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槓桿型與反向型ETF之理論乘數與實際表現 / Performance of the leveraged and inverse ETFs and their multiples江怡婷, Chiang, Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
自從槓桿型指數基金於各股票市場發行後,各國主管機關皆紛紛發出聲明表示,該商品並不適合長期持有;因此,該類型投資商品的公開說明書皆會註明不宜長期投資。然而,本研究實證結果發現,持有期間長短並非主要風險來源。雖然,如大家所知,槓桿型指數基金多是以「日」為單位追蹤指數,而導致複利效果 (Compounding Effect) 使基金長期報酬與槓桿倍數不同。
根據算出上述的報酬差異(Return Difference)可以發現不論是正向2倍或是反向1倍皆與台灣50報酬率的標準差有統計上顯著關係。反向1倍皆與台灣50報酬率的標準差有顯著負相關;反之,正向2倍與台灣50報酬率的標準差有顯著正向相關。然而,從已實現乘數(Realized Multiple)的分佈中可發現,不合理值並不隨投資期間越長而越多。意即儘管投資期間越長,並不一定會導致複利效果越大,而與目標槓桿倍數脫節。再者,隨著投資期間越長,波動度(volatility)的對於報酬差異的解釋力越強;因此,若想長期投資槓桿型指數資金,預測標的波動度的能力更顯為重要。 / When we browse the reports about the inverse and leveraged ETF, most of them emphasize that the LETF is not appropriate to long-term investors. However, in this research, we attempt to demonstrate the main factor of the performance of the leveraged and inverse ETF is not how long the LETF we hold, but the volatility of the underlying index or ETF.
Observing the empirical test, no matter how long the investment horizon is, the coefficient of the variance of the Taiwan 50 is statistically significant both in the Taiwan 50 Bear -1X and the Taiwan 50 Bull. However, its effect on the Bear -1X is opposite to that on the Bull 2X. First, the relationship between the volatility and the return difference of Taiwan 50 and the Bear -1X is negative. In contrast, the relationship between the volatility and the return difference of Taiwan 50 and the Bull 2X is positive. However, in accordance with the distribution of the realized multiples, the frequency of either the Bear -1X or Bull 2X was not more and more when the holding period is longer.
As a result, our research show the variance has a significant effect on both, no matter how long investors hold. If the volatility is moderate, the return difference may be close to zero; then the LETFs would be a convenient way to investors who desire to magnify the market return. Moreover, due to the increasing explanatory power of the volatility, we may make a further inference that whether the compounding effect is positive or negative depends on the volatility, especially within longer holding period. Therefore, without the great ability to forecast the variance, the LETFs are not recommended to the long-term investors.
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資金因素與資產評價林鳴琴, Lin Ming-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文嘗試藉由個體結構模式(micro-structure model),
分析市場資金流動性多寡和訊息效率性(information efficiency)的關聯。
1 導論
2 資金成本與資產價格波動
2.1 研究動機與目的
2.2 模型
2.3 資本市場均衡
2.4 政策意涵
2.5 結論與相關文獻比較
3 資金流動性與訊息揭露
3.1 研究動機與目的
3.2 模型
3.3 均衡解模擬分析
3.4 結論
4 融資限制與價格穩定性
4.1 研究動機與目的
4.2 模型
4.3 資產均衡價格特性分析
4.4 結論
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以代理者模式進行股市行為模擬之研究蕭宏智 Unknown Date (has links)
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以馬可夫轉換模型檢視隱含波動度 / Analyzing Implied Volatility with Marcov Switching Model陳玫吟, Chen ,Mei Yin Unknown Date (has links)
經由多變量迴歸分析後,本研究也發現隱含波動度的變動以及技術指標的趨勢(偏離五天移動平均值)皆會影響標的股價指數的報酬,但隱含波動度變動對於股價指數報酬的影響高於技術指標,且不同區間存在不同現象。 / Implied volatility indices are forward-looking, and lots of researches discuss the relationship between the implied volatility and underlying stock market returns. Dif-ferent from other studies, we use Marcov switching model to examine the implied volatility indices: S&P 500 volatility index (VIX) and NASDAQ-100 volatility index (VXN), then we separately exploit the different regime behavior about the relationship between implied volatility change, technical indicators and stock market returns.
As a result, S&P 500 index and NASDAQ-100 index respond in opposite direc-tions to positive and negative S&P 500 volatility index (VIX) and NASDAQ volatility index (VXN) changes, where technical indicators do not have that much influence on stock market returns. In addition, the impact of implied volatility change, technical indicators to stock market returns indeed depend on different regimes.
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系統性風險之衍生性商品對投資組合之效益分析 / 無賴建安, Lai, Chien An Unknown Date (has links)
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跳躍相關風險下狀態轉換模型之股價指數 / Empirical analysis of stock indices under regime switching model with dependent jump sizes risk黃慈慧 Unknown Date (has links)
Hamilton (1989)發展出馬可夫轉換模型,假設模型母體參數會隨某一無法觀察得到的狀態變數變動而改變,並用馬可夫鏈的機制來掌控狀態間切換,可適當掌握金融與經濟變數所面臨的結構改變,因此是一個十分重要的財務模型。Schwert (1989)觀察股價波動狀況,發現經濟衰退期的股價波動比經濟擴張期大,因此認為Hamilton (1989)所提出的馬可夫轉換模型亦可應用於股票市場。然而,發現當市場上有重大訊息來臨時,大部分標的資產報酬率會產生跳躍現象,因此汪昱頡 (2008)提出跳躍風險下馬可夫轉換模型,以改善馬可夫模型所無法反映之股價不正常跳躍現象。在探討股價指數報酬率之敘述統計量與動態圖後,本文認為跳躍幅度也會受狀態影響,因此進一步拓展周家伃 (2010)跳躍獨立風險下狀態轉換模型,期望對股市報酬率動態過程提供更佳的分析。實證部分使用1999到2010年的國際股價指數之S&P500、道瓊工業指數與日經225三檔作為研究資料,來說明股價指數具有狀態轉換及跳躍的現象,並利用EM(Expectation Maximization)演算法來估計模型的參數,以SEM(Supplemented Expectation Maximization )演算法估計參數的標準差,且使用概似比(Likelihood ratio)檢定結果顯示跳躍相關風險下狀態轉換模型比跳躍獨立風險下狀態轉換模型更適合描述股價指數報酬率。最後,驗證跳躍相關風險下狀態轉換模型能捕捉其報酬率不對稱、高狹峰與波動聚集之特性。 / Hamilton (1989) proposed Markov switching models to suppose the model parameters change with unobserved state variables which control the switch between states by Markov chain. It can be appropriate to grasp the financial and economic variables which facing structural changes, so it’s a very important financial model. Schwert (1989) observed stock prices, and discovered that the volatilities of recession are higher than the volatilities of expansion. Hence, Schwert (1989) suggested to apply the Markov switching models to stock market. However, most of underlying asset return have jump phenomenon when abnormal events occur to financial market. Wong (2008) proposed Markov switching models with jump risks to improve Markov switching models which can not capture the jump risk of asset price. According to stock index return’s descriptive statistics and dynamic graph, we argue that states will impact jump sizes. In this paper, we extend the regime-switching model with independent jump risks (Chou, 2010) to provide better analysis for the dynamic of return. This paper use stock indices of the study period from 1999 to 2010 to estimate the parameters of the model and variance of parameter estimators by Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm and SEM(Supplemented Expectation Maximization ) , respectively. And use the likelihood ratio statistics to test which model is appropriate.Finally, the empirical results show that regime-switching model with jump sizes dependency risk can capture leptokurtic feature of the asset return distribution and volatility clustering phenomenon.
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布蘭特原油期貨的波動率-以馬可夫移轉模型分析 / Regime-switched volatility of Brent crude oil futures using Markov-switching ARCH model邱天禹, Chiu, Tien-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文使用SWARCH模型探討布蘭特原油期貨市場的波動性。SWARCH模型將條件變異設定為可隨時間變動而改變,甚至移轉到不同的區間上。實證結果顯示SWARCH (3,3)模型具有最佳配適度與最準確的預測能力。樣本在不同區間下的平滑機率的估計值有助於補捉資料特性,而且當樣本落在高波動率區間上時會對應著重大事件的發生,如1990年波斯灣戰爭、1997年亞洲金融風暴與2001年的911恐怖攻擊。 / This paper investigates the volatility of the Brent crude oil futures markets using Markov-switching ARCH (SWARCH) model. The SWARCH model allows the conditional disturbances to change as time passes and even to switch in different regimes. The empirical evidence shows that the SWARCH (3,3) model performs the best goodness of fit and the best forecast performance between different fitting models. The estimation of smoothing probabilities of data under different regimes facilitates to capture the characteristics of data, and the high-volatility regime is associated with the extraordinary events, such as the 1990’s Persian Gulf War, the 1997’s Asia Financial Crisis, and the 2001’s 911 terrorist attack.
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以實現波動率估計投資組合風險值 / Value at Risk of Portfolio with Realized Volatility李承儒 Unknown Date (has links)
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股票選擇權採現金交割之可行性分析 / The Possibility Analysis of Adopting Cash Settlement for Stock Options in Taiwan Market任俊行, Jen, Chun-Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
台灣期貨交易所於92年1月20日推出到期採實物交割的股票選擇權契約,希望能提供市場更豐富、更多元的避險以及套利機能。然自股票選擇權推出以來,市場成交量並未如預期般蓬勃發展,便失去台灣期貨交易所推出股票選擇權之用意,不能使其充分發揮其多元之避險套利機能。多數人主觀認為,採用現金交割方式的衍生性金融商品容易受到人為操縱。一般而言,研究市場的人為操縱因子多以報酬波動率及到期日效應作為觀察指標,因此商品之交割方式與報酬波動率及到期日效應有一定之關聯。然而近來國外許多相關研究發現,採實物交割與現金交割,對股票選擇權的到期日效應並未產生差異,反而是透過結算制度的設計,可以有效降低人為操縱的機率。本研究旨在研究股票選擇權改採現金交割之可行性分析,研究到期日採現金交割是否就是增加人為操縱機率的主要因素,且到期日效應與到期交割方式是否又有絕對的關係?而根據文獻了解,到期日報酬波動率與受人為操縱之跡象是呈現正向關係。 / 因此本研究對指數期貨在到期日與非到期日時對指數現貨價格以及個股股價報酬波動率的影響程度進行實證分析,以報酬波動率之異常現象判斷是否有所謂到期日效應。
本研究實證結果指出,在台指期貨到期日報酬波動率和摩根台指期貨到期日的報酬波動率實證結果發現所有樣本在台指期貨到期日的報酬波動率都顯著高於摩根台指期貨到期日的報酬波動率。顯示台指期貨結算制度雖為到期日下一交易日開盤前十五分鐘個股成交量加權平均價結算,但並未有效降低異常報酬波動率的發生。根據國外研究結果發現,個股期貨能降低到期日效應之影響。此外,採實物交割與現金交割,對股票選擇權的到期日效應並未產生差異。為了降低到期日效應且提升市場的效率性,建議股票選擇權改為現金交割之外,尚可考慮開放個股期貨的交易。 / Taiwan Futures Exchange launched stock options on January 20, 2003, hoping to provide the market with more hedging and arbitraging opportunities. However, the trading volume does not grow as was expected. The low trading volume does not meet Taiwan Futures Exchange’s goal to provide the market with hedging and arbitraging mechanism. Most people think that derivatives applying cash settlement lead to manipulation. Researchers studying manipulations take the volatility of returns and expiration effects as the factors of their studies. However, some recent studies suggest applying cash settlement or physical settlement does not have much impact on expiration effects, while applying proper settlement system can reduce manipulation. / This research investigated the possibility of stock options applying cash settlement and examined the volatility of returns of stock indexes and stock prices during settlement and non-settlement days to determine if expiration effects exist.
In this study, we found the volatilities of returns of all samples during
TAIFEX settlement days are significantly higher than the volatilities of returns during SIMEX settlement days. All of our samples have significant higher volatilities of returns during TAIFEX settlement days and SIMEX settlement days except CMO, which does not have significant higher volatility of returns during SIMEX settlement days. Other researches point out the adopting of stock futures reduces the expiration effects. Furthermore, adopting cash settlement or physical settlement does have much impact on expiration effects. To decrease the expiration effect and to increase the effectiveness of the market, this study proposes the adoption of cash settlement and the launching of stock futures.
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台指選擇權之波動率-以馬可夫轉換模型分析 / Regime-switched Volatility of TAIEX Options Using Markov-switching variance model陳宛頤, Chen, Wan Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文使用馬可夫移轉變異數模型探討台指選擇權之買權的波動性。馬可夫移轉變異數模型將條件變異設定為可隨時間變動而改變,甚至移轉到不同區間上。樣本在不同區間下的平滑機率估計值有助於捕捉資料特性,實證結果顯示當樣本落在高波動率區間上時,會對應著重大事件的發生,例如2004年台灣319槍擊案、2006年全球股災、2008年金融海嘯等。當樣本落在低波動率區間上時,會對應著投資人傾向將台股指數的上漲或下跌視為超漲或超跌,而賦予台指選擇權之買權負的時間價值。 / This paper investigates the volatility of TAIEX Call Options using Markov-switching variance model. The Markov-switching variance model allows the conditional disturbances to change as time passes and even switch between different regimes. The estimation of smoothed probabilities under different regimes facilitates to capture the characteristics of data. The empirical result shows that the high volatility regime is related to extraordinary events, such as 319 shooting incident in 2004, the global stock market crash in 2006, and the Financial Crisis in 2008. When in low volatility regime, investors tend to treat rise or fall in TAIEX as overreactions and give TAIEX Call Options turning points of time values.
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