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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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讀者理解與文本結構之交流過程──以閱讀金庸武俠小說之「美感體驗」為例 / Readers' aesthetic experience in reading Jing Yong's swordplay fictions: A reception-theory approach

賴玉釵, Lai, Yu-Chai Unknown Date (has links)
本文考察「美感體驗」意涵及發展脈絡,從審美哲學取經並依「接收美學」典範為思辨對象。該典範先賢Jauss等人認為「美感體驗」乃是「審美視域」與「文本結構」交流之產物,故「美感傳播」涉及「審美視域」、「文本結構」、「交流層次」與「美感體驗」等四者。慮及Jauss及其業師Gadamer盼望從華人文化角度了解詮釋過程又如何涵育出特定「美感體驗」,本研究訪談了16位文史科班出身之華人讀者,並選取武俠類型為讀本以理解賞析歷程。 研究發現如下: 就「審美視域」言之,華人讀者審美期待受效果歷史之約制,亦受「使用媒體經驗」、「五感聯想」、「生命週期」與「閱讀史」引導。 就讀者與文本交流之層次言之,華人讀者之創造、渲洩與否定等交流方式多少受在地文化影響。以「渲洩」為例,華人讀者可基於儒家文化或崇尚集群價值觀而「認同」角色,或因期待「皆大歡喜」結局故難接納悲劇而影響「淨化」之交流歷程,再若民族情感與集體記憶等亦扮演關鍵角色。 就「美感體驗」意涵言之,「美感」之本質實與特定社群相關,為當時語境與歷史脈絡所化育之產物。另「美感」之剖析角度亦與在地文化相繫,如華人讀者可從儒、釋、道等基底論及「美」具無常等成份,異於基督教文明強調「沐浴神恩」之感。就「美感」之功用言之,相異社群之讀者亦持不同觀點,如儒家文化涵育下讀者肯定美與「維繫倫常」及「提昇個人修為」相繫,基督教文明陶養之讀者則認為美具「社會整合」或「救贖」之效。 總體言之,本研究以華人讀者之審美歷程為省思起點,從在地角度探索接收美學可再發展之理論、研究方法與實務意涵。本研究認為,閱聽人之情感、生命階段與閱讀史均在審美歷程扮演要角,此為先前接收美學典範較少著墨之處。

聽其所見,觀其所聞:以眼動探討口語與場景互動的跨感官理解歷程 / Look while listeng : using eye movements to investigate the interaction between spoken language and visual scene during cross-modal comprehension

游婉雲, Yu, Wan-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在人類溝通及語言使用行為中,口語和場景是構成人類跨感官理解歷程的兩項重要成分。究竟兩類資訊如何共同改變理解歷程仍待檢驗。本論文旨在探問四項研究問題:一,過去文獻對理解期間的視覺注意力運作提出兩類觀點。階層取徑主張口語優先並決定視覺表徵的處理,互動取徑則認為口語和視覺表徵可獨立影響視覺注意力。二,口語可促進指涉物體的凝視行為,然口語指涉效果是否受作業目標影響的本質仍不清楚。三,以複雜場景作為視覺情境,探討視覺複雜性和語義一致性表徵如何影響理解歷程。四,檢驗視覺刺激的預覽時間如何改變口語和場景表徵因素對理解歷程的影響。   本論文透過一系列視覺情境典範實驗探討以上研究問題。在每ㄧ項嘗試次中,參與者在聆聽中文語句期間同時觀看包含包含兩項物體的圖片:一為鑲嵌在一致(例如:原野)、不一致(例如:天空)和空白背景的口語指涉目標物體(例如:老虎),另一項則為口語未指涉且與背景一致的非目標物體(例如:禿鷹)。其次,四項實驗直交地操弄「作業目標」(「口語理解作業」或「場景理解作業」)和「預覽時間」(「一秒預覽」或「無預覽」)因素。   實驗結果發現:一,無論作業目標為何,所有實驗皆出現穩定的口語指涉效果。二,場景的視覺複雜性和語義一致性表徵不僅可獨立引導物體凝視行為,也可和口語共同決定理解期間的視覺注意力運作。三,作業目標對口語指涉效果及場景一致性效果產生差異化的調節作用。四,預覽時間有效促進口語理解作業的口語指涉效果,場景理解作業則不受影響。   整體而言,本論文的實驗證據支持互動取徑觀點。換言之,在跨感官理解的過程中,人類認知運作可透過協調語言、視覺和記憶等次系統,快速整合口語和場景所提供的物理和語義表徵,並依據當下情境動態地改變人類對外在世界的感官經驗。 / In human communication and language use, both speech and scene constitute the cross-modal comprehension process. However, how these two elements combine to affect human comprehension process has not yet been fully resolved. Four research questions will be examined. First, two approaches can account for the comprehension process: the hierarchical approach asserts speech plays the main part whereas the visual feature has only a supporting role, while the interactive approach states that both speech and visual feature combine to determine the comprehension process. Second, despite the speech can cause the spoken reference effect on having more fixations on its visual referent, the nature of this effect is still unclear. Third, most past studies adopted simple object array as visual context, little is known about the impact of real world scenes on the comprehension process. Fourth, whether the preview time could alter the influence of speech and scene on comprehension will be tested. A series of visual world paradigm experiments were conducted. Factors of task demand (speech comprehension vs. scene comprehension) and preview time (1-second vs. none) were orthogonally manipulated in four experiments. In each trial, participants listened to a spoken sentence in Chinese while viewing a picture with two critical objects: one is the mentioned target object (e.g., tiger), which was embedded in either a consistent, inconsistent or blank background; the other is an unmentioned non-target object (e.g., eagle) that was always consistent with its background. Several findings were found. First, the reliable spoken reference effect were shown regardless of the task demand was given. Second, the visual complexity and scene consistency not only can individually guide fixations on objects, but can work together with the speech to determine the visual attention during comprehension. Third, task demand could differently modulate the spoken reference and scene consistency effect, respectively. Fourth, preview time significantly enhances the spoken reference effect in the speech comprehension task, whereas no impact was observed in the scene comprehension task. These evidence supported the view of interactive approach. In conclusion, human’s different cognitive systems, including language, vision and memory, can interact with each other and cause the moment to moment experience of how we understand the complex world around us.

繪本為初級成人華語閱讀教學輔助教材之研究 / Picture Book as Assisted Reading Materials in Teaching Chinese for Adult Beginners

張郁笙, Chang, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
華語教材漸趨多元,圖文並茂的素材賞心悅目同時吸引讀者興趣,繪本兼具兩者特質,然而圖文書作為學習華語的語言材料尚未有獨立繪本可直接教學,本研究教材以華測會八千詞為依,加工原始資料,希望成為正規教材之外的初級華語學習教材。 學習者認為中文為困難的語言,學習評量成效不佳,此外受限每週課時,自學時間受專業課程壓縮,動機不足,故藉由兼具圖像與故事情節的繪本製作輔助教材,提高自學能力和興趣,增進閱讀理解,開展交際話題,促進觀點交流。製作繪本輔助教材作為課程材料,教授生詞、語法,從圖文創作:互證、互補、互釋和互斥四項模式教學,並且分析原創作中的圖像,示範教學方式。研究者自側面觀察紀錄教師教學,提供學習者心得回饋表,深入訪談教師和學習者經驗。結果指出學習者藉圖文教材提高學習樂趣,教學前的引導使其提前適應內容,故事討論加強全文組織、理解,增加話題,圖文模式應用於教學後更能掌握圖像互動,讀出其言外之意。最後討論動機的引起及維持、圖文模式和閱讀理解、教學目標和學習收穫,並提出未來華語教學之方向。 / Picture books enjoy great attention today. The readership of more sophisticated picture books like graphic novels increased in the last decade. Illustrated narratives are not confined to manga or children books anymore. Although Chinese teaching materials, too, made great advances in the last ten years and layout and design became more attractive than before, recent developments of teaching materials do not get catch up with the increased popularity of picture books, especially with graphic novels and other picture books for adults. The present study aims to explore the conditions we should care about when we want to use picture books in classroom teaching. A focus is laid on teaching Chinese reading and character acquisition for beginners (A2) who only have a very limited knowledge of Chinese. Can picture books facilitate the learning process of reading? Can illustrations help to comprehend textual meaning? To answer questions like this, the present study examines various theories and research results about the interaction between the illustrations and the reading processes and reflects these theories with their didactic significance. The background for the present study is a half year teaching experience using different picture books to teach reading and Chinese character acquisition to beginners who did not have much time in Taiwan for study and who are not very motivated to learn reading Chinese. At the beginning, the use of picture books as teaching materials aimed to motivate students to learn Chinese characters and to encourage them to read Chinese not only in the classroom, but also to apply their knowledge to their own activities in their leisure time. Later, the author deliberately used picture books as teaching materials to learn more about the advances and shortcomings of these materials. Thus, the present study is the theoretical reflection of this teaching experience. It investigates picture books not only from the perspective how picture books can facilitate learning processes of Chinese reading competence, but also from the perspective how can picture books contribute to motivate students to read Chinese inside and outside of the classroom. Teaching materials based on three picture books are presented in this study. These materials first were used for teaching beginners and become later more and more developed, evaluated and revised in accordance to teaching experience, learning outcome and students’ opinions. Course designs based on these materials are added at the end of the present study.

融合「質疑作者法」於英語閱讀之行動研究 / Incorporating “Questioning the Author” into Reading: An Action Research Study

臧明煥, Tsang, Ming-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討一批判思考策略「質疑作者法」,如何融入於台灣高職學生的英語閱讀能力養成,以及該策略對學生英語能力的影響。研究以台灣北部某高職38位高一學生為研究對象,為期五週。研究藉由學習單、學習歷程調查、教學觀察日誌、及焦點團體訪談等質性研究方法收集研究資料,再進一步歸納分析,以期廣泛且深入了解「質疑作者法」對於增進學生閱讀能力的效果,並同時得到更為適宜可行的教學應用。主要的研究發現如下: 一、 本研究中大多數學生對「質疑作者法」抱持肯定的態度。不論英語程度高低,該策略使學生獲得有別於過去的閱讀經驗,並同時增進其閱讀興趣及閱讀理解力。 二、 當教學者融入「質疑作者法」於教學活動時,教學者以協助者身分觀察學生對於教學活動的反應,隨時調整活動的進行。 三、 閱讀中的討論使學生能在一個支持的、低焦慮的學習環境中表達意見,並同時主動地建構文章的意義。 四、 本研究中,高成就與低成就學生在批判思考與閱讀能力方面皆有提升。透過「質疑作者法」,低成就學生相較於高成就學生建立較強的自信心並養成更高的閱讀興趣,從而由該策略中得到較多的助益。 根據上述結果,文末呈現教學上的義涵和應用,並對未來相關研究提出建議。 / This action research study aims to investigate the process of fostering reading comprehension ability of EFL vocational high school students by incorporating a critical thinking strategy, namely, “Questioning the Author”, into the English reading teaching activities. A total of thirty-eight 10th graders from a vocational high school in northern Taiwan participated in the present study for a five-week implementation. The data were collected through qualitative methods, including participants’ worksheets, learning surveys using Likert Scale and open-ended questions, the field notes and the teaching logs of the teacher researcher, and the focus group interviews for high and low achievers. The results were analyzed and interpreted with an attempt to have a profound and extensive understanding of the effect of the strategy “Questioning the Author” on students’ reading comprehension ability, along with generating more feasible pedagogical implications. Major findings are as follows: 1. Most students in the present study had a positive perception to the strategy “Questioning the Author”. Despite their different English proficiency levels, the strategy made a difference in their reading experiences, and meanwhile boosted their interest in reading and improved their reading comprehension ability. 2. When incorporating the strategy into teaching activities, the teacher as a facilitator observed the responses from students to modify the ongoing activities. 3. Discussions during reading provided a low-anxiety and supportive environment for students to express their opinions and construct meanings actively as well. 4. Although both high and low achievers made progress in their critical thinking and reading ability, the latter benefited more from the strategy than the former, for they developed more interests in reading as well as obtained higher confidence in themselves through the strategy. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are also included at the end of the thesis.

閱讀網絡圖對臺灣高中生閱讀理解成效之研究 / An investigation into the effects of graphic organizers on reading comprehension of senior high school students in Taiwan

羅文卿 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討使用閱讀網絡圖對於臺灣高中生閱讀理解能力的影響,並分析學習者對於使用閱讀網絡圖後的態度觀感。 根據研究目的,所採用的實驗工具為閱讀理解測驗以及態度問卷。實驗對象為台中市某私立高中的92名學生。實驗進行前,實驗組與對照組的學生們接受閱讀理解前測。在為期六週的教學期間,實驗組接受閱讀網絡圖教學訓練,而對照組則接受傳統的教師講述閱讀教學方式。實驗後,兩組學生接受閱讀理解後測;實驗組另在後測結束後填寫問卷。資料分析透過描述性統計、T檢定、與ANOVA檢視閱讀網絡圖教學的效益;問卷旨在瞭解學生對於閱讀網絡圖輔助閱讀理解的態度和看法。 研究主要結果如下: 1.閱讀網絡圖有助於學生閱讀理解。此外,閱讀網絡圖對於學生在回答克漏字網絡圖題型有助益,但其顯著差異並未反映在選擇題的作答表現上。 2.學生對於閱讀網絡圖抱持正面的態度。第一,他們給予網絡圖正面回饋;第二,他們肯定網絡圖對於閱讀理解及文章架構的助益;第三,他們表示有意願在未來應用閱讀網絡圖於英語文章或其他學科的學習上。 綜合研究結果,本研究透過瞭解閱讀網絡圖在閱讀教學上的效益,期能提供教師對於閱讀網絡圖的使用有更一步的瞭解,以充分幫助學生的英語閱讀學習。 / The present study aimed to investigate the effects of graphic organizer instruction on Taiwanese senior high school students’ reading comprehension. Also, it explored students’ attitudes toward the use of graphic organizers. Based on the purpose of this study, instruments included reading comprehension tests and an attitude questionnaire. Two intact classes of 92 private senior high school second-grade female students in Taichung City participated in the study. The classes were first divided into the experimental group and the control group. Before the treatment, the reading comprehension pre-test was administrated. During the six-week instruction, the experimental group received graphic organizer instruction, while the control group received the traditional reading instruction. After that, the effects of graphic organizer instruction were evaluated through measures of reading comprehension post-test. The attitude questionnaire was distributed to the experimental group right after the post-test. The quantitative analysis of the mean scores on comprehension tests was conducted through descriptive statistics, t-Tests, and two-way ANOVA to indicate the effects of graphic organizers. In addition, the data of the questionnaire were analyzed for students’ attitudes toward and perceptions of graphic organizers. The major findings of the study were listed below: 1. The results of comprehension tests showed a significant effect of graphic organizer instruction on reading comprehension of senior high school students. Besides, the graphic organizer instruction positively affected students’ performance on answering cloze graphic organizer questions, while its effect on students’ answering multiple-choice questions was not salient. 2. Information gathered from the questionnaire indicated students’ positive attitudes toward the facilitation of graphic organizers. First, the students expressed positive feedbacks toward the use of graphic organizers. Second, they confirmed the benefits of graphic organizer instruction like increasing their reading comprehension and familiarizing themselves with text structure. Third, they generally showed their willingness to apply the use of graphic organizers to future learning while reading English articles or studying other subjects. To conclude, this study may be of importance in understanding the effectiveness of graphic organizers in its application of reading instruction, as well as in providing English teachers with a better understanding of how to use graphic organizers so as to offer learners with best help.

超媒體模態對閱讀行為及理解的影響 / The effects of modality on hypermedia navigation behavior and comprehension

曾育慧 Unknown Date (has links)
影片在網路內容中的比重日益增加,但超文本閱讀理解研究卻很少探討影片元素。本研究以實驗法探討超文本內容以不同表達模態(影片結合文字呈現、純文字呈現) 對理解及超文本大綱瀏覽行為的影響。 實驗以科普內容做為素材,招募81位大學生,隨機分配到實驗組及控制組:網頁影片結合文字組、網頁純文字組、紙本組三組,並要求受試者閱讀後以自由回憶(free recall)、概念圖寫下所看到的內容。接著,以Kintsch(1998)的建構-整合模式為基礎,建立文本中的巨觀命題與情境模式,並以命題分析法比對三組讀者回憶內容的差異。同時,也記錄網頁組二組受試者的瀏覽行為及時間。 研究結果發現,相同的內容,影片結合文字表達、及以純文字表達,就整體內容的巨觀命題、情境模式理解而言,二組讀者的理解並無差異。然而,若將影片、文字內容的巨觀命題理解分別統計,則發現收看影片結合文字組的受試者對影片內容的理解程度較高;若單就文字內容的理解進行分析,則發現收看網頁文字組的受試者對文字的理解程度較高。不同表達模態也影響讀者的瀏覽時間分配與瀏覽行為。當文字內容加入影片時,相較於純文字組,讀者在影片的瀏覽時間增加,文字內容瀏覽時間則較短。若內容只有文字單一表達模態,讀者會更依賴點選大綱及在頁面間點閱來幫助理解。文字組受試者的大綱瀏覽頻率、瀏覽總頁數高於影片結合文字組。 本研究同時對照網路與紙本不同媒介對讀者理解的影響。結果發現,此二媒介對讀者的巨觀命題理解無影響,但對讀者理解整體概念有影響,網路超文本的讀者,概念圖的回憶表現優於閱讀傳統紙本文字者。

GS-based電腦輔助同步合作學習對國小學童閱讀理解成效之研究 / A study of GS-based CSCL for elementary school students on the effectiveness of reading comprehension

楊肅健, Yang, Suh Jiann Unknown Date (has links)
學童階段推動閱讀教育非常重要,過去不乏對於閱讀動機與閱讀興趣之調查研究,但對於新興之數位閱讀實證性研究瞭解有限,有鑑於數位媒體將逐漸成為閱讀的新趨勢,本研究旨在探討GS-based 合作學習活動運用在國小閱讀教學的可行性,將學生的閱讀合作學習及教師的教學策略串連,研究採用準實驗研究法,以金門縣二所國小四年級各一班的學生,分成實驗組與控制組,實驗組進行「運用GS軟體結合電子繪本的合作學習教學活動」,而控制組進行「電腦教室環境不分組的大班電子繪本教學活動」,經過實驗處理後,接受「自編閱讀理解測驗」,以比較學生在閱讀理解成效的差異性,輔之以問卷調查實驗組學生對課程活動的態度看法,並以研究者觀察、錄影及訪談作為質性資料討論,最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供未來研究與教師在運用電腦輔助合作學習融入閱讀教學時之參考。 研究發現如下: 一、GS-based電腦輔助合作學習活動的閱讀教學模式,學生在閱讀理解成效方面,優於不分組大班學生獨立學習的電子繪本閱讀教學模式。 二、GS-based電腦輔助合作學習活動的閱讀教學,有利於幫助學生在推論分析及詮釋整合層次的閱讀理解,尤其是詮釋整合的理解歷程上,閱讀理解成效最為顯著。 三、無論是高成就組、中成就組或低成就組,實驗組不同成就組別之學生的閱讀理解成效皆優於控制組,尤以中成就組之學生,閱讀理解成效最為顯著。 四、透過GS-based合作學習活動,有助於小組集思廣益。積極參與型的小組運作,小組後測平均成績比主領導強勢型、無領導零碎型的小組運作方式成績高。 五、學生對GS結合電子繪本合作學習活動的新穎學習模式,持正向肯定的態度,同時認為可提高閱讀的興趣。 / The purpose of research is to discuss the practicability of applying GS- based collaborative learning project to reading instruction of primary school, which is to connect the reading collaborative learning with teachers’ teaching strategy. The research uses Quasi-experimental method by separating classes of students from two primary schools in Kinmen County as an experimental group and a control group. Experimental group implements the collaborative learning project by applying GS software to connect with electronic books and control group practices the ungrouped electronic books learning project in the computer classroom. After experimenting, to know the students’ reading comprehensive effectiveness, the students accepted the self-prepared comprehension tests and to use questionnaire survey to know how the students of experimental group think about the learning project. Moreover, serving as the researchers to observe, make the video record and interview as the qualitative for discussions ; finally, to address specific suggestions according to research result so as to provide the reference for future researches and teachers when they collaboratively apply computer to reading instruction. The research findings are as followings: (1)The reading instruction of applying GS based computer to collaborative learning project, the students’ reading comprehensive effectiveness is better than students who independently learn with the electronic books reading ins- truction in the big ungrouped class. (2)The reading instruction of applying GS-based computer to collaborative learning project is helpful for students’ reading comprehension on the parts of inferential analysis and interpretation of integrating levels; especially in the interpretation of integrating comprehensive process, the reading comprehend- sion is the most significant. (3)No matter for high achievement group, middle achievement group or low achievement group, the different experimental groups of students’ reading comprehension are better than control groups; especially the middle achieve- ment groups. Their reading comprehensive effectiveness is the best. (4)GS-based collaborative learning project is helpful for group thinking. The operation of group is positive and active. Their test results are better than con- trol group and non-leader fragmented group. (5)The students are positive about GS connecting electronic books with collaborative learning project and they also think which can enhance their inte- rest to reading.


IMAMURA, A, 今村, 敦司 01 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Inagaki, Yasuyoshi, Matsubara, Shigeki, Kawaguchi, Nobuo, Murao, Hiroya, 稲垣, 康善, 松原, 茂樹, 河口, 信夫, 村尾, 浩也 01 December 2000 (has links)
情報処理学会研究報告. SLP, 音声言語情報処理; 2000-SLP-34-34

第3節 中学3年生 平和と国際理解I : 人と地域と歴史の繋がりから平和を考える(第2章 総合人間科の取り組み, VI. キャリア形成を軸とした総合人間科の取り組み)

中村, 明彦, 今村, 敦司, 原, 順子, 中野, 和之, 岡村, 明 15 January 2009 (has links)

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