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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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海峽兩岸義務教育政策之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Education Between Two Sides of Strait

葉信村 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為七章,其對海峽兩岸義務教育之中重要之制度、師資、經費、課程做一統整的分析,以期未來進入國家統一綱領協商統一階段時,兩岸義務教育如何接軌,以避免因政治因素干擾義務教育發展,使國家人才斷層。   論文第一章為緒論,對本研究之動機目的、臺灣相關大陸教育學文獻與研究方法加以論述。   第二章為定義義務教育的內涵,與世界各國發展義務教育的情形,並討論兩岸義務教育政策的發展狀況。   第三章為義務教育之制度政策,對目前兩岸義務教育制度中之學制、教育行政制度與學校行政制度加以討論。   第四章對兩岸義務教育的經費投資問題,對目前兩岸中義務教育經費支出情形做探討,以利日後兩岸接軌時,經費的應用能充裕供應。   第五章針對兩岸義務教育的教師問題,從師資培養及待遇福利等問題來分析,日後兩岸應採何種教師政策以利未來發展。   第六章對義務教育中的軟體-課程加以研析,從課程制度過程因素加以探究,究竟兩岸課程應採何種制定政策。   第七章為結論。

台灣十二年義務教育之研究 / The study of 12-Year compulsory education in Taiwan

梁足麗, Liang ,Tsu-li Unknown Date (has links)
The purposes of this master thesis “The Study of 12-Year Compulsory Education in Taiwan” are to retrospect Taiwan’s education systems, to study the detail measures about 12-year compulsory education policy and to explore compulsory education systems in advanced countries such as the United States, Finland, Japan and Germany and see if we are able to imitate the merits to apply to our education system. The paper also attempts to observe the possible impacts on the society and to evaluate how to carry out the policy that really improves our nation’s competitiveness. Furthermore, through the observation, hope to offer some suggestions to the related authority.The study finds that there are several problems existing in the present systems, chief of which are the gap between city and rural, uneven education qualities, uneven distribution of resources and excessive pressure from seeking further education. To solve these problems, it is necessary to lengthen the compulsory education in Taiwan. Based on the study, we acquire the knowledge about complete education system in Finland, the effective education reform in the United States, the sophisticated vocational system in Germany and the holistic-person education ideas in Japan. Meanwhile, the 12-year compulsory education policy is processing according to the plan step by step in Taiwan now.While implementing the policy, now there are many measures are on the way. The authority announced that by 2018, almost 90% of the policy will be performed. According to my study, the abundant budget for the education policy is an important promise and the legal education law is convincible for the nations. Besides, the government should shorten the years implementing policy. Also, I suggest the government should establish teachers’ life-long training system and cautiously plan the elite system in secondary school. / The purposes of this master thesis “The Study of 12-Year Compulsory Education in Taiwan” are to retrospect Taiwan’s education systems, to study the detail measures about 12-year compulsory education policy and to explore compulsory education systems in advanced countries such as the United States, Finland, Japan and Germany and see if we are able to imitate the merits to apply to our education system. The paper also attempts to observe the possible impacts on the society and to evaluate how to carry out the policy that really improves our nation’s competitiveness. Furthermore, through the observation, hope to offer some suggestions to the related authority.The study finds that there are several problems existing in the present systems, chief of which are the gap between city and rural, uneven education qualities, uneven distribution of resources and excessive pressure from seeking further education. To solve these problems, it is necessary to lengthen the compulsory education in Taiwan. Based on the study, we acquire the knowledge about complete education system in Finland, the effective education reform in the United States, the sophisticated vocational system in Germany and the holistic-person education ideas in Japan. Meanwhile, the 12-year compulsory education policy is processing according to the plan step by step in Taiwan now.While implementing the policy, now there are many measures are on the way. The authority announced that by 2018, almost 90% of the policy will be performed. According to my study, the abundant budget for the education policy is an important promise and the legal education law is convincible for the nations. Besides, the government should shorten the years implementing policy. Also, I suggest the government should establish teachers’ life-long training system and cautiously plan the elite system in secondary school.

論保險法第64條據實說明義務 ─以二年除斥期間之適用為中心 / Study On The Taiwan insurance law,article 64,duty of disclosure: focusing on the research of the problems of the application of two years scheduled period

宋有容 Unknown Date (has links)
「對價衡平原則」及「最大誠信原則」乃保險制度存立之基石,保險法第64條據實說明義務之根本精神即源自此二原則,藉由課以要保人或被保險人詳實提供與該保險有關的事實資料的義務,以作為保險人判斷的依據,使保險人所承擔之風險與所收取之保險費相當,然實務上有多件案例為:要保人或被保險人在當初訂立保險契約時,未據實說明,被保險人發生保險事故後,要保人或受益人故意不通知保險公司,待至契約訂立後二年除斥期間經過,保險公司已無法依保險法第64條解除契約始通知保險公司,實重大違背「對價衡平原則」及「最大誠信原則」,而嚴重動搖保險制度之存立;惟「除斥期間」之訂立乃係基於追求法律關係早日確定,避免權利人消極行使權利讓法律關係懸而未決,是以,於保險法第64條針對保險人之解除契約權,「除斥期間」亦為一重要且不可或缺之限制。故如何在「除斥期間」之限制下有效解決此問題,乃本文研究之目的,盼能藉由本研究定紛止爭,更進而達到維護保險制度存立之目的。 本文嘗試先就保險法第64條據實說明義務之要件、規範架構加以介紹,再從我國實務判決為出發點,探討如何在現行法的架構下解決問題。本文以為,保險金請求權人故意拖延至除斥期間屆滿始請求保險給付之情形,雖得透過目的性限縮保險法第64條、民法第92條、民法第148條及民法第184條加以解決,惟在實務上,仍尚未成為定論,雖有少數判決肯認得援引部分前揭條文,然目前僅為少數見解,可能無法對於惡意之保險金請求權人產生遏止效果或警惕作用,尚須透過實務上保險公司的積極防範措施或修法加以解決。故本文最後一章以立法論的角度觀察,探討是否得藉由外國立法例之借鏡,在立法上根本解決本研究問題。首先將介紹各國之立法例,再來加以比較分析他國與我國立法之異同,再就我國之立法提出修正建議。本文認為在現行法架構下、保險公司實際操作面向下皆無法真正解決此問題,根本解決之道仍應係對現行法加以修正。

労働契約における兼職法制・競業避止義務・守秘義務に関する研究 : ドイツ法・日本法の比較法的考察 / ロウドウ ケイヤク ニオケル ケンショク ホウセイ・キョウギョウ ヒシ ギム・シュヒ ギム ニカンスル ケンキュウ : ドイツ ホウ・ニホン ホウ ノ ヒカクホウテキ コウサツ / 労働契約における兼職法制競業避止義務守秘義務に関する研究 : ドイツ法日本法の比較法的考察 / ロウドウ ケイヤク ニ オケル ケンショク ホウセイ キョウギョウ ヒシ ギム シュヒ ギム ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ドイツホウ ニホンホウ ノ ヒカク ホウテキ コウサツ

河野 尚子, Naoko Kono 20 March 2015 (has links)
本論文は、労働契約における兼職法制及び兼職避止義務と密接に関わる競業避止義務・守秘義務における我が国の法律問題のあり方について、ドイツ法との比較法的研究を行ったものである。兼職法制との関係では、労働時間の通算制、契約上の兼職避止義務、複数就業者の労災保険給付、パートタイム複数就業者の不利益取扱いに関する法律問題について、また、兼職避止義務と関連する問題として、在職中の競業避止義務、守秘義務の関係性について、どのような視点で法規範が形成されているのか、ドイツ法の議論を踏まえた上で、分析を行っている。 / 博士(法学) / Doctor of Laws / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

美國法上標售公司義務(Revlon Duty)之內涵─兼論在我國法下適用之可能 / Analyzing the Concept of Revlon Duty

吳亞儒 Unknown Date (has links)
判斷目標公司董事出售公司或控制權的決策是否符合受任人義務是一個困難且重要的問題,因為此種類型的決策董事有可能是出於自身利益也可能是為全體股東利益而為,在此種利益衝突屬於晦暗不明的情況,法院應該要採取怎樣的審查態度一方面可以尊重董事決策的空間,另一方面又可以確保股東的利益被保全,成為本論文最關心的問題。 以我國為例,近年公股銀行民營化或是私募基金收購案例屢見不鮮,共同引發的擔憂就是目標公司董事同意此項併購案到底是因為併購條件有利於全體股東,還是嘉惠特定合作對象而決定?我國企業併購法第5條及第6條要求目標公司董事為併購決議時應盡其注意義務及忠實義務,然董事到底是為「公司」還是「股東」盡其義務似乎仍有疑義;再者,法院似乎亦尚未發展出在個案中判斷董事具體行為是否符合受任人義務的標準,因此本文擬參考美國法上的相關規範,以期解決我國現狀的困境。 德拉瓦州法院在1980年代提出一項標準,當目標公司董事決定要出售公司或控制權時,董事有義務要為股東爭取最好的價格,又稱為「露華濃義務(Revlon Duty)」或「標售公司義務」,有兩個重點值得關注:第一,目標公司董事同意何種併購交易會觸發露華濃義務?此即露華濃適用範圍的討論;第二,目標公司董事一旦觸發露華濃義務,董事應該要採取何種具體措施以符合要求?此即露華濃義務內涵的討論。對應到我國現況,應不應該在特定的併購交易中限縮董事的裁量空間?或提出可供法院參考之指標?

過失犯における事実に対する知的要素の省察と再構築 -客観化と抽象化の動向を契機として-

沈, 奕含 25 September 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第24863号 / 法博第296号 / 新制||法||179(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 塩見 淳, 教授 髙山 佳奈子, 教授 安田 拓人 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DFAM


冷明珍 Unknown Date (has links)

保險商品銷售說明義務之民事責任 / Civil liability of the duty to disclose on insurance sales

楊昌憲, Yang, Chang Shien Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統學說討論上,論及說明義務,多數皆討論被保險人之說明義務,但隨著保險商品的複雜化,要保人及被保險人的知識並無法完全知悉保險商品的內容及全利義務,保險人說明義務實為藉由締約前的控制以衡平保險契約雙方顯不對等之契約關係,達成契約實質之公平,減少締約糾紛的發生。 本文以說明義務起源之探討為始,探究說明義務之法律性質,分析保險人說明義務相關行政規範之合適性,並整理分析說明義務之民事責任以及舉證責任之分配。 文末,提出於保險法增訂保險人說明義務之建議,以期發揮保險人說明義務所具有之功能,使保險消費者獲得確實之保護,並促進金融市場健全發展。

董事受託義務與經營判斷法則之研究 / A study on the Fiduciary Duty and the Business Judgment Rule

劉耀文, Liu, Yao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國際經濟危機層出不窮,產生各式各樣之公司治理問題;全球化之企業經營模式的崛起與迅速發展,企業之經營從國內走向國際,使得公司治理成為國際性之重要議題,美國之公司治理模式的移植亦於世界各國蔚為風潮。 公司治理之架構下,鑑於所有權與經營權分離原則,掌握公司經營權限之董事係公司核心,為避免擴大董事之經營權限的同時,會損及公司與股東之利益,美國法對於董事乃課以受託義務,其內涵包含忠實義務、注意義務與善意義務。然基於商業環境詭譎多變且有限司法審查能力,如董事必須為做出失誤經營決策負擔法律責任,將造成具有能力之人不願意擔任董事而不利於經濟社會之發展,故美國法院判決乃發展出經營判斷法則。經營判斷法則係推定董事係立於充分資訊、出於善意且誠實確信其係為公司之最佳利益,當原告主張董事違反受託義務時,應負有先行舉證證明董事行為不符合經營判斷法則之構成要件。 我國公司法第23條係忠實義務與注意義務之規定,惟對於經營判斷法則尚無明文規範,學說見解對於我國是否應引進經營判斷法則仍有爭議,法院實務雖早已援用經營判斷法則作為公司經營者之責任標準,卻存在諸多誤解導致誤將該法則視為行為標準。因此,似有必要重新審視經營判斷法則之定位,故本文嘗試提出對於經營判斷法則於我國之應用的見解與省思。然經營判斷法則與我國現有法制應如何相互融合仍有待立法配合與後續觀察。 / In recent years, the world has been engulfed by international economic crises, resulting in a wide range of corporate governance matters. The rise and rapid development of the global business model has made the management of enterprises go from a single country toward the whole world, making corporate governance an important international issue. The transplantation of corporate governance of America legal model has emerged as a global trend. Under the framework of corporate governance and in view of the principle of separation of ownership and control, the directors empowered decision-making authority are the core of the company. To avoid the expanding of directors’ decision-making authority and protect the interests of both the corporation and its shareholders, the directors has fiduciary duty which includes duty of loyalty, duty of care and duty of good faith. However, based on the complexity of the business environment and the limit of the capability of the judicial review, if the directors burden the responsibility for making wrong decisions will make capable people unwell to be directors and affect the development of the economy. The business judgment rule is the presumption that in making decisions not involving self-interest and self-dealing, corporate directors act on an informed basis, in good faith, and in the honest belief that their actions are in the corporation’s best interest. Article 23 of Taiwan Company Act is the regulation of duty of loyalty and duty of care. However, the business judgment rule is not regulated in Taiwan Company Act. The opinion of whether the business judgment rule should be introduced to Taiwan is still controversial. Therefore, it is necessary to reexamine the position of the business judgment rule in Taiwan legal structure and this article attempts to provide points of view in the issue. Last but not least, the interaction of business judgment rule and Taiwan legal structure still needs the cooperation of the legislation and following observation.


棚橋, 邦行 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第25064号 / 法博第310号 / 新制||法||182(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 池田 公博, 教授 堀江 慎司, 教授 稲谷 龍彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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