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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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由地圖建構城市三維模型 / Urban Buildings Modeling from Scanned Images

賴易進 Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊科技爆炸的時代,所有的資料都要求能數位化,以便利用資訊科技對數位資料進行分析、整理與應用。對於都市規劃而言,建立數位城市模型即成為目前的重要課題之一。 建立數位城市模型中間最困難的步驟之一,在於處理並數位化古老的紙本地籍資料與建築物平面圖或手繪建築物之地圖,然後進行資訊整合,以建立基本的城市三度空間模型,進而利用更精準的測量技術,來建立精確的數位城市模型。然而要以人工處理並將上述資料數位化來製作基本的三度空間模型,秏時費工且成本太高。有鑑於此,本篇論文提出一套自動化的處理方法,針對附有樓層高度的紙本建築地圖或手繪地圖進行自動化處理,從而建立基本的三度空間模型,作為建立數位城市模型的初步處理。 我們先利用文字辨識的技術對建築物進行分析、擷取並判斷地圖中屬於建築物高度的文字資料。其次利用不同的演算法,對地圖進行細化及骨架粹取,並找出地圖上組成建築物的關鍵節點,然後對節點分群,以區分並判斷不同的建築物,進而建立地圖上各個建築物的平面模型圖。最後將每棟建築物的高度資料及其相對應的平面模型圖加以整合,自動產生該地圖的三度空間模型。 我們隨機選取一張台北地區之建築平面圖以及學校平面圖來檢驗我們提出的方法,測試的結果顯示,我們的方法都能成功的將這些平面圖,自動建立出原圖基本的三度空間模型,可以作為未來建立城市數位模型之參考。 / In the era of information explosion, digital archiving every piece of information becomes a must in order to organize, process, and analyze this information and make further use of the information. Hence, constructing a cyber city model is one of the major issues in urban planning. One of the most difficult steps in constructing a cyber city model is to process and digitize the ancient cadastral information as well as the architecture sketches or the hand drawing maps. By combining this information, we could construct an early stage three dimensional model for the city that would help us in constructing the final model for the cyber city. However, manually processing this information is not cost effectively and automatic processing them might reduce the construction cost dramatically. In this paper, we propose an automatic processing mechanism that could digitize the architecture sketches or the hand drawing maps automatically. Our mechanism will produce an early stage three dimensional model for the specified area that will eventually lead to the construction of a more accurate three dimensional model for the entire city. After the sketches or the maps were scanned, as bitmap images, into the computer, we start with analyzing the architecture sketches and extract the elevation information using traditional methods of character recognition. Then, we use various algorithms to thinning and to extract the skeleton of the image. The critical nodes of each building in the images were identified, isolated, and used to construct the base of each building in a planar diagram. Finally, the elevation information is used along with the planar diagram just constructed to generate an early stage three dimension model for the specified area. We randomly choose an architecture sketch of Taipei City and our campus map to verify our mechanism. The results show that our method could produce the corresponding three dimensional models successfully. These models could be used and help us to construct a more accurate three dimensional model for the entire city.

都會區房價泡沫形成之研究-以台中市獨立式及集合式住宅為例 / Research on the Bubble in Metropolitan Area-Cases of Detached Houses and Condominiums in Taichung

黃雅祺, Huang, Ya Chi Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於以往房價泡沫文獻較少探討泡沫與房屋特徵間的關係,本文援引特徵價格法研究內外部特徵對房價泡沫的影響。藉由所建構之台中市房屋交易個案資料庫,將交易區分為獨立式住宅與集合式住宅,並考量明星學區環域的影響,全面納入「建築內部」、「教育」、「休閒」、「生活機能」、「區位」、「交通」、「安全」、「鄰避設施」八類衡量生活品質的房屋特徵,以房價泡沫取對數值作為應變數,住宅與各類設施距離取對數值為自變數,將樣本區分為六十五個學區進而實證歸納出學區環域內容易被炒作的特徵。 房地產市場中的獨立式住宅及集合式住宅兩大類商品,其在追求生活品質的同時符合Hotelling模型極小化產品差異的結果,由研究成果顯示集合式住宅渴望在繁榮的鬧區保有安靜的生活環境,而獨立式住宅則是在空曠的郊區追求生活機能,前者為「鬧中取靜」,後者為「靜中取鬧」,換言之集合式住宅與公園綠地等休閒設施距離越近泡沫越大,但對於會帶來大量車流和人潮的交通樞紐及大型遊樂場所等則是距離越遠,泡沫越大,獨立式住宅方面則是距離連鎖餐飲、便利商店等生活機能設施越近,泡沫越大。 / Since there were not many papers focusing on the topic of the relationship between bubbles and housing characteristics, this paper studies the internal as well as the external causes of housing bubble by adopting the canonical Hedonic Pricing Method. By utilizing a constructed unique database composed of Taichung housing transactions, the detailed features of transactions on the detached houses and condominiums can be investigated. The "Building Interior", "Education", "Leisure", "Living Infrastructure", "Location", "Transportation", "Security", and "NIMBY" are collected as the measurement of quality of life in housing characteristics to complement the Star School District impact in the educational buffer. Using the level of house price bubbles as dependent variable and dividing the selected area into 65 school districts, and discover what factors are used for house price speculation. The results show similar demand on the quality of life, in line with Hotelling Model, in both the transactions of detached houses and condominiums. The residents of condominium; however, prefers living in the prosperous urban area with Serene environment whereas the occupants of detached house would choose to live in the spacious suburban area with decent local living facilities. In other words, the closer the condominiums are with leisure facilities, such as public park, and the further they are with facilities that gathers crowd and traffic, such as transportation hub and entertainment facilities, the larger the bubble. The further the detached houses are with living function facilities such as chain restaurants, convenient stores, the larger the bubble.

房價泡沫,景氣預測,及小樣本下住宅價格估計之研究 / Three essays about housing price bubble, real estate business cycle prediction and small sample estimation of housing price

馬毓駿 Unknown Date (has links)
台北房市自2003年的SARS低點過後逐漸回暖,並在2006年開始房價出現劇烈的漲幅,在決定房屋供給與需求的基本面未大幅變化的前提下,多數學者質疑台北的房價已呈現泡沫化,購屋的負擔已超過多數受薪家庭的支付能力。本文首先擬以購屋成本及投資報酬率的角度分析台北房市泡沫化的幅度,實證結果指出台北市的房價在1990年代及2006年後明顯出現泡沫化的現象,所得及租金推估的泡沫分別達到三成及六成的幅度,且2006年後的房價泡沫至今仍未有破裂跡象。在此一結論下,本文進一步分析生成台北房價泡沫的原因,實證結果指出房價出現泡沫化的同時,與股市報酬率及貴金屬報酬率明顯呈現正相關,貨幣供給增加亦是促成泡沫化的因素。 此外,對於房地產學界一直關注的議題,即房地產景氣預測及房地產價格的推估,本文亦利用貝式分析的技巧適度修補了現階段實證研究遭遇的困難。對房地產景氣的推估而言,加入事前訊息後的馬可夫轉換模型,在掌握房地產景氣擴短縮長的特性有顯著的改善,同時樣本外的預測亦說明其優越之處。在房地產估價方面,貝式多層次模型在面對較少樣本下的估價亦展現優越之處,特別是房價波動較大的期間,在不同樣本數目下,貝式多層式估計的精確度皆明顯優於傳統的特徵價格估計法。

以臉部特徵為基礎之誇張肖像畫產生系統 / Caricature Generation by Analyzing Facial Features

江佩穎, Chiang , Pei-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
誇張肖像畫是以誇張與諷刺的手法來表現模特兒的特徵。現今這類畫作比起以寫實手法繪製的肖像畫,更受到大眾的喜愛;但是人們若想要自己模仿繪製出這類的肖像畫,除了要有繪畫天賦之外,也必須經過長時間的繪畫訓練以及對人臉的觀察,才能抓出模特兒的臉部特徵,並用生動的手法誇飾出來。 因此,如果電腦能做到代替誇張肖像畫家的工作,自動模仿繪製出誇張化的卡通肖像畫,將能替人們節省大量的時間及經費。本研究主要在設計一套能誇張肖像畫的系統,以根據使用者輸入的臉部影像,自動擷取臉部的特徵(包括特徵點的相對位置、絕對位置、形狀及大小等),並藉由分析這些特徵與常人相異之處,以一致的方式自動將特徵誇張化。這個系統並能以藝術家的作品為輸入,將使用者的臉部影像轉換成具有畫家卡通風格的誇張肖像畫。除了人臉的效果外,我們也進行了頭髮分離與模擬的研究,以強化畫像風格模擬的完整性。最後,我們以實做出了系統對數個具特徵的人臉影像進行實驗,以驗證其可行性及有效性。 / Caricaturists are good at drawing sketches which express the exaggerated likeness of a person with a bit flavor of humor or sarcasm. People are willing to pay for this kind of work because it requires a lot of practice to achieve excellence. Acute observation is needed to extract the distinct features from the subject, and decent painting skill is essential to depict these features vividly. It will save much time and effort if computers can be trained used to draw caricatures. In this thesis, we developed a system which can extract and analyze facial features from simple an input facial images. The main purpose of this system is to generate the user-own caricature model by exaggerating his/her unique facial features. Different types of features, including relative locations and sizes, absolute locations and sizes, and each the shape of features are all taken in accountwill be considered. Unlike the complex process reported in the literature, we develop a transformative process that can handle different types of features in a more uniform fashion. Using an artist’s finished work as the source image; the proposed system is capable of producing cartoon-like colorful caricatures of a similar style effectively and efficiently. Besides the caricature painting of the face part, we also present some approaches for hair segmentation and hair style painting to increase make the system more the completeness of our system. Finally, we prove the feasibility and effectiveness of our system by showing several experimental results.

新創公司機會辨識模式探討 –以龍彩科技為例 / The business opportunity identification of new venture -a case study on HCP

楊貽叡 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣科技公司以代工為主,隨著代工的毛利逐漸降低,如何進行轉型是每個企業都想瞭解的,但往往會面臨到一個關鍵的問題:什麼才是好的創業機會?要如何辨識機會?如何在複雜變動的環境中發掘、辨識出創業機會(Entrepreneurial Opportunities)的本質。 為此本研究試圖回答以下三個問題: 1. 本文將會進行個案公司在創業機會辨識整體過程的探討,公司在轉型中,影響機會辨識的來源有哪些?如何才能擴大機會辨識的廣度? 2. 公司在整體創業的過程中,機會辨識的標準是否相同? 3. 機會選擇間是否會互相影響?如何藉由機會辨識的結果回饋到未來的產品規劃? 為了回答上述三個問題,本研究將先探討個案公司如何發現轉型的契機,以及在此時期辨識出的機會特徵有哪些,建立了什麼能耐,再探討龍彩科技機會評價過程,最後觀察龍彩科技從機會評價中獲得哪些回饋,以及其對日後產品規劃的影響。最後,本研究提出以下結論: 1. 跨領域的嘗試,有助於思考許多化阻力為助力的商業模式,進而增加機會辨識的廣度。 2. 創業警覺性除了會影響創業者對於機會的辨識程度,也會發展出獨特的商業模型思考。 3. 隨著創業階段的不同,對於機會特徵的認知有所不同,在重要性上也會有所差異。 4. 機會之間並非獨立存在,而會互相影響,所以不能單看個別機會的評價作選擇。

以詞性組合為基礎之中文語言特徵研究 / A Study of Part-of-Speech Pair-based Language Features in Chinese Texts

江易倫, Jiang, Yi Lun Unknown Date (has links)
在作者歸屬的研究中,語言特徵的選擇一直是很重要的一環,因為會反映到整個預測結果表現。大多數常用的語言特徵雖然在分類上表現優異,像是高頻詞彙、n-grams、及標點符號等,但這些語言特徵內的詞組卻無法解釋分類間的因果關係及相互差異。為了解決這問題,本論文提出詞性組合、否定程度組合及情態詞組合共3種具有語言學意義的語言特徵作為輔助驗證,並以雷震這位作者的文本為基準,探討在「同主題不同作者」及「同作者不同主題」兩個研究方向上是否適用。本論文將會使用隨機森林演算法建立分類模型,使用OOB錯誤率評估分類模型分類表現,並透過重要特徵數值找出各詞組作為決策點的權重。最後希望能從分類規則中,找出不同作者以及不同類型間語言特徵的獨特性詞組並做解釋。 / In the study of authorship attribution, the choice of language features have always been a very important part because it reflects the performance of the whole prediction. Most of the commonly used language features are excellent in classification, such as word frequencies, n-grams, and punctuation, but the phrases within these language features can not explain the causal relationship between categories and the differences between them. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes 3 kinds of linguistic meaning as a auxiliary verification, and based on the Lei-Chen 's text, discussed "different authors with same topics" and "different genres with same author" is applied on the two research directions. In this paper, we will use the random forest algorithm to establish the classification model, use the OOB error rate assessment classification model classification performance, and through the important feature values to find the weight of each phrase as a decision point. Finally, we hope to find out unique phrases of different authors and different genres of language features from the classification rules and explain them.

仲介員特性與房屋交易時的議價能力之關聯性 / The correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation

李亞叡, Lee, Ya Jui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的可分為二,第一個是希望探討具有不同特性之仲介員,在交易過程中是否有某些特性對於議價能力有顯著影響。第二個目的,希望探討在不同房屋類型之交易案件中,是否由更為適任之仲介員經手交易,能獲得更好的成果。透過模型設計,將特徵價格模型配合本研究目的加以修改,以實證迴歸分析那些仲介員特性更能夠在交易過程中,展現議價能力使買家提高願付價格(willingness to pay),讓委託人取得更好之賣價,同時也為公司創造更高價值。 根據實證結果顯示,仲介員性別、年齡對於議價達成率所產生的影響並不顯著,教育水準、年資與血型才是影響議價達成率的關鍵。仲介員教育程度越高議價能力越強,也越能達成委託人所委託之目標。同時本研究也發現年資高之仲介員容易產生代理人問題(agency problem),年資高之仲介員傾向於利用訊息優勢,左右買賣雙方之交易決策,使交易價格降低,不但背離委託人初衷,亦對公司造成負面影響。另一方面,血型為AB型之仲介員在議價能力上的表現最佳,該類仲介員普遍具有好的協商能力、邏輯分析能力,其次是順從、負責的A型仲介員,表現最差的反而是一般認為積極熱情的B型與O型。 / There are two purposes of this article. The first one is to identify the correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation/bargain. The second one is to find if there are some characteristics of a real estate agent that are more suitable for dealing certain type of housing, including apartment, mansion and high-rise. Using the method of hedonic house pricing as a basic model, the article takes a bargain rate as dependent variable instead of housing prices, while characteristics of real estate agents are included in independent variables. It should be noted that higher bargain rate means greater power of negotiation. The results of this article are (a) education, blood type are positively significant, (b) seniority is negatively significant, (c) gender, age, astrology are not. It is also found that there are agency problems in housing markets since agents with more seniority are more likely to have poor power of negotiation, which is opposite of our expectations. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on management and leadership of real estate industries.


劉興岳, Liu, Xing-Yue Unknown Date (has links)
在能源危機日趨嚴重的今日,人們似乎已忘了在各種資源中,人力資源也有驚人的 被浪費的情形存在,即使行為科學已有相當的成就,但是吾人不能否認,人力資源 還是沒有被充分的利用,而且吾人有理由相信,這也是構成能源危機的間接原因之 一。 本論文旨在探討台灣企業界有關人力資源運用之情形。本論文共分七章,第一章緒 論。第二章討論經理人員特徵、第三章討論領導方式與其衡量之方法。第四章討論 員工士氣的理論與其衡量之方法。第五章介紹本研究之對象、問卷設計、調查方式 與資料分析之方法。第六章討論經理人員特徵與領導方式之間的關係,以及領導方 式對員工士氣的影響。第七章結論及本研究之限制與建議。 #2810557 #2810557

應用模糊邏輯的攝影構圖辨認方法 / A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Recognition of Photographic Compositions

黃瑞華, Huang, Jui Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本論文應用攝影構圖法則,以模糊邏輯理論為基礎,判別影像的攝影構圖類型。構圖(Composition)乃是攝影這項平面藝術創作最重要的美學元素之一,其目的是利用空間中的物體配置,經由透視投影後,讓畫面的整體呈現平衡感;專業的、優秀的攝影作品,皆會符合攝影的基本構圖原理。因此許多的影像增強、影像合成的應用中,也應該配合相片原本的構圖設計,針對所欲表達的重點予與適當地調整,而非「盲目的」以一體適用的法則去處理每一張照片。 論文中,我們針對影像所欲表達的重點區域,分析其結構特性,設計不同的特徵,並以模糊邏輯理論為基礎,應用Mamdani系統,結合隸屬函數與攝影構圖判別法則的交互作用,用以辨認所欲處理相片的構圖類別。依據辨認後的構圖類別,即可對該影像做適當地分割及調整,以使相片能有最佳的影像增強處理。 實驗證明,本文所提出的方法能有效地辨認攝影構圖類別,針對不同攝影構圖所作的影像修正,才能更符合人眼的視覺喜好。 / This thesis addresses the problem of how to recognize the photographic composition from a given photo based on the theory of fuzzy logic. Composition is one of the important aesthetics for the plane figure photo art. To present the balance of its holistic picture, it takes the advantage of special object arrangement after acting perspective projection. A piece of professional and qualified photo work will realize these basic photo composition methods. For many applications about the digital photo, the operations, i.e., photo enhancement, segmentation, output, and synthesis, all need to match up the photographic composition to do accurate processing rather than “blind” processing that assumes each photo with the same “composition.” An automatic recognition method using image features from some specific regions is described. The method is employed in a Mamdani model and combines outputs of multiple fuzzy logic rules and feature extraction algorithms to obtain confidences that can identify the correct photographic composition. Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust and effective for photographic composition recognition. The feature with adjusting in different photo composing will be able to comfort our human sight.


張文玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採用桃園工業區土地實際交易價格作為實證對象,運用特徵價格理論,探討影響工業區土地價格的因素。因桃園縣之地理區位係處於內湖科技園區、新竹科學園區兩大產業聚集重鎮之中間位置,因此亦分析桃園縣輻輳區位與前述兩園區之距離是否成為其地價影響因素之一。故除將一般文獻研究對價格有所影響之宗地條件及區位條件納入分析外,亦將工業區管理服務、產業聚集及桃園縣輻輳位置等要素,測試是否亦為工業區土地價格的影響因素。而研究採用的方法係以特徵價格函數為基礎,工業區地價為應變數,可能影響工業區地價的因素為自變數,並使用一般化的Box-Cox轉換函數測試各種函數型態,最後選擇一最適函數型態進行特徵價格的估算。 實證結果發現,有關工業區之宗地條件中移轉土地面積、臨街路寬、臨街關係等3項變數為工業區地價影響因素。而在區位條件中,與桃園縣政府距離、與內湖科技園區距離等2項變數,對工業區地價具有負向的關係,即與縣政府或內科距離越遠,地價越低。再者,藉以代表產業聚集指標的鄉鎮市製造業勞動力聚集比例亦通過模式檢定,與地價呈現正向關係,顯示勞動力聚集比例越高,能提高廠商設廠的意願,增加工業用地的需求,有助於地價的提昇。此外,有設置服務中心的工業區,因能提供管理服務,對廠商較具有吸引力,反映於地價結構上,是呈現正向關係。 最後則依據實證研究結果,提出以下建議,在產業聚集方面,政府應協助廠商形成產業聚集氛圍,不僅有利於工業區地價的提升,更可提高產業的競爭力;在工業區管理服務的提供方面,政府應由開發工業區導向轉為管理服務導向,由工業區內所設置的服務中心,提供完善管理服務,創造工業區土地價格的提昇。 / This study aims to test the affecting factors of Taoyuan industrial land prices by constructing hedonic pricing functions. The empirical data is complied from market prices. The importance of Taoyuan which is located between Neihu Technology Park and Hsinchu Science Park, lies in an center place of two industrial parks above -mentioned. In order to emphasize the importance of Taoyuan’s location,two variables of distances to Neihu Technology Park and distances to Hsinchu Science Park are tested in this paper. Otherwise, the conditions of lots, location, industrial parks’ management service, industrial agglomeration are considered affecting factors of industrial land prices and all tested in this study. In accordance with hedonic pricing theory, a Box and Cox transformation was applied to the dependent variable to test functional forms. This method was used to identify the preferable functional form for the study data. The preferable functional form that we tested in this study is the basis for evaluating industrial land prices. Based on model testing, this study indicates that variables related to conditions of lots, locational attributes, industrial agglomeration and industrial parks’ management service determine land prices. Variables related to conditions of lots, such as size, the width of street, and a street lot determine land prices. Variables related to locational attributes, such as distances to Neihu Technology Park and distances to local government administration of Taoyuan are negatively related to land price, implying that each additional kilometer of distance from Neihu Technology Park and the nearest center of local government reduces the price of a parcel of land. Moreover, the variable of the percentage of the manufacturing employees related to industrial agglomeration is positively related to land prices; that is, the percentage of the manufacturing employees is higher, it indicates that more firms located together in certain place. And this behavior helped firms to achieve profits from industrial agglomeration economy. And the prices of such land should be higher. Besides, the variable of industrial parks’ management service is positively related to land price.It indicates that industrial parks which have service centers should attract more firms to locate together by management service provided and the prices of such land should be higher. According to empirical results, this study proposes that government should promote the establishment of industrial clustering phenomenon. It is helpful for raising industrial land prices and industrial competitiveness. Otherwise, government should shift development polices to management services of industrial parks, and supply thorough management services to raise land prices.

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