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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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線上題庫與適性測驗證合系統之發展研究 / A reserach in the development of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system

陳新豐 Unknown Date (has links)
論文名稱:線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統之發展研究 頁數:337 校所系別:國立政治大學教育學系 畢業時間及摘要別:九十學年度第二學期博士論文摘要 指導教授:林邦傑博士、余民寧博士 研究生:陳新豐 論文摘要內容 本研究係結合工具研發、理論驗證與效能評估的研究,旨在開發一個建構在全球資訊網的「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」,以提供教師在網際網路環境下的輔助教學評量系統,除了可動態新增題庫之外,並能針對學生提供童身訂做的適性測驗。因此,研究的兩個核心主軸為「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」之開發與「線上題庫建置」的理論驗證。 依循這兩個核心主軸,本研究的研究目的有三:(一)開發線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統。(二)驗證建置題庫的相關理論。(三)評估整合系統運作效能與使用者滿意程度。 為達成這三個研究目的,研究者採用結構分析中,Sehlly、Cashmen和Rosenblatt (2001)所提出的「系統開發生命週期」,將「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」開發過程分為「系統規劃」、「系統分析」、「系統設計」、「系統建置」、「系統運行與支援」等五個階段逐步開發。 研究樣本方面,第一次預試選用台南市崇明國中三年級學生115人,第二次預試選用台南市建興國中三年級學生191人,正式施測樣本則是台灣地區北、中、南、東、離島等共計九校2567位國中三年級學生為研究對象。此外,在需求調查報告部分,共調查十五位專家對開發系統的意見。 就研究工具來說,本研究主要研究工具為「線上題庫與適性測驗之整合系統」,另外,「功能需求調查問卷」、「硬體設備」、「軟體工具」、「系統評估量表」也是本研究的研究工具。 就資料處理來說,本研究運用ITEMAN、BILOG、MatLab和SPSS套裝軟體進行資料處理,所採用的統計方法包含古典測驗理論與試題反應理論等理論來分析,計有試題分析、IRT三參數估計、因素結構分析等。 研究結果部分,本研究得到如下結論:(一)線上題庫與通性測驗兩個系統可整合為一。(二)線上題庫與遍性測驗之整合系統具有多項功能。(三)結構化分析中之系統開發生命週期是開發整合系統的理想方法。(四)題庫等化轉換常數方法以Mean/Mean和Haebara等方法較佳。(五)線上測驗與紙筆測驗的試題訊息量相近,但難度偏高。(六)線上測驗連結效益良好。(七)本整合系統運作效能良好。(八)使用者對整合系統之功能感到滿意。根據研究結論,本研究針對工具研發、題庫建置、效能評估等提出具體建議。 關鍵字:試題反應理論、題庫、等化、電腦化適性測驗、系統開發生命週期 / A Reserach In The Development of An Integrated On-Line Item Bank and Computerized Adaptive Testing System Abstract This research is to develop an integrated internet system of on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing (the "System"), which is comprised of the teaching tool development, theory verification, and efficiency evaluation. Except for the addition of new item bank dynamically, the System, an auxiliary teaching evaluation system for teachers, can also provide customarily made adaptive testing for students. Therefore, to develop an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system and to verify the theory of on-line item bank development constitute the two core spindles of this research. Following the aforementioned research spindles, the main purposes of this research are going to: (A). Develop an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system. (B). Verify the related theories concerning the development of on-line item bank. (C). Evaluate the operating efficiency of such System and the degree of users' satisfaction. The "systems development life cycle" (Sehily, Cashmen Rosenblatt, 2001), a structured analysis method, is adopted to conduct the research. The development process of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system is divided into 5 separate and successive stages, starting from system planning, system analysis, system design, system development, to system operation and support. In terms of research sampling, the selected samples in the first preliminary testing are 115 ninth-grade students of Chiung-Ming High School in Tainan City, Taiwan. The selected samples in the second preliminary testing are 191 ninth-grade students of Cheng-Sing High School in Tainan City, Taiwan. The third and official sampling is 2,567 ninth-grade students who were selected from a total of 9 high schools ranging from Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern Taiwan, and islands adjacent to Taiwan. Furthermore, in the demand side, an investigation has been conducted to consult with 15 teaching experts for their professional opinions in regard to such System development. As far as research tools are concerned, except for the main research tool - the integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system, other research tools employed consist of functional demand questionnaires, hardware equipments, software tools, and scales for system evaluation. In the aspect of data processing, ITEMAN, BILOQ MatLab, and SPSSapplication softwares are used to perform the data processing. The statistical method,like classical true score theory and item response theory and etc., is applied to conduct the following analyses: item analysis, IRT three-parameter estimate, structured analysis of elements, and etc. The results of this research lead to the following conclusion: 1. The on-line item bank: system and the adaptive testing system, the two separate systems, can be integrated into one system. 2. The integrated on-line item bank and adaptive testing system can play multiple functions. 3. "Systems development life cycle" in the structured analysis is an ideal manner to develop an integrated system. 4. "Mean/Mean", "Haebara" and, etc. are the better methods to perform the item bank equating and constant conversion. 5. For users, the information volume provided by on-line testing and traditional written testing are quite similar, but the degree of difficulty of on-line testing is higher than that of traditional written testing. 6. The linking effect of on-line testing is fair. 7. The operating efficiency of the integrated system is fair. 8. Users are satisfied with the functions of the integrated system. Based on research conclusions drawn thereon, suggestions for tool development, item bank development, and efficiency evaluation are also provided. Keywords: item response theory, item bank, equating, computerized adaptive testing,systems development life cycle

四技二專英文科測驗之演變與高職英文課程綱要之互動 / A Study on the Development of the English Tests of the Technological and Vocational Education Joint College Entrance Examination (TVEE) and its Interaction with the Guidelines of the Vocational High School English Program (VHSEP)

劉妃欽, Liu, Fei Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討四技二專英文科測驗與高職英文課程綱要之互動,分別從以下三方面來探討: 一、四技二專英文試題的發展歷程。二、高職英文課程綱要在不同階段的特色。三、四技二專英文科試題與高職英文課程綱要之互動。 本研究採試題定性分析法,以分析81年至97年四技二專英文科試題及76、87、95年教育部所頒布之高職英文課程綱要,同時參考相關之測驗、教學研究論文,探討四技二專英文科測驗與高職英文課程綱要之互動。主要發現如下: 第一, 81-87年四技二專英文科測驗的重點在於僅測驗學生單項的語言知識,且偏重學生的記憶力而非綜合分析的能力,題幹也較少提供足夠的情境及線索供受試者參考。測驗的重點與課程綱要在某方面有相呼應之處,例如著重文法及單項的語言知識;閱讀測驗的取材雖多樣化,設計卻有不當之處;另外, 課程綱要雖重視聽說讀寫技巧, 但測驗僅能測出讀的能力。 第二,88-89 年試題轉變為漸漸著重整合式試題及語言的使用,例如,發音及拼字不再出現,且因課程綱要鼓勵老師使用溝通式教學法,所以測驗的特質亦略具溝通式語文學習,取材的內容著重與生活相關。當時的課程綱要亦有此特色。然聽、說、寫能力並沒有被測驗出來,題幹所提供的線索不足,文法測驗停留於單句的測驗,都是與課程綱要不符合之處。 第三,90-97年為試題產生最大變革的階段,90年教育部成立技專校院入學測驗中心,負責命題、建立題庫、分析試題、開發新題型等工作。因此90年度之後考試題型固定,溝通式語文教學及測驗目標確定,多為整合式題型,題幹有足夠的線索及情境,整體理解重於局部理解。例如:文法測驗併入克漏字測驗, 閱讀測驗需應用閱讀策略。此時的課程綱要著重後設認知理論,要學生培養有效的學習策略,測驗有反應此特色。但聽、說、寫能力並沒有被測驗出來,這違反課程綱要的目標。 此研究結果對於四技二專英文科測驗及高職英文教學有相當的啟示,是值得投注更多關注與研究的領域。

以語意分析及Bloom理論為基礎之線上測驗輔助及智慧型評分系統 / A Study on Computer Aided Testing and Intelligent Scoring: Based on Semantic Analysis and Bloom's Taxonomy

應鳴雄, Ying, Ming-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子化學習(E-Learning)環境技術的普及,線上學習與線上測驗已成為資訊教育的重要議題。但是因為填充題及問答題等測驗類型在線上測驗系統上實施有許多問題需克服,當線上測驗系統提供填充題及問答題等題型測驗時,將會產生嚴重的測驗評分等化(Equation)問題。目前線上測驗系統大多仍以是非題、單選題及複選題等題型為主,雖有少數線上測驗系統提供填充題及其他開放式填答的測驗類型,但仍未針對受測者填答之答案進行的語意自動評分。 / 另外,現有線上測驗系統未提供教師設定個人化的評分風格,對於多位教師共用測驗系統平台時所產生的評分規則認知衝突,系統也未提供支援與解決,為了解決上述問題,並使線上測驗能具備與傳統測驗相同的評量效力,本研究使用模糊理論、相似語意詞庫及人工智慧概念等,發展一個線上測驗及智慧評分子系統,此系統除了包括一般測驗系統所提供的是非、單選、複選等題型外,也包含採用智慧評分機制來評分的填充題,完成雛形系統的建置後,本研究再針對傳統紙筆測驗、一般型評分機制、及本研究的智慧型評分機制進行評分效力比較的實證研究。 / 此部分的實證研究結果顯示,在包含填充題型的測驗中,不同的評分機制在測驗成績的評分結果上會有顯著差異,而智慧型評分機制運作初期雖然可以減少與紙筆評分間的差異,並改善一般型評分機制的評分效力,但仍無法在統計上獲得具有相同評分效力的結果。但是智慧評分機制在擴充詞彙語意後,「已擴充語意後的智慧評分機制」與「紙筆評分」的評分結果並無顯著差異,其顯示出若在包括填充題型的線上測驗系統中加入具有擴充詞彙語意關係知識的功能,並提供多功能的智慧型模糊評分機制,允許教師輸入代表個人評分風格習慣的評分規則參數,則線上評分系統將有可能具有與紙筆評分相同的評分效力來處理具有填充題題型的測驗工作。 / 然而線上測驗並不只是在測驗後給予受測者一個分數而已,而應該讓學習者了解自己在知識向度及認知向度的學習結果,因此測驗系統的試題若能包含Bloom教育目標分類資訊,將促使測驗活動能給予學習者更大的幫助。為了降低教師製作試題的負擔,本研究也以本體論、詞彙網路、Bloom分類理論、中文語意庫、人工智慧為基礎,提出一個輔助教師產製題庫的系統架構,並使電腦所產製的試題能涵蓋新版Bloom認知領域教育目標分類中的知識向度及認知向度概念。本研究在電腦輔助教師產製題庫的成果上,不僅能減少教師人工出題的負擔,系統產製的試題也能評量事實、概念及程序等三種知識及記憶、了解、應用、分析及評鑑等五種認知向度能力。受限於線上測驗系統能自動評分的四種題型,本研究尚無法產製屬於創造認知層次的試題,但是卻已能產製出包含基本知識概念的試題,並能提供具有Bloom概念的測驗題庫來評量學習成效。此外,本研究亦針對電子化學習環境,提出適用於線上測驗系統的試題品質及評分等化能力評估概念模式,強調Bloom理論在線上測驗系統環境中的使用範圍與限制。此模式也透過測驗等化觀念,針對教育領域測驗理論在評估試題品質概念上提出新的觀點。 / Since the rapid E-learning development, the online learning and testing have been important topics of information education. Currently teachers still need to spend much time on creating and maintaining on-line testing item banks. Some researches have applied the new Bloom's taxonomy to design meaningful learning assessments. This research has applied ontology, Bloom's taxonomy, Chinese semantic database, artificial intelligence, semantic web, to design an on-line course learning system to assist teachers in creating test items. / Most of present on-line testing only has multiple choice items and true-false items. Though some provide fill-in-blank items, they can only recognize the answers either all right or all wrong through the simple computer binary pattern matching. In order to have the same evaluation effects as the traditional paper-and-pencil testing, this research will adopt the concepts of fuzzy theory, thesaurus, set, and artificial intelligence to develop the fuzzy scoring mechanism. The proposed on-line testing system will have true-false, multiple-choice, and fil-in-blank items. The latter will be graded through fuzzy judgment that is naturally endowed by the human teachers. / In addition, the past research indicated that e-learning students would learn more if provided appropriate feedback messages. In this research will add feedback messages to the proposed system according to different situations. The proposed on-line testing system will not only grade the test items, but also explain the answers and provide related materials to the testers. / The result of study are: (1) we could design the test items that would need a particular cognitive process to a particular type of knowledge, though we still could not have items to test “creative” level of cognitive process; (2) the test items could be used to assess the learning level meaningfully; (3) the computer would assist teachers to create a large number items, and save time of making item; (4) that different scoring mechanisms have a significant effect on test scores; (5) at the beginning, though our fuzzy on-line testing system is significantly better than the usual on-line testing system, it could not achieve the same effect as the paper-and-pencil testing; (6) after expanding semantic vocabularies from feedbacks, our fuzzy scoring mechanism is equivalent to paper-and-pencil.

廣義估計方程式在題組式測驗的應用 / Generalized estimation equation in Testlet-based educational testing

李介中, Lee, Chieh Chung Unknown Date (has links)
在測驗含有題組(testlet)結構時,由於違反了試題反應理論(Item Response Theory, IRT)中局部獨立性的假設,使得IRT的估計方法產生偏誤,過去研究的解決方式為在IRT模型中多加入一個參數,將題組的影響力納入模型中,此即為題組反應理論(Testlet Response Theory, TRT),在貝氏(Bayesian)的架構下,此方法的計算則可透過SCORIGHT軟體來達成。本研究旨在透過另一種方法,即廣義方程式(Generalized Estimation Equation, GEE)去處理測驗中的題組效果。GEE過去常被使用於分析縱貫式(longitudinal)的資料,本研究使用此方法來捕捉題組測驗下作答結果的相關性,並經重新參數化調整係數後使其能對受試者能力值進行估計。 電腦模擬的結果顯示GEE能有效的處理題組效果帶來的影響。在GEE和貝氏題組模型的比較上,GEE對於程度好和程度差的受試者有較佳的估計效果;而貝氏題組模型則對於程度中等的受試者表現較好,此外我們也針對GEE的估計效率進行了實驗,結果顯示先將受試者依能力分組再進行GEE估計能提升GEE的估計效率。 在文章中,我們也展示了使用GEE計算題組訊息量的方式,做為題組式測驗下評估該測驗對於各能力區間的受試者在估計準確度上的參考。 / If the tests have testlet structure, the bias may arise when using traditional Item Response Theory(IRT) estimation methods due to the violations to the assumption of local independence. To deal with the testlet effect, previous studies introduced a new parameter to the classical IRT model which called Testlet Response Theory(TRT). Under the Bayesian framework, the estimation can be accomplished on the SCORIGHT program. The purpose of this paper is to use another method named Generalized Estimation Equation(GEE) to model testlet response data. GEE was commonly used to analyze the longitudinal data. We use this method to capture the information from the correlated items and estimated ability of the examinees through re-parametrization. Simulation results indicate that GEE can deal with the testlet effect effectively. On the comparison between GEE and Bayesian testlet model, GEE does better on estimation of the examinees who have high or low ability level. In contrast, Bayesian testlet model does better on estimation of medium ability level. In addition, we design the experiment to test the efficiency of GEE. The results show that group the examinees according to their ability before doing the GEE estimation can improve the efficiency of GEE. In this paper, we also demonstrate the method to calculate testlet information using GEE which can be taken as reference for assessing estimation accuracy of each ability level in testlet-based testing.


吳清山, WU, GING-SHAN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學導師專業教育背景、管教態度對學生生活適應之影響。因此 ,所探討的問題計有:(一)導師性別對學生生活適應是否有影響?(二)導師專業 教育背景對學生生活適應是否有影響?(三)導師管教態度對學生生活適應是否有影 響?(四)導師性別與專業教育背景對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響?(五)導 師性別與管教態度對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響?(六)導師專業教育背景與 管教態度對學生生活適應是否有交互作用影響? 本研究採用問卷調查法 研究對象取自台北市九所國民中學四十八個班級,學生二、 ○九四人(男生一、○四四人,女生一、○五○人)。研究工具為自編「導師管教態 度問卷」及路君約教授修訂之「少年人格測驗」。統計方法採用項目分析,t 考驗及 變異數分析等方法。 全文共一冊,約八萬字,分為六章二十五節,第一章緒論,說明研究動機與目的,研 究問題與假設,及重要名詞詮釋;第二章文獻探討,分別探討生活適應的意義、歷程 及衡量,教師性別對學生生活適應的影響,教師專業教育背景對學生生活適應的影響 ,及教師管教態度對學生生活適應的影響;第三章研究方法,說明研究對象、研究工 具、調查步驟、及資料處理;第四章研究結果;第五章結果討論;第六章結論與建議 ,根據結論提出建議供師資訓練機構、學校教師及未來研究者之參考。


卓傳陣, Zhuo, Zhuan-Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
第一章說明本研究之目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法並扼要說明論文各章節彙要。 第二章財務報表分析與財務比率:(一)財務報表分析之意義及功能:報表分析乃是 將所應用之分析工具資訊。其功能可就內部與外部分論之。(二)說明報表分析種類 與常見之分析工具(三)分析工具之一──財務比率之發展歷史之介紹(四)探討財 務比率分析之特性。 第三章財務比率之類型:就財務比率分析之目的,將其分為四類型:(一)安全性評 估之比率(二)衡量獲利能力之比率(三)測驗財務槓桿之比率(四)衡量經營成效 之比率。並各就其常見且具重要性之比率分別探討其意義。 第四章財務比率之應用:先就如何有效應用財務比率,探討分析的原則與可能的問題 ,並就比率之實際應用,分管理階層、投資者、債權人等說明之。 第五章財務比率與預測功能:(一)說明財務比率曾應用於企業預測之種類並將重點 置於企業破產預測之功能上(二)探討破產企業其財比率可能具有之特性(三)相關 學者之實證研究介紹與討論。第六章結論與建議。


周柏雯, Chou,Po-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國中英語教師對九年一貫課程之態度與實踐,以期了解基層英語教師如何看待九年一貫課程改革以及他們如何在教室中實施這套新課程。同時,本研究希望藉由國中英語教師對九年一貫課程之態度與實踐,再一次檢視九年一貫課程改革的現況。 本研究採取質的研究方法,以台北市2名公立國中英文教師為研究對象。研究過程採取觀察、訪談、文件分析等方式為主要資料蒐集來源。資料的涵蓋面向包含:(1) 教師對九年一貫課程之態度;(2) 教師對九年一貫英語課程之態度;(3) 教師對英語教科書之態度;(4) 考試及測驗對教師之影響;(5) 教師的教學技巧與能力;(6) 教師的專業發展。經由這些資料,本研究討論了三個與九年一貫相關的議題:(1) 教師的教學自主權;(2) 教師的專業發展;(3) 教科書的開放政策。 本研究並根據以上三個議題的討論結果,進一步提供相關建議,以作為教育行政單位、學校單位、國民中學英文領域教師及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to present the results of junior high school EFL teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 Curriculum and their classroom practice. This study aims to reveal how junior high school EFL teachers view Grade 1-9 Curriculum and how they implement this new curriculum in their classrooms.This study also offers another chance to take a look at the current situation of the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. This study adopts a qualitative research method and selects two participant teachers in a well established junior high school to serve as cases which work for in-depth understanding of teachers’ attitudes and their classroom practice. In this case study, data-gathering methods include interview, observation, and document analysis. The collecting information is presented in six dimensions: (1) teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 Curriculum, (2) teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 English Curriculum, (3) teachers’ attitudes toward English textbooks, (4) the influence of examinations and tests on teaching, (5) teaching skills and abilities, and (6) teacher professional development. Based on the above information, this study discusses three concerns related to Grade 1-9 Curriculum: (1) teacher autonomy, (2) professionalism, and (3) the policy of liberation of textbooks. Finally, some pedagogical implications and suggestions stemmed from the previous discussions are proposed to serve as a reference for the central authority, school administrators, junior high school EFL teachers, and future research on Grade 1-9 Curriculum.


林素美, Lin, Su-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查九年一貫課程實施後,台北縣市國中英語教科書的使用現況及國中英語教師對這些教材的意見。   本研究主要探討的為:(1)國中英語教師選用新版教科書時所強調的標準,(2)各校英語教科書的評選委員與評選程序,(3)國中英語教師對新版英語教科書的滿意度與意見,包括學生習作與教師手冊,(4)更換教科書的原因與結果。   研究對象為五十七所國中的兩百五十三位英語教師。根據問卷調查,目前台北縣市的國中英語教科書有六個版本。   根據資料分析,得到以下主要的發現: 1. 在選教材時,英語教師所秉持的標準依序為合乎課程標準,教材內容,主題多元性,字彙數量,活動設計,插圖,版面,教師手冊,出版商的售後服務、聲望,教科書的第一印象,出版商為教師舉辦的研習,作者的學識等。 2. 各校的評選委員主要由英文老師組成,大多數學校評選教科書的程序為瀏覽各版本教科書,邀請出版商舉辦說明會,及舉行評選會議 。 3. 根據本研究所收集的資料顯示,大多數教師普遍上皆滿意九年一貫課程的新版教科書,但約有一半的教師認為內容太多、太難是他們所遭遇到的最大問題。 4. 根據所收集的資料顯示,有五所學校在第二學期更改教科書。教師們對第一學期所用的教科書不滿意的主要原因為教材內容非常難,內容組織不佳,及課與課之間缺乏連貫性。在更換新教科書後,大部分教師發覺之前教材所衍生的問題都解決了。因此大多數教師在更改教科書後覺得較滿意。 / This study aims to survey English textbook selection of junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County after the implementation of the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum and explore English teachers' opinions of these textbooks. This study focuses on the following issues: (1) the criteria highlighted by English teachers when evaluating the new textbooks, (2) the committees and the procedure of English textbook selection in each school, (3) the junior high school English teachers' satisfaction with and opinions about the contents of the new teaching materials, including students’ workbooks and teachers' manuals, (4)the reasons for teachers’ changing textbooks and its consequences. The recruited subjects are 253 junior high school English teachers from 57 schools. According to the questionnaires, there are 6 versions of textbooks used in junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County. After data analysis, the main findings are obtained as follows: 1.The criteria highlighted by English teachers when selecting the new textbooks are the correspondence to the curriculum standards, the contents, and a variety of themes. Considered important in sequence to the teachers who responded are the amount of vocabulary, the design of activities, the illustrations, the layout, the content of the teacher’s manual, and the level of service offered by the publisher, the publisher’s reputation, the first impression of the textbook, workshops provided for teachers by a publisher and the expertise of authors. 2.The selection committee in each school is mainly composed of the English teachers and the selection of English textbooks in most schools are done in the procedure of reviewing textbooks, inviting publishers to present their textbooks, and holding selection meetings. 3.According to the questionnaires collected in this study, most teachers were generally satisfied with the new textbooks developed for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum. The most obvious problem with these new textbooks, according to the questionnaires, is that about half of the English teachers' dissatisfication with too much and too difficult content in the material. 4.Based on the questionnaires, five of the schools change textbooks in the second semester. The main reasons for the dissatisfaction with the first semester textbooks are that the textbooks are overly difficult, poorly organized, and lacking in continuity between lessons. After changing to new textbooks, most teachers find that the problems are solved. Therefore, most teachers are more satisfied after changing the textbooks.

自變數有測量誤差的羅吉斯迴歸模型之序貫設計探討及其在教育測驗上的應用 / Sequential Designs with Measurement Errors in Logistic Models with Applications to Educational Testing

盧宏益, Lu, Hung-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討當自變數存在測量誤差時,羅吉斯迴歸模型的估計問題,並將此結果應用在電腦化適性測驗中的線上校準問題。在變動長度電腦化測驗的假設下,我們證明了估計量的強收斂性。試題反應理論被廣泛地使用在電腦化適性測驗上,其假設受試者在試題的表現情形與本身的能力,可以透過試題特徵曲線加以詮釋,羅吉斯迴歸模式是最常見的試題反應模式。藉由適性測驗的施行,考題的選取可以依據不同受試者,選擇最適合的題目。因此,相較於傳統測驗而言,在適性測驗中,題目的消耗量更為快速。在題庫的維護與管理上,新試題的補充與試題校準便為非常重要的工作。線上試題校準意指在線上測驗進行中,同時進行試題校準。因此,受試者的能力估計會存在測量誤差。從統計的觀點,線上校準面臨的困難,可以解釋為在非線性模型下,當自變數有測量誤差時的實驗設計問題。我們利用序貫設計降低測量誤差,得到更精確的估計,相較於傳統的試題校準,可以節省更多的時間及成本。我們利用處理測量誤差的技巧,進一步應用序貫設計的方法,處理在線上校準中,受試者能力存在測量誤差的問題。 / In this dissertation, we focus on the estimate in logistic regression models when the independent variables are subject to some measurement errors. The problem of this dissertation is motivated by online calibration in Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT). We apply the measurement error model techniques and adaptive sequential design methodology to the online calibration problem of CAT. We prove that the estimates of item parameters are strongly consistent under the variable length CAT setup. In an adaptive testing scheme, examinees are presented with different sets of items chosen from a pre-calibrated item pool. Thus the speed of attrition in items will be very fast, and replenishing of item pool is essential for CAT. The online calibration scheme in CAT refers to estimating the item parameters of new, un-calibrated items by presenting them to examinees during the course of their ability testing together with previously calibrated items. Therefore, the estimated latent trait levels of examinees are used as the design points for estimating the parameter of the new items, and naturally these designs, the estimated latent trait levels, are subject to some estimating errors. Thus the problem of the online calibration under CAT setup can be formulated as a sequential estimation problem with measurement errors in the independent variables, which are also chosen sequentially. Item Response Theory (IRT) is the most commonly used psychometric model in CAT, and the logistic type models are the most popular models used in IRT based tests. That's why the nonlinear design problem and the nonlinear measurement error models are involved. Sequential design procedures proposed here can provide more accurate estimates of parameters, and are more efficient in terms of sample size (number of examinees used in calibration). In traditional calibration process in paper-and-pencil tests, we usually have to pay for the examinees joining the pre-test calibration process. In online calibration, there will be less cost, since we are able to assign new items to the examinees during the operational test. Therefore, the proposed procedures will be cost-effective as well as time-effective.

殺人犯的Rorschach測驗表現--從客體關係理論來探討 / The Rorschach Patterns of Homicides: Object Relations Perspective

張文耀, Chang Wen Yao Unknown Date (has links)
殺人犯罪是所有犯罪類型中嚴重性被評為最高的罪行,也最令社會大眾與媒體關切.國內對殺人犯罪的研究仍少,而且主要是以問卷的形式進行.為了對此一現象做另一種方式的初步探討,研究者以台中監獄中刑期十年以上與無期徒刑的殺人犯為對象,研究中以「失抑量表」、「社會化量表」與「社會病態量表」來瞭解殺人犯的心理病態(psychopathy)的程度,並根據其在「失抑量表」得分的高低而分為組一與組二兩組.Rorschach墨漬測驗則用來探討他們的客體關係(object relations)能力的差異,同時也呈現出兩組在Exner系統中描述性變項上的統計結果.研究者除了採用Blatt等人的量表來對受刑人的Rorschach protocol進行計分外,並根據客體關係理論,結合Blatt與Urist的量表而發展出一套新的客體關係量表. 研究結果支持殺人犯可以依其心理病態的程度做進一步的區分,而且不同的心理病態程度可以對應到不同的客體關係能力.最後,研究中分析了新量表的有效性. 第一章 緒論-第1頁 第一節 研究背景-第1頁 第二節 反社會行為的異質性-第3頁 第三節 心理病態的生理、心理與行為特徵-第11頁 第二章 本研究的相關理論、研究與研究目的-第21頁 第一節 Kernberg的客體關係理論-第21頁 第二節 Rorschach測驗的本質-第28頁 第三節 Human Contents與客體關係-第32頁 第四節 M反應與客體關係-第33頁 第五節 客體關係理論的研究取向與批評-第38頁 第六節 研究工具的編製與研究目的-第48頁 第三章 研究方法-第56頁 第一節 受試、工具與程序-第56頁 第二節 資料分析-第60頁 第四章 結果-第66頁 第五章 討論-第80頁 附註-第83頁 參考文獻-第85頁 Notes-第97頁 附錄一 相互自主性量表-第98頁 附錄二 Rorschach互動量表-第100頁 附錄三 客體概念的發展分析-第101頁 附錄四 失抑量表、社會化量表與社會病態量表-第112頁 附錄五 信度計分表一-第115頁 附錄六 信度計分表二-第116頁 附錄七 信度計分表三-第117頁 / The seriousness of criminal homicide is evaluated as the highest among all crimes, and receives the most concern from the public and mass media. There is still few researches on criminal homicide in Taiwan, and the major study tools are questionnaires. In order to investigate this phenomenon from a different perspective, the researcher selected the homicides in Taichung prison who get a 10-year sentence or life sentence as his subjects. In this study, "Disinhibition Scale", "Socialization Scale", and "Sociopathy Scale" were applied to understand the psychopathy level of the homicides, and subjects are divided into two groups according to their scores on the "Disinhibition Scale". Rorschach inkblot test was selected to investigate their different capacity for object relations, meanwhile presented the descriptive statistics of Exner's Comprehensive System for both groups. Besides scoring subjects' Rorschach protocols on the scale developed by Blatt et al., the researcher intergrated Blatt's and Urist's scales on the basis of object relations theory into a new object relations scale. The results of this stydy provide suppport for the hypotheses that homicides can be differentiated from each other on the basis of their psychopathy level, and different levels of psychopathy reflect different capacity for object relations. Finally, the utility of the new scale is analyzed and discussed.

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