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我國高等敉育資源運用結果之研究謝雅茹, XIE, YA-RU Unknown Date (has links)
1.第一章 緒論:敘述研究動機、目的、研究問題與假設,以及有關名詞解釋。
2.第二章 理論基礎與文獻探討:敘述資源運用之結果包括公平與效率。
3.第三章 研究方法:包括研究對象、研究工具、研究程序以及資料分析。
4.第四章 研究結果與討論:分析研究結果並討論之。
5.第五章 結論與建議。
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臺灣地區國民教育機會之縣市差異吳昭蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 了解我國二十年來國民教育階段教育機會是否存在縣市差異。
2. 了解我國二十年來國民教育階段之教育機會跨時演變情形與意義。
3. 建立評估教育資源分配均等之可行性指標。
4. 歸納研究結果,對未來政策提出建議。
一、 整體而言,二十年來縣市教育機會差異減少,但於人力資源之「碩士學位教師比」與「合格教師比」、財力資源之「扣除經常門每生教科文支出」的投資性支出佔教科文比例、空間資源之學生就學機會「每千生學校數」上之差異日增。
二、 高都市化縣市享有優渥教師素質、每校享有職員數目與財力資源也較高,教育資本門投入較高。
三、 偏遠縣市學生享有較高之師生互動,但教師素質貧瘠,每校之職員人數與財力資源困窘,整體學習環境與教育機會低落。
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台灣地區高級中等學校之公私立別、地區、規模與教育資源對學業成就之影響陳亮君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係針對台灣高級中等學校之城/鄉、公/私立及學校規模之學業成就與教育資源進行研究。以大學入學考試中心提供之數據進行分析。經由三因子變異數分析結果指出城地區的學業成就高於鄉;公立學校成績高於私立;學校規模學業成就依序為大、中、小型。城鄉皆以公立高中學業成就優於私立高中;在城的公立高中學業成就又高於鄉地區。公立大型高中學業成就高於公立中、小型;私立大型、中型、小型學業成就排序亦同。再藉由典型相關分析可知公立學校學業成就與教育資源有典型相關最後使用t檢定比較教育資源的差異,得到生師比及平均班級人數並無城鄉差異;在公私立學校間的平均班級人數以公立優於私立。公立高中學校於教育資源及學業成就均優於私立學校,此與國外研究不同。 / The purpose of this research explores the relationship between the academic achievement and educational resources among urban/ rural schools, public /private schools and different size of senior secondary schools in Taiwan. The raw data offered by the College Entrance Examination Center is analyzed in this study. By three-way ANOVA, we found the academic achievement of urban schools is better than that of rural schools. The academic achievement of the public schools is better than private ones. Furthermore, the academic achievement of the large-sized schools is better than that of the medium and small-size ones. In addition, the academic achievement of the urban public schools is better than that of rural public ones. The academic achievement of the large-sized public schools is better than that of the medium and small-size public ones. The result shows the same order while it comes to the difference of academic achievement among private school of different size. There is significant canonical correlation between educational resources and academic achievement in the public school. Finally by t-test, the research’s result represents that pupil-teacher ratio and class size have no significant difference between urban schools and rural ones. And the class size of the private schools is larger than in public schools. In Taiwan, the performance of academic achievement and educational resources in public schools are better than private ones that differ from some previous foreign studies.
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運用衛星互動電視平衡城鄉教育資源落差之研究-以「魔速英語夏令營」遠距同步視訊教學為例 / Interactive Satellite Television as a Solution to Redeem the Educational Resources Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas-A Case Study by a Simultaneous Distance Learning Project "Magic English Camp"康志彬, Kang, Chih-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:互動電視、直播衛星、教育資源落差、遠距教學、數位學習 / Interactive Satellite Television as a Solution to Redeem the Educational Resources Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas-A Case Study by a Simultaneous Distance Learning Project "Magic English Camp"
This thesis was based on simultaneous distance learning made possible through “Interactive Satellite TV” and the “Magic English Camp” case-study to investigate development of the convergence of satellite television and distance learning. By evaluating this case-study of interactive virtual video pedagogy, the project intended to identify and understand how new technologies can “equilibrate” the digital divide between urban and rural areas. As an employee of ERA Digital Media Corporation, the author was able to take part in the preparation of The Magic English Camp event program and closely follow its evolution and outcome. In order to pursue comprehensive and objective results, this project required extensive research and work on journals, periodicals, publications etc. Furthermore, this project conducted "Participant Observation", "Literature Analysis" and "Secondary Research" methodology along with "Case Study Analysis" for both theoretical and practical concrete suggestions.
To sum up, the results of this thesis indicate the following: 1. continuously to use the “Interactive Satellite TV” can step-by-step to improve the educational resource disparity in urban and rural area. 2. Simultaneous Distance learning leveled the playing field for children in rural areas who were now able to benefit both from advanced educational material and the teaching of native English-speakers. 3. The effect of multi-media pedagogy is significant. Real-time instruction and simultaneous visual and audio pedagogy captured attention, motivated learning and increased learning efficiency. 4. It is easier to build the “Interactive Satellite TV system” that could be used repeatedly. With high speed mass data transmission as a characteristic and priority, satellite and internet made it possible to establish a “Simultaneous Distance learning Platform” thus making it more facile to access instruction for students without geographic limitations. Moreover, there are two suggestions for this research: 1. Combine the most of educational resources and to produce the synchronous video-information courses for the people. 2. To build up the distance learning platform for everyone students in the whole environment, and standardize the process to reach the goal of educational resources of equilibrium.
Keyword(s): Educational resources, e-Learning, Interactive TV, Satellite.
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台灣地區國中生家庭教育資源結構之探究及其與學業表現之關連蔡毓智, Tsai, Yuh Jyh Unknown Date (has links)
除了發現家庭教育資源與學業表現之間的關連性外,本研究在方法論上也突破先前研究對於資料測量層次造成的限制,嘗試經由近似性結構分析的方法,對類別性的資料進行類型學的分析,從而擴大了不同的資料分析方法及概念建構的可行性。 / This study analyzes the constitution structure of family educational resources of Taiwan arena Junior High School students and its connection with academic achievement of students. The secondary data is adapted from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). The goal of this study is to propose an explorative conceptual framework of family educational resources, and investigate the internal constitution structure of its different constitutional dimensions. This study tries to distinguish the relative advantage and disadvantage types of family educational resources by typology method and make a comparison on academic achievement between these different types. The results show that there are significant differences between the advantage and disadvantage types on academic achievement. Accordingly, the results support our proposed model and its connection with academic achievement of students.
This study divide family educational resources into two different theoretical dimensions: economic and non-economic resources and subdivide the economic resources into two sub-dimensions of apparent and unapparent resources; subdivide the non-economic resources into four sub-dimensions of family constitution structure, family member interaction, parents involvement, and parents’ education and occupation.
The methodology of this study is to analyze the constitutional structures of these sub-dimensions by proximities structure analysis. The results show that there are similarities structure patterns within the constitutional structures of family educational resources. Meanwhile, the results show that there are connections between the different types of family educational resources and academic achievement. Author summarizes the findings as follows:
1. The different types of residential arrangements, the absence of parents is a very crucial type and is very obviously connection with academic achievement. The number of siblings is also crucial to academic achievement.
2. Family members’ interaction is crucial to academic achievement; especially the discipline styles of parents are influential to achievement of their children; meanwhile, the different conflict types of parents and children are very different resources meanings per se.
3. The different educational involvement behaviors are influential to children’s academic achievement, but it depends on the types of behaviors. Parents’ educational involvements within family are influential to children’s achievement; parents’ education expectations to their children are influential to their children; parents’ involvements with school are not found significant connections with academic achievement.
4. The education and occupation backgrounds of parents are found to be a very crucial factor to their children’s achievement, low level background is negative to achievement, and high level background is positive to achievement.
5. Family economic resources whichever apparent or unapparent are crucial to children’s achievement. Those who are richer and invest more resources on extraclass learning are found positive correlation with achievement; those who are poorer and never invest any resources on extraclass learning are found negative correlation with achievement.
To summarize, our research found that those who are parent absence, the number of siblings are more than three, parent’s discipline style is negative and ignored, extrovertive conflict between parents and children, low level of parents’ education and occupation background, the poor and the family never invest any resources on extraclass learning are the disadvantage type; in contrast, those who are parent are not absence, the number of siblings are less than two, parent’s discipline style are positive and concerned, parents concern about children’s learning, high level of parents education and occupation background, the richer and invest more on extraclass learning are advantage type. The two different types of family educational resources are different on academic achievement. The performances on academic achievement of the advantages are better than the disadvantages. For the ultimate goal of social justices, results suggest that the educational policy makers, the teachers and researchers should invest more resources on the disadvantages.
In additions, this study penetrates the limitations of data measurement level which distract earlier researchers. By proximities structures analysis method, we analyze the categorical data with typology methodology, and enlarge the landscape of secondary data analysis and possibilities of construction of conceptual frameworks.
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軍事教育資源整合與軍事校院簡併之研究-以美國軍事校院為例 / The Research of Military Educational Resources Integration and Military Academies Streamlining-The case study on the US Military Academies伍自強 Unknown Date (has links)
參、在簡併軍事校院方面應:簡併各軍事基礎校院,並檢討恢復ROTC之招募;整併同質性高之兵科學校,並將資源集中大量投入;重新構思深造教育模式,擴大施訓對象;大學部與研究所教育應明確區隔,並與民間共享資源。 / In terms of the proportion of soldiers’ number for Taiwan to US and in comparison of two countries military education system and civil educational resources, it is truthfully no needs to invest overmuch resource into university and graduate school for common knowledge. Therefore, if we could effectively integrate national defense educational resources and broadly employ civil educational resources to diversify the officer’s education for stimulating the armed forces rigid and single thought. Trustfully, it can widely save MND educational resources and largely enhance soldier’s quality. From the research findings, in the period of military educational resources integration and military academies consolidation process, some of the critical problems have been raised and waited for the improvements such as excessive authority and frequent transfer of decision-making superiors, insufficient staff’s profession and training, reduplicate investment of educational resources, the process of education policy-making lacks of well-consider and continuity, constrict talent people nurture policy, constraint budget resources, academies traditional burden, short of objective review and estimation mechanism, derailed from national education system, no faculty long-term planning and diversity, education policy affected by human factors, all academies short of categoric educational objective and long-term planning, not employ scientific method to control education resources, class objectives short of varieties, and military academies insufficient characteristics etc….
The researcher provided some suggestions as following by way of practical research according to the results of interviews.
First, in execution of military education policy: to stimulate long-term military educational objective; fully empower to various units; strictly restrict the term period and prerequisite of related high superiors; closely joint all the manpower policies; to establish military education policy steering committee; to meet with national education system requirements and building self characteristic.
Second, in integration of military education resources: to employ modernized management model; to establish mechanism to control and integrate education resources; to set up fix-proportion to plan the military education budgetary process; to reinforce the staff on-the-job training and professional knowledge; to focus on the courses related to all-respect education and troops affairs; diversified and long-term training plan on faculty; to intensify the perpetual learning system.
Third, in streamlining the military academies: streamline all military basic academies and restore ROTC recruitment; consolidate the homogeneous professional military education school and invest in the collected resources; reconceive the advanced education model and enlarge the trainees’ background; categorically distinguish university education from graduate education and share the resources with other schools.
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中國農村基礎教育的階層化:偏遠地區教育資源分配的不均等趙鈺芬 Unknown Date (has links)
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