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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


蔣姿儀, JIANG, ZI-YI Unknown Date (has links)
壹、研究目的: 本研究之主要目的在於探討政府是否應對私立大學校院補助及私立大學校院財政收 入結構情形與政府對私立大學校院補助之政策,最後並建立可能的私立大學校院補 助模式。 貳、研究方法: 研究對象為全國各私立大學校院共22所,資料來源為「中華民國教育統計」、「教 育部年度施政計畫」與「私立大學校院年度決算書」。 本研究之資料處理係利用Lotus 123 和SAS 進行統計分析,以Lotus 123 繪出公私 立大學校院各指標之發展趨勢圖,藉以比較二者間各指標之差異,並利用t考驗檢 定公私立大學校院在教育經費與學生個人單位成本間是否有顯著差異;利用百分比 求出各私立大學校院經費來源比例之概況;最後並利用逐步迴歸求出一適當的補助 模式。 參、研究結果: 本研究之主要結果為: 一、從受益者付費、教育機會均等與所得分配、租稅公平、鼓勵民間投資興學、維 持私立大學校院之教育水準及資源妥善分配等方面而言,政府應該盡力去協助 私立大學校院改善師資與設備,以利其健全發展。 二、公私立大學校院間在教育經費支出總額與學生個人單位成本之間有顯著之差異 ,私立大學校院顯著不如公立大學校院。 三、私立大學校院每年經常費收入之來源,主要靠學雜費的收入,平均佔私立大學 校院總收入的80﹪以上,但公立大學學生所分攤的教育成本,近十年來尚不及 10﹪。 四、教育部對私立大學校院經費之補助有逐年增加之趨勢。 五、教育部之補助金額受到學生人數、學校性質與辦學成效之影響。 肆、建議 一、政府施政方面 (一)提高對私立大學校院之補助。 (二)合理調整選擇性教育階段之學費政策。 (三)縮短公私立大學校院間學生個人單位成本之差距。 (四)加強清寒獎學金及工讀金之施行。 (五)加強助學貸款之辦理。助學貸款之項目應考慮學生生活費的貸與,並擴大 助學貸款之對象,除了清寒家庭學生的貸款外,可將對象擴大為一般的學 生。 (六)協助私立大學校院建立募捐制度,以增加其經費之來源。 (七)健全私校財務結構及人事、會計制度,並建立稽核制度,定期對私校財務 進行查核。 (八)建立一套合於制度化、規格化與彈性化的補助辦法。 二、私立大學校院辦學方面 (一)建立健全的人事制度,並對教師待遇、退休、撫卹、福利等有妥善的照顧 ,使其專心於教學上。 (二)健全財務會計制度,應設有經費稽核委員會,配合會計師每年查核帳目, 各項經費之收支皆依規定辦理。


王亭文 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來全國大專院校的快速增加,教育市場供給的大學生遠超過市場需求,近幾年已有供需失衡的狀況。私立大學為一特殊型之文教財團法人,受到私立學校法及大學法之規範,政府核准設立私立大學後,一直採取各種限制措施,由於限制過多,且缺乏市場競爭及淘汰的機制,加上教育資源偏重於公立學校,教育資源分配嚴重失衡。 過去在營利事業之財務危機研究中指出以傳統財務性指標建立財務危機預警模型,可以獲得良好之危機預警模型。相同於一般企業市場化宗旨,本研究依照研究結果用在私立大專院校,觀察學校之財務性指標是否也如營利事業研究結果一樣對於危機預警模型具有區別能力,藉以探討建立出適合台灣的退場機制。 本研究以94學年度有系所未通過教育部評鑑系所的學校設定為危機學校,通過教育部評鑑系所的學校設定為正常學校,本研究學校樣本為27家,通過評鑑的正常學校樣本為14家,有系所未通過評鑑的危機學校樣本為13家,依此建立Logit模型。 以2006-2007年樣本學校之財務變數與學生比率變數建立起財務預警模型,發生危機當年與發生危機前一年之正確區別率均頗高,再依據加權效率性之分析,決定模型最佳臨界點。問題年度最佳之臨界點為0.5,其正確區別率有0.92,對於本研究27個樣本學校中可以正確判定出正常學校或是危機學校的有25家。由以上結果可以得知用學校財務變數所建立之財務危機預警模型具有區別力。

我國對私立大學院校管控法制之探討---以日本及中國大陸為比較對象 / The Discuss of the Legal System about private university in The Republic of China ---Compare with Japan and People's Republic of China

吳天健 Unknown Date (has links)

The Relationship between Operating Performance and Financial Indicators - The Empirical Analysis of the Private Universities in Taiwan

黃如霜, Huang, Ru-Shuang Unknown Date (has links)
高等教育在全世界任何國家中都是備受關注的重要議題,對於深度學術研究和未來的就業市場皆有牽一髮而動全身之影響力,而大學生素質及教授教學品質正面臨急需改善的轉折點。當近年大學生人數呈倍數大幅增加時,如何強化大學的營運績效成為炙手可熱的議題。隨著出生率的降低,年增的大學間數削弱了高教的品質,依賴學生收入較重的私立大學之經營情形更是岌岌可危。 本文特別針對二十四家私立大專院校作出實證結果,利用各校84年到94年的財務報表以及有關經營面的數字,以當期餘絀作為應變數,包含流動比率、固定資產比率、平均每單位學生支出、生師比、平均每學生數之學費等變數作為自變數,採用財務及非財務比率分析法進行營運資產面、收益面、支出面、教學品質面的實證分析,探討此統計結果與私立大專院校的營運績效之相依性。 結論顯示出,當期餘絀與固定資產比率、固定資產年增率、總資產、捐贈佔總收入比率、平均每單位學生支出、大學部學生比率有顯著正相關關係;且長庚大學與慈濟大學對學費收入的依賴性最小。利用營運績效之評比建立未來私校的退場機制,提供給相關單位作為日後的參考依據。 / Higher education system has developed for a long time all round the world. It is the most factors for fostering talents for employment and advanced research. The quality of teaching and student at universities are facing challenges that needed to improve urgently. While the enrollment population of students in higher education grows rapidly, it is very necessary urgently to clarify the mounting controversy: how to improve the operating performance of a university according to its financial statement, quantity data, and the information related to the operating performance. With the decreasing birth rate in recent years, the quantity of universities and colleges has enlarged rapidly, added to the other factors, private universities will be in a terrible situation that no sufficient students to stand their business sooner or later. We intend in the thesis to find out ways to enhance the quality of higher education by integrating educational resources and testifying the statistical methods. This paper emphasize on the magnitude of operating those private universities with efficient performance. Chapter 1 is the introduction including the background, motives, and objectives of the research. Chapter 2 deals with the review of literature, whereby related the literatures overseas were be discussed. Chapter 3 focuses on the research methods adopted. Chapter 4 is the analysis of the empirical results, and conducted for the establishment of the model. Chapter 5 presents the conclusion and suggestions for further research. The study based on the disclosed financial information of the 24 private universities. The conducted variables used to test the relation can be divided into four categories: the operating assets approach, the revenue approach, the expenditure approach, the teaching-quality approach. There are financial ratio and non financial independent variables selected for consideration in this field. There are 19 explained variables in details, and current surplus (SUR) is the only dependent variable as a whole. This study yielded limited information about the operating performances of higher education. The objective of this research is to seek and find out the explanatory power of the independent variables for financial performance indicators. To the conclusion, the roads to improve the operating performance of these private universities still have taken time. It is better to eliminate the lower-quality universities from the assessment of operating performance


蔡玲玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討私立高級職業學校學生學習動機與學習態度間之相關,並分析不同背景變項學生學習動機與學習態度的差異情形,同時進行兩者關聯性之研究。為達研究目的,首先經由文獻探討確認理論架構,並以「私立高職學生學習動機與學習態度相關之研究調查表」為施測工具進行問卷調查,受調查之有效樣本共計936名學生。所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森相關係數等方法進行資料處理與分析,所獲致結論如下: 壹、私立高職學生學習動機之表現顯著高於符合程度。 貳、私立高職學生學習態度之表現顯著高於符合程度。 叁、私立高職學生背景變項中的性別、科別滿意度、休閒活動及父母教育程度等四項,對學習動機有不同程度之影響。 肆、私立高職學生背景變項中的性別、年級別、就讀科別、科別滿意度、休閒活動及父母教育程度等六項,對學習態度有不同程度之影響。 伍、私立高職學生學習動機與學習態度有顯著正相關。 最後,依本研究所得結論提出四點建議,以供學校、教師、家長及後續研究之參考。 / This paper is to research the relationship between the motivation to learn and learning attitude of students in Private Higher Vocational School. It also takes into consideration of students’ background differences as affecting factors. To achieve the goal, a theoretical framework is first established by literature study. A survey is then performed on students with 936 effective samples. Several statistic methods were used to analyze the collected data sets, including descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The conclusions obtained as followed: 1. Students’ motivation to learn in Private Higher Vocational School is higher than that acceptable level. 2. Students’ learning attitude in Private Higher Vocational School is more positive than acceptable level. 3. Among all those background variances - gender, satisfactory in the course they study, leisure activities, and parent education level affect students’ motivation to learn. 4. Among all those background variances - gender, grade, the course they study, satisfactory in the course they study, leisure activities, and parent education level affect students’ learning attitude. 5. Students’ motivation to learn and their learning attitude are positively proportional. Based on conclusions drawn, four suggestions were provided as references for school authority, teachers, parents, and also for follow-up studies.


陳旭芬 Unknown Date (has links)
民國八十四年八月九日教師法公布後,私立學校教師最感振奮者就是長久以來被漠視的「退休撫卹」制度,終於角了明確的法律定位,即公私立學校教師的退休撫卹資遣制度,合併成為一個共同的法源。但是由於公私校分治由來已久,政府如何在有限的資源配置及考量私校現有的生態環境、公立學校教師目前所參加的「公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會」的經營模式、參考國外退撫基金運作的優劣得失當中,整合出一套適合我國「可長可久」的退休撫卹制度與「安全穩健」的退撫基金運作模式,則亟待各界正視與相關單位持續不斷的努力。 本文主要研究目的,在整理相關的退撫制度理論、比較各主要國家退休撫卹基金運作的優劣得失情形、了解公私立學校教師現行退撫制度的差異情形、探討我國私校教師退撫制度的沿革、明暸我國公務人員退休撫卹基金的運作狀況、發掘私立學校所面臨的難題與遭遇之困境等,以促使有關機關對於私立學校退休撫卹制度之建立與將來之運作,及教育資源之合理分配,重新審視。 本文主要內容如下: 第一章緒論,主要在探討筆者為此文之動機與目的,界定研究範圍與檢視相關文獻相關文獻,並據以提出本文之研究流程架構。 第二章私立學校退休撫卹制度理論之探討,主要重點包括退休撫卹的意義、我國私立學校的起源、退撫制度形成的理論分析、退休撫卹制度的理論基礎及合理退休撫卹制度的內涵。 第三章各國私立學校制度鈒各國退休撫卹基金的運作,主要探討我國、美國、英國、法國、德國的私立學校制度,並對美國、英國、日本、新加坡、智利的退休撫卹基金的運作情形作一了解,就其優劣得失作一比較分析。此外,對於我國公務人員退休撫卹基金的經營管理與目前面臨的問題作一剖析,並依據外國退撫基金運作之成功經驗,提供建言。 第四章我國現行私立學校退休撫卹制度概述及影響因素分析,主要在探討私校教師退撫制度的重要性,並分三期介紹我國私校退撫制度的沿革,了解我國私立學校退撫制度之現況及教育部未來政策走向,及比較公私立學校教師退撫制度內容之差異、發掘私立學校目前經營所面臨的問題及分析影響私立學校退休撫卹制度有效的因素(包括法令的修訂、私立學校董事會的態度、私立學校教職員工退休卹基金管理委員會的竟見、銓敘部的態度及私立學校教師支持度,均逐一深入了解),並對我國相關制度提供建言。 第五章結論,就以上各章節研究結果,提出本文之研究發現:國外私立學校的設立因與宗教有密不可分之關係,與本國私立學校之設立多為家族性與個人性之情形不同,兩者的募款能力有別,故我國私立學校普遍面臨經費短絀情形;再者,全球均面臨人口老化及財政壓力沉重之負擔,我國的公務人員退休撫卹基金如再不能改善體質及合理反映真實費率,將遭遇經營困境,亟待正視。綜合以上各項研究發現,將提出建言以供相關單位、人員作為政策制定之參考,期使退撫制度建立在更合理的基礎上,並使退撫基金的運作更順暢。 (一)法令修訂部分: 1.退休、撫卹、資遣制度,三者保障意義相同,為避免法規太多形成分岐,不利於行政單位之使用與教師之了解,應合併立法。 2.退休撫卹繪付制度設計,為免加重政府負擔,應採確定提撥制而非確定給付制。退休撫卹給付制度設計,為免加重政府負擔,應採確定提撥制而非確定給付制。 3.退休撫卹基金的設立,應採取完全準備制而非隨收隨付制。 4.訂定合理的提撥費率,退撫基金的經營應以採健安全及永續經營為首要條件,不宜以權宜方式處理費率的問題。 5.五十五歲退休可加發五個基數之規定,因乏學理根據並造成不公平現象,並引發各級政府執行困擾,應予取消。 6.儘速實施彈性退休及展期年金制度,以克服人力新陳代謝及退休經費不足之現狀。 (二)退休撫卹基金運作方面 1.精簡組織朝民營化努力 2.基金管理機關應改為首長制的組織型態 3.減除投資限制,調整投資組合,將基金委外或改由私人分散管理並增加國際投資以降低風險。 4.提供資產配置的建議並尋求傑出的基金經理人 5.監督基金經理人是否違反契約規定 6.基金的財務模式應詳加評估,並定期精算 7.釐清管理委員會稽核組與監理委員會稽察組之工作職掌,以免形成混淆 8.稽核人力在專業能力上應繼續加強,亦可考慮借用民間專業人力以發揮功能 9.採取「誘因管理費」方式,以提高經營績效 10.避免政策不當干預

我國政府獎補助私立大學校院政策之研究 / An Analysis of Taiwan Government's Granting Policy to Private Colleges and Universities

陳德華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國政府對私立大學校院獎補助政策之相關問題,期藉由本研究所獲得之結果提供政府規劃及執行私立大學校院獎補助制度之參考。 為達成此一目的,本研究採文獻分析及比較分析之方法蒐集相關文獻及各國政府統計資料,探討國內外大學教育發展過程中私立學校的發展定位,並分析由於大學教育環境的轉變對於私立大學校院發展定位所造成的影響,同時探討政府對於私立大學校院提供獎補助的基礎,進而以私立大學教育發展最具特色而分別代表不同典型的美國、英國及日本三個國家,分析其私立大學校院發展之現況以及其政府對私立大學校院獎補助之辦理情形與發展趨勢,藉此與我國私立大學校院發展之情形及政府獎補助狀況做比較分析。 根據本研究的結果有幾點重要的發現: 一、由於大學教育自由化及普及化的趨勢,私立學校在大學教育扮演的角色日益重要。 二、政府對私立學校所提供的獎補助方式及範圍,因各國不同的社會政治及教育環境背景而有所不同。但共同的趨勢則是逐漸重視教育機會的公平性、市場機能的發揮及獎補助的實質成效,並逐漸加重受益者對教育成本的分攤,及學校財務自主的責任而降低政府對教育成本分攤的比重。 三、我國政府對私立大學校院的政策,從早期的消極性監督管理逐漸轉變為積極性的輔導協助。近年來將私立大學校院的獎補助列為政府施政及調整教育資源分配的重點,對於私立大學校院的發展確實已經發揮一些具體的成效。 四、基本上,我國政府對私立大學校院的獎補助只偏重於資源分配的公平性考量,並未清楚釐清對私立大學獎補助的目的及功能及其相關之問題,對於學校的保障更甚於對學生的保障,對於大學教育的長遠發展及教育市場的自由化助益有限。 根據研究之結論,本研究以實務的觀點提出幾點建議,供政府相關部門規劃私立大學校院獎補助政策之參考。 一、政府應釐清對私立大學校院獎助與補助之目的。 二、在補助方面政府應更重視對學生直接的補助,而非對學校辦學的補助。 三、政府對學生提供之就學補助應配合學生的需求及能力,採取不同的標準及方式。 四、對私立大學校院之獎助應建立更公平客觀之評量依據。 五、政府應著力於營造有利公私立大學校院公平競爭的環境,並建立淘汰的機制,而非給予制度的保障。 六、私立大學應建立更多元自主的財源管道,政府則應在相關的制度上提供必要之協助。 七、大學運作應更透明化、公開化,以社會的監督取代政府的管制。 / The study was trying to analyze Taiwan government's granting policy to private colleges and universities. The results could provide a direction to the Government in making and implementing the granting policies. The study used the methods of secondary data analysis and comparison analysis to collect the related data and statistical data of other countries, and discussed the role of private colleges and universities in the higher education development in Taiwan and other countries, and the effects of the changes of environment of higher education to the role of private colleges and universities. The study also discussed the nature of government's granting to private colleges and universities, and analyzed the granting policies and developments of United States, Great Britain and Japan and then compared to Taiwan's granting policy. The findings of the study as the followings: 1. Due to the deregulating and universalization of higher education, the private colleges and universities play a more important role than it did. 2. Because of the difference of societies, politics and education environment, the granting methods and scopes are different from country to country. But there are some common trends such as emphasize equity of education opportunities, market mechanism, effectiveness of the granting, and decrease gradually government's education expenses to higher education. 3. Taiwan government's policy to private colleges and universities are changing from passive superintendence to positive guidance and assistance. The granting to private colleges and universities is now one of important policies of Taiwan government, and one of focal points of education resources allocation. 4. Basically, the granting of Taiwan government to private colleges and universities are focus on the equity of education resources allocation, but not its granting purposes and functions. The granting in Taiwan are little beneficence to students, the development of higher education and deregulating of education marker. According to the results, the researcher brought up following suggestions to Taiwan government in planning granting policy to private colleges and universities. 1. The Government should clarify the purposes of granting to private colleges and universities. 2. The Government should grant directly to students but not the schools. 3. The Government should formulate several granting standards and methods according to the needs and abilities of different students. 4. In the granting to private colleges and universities, the Government should establish an equitable measure of granting. 5. The Government should establish an equitable competitive environment to private colleges and universities, and established an elimination mechanism but not a protection system. 6. The private colleges and universities should find themselves more funding sources. The Government should provide necessary assistance in funding system. 7. The operations of colleges and universities should be more transparent and public, and use the superintendent of society instead of government's control.

中國六省市民辦高教政策對民辦高教發展影響的比較研究 : 以北京、上海、廣東、陜西、淅江、江蘇為例 / Effects of provincial government policy on the development of private higher education in China : a comparative study of Beijing, Shanghai, Guandong, Shanxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu

李明枝 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

國際私立學校在台灣 : 機會與挑戰 / Private international education in taiwan : opportunities and challenges

白民凱, Blanc, Nicolas Unknown Date (has links)
This paper will provide an overview of K-12 education in Taiwan, and the opportunities and challenges. It can be an handbook for investors and the government. The first part will focus on history of education, curriculum, government education policies, education spending and the Taiwanese education ranking at the global level. The following part, a study of private education sector, will give an understanding of law and regulation as well as the current actors of the private education at K-12 level. A comparison will be made with the education systems in Singapore and China, as they share many cultural roots and this comparison inform future government policies. In order to understand the possible future for Taiwanese education, we need to comprehend the country’s current economic, social and political development and make the link to educational issues. In this part we will particularly draw attention to the New South Bound Policy, the demographic issue and immigration policies. The last part of this paper will provide a business analysis of the education sector, using Porter’s model, SWOT and build a comparison with other South-East Asian countries regarding international school at K-12 level. The final recommendation will show to investors that Taiwan is a favourable place for private investment in the education sector due to its current government but should not be country of choice in Asia as China and Indonesia offer more opportunities in term of market growth.


陳亮君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係針對台灣高級中等學校之城/鄉、公/私立及學校規模之學業成就與教育資源進行研究。以大學入學考試中心提供之數據進行分析。經由三因子變異數分析結果指出城地區的學業成就高於鄉;公立學校成績高於私立;學校規模學業成就依序為大、中、小型。城鄉皆以公立高中學業成就優於私立高中;在城的公立高中學業成就又高於鄉地區。公立大型高中學業成就高於公立中、小型;私立大型、中型、小型學業成就排序亦同。再藉由典型相關分析可知公立學校學業成就與教育資源有典型相關最後使用t檢定比較教育資源的差異,得到生師比及平均班級人數並無城鄉差異;在公私立學校間的平均班級人數以公立優於私立。公立高中學校於教育資源及學業成就均優於私立學校,此與國外研究不同。 / The purpose of this research explores the relationship between the academic achievement and educational resources among urban/ rural schools, public /private schools and different size of senior secondary schools in Taiwan. The raw data offered by the College Entrance Examination Center is analyzed in this study. By three-way ANOVA, we found the academic achievement of urban schools is better than that of rural schools. The academic achievement of the public schools is better than private ones. Furthermore, the academic achievement of the large-sized schools is better than that of the medium and small-size ones. In addition, the academic achievement of the urban public schools is better than that of rural public ones. The academic achievement of the large-sized public schools is better than that of the medium and small-size public ones. The result shows the same order while it comes to the difference of academic achievement among private school of different size. There is significant canonical correlation between educational resources and academic achievement in the public school. Finally by t-test, the research’s result represents that pupil-teacher ratio and class size have no significant difference between urban schools and rural ones. And the class size of the private schools is larger than in public schools. In Taiwan, the performance of academic achievement and educational resources in public schools are better than private ones that differ from some previous foreign studies.

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