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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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俄罗斯與中日的能源關係 (1991-2011) / Russia’s energy relations with China and Japan (1991-2011)

于琳, Yulia Grama Unknown Date (has links)
能源是攸關人類生存的一大課題,它提供熱能、照明和運輸,而且是經濟發展不可或缺的帶動因素。國家的經濟成長需仰賴充足可靠且價格合理的能源供應。對外政策重大議題尤其需要依賴安全可靠且價格合理的能源供應,像是民主、貿易、替代能源發展、消弭貧窮和環保等等相關發展支援計劃。 東北亞是具有高度經濟與政治價值的重要區域。在此區域內約有17億人口以及世界第二、第三大經濟體,不論在政治、經濟和文化上皆有莫大影響力。 俄罗斯是世界上碳酸氫化合物與鈾的主要出口國,也擁有名列前茅的核能發電廠運作技術。中國和日本不論在東北亞與世界都佔有重要地位,且高度依賴能源進口。而俄罗斯鄰近中國和日本,可以快速有效提供石油和天然氣等能源。故而俄罗斯與中日兩國在能源供應合作上顯然具有極高的發展潛力。 掌握能源供應的俄罗斯可以鞏固其東北亞的地位,進而成為該區域的超級強權。 研究目標在於解讀俄罗斯對中日兩國的能源關係以及對東北亞情勢的影響。筆者將採用地緣政治學中的「策略性操縱」理論和「區域安全複合體」的概念作為主要假設,分析俄罗斯與中日兩國能源關係的內容與後續走向,以及對區域情勢所造成的影響。 研究架構如下:第一章是本研究的背景、目標及方法;第二章詳細分析俄罗斯的石油、天然氣與核能燃料蘊藏量、該國的能源策略及其理論上的影響範圍;第三章的焦點為中國的能源需求、能源政策和外交,俄罗斯與中國能源供應合作的內容、發展與問題以及理論方面的評估;第四章探討日本的能源需求、能源政策和外交,俄罗斯與日本能源供應合作的內容、發展與問題以及理論方面的評估;第五章就俄罗斯對中國及對日本的能源關係進行比較分析,以ESPO的建設為例,探討其結果及影響;第六章則是回應研究目標、評估俄罗斯與中日兩國的能源關係,並且對俄罗斯在東北亞的能源政策提出建議。 / Energy is one of the most important factors for the survival of humanity. It provides the fuel of the economy, heat, light and mobility. The country’s economic growth depends on adequate, reliable and affordable supplies of energy. Key foreign policy objectives, including support for democracy, trade, sustainable economic development, poverty reduction and environmental protection rely on the provision of safe, reliable and affordable energy supplies. North East Asia is an important region in terms of its economic and political value. With a population of 1,7 billion people, and containing the world's second and third largest economies, it is a region of enormous political, economic and cultural significance. Russia, a major exporter of hydro carbonates and uranium, is one of the world’s leaders of nuclear plant operating technology. China and Japan are the main actors in NEA and highly depend on the import of energy resources. Moreover, Russia’s close proximity to China and Japan enables a fast and a reliably efficient supply of oil and gas. These attributes highlight and emphasize the excellent opportunities for energy cooperation between these countries. Russia’s strength in this field allows them to fortify their position in NEA as it aspires to become a regional super power. The goal of this research is to study Russian energy relations with China and Japan and how it affects the positions of the country in the region. The author would adopt the main assumptions of the Geopolitics, theory of “Strategic manipulation” and the concept of “Regional Security Complex” to analyze the content and consequences of Russian energy relations with China and Japan and its impact on the situation in the region. The framework of the research is illustrated as follows: chapter one gives the background, goals and methodology of the research; chapter two provides the detailed analysis of Russian oil, natural gas, nuclear power reserves, the country’s energy strategy and its theoretical implications; chapter three focuses on energy demand, energy diplomacy and strategy of China, the content, development, problems of Russo-Chinese energy cooperation and its theoretical evaluation; chapter four focuses on energy demand, energy diplomacy and strategy of Japan, the content, development, problems of Russo-Japanese energy cooperation and its theoretical evaluation; chapter five is devoted to the comparative study of Russian energy relations with China and Japan at the example of ESPO constructing, its results and implications; and chapter six concludes with responses to research goals, evaluation of energy relations between Russia, China and Japan and recommendations for Russian energy policy in North East Asia.

跨國公司對在地國之影響: 以俄羅斯天然氣工業集團為例 / The impact of multinational corporation on host country: the case of Gazprom group

李苑如 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究重點為探討跨國公司對在地國之影響,分析與比較俄羅斯天然氣工業集團(Gazprom Group)在烏克蘭與白俄羅斯兩國之議價關係。 Gazprom為全球壟斷性天然氣公司,在2006年冬季俄、烏天然氣談判破局而發生歐洲大規模斷氣事件後,其對在地國的特殊影響力才逐漸成為各界熱烈討論之議題。一般而言,在全球化下的跨國公司研究多半聚焦在跨國公司的經濟影響力,然而Gazprom在母國政府的支持下,在全球市場上除了經濟面外,還對其他國家發揮著政治面向上的影響力,特別是在烏克蘭與白俄羅斯的例子上格外明顯。學界目前對於Gazprom的主流評論認為Gazprom為母國外交工具,然而追溯Gazprom、在地國與俄羅斯三方之天然氣關係背景,發現Gazprom在烏、白兩國之作為不能單純將Gazprom設想為「母國外交工具」,Gazprom與兩國之天然氣衝突是俄羅斯政府「外交目標」與Gazprom「商業獲利」考量下之綜合結果;以Gazprom為主體方向下思考,對Gazprom來說,俄羅斯政府是企業對在地國的「產業政策影響工具」,更正確地來說,Gazprom與俄羅斯政府是屬於互相為用的關係。 為破除既定「外交工具」思考方向,本文採議價能力衰減模型(Obsolescing Bargaining Model)作為基礎研究架構,以Gazprom為研究主體,突破以往傳統上單層議價模型中只論跨國公司與在地國之議價過程,加入母國政府與在地國政府之議價關係,分析俄與烏、白兩國政府議價結果與Gazprom影響力之關聯,以貼合本文案例實際研究需要。 / This paper examines the impact of multinational corporations (MNC) on host country, analyzes and compares the two cases in Ukraine and Belarus of bargaining relations between Gazprom Group and host governments. Gazprom is a global natural gas monopoly, after the breakup of gas negotiation between Russia and Ukraine and cut-off of Russian gas to Europe, its special impact on host country has attracted people of all the different circles to discuss it. In most cases of globalization researches on MNC’s role, people concentrate on the economic impact of MNC; however, with the support from home government, Gazprom has shown not only its economic power, but also its political impact on host country, especially on Ukraine and Belarus. Till now, the academic circle has seen Gazprom as an instrument of Russian foreign policy, but after tracing back the historical background of gas relations between Gazprom, host country, and Russia, we can figure out Gazprom can’t be simply regarded as the policy instrument, in fact, the Russia-Ukraine and Russia-Belarus gas disputes between are the complex of Russian foreign policy consideration and Gazprom commercial actions. For Gazprom, Russian government is an instrument as well to influence host country’s policy in gas sector. More correctly, Gazprom and Russian government use each other for their own purposes. To break through the existing “instrument of foreign policy” research direction, this paper uses obsolescing bargaining model as the basic framework, regarding Gazprom as the main subject, changing the traditional one-tier bargaining model into two-tier, including bargaining relationship between home government and host government, then analyzes the correlation between the governmental bargaining results and Gazprom’s bargaining power for the practical case study needs.

不完全資訊和雙重改變下的分群模型 / Grouping with Heterogeneity: Incomplete Information and Double Mutation

邱彥閔 Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先構建了在完全資訊下的異質分群模型。當玩家可以觀察其他玩家的類型,則均衡必定是非隔離的:大多數玩家將無意移動,這是因為他們的夥伴可以為他們帶來最好的報酬。均衡狀態將會是一個有效率的狀態。     然後,我們構建另一個分組模型:訊息不完全和雙重改變下的分群模型。結果表明,雖然非隔離的均衡有可能是在短期的穩定均衡,但只有隔離的均衡狀態可以在長期維持穩定。這是因為在長期下,大多數非隔離狀態可以輕易地切換到隔離狀態的緣故。 / This paper first constructs a grouping model with heterogeneous population under the setting of complete information. When player can observe other's type, the result isnon-segregation: most players have no intention to move and they can match with the one who brings them the best payoff in the original group. The equilibrium state is always efficient. We then construct another grouping model with incomplete information and double mutation. The result shows that, although non-segregation equilibria may emerge as stable equilibria in the short run, only segregation equilibria can be stochastically stable in the long run. This is because most of non-segregated states can switch to the others by the same re-sistance and some of them can easily switch to segregated state, but it is hard to switch back.

亞洲電子高科技設備業的經營環境探索 / Business environment of electronic high tech equipment industry in Asia

黃嘉銘, Huang, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文檢視了包含半導體、面板、發電太陽能、及發光二極體等四種在最近十五年來高科技電子設備產業於日本、韓國、中國、新加坡、馬來西亞、與印度等亞洲國家中發展的情況。文中包含針對不同高科技電子設備產業的高研發成本、高資本密集、涉及國防及國土安全的高敏感性、及以設備搭售服務的商業模式等特性,在面對亞洲國家在文化、制度、及經濟上類似但卻又不完全相同的環境時,跨國高科技電子設備商所採取因應策略的探討。 / This thesis reviews the development of four targeted high-tech equipment industries of Semiconductor, Flat Panel Display, Photovoltaic (PV) Solar, and Light Emitting Diode (LED) in Asia countries including Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and India. Business and operational strategies from individual high-tech equipment industries characterized of high R&D cost, high capital investment, trade sensitive requirement, and equipment bundling service business strategy dealing with similar but not identical cultural, institutional, and economic environment of targeted Asia countries were also reviewed.

內線交易的保護法益 / The legal interest of criminalizing insider trading

朱振飛, Chu, Chen Fei Unknown Date (has links)
刑 法 應 具 有 保 護 法 益 是 當 代 的 典 範 , 證 券 交 易 法 內 線 交 易 的 刑 罰 規 定 作 為 刑 法 體 系 的 一 環 亦 應 有 保 護 法 益 的 存 在 。 而 在 確 認 了 內 線 交 易 的 保 護 法 益 後 , 才 能 進 一 步 思 考 內 線 交 易 的 構 成 要 件 應 如 何 設 計 方 具 有 刑 罰 正 當 性 。 由 比 較 法 觀 之 , 內 線 交 易 立 法 論 的 設 計 向 有 「 關 係 論 」 與 「 市 場 論 」 兩 種 不 同 模 式 , 此 亦 與 法 律 經 濟 學 思 考 的 利 益 侵 害 方 向 一 致 。 在 思 考 我 國 立 法 論 的 選 擇 跟 利 益 侵 害 如 何 證 立 為 刑 法 保 護 法 益 的 問 題 時 , 本 文 試 圖 透 過 維 根 斯 坦 於 《 哲 學 研 究 》 一 書 中 所 提 出 的 語 言 遊 戲 及 家 族 相 似 性 概 念 , 解 決 此 一 問 題 , 並 指 出 資 本 市 場 功 能 的 維 護 及 投 資 人 對 資 本 市 場 公 正 性 的 信 賴 作 為 內 線 交 易 的 保 護 法 益 , 於 既 存 刑 法 體 系 固 具 有 正 當 性 , 但 構 成 要 件 如 何 適 當 反 映 保 護 法 益 的 設 計 , 仍 有 不 同 的 方 向 值 得 思 考 。

I中・高における「総合的学習」の学力観と評価の在り方 : 総合的能力と評価観点の確立(第二部 評価について)(新教科「総合人間科」の実践研究(第3報))(特別研究 文部省研究開発)

丸山, 豊 01 November 1997 (has links)

「~テクレル」の機能について - 対人調節的な機能に注目して -

山本, 裕子 31 March 2002 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

「そりゃそうだ(それはそうだ)」の意味機能 - 「φそうだ」と比較して -

八木, 真生 31 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

認知再評估能力對睡前情緒調節表現及入睡之影響 / The effect of cognitive reappraisal ability on presleep emotion regulation and sleep onset

陳諳融, Chen, An Jung Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究顯示負向情緒會干擾夜間睡眠,預期可有效降低負向情緒的情緒調節策略應有助於睡眠,然而,認知再評估策略對睡眠的影響卻未有一致的研究結果,此可能受限於過去研究多以問卷測量認知再評估策略的使用偏好,卻未測量個體使用策略的能力,亦即認知再評估策略的調節效果。本研究透過實驗室典範測量認知再評估能力,主要探討個體使用認知再評估策略的能力是否會影響個體於夜間情緒調節的效果,以及再評估策略於睡前之適用性。本研究受試者共24位,包含11名男性與13名女性,平均年齡為22歲。受試者皆依序經歷引發和調節負向情緒的實驗情境與中性情境兩個夜晚,並以主觀問卷與客觀生理反應測量受試者使用認知再評估策略調節情緒的表現,及對其後續睡眠的影響,在兩晚作業結束後,受試者會回到實驗室進行認知再評估能力測量作業。研究結果發現,認知再評估能力佳者於實驗晚的情緒調節表現較佳,在能力指標中,正負向與憤怒感調節佳者,其睡前生理激發度增加量較低、入睡前高頻腦波相對功率較低,且較不會高估入睡耗時;此外,運用再評估策略會增加較高情緒控制感者,入睡後高頻腦波相對功率較低,且實驗晚所增加的入睡耗時較低。整體來說,負向情緒會干擾後續睡眠,於正負向指標上調節能力佳者較可減少其主觀失眠困擾度,且使用再評估策略後有較高情緒控制感者,較可彈性的運用再評估策略。 / Negative emotion has been showed to interfere with sleep, therefore effective emotion regulation to reduce negative emotion prior to sleep could be beneficial for sleep. Cognitive reappraisal is generally considered to be an effective and adaptive emotion-regulation strategy, but previous studies had inconsistent findings about the impact of reappraisal on sleep. A study has even found that insomnia patients had a higher frequency to use reappraisal in comparison to good sleepers. However, previous studies used self-report measure of an individual's tendency to use reappraisal. It has been shown that the frequency of using reappraisal did not correlate with the ability to use reappraisal as measured by reduction of stress reactivity after standard laboratory challenge. The present study examined the hypothesis that the impact of pre-sleep reappraisal on sleep onset process depends on individual's cognitive reappraisal ability (CRA). Twenty-four normal sleepers were recruited (male:11, female:13, average age: 22 years). Participants came to sleep laboratory for two experimental nights and one daytime reappraisal ability evaluation. For the two experimental nights, participants did a cognitive task and got two different feedbacks for the two conditions: either a neutral feedback (baseline condition night) or a negative feedback (experimental condition night). They were instructed to use cognitive reappraisal strategy to reduce negative emotion after getting negative feedback. The change of subjective emotion ratings and physiological reaction were measured during the presleep task. Polysomnographic recording and subjective ratings of sleep onset experience was conducted for the sleep onset process analysis. During the daytime session, the ability of the participants to use reappraisal was measured with physiological reactivity to a standard laboratory challenge with anger-inducing films. The results showed that, at experimental night, participants with high CRA in reducing emotion valence exhibited better emotion regulation outcomes, less presleep somatic arousal increments, lower beta power before falling asleep, and less overestimation of their sleep onset latency (SOL). Besides, participants with high CRA in reducing dominance of emotion exhibited shorter emotion regulation time, lower beta power after falling asleep, and lesser SOL increments. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that reappraisal ability would determined whether cognitive reappraisal strategy is adaptive for presleep emotion regulation; those individuals with better CRA in reducing dominance of emotion might have more flexibility in applying reappraisal strategy.

中國制度分歧中的地方金融與經濟發展: 溫州、上海、天津之比較 / Local Financial Institutions and Regional Economic Development: Divergent Paths of Wenzhou, Shanghai, and Tianjin, China

林雅鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
不同金融體系結構,引導資金分配的過程也會有所差異,進而導致不同的經濟發展模式。本研究主要探討在不同地方金融制度中,地方政府與地方金融機構及地方企業之間的互動關係,如何影響中國大陸地方經濟發展模式。 本文認為,自中國政府推動金融改革以來,依據融資來源,各地區將會出現以銀行信貸為主、以中央資金為主及以民間金融為主的三種不同地方金融制度,這三種不同的地方金融制度對地方政府行為有不同的限制和影響。另一方面,各地方政府都是由不同的官僚部門所組成,存在不同部門之間的利益衝突,能否良好協調各部門之間的衝突將會影響地方資源的配置情形。在特定地方金融制度的影響下,加上各地方政府不同的官僚結構運作,本研究認為最終將會引導出五種不同的地區經濟發展路徑。 / The purpose of this dissertation is to explore how local political and economic institutions shape divergent paths of regional economic development among different localities in China. This research proposes five models of Chinese regional economic development. Through an analysis of Chinese different localities, this research states that under the constraints of local distinct financial structures, the ways in which local governments and businesses develop different strategies to interact and respond to market competition and difficulties influence capacities of local government for economic leadership, and result in various economic developmental patterns.

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