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業務銷售與通路管理之策略行銷分析─以膠帶產業四維公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Business Development and Channel Management: a Case Study of Four Pillars戴苑琪 Unknown Date (has links)
成熟市場(歐洲市場)則是已有各大知名膠帶大廠佔據且深耕市場多年,若要採取直營,必須考慮知名大廠之回應動作以及如何於當地市場自行建立通路,因此在種種考量下,四維於成熟市場發展,大多透過給經銷商進行銷售,如此一來能更有效率降低下游買者的外顯效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本,但必須小心避免被經銷商專屬陷入。 / Globalization has led Taiwanese manufacturers to expand their brand globally. Four Pillars is the famous company in this field, and it also expanded its brand when the market in Taiwan grew maturely.
This research discusses how Four Pillars sells tapes in emerging market and mature market using 4C strategic marketing theory, and with the purpose to provide oversea salesperson an insight and overview of how to establish and sell when first enter a foreign market.
Four Pillars would have different allocation of resource when entering different markets, and it would think about market potential, competitors and costs. When Four Pillars first entered China, it chose two ways to sell products. One is having its own branch company, and the other is selling products through retailers. By these two methods, Four Pillars would decrease buyers’ explicit benefit cost, information search cost, the cost of moral crisis, but also avoid being involved in the relationship tightly with customers and retailers.
As for Europe market, there are various well-known tape manufacturers occupied the market for many years. If Four Pillars would like to have its own branch, it must consider it competitors’ response and have to think how to build its own channel. Under conditions, Four Pillars chose to sell products through local retailers, by this way, it can decrease buyers’ explicit benefit cost, information search cost, the cost of moral crisis. However, one more thing for Four Pillars to care about is avoid being involved in the relationship tightly with retailers.
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傳統招牌材料經銷商與新式噴畫材料經銷商之競爭與合作策略比較 / Comparison of competition and cooperation strategy between traditional signage distributor and fashion graphic distributor郭豐誌, Kuo, Norman Unknown Date (has links)
1. 從資源構型分析傳統與新式材料商的差異,顯示雙方並未有太大的差異,而傳統經銷商略具優勢的資源有組織資本、關係資本與財務資本,新式經銷商在人力資本與實體資產上略優於傳統廠商。
2. 傳統招牌經銷商與新式噴繪經銷商其所面臨的外在環境不同,雖然傳統經銷商所面臨的外在環境比新式經銷商更加艱辛,但他們普遍都不覺得。
3. 以內部的組織規模而言,雖然在員工數量上兩者並無太大的差異,但傳統經銷商的員工平均年資則高於新式經銷商。
4. 在策略方面,傳統經銷商比較傾向採用「以大量進貨取得較便宜的單價」競爭策略,及「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」之合作策略。新式經銷商最常使用「與客戶的採購人員保持良好互動」之 競爭策略,及「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」之合作策略。
5. 傳統經銷商由於其年度營業額較高比較傾向採用「大量進貨取得較便宜的單價」的競爭策略。新式經銷商由於其人力資本以業務人員的數量較多,所以最常採用「與客戶的採購人員保持良好互動」之競爭策略。傳統招牌材料經銷商由於關係資本較佳,所以最常採用「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」之合作策略。新式彩繪材料經銷商由於在人力資本及實體資本上較具優勢,最常採用「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」之合作策略。
6. 傳統招牌材料經銷商因外部環境競爭較強,因此最常採用「運用3M業務人員,要求招牌商配合採購」、「與客戶的採購人員保持良好互動」之競爭策略,以及擇「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」的合作策略。新式彩繪材料經銷商由於外部環境競爭較弱,為了與客戶建立長期關係,故採用「與客戶的採購人員保持良好互動」為主要的競爭策略,以及「願意與其他廠商訊息交換與分享」為最常使用的合作策略。
7. 傳統經銷商的組織規模較大、庫存量足,故採用「完整的庫存因應客戶的需求」為競爭策略。而傳統經銷商的員工較資深,故願意採用「願意與其他廠商統一專案價格」為主要的合作策略。新式經銷商因規模較小且因企業結構中人員的資歷較資淺但學歷較高,故較常使用「願意與其他廠商訊息交換與分享」為主要的合作策略。 / The Taiwan outdoor signage market had growing up with Taiwan’s business market at 40 years ago. In this 20 years the most popular material is traditional maerial that include banner substrate with color film cover with protect film. Now because of the printing technology and printing material had improved its durability so much, so they can print color on the banner directly by printing machine. New fashion graghic sign almost replace traditional outdoor sign to become ths most popular material in the market. Traditional signage material distributor is losing their market lots. Although market trend is good for new fishion graphic signage material distributors, but the new style material distributors face that old and new different market. It still has much difficulty to solve.
Now there are have no paper atudy about Taiwan’s outdoor signage market before, but outdoor signage business still have lots management and strategic issue need to study. So this paper will study Taiwan’s outdoor signage market and divide it into traditional signage material distributor and new fashion graphic signage material distributors. This paper will study in to three area about that the outside market environment、 the company inside scale and resource configuration. In order to study this paper the student had interview 7 corporations 3 is tradition distributor and 3 is new fashion distributor and one distributor is from tradition changing to new style distributor. Finally we got 7 results after the study.
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對經銷商管理與控制之研究賴鑫奎, Lai, Xin-Kui Unknown Date (has links)
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西藥經銷商之策略規劃許立慶, Xu, Li-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
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蘋果咬一口:科技產品行銷通路之服務創新與體驗行銷策略研究 / A bitten apple –The research of service innovation and experiential marketing in dealers of technology products郭家伶, Kuo, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
2001年,消聲已久的蘋果公司推出iPod,改寫了音樂產業的風貌,造成全球搶購的熱潮,自此之後,蘋果公司陸續推出許多產品,在全世界屢獲好評,在台灣亦如是。然而,台灣目前沒有Apple Store,因此欲於實體店面購買蘋果產品的消費者,會至蘋果在台的各大經銷商購買,而目前在台灣有四大優質經銷商,分別是Youth、德誼、Studio A和i Store,此四家的業績近乎佔盡台灣蘋果銷售市場。因此,本研究以蘋果公司最重要的兩項元素「服務創新」及「體驗行銷」作為本研究內涵,以此檢視台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商在「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」上是否獲得消費者的認同。
本研究以調查法為主,於2011年4月9日至2011年5月7日間透過網路平台發放問卷,總計填答者471位,剔除無效問卷31份,有效問卷共440份,有效回收率為93.4 %,並以深度訪談為輔,訪問台灣蘋果四大優質經銷商於台北旗艦店之店經理與副店經理。
透過量化與質化的研究結果可得以下四大結論,第一,服務場景與流程創新是讓消費者辨別經銷商之關鍵;其二,消費者感受到的五感體驗將烙印於消費者心中;其三,顧客滿意度由服務創新與體驗行銷共同決定;最後,顧客忠誠度的表現是為企業獲利指標。另外,透過本研究長期觀察與實證結果,提出下列幾點建議予台灣蘋果公司參考:爭取優先上市權、舉辦活動並增加露出、播送電視廣告、提高服務品質、遵守蘋果總公司服務條款、建立專門蒐集消費者意見之管道。 / In 2001, the Apple Inc. which had been quiet for a long time announced their product – iPod, and soon rewrote the style of global music industry. The representing product – iPod also raised up shopping rush all over the world. Henceforward, Apple Inc. brought lots of products and became popular around the world, so did Taiwan. Even though, Apple Inc. didn’t institute any Apple Stores in Taiwan, the only way to buy Apple’s products personally is to visit dealers which acquire authorization. In addition, there are four APRs (Apple Premium Reseller) in Taiwan, include Youth, Dataexpress, Studio A, and istore, they also hold overwhelming majority of Apple products selling in Taiwan. As a result, this research is based on service innovation and experiential marketing that two factors the Apple Inc. emphasize most, and examine whether those four APRs had obtain identification from consumers in customer satisfaction degree and customer loyalty or not.
This research used survey procedure to gather feedbacks from consumers during 9th April to 7th May in 2011 by uploading internet survey platform. There were 471 answer sheets on the platform above, 31 of them were invalid and 440 were valid, achieve the scale at 93.4%. We also used depth interview and had interviews with shop managers and vice-shop managers of those four APRs.
Combining the two dimensions, this research had four main conclusions. First, Services cape and Procedures innovations are key points for consumers to recognize resellers. Second, five source of sense experience that consumers truly experience will make deep impressions in their mind. Third, customer satisfaction degree depends on service innovation and experiential marketing. The last but not least, the certain appearance of customer loyalty is as the index of company’s profit. According to long term observation and the conclusions of empirical research, we recommend few suggestions for the branch in Taiwan of Apple Inc. as follow. First, try to fight for the position of debut product, try to hold more selling activities and increase exposure, try to broadcast more TV commercials, try to raise service quality, try to obey service principles and guidelines established by Apple Inc., and try to set up a special channel to collect opinions from consumers.
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