係,當台幣相對日圓貶值時,波動度較高。此外,以異質自我相關迴歸模型實證分析中,日波動落後項的影響力明顯大於週、月、季波動落後項,與Muller, et al. (1997)、Corsi (2004)及Andersen, et al. (2005)實證研究結果類似。
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亞太盆地國家股市報酬、波動性與國家信用評比等級的關聯性 / Stock Return, Volatility and Country Credit Risk: The Asia-Pacific Markets陳豐隆, Warren F.L. Chen Unknown Date (has links)
1.無論開發中國家或已開發國家,其股票報酬率並不受自身股票報酬率的波動度影響,此結論恰與Baillie and Degennaro(1990)吻合。
第一章、 緒論••••••••••••••••••••••••1
第一節 研究背景與動機••••••••••••••••••••1
第二節 研究目的•••••••••••••••••••••••4
第三節 研究限制•••••••••••••••••••••••4
第四節 研究內容與研究架構••••••••••••••••••5
第二章、 文獻探討••••••••••••••••••••••7
第一節 股票波動度的相關文獻•••••••••••••••••7
第二節 國家風險的相關文獻••••••••••••••••••8
第三節 干預分析的相關文獻••••••••••••••••••10
第四節 衝擊反應分析的相關文獻••••••••••••••••12
第三章、 資料來源與說明•••••••••••••••••••13
第一節 太平洋盆地國家的股市資料來源與類型••••••••••13
第二節 敘述統計•••••••••••••••••••••••15
第三節 使用Institutional Investor的國家信用評等指標為解釋變數之因•22
第四節 國家信用風險評比決定因子與過程••••••••••••24
第五節 國家風險指標的有效性•••••••••••••••••25
第四章、 實證結果••••••••••••••••••••••26
第一節 理論架構•••••••••••••••••••••••26
第二節 檢驗各國股價報酬的時間序列型態••••••••••••29
第三節 變異數自身相關檢定(ARCH、GARCH檢定)••••••••38
第四節 波動度解釋力檢定•••••••••••••••••••45
第五節 國家信用評等解釋力檢定••••••••••••••••48
第六節 衝擊反應分析•••••••••••••••••••••59
第五章、 結論與後續研究建議•••••••••••••••••74
第一節 結論•••••••••••••••••••••••••74
第二節 後續研究建議•••••••••••••••••••••76
一、 中文部份••••••••••••••••••••••••77
二、 英文部份••••••••••••••••••••••••77
附錄(外國專業投資機構直接投資國內狀況分析表) •••••••••80 / For the recent years, the global financial environment has been changing rapidly, which reminds qualified foreign institutional investors of more caution. This survey focuses on the relationship between stock returns, volatility and country credit rating changes among countries in the Asia-Pacific Basin. This research further divides the 12 sample countries into two categories, developed markets and emerging ones, and finds out the differences between both groups. The empirical methods used here are intervention analysis and impulse response analysis. The empirical results are as follows:
1. The stock return and its volatility do not have statistically significant relation in both developed markets and emerging ones, which coincides with the conclusion by Baillie and Degennaro(1990).
2. The impact of changes in country credit level on stock returns will work within one month; that is to say, changes in country credit level this month will affect stock returns of the current month.
3. Country credit change has no impact on stock returns of the developed markets.
4. Changes in country credit levels of the emerging markets have apparent influence on their stock returns but no identical signs. This may result from the common barriers existed in the emerging markets for foreign investors.
5. The impulse response analysis doesn't have an apparent and agreeable result owing to the constraint of rare data.
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隨機波動模型(stochastic volatility model)--台幣匯率短期波動之研究 / Stochastic volatility model - the study of the volatility of NT exchange rate in the short run王偉濤, Wang, Wei-Tao Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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台灣股票市場波動之研究 / The research of Taiwan's stock market volatility陳功業, Chen, Kuang-Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在探討影響台灣股票市場波動的因素,除了考慮以之前學者設定的 VAR(12)模型研究,另外以 SUR(5)模型來討論股市波動與基本面、交易面間的關係;最後,再以自我迴歸異質條件變異數模型來分析股市波動的特性。最重要的是,我們會根據誤差項的各類檢定結果來判定研究股市波動性質的最佳模型。
在 GARCH 模型及 TGARCH 模型中,我們仍然可發現週轉率與成交量成長率會影響股市條件平均數或條件變異數;除此之外,好壞消息對股市日報酬率條件變異數(條件波動)應有不同的影響效果(壞消息的影響力較快反應)。而股市自身風險係數雖然統計檢定上不顯著異於零,但若未加入條件平均數的估計式,則可能會使模型得到較差的誤差項檢定結果,顯見股市自身風險應為影響投資人設定期望報酬率水準的重要因素之一。
從上述估計結果,我們可以知道,若散戶投資人能正確解讀市場上出現的各種新資訊之背後意義,將可使成交量成長率或週轉率(大部份可能代表無意義或不正確的交易行為)的變動幅度降低,進而有效地減少股票市場中股價異常波動的現象。 / My essay's topic focuses on discussing the factors that influence stock market volatility in Taiwan's stock market. Besides VAR(12) model as previous researchers have studied, I tries to set up SUR(5) models analyzing the relationship among the stock market volatility、the foundamental variables'volatilities and trading activities; Then I cited ARCH models ( autoregressive conditional heteroskedisticity models ) to find out the characteristics of stock market volatility. Most important of all, according to each misspecification test ( residual test ), I would specify the better models to describe the stock market volatility.
In the estimations of system equations ( VAR(12)and SUR(5)models ), first I found that turnover rate and the growth rate of trading volume, which represent the information arrival indexes, could effect stock return's monthly conditional variance. Second, I especially found out the evidence that trading activities (trading volume growth) would probably have an impact on the macroeconomic variable ( exchange rate volatility ). It shows that we don't need to distinguish the attributes of those factors which could influence stock market volatility.
In GARCH and TGARCH model, the positive influences of turnover and trading volume growth on daily stock return's conditional mean and conditional variance ( conditional volatility ) are still obvious, Within these TGARCH model, I discovered that bad news and good news could have different influences on stock market volatility ( the impact of bad news which resulted in downward movements of stock market volatility appeared faster that the good news'which caused upward movements). Stock market's self-risk(σ<sub>t-1</sub><sup>^2</sup>) is statistically insignificant different from zero in GARCH models, but when I omitted this variable in daily stock return's conditional mean estimation equation, standardized residual might not obey the assumption of normal distribution. It apparently told us that the stock market's self-risk term ( σ<sub>t-1</sub><sup>^2</sup> ) is one of the critical factors which influences investors to estimate expected return level.
From those results above, we realized that if investors could precisely understand the real meanings of new information conveying in the stock market, it might decrease the levels of turnover and trading volume growth ( which could sometimes represent meaningless or inexact trading activities ), then effectively reduce the abnormal volatility phenomenon in stock market.
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