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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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運用社會網絡技術由文集中探勘觀念:以新青年為例 / Concept Discovery from Essays based on Social Network Mining: Using New Youth as an Example

陳柏聿, Chen, Po Yu Unknown Date (has links)
以往人文歷史領域的學者們,以土法煉鋼的人工方式進行資料的研究與分析,這樣的方法在資料量不大的時候還可行,但隨著數位典藏的進行以及巨量資料的興起,傳統的書本、古籍和文獻大量的數位化,若繼續使用傳統逐條分析的方式便會花費很多的時間與人力,但也因為資料數位化的關係,資訊領域的人便能利用資訊技術從旁進行協助。 而其中在觀念史研究領域裡,關鍵詞叢的研究是其中的重點之一,因為觀念可以用關鍵詞或含關鍵詞的句子來表達,所以研究關鍵詞就能幫助人文學者,了解史料文獻背後的意義與掌握當時的脈絡。因此本篇論文研究之目的在於針對收錄多篇文章的文集,探討詞彙與詞彙之間出現在文章中的情形,並利用五種的共現關係,將社群網絡的概念引入到文本分析之中,將每個詞彙當作節點,詞彙之間的關聯性當作邊建立詞彙網絡,從中找出詞彙所形成的觀念,最後實作一個由文集中探勘觀念的系統,此系統主要提供三種分析功能,分別是多詞彙觀念查詢、單詞彙觀念查詢與潛在觀念探勘。 本研究主要以《新青年》雜誌作為主要的觀察文集與實驗案例分析,《新青年》中觀念由自由主義轉向馬克思列寧主義,而我們利用本系統的確能夠找出變化的軌跡,以及探勘兩個觀念下的關鍵詞彙。 / With development of the digital archives, essays have been digitized. While it takes much time to analyze the contents of essays by human, it is beneficial to analyze by computer. This thesis aims to investigate the approach to discover concepts of essays based on social network mining techniques. While a concept can be represented as a set of keywords, the proposed approach measure the co-occurrence relationships between two keywords and represent the relationships among keywords by networks of keywords. Social network mining techniques are employed to discover the concepts of essays. We also develop the concept discovery system which provides discovery by multiple keywords, discovery by single keyword, and latent concept mining. The New Youth is taken as an example to demonstrate the capability of the developed system.


黃瀚諄, Huang,Han Chun Unknown Date (has links)
1985年開始,台糖公司在不與民爭利的原則下拓展蝴蝶蘭事業的發展,延續台灣社會對於蝴蝶蘭的喜好與優勢,進行花卉產業之商業化;產業的萌生源於隸屬於國營事業體制下的正式化組織,基於組織中制度企業家之社會技能動員組織中的成員且策動策略變革,而讓組織固有的制度優勢得以發揮,也克服了體制僵化的瓶頸,而成就了蝴蝶蘭產業於台灣甚至在世界的發展。 本研究透過田野調查以及非線性之質化比較方法,試圖分析台糖開創蝴蝶蘭產業組織新制度的建構模式。研究時間點的劃分,主要以1985年蝴蝶蘭產業小型試種至2001年組織邁入新紀元為止。事實上,在制度環境的架構上,台糖公司發展新興產業的抉擇,隨時間而有階段性的選擇,凸顯了新制度理論在制度環境變遷上歷史性之偶然的觀點(Mizruchi et al. 2006)。事實上,台糖公司落實蝴蝶蘭產業之發展並使之商業化,必須透過三個面向予以說明,首先,制度環境上,組織透過鬆散式結合之運作邏輯化解正式化組織過於僵化的運作模式,並藉此運用正式化組織之資源,結合組織內外之正向的制度環境,發展領先的蝴蝶蘭經營與栽培能力。另外,能夠如此地善用組織資源與變革制度環境,關鍵在於推展產業時,組織任用具有社會技能的制度企業家,不僅聯繫組織內外之菁英,也創造了獨特的經營模式。最後,制度能夠逐漸形成,必須觀察個體行動對於制度環境日常生活實踐的情形,台糖公司在產業開創之時,因其農業企業公司之特質具備優異的農業知識,又基於台灣民間蝴蝶蘭知識資源深厚,經由非正式的接觸,創造了蝴蝶蘭知識,也透過互動的模式擴散知識的分享。 / Taiwan Sugar Company developed an Orchid industry in 1985. It turns flower planting into business in order to continue the advantage in Taiwan. The industry originated from State-owned enterprises, which is the formal way of organization. The organization succeeded in developing orchid industry in the world. It helps that there are entrepreneurs who have the social skills to mobilize members and alter strategies in the organization; therefore, the organization can expand these useful institutions and resolve the institutional myth. The study used field research and qualitative comparative analysis to analyze the structural model of the organizational institution when Taiwan Sugar Company initiated orchid industry from 1985 to 2001. In fact, choosing the produce for this developing industry depends on different stages. It appears that the viewpoint of new institutional theory is that institutional transformation is historically contingent (Mizruchi et al. 2006). Actually, there are three levels that Taiwan Sugar Company uses to develop orchid industry and turn flower planting into business. First, the organization is loosely coupled with formal organization in order to resolve inconsistencies. Moreover, it uses the resources of formal organization and links institutional environment. There was positive feedback about becoming a pioneer in managing and planting in the orchid industry. Second, because there are entrepreneurs who have social skills, the organization can use the advantage of resources and institutional environment. It not only connects the people who own high capability in orchid, but also creates special business model. Finally, the study surveys individual action in the institutional environment, in order to research and understand how to form an institution. When Taiwan Sugar Company created the orchid industry, it was a state-owned enterprise and had rich knowledge in agriculture; in addition, there is rich knowledge about orchids in Taiwanese society. From interaction between the members in the organization and farmers in society, it has created knowledge in orchids and diffused the knowledge in the field.

決策的社會鑲嵌性及其影響:台灣中醫及牙醫健保總額支付委員會決策機制之分析 / The social embeddedness of the decision-making and its influence: The analysis of the decision-making mechanisms in the Chinese medical and dental global budget payment committees in Taiwan

王光旭, Wang, Guang Xu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的焦點主要圍繞在兩大主軸:社會鑲嵌性與決策,探討在行動者間社會網絡的關係結構下,決策的影響力與決策行為的社會性。換言之,本研究認為決策並非僅是理性的產物,更多的時候,反而是理性與非理性因素交互作用的結果。也就是說,決策必然鑲嵌在決策者間的社會網絡關係結構,任何的決策都無可避免的必須考量到決策者間的關係型態所造成的限制。本研究使用牙醫與中醫總額支付委員會作為研究的個案,除了讓社會網絡與決策網絡的邊界更清楚,更符合研究校度之外,也希望能夠進一步透過兩個案的分析,一方面透過社會網絡分析瞭解兩支付委員會可能的權力分佈與結構,二方面分析影響決策權力分佈與決策產出的關係機制為何,並藉此來驗證決策的社會鑲嵌性此一概念。 本研究使用事務討論、信任支持、法規諮詢與資源交換四個社會關係網絡來測量行動者在決策過程中的社會關係,並用以驗證決策者的決策影響力與決策的一致性是否鑲嵌在這四個網絡的結構當中。本研究透過社會網絡的問卷蒐集了牙醫支委會18筆與中醫支委會21筆資料(N=56),並透量化社會網絡分析方法中的集中性指數、派系、網絡密度、區截模型與縮影矩陣、MDS分析與QAP的相關與迴歸分析等分析工具,從個體、小團體層次、與總體的結構層次,分析牙醫與中醫支委會的行動者在網絡中的關係型態與位置角色。此外,更透過上述分析中所獲得的集中性指數的分析結果當作自變項,並放入迴歸模型之中,藉以驗證是否對集體決策產出的觀感造成影響。 總的來說,本研究可歸納以下研究結論:一、在牙醫與中醫支付委員會的個案中,委員決策的影響力與決策行為,確實都受到四個社會網絡結構的影響,驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點;二、無論從個體、小團體或總體結構的分析層次,得到的分析結果都很類似,具有決策影響力並與其他行動者有密切的社會關係的行動者,在牙醫支委會有牙醫全聯會的H11, H16與健保局的A2,但中醫支委會的部分,就沒有健保局的代表,反而僅有中醫全聯會代表,顯見在牙醫部門當中,權力的分佈屬於公、私部門間二元的機制,但中醫的部分僅有集中在中區中醫師;三、委員的出席確實會受到委員個人政策影響力與資源交換網絡的顯著影響,顯示個人政策影響力愈大,與其他委員資源交換關係愈頻繁的委員,參與會議的意願較高;四、從影響集體決策產出觀感的因素來說,事務討論關係與在事務討論網絡的派系重疊程度對集體決策產出的觀感有顯著且正面的影響,個人的決策影響力與年資反而有負面且顯著的影響。 本研究大的貢獻,一驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點,決策必須將社會關係變項考量,二是在公共行政領域中第一本以系統化的方式使用社會網絡分析工具的論文,非但具有示範性的作用,也跨越了過去公共行政網絡研究過於喻象的分析缺陷。根據分析結果,本研究提出以下四點政策建議:一、中醫支委會的健保局代表應當夠積極的與中醫全聯會的代表建立溝通的關係,以構築決策影響力的社會基礎;二、委員會中若不具決策影響力,又在社會關係上沒有跟其他行動者互動,則應考慮其存在的實質意義;三、由於年資長短對決策觀感會有負面影響,健保局應更積極的與年資較久的委員溝通請益,瞭解他們為何會對委員會的運作績效有負面的想法,藉以強化委員會的功能;四、加強委員之間的總額事務討論的交換意見的關係,有助於集體決策的產出。 / Decision making is a collective activity rather than an individual option. In literature, collective action can be symbolized as a network. The concept of network has emerged as an intellectual centrepiece in the field of public administration and the speedy development of social network analysis has facilitated “network research” to go beyond only a metaphor. However, most previous decision theories based on the concept of rationality have not seriously considered a network’s impact on the policy process. This research attempts to verify the causal relationship between social embeddedness and decision-making by examining how policy elites’ personal interactions shape individuals’ decision-making behaviour, influential power and the collective decision performance. This research focuses on the result of the mutual influence between rational and non-rational factors. Two cases (the Dental and Chinese Medicine Global Budget Payment Committees) are discussed by applying quantitative social network analysis in order to systemically expand the current understanding of the power distribution and its influential factors in these two decision making committees in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance domain. In regard to methodology, four participants’ social networks were designed not only to examine the social relationship between these committee members but also to analyse the phenomenon of social embeddedness in these two cases. There are totally 39 successful respondents (apx. 80% response rate, N=56) and these raw data were analysed by the indicators such as network centrality index, cliques, network density, block model, image matrix, MDS and QAP correlation, hierarchical regression in order to answer the research questions. Furthermore, this research is based on three analytical levels in social network analysis: “individual relationship”, “small group” and “global structure”, and not only explores the connection, power exercise and decision-making behaviour between these committee members but also analyses their role and position through the perspective of global network structure. The research verifies the hypothesis “decision-making is embeddeded in the structure of the actors’ interconnected social relationships” and utilizes the quantitative social network analytical method systematically to let network study go beyond a metaphor in the research field of public administration. I conclude that the distribution of the decision-making power and behaviour are both influenced by the committees’ social networks. Furthermore, the power distribution in the dental committee is two cores between the dental association and the BNHI, but the committee of Chinese Medicine is just one core of the Chinese Medicine association. With regard to attendance network as the independent variable, two factors significantly and positively influence the committee members’ attendance network: “decision-making influential network” and “resource exchange network”. Finally, the factors of “the NHI affair discussion network” and “the affair discussion clique centrality degree” have positive statistical significance but relatively the factors of “personal decision making influence” and “seniority” have negative statistical significance on the interviewees’ perception of the collective policy outcome.

「資訊社會」之知識地圖建構 / Building a knowledge map on the subject of information society

沈東玫, Shen, Tung Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用共被引分析法與社會網絡分析法,以資訊社會代表文獻為研究對象,進行文獻間的主題相關性分析,希望透過對資訊社會代表文獻之共被引分析與社會網絡分析,能瞭解資訊社會研究所涵蓋的學科領域、文獻之間的集群性、及歷年研究趨勢。本研究以1962年至2010年的資訊社會代表文獻為研究範圍,研究資料取自Webster於2006年所撰寫的《Theories of Information Society》與《The Information Society Reader》二本著作,經整合後得出89篇代表文獻做為本研究之研究樣本。其次,再以WOS資料庫對此89篇代表文獻進行共被引次數檢索,製成共被引矩陣。除了瞭解代表文獻間的共被引強度外,並以SPSS軟體進行相關係數分析與集群分析,此外,利用UCUNET軟體計算出文獻中心性,及將文獻間的關係繪製成多元尺度圖與社會網絡圖,最後,透過研究年代的區隔,計算不同時段共被引情形的變化,以觀察資訊社會領域發展趨勢。 本研究結果歸納如下:1.資訊社會代表文獻被引用次數概況:(1)整體而言,資訊社會代表文獻歷年被引用次數趨於穩定;(2)資訊社會代表文獻受到社會學與地理學領域高度引用。2.「資訊社會」之知識地圖:(1)資訊社會代表文獻共被引次數普遍偏低;(2)資訊社會領域之核心文獻;(3)資訊社會領域可分為社會學、地理學及資訊科學與圖書館學子群。3.資訊社會之發展趨勢:(1)資訊社會知識地圖演變;(2)資訊社會共被引次數衰退。 本研究結果可應用於館藏規劃與評估,界定重要的圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位評估資訊社會相關館藏是否足以支援研究。同時可將研究之分析應用於資訊社會學術研究,提供研究人員近年來資訊社會共被引學科之變化及研究主題趨勢等相關資訊,作為資訊社會學者進行研究規劃之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to find out what disciplines Information Society covers. By Co-citation Analysis, this study highlighted the major disciplines in the Information Society field and identified the main literature and their relationship. This research takes representative Information Society literature from 1962 to 2010 as research scope. Firstly, by Bibliometrics, the total of 89 representative literature of Information Society was extracted from “The Information Society Reader” and “Theories of Information Society” written by Frank Webster in 2005 and 2006 respectively. Secondly, the co-citation times between 89 literature was investigated through Web of Science and thus a co-citation matrix was build to reveal the co-citation strength of literature. Co-relation and cluster analysis between literature were also explored by SPSS software. In addition, this study uses UCUNET software to analyze centrality and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Society. The major findings are as follows: 1. On the citation strength: (1) Cited times of Information Society literature have been growing stable in recent years. (2) Information Society literature is highly cited by disciplines of Sociology and Geography. 2. Knowledge map of Information Society: (1)Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature are low;(2) The core literature of Information Society field; (3)Sociology, Geography and Information Science are main disciplines in Information Society area. 3. Development of Information Society: (1) Development of knowledge map of Information Society; (2) Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature have been declining in recent years. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection planning and assessment, and identify the core journals and books. It assists libraries or information centers in evaluating the adequacy of Information Society collections to support research. Meanwhile, it provides researchers with recent trends of Information Society research.

核能安全緊急應變宣導政策網絡中里長的角色分析 / The Role Analysis of the Chief of Village in Policy Advocacy Network of the Nuclear Safety Emergency Response

黃志宏, Huang, Chih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
網絡是一個依據人與人之間的互動關係所建構出來的,它即是形成我們日常生活中的一部分,而政策網絡則是從網絡的生活環境概念化,進而系統化的分析方法,是較傳統分析方法更有彈性的分析架構。在現在的社會中,想要製造對立的關係很容易,想要挑出他人的問題也是容易的,但是如何促使人們溝通呢?在這個民眾對政府信任低落的時代,社會上的急需解決的公共議題卻未見減少,若里長能發揮一個更作為連結政府和民眾之間溝通的良好媒介,發揮其作為中介樞紐的功能。本研究更期許里長在核子事故緊急應變的政策宣導中,是一個能讓民眾和政府之間的溝通更為順暢的角色。透過政策網絡中的社會網絡分析方法,嘗試去解析在核二廠周遭地區的里長,他們在緊急應變網絡中所擁有的角色、地位及其對網絡的影響,並進一步提出改善當前緊急應變宣導僵化的困境。 本研究透過社會網絡分析的中介性分析結果,發現雖然在緊急應變宣導的政策網絡中,里長確實擁有強大的動員能量,更在網絡中有無法抹煞的影響力,但里長卻並非網絡的單一中介核心,在地方上的緊急應變宣導網絡中,形成了多元的中介核心,這些網絡參與者或因為公務上的正式關係,或因為掌握核能的專業知識,因此,各自在網絡中占有重要的地位,但是若核子事故發生時,這些參與者又會形成環環相扣的宣導和疏散系統,缺一不可。故本研究認為里長的角色,確實會對緊急應變宣導產生不同層面的影響,里長在網絡中也具有相當深厚的稟賦,但更多時候里長只是消極的在執行。 最後本研究彙整出不同受訪者的意見,歸納出了兩個方向性不同的建議,期望負責緊急應變宣導的單位能重新省思這些根本性的問題:第一,只有讓民眾真正的體驗過,體驗才會轉換成有價值的經驗和記憶;第二,對於緊急應變宣導的結構性省思,政府擁有的人力、資源和時間有限,政府官員相較於民眾是否是更需要宣導的群體?

教室中的小社會—國小班級關係氛圍與人際網絡結構分析 / A Network Analysis of the Climate and Interpersonal Relationships in the Elementary School

李偉斌, Li, Wei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國小班級關係氛圍的類型以及班級人際網絡結構的現況。 研究中抽樣調查了全國54個四到六年級的班級,依據問卷所得資料進行集群分析法(clustering method),依同儕關係、師生關係兩向度將班級自然分類成三個集群。 研究進行了不同關係氛圍班級之差異分析,研究二檢驗不同類型班級在師生關係變項上的差別;研究三採用社會網絡分析法(social network analysis)描繪班級人際網絡結構的差別。研究四班級內部的結構,進行核心邊陲分析與班級塊模型分析,研究五進行人際互動課程的實驗研究。研究後建構出診斷班級小社會的訊息,未來可提供給實務現場教師採用。 本研究所得之研究結論如下: 一、國小班級內部關係品質,包含了學生之間的同儕關係、學生與教師的師生關係兩向度,共同建構班級關係氛圍,各班級區分類為低、中、高三種關係品質的班級。。 二、相較於低關係班級,高關係氛圍班級在班內師生關係的標準差較小、班級內師生關係的性別差異亦小。此外,高關係班級的學童的社交計量數與自身師生關係呈現顯著相關。 三、高關係與低關係班級,在人際網絡結構上並沒有顯著的差別,包含了網絡密度、EI指數、二方關係、派系數、成分數、孤離者數和比率。顯示無論班級關係品質為何,都會自然形塑而成班級小社會。 四、低關係班級有幾個值得關係的議題,包含核心學生之間的互惠關係、高密度的子群之間的關係,以及核心學生與高密度學生們對於自身班級的同儕關係與師生關係,都是教師在班級經營中須特別關注的。 五、進行班級氛圍的改變效果,短期課程對氛圍與人際網絡結構的改變效果並不明顯,推論需仰賴教師平時之互動與班務上的經營。 / The study was to investigated the primary school’s classes. The purpose is to understand the class climate and social network of the class. The forty-four classes were in the study by random sampling from Taiwan area.Teacher-student relationship and peer relationship are treated the classification variables. The classes were divided into three categories by clustering method. 18 classes were High-quality relationship; 11 calasses were Low-quality relationship. The results are the comparison of two types of class. High-quality relationship classes have some features: Standard deviation is smaller in teacher-student relationship, the same result of differences between boys and girls. The better the relationship between popular students and teacher. Second, the two-type classes were no differences in social network model. High-quality and Low-quality classes both forming a small community in nature. From the analysis of the class entrials, Mutually beneficial relationship and the relationship between small groups were the important issues. A six-week course experimented in a class. Only small impacts on the class climate and social network.

教育體制、學習環境與學生成果之研究 / A Study on Education System, Learning Environment and Students' Academic Outcomes

張明宜, Chang, Ming Yi Unknown Date (has links)
This research highlights the importance of considering the degree students’ integration into school classes when estimating school effects. Combining and using two different datasets collected before and after education reform in Taiwan, the study compares school effects under two different education systems in order to answer the question about the efficiency of education reform. I estimate multilevel growth models to assess how school environments affect changes in students’ initial and change rate of their academic performance across junior high school years. Besides, two-part random-effects models are also introduced into the analyses to testify how school environment influence adolescent performance in their high school enrollments. My results support and extend Blau’s structural theory, revealed that school contexts and school networks directly and indirectly influences students’ performance in their school classes and in their high school enrollments, suggesting students’ outcome are conditioning by the local structure, the school environments. However, through making more friends inside and outside school classes, students still have their own power to modify the environmental impacts on themselves. With respect to the comparisons of school effects on individuals’ performance under two different education systems in Taiwan, the decreasing peer influences and the decreasing significance of school networks indicate that the school effects gradually decline after the administration of education reform. One should note that simply a little change on education system might alter students, parents, and teachers’ behaviors. The decreasing peer effects and the decreasing school effects on students’ academic performance suggesting that students might change their behaviors on interacting with their friends and change their behaviors at schools in order to jostle higher education after education reform. The increasing cram schooling and the increasing significance of family SES support the inference that students modify their behaviors to come up against the education reform in Taiwan. These findings suggest the need for more panel datasets collected from the newly cohorts after education reform was administrated for a period and the need for more studies of education reform and school effects, to have more understanding about the mechanisms of school efficiency.

臺北市公共自行車站點需求分析之研究 / A research in the demand of the public bike station in Taipei.

張辰尉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於溫室效應加劇以及氣候變遷加劇,因此符合綠色運輸特性的公共自行車系統,成為各國交通部門發展綠運輸政策時的目標之一,同時,大數據分析亦是目前受到高度關注的熱門議題。而本研究首先使用臺北市微笑單車租借大數據探討在不同時間點下民眾日常使用微笑單車之旅運行為,分析不同站點間的旅次特性。再運用社群網絡分析,以站點之間旅次連結多寡作為權重,探討站點間之緊密程度,以及不同時間點下微笑單車租借量之熱點分布情形,並將其視覺化呈現。 後續透過文獻分析,擷取影響公共自行車使用量之因素後,本研究嘗試運用一般線性迴歸模型與地理加權迴歸進行模型建立,並探討各影響因素對於旅運需求之影響情形。實證結果顯示,地理加權迴歸模型可以解決一般線性迴歸所產生空間自相關問題,使得模型解釋能力獲得改善。本研究並使用地理加權迴歸進行使用需求分析以及預測,對未來公共自行車營運以及站點擴張提出結論以及建議,期能提升公共自行車系統之使用量。 / Due to the climate change and aggravation of the greenhouse effect in recent years, the public bicycle system with the feature of low-carbon emission has raised more and more attention internationally, and has become one of the targets in developing green transportation policies of transportation departments of governments around the world. Meanwhile Big Data analysis issues, on the other hand, are currently a sought-after topic which has caused great concern as well. In this study, we utilize the rental data of the YouBike system in Taipei to discuss the public usage of YouBike tour at different periods. With the use of social network analysis, we discuss the relationships between different bicycle stops based on applying the number of travels between different sites as the weight. Eventually, the hotspot analysis will be carried out by operating the GIS system. In this way, we are able to discuss the hotspot distribution of YouBike rentals in different time and then visualize the result. After that this study pick up the variables which will effect the YouBike usage by reference review. This research try to built models by utilizing the Least Squares Method and Geographically Weighted Regression. Then we will have a discussion with the result of the two models. The result shows that Geographically Weighted Regression can resolve the spatial autocorrelation problem which happened in the Least Squares Method and to gain a better result. With the analysis and prediction of public bicycle system from Geographically Weighted Regression, we hope to raise the usage of public bicycle system by concluding as well as making recommendations for the future operation of public bicycle and the expansion of bicycle stops.

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