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高職應用外語科學生四技二專統一入學測驗英文專業考科與看圖寫作成績之相關性研究 / A study on correlations between English Professional Subject of the Technological and Vocational Education Joint College Entrance Exam and picture writing performance of students from department of applied foreign languages of vocational high schools陳素梅, Chen, Su Mei Unknown Date (has links)
然而,問卷調查結果發現,受試者運用篇章結構的知識來完成間接測驗。但是,卻沒有運用相同的概念於直接測驗中。此種現象可能是因為傳統的寫作教學方式著重在文法分析及單字教學。因此,四技二專統一入學測驗的英文專業考科應同時施測直接與間接測驗,以期對英文寫作教學產生正面的回衝效應。 / Direct writing assessment is usually employed to evaluate students’ writing proficiency. However, the Technological and Vocational Education (TVE) Joint College Entrance Exam adopts indirect writing assessment to assess students from Department of Applied Foreign Languages (DAFL) in English Professional Subject (EPS). The purpose of the present paper is to examine the effectiveness of the EPS indirect writing test and how the current practice can be improved.
For serving the purpose, a total of 119 third-year DAFL students participated in the study. The researcher uses indirect writing assessment, the EPS indirect writing test, and direct writing assessment, a picture writing task, as the testing instruments to examine the correlation between the two writing measures. Moreover, questionnaires are used to investigate the participants’ perceptions of the two writing tasks.
Results indicated that the EPS multiple-choice writing test and the picture writing task exhibited a moderate correlation, suggesting the indirect test could, at least in part, serve as a good indication of the students’ writing competence in direct writing. Results also showed that sentence insertion (SI) and sentence deletion (SD), among the four subtests, moderately correlated with the direct writing task. The two subtests could thus be depended on as a better indication of the participants’ direct writing proficiency.
Nevertheless, questionnaire findings displayed that the students applied discourse-level knowledge in the indirect test. Nonetheless, the same concept was not applied to the direct task probably because of the traditional teaching approach to English writing, focusing on grammar analysis and vocabulary teaching. Therefore, the two writing tasks should be combined in the entrance exam to produce positive washback effect on writing instruction.
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成人依戀風格在羅夏克墨漬測驗上的表現:Fonagy精神分析理論的檢證 / The performance of Rorschach inkblot test in adult attachment style: a verification of Fonagy’s psychodynamic theory林楷庭, Lin, Kai Ting Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果:認知及投入向度方面,焦慮依戀者與逃避依戀者在F%顯著高於安全依戀者;同時,焦慮依戀者在Complexity、Sy、Blend、M及MC 表現亦差於安全依戀者,答題使用範圍則顯示Dd%較高、W%較低。情緒指標方面,焦慮依戀者在V變數上顯著高於其他兩組。人際互動方面,焦慮依戀者的SumH及H顯著低於安全依戀者。
研究貢獻:本研究初步支持Fonagy精神分析論於不安全依戀者的認知與心智化、情緒控制與人際表徵分化等證據。此一結果亦可增加臨床實務中對不安全依戀者的衡鑑遞增效度,並探究其背後的心理病理機制。 / Objective: When attachment comes to assessment, many clinicians would utilize self-report inventories to gather information. However, different attachment styles, in fact, represent diverse behavior patterns; thus, using instruments adopting multi-rating techniques such as the Rorschach would be ideal. Based on Fonagy’s psychodynamic theory and past Rorschach results, we predict participants with different attachment styles will have different pattern in Rorschach task.
Methods: We conducted a double-blind research design and recruited 302 volunteers. All participants were required to fill out the Experiences in Close Relationship - Relationship Structure inventory, a measurement used to classify the adult attachment styles. The top 7% of highest scoring participants on the Anxiety Dimension were assigned to the Anxiety Group(ANG), and the same strategy was applied to those in the Avoidance Group(AVG). The Control Group(CG) consisted of 7% of the
randomly-selected individuals who scored below the means of both Anxiety and Avoidance Dimensions. Participants in these three groups were invited and encouraged to take the Rorschach test according to the R-PAS.
Results: Current research collected 39 participants Rorschach protocols (n = 12 for both the ANG and ACG; n = 15 for the CG). Results shows that both ANG and AVG have higher F% then CG, and ANG have lower Complexity, Sy, Blend, M, W%, MC, SumH and H then CG. ANG have higher V then AVG and CG.
Conclusion: Current results partially supported Fonagy’s psychodynamic theory. Results also support using multi-rating tasks to increase assessment validity when evaluating different attachment styles in clinical settings.
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考生字跡、考生作文程度與評分者有關特質對考生論文式測驗成績的影響李靜如, Li, Jing-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣九二一地震災民的羅夏克測驗反應型態劉瑞華 Unknown Date (has links)
災難是一項重大的創傷事件,常帶給人長久而深遠的影響。然而,多數的研究所關注的焦點都只在與創傷後壓力疾患(PTSD)有關的症狀反應上。本研究以羅夏克測驗作為研究工具,以了解921地震受災的居民內在的人格結構,並進一步探討PTSD與羅夏克測驗反應型態的關係。最後共收集32名在地震發生一年十個月後仍居住在組合屋的災民為樣本,比較他們的羅夏克測驗結果與常模的差異,結果發現當中有高比例的人呈現出逃避型的問題解決風格,普遍來說是壓抑情緒的,有著較低的現實機能(reality testing)與壓力耐受度;此外,他們有著較低的自尊與自我認同感,並且對人的關係是疏離的。此外,本研究根據災民們的創傷後壓力症狀篩選出3名符合PTSD診斷的災民,結果發現在13項與PTSD有關的指標中,3人都達到標準的只有2項(低Afr與T = 0),2人達到標準的則有2項(低X+%與高X-%),只有1人達到標準的有4項(矛盾型或逃避型EB、CF+C > FC、V > 0、pure H < 3),3人都未達到標準的有5項(m > 1、Y > 1、D Sscore < 0、Dd > 2、MOR > 1),整體而言並不支持PTSD的羅夏克測驗反應型態。根據本研究的結果,筆者認為應多關注災民在創傷後壓力症狀之外所受到的影響。此外,在使用羅夏克測驗衡鑑災民的心理狀態時,應避免當為鑑別診斷的決定性資料,而把焦點放在一般的適應功能上。
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管理才能心理測驗、360度回饋在多元迴歸與多重切點甄選策略上之比較分析研究─以軍中連級輔導長為例徐正輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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Investigating the Content Validity of the Basic Competence Test of English / 國中基本學力測驗英語科內容效度之研究林慧雰, Lin, Hui Fen Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示:國中基本學力測驗英語科具有內容效度。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the content validity of Basic Competence Test (BCT) in English, hoping to verify whether or not the test reaches what the tester claims to test, and further promote a better understanding of BCT toward teachers, students, educators and the public.
This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Fifty-one qualified junior high school teachers examine the relationship between BCT’s items and curricular instruction from textbook coverage, instruction, evaluation, and item difficulty. They also offer their perceptions toward BCT from the content domain the tester claims to test, i.e. the general and specific objectives of Curriculum Standards, test principles from the BCT Center, and Core Competence Indicators. Aiken’s Validity Index checks if items are significantly content valid. Computing the correlation coefficient between 1204 students’ academic scores of monthly tests for three years at four schools and BCT’s raw scores does the quantitative analysis.
The result of this study indicates that first BCT items have high accordance with curricular instruction. Second, students’ performance at school correlates highly to that on BCT. Third, what the BCT Center claims to test is highly acclaimed by the junior high school teachers. In other words, BCT’s content validity is established.
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以Hot deck插補法推估成就測驗之不完整作答反應 / Inferring feasibility in non response of achievement test by using hot deck imputation method林曉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究程序包含兩部分,一為模擬資料(N=1000,3000,5000,l0000;缺失比例為5%,10%,15%,30%,50%)的分析,模擬研究主要作為實證研究結果的驗證與推論;另一個則為實證資料的分析與討論。針對不完整作答反應,基於IRT的強假設前提,以及成就測驗作答反應的資料型態,研究者選擇熱卡插補法(HOt Deck imputation method)的統計插補技術,分別對於實證資料與模擬資料中之各類樣本數,與不同缺失比率下的作答反應作插補。另又以EM插補法作對照分析。
關鍵詞:熱卡插補法、不完整作答反應、成就測驗 / This purpose of this study is to infer the feasibility if examinees' non response could be made up, by using imputation method in non response or missing value of achievement test. The research design contains two procedures: one is simulation research (setting sample sizes are 1000, 3000, 5000, and 10000; percents of non response are 5%, 10%, 15%, 30%, and 50%), and the other is pragmatic research. Hot deck imputation method is the main concern method in this research. To test if this method fits to achievement test, EM method is used for comparison with the Hot deck imputation method.
The results are as follows: 1. The distribution of below 30% percent non response data after imputated is the same as the original data, but following the higher percents of non response, the distribution is not match what we expected. 2. Applying Hot Deck imputation method to the achievement test with different sample size and different percents of non response, the researcher found that following the higher percents of non response in any sample size, the higher standard deviation happened. Besides, ignoring or deleting these non responses is not a good way to deal with this test response pattern. Imputating an appropriate answer for the non response by Hot Deck imputation method, we could get the least standard deviation of the test and ability parameters estimation, and get largest test information for examinees. 3. We found the Hot Deck imputation method is suitable for the data pattern of achievement test than EM method. There are different outcomes between Hot deck imputation method and EM method. Hot Deck imputation method also has accuracy parameter estimation. 4. Based on above discussions, this study suggested that Hot deck imputation method could cope with non response in achievement test pretty well.
Key Words: Hot Deck imputation method, Non response, Achievement test
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題組測驗效果之統計分析 / A Statistical Analysis of Testlets施焱騰 Unknown Date (has links)
本文在古典測驗的概念下,賦予題組適當機率模式,探討難度指標與鑑別度指標的計算公式;且以九十六年第二次國中基測英語科試題為驗證實例,並與傳統模式之計算結果相互比較。 / Modeling a testlet with a probability structure, we investigate the computational
formulas of the difficulty index and the discrimination index.
Data taken from the English test items of the second basic competence test for junior high school students in 2007 are
used for empirical verification and the result is compared with that obtained by the traditional method.
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序貫方法於電腦化效標參照測驗之應用 / Sequential Methods in Computerized Criterion-referenced Test李佳紋, Lee, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
在一場競爭性的考試中,我們如何決定要錄取或是淘汰這個考生?傳統的紙筆測驗方式固定題目總數,考生回答相同的題目,60分以上為及格。隨著電腦科技的快速發展,測驗型式也由紙筆轉換成電腦操作,也就是電腦化測驗。所謂電腦化效標參照測驗(computerized criterion-referenced test)即是把考生能力分成兩個以上的程度區間,藉由考生的答題狀況來判斷考生應歸屬於哪個區間。這種測驗方式與傳統測驗不同的是:電腦化測驗是依據考生的答題表現來給題,考生能力越偏離分段點(thresholds),需要的題數就越少;越接近分段點,需要的題數就越多。
在這篇論文中,我們運用兩個參數的羅吉斯模型(two-parameter logistic model)來估計考生之於試題的答對機率。藉由電腦模擬來探討結合貝它保護(beta-protection)方法和適性測驗對平均測驗題數及誤判率(亦即考生真正的能力與電腦判斷的區間不同)的影響。在模擬過程中,我們也介紹了試題參數的選擇情形,估計考生能力的方法以及在貝它保護下,停止選題的規則。根據這些原則,電腦模擬結果證明使用適性測驗加上貝它保護方法能夠有效地控制誤判率在規定的範圍內,程度不同的考生也能控制有不同的測驗題數。 / In a traditional Paper-and-Pencil (p-and-p) test, all examinees have same test items and the number of items is fixed. The examinee fails or passes the exam depends on if his/her test score exceeds a predetermined scores, say, 60 out of 100. However, with the rapid advancement of modern computer technology, the test form has been converted from p-and-p to computer terminal. Computerized criterion-referenced classify the examinees into more than two categories according to his/her answers to the items. It differs from the conventional standardized test in that the selection of test items is tailored to each examinee’s ability level. Typically, those examinees with high ability or low ability will have shorter average test length (ATL) than examinees with ability that close to thresholds.
In this thesis, we assume that the probability of choosing correct response to an item follows a two-parameter logistic (2-PL) model. Our goal is to study the performance of ATL and misclassification rate (MR) using beta-protection method and adaptive sequential item selection. On the simulation procedures, we also introduce the selection rule of item parameter, the methods used to estimate an examinee’s ability, and the stopping rule with beta-protection. Simulation results show that using adaptive test and beta-protection method can control the MR within specified level and the number of test items required depends on the examinee’s ability.
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選舉期間民意測驗新聞報導之研究----以民國八十三年省市長選舉為例 / Newspaper reporting of the public opinion polls: In 1994 election施妙霓, Shih, Miaw-Ni Unknown Date (has links)
之報導。本論文主要採取內容分析法,研究對象為民國83年 8月 4日至12
月 3日間,曾報導民意測驗之報社,包括中國時報、 中時晚報、聯合報
AAPOR 所提出對精確新聞報導之要求。
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