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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國大陸的改革開放與經濟成長 / The Structural Reforms and Economic Growth in Mainland China

楊忠城 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用介入模式分析中共改革開放所造成的經濟結構之轉變,並建構包含軍事、非軍事政府、及私人等三部門的生產函數,來探討其與經濟成長之間的關聯性。實證結果顯示,改革開放使得中國大陸由閉關自守的內向型經濟轉為高貿易依存度的外向型經濟,經濟體制由計劃經濟邁向多元經濟成分共同發展的市場經濟,整體投資環境獲得改善,而軍事支出雖持續增加,但相對於高經濟成長,其軍事支出規模卻是下降的。此外,中共的經濟成長主要來自於積累率的提昇、公部門支出的正面影響和外溢效果、及國際經濟關係的開放,而技術變遷和勞動投入之成長的影響並不顯著。 / This article proposes intervention model to analyze the structural change of China’s transitional economy. We identify the relationship between economic growth and structural change by using the production functions from military, nonmilitary, and private sectors. The results indicate a more market-oriented economy and changing relationship between private and public ownership will continue to drive China toward modernization. In contrast to high economic growth, although military expenditure is still increasing but its relative scale is declining. The main sources of China’s economic growth are from the increase of accumulation rate, the positive and spillover effects of public expenditures, and the liberalization of international economic relations. Especially, much of China’s growth has come from producing goods for foreign trade. While on the other hand, the impacts of technological change and increased labor inputs are not significant in this study.

嘉義縣地方派系結構變遷過程之研究 / The Changing Process of Chia-yi County's Local Faction Structure

張致源, Chang, chi-yuan Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

電腦化對報業的影響-壹個報紙的個案研究 / The impact of computers on newspapers - a case study.

李雅倫, Lee, Ya Lun Unknown Date (has links)
過去新科技的研究不是偏重於使用者研究就是著重於組織架構的變革,雖然在研究角度上都頗有斬獲,但總有難窺得全貌之憾,為了能跳脫出這兩個已經成熟的研究路徑,研究者採用全觀的角度,欲從大架構著手。   本論文主要論述分三個主軸,經由個案的觀察將三個論點貫穿,達到觀察者陳述文本的前後呼應。首先由轉借自生態學的媒介生態概念來探討國內眾多報紙電腦化的因素,結果發現大報的變革動作往往會對同環境的中、小型報紙造成影響;大報改變生態中的競爭基準點,中、小型報紙會因環境改變,而產稱趨同現象(isomorphism),這種現象的產生除了一般商業上的風險規避的自發性因素外,研究者不能、排除中、小型報業是迫於競爭者及硬體環境變遷的壓力、只好改變沿用已久的生產流程。   第二個論點則著重於組織內部的變化、除了環境改變的外力、影響報業採用新科技的動力、亦有可能基於新科技能影響組織工作流程、因此研究者引用了企業處理程序再生工程(Business Process Reengineering;BPR)及新科技對競爭優勢的影響的兩個觀點來檢視報業是否利用這種劇烈的變革達到換血的目的。研究發現個案欲利用電腦化來達到組織內部人事調整的目的,並希望藉著此次重整來重新調整自我在報業市場的競爭定位(nitch)。在此研究者必須強調環境和組織變革所運用的策略可互為因果亦可單獨存在,以本研究的個案而言,競爭環境改變可視為前因,策略的應用則是依環境調適所採取的回應結果,若外界環境不變,其結果必然另呈樣貌。   最後一個部份著重於組織變革中權力的流動及其影響。權力原本是一種流動的概念,會隨著依存的組織變動而轉換,電腦化是組織權力重組的開始,在這個過程中,白領勞工及藍領勞工會因個人擁有的資源與可資溝通籌碼而有不同的待遇產生,白領勞工只要能夠掌握交換籌碼及掌握有利的溝通模式,通常可以在組織中快速上升流動,但這也會使科層組織中彼得原則現象迅速產生,但專家權仍無法抗衡日益加重的專業責任,仍得吸納由藍領勞工轉嫁而來的分工。至於藍領勞工幾乎遭到技術剝離(deskilled),除非接受組織的交換條件,幾乎沒有籌碼可言。


王憶靜 Unknown Date (has links)
生產者服務業其有創新與改變技術的功能,亦有調節勞力分工擴張、加強組織內部關聯的作用,由於該等功能與作用對於生產力的提昇、就業機會的創造與貿易出口量的增加均具有重要意義,因此它被視為現代生產系統中重要的部門。本研究首先以Gemmell產業成長理論探討各台北都會區產業結構的變遷,證明服務業已然成為現代生產系統中重要的部門;再以產業感應度(sensibility)、影響度(dispersion)分析生產者服務業的產業關聯,證明生產者服務業以服務生產部門為主;爾後再以組織理論(organization theory)中彈性生產(flexible production)及勞力分工(labor division)兩個向度分析生產者服務業的成長及原因,證實生產者服務業能自我創造就業及創新技術獲致成長。其後再以區位商數及成長商數交叉分析生產者服務業在台北都會區的成熟度,顯示台北縣生產者服務業呈顯著的成長然未具輸出性,成熟度較台北市弱,但因接收台北市的廠商而擴張。繼之假設生產者服務業於空間分布受到其所服務的產業影響而分布,利用兩產業間密度斜率(density gradient)的牽動關係分析生產者服務業在空間移動的現象,藉以瞭解我國在生產者服務業所應有的產業區位政策。所得的結論有二:其一,生產者服務業興製造業分布呈現互斥的情況。另外,生產者服務業與人口分布呈現移動一致的現象,亦即生產者服務業與人口的分布,呈互補性顯著的情形。最後以生產者服務業內的國際貿易業為例,分析其路網結構(network concept)後證明該業的集中與台北都會區通訊便利性及聚集經濟不可分。 / Producer Services Industres have the functions of innovation and reformation skills, and the functions to regulate the extension of division of labor and strengthen internal organizational correlation. Since these functions are important for upgrading productivity, creating job opportunities and increasing quantity of export, they are regarded as a vital sector of modern production system.   First, this research tries to make use of Gemmell's Theory of Industrial Development to study the changes in the structure of industries. It shows that Services Sector has become an important sector of the whole modern production system.   Second, this research attempts to use industrial sensbility and dispersion to analyze the correlation of Producer Services Industries. It has proved that Service Sector is a major part of Producer Services Industries.   Third, this research employs two kinds of vector, such as flexible production from Organization Theory, and division of labor to analyze the development and factors of emergence of Producer Services Industry. It has proved that Producer Services Inustries can bring to creation of new jobs, innovation and development of skills.   Fourth, this research uses Location Quotient and Growth Quotient to crossexamine the degree of maturity of Producer Services Industries in Taipei Urban District. It has shown that Producer Services Industries in Taipei Hsian bears a distinct development but not in an output manner. The degree of maturity in Taipei Hsian is lesser than that of Taipei City. And Taipei Hsian can be expanded because of absorbing or attracting the holders of factories from Taipei City.   Fifth, this research assumes that in terms of spatial distribution, Producer Services Industries are distributed according to the influence of Industries served by Producer Services Industries. By means of the linking and relations of density gradients among industries, the phenomenon spatial movement can be illustrated. It can be regarded as a proper industrial district policy of Producer Services Industries.   Two points of conclusion can be made: 1) there is a repulsion for distribution between Producer Services Industry and Manufacturing Industry; 2) there is a phenomenon of concurrent movement between Producer Services Industries and distribution of population. It means that they have a distinct condition of mutual compenstaion.   Sixth, this research tries to make International Trade as an example of Producer services Industries, to analyze the network concept and prove that there are no any separations among concentration of this Industry, convenience of communication in Taipei Urban District and aggregate economy.

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