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以區位可及性與區位的市場需求訂定容積率之研究 / A study of determinating the cap of floor area ratio based on the location and accessibility黃鈺雯 Unknown Date (has links)
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住商混合使用對房價之影響-台北市經驗 / The impact of mixed land-use on housing price:Taipei experience楊珮欣, Yang,Pei Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在大眾運輸導向(Transit-Oriented Development, TOD)所推行的捷運站區土地混合使用政策的背景下,本研究探討住商混合使用對於住宅房價之影響。本研究之研究假設有三:第一,不同空間尺度的混合使用,會對房價形成不同的影響;第二,其他土地使用種類越多,住宅房價越高;第三,商業使用之量體大小,對於房價形成不同的影響。本研究以台北市住宅為研究對象,研究時間為2001年,樣本數670 份。分析工具包含運用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information Systems, GIS)進行空間變數處理,以及多元迴歸分析(Multiple regression analysis)進行統計分析。研究成果驗證研究假設,於同棟及同街廓的空間尺度中,住商混合對住宅房價造成下降的影響,而相鄰街廓的住商混合使用使得住宅房價提升;且相鄰街廓混合使用種類越多,住宅房價越高。研究結果可做為政府擬定土地使用管制計畫之參考。
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台北市辦公大樓租金影響因素分析--以物業管理觀點為出發張嘉宇 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,國內許多豪宅或者知名的辦公大樓引進入物業管理的方式,取代了過去由管理委員會主導的管理模式。物業管理的興起,乃是人們對於住宅安全以及管理品質引申需求。對於物業管理的研究,國內目前仍著重在管理績效的衡量以及利用電腦提升物業管理效率的部分,鮮有探討辦公大樓租金與物業管理之間的關連。是以,本研究以台北市六行政區的辦公大樓為標的,利用特徵價格模型(Hedonic Price Model)和BOX-COX轉換,從物業管理的觀點來探討辦公大樓租金的影響因素。 / In Taiwan, business has become the main economic activity. The more prosperous business is, the more office spaces are requested. To understand the composition of office rent, hedonic price model is used as an analysis tool frequently. The varieties, such as age, distance of MRT, or standard floor, are usually used as the hedonic varieties.
When property management is getting popular in the decade, there are few research use property management as varieties. To understand if the difference of property management style would affect the office rent, this essay used Box-Cox translation and Semi-Log regression to analyze the relationship between property management and office rent.
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影響法拍屋拍定價對底價比之變數研究-以台北市士林區為例 / Factors affecting the ratio of the final transaction price to the listed base price in the real estate auction markets--- an example in the shihlin district of Taipei蔡秀瑛, Tsai, Hsiu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討影響法拍屋拍定價對底價比之變數,研究結果期能提供地方法院訂定第一拍底價及酌減各拍次底價之參考、投標人決定投標價及選擇最佳進場時機之參考、地方法院委託之不動產鑑定人於法拍屋估價時,價格調整幅度權衡的參考、以及債權人決定是否執行及續拍之參考。 / Real estate markets are affected by macro economic factors, regional factors and individual factors. As there is recession in economy growth, the number of foreclosed properties increased. How are the prices of foreclosed properties influenced by the aforementioned factors? This study intends to explore factors affecting the ratio of the final transaction price to the listed base price in the real estate auction markets through the Hedonic Price Model.
Results show that the first-floor effect, number of bidders and age of the buildings are positively related to the ratio of the final transaction price to the listed base price in the real estate auction markets. Numbers of auctions, interest rates, and the occurrence of the financial crisis in the previous season are negatively related to the ratio of the final transaction price to the listed base price.
Results of this study provide precious reference value on formulating the listed base prices on the real estate auction markets. Investors can also take into account of the significant factors in making the investment decision in the auction market.
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影響都市更新合建分配比率因素之研究-以台北市為例 / Factors affecting share distribution in jointly developed urban renewal projects --- an example of Taipei City江志恩, Chiang, Chih En Unknown Date (has links)
由實證結果得知,增加都市更新容積獎勵,確實有助提昇地主合建分配比率,因此,政府應適度調整容積獎勵項目及上限,使地主參加都市更新後,能獲得較佳之居住環境與較高之居住面積水準,甚至保障地主原居住面積水準,以增加地主參與都市更新之意願。期望政府持續大力推動都市更新政策,透過建築規劃及設計,達到改善市容、美化環境、增進公共安全及提昇居住水準等政策目的,進而達到政府、地主及開發商三贏之目標。 / Most of the past research studies on urban renewal involves analysis in the related regulations and their shortcomings. Furthermore, studies based on allocation of land owners’ equity rights are mostly done from perspective of the rules set from the government supervised appraisal process known as Rights Transformation. Few of them are conducted using the quantitative approach to derive the equity rights of the landowners from the perspective of the process known as Joint Development --- a process of private negotiation and derived terms. Thus, through analysing research articles and the current state of the urban renewal projects in Taipei, this study first intends to identify the possible variables that might affect the equity share distribution. Then using regression analysis based on the selected variables and collections of empirical data, this study explores and derives variables of significant impacts on the equity share distribution between developers and landowners in jointly developed urban renewal projects.
This research has screened 14 independent variables that might have impact the equity share distribution. Results of regression analysis identify 8 significant factors, including land area per owner, government assesed land value per floor area, average floor area ratio, road width, square of road width, floor area incentive for urban renewal, and surrounding area housing value. Most of the variables have positive relationships with the landowners’ equity except for the square of road width. Macroeconomic variables such as last month’s prime interest rate and M2 growth rate in the previous quarter are found to have significant impact as well. Of which, prime interest rate is found to have negative relationship with landowners’ equity, and M2 growth rate is found to have positive relationship.
Based on this empirical study, the result shows that increasing urban renewal floor area incentives indeed enhances landowners’ equity rights in a jointly developed urban renewal project. Thus, government should adjust appropriately each of the floor area incentives and their maximum allowed limits, giving the original residents a better living environment and a slightly larger living space from the redeveloped project. Furthermore, to increase the willingness of the original residents’ participation in urban renewal projects, the government could guarantee the retention of their floor area in the redeveloped projects to be the same as the floor area before urban renewal. The government should continue to promote its urban renewal policy. Proper architecture planning and design will improve the city’s appearance and the environment, as well as enhancing public safety and living standards - through which the government will not only achieve its policy objectives, but also create a win-win situation between the developers, landowners, and the government itself.
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以區位價值波面提升大量估價精度之研究 -以條件式殘差擬合變數為核心 / The Research of Refining Mass Appraising by the Concept of Location Value Response Surface李智偉, Lee, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以區位價值波面之概念建立條件式殘差擬合變數,從空間角度評估各樣本之區位價值並以量化數值呈現各樣本區位價值之高低,在細膩處理區位價值下模型之預估能力相對提升。實證結果顯示,整體模型之絕對誤差平均值為10.1%,而10%、20%誤差命中率達62.9%、87.9%,相對優於過去研究之模型預估能力;另外,經過區域侷限性測驗發現,條件式殘差擬合變數修正模型不受次市場之侷限,對於是否劃分模型次市場已不影響模型之預估能力,且經由實證發現,當實價登錄樣本愈趨豐富時,模型之預估能力將更加提升,值得作為後續建立大量估價模型之參考。 / Hedonic model is the most commonly-used tool for real estate mass appraisal, and neighborhoods, districts or sub-market dummies or the distance from the specific public facilities are the common variables used to control the value of location in the model. However, controlling the location value by these ways leads to the coefficient rigidities, making it possible to underestimate the value of the location.
This research sets up the conditional-selected residual fitting variable by the concept of location value response surface, and estimates the location value from the spatial perspective. The result shows that the MAPE of the model is 10.1%, and the hit-rate of 10% and 20% come to 62.9% and 87.9%, having significant improvement compared with the past studies. Besides, by the confinement test of sub-market, it has been proved that the CRF modified model successfully gets rid of confinement from the sub-market, and whether dividing sub-markets or not no longer affects the prediction capability of the model. Another test giving us new images that, when the train data gets richer as time goes, the prediction capability of the model gets higher as well.
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從房地價格分離探討地價指數與公告土地現值評估黃佳鈴, Huang,Chia-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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房地價格分離與已開發土地價值分析之研究-以台北市為例 / Analysis of developed land value in Taipei city with housing price decomposition method朱家麒, Jhu, Jia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用特徵價格模型分析方法,以臺北市區分所有建物之住宅交易案例為研究對象,建立複迴歸模型以分離房地價格。實證結果指出臺北市房地價格隨屋齡增加,呈現先遞減後遞增之變化,驗證高屋齡下土地再開發價值之存在,並發現各屋齡分層間土地移轉面積、管理維護對房地價格影響程度不同,藉以有效區分屋齡對土地與建物價值之影響;而現行實務上常見之土地抽取法,在分離房地價格上恐有高估已開發土地價值,以及放大價值漲幅與縮小價值跌幅之問題,顯示其建物成本價值評估過於僵固,將產生偏誤,使建物價值無法有效隨市場景氣變動。此外,透過分量迴歸模型檢驗,其結果顯示已開發土地價值與高屋齡效果間呈現正向關係,亦指價值愈高,其土地再開發價值影響愈顯著。最後,本研究統整相關實證結果,釐清現行房地價格分離上之問題,盼能改善與提升土地價值之評估能力與精準度。 / In recent years, land value assessments have been needed for different purpose. The current assessing of land transaction taxable base and mortgage demands does not consider the individual factors of lands and structures should affect the value of each other, resulting in the developed land value assessment has generated errors. Therefore, how to decompose housing price reasonably and analyze the developed land value is important for land value assessments.
This study establishes multiple regression model by selecting residential condominium sale data in Taipei City as sample, in order to decompose the housing price into developed land and structure value. The empirical results show that the reversion of housing price is due to the redevelopment value, and land area and level of maintenance have impact on housing price in different age variables. Besides, we also find that it has a positive relationship between developed land value and redevelopment value effect on price, and land extraction method probably has some problems in overestimation of developed land value, resulting in miscounting of land price fluctuation. According to the aforementioned, this study concludes with some issues of decomposition housing price for improving and enhancing the accuracy of land value assessments.
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影城進駐商圈與周邊住宅價格關係之研究 / The Study of Relationships among Cineplex, Cinema Stationed-in Commercial-District, and Neighborhood Housing Price—by Taipei and New Taipei City Cases.張庭華, Chang, Ting Hua Unknown Date (has links)
此外,由於消費型態的改變,消費者習慣將看電影結合其他休閒活動,這些由百貨公司以及電影院異業結盟的商圈更得消費者青睞,影城進駐與商圈發展之關係相輔相成,進而影響新北市周邊住宅價格,以總價1,000萬元房屋,平均來說,影城進駐商圈後能提升房價139萬元。 / These years combination-area of cinemas, malls, recreation and catering are springing up as well as being the eye-catching advertisement of building-contractors. In terms of house-buyers, the correlation between cinemas and the neighborhood housing price is one of the conditions they care. Nevertheless, with the variety of the cineplex-cinema currently and mostly locate in business districts and department stores, our study make a cross analysis between cineplex, cinema, business districts with residential price for their correlation. With cluster analysis to control the heterogeneous samples and to evaluate the price-effect of cineplex-cinemas under the homogeneous housing. Furthermore to multiple regression analyze cinema stationed-in commercial-district and their neighborhood housing price.
Our study confirmed the cineplex-cinemas are influential to the Taipei City surrounding-area residential price. For the ten million house, averagely the positive-impact is between four hundred ten thousand to 3.1 million. Negative-impact is between three hundred thousand to 2.71 million. Besides, the housing price different positive effect is higher than the negative one. Further to verify type-mode cinemas: the price difference in neighborhood-area is four hundred thousand with franchise management type-mode. However, there is no price difference with complex and single-service type-mode. Housing-buyer can take the result as consideration during purchasing houses as well as real estate developers and salesman in pricing strategy and advertisement principles of pre-sale houses.
Additionally, with the change of consumption patterns, consumers get use to watch movies together with other recreation. Thus commercial-districts combining with department stores and cinemas are more favored. The cinema stationed-in and commercial-district development are complemented each other, therefore to affect the neighborhood housing price in New Taipei City. For the ten million house, averagely, the positive price-different effect is one million and three hundred nighty thousand after the cinema stationed-in.
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空地開發外部性對住宅土地價格影響之研究-台南市的實證分析 / Spatial Externalities Impact of development of vacant land on Residential Land Prices-Evidence from Tainan City曾菁敏, Tseng,Ching Min Unknown Date (has links)
最後,有關「空間外部性、交易成本與市地重劃對新建住宅土地價格之影響」,本文主要從政府實施市地重劃有助於降低交易成本的觀點,探討政府實施市地重劃制度及建設商的土地開發行為所產生的空間外部性,其反應在新建住宅土地價格的影響。本文運用空間計量分析及地理資訊系統,並結合Box-Cox函數轉換,以建構具有空間外部性的特徵價格模型。本文研究範圍以台南市民國八十年、八十五年及九十年的新建住宅為對象。實證結果得知,空間誤差Box-Cox模型對於空間外部性提供良好的解釋力。政府實施市地重劃之後對住宅土地價格具有正向外部性,且有政府參與的重劃區所反應的住宅土地邊際價格為正向關係。而建設商個體互動關係則具有正向及負向外部性,並在長期下出現由正向轉為負向之情況,此證明空間外部性會呈現相互性的現象,進而反應在新建住宅土地價格上會有增減的作用。 / This study mainly assumes that development of vacant land give rise to spatial externalities from the reuse of vacant land and the institution of land readjustment. Finally, this effect will be reflected in the residential land prices. To test this hypothesis, this study applies spatial econometric and geographic information systems based on hedonic pricing model. This study mainly includes that (1) The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land on Residential Land Prices, ( 2) The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land and Neighboring Land Development on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices, ( 3) The Impact of Spatial Externalities, Transaction Costs and Land Readjustment on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices, and evidence from Tainan City in Taiwan.
First of all, about’ The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land on Residential Land Prices’, This study is based on Geoghegan’s theoretical model (2002) and focuses on open space effect of reusing vacant land on residential land prices. The data are selected from residential land prices in 2004, 2005. Empirically, I find that the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land used for green and park has positive spatial spillover effects. This means that spillover benefit of open space is more than spillover cost of vacant land management. The reuse of privately-owned vacant land used for sport has negative spatial spillover effects in 2004. The marginal price of publicly-owned vacant land is over than privately-owned vacant land. It is concluded that, the government should continue promoting the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land and used for open space of the neighborhood.
Secondly, about’ The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land and Neighboring Land Development on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices’, This study focuses on open space effect of reusing vacant land and spatial spillover effect of neighboring land development on newly-built residential land prices. The data are selected from newly-built residence in 2004. Empirically, I find that the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land has positive spatial spillover effects on newly-built residential land prices. This means that spillover benefit of open space is more than spillover cost of vacant land management. Land development used for residence has positive spatial spillover effects and used for factory has negative spatial spillover effects in a neighborhood. This means that more the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land will increase newly-built residential land prices, while more land development used for factory will decrease newly-built residential land prices in a neighborhood.
Finally, about’ The Impact of Spatial Externalities, Transaction Costs and Land Readjustment on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices’, This Study mainly assumes that land readjustment can reduce transaction costs in terms of the spatial externalities from developers’ behavior and the institution of land readjustment. This effect will be reflected in the newly-built residential land prices. To test this hypothesis, I apply spatial econometric analysis and geographic information systems based on the Box-Cox hedonic pricing model. The data are selected from newly-built residence from between 1991, 1996 and 2001. Empirically, I find that the spatial error Box-Cox model is appropriate for engaging in spatial externalities analysis. This is because the results show that land readjustment gives rise to positive spatial externalities on newly-built residential land prices and the marginal price of residential land in areas where land readjustment takes place is also positive. The effects of developers’ interactions give rise to positive spatial externalities but these change to negative spatial externalities in relation to newly-built residential land prices in the long term. It is concluded that, land readjustment as implemented by the government really does contribute to reducing uncertainty in the land development process, and also reduces transaction costs between construction practitioners and landlords.
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