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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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線上社交網站之媒介溝通經驗研究 / Study on media communication of on-line social network sites

尤芷芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探究,在線上社交網站(Socail network site,簡稱SNS)風行的時代,網路社交行為將對社交生活、社會關係以及傳播互動造成何種影響,背後意涵為何。 本文選定機緣理論作為研究視角,透過文獻探討、參與觀察與深度訪談,一方面探究SNS的傳播脈絡,另一方面尋查SNS的活動開展。循著機緣觀點的理路,奠定觀察準則在於:將SNS視為一處媒介空間,具有其特有「情境的空間性」,而此空間性來自媒介的科技特性、使用者對媒介的知覺、實際使用行為等的多方形塑,因而SNS的媒介溝通經驗為一循環互動的過程,緊嵌著使用者的個人脈絡而發展。 研究發現有三部份。首先,SNS以介面為據點、以有機成長的網絡為運作邏輯,因而形成具有一體兩面效應的媒介空間;且SNS所具備之「表達性網路」的媒介特性情境,結合個人的日常使用脈絡,提供了「短暫溝通」的可能。其次,SNS機緣彰顯出「規格化」、「若即若離」的溝通可能;另外,本研究歸納出六組不同的鑲嵌關係,揭示出,個人如何領略到SNS所能提供的溝通可能性,與個人心中對於「虛擬化與現實化之辯證」的光譜落點息息相關。最後,發現SNS之所以作為SNS的意涵有二。第一,人們對使用線上社交工具進行溝通有「雙重期待」:要能「拓展」關係又要能「縮減」關係、要能「短暫溝通」又要能「永續聯繫」。第二,溝通在此特定情境中具衝突本質:其一為「界線的挪移不定」,其二為「想溝通但不想對話,卻又無法擺脫溝通目的之束縛」,其三為「速度導致記憶感的缺失」。

連結強度與關係對Facebook台灣使用者的資訊交換行為之影響 / Tie strength and guanxi on Taiwan Facebook users’ information exchange behavior

張翠芬, Chong, Chui Fen Unknown Date (has links)
Granovetter proposed that weak ties connect different sections of social networks, thus function as the channel for individuals to gain access to useful information unavailable at existing social circles. The first motivation of this study is to explore to what extent strength of ties theory explains information exchange behaviour of Taiwanese Facebook users. According to past research, Chinese rely on those with close guanxi, such as family members and close friends to satisfy individual’s needs. This leads us to ask if guanxi would also play an important role in satisfying individual’s needs for information. Thus the second motive of this study is to explore the significance of guanxi for Chinese Facebook users in selecting the counterpart for information exchange. It is hoped that the results of this investigation will contribute to social networks, guanxi, information behaviour research and social network sites users’ study, especially in Taiwan. Based the data collected via online survey, this study found that respondents tend to rely on strong ties as their primary sources of information. If their strong ties were not able to provide the information, respondents would rely on the connections of these strong ties, rather than the weak ties in their network, to find the information they needed. Thus strong ties are the key to information exchange in a social network.

不同型態社交網站使用對個體之影響 / The influence of different types social networking sites usage

賴正育 Unknown Date (has links)
社交網站一直都是網際網路相關應用與發展中相當蓬勃的一部分。過去傳統的社交網站主要是提供使用者人際互動的服務平台,然而隨著網路技術的進步,社交網站的型態以及所提供的功能也逐漸出現轉變。例如:近來在台灣引起風潮的微網誌Plurk,以及因為其中遊戲開心農場而引起風潮的Facebook都展現了一些過去社交網站所沒有的特質。不論是微網誌簡單、即時的特點,又或Facebook所展現的遊戲性,其所呈現出來的現象、效應,以及對於使用者的影響,實非過去社交網站相關研究所能良好詮釋,並且不論在學界或業界也都越來越受到關注。 基於過去的研究文獻,本研究分別針對兩種不同型態的社交網站進行實證。針對具有簡單、即時特性的微網誌,本研究從訊息特性的差異切入探討,試著去瞭解個體動機對於其在微網誌中自我揭露、即時資訊分享的行為,並且探討個體的使用行為對於其社會支持、對社交網站的依賴以及社會自我效能的影響。而在針對Facebook的部分,本研究則將個體使用社交網路的行為分為從事網路社交活動以及使用網站內嵌社交遊戲,來探討個體使用動機與兩者之間的關係,並且同樣進一步討論使用後對於個體心理與社交層會產生什麼樣的影響。 本研究使用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares)針對實證所回收的樣本進行分析。模式一的部分,研究結果顯示人氣、社交與追求流行會顯著影響個體在微網誌中自我揭露的行為;社交和娛樂需求則會正向影響個體即時資訊分享的行為。而自我揭露行為與即時資訊分享會正向影響個體知覺社會支持,並且個體使用微網誌所知覺到的社會支持也會正向影響其社會自我效能。至於在模式二的部分,研究結果顯示人氣、社交、娛樂以及追求流行四種需求會正向影響個體在Facebook中從事網路社交的行為;而沉浸與成就需求則會正向影響個體使用Facebook中內嵌社交遊戲。此外,網路社交行為與社交遊戲使用都會正向影響個體知覺社會連繫以及對於社交網站的依賴,並且社會連繫的高低也與其社會自我效能有正向的關聯性。

社交網站與組織內人際關係改變之關聯性研究─以Facebook為例 / A study of how social networking sites change interpersonal relationships in business organizations: an example of Facebook

許慈雅, Hsu, Tzu Ya Unknown Date (has links)
社交網站,尤其是Facebook,在近幾年使用人口日趨增加,變得非常熱門。本研究觀察到在組織內,許多人運用Facebook這類社交網站與同事維繫人際關係。有趣的是,當Facebook進入組織情境後,這種以電腦中介傳播為基礎的人際互動方式,與實體人際關係模式不同,也迥異於全然線上的人際互動模式,其特殊性進一步帶來組織內人際關係的重要改變。   本研究共分三方面來探討Facebook進入組織情境後,對組織內人際關係所造成的改變。首先,受Facebook科技屬性影響,組織成員在Facebook上人際關係樣態根基於「虛實交錯」此一概念。由於同事間相互認識,其人際關係發展歷程從線下的實體互動開始,蔓延到Facebook的線上互動,而眾人在線上互動結果又會再度影響實體關係。換句話說,組織成員在「虛擬」和「實體」不同場域來回擺盪,造成「虛實交錯」情形,也讓組織內人際關係模式產生改變。   在這基礎上,本研究進一步發現Facebook「虛實交錯」的人際關係模式展現在兩個層面上。從整體角度來看,當Facebook出現後,在組織內形成另一個人際關係場域,彷彿是辦公室內的「線上茶水間」,組織成員在該場域互動、維繫人際關係的方式與實體茶水間有所不同,有其獨特性,因此我們用「線上茶水間」來描繪Facebook「虛實交錯」下的人際關係場域特性。在線上茶水間,組織成員以大量且多樣化資訊做為連結人際關係基礎,達到不同於實體茶水間的社交功能,如大量且速成的安慰與支持、跨越時空的陪伴感等,也使得線上茶水間的人際關係具有一定特色,例如淺層情感交流等。從個人層次來探討,組織成員的形象在此人際關係場域內也有不同展現方式,當Facebook出現後,它的科技屬性提供組織成員「另一個舞台」,讓個人得以展現出在正式組織場域中難以呈現的某種形象,因此我們用「另一個舞台」來描繪其轉變與特性。然而Facebook終究位於組織體系內,因此組織成員無法扮演一個全新或不真實形象,在舞台上的「演出」難免受到束縛。儘管如此,組織成員仍可透過Facebook調節自己在實體組織場域予人的形象,展現出欲呈現面貌。 / This study discusses the impact and influence of Facebook on interpersonal relationships at the work place. Social networking sites (SNS), Facebook in particular, have grown in popularity in recent years. In addition to personal usage, many use Facebook as a tool to interact with their colleagues in corporate settings. When used in this manner, the mode of interaction is based on computer-mediated communication (CMC), which is distinct from physical interactions or from virtual online interactions. This study focuses on three aspects of Facebook that influence and shape the relationships among employees in a corporation. Firstly, the members of a business organization know each other, so the process of interaction begins with physical acquaintance. The interaction then migrates online through Facebook, which, in turn, shapes the nature of the physical interaction. In other words, aided by technology, the corporate personnel interact both in "virtual (online)" space and in "physical" space, resulting in a mode of interaction that can be called "virtually and physically interlaced" interaction. On this basis, this study examines the effects of "virtually and physically interlaced" interaction from two perspectives. First, from the overview perspective, the introduction of Facebook in a corporate setting creates a space for a new form of interaction, an "online break room" of sorts, in which the corporate personnel's interaction is experienced differently than in a physical break room. Employees in "online break rooms" communicate with each other in multiple modes and methods such as videos, music, forwarded articles and so on. Unlike in a physical break room where the conversations are limited in number and also limited by the necessity of shared space and time, the online break room offers unconstrained space where employees can readily exchange their thoughts, opinions, as well as their feelings with others. The experience creates a new social dimension to the "online break room" at hand that employees can be accompanied by colleagues anytime and anywhere and also be able to receive much comfort and support from the coworkers. However, the level of communication remains superficial because employees do not interact in person. Second, from the individual perspective, an employee's experience of interaction with others in an "online break room" is changed. The introduction of Facebook in a corporate setting provides its personnel an alternate platform to express themselves more personally, in ways which may have been difficult to do in a rigid and formal business environment. We use the term "alternative stage" to describe the changes in interactions afforded by the addition of another platform. On the "main stage" of a conventional corporate environment, a person may feel compelled to conform to the corporate culture, and the expression of individuality may be limited, which results in a projected image that tends to be formal. In such an environment, Facebook becomes a stage/place where individuals can express and highlight their own personality or hobbies, giving a more personal and informal image to adjust the physical and conventional formal images.

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