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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新聞從業人員對民意的認知與評估:以電視新聞記者為例 / Journalists' Perception and Evaluation of Public Opinion --A Case of Taiwan TV Reporters

林宛瑩, Lin, Wan Ying Unknown Date (has links)
新聞媒體在強調民意的民主政治中,扮演著不可或缺的角色。一方面,媒 體傳送民眾所需的資訊,幫助民眾形成意見與判斷;另一方面,媒體作為 公共論壇,呈現不同的聲音,展現多元的民意,並藉此牽制政府的行動。 因此,在新聞從業人員宣稱自己與群眾站在一起的同時,瞭解他們如何認 知民意,如何評估民意,毋寧是相當重要的。在此,本研究希望探討新聞 從業人員對於新聞媒體與民意關係的認知,以及他們評估民意的方法,以 期對新聞工作者有進一步的了解。本研究以國內三家電視台的新聞記者為 研究對象,進行問卷調查。結果發現,電視記者認為新聞媒體應該「反映 民意」的功能,遠比媒體「引導民意」、「匡正民意」重要。而且愈傾向 「解釋╱調查者」專業意理的電視記者,愈認為新聞媒體應該反映民意; 而愈傾向「資訊傳佈者」專業意理的電視記者,愈認為新聞媒體不應該影 響民意。在評估民意的方式上,一般而言,電視記者最常用來評估民意的 管道是報紙的新聞報導,其次分別是選舉、學者專家的意見、民意代表的 質詢或辯論,以及民意測驗、與民眾的親身接觸等等。而報紙社論則是電 視記者最不常用作評估民意的方式。至於那一種方式最能代表民意呢?資 料分析顯示,電視記者認為選舉結果最能夠代表民意,與民眾的親身接觸 也是判斷民意的很好指標。而電視新聞報導似乎不很能夠展現民意的趨向 ,報紙社論的評價則屬最低。

英語科克漏字測驗中的連貫性考題分析:以大學學力測驗與指定科目考試為例 / A Study of the Cohesion Items in the Cloze Tests of SAT and AST

鄭翕尹, Cheng,Hsi-ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究大學學力測驗與指定科目考試中,有關「連貫性」 的克漏字試題(包括克漏字和文意選填測驗),藉以一窺台灣高中學生在這方面的表現,並進一步透過試題分析,學生表現,和題目鑑別度等細項,深入討論台灣高中英語教育中,老師和學生在課堂上可以加強的部分。 首先,我們將連貫性這個觀念加以分類和說明,根據修改過後的分類,將大學入學考試試題分為連接,指涉,字彙連貫三種。字彙連貫又可以細分為重複和常連用字兩種。我們就題目出現的頻率來討論,分析後發現,在克漏字測驗和文意選填題目中,考字彙連貫出現頻率最高。就學生答對率表現來看,常連用字試題,通過率最高,而指涉試題,通過率最低。這結果顯示台灣學生在局部連貫性上表現較佳,對於整體連貫性較不熟悉。試題出現在整篇文章的主題句,也會造成答對率較低。另就試題的鑑別度而言,低鑑別度往往和低通過率的試題重疊,表示大多數學生通過率低的題目,往往因為困難而無法鑑別學生能力。 / In this study, we analyzed the multiple-choice rational cloze tests used in the Subject Ability Test (SAT) and Appointment Subject Test (AST) from 2002 to 2004. The item types were mainly analyzed according to the five cohesion types that Halliday and Hasan proposed in their 1976 research. Through these classifications, we gained better knowledge about whether the cohesion types affected the students’ performances. Furthermore, we also investigated the possible reasons. First of all, we refined the cohesion types proposed by Halliday and Hasan proposed in their 1976 research. In our study, the cohesion types we looked were conjunction, reference, and lexical cohesion. We wanted to find how the cohesive types were tested in the tests. From the analysis of cloze tests and the WYXT tests, the result we got was that lexical cohesion was tested more often than other cohesive categories. For the passing rate of SAT and AST, we found that the collocation test items were the easiest while the reference test items were the most difficult. According to Bachman (1982, 1985), Test items in Type 2 and 3 (repetition, conjunction, and reference) do have lower passing rates. This means students have difficulties in global cohesion. Furthermore, students had more difficulties in answering the test items located in the first or last sentence, which are usually associated with main ideas of the paragraph – a global concept. Therefore, the locations of the test items also had an influence on the passing rate. Lastly, for the discrimination index, those test items with low D value always co-occurred with low passing rate test items, meaning that difficult items fail to discriminate between different proficiency levels.

台灣高中英文快速閱讀測驗研究 / Testing English expeditious reading in Taiwan senior high school

張捷, Chang, Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
以英文為外語的學習者常仰賴閱讀獲取英文相關的知識跟文化,所以閱讀在台灣的英文課中得到相當程度地的重視,即便如此,台灣的高中英文閱讀教學多半只專注在仔細閱讀的教導上,而忽略了包含略讀、搜索閱讀跟掃讀的快速閱讀,這是因為快速閱讀並沒有納入在大學入學考試的測驗當中。考量到快速閱讀是日常生活跟學習上不可或缺的技能,本研究旨在檢驗台灣高中學生的英文快速閱讀能力,他們在進行快速閱讀中所採用的閱讀策略跟遇到的閱讀困難也是本研究的調查目標。研究者設計了一份快速閱讀測驗跟一份仔細閱讀測驗來比較學生們的閱讀能力。此外,研究者設計了一份問卷來調查學生們在快速閱讀測驗當中所運用的閱讀策略跟遭遇的閱讀困難。 研究結果顯示台灣高中學生在快速閱讀測驗上的表現略優於他們在仔細閱讀測驗上的表現。此外,學生們在掃讀上表現得最好,優於在搜索閱讀上的表現,而略讀上的表現則是最差。關於策略的使用,學生們雖然會運用快速閱讀策略來完成快速閱讀的任務,但他們仍然在快速閱讀測驗當中普遍地使用仔細閱讀的策略。至於閱讀的困難,學生們進行快速閱讀時的困難主要來自於文章的用字、主題熟悉度跟長度。根據研究的發現,本研究對於教導與評量台灣高中學生的快速閱讀能力提出了實務上的建議。 / As a crucial language skill for EFL learns to gain English knowledge and culture (Alsamadani, 2009), reading receives considerable pedagogical attention in English classes in Taiwan (Wu, 2010). However, the reading instruction at the senior high school level focuses on the careful reading (Hsu, 2004). The expeditious reading, including skimming, search reading, and scanning (Urquhart & Weir, 1998), is often neglected. Considering the usefulness of expeditious reading in daily and academic life (Brown, 2007), the present research examined the expeditious reading ability of Taiwanese senior high school students, their strategy use and difficulties they had experienced in conducting expeditious reading. The researcher composed an expeditious reading test and a careful reading test to compare the students’ reading performances. Besides, the researcher designed a questionnaire to survey the strategy use and difficulties experienced by the students in the expeditious reading test. The result showed that the Taiwanese senior high school students’ performance on the expeditious reading test was marginally higher than their performance on the careful reading test. In addition, the student’s scanning score was the highest, followed by the search reading, and the skimming was the lowest. As for strategy use, the students applied expeditious reading strategies to approach expeditious reading tasks in the test, but they also appealed to some careful reading strategies in the expeditious reading test. Concerning difficulties, the students faced more problems with the vocabulary, topics, and length of texts when conducting expeditious reading. The findings yielded practical implications for teaching and assessing the expeditious reading at the senior high school level in Taiwan.

設計行動應用程式以增加運動依從性之研究-使用設計科學方法 / A mobile application for adherence improvement on exercise plan-using a design science approach

孫若庭, Sun, Ruo Ting Unknown Date (has links)
運動依從性在健康管理議題裡是非常重要的一環,現在的人經常感到身體不適而診斷結果卻正常,這種現象根據世界衛生組織的定義為「亞健康」或「健康的灰色地帶」。在高壓的工作環境或不正常的生活作息下,最容易有這些徵狀,儘管大家都知道長期規律的運動可以促進健康,實際實行的狀況卻不如預期的好。為了改善此狀況,本研究透過蘋果公司的套件(ResearchKit)開發行動應用程式來幫助使用者增加運動依從性。此套件內建許多模組供開發者與研究人員使用,如聲明宣告與問卷模組等,讓整個研究、開發流程更為快速有效。本研究流程遵行設計科學方法論來創造一個設計實體,即為本研究開發的應用程式「Active Track」。 在設計階段,本研究採用了「說服設計準則」中的「Tailoring」與「Reminder」設計方法,意圖強化、形塑甚或改變使用者對於目標行為的態度,透過本應用程式來激勵使用者改變自身行為,達到目標設定。目前市面上許多健康管理的應用程式皆已證實個性與說服科技之間的相關性,因此本研究採用了MBTI適性分析工具並設計出相對應的激勵文字訊息,期望透過此設計實體來協助使用者增加運動依從性。 在第一階段的實驗評估,我們於166個下載人次當中篩選出87個有效樣本來比較樣本之間的表現,其中有54人有接收激勵文字訊息,33人則無。平均而言,那些有收到激勵文字訊息的受測者,完成率較沒有收到激勵文字訊息的受試者高出百分之十五。然而在訊息類型與個性是否相符的比較實驗當中,訊息符合與不符合使用者個性的結果之間並無顯著差異。本研究之結果僅顯示出透過激勵文字訊息可以有效督促使用者完成運動目標。在第二階段的實驗中加入了「訊息重複性」、「回饋機制」因子來改良應用程式,研究結果顯示訊息的重複整體而言可以提升百分之二十三的完成率,其中適性結果為「理性」的受測者則有百分之二十七的提升,然而回饋機制設計在本研究並無統計顯著。 在兩階段的設計循環下,本研究證實透過Active Track重複地傳送激勵文字訊息可以協助使用者增加運動依從性,進而降低罹患疾病的風險,研究結果對於未來說服系統之開發以及其他醫療領域提升依從性之相關研究也提供了良好的參考價值。 / Adherence to an exercise schedule is valuable for health management. Nowadays, most people have experienced uncomfortable feelings but diagnostic data are normal. The phenomenon is called ‘sub-health’ condition, which is a state between health and disease. People are likely to experience discomfort if their working environment is stressful and their lifestyle is unhealthy. Therefore, a long period of commitment to adhere to physical activity programs is beneficial for people’s health. Although people would benefit from support to increase exercise compliance, adherence to physical activity plans is often very low. To address these shortcomings, this paper introduces a low-cost method–an iOS application developed using Apple Inc.’s ResearchKit–to help people adhere to their physical activity plans. ResearchKit provides various modules such as consent declaration and survey task for helping researchers create a research app more efficiently. We applied design science methodology to create a design artifact, namely Active Track. By including the “Tailoring” and the “Reminder” persuasive principles in Active Track to develop, strengthen, or change attitudes or behaviors, the design artifact can act as support instruments that stimulate and encourage users to comply with target behavior. Because studies of health-promotion apps have identified the correlations between personality and persuasive technology, we used the Myer–Briggs Type Indicator personality assessment to design motivational messages for each type of personality as a text reminder in Active Track. In the first evaluation stage of Active Track, we identified 87 valid participants (54 with motivational messages and 33 without motivational messages) from 166 downloads for performance comparison. On average, the completion rates of participants who were presented with motivational messages were 15% higher, but the difference in message matching experiment was not significant. The results demonstrated that our design approach is able to improve adherence on exercise plans by providing users with motivated messages. Therefore, we implemented repetitiveness and feedback intervention in a further design iteration and evaluated the improvement in Active Track by using these two new factors. The results showed that the repetitiveness factor enhanced the completion rate by approximately 23%; in particular, participants who were identified as having Thinking-type MBTI personalities exhibited an improvement of approximately 27% due to repetitive messages. However, feedback information had no significant effect on adherence. In summary, the findings of this study confirmed that Active Track can help individuals to improve their exercise adherence through repetitive motivational messages, reduce the risk of diseases, and provide useful insights for the future development of persuasive systems and studies into adherence enhancement for health care.

四技二專統一入學測驗英文科對話題之研究 / A Study on the Dialogue Section of the Technological and Vocational Educational Examination

湯琦均, Tang, Ci Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
在臺灣的技職教育體系中,職業學校群科課程綱要是教材編撰及課程設計的參考基準;而四技二專統一入學測驗是高職學生升學的重要依據。其中,統測共同科目英文考科中的對話題,採用了間接測驗來評量學生的口語能力。本研究旨在討論統測英文科對話題與高職英文課綱之吻合程度,及統測對話題的內容效度。為了達成此研究目的,本研究分析統測英文考科對話題型以及高職英文課程綱要,同時參考與測驗口說能力之相關教學研究及論文,發展出課綱檢核表及口說能力檢核表做為研究工具。 研究結果顯示,統測對話題與高職課綱中口說能力相關指標大致符合,但主題分佈不甚平均,主要強調日常生活情境下的溝通能力。就內容效度而言,其檢驗之能力多為基礎口語技巧,並且偏重測驗考生如何傳遞訊息及維持互動,並沒有包含處理互動的技巧。根據本研究之發現,筆者針對未來研究方向及測驗實務提出了建議。 / In the vocational education system in Taiwan, the Vocational High School Curriculum Guideline (VHSCG) is the basis of teaching materials and curriculum design, and the Technological and Vocational Educational Examination (TVEE) is an important reference for students to enter college. In the English test of the TVEE, an indirect speaking test was applied in the dialogue section. This research aims to investigate: (1) the correspondence between goals of speaking ability in the VHSCG and the dialogue section of the TVEE; and (2) the construct validity of the dialogue section. To achieve the purpose, this research analyzed the current curriculum guideline and the English tests of the TVEE, and studied the previous literature about assessing speaking ability to develop two checklists as instruments to analyze the targeted test items. Results indicated that the dialogue section of the TVEE generally corresponded with the speaking ability index in the VHSCG, but the topic distribution was imbalanced. The test items primarily focused on the communicative ability in daily-life contexts and was lacked of items that examine descriptive ability. For the construct validity, the dialogue section of the TVEE mostly examined fundamental speaking skills. Informational and interactional skills were strongly emphasized, while the skills in managing interaction were completely absent. Based on the findings of this research, the researcher yielded suggestions for future research and implications for the test developers.

大學入學考試制度之研究:以台灣與法國為例 / A Study of College Admission: The Case of Taiwan and France

白美恩, Marion Baudry Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高等教育的大眾化發展,臺灣與法國的大學招生制度經過幾次變革,以期滿足招生需求。大學學位不僅是學歷的一紙證明,更是臺灣與法國高等教育標準化歷程的體現。從高中過渡到大學,是每個學生學術生涯中關鍵且費神的階段,並與未來的成功息息相關。因此,無論在臺灣或法國,學生高中階段的學術能力測驗至關重要,可謂從青春期過渡到成年期的重要指標。學術能力測驗成績影響著絕大多數畢業生的大學申請和錄取機會。雖然臺灣和法國有不少關於兩國大學教育的研究,但對於高中學生進入大學前的學術能力測驗甚少探討。本研究旨在探討臺、法國大學申請的入學先決條件和要求,以期進一步瞭解大學入學機制。本研究透過對臺灣和法國大學系統中錄取要求,如臺灣的先修課程測驗和法國的一般入學要求等規定進行對比分析,找出各自的優缺點。研究方法包括文獻綜述,以及對兩國高中生進行問卷調查和深度訪談。研究發現,目前兩國的大學入學系統的主要難題之一是缺乏相應的學術指導機制。臺灣方面在於過分強調大學入學考試測驗,法國則與之相反,學生因為過高的升學率而缺乏學習動機。本研究建議,今後臺法兩國如何面對高教入學機會中重新出現的不公與文憑貶值等新挑戰,是雙方大學入學體系需要解決的共同問題。 / With the massification of their higher education systems, Taiwan and France have experienced several changes in their college admission processes in order to meet the increasing demand of enrollment into higher education. A university degree has become more than just a certificate of academic achievement but a normalized process in Taiwan and France. The transition from high school to university has become a pivotal yet nerve-racking period in a student’s academic career and is considered as one of the most crucial factor of the student’s future success. In Taiwan and France, the academic abilities of students tested during the senior high school are the most important and significant indicators of students’ transition from adolescence to adulthood. It leads a vast majority of graduates to apply to university and to undertake college admission process. Although several studies have been done in Taiwan and France, only few have previously analyzed a student’s journey through the college admission process in the two countries. The current study intends to investigate the prerequisites and requirements that college applicants in Taiwan and France are required to meet in order to access the college and university systems. By comparing and analyzing the massification of the two systems, as well as Taiwan and France college admission’s requirements such as the Scholastic Ability Test and the Advanced Subjects Test in Taiwan, and the French General Baccalaureate; the study seeks to identify the crucial pro and cons that arise in each system in order to give recommendations on improvements that can be made. Data has been collected through literature reviews, in-depth interviews as well as surveys among former senior high school students in both countries. The results of the present study show that one of the main dilemmas of today’s education systems is the lack of academic guidance. While one of the main problems of Taiwanese education is its emphasis on testing, France education, on the contrary, is facing issues due to its excessive accessibility of universities which leads students to enroll in degrees without real motivations behind their choice. The shift of inequalities in educational opportunities is also one of the new concerns that Taiwanese and French education systems are facing as well as the depreciation of diplomas.


湯梅英, TANG, MEI-YING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以艾瑞克森所倡心理發展的觀點,運用標準化的測量工具--少年人格測驗 自我發展量表,比較犯罪少年與一般少年在自我統整及生活適應上之差異。根據研究 結果,探討影響少年犯罪的因素,期能有助於各國中、高中或高職瓶問題少年施予適 當的輔導與諮商,並提供輔導犯罪少年之參考。 本論文計分五章,第一章為緒論,旨在說明研究問題的重要性、研究動機及目的。第 二章為文獻探討,乃就少年犯罪、自我統整及生活適應三方面,深入探討其涵義與理 論基礎,以為本人研究之根據。第三章為研究方法,依序說明研究對象、研究工具、 調查步驟及資料處理方法,第四章結果與討論,就所得之資料,進行統計考驗,加以 分析與討論,第三章為結論與建議,根據理論分析與實證發現,提出結論,並據以提 陳建議,以供參考。


蔣居和, Chiang Chu-Ho Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於探討:(1)管理才能測驗與360度回饋之有效性,以及360度回饋之遞增效度;(2)以管理才能測驗及360度回饋為基礎之「個人—工作契合」對學習反應(受訓滿意、受訓壓力)及學習成效(受訓表現、學科測驗、實務驗收、部隊見習、總成績)的預測效果。 本研究樣本為接受短期軍官養成教育之義務役預官,共358人進行管理才能測驗評量,其中實習幹部41人接受360度回饋之評量。研究結果顯示:(1)管理才能測驗能預測受訓滿意、受訓壓力、受訓表現及實務驗收等效標,而360度回饋能預測受訓表現、學科測驗、實務驗收、部隊見習、總成績等效標;(2)控制管理才能測驗的效果後,360度回饋對於學科測驗、實務驗收、部隊見習、總成績等學習成效效標具有遞增預測效度(△R2=.14~.23);(3)管理才能測驗之差距契合|D|測驗對受訓滿意、受訓壓力、受訓表現、實務驗收及總成績等具有預測力,而相關契合Q測驗對受訓表現、部隊見習等具有預測力。然而,無論是差距契合|D|測驗或相關契合Q測驗,均未能比管理才能測驗具有更高的預測力;(4)360度回饋之差距契合|D|360對受訓表現、學科測驗、實務驗收、部隊見習及總成績等具有預測力,而相關契合Q360則對任何效標均不具預測力,且不論是差距契合|D|360或相關契合Q360,均未能比為360度回饋具有更高的預測力;(5)差距契合|D|測驗對受訓滿意、受訓表現等效標的預測力高於相關契合Q測驗;差距契合|D|360對總成績的預測力高於相關契合Q360。 最後,研究者並進一步提出本研究之限制、後續研究方向,以及實務應用之建議,以提供軍事及企業組織加以參考運用。

圖像輔助呈現時機對台灣國中生聽力之影響 / The Effects of Pictures at Different Time Periods on the Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students in Taiwan

吳嘉容, Wu, Jia-rong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討圖像輔助呈現時機對台灣國中生聽力的影響,而圖像輔助呈現時機則分為在聽力活動前與在聽力活動進行中。同時為了深入探究其效益,本研究更著重於其對高、中、低三個不同能力組別學生的影響。除此之外,並對於二份學生問卷的回答加以探討: (1)問卷一有關學生們先前學習英語的背景資料。 (2)問卷一有關學生們在聽力過程中主要遭遇的問題,涵蓋聽力內容、聽者本身與外在因素等。 (3)問卷二有關學生們對圖像式聽力測驗的反應與他們對實施聽力測驗時,圖片展示時間的看法。 本研究以台中縣光正國中一個國三班級42位同學為對象,經過英語聽力能力測驗後,他們被分為高中低三組。實驗前,學生們先填寫第一份問卷。隨後,三組學生一起接受兩種實驗: (1)邊聽邊看圖片; (2)先展示圖片再聽。在完成所有實驗後,隨即填寫第二份問卷。本研究主要結果如下: (1)大多數的受試者已學習英語3年以上,卻對自己的聽力缺乏信心。此現象乃肇因於學生們有限的練習時間。也因此,他們大多不贊成將來升高中大考有聽力測驗的項目。另外,眾多的學生表達了希望獲得老師在聽力方面指導的強烈需求。 (2)聽力能力愈差的學生,遇到更多的聽力問題,尤其在聽力內容與聽者本身方面問題為最。 (3)以整體學生的聽力表現而言,聽前呈現圖片對學生的幫助比邊聽邊呈現圖片的效果來的顯著。 (4)以各個組別學生的聽力表現而言,聽前呈現圖片最能彌補中低程度學生聽力的不足。 (5)超過半數以上的學生表達較喜愛圖像式的英語聽力測驗,尤其是圖像呈現在正式的聽力活動之前為最。 根據研究的結果,聽前呈現圖像輔助對不同程度的學生均有助益,尤其對中低程度者聽力理解的幫助更為顯著。因此,本論文呼籲,國中英語老師可在實施英語聽力測驗時,多善用圖像輔助以引發學生的學習動機並藉由聽前呈現圖片技巧來提昇學生們的英語聽力理解。 / The purpose of the present study is to explore the effects of pictures as cues supplied at different time periods, the picture before listening comprehension test (BLCT) and during listening comprehension test (DLCT). More specific, it is focused on the comparisons of the effects of BLCT and DLCT on the high, middle and low proficiency groups. Also probed are students’responses to two questionnaires on the following issues. (1) The subjects’ previous English learning background as shown in Questionnaire One; (2) The main listening problems the subjects encounter in the process of listening, including the oral text, the listener and external aspects; (3) The subjects reactions to the listening comprehension with the picture format and their preference for the timing of picture-giving. The subjects of this study are 42 students of nine-grade junior high school students in Kuang-cheng Junior High School in Taichung County. They are divided into three proficiency groups—the high proficiency group (HPG), the intermediate proficiency group (MPG) and the low proficiency group (LPG) according to the scores of the listening comprehension test in the subjects’ second mid-term examination. At the beginning of the overall experiment, they are demanded to finish Questionnaire One. After that, they are assigned to take two listening comprehension tests: a listening comprehension test with a picture before listening and during listening. After receiving the two treatments, the subjects are asked to complete Questionnaire Two to reveal their attitudes toward the listening comprehension tests with visual cues. The major findings of the present study are summarized as follows: (1) Although most of the subjects have learned English for more than three years, they do not establish much confidence in their own listening ability due to the limited time of practice in listening. Many of them do not support the idea of incorporating the listening comprehension test into the future high school entrance exam. However, they express their eagerness for obtaining the teacher’s guidance in listening. (2) The worse the listeners achieve, the more listening difficulties they would come across, especially in the oral text and the listener himself/herself. (3) BLCT is more effective than DLCT. This can be proved by the mean scores and standard deviation of BLCT and DLCT respectively. (4) As the three different proficiency groups are taken into consideration, BLCT lends itself to the low proficiency groups (LPG) and the intermediate proficiency groups (MPG). (5) Most of the subjects prefer the listening comprehension test with the picture format, particularly the visual cue before the listening activity. Based on the results of the study, the picture before listening benefits all of the three proficiency groups, especially the lower achievers. The researcher suggests that English teachers in junior high school try to make good use of visual cues in constructing listening comprehension tests to arouse students’ motivation and thus improve students’ listening comprehension.

以克漏字測驗為本探討EFL學生閱讀策略與語言能力之相關性 / On cloze tests: probing reading strategies and language proficiency of EFL students

郭鴻淇, Kuo, Frank Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高職生於作答理性選擇型克漏字測驗(mu1tiple-choice rational cloze)時,所運用閱讀策略程度與其作答表現之關係,以及藉由改善閱讀策略知識與運用而提昇其克漏字測驗作答表現之可行性。 克漏字測驗發展半世紀以來,對於是否能做為閱讀理解的適當測驗工具以及改善閱讀理解的教學技巧,國內外文獻迭有正反兩方論辯,贊成者稱克漏字可測出句間文意整體理解(intersentential sensitivity),反對者謂只能測出句內的局部句法理解(syntactic informaton)。 近年來認知策略(cognitive strategies)與後設認知策略(metacognitive strategieS)成為閱讀相關研究重要課題,閱讀策略改善訓練(Strategic reading intevention)被認為可提升學生之閱讀理解,本研究著眼於觀察高職生接受閱讀策略改善訓練後,可否藉由克漏字表現提昇彰顯其閱讀理解之提昇,亦進而驗證理性選擇型克漏字測驗可以做為閱讀理解的適當工具。 本研究採用學者巴克曼(L.F.Bachman)論點,將克漏字題型由四類分為局部理解試題(local items)及整體理解試題(global items)兩大類型,認為克漏字測驗可做為閱讀理解的適當測驗工具,並假設可以經由改善受測者後設認知閱讀策略的知識與技巧,提昇其克漏字測驗作答表現。並且運用推論策略(Drawing Inferences)以及戴維(B.Davey)所提出之「五步驟教師出聲思考模仿法」(Five-step Teacher's Think-aloud Modeling)訓練高職生綜合運用認知策略及後設認知閱讀策略的能力,並且加強其利用文章凝結結構的推論策略(Inferencing),以加強其採用由上而下(Top-down Model)的閱讀模式,建立較佳之整體文意理解。 受試者為中壢高級商業職業學校高三學生,測驗工具取自大學聯考(民國八十二至九十年)以及大學推甄學科能力測驗(民國八十三至九十年)英文科試題之克漏字測驗及閱讀測驗,混合編製而成,並根據局部理解(local items)及整體理解(global items)將試題分類,實驗組於前測後施以兩個月之閱讀策略訓練,提昇其綜合運用認知與後設認知閱讀策略的知識及能力,期滿實施後測,觀察其在克漏字及閱讀測驗作答之表現是否提昇。並且於後測隨機抽樣學生實施口頭訪談,以了解其閱讀行為是否產生改變。 經由閱讀策略問卷調查及前後測實施結果分析,發現受試者運用在克漏字測驗作答的閱讀策略偏向局部理解策略,而改善閱讀策略知識與運用技巧可提升其克漏字測驗之作答表現。實驗組與控制組前測作答表現之平均數差異檢定未達顯著差異(t=.048,p=.962),後測作答表現平均數則達到顯著差異(t=5.791,p=.000),且實驗組低分群、中分群、高分群學生之前後測成績皆有顯著進步。 其次,本研究發現高職生之克漏字測驗與閱讀測驗作答表現呈現正相關。 本研究結論發現:若經過適當設計,克漏字測驗可以做為適當的閱讀理解測驗工具,也可以做為提昇閱讀理解的教學技巧,改善高職學生後設認知閱讀策略的知識及運用技巧。 / The purpose of this study is to probe the correlation between the vocational high school students' strategy use and their performance of Multiple-choice rational doze test, and the feasibility of improving their doze performance through a strategic reading training program. The Cloze test, taking on various forms, has caused intense debates in the past decades on whether it can serve as a proper measurement tool of reading comprehension and a teaching skill of improving reading comprehension. Some scholars agree that doze tests can tap intersentential sensitivity------global comprehension of the text, while others contend that it can only measure intrasentential sensitivity------local comprehension such as vocabulary and syntactic information. This study adopts Bachman's argument that doze tests can tap readingcomprehension and brings out the hypothesis that students can improve their cloze test performance through the strategic reading training. A training program is run on vocational high school subjects using the strategy drawing inferences and Davey's Teacher's Think-alouds Modeling approach. The Experiment group receives the strategic reading training that lasts two months after the pre-test. After the program ends, the post-test is taken to examine the performance differences. An oral interview is done to nine subjects randomly selected from the Experiment group to observe to what extent the subjects have changed their reading behavior. The results show that the subjects depend heavily on lower-level reading strategies in taking cloze tests, and the strategic training program can help enhance the Experiment group's reading comprehension and in turn improve their doze performance. In addition, the results confirm that the doze performance correlates positively with the reading comprehension performance. The major findings are that doze tests can serve as a proper measurement tool of reading comprehension and as a teaching skill of improving reading comprehension and that strategic reading training helps improve vocational high school students' cloze performance.

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