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員工認股權憑證設計與公司治理何典諭 Unknown Date (has links)
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管理者持股比例對公司資本結構與負債期限之影響洪琬瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 管理者持股比例與公司負債比例呈現不顯著負向關係。
2. 固定資產、公司規模與公司負債比例呈現顯著正向關係。
3. 獲利能力、營運風險與公司負債比例呈現顯著負向關係。
4. 公司成長機會與營運風險皆與公司負債期限呈現顯著負向關係。
5. 傳統產業、航運產業、觀光產業等三種產業與負債期限呈現顯著相關。
6. 在公司成長機會高時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為顯著負向關係。
7. 在公司成長機會低時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為顯著正向關係。
8. 在公司營運風險高時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為不顯著正向關係。
9. 在公司營運風險低時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為不顯著負向關係。
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會計資訊運用與經營結果之研究--本國與外商電工器材業之實證比較曾荷, ZENG, HE Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣上市櫃公司股權募資方式之決定因素 - 公司治理機制的影響 / The determinants of public offerings v.s. private placements: corporate governance perspective黃必松 Unknown Date (has links)
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十五萬人的BBS是如何煉成的:批踢踢實業坊技術演變歷程之研究(1995-2008) / How is 150000 users' BBS possible:the study of PTT 's technological change李紹良, Li, Shao Liang Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,電子布告欄系統(Bulletin Board System,BBS)並非像美國一樣隨時間被淘汰,人數不減反增地逆勢成長,且具社會影響力。何以一項現今看來技術「落後」的純文字介面系統,仍能在台灣如此風行?何以批踢踢後來人數會成長一百五十倍,成為全國,乃至於全世界最大的BBS?造就這樣一個容納十五萬人同時在線的BBS的技術與社會條件為何?本研究採用科技的社會建構論(The social construction of Technology,SCOT)作為理論架構,透過台灣BBS發展反省既有的STS與資訊研究,並延伸與修正SCOT的理論架構。
BBS在台灣的發展是一條有別於歐美資訊發展的在地技術創新路徑。紮根於校園的BBS是台灣獨有的技術創新成就。校園一方面作為一個重要的招募及再生產機制,促使Internet BBS能在1990年代中後期快速擴張;另方面校園也成為了不同社會團體權力接合的節點(教育部-校方-站方-使用者)。
2005年之後的批踢踢,因頻繁的網路起鬨(internet mobbing)與大眾媒體開始緊密連結,吸引更多使用者加入,同時也提升批踢踢的影響力。與新聞媒體形成的正反饋迴圈開啟了多起批踢踢爭議事件,批踢踢的所有權也成為各方社會團體相互協商(negotiation)的對象。最後所有權爭論終結(closure)在2006至2007發生的「批踢踢出走學網」事件;經此事件後,批踢踢就成為一個人數停滯(同時上線人數停在十五萬人),名義上所有權歸給台灣大學資訊系系方,狀態相對穩定的技術物。 / In Taiwan, Bulletin Board System (BBS) hasn’t been eliminated as that in the US. On the contrary, the number of BBS users is increasing aggressively, BBS users in Taiwan are gaining socail influence as well. Why does a text-based interface, a system appearing so “laggard” in today’s technology, still attract considerable Internet users and become popular in Taiwan? How does PTT(the most popular platform in Taiwan) bloom and even multiply 150 times, becoming the largest BBS nationwide
or even worldwide? What are the social and technical conditions to create this magnificent BBS station for 150 thousand users on-line at the same time? This study adopts SCOT(The social construction of Technology,SCOT)as its theoretical framework, reflecting STS and iCT-study, through the development of BBS in Taiwan and trying to extend and modify the theoretical framework of SCOT.
The development of BBS in Taiwan, with its local innovative technological conditions, is quitely different from that in the Western countries. On the other hand, with its crucial recruiting and reproduction mechanism based on the campus, BBS bloomed in the late 1990s. On the other hand, campus renders a connection between the power of different social groups.
Relatively –high autonomy pushes through BBS’s propertiy. Under higher autonomy condition, user-programmer or user-manager model may bring in technology innovation. In other words, BBS community becomes flourishing on account of fewer restrictions from the authorities. And the managing staff in PPT, because of owning top administrative rights, can get deeply involved, experiment, and modify this social group with innovations. They have done this not for living or oppressed by the authorities, but for fun. To these core managing staff, BBS renders a vehicle, of collective emotional memory, and self-indentification. The growing number of BBS users shows the integrity of economy, technology, and society.
PPT after the year 2005, because of frequent internet mobbing along with mass media, has attracted more users to join its social website and gave rise to its influence as well. People start to care about its ownership. And the closure of this issue came to an end in the event of PPT pupils exile; after that, the number of PPT users has suspended (15 thousand users at top.) Now, the ownership belongs the the Department of Information Technology and Ptt becomes a relatively stable artifact in the long run.
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上市上櫃公司股票買回宣告對股價影響之比較研究費騏葳, Fei ,Chi-wei Unknown Date (has links)
在假說驗證方面,以2000至2004年上市公司832家、上櫃公司236家曾經宣告買回自家股票的公司為研究樣本,輔以選出與買回樣本同時間的相同數量「未買回樣本」,透過1-way ANOVA測試與鑑別分析探討影響公司宣告股票買回的因素符合哪些假說的推論結果。此外,依據各項假說,進ㄧ步利用1-way ANOVA測試和複迴歸分析找出與公司事件宣告後股價異常報酬率之間的關係,接著以1-way ANOVA檢視最後一部份研究主題。經由上述的實證分析,本研究獲得以下主要結論:
4.本次是否再度宣告股票買回會受前次買回的正向累積異常報酬率所影響。 / Stock price reactions on stock repurchase announcements among publicly traded corporations have been widely studied over 40 years in United States. Several hypothesizes were established and provide logical reasons for why corporations buy back their own stocks. References show large proportion of positive effect on post-announcement stock price after stock repurchase announcements from empirical researches. It is since 2000 that corporations are allowed to repurchase their own stocks legally in Taiwan. Although many efforts were put in surveying the post-announcement stock price reactions, few focused on examining how corporations’ repurchase decision would be influenced by different hypothesizes. Moreover, whether or not previous repurchase outcome may affect future repurchase judgments met contradict conclusion from recent studies. This research aims on exploring the two main topics which form 7 hypothesize.
Data collecting from Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) database, Commercial Times and Economic Daily News contains publicly traded corporations had ever made stock repurchase announcement except financial and government institutions. The period of the study was from Aug. 6, 2000 to Jul. 31, 2004 and total number of announced corporations included was 832 listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange with 236 listed on the OTC separately. Hypothesis 1 to 6 were tested both from individual model using 1-way ANOVA Analysis and integrated model using Discriminate Analysis on Hypothesis 1 to 5, Event Study Analysis on Hypothesis 6. Hypothesis 7 was also verified with 1-way ANOVA Analysis.
The empirical results show supports in several hypothesize which reflect corporations did concern free cash flow amount, leverage level, stock underpriced and dividend payout level issues when making repurchase announcement. The stock price after announcement has certain degree of moving correlation toward the same direction as free cash flow level and managerial stockholding level. Finally, previous repurchase outcome was found holding opposite relation with future repurchase judgments.
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