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運用文字探勘技術建置知識本體之研究 -以財經文件為例 / The study of constructing ontology with text mining techniques-Take the macroeconomic analysis report for an instance蘇晏譁, Su, Yan Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在目前眾多知識挖掘相關方法中,文字探勘(text mining)即是以文件內容為主要分析對象,目的在於自非結構或半結構化的文件中萃取出有意義的知識。為此,若有一個良好的機制能將文字探勘所挖掘的知識加以彙整併保存,便可使財經文件內所隱藏的知識進一步的被應用在相關領域上(如決策支援、資訊檢索、知識管理,而這也成為提昇競爭力的重要利基。
本研究針對財經領域相關文件(如財經新聞、投顧之研究報告…等)進行分析,結合文字探勘知識挖掘的能力與知識本體的概念,運用文字探勘中重要演算法-關聯分析挖掘財經文件中隱含的關鍵資訊,提出一套藉由關聯分析所得之關聯規則建立知識本體的新方法。此方法有以下幾點特色:(1)建構一「財經標的模型」,定義財經文件內容之基本架構(2)將文字探勘挖掘之知識以知識本體的方式呈現(3)自動化的建構知識本體。 / With the concept of financial management popularizing, Personal and corporations are increasing the financial information demands. However, implicit in all kinds of useful information relevant macroeconomic documents readily available, but most text has no fixed format and difficult to collate. To support users from a large number of macroeconomic documents to find and retrieve the appropriate information has become important research topic in financial-related applications.
In many Knowledge Mining Approaches, Text mining is based on analyzing the content of the documents; it purpose to extract the meaningful knowledge from Unstructured or Semi-structured Documents. If there is a good mechanism to keep the accumulation of text mining knowledge exploration, the macroeconomic documents will enable to effective application of tacit knowledge in Decision Support, Information Retrieval, Knowledge Management and other related fields, it is the foundation of enhancing competitiveness.
This study aims to analyzing the macroeconomic documents such as the financial and economic news, the research report of investment consular… and so on, Combined with Text Mining knowledge mining ability and concept of Ontology, by one of the important algorithms to text mining-Association Analysis, discovered latent key information in macroeconomic documents, apply a new method of Association Rules for building Ontology. The method has the following characteristics:(1) Constructed 「Target Model」on structure framework to give a definition for the macroeconomic documents (2) To display the knowledge form text mining by Ontology approaches (3) Constructing Ontology automatically。
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應用語意網於動態工作流程之研究陳婷妤, CHEN, TING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究提出一個簡單有效的動態處理工作流程架構,透過語意網標準語言-資源描述結構(RDF(S)及DAML+OIL制定更嚴謹、豐富、彈性的工作流程定義,使工作流程處理具有邏輯推理的知識能力,另一方面提供一套流程改變機制,以自動調適在執行期間動態改變的流程。 / By the development of global economics influences business model more and more complex. The way of promoting productivity and decreasing cost is the issue of the company. Current workflow management approaches can reach automatic, monitoring, collaboration and controlling the process. But process description and sharing resource approaches consider simplistic method invocation. So how to create dynamic workflow enrich process definition and modify the program at run time is very important issue.
In this thesis we propose richer process representations using the semantic web languages which enable us to capture process than current approaches and applying a change system to adapt process change in run time. Further, we develop algorithms by which potential problem in dynamic workflow can be more flexible and combine computer and human activities.
Keyword: Semantic Web, Ontology, Dynamic Workflow
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知識倉儲的知識結構之研究-以某行政部門為例盧美惠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,經由資訊媒介的傳播,造成了企業或組織內部資訊大量的累積。因此,知識倉儲(knowledge repository)可以說是儲存各類型文件的儲存庫,主要用來管理和組織各類型資訊,例如資料庫、報告、文件、表單,都可以數位化方式儲存在知識倉儲,其功能在於進行組織內部各類型文件知識內容管理,進而協助組織提供網路服務(web service),包括:提供目錄、索引以協助使用者尋找資訊的檢索服務以及辨識和確認資訊位址的定址服務。因此,當知識不斷地從組織運作之中產生,知識與資訊的量也跟著不斷增加,如何管理這些知識就益顯重要,包括知識的表達、結構、儲存與取用方式等。
在這篇論文中,本研究試圖整理對於知識倉儲的『知識結構』之相關或背景知識,並針對文件彼此之間的相互參照關係以及索引典建立知識地圖(knowledge map),進一步將領域的相關知識,如術語或關連性等資料儲存成有結構性之知識,利用此領域知識對於文件內容附加上有語意關係之處理,在進行資訊檢索時,從而利用領域知識結構以協助使用者準確地檢索與查詢有用或相關之資訊內容。
本研究運用檔案管理全宗理論及控制層級(control level),提出因應組織結構改變之檔案系統目錄結構,劃分全宗、系列、案卷、文件等層次,知識倉儲系統藉由文件虛擬位址(DL)以及文件實體位址(URL)之對映,以處理組織結構改變之動態文件管理。本研究進一步針對具有關連的一組文件進行案卷內部分類,利用所分析之案卷類型結構,描述具有單一文件以及具有複合文件概念之文件,包括:會議記錄、法令規章等,並運用都柏林核心集(Dublin Core)描述文件資料建立Metadata結構,然後透過索引典(Thesaurus)詞彙語意關係之處理,提供概念性之語意資訊檢索。
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以知識本體為基礎的壽險客服應用 / Ontology Based CRM for Life Insurance Company簡月秀, Chien, Yueh-hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
為解決壽險客服中心因取得壽險專業知識的障礙而無法提供客戶滿意的服務,本研究對客服中心可能應用的各種知識,探討已被發表的知識管理分類、呈現與檢索等應用的相關技術,提出符合客服中心需求的以知識本體為基礎的壽險知識問題檢索架構,除了提供壽險專業知識的建立、搜尋、分享環境,並將原始文件儲存為XML或RDF的語意文件,做為將來跨平台與跨應用系統資料交換的基礎,提升客服中心服務效率、節省客服人力與行政成本,留住忠誠的客戶以達成CRM的目的,進而提升企業競爭力。 / According to the regular semi-annual statistic report from Insurance Department of MOF Taiwan, the complain cases from policy owners are increasing year by year. The reasons of complain are claims, underwriting, policy services, marketing, premium collections, policy clauses and regulations. If the customer service representatives (CSR) could solve the problems at the right time with their domain knowledge of life insurance, the volumes of complain should be descended explicitly. But it is hard to ask a CSR to play the role with variety domain knowledge of life insurance. Implement the knowledge management mechanism to standardize and enrich the organization memory are the first priority in life insurance companies.
In order to overcome the barrier of dissatisfaction about customer service, this research try to study the related theories and technologies of knowledge classification, knowledge representation, knowledge acquisition tools, inference and problem solving methods. The results of this research announce an architecture of ontology based customer relationship management for Life Insurance Company to build, represent, search, and share the life insurance domain knowledge. Addition, to save the original semi-structured or unstructured documents into semantic formats of XML or RDF. It could provides the data exchange between heterogeneous databases and platforms. The advantages are more efficiency and cost down for the customer service departments, retain the royalty customers and get more competence advantage for the company.
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雲端運算環境下基於知識本體之資訊檢索系統建置-以半導體產業為例 / Constructing ontology-based information retrieval system in cloud computing environment – the case of semiconductor industry李佳穎, Li, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對半導體產業,提供一智慧型搜尋功能,讓使用者在大量資料中能快速及準確地搜尋。為達此目的,本研究中定義知識空間及其組成元素,並發展一組程式以產生該知識空間及知識空間搜尋機制,以提升使用者生產力。所使用到的技術包含:(1)建立知識本體,(2)計算兩詞彙同時出現頻率,(3)計算詞彙與文件關聯度,(4)發展知識空間搜尋環境。 / This study aims to provide an intelligent searching environment which users can search quickly and precisely from a large number of documents in semiconductor industry. In order to achieve the purpose, this paper defines a knowledge space and its composition elements to describe the knowledge of real world, and then develops a program to shorten the searching cost by providing the searching mechanism based on knowledge space. The techniques used in this study includes:(1) Construct 「Semiconductor Industry Ontology」(2) Compute the frequency of two terms appearing simultaneously (3) Compute the interrelatedness between terms and documents (4) Develop searching environment based on knowledge space.
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英語教學知識結構及教學流程架構之研究 (以九年一貫國小英語課程為例)牟藜娟, Mou, Li Chuan (Jean) Unknown Date (has links)
英語教學內容知識框架(English Content Knowledge Ontology)抽象化類別具多重之階層、對等及相依關係。將內容知識抽象化類別實體化,其類別與實體之集合,即為本範例所建構之知識框架。
關鍵詞:九年一貫英語課程、知識管理、知識本體、語意資訊檢索、物件導向、UML / The Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum was put into practice by the Ministry of Education in 2001. Due to the fact that there are too many students in each class and that there is not enough teaching media, the students fall into different levels in English proficiency. Some research concluded that an English Teaching Resource Centre should be established to enhance teachers’ teaching quality and to provide an on-line teaching aid, hence to give the students more learning opportunities and to improve their learning effects.
In this study, the on-line English teaching aid was discussed from the viewpoint of Knowledge Management. English Content Knowledge Ontology and English Teaching Knowledge Flow Architecture were suggested to provide an on-line teaching aid with a semantic retrieval system so as to initiate an innovative model for on-line English teaching aids.
The English Content Knowledge, Ontology, a model of English domain knowledge, defines the concepts and their attributes, as well as the multiple relationships between the concepts: Class(vertical), Reciprocity(horizontal), and dependency(grouping)relationships. An “instance” is hypostatized from an abstract class, and the integration of the abstract classes and the instances represent the English Content Knowledge Ontology built up in this research.
The present study has introduced Object Oriented concept that deemed the English content knowledge as an object and as an instance with different Attributes and Operations. Encapsulated attributes and operations engaged in coordination among different objects through exchanges of messages, and resulted in the achievement of the overall system operations. Meanwhile, each student would also be an object in the course of the study and possess different attributes and operations. The final goal, learning, could be achieved through the exchanges of messages for mission coordination.
UML was applied in the study to construct the three major models in the on-line English learning. Functional Model – Use case Diagram to model the user’s requirements for the system; Static Model – Class Diagram to abstract an object for showing a static architecture; Dynamic Model – Sequence Diagram to describe the information flow among the objects.
This research also attempted to explore the present circumstances of the primary school’s on-line English teaching aid websites. It illustrated the needs of developing architecture for a website with semantic retrieval functions, multiple choice ways of learning and diversified modes for learning assessments It will be able to record and analyse the learning effect and test the result, building up learning records (including learning style, habit, attitude and learning effect) in order to provide each student with more learning opportunities and to share teaching resources with all of the teachers.
Through the new learning model, the students are able to obtain learning resources to grow by themselves. The present study also urged more concern on the research and development of the English teaching website in order to provide more vitality to our children and their new learning methods. The model built up in this study may serve as a reference in the development of effective on-line English learning for children.
Key words: Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum, Knowledge Management, Ontology, Semantic Retrieval System, Object Oriented, UML
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系統功能演化之需求分析方法論 / Requirements Analysis Methodology for System Functional Evolution劉季綸, Liu, Chi-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
為了讓企業外界的大眾提議新需求,本研究發展了一套以部落格為基礎的新需求提議工具,讓網友可在部落格上提出自己對新功能的想法。此外,為了協助企業判斷新需求是否會觸發衝突解決流程,本研究根據哲學詮釋學,將使用案例(Use cases)加以延伸修改,提出一套後設模型,並輔以知識本體,據此來提出一套規則,讓本工具能自動偵測新需求與系統既有設計之間是否有所抵觸,而規則亦可進一步應用在新需求間的衝突上。
為了初步瞭解本研究所提之方法論與工具的優缺點,本研究與中時電子報和民視購物網合作,來試用此方法論與工具。透過試用之後的訪談得知,本方法論與工具有其價值,而也獲得了不少寶貴的試用意見。最後,本研究根據試用的諸多意見,對方法論與工具的改善上,提出了具體的改良作法與方向。 / Nowadays, companies have to respect collective knowledge and improve service quality for adapt their rapidly changing environment. Traditional systems development methodologies may be still valuable but have shortcomings. To accommodate customer-driven trend, new methodologies must guide enterprises to listen to customers for ensuring high-quality system services. New methodologies also have to guide developers to carry out cross-department and customer-centered collaboration in new ways for maintaining systems cyclically.
This research proposes a user requirements analysis methodology according on philosophical hermeneutics and software engineering literature. The proposed methodology includes requirements formation and conflict resolution. Requirements formation process involves new user requirement proposition, commercial and technical impact analysis, cost benefit estimation, coding prioritization, and new version release scheduling. Conflict resolution process involves negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.
Besides the proposed methodology, this research also develops a blog-based tool for collecting user requirements on Internet. This research extends and modifies use cases diagram and use philosophical hermeneutics as a foundation to propose a meta-model. This research also proposes a set of rules for conflict detection. Base on the proposed meta-model, ontologies, and the proposed rules, the blog-based tool can automatically detect conflicts between new requirements and existing design. These proposed rules also can apply to detect conflicts among new requirements.
An online newspaper company and an online shopping mall try to use this methodology and the blog-based tool. In the interviews, they confirm this methodology’s and tool’s values and give several suggestions for improving the methodology and the tool. Finally, this research discusses the improvements and future research directions according to these suggestions.
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文獻關聯之視覺化瀏覽平台建構研究 / Building a Visualization Platform for Browsing Academic Paper Relationships趙逢毅, Chao,August Unknown Date (has links)
此外使用在文獻分析研究中,學者們使用共同引用(co-citation)、共同作者(co-work)、共同作者引用(co-author)等分析方式,配合延伸自社會網路分析理論中的社會密度(social distance)、關聯層級(social degree)、群(clique)等參數概念,試將複雜的文獻資料有脈絡地按排供參考。僅管此是工作難以機械化且消耗時間的(Börner, Chen , Boyack, 2003),但是卻能將某一特定領域的發展直覺地呈現出來,如此若能將這些分析方式配合視覺化的呈現,則研究學者便能更進一步了進行大量文獻資料視覺化的分析、探索。
本研究試提出一個新的協助文獻探索平台系統架構,將傳統的文字搜尋轉變為視覺化的資料探索。使用者能透過三種不同的層級的資料:知識本體與關鍵字層、引文網路層及人員網路層,並與呈現的資料互動進一步了解資料間的關聯方式。最後實作視覺化雛型平台,並使用在國家圖書館所提供的博、碩士論文網所提供的論文資料,提供給研究人員探索特定知識領域中新研究方向的探索工具,並能協助研究者能在尚未完瞭解的專業領域之前,能快速地瞭解在該其領域重要文獻的導引平台。 / Paper survey is the most important task for building earnest theories, while researchers conducting academic researches. One must touches the fundamental detail of each theory and track down the develop-path of what achievement have been established by previous researches. Benefit from synergy of information age and document digitalized, it not only reduces the cost of finding reference documents, but also makes researchers suffer from information overwhelming after click single “search it” bottom. Stand in for traditional paper web search methods, new academic paper search technology borrowing from the idea of web search engine calculates the importance of each paper by cited number, and recommends users the most important papers by serial listing. However, serial listing does never spell the relationships of suggesting papers out, but only those results match some specific criteria. Those relationships of papers can be classified into 3 different types: the relations of keywords and references that author used and social relationship of authors like co-author and author co-citation which have been developed to explain the complex citation network structures. Those multi-dimensional relationships are extremely abundant and complex, so there is no better way to deal with but depending on visual data processing within human nature.
In this paper, we try to propose a new platform to transform paper search in serial listing, into a visualized explore platform by demonstrating 3 different types of relationship: ontology-keywords, papers-references and personnel-references. End users can fallow the relationships between each difference nodes to explore considerable references, as well as change into different view and interact with existing information by using interactive mechanizes. In order to bring this idea to practical application usage, we build a proto-type platform to show our idea by using data from ETDS (electronic theses and dissertations system) of Ministry of education. We hope sincerely by using this proto-type platform, users can catch the major ideas of specific knowledge domain and researchers can explore acceptable references and even conduct new search topic.
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