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以最大測驗訊息量決定通過分數之研究 / Study of the Standard Setting by the Maximum Test Information謝進昌, Shieh, Jin-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
綜整之,本研究所採最大測驗訊息量法,經檢驗後,於分類一致性上乃具有不錯的表現,且搭配相對強韌、嚴謹的理論支持與適切測驗結果解釋方法等,是最適合用於大型考試上使用。因此,乃建議未來政府單位或實務工作者於進行大型證照、資格檢定考試時,可考慮使用本策略。 / The purpose of this study is to adopt the concepts of IRT maximum test information to standard setting. At first, we are trying to discover three facets of interpretation in using the maximum test information to standard setting through the historical movement of standard setting. The three facets are component combination and adjustment, generalized test construction processes and multiple validities. Depending on these three concepts, we can easily explain the reasonableness and appropriateness of maximum test information approach. After that, we further investigate the reasonableness from the dimensions of definition of formula, item selections and statistical power to establish the basic theory of the maximum information approach in standard setting. In addition, we also examine the effects on exact classification of master/non-master in expectation to provide multiple evidences for validity. Finally, the method of classical test scores transformation and difference ability description are discussed to provide quantitative and qualitative test result interpretation simultaneously.
In sum, some conclusions are proposed.
1.In applying the maximum test information approach to standard setting, the effect on exact classification of master/ non-master may come to a satisfying result. We may have at least 90% exact classification performance. At the same time, we also find that the mastery standard deriving from the maximum test information approach may have some advantages being a starting reference point for experts to adjust on the basis of the view of confidence interval. In the aspect of classical test scores transformation, no matter what approach you take, the transformed classical test scores approach or test characteristic curve mapping method, the consistency of exact classification of master/ non-master may hold. We may suggest the combination strategy is really worthy to take into consideration in standard setting.
2.In applying the anchor point to interpret Basic Competency Test result, we may find non-master only has basic academic knowledge and simple graph understanding ability, but for the master, he may need extensive academic knowledge; ability of complicated problems、data and graph interpretation; logic reasoning、analyzing experimental result to get related issues. Moreover, advanced academic knowledge; ability of synthesizing and evaluating information from data and surroundings are also included.
3.In the aspect of test length, the result of this research shows no matter what approach you take, maximum test information approach、transformed classical test scores approach or test characteristic curve mapping method, they are all influenced. It shows the longer test length, the higher consistency of exact classification of master/non-master. This result is consistent to most of the studies in the past. On the other hand, we suggest the 20 items is a fundamental value. Moreover, from the view of exact number of error classification, we can find that the real factor affecting the difference scores in transforming classical test score is unable to control in practical usage, but we can just disperse the numbers of people in each test score point to reduce the influence of error classification by increasing test length.
4.In the aspect of diverse test difficulty, because the maximum test information approach possesses the characteristic of examinees’ ability adjustment depending on item parameters, it is less influenced to maintain a acceptable level of consistent classification. In contrast with the maximum test information approach, the transformed classical test scores approach and test characteristic curve mapping method may have obvious high ratio of error classification under the fixed mastery standard. This also reflects the deficiency of current fixed 60 points passing scores.
5.In the aspect of analyzing the effect of score transformation between easy、hard and normal test, this research shows no matter what approach you take in any type of test difficulty, they may not severely influenced. Furthermore, from the view of exact number of error classification, because the maximum test information approach possesses the characteristic of deciding passing level depending on the degree of test difficulty (the lower mastery standard in easy test and the higher in hard test), it may not lead to a severe error classification even if there exists a large difference score in classical test score transformation.
6.In the aspect of interaction between test length、diverse test difficulty and anchor items selection, this research shows that test length and diverse test difficulty are not the real factors affecting anchor items selection. The more accurate cause is if the mastery standard deriving from the maximum test information approach may coordinate with the anchor point or not.
In sum, the maximum test information approach may not only lead to a satisfying exact classification performance after analysis, but also be supported by strong and strict theory and accompany proper test result interpretation method. It is the most proper method in standard setting for large-sized test. Finally, we suggest the government or practitioners may consider adopting this strategy for future usage.
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測驗等值法之探討及其在心理測驗上之應用黃廲嬌, HUANG,LI-JIAO Unknown Date (has links)
3、水平等值法建立瑞文氏非文字推理測驗(SPM )與羅桑二氏非語文智力測驗層次
B 等值分數。
4、探討IRT 中Rasch model 對傳統等值方法改善心理測驗之成效。
工具包括羅桑二氏非語文智力測驗層次BCDE和瑞文氏非文字推理測驗(SPM )。
1、Wright.B.D以Rasch s logislic model發展之MSCALE, 估計試題難度及受試者能
力, 並考驗資料與模式之適合度。
2、因素分析檢證測驗是否符合Rasch 單一向度之假設。
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英文聽力字彙與聽寫練習題輔助出題系統之研究 / Computer-Assisted Item Generation for Listening Cloze and Dictation Practice in English黃上銘, Huang, Shang-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
以Web為基礎的語言測驗(Web-based language test)目前多為靜態網頁或是互動性低的動態網頁,如何提昇測驗系統的互動性,仍有待探討。目前已有學者利用自然語言處理技術來自動產生試題,並分析學生的作答錯誤。然而,相關研究仍多著重於字彙測驗與文法評量上。本研究針對聽力測驗,發展一套線上練習系統,並運用自然語言處理技術來自動產生聽力選擇題,以及分析學生的聽寫錯誤。我們分析語料庫中的詞彙,將發音相近的單字歸為一類,系統要產生聽力選擇題時,即從單字所屬的群組中,隨機挑選其他發音相近的單字當作誘答選項。而在分析聽寫錯誤方面,我們從語尾變化、拼字、拼音三種層次來分析學生的作答;系統批改完後,會按照學生的錯誤類型,提供不同種類的練習。本練習系統共有聽寫測驗、單字聽力選擇題、單字組聽力選擇題三種題型。系統可以輔助教師大量地編製試題與測驗,並輔助批改學生的作答。學生則可透過網路來接受測驗,並針對自己的弱點單字來作練習。 / Most Web-based language tests are presently static pages or dynamic pages with low interactivity. How to enhance the interactivity of the test systems is still under development. Today some researchers have utilized natural language processing techniques for automatic item generation and intelligent error analysis of students’ answers. However, most known research works put more emphases on vocabulary tests and grammar correction. In this paper, we propose a Web-based practice system for English dictation and listening cloze. We use natural language processing techniques to automatically generate multiple-choice item and analyze students’ dictation errors. First, we analyze the words in the corpus and group them based on the similarity of the phones. When the system generates multiple-choice items, it will search the matched cluster and randomly pick other words with similar phones. Second, we analyze students’ dictation from three aspects: inflected form, spelling errors and phoneme structures. After analyzing students’ answers, the system will provide different practice items according to the error types. Our practice system has three item types: one for dictation and two for multiple-choice listening cloze. The system can assist teachers in authoring items and grading the test results. Students can take the test through the Internet and practice on their weak words.
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國民中學基本學力測驗英語科回沖效應研究 / A study on the washback effect of the basic competence english test on junior high school students in Northern Taiwan林銀姿, Lin, Yin Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
結果顯示基測英語科對學生的學習影響不大,但對老師的課堂教學產生負面回沖效應,進而影響學生學習。綜合研究結果,本研究建議教師應增加課堂教學活動的多樣性,減少測驗相關教材及練習,以培養學生學習英語的興趣與方法。 / The effect of testing on teaching and learning is generally known as washback in the field of language testing and assessment. Despite a growing attention to the concept of washback, most washback studies focus on teachers, not on learners as test takers, who are the most important stakeholders in testing.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the washback effect of the Basic Competence English Test (BCET), a high-stakes language test, on 9th-graders in northern Taiwan. The method of questionnaire survey was used to collect students’ perspectives on the following four areas: (a) perceptions of the BCET, (b) learning motivation, (c) learning activities, and (d) class activities. A convenient sample of a proportionate size was selected based on four administrative levels (i.e., national, municipal, town, and village levels) from Keelung City, Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County. Altogether 1,490 ninth-graders from 42 classes at 22 schools were selected for the survey across northern Taiwan.
The major findings of the study are as follows:
1. Most 9th-graders in northern Taiwan were aware of the BCET test format and the BCET test purpose. Nearly half of them found the BCET not to be easy. The more the students understood the BCET format, the more likely they thought that the BCET was easy. Similarly, the more the students understood the BCET purpose, the more likely they regarded the BCET as an easy test.
2. Three top motivations for the students to learn English coincide with the overall objectives of English language education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum. Students’ English achievement gets better if they do not regard the BCET as the primary goal of language learning.
3. Students’ most common learning activities include listening to English songs, watching movies/programs in English, and learning words and phrases beyond the word list of 1,000 basic English vocabularies. The BCET does not drive students to undertake the following practices: using practice books for examinations, attending cram schools, and attending self-study classes for the test at school.
4. It was common for the 9th-graders to do practice tests or mock examinations in class, and listen to their teachers explaining the test items. Instruction relating to formal aspects of English also occurred frequently in English language courses, while few aural/oral practice activities were undertaken in classroom teaching.
Based on the findings of the BCET washback effects on students and teachers, this study suggests that English teachers should attempt to employ various types of classroom activities, as proposed in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, rather than relying on examination-oriented materials and practices, so as to promote learning interests and develop effective methods of learning.
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道德推理與會計師獨立性判斷-實驗證據賴芝羽 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣公務人員採用英語標準化測驗為評量機制之研究:從2002到2010年 / English language proficiency testing policy in Taiwan's civil service from 2002 to 2010霍力 Unknown Date (has links)
The concern over test consequence has inspired research into the wider impact of language tests and testing policies, but few studies have examined this subject in the context of Taiwan. With the goal of enhancing Taiwan’s global competitiveness by upgrading manpower quality, the central government implemented a 2002 policy to develop the English proficiency of civil servants by recognizing passing marks on approved English language proficiency tests as a promotion criterion. This thesis reports on a research study that adopted a multi-method approach to assess the testing policy’s impact on test-takers and analyze the rationale and consequences of revisions to the policy that were implemented between 2002 and the 2011. A survey of 282 civil servants working in the banking, economics, and finance sectors yielded data about the participants’ self-assessment of their English proficiency and workplace need for the language, English study and test-taking experience, impressions of English proficiency tests, and assessment of the effectiveness of the testing policy. Statistical analysis of the test impression and policy effectiveness data revealed significant correlation between positive assessments of the policy’s impact and the perceived fairness of the testing policy, the policy’s influence on motivation to study English, and the participants’ intrinsic interest in improving their English. Interviews with officials involved in formulating and implementing the testing policy and a review of government documents related to the policy provided data that were incorporated into the Geelhoed-Schouwstra policy analysis framework and facilitated the identification of factors that influenced the outcomes of the testing policy. The results of this study of an English language testing policy help to clarify who the test-takers and test users are, how and why tests are being used, and what the consequences of test use are.
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全民英檢聽力測驗題型對國中生聽力策略選擇影響之研究 / A study of effects of question types on junior high students' listening strategy choice while taking GEPT listening test何佩融, Ho, Pei Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對象為宜蘭一所公立國中八年級六個班級共177位學生。研究工具為全民英檢初級聽力測驗以及聽力策略問卷。問卷內容以Vandergrift(1997)的聽力策略分類為架構,改編自蘇曉雯(2007)自編問卷。問卷回收後資料以統計軟體SPSS 17.0進行敘述性統計、單因子變異數分析及雙因子變異數分析,獲得結果簡述如下:
2.整體來說,在聽力測驗作答時,國中學生較常使用後設認知策略。例如:理解監測(monitoring),選擇性專注(selective attention)和前導組織(advance organizers)。然而,若細究不同的聽力題型,學生則較常使用不同認知策略。例如:當遇到較長的聽力內容,學生較常使用摘要(summarization)策略。而遇到較難的聽力內容,學生則慣用由下自上(bottom-up)策略。
根據統計及問卷調查結果,本研究最後提供教學上相關建議以供參考。第一,教師可協助學生分析試題題型,以幫助作答。第二,教師應提供學生不同類型之聽力練習,讓學生嘗試使用不同聽力策略。第三,教師可請高成就學生分享聽力理解過程,以幫助低成就學生能有更好的聽力表現。 / The major purpose of the study is to examine whether question types influence junior high students’ listening performance and their listening strategy choice. The study is mainly concerned with three aspects: (1) whether students performed differently among the four different question types of GEPT listening section; (2) what kind of strategies did junior high students tend to use in the four types of questions; (3) whether proficiency level played a significant role in listening strategy choice among four question types.
GEPT elementary level of listening comprehension test and a questionnaire were used to collect quantitative data from 177 students in one public junior high school in Yilan Area. The items in the questionnaire were mainly adapted from Su (2007), which followed Vandergrift’s (1997) classification of strategy use. In this study, statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA with Scheffe post- hoc test and two-way ANOVA were used to analyze the collected data.
The major findings are summarized as follows:
1.Junior high students performed differently in the four different types of listening questions. Factors that differentiate the four question types include the number of speaker, the content itself and the presence of pictures.
2.Generally speaking, junior high students tended to use metacognitive strategies, such as monitoring, selective attention and advance organizers more often in different question types. However, in specific question types, students appeared to have preference in using certain cognitive strategies. For example, students were
inclined to use summarization when encountering question type with longer listening text. They also tended to use bottom-up strategies to tackle with more difficulty text.
3.There was no significant interaction effect between question types and proficiency level. Overall on the four question types, students with high and low levels used same strategies. However, when examining strategy items specifically, high and low achievers had different preference for using strategy in different question types.
Finally, based on the findings in this study, several suggestions and implications were presented in the conclusion of the paper. First, teachers could help students analyze question types before listening test. Second, teachers could give students more kinds of listening activities to make students experience the effectiveness of using different kinds of listening strategies. Third, teachers could invite high level listeners to share their listening process so that low level listeners might learn from them.
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在臺學習華語的外籍學生對於兩岸華語口音之看法初探 / An Exploratory Study on How CFL Students in Taiwan View the Accent of Mandarin Chinese Produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders吳艾芸, Wu, Ai Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由瞭解在臺學習華語的外籍學生對於兩岸口音的看法,以供臺灣華語教師在教學現場應使用何種口音作為參考。研究對象是臺灣北部某國立大學的華語文教學中心中級班以上的外籍學生。研究方法包含假貌相比測驗法(Matched-Guise technique)、問卷調查和焦點團體訪談三項研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析與討論問題的依據。
最後根據調查結果提出華語教學上的啟發與後續研究建議,以供華語教師、學校行政單位以及教學研究者在兩岸華語口音方面的參考。 / This study aims to investigate how CFL(Chinese as a foreign language) students in Taiwan view the accent of Mandarin Chinese produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders. The participants of the study are from a university in Taipei city, and they are at intermediate-level and above. The research methods adopted in the study include Matched-Guise technique, questionnaire survey, and focus group interview.
The major findings are: (1) Most CFL students have the ability to distinguish the accent of Mandarin Chinese produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders; (2) the two accents have their own supporters; (3) CFL students’ impressions of the two accents include not only initials, finals and tones, but also volume, speed and pitch. Another interesting finding is that most CFL students in Taiwan want to learn Mandarin with a Taiwanese accent because (1) Taiwanese accent is easier to learn; (2) CFL students in Taiwan want to interact with Taiwanese and learn Taiwanese culture. When CFL students in Taiwan become high intermediate or advanced students, they also wish to be exposed to Mandarin with mainlander’s accent in order to expand their repertoire of the Chinese language.
At the end of the thesis, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included.
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國民中學基本學力測驗量尺分數之研究蔡雅瑩, Tsai, Ya-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
國中基本學力測驗自民國九十年實施,今年邁入第五年,學力測驗量尺分數之理論基礎,主要以Lord所提出之強真分數模式(Strong True Score Model)為主,以適當的模式對考生答對題數資料進行轉換,進一步計算出現在的量尺分數;然而國內針對學力測驗之量尺分數所做之相關研究甚少,因此本研究在第一部份先描述量尺分數轉換之理論,並詳細描述資料轉換之過程與方法。
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改良式多項自由選擇測驗之各種情境的實驗研究戴嘉南, Dai, Jia-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
第一節對肯博斯所著" 客觀考試之應用 "一文之評述
第二節對褚端司爾及史密德合著之" 各種改良式多項選擇測驗 "一文之評述
第三節對貝肯所著" 一種改銀式多項選擇測驗題在各種情境中之使用 " 一文之評述
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