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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools

蔡玲玲, Tsay, Lin Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構並驗證私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之模式,並比較不同教師背景變項及學校背景變項的差異,依據研究所得結論,分別對教育主管行政機關、私立高中職董事會、私立高中職學校及後續研究者提出建議,以做為推展校長分布式領導,促進學校組織健康,及提升學校效能之參考。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸、結構方程模式等統計方法,探討私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之關係及模式驗證。經由文獻的蒐集與探討,提出本研究的研究架構和路徑關係模式圖。研究對象為北北基私立高中職學校600位教師;研究工具為研究者自編之私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能關係之調查問卷。 透過統計分析與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、私立高中職學校教師覺知校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之現況屬中高程度。 二、私立高中職學校部分教師在人員背景變項與學校背景變項對校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能的覺知具有顯著差異。 三、私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能三者間具有正向關聯性。 四、私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康對學校效能均具有正向預測力。 五、本研究所建構之私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之結構方程模式具有良好適配度。 / The study aims to construct and examine the model of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools, and compare differences in variances of teachers’ background and schools’ background. The outcomes and suggestions provide substantial references for educational authorities and administrations, the board of directors in private senior and vocational high schools, private senior and vocational high schools, and future researchers to promote principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. This study adopted questionnaire survey and statistical methods such as one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlations Coefficient, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore the association and model of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools. The framework of research and the path analysis module diagram were constructed on the basis of literature reviews. The subjects of the study included 600 teachers teaching in private senior and vocational high schools in Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung. The research tool of survey questionnaire was created by the researcher, containing constructs of distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. Based on data analysis and discussions, the conclusions are as follows: 1. Participating teachers perceived that the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness presented a middle to high level. 2. For some participating teachers, there are significant differences between the two variables of teachers’ background and schools’ background on the perceived principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. 3. There is a positive correlation between the variables of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. 4. Both principals’ distributed leadership and school health show a positive prediction power to school effectiveness. 5. The SEM constructed for the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness showed a goodness of fit.

嚴肅遊戲中感知之精熟經驗、角色依附與內在政治效能之路徑模式 / A path model of perceived mastery experiences, character attachment and internal political efficacy in serious games

黃齡儀, Huang, Ling Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究區分中介之精熟經驗與感知之精熟經驗。前者為玩家在角色扮演遊戲中所獲得之成功經驗,後者指玩家對此中介經驗之整體評估感受,且包含過去經驗。玩家在遊戲中不斷接受挑戰並破關的過程,即包含了成功的中介精熟經驗,此經驗與感知之精熟經驗應為正向相關,且為遊戲中必要之一環。角色依附是探討玩家與其角色關係之重要變項,當玩家越依附於其角色時,越能將此中介精熟經驗轉換成其感知之精熟經驗,越能對其效能感產生正面影響。本研究因此嘗試探討嚴肅遊戲中提供的中介精熟經驗是否會影響內部政治效能感,並探討在這影響機制中,感知精熟經驗,角色依附與內在政治效能感之路徑關係。 本研究採對照組前後測實驗設計。參與者為131位大學生,在本研究發展之政策嚴肅遊戲中,參與者被隨機分派到實驗組與控制組。兩組皆接受遊戲之中介精熟經驗處理,但為了檢驗遊戲中介之精熟經驗與玩家感知之精熟經驗之關係,實驗組提供不同場景以演練技巧之遊戲,控制組則未提供不同場景以演練技巧之遊戲。此實驗過程費時大約60分鐘。玩家在實驗前後於線上填寫問卷。本研究首先使用重複量數單因子變異數分析以檢驗不同性別與組別之實驗結果,接著,再以結構方程模型探討感知精熟經驗,角色依附與內在政治效能感之路徑關係。 研究結果發現:(一) 實驗組與控制組之內在政治效能感皆明顯提升,然而,實驗組之提升幅度並未顯著高於控制組。(二) 在路徑模式中,角色依附會透過感知之精熟經驗間接影響內在政治效能,而前測內在政治效能會透過感知精熟經驗間接影響後測內在政治效能,亦會對後測內在政治效能造成直接影響。 本研究有助於了解嚴肅遊戲之心理機制,其結果對於應用嚴肅遊戲設計與公民教育有重要啟示。 / This study distinguished “mediated enactive experience” and “perceived mastery experience”. The former referred to the experience when a player plays an avatar in a game and the latter referred to a player’s psychological evaluations of the experience including past experience. Mediated enactive experiences is positively related to perceived mastery experiences when players play and make progresses in a game. The experiences are an essential part of a game. Yet character attachment may influence the relationship between players and avatars. If a player attaches to his or her own avatar more, he or she may perceive the mediated enactive experiences more his or her mastery experience, therefore, character attachment should positively contribute to internal political efficacy through perceived mastery experience. A control group pretest-posttest experimental design was conducted in this study. Both groups received policy-related mediated enactive experiences from the serious game. In order to test if players who received more policy-related mediated enactive experiences will upgrade their internal political efficacy to a higher level, 113 college students were randomly assigned to one of the two groups: In the experimental group, players played an avatar with chances for practicing learned skills in three different settings; In the control group, players played an avatar without chances for practicing learned skills. Two repeated-Measure ANOVAs were conducted to analyze if there were gender and group differences on manipulation effects. Moreover, structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to analyze the proposed path model of character attachment, perceived mastery experiences, prior and posttest internal political efficacy. The results showed that the internal political efficacy of both groups was significantly enhanced. However, the experimental group did not upgrade to a higher level than the control group. Furthermore, in the path model, character attachment influenced posttest internal political efficacy indirectly through perceived mastery experiences; moreover, prior internal political efficacy influenced posttest internal political efficacy through perceived mastery experiences indirectly and also influenced posttest internal political efficacy directly. To conclude, the findings of this study can help understand psychological mechanisms related to gaming as well as can be applied to civic education and serious game design in the future.

生技產業IPO風險因子與長期獲利能力之關聯性研究 / The association between the risk factor disclosures in IPO prospectus and path-to-profitability of biotech firms

黃庭翊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討生技產業公開說明書之風險因子揭露對首次公開發行公司5年內的獲利能力做研究,想得知風險因子的揭露是否會影響公司獲利時間的長短。本研究以美國生技產業首次公開發行公司為研究對象,樣本期間為1997年至2012年。 許多文獻指出越來越多公司在尚未獲利前即先行上市,但公司未來的前景及獲利能力卻充滿高度的不確定性,而透過資訊的揭露可使該不確定性下降,因透過揭露,投資者可以了解公司營運狀況及表現,對公司價值能做較正確之判斷, 此時願意提供資金給公司營運,充足的資金使公司未來獲利機會上升。 本研究參考過去文獻,建立資訊揭露的四級指標加上風險因子所揭露的項目多寡,系統性地衡量生技公司公開說明書之風險因子,並以存活分析檢測假說。實證結果顯示:風險因子的內容描述越著重在某些特定資訊,例如:顧客資訊、重要員工資訊、量化資訊的表達、公司未來不確定性、財務需求時,公司未來獲利能力機會大增,而當更進一步的探究時,又發現對顧客資訊和量化資訊的表達越具體,越詳細時,也會使公司未來獲利機會上升。 / This study investigates whether disclosure of risk factors in the prospectus will influence the probability of the biotech firms to attain profitability. Data is collected for biotech companies of U.S IPOs issued from1997 to2012 as the research sample. Many extant empirical evidences indicate that the proportion of firms going public prior to achieving profitability has been increasing over time. There is considerable uncertainty regarding the long-term economic viability of these firms at the time of going public. Disclosures in the prospector may mitigate the effects of ex-ante uncertainty about firm’s value, and disclosures are potentially important means for management to communicate firm performance and governance to outside investors. Therefore, firms can raise more money by disclosing more information in IPO prospectors, because more information reperesent lower uncertainty between investors and firms.This study uses risk factors in the prospectus as concern issue and expects that the quantity of risk factors and the content or description of risk factors will influence the uncertainty and would mitigate investors’ concern. Referring to past literature, this study builds four-class index for disclosure score and uses two classifications of risk factors to systematically measure risk factors in the prospectus. The empirical results show that a biotech IPO with more information or some specific information of risk factors, like disclosures of main customers and key employees, will experience good performance after IPO. In addition, more detail descriptions in quantitative risk factors and customers’ information contributed to better performance in the future. In conclusion, disclosure of risk factors in the prospectus are related to firms’ probability of profitability after IPO as expected.


TAMAOKA, Katsuo, SAITO, Nobuhiro, 玉岡, 賀津雄, 斉藤, 信浩 05 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

國民小學校長營造學習共同體與教師教學效能關係之研究 / The Study of Relationship between Principals Reform Schools into Learning Community and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary Schools

張萩亭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學校長營造學習共同體與教師教學效能之間的關係。除瞭解國民小學校長營造學習共同體及教師教學效能之現況,分析不同背景變項在校長營造學習共同體及教師教學效能之差異情形外,亦探究校長營造學習共同體與教師教學效能之相關程度,以及探討校長營造學習共同體對教師教學效能之預測情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為宜蘭縣國民小學主任、組長、級任教師及專任教師,共發出300份問卷,有效問卷計258 份,可用率達86%,問卷回收後分別以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行研究。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之結論如下: 一、國民小學校長營造學習共同體表現為中高程度,其中以「學生學習共同 體」之知覺程度最高,「家長學習共同體」之知覺程度最低。 二、學校教育人員知覺教師教學效能為高程度,其中以「教學評量」之知覺 程度最高,「教學計畫」之知覺程度最低。 三、宜蘭縣國民小學以偏遠地區、學校規模在12班以下之學校教育人員知覺 「校長營造學習共同體」的程度較高。 四、宜蘭縣國民小學以偏遠地區、學校規模在12班以下之學校教育人員知覺 「教師教學效能」的程度較高。 五、不同程度之國民小學校長營造學習共同體在教師教學效能上有顯著之差 異。 六、校長營造學習共同體與教師教學效能有顯著之正相關,知覺校長營造學 習共同體程度愈高,則教師教學效能則愈高。 七、校長營造學習共同體對教師教學效能具有正向的預測力。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、國民小 學校長以及未來研究參考。 / This study aims at discussing the relationship of principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness of elementary schools.The first is to expore the reality for principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.Second, investigating the differences of background variables among principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.Third, to analyze the relationships among principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.Finally, researching predictive power of principals’ reform schools into learning community on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. The research adopts the questionnaire method. The main participants of the questionnaire survey are administrators in elementary schools inYilan County. The total number of questionnaires that were distributed to school is 300, and 258 of which are valid. That is, the percentage of availability is around 86%. The collected data is analyzed through the statistical method of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Multiple stepwise regression analysis. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. Principals have medium-high performance on pricipals’ reform schools into learning community. The score is the hightest in the dimension of “students’ learning community " and the lowest in the dimension of " partents’ learning community." 2. Administrators in Yilan elementary schools perceptions the teachers’ teaching effectiveness as high. The score is hightest in the dimension of “instructional assessment " and the lowest in the dimension of “instructional plan." 3. Administrators in Yilan elementary schools where in remote districts, or scale under (including) 12 classes,perceive principals’ reform schools into learning community higher than others. 4. Administrators in Yilan elementary schools where in remote districts, or scale under (including) 12 classes highly perceive the teachers’ teaching effectiveness. 5. Principals’ reform schools into learning community in Yilan elementary schools with different dgree on the teachers’ teaching effectiveness is significantly different. 6. The relationship between principals’ reform schools into learning community and teachers’ teaching effectiveness is positively correlated.The higher principals’ reform schools into learning community is, the higher perceptions of the teachers’ teaching effectiveness. 7. The principals’ reform schools into learning community have the positive predictive power on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. According to the above conclusions, the research is to provide some suggestions as future references for the institutions of education administration and schools.

新創事業掌握創業機會與調整營運模式之探索性研究 / Seizing Entrepreneurial Opportunities and adapting Business Models of New Ventures: An Exploratory Research

蘇惟宏, Su, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路(Internet)於1990年代中期蓬勃發展以來,營運模式(business model, BM)成為創投業者(venture capitalists, VCs)評估新興dotcom廠商能否在競爭中勝出的準則。從相關文獻指出,成功的營運模式不僅可形塑新產業,甚且重新分配新價值。因此,營運模式對廠商在市場的持續競爭力,求取生存與成長,具有重大的影響。 市場競爭的本質是以動態呈現,本研究嘗試探索具有動態性之營運模式架構。依循Eisenhardt(1989)個案研究法,本研究以6個新創廠商個案進行深度訪談,將訪談逐字稿進行逐句、逐段分析,歸納整理個案研究發現,並進行跨個案分析以取得個案的型態(pattern)。 從個案研究發現與分析,廠商必須面對環境、技術及競爭者等不確定性因素,廠商的營運模式須從外部不確定性因素中,發現具有利基的創業機會,也就是:廠商須提出能夠打造具利基市場之定位與地位之「價值主張」,以及提供生存與成長的動能之「獲利能耐」。從本研究發現與分析萃取出4個營運模式要素,亦即:廠商必須能夠擁有與動員「關鍵資源與能力」;建立「網絡與平台分享機制」;注重能夠產生領導趨勢、深度體驗及高築障礙之「產品/服務之設計與品質」;充分發揮擴展共創雙贏之「在地智慧」。然而,營運模式在動態的環境中,並非一成不變,廠商必須持續透過「配適、校準、嘗試錯誤及快速商品化」之動態調整機制,才可讓營運模式具有與時俱進的持續競爭力。 / In mid of 1990’s, the era of Internet booming, business models (BMs) had become the most important evaluation tools of venture capitalists to emerging dotcoms whether they can be successful competition from the market or not. From the literature review, it showed that the successful BM not only had reshaped the whole industry, but also had redistributed billions of dollars of value. For above reasons, BMs heavily influence to firms’ performance for getting survival and growth in competitive markets. The competitive nature of markets presents a dynamic characteristic. Under this circumstance, this research tries to explore the architecture of BM that is with the adapting mechanisms to a dynamic and competitive market. The research employs case study methodology and conducts 6 new venture cases. The first research question is to explore new ventures how to seize entrepreneurial opportunities. It can be found out new ventures how to confront uncertainties including environments, technologies, and competitors, which construct antecedents of BMs. From research findings, there are two antecedents, one is value propositions which make firms to craft a special position in a niche market, and the other is profitability capabilities. The second research question is to explore new ventures how to build up BMs and adapt to the dynamic settings. Extracting of case studies findings, there are four elements, including key resources and capabilities, sharing mechanism in network and platform, design and quality in products/services, local intelligence. Also, from the research findings, there are four mechanisms of dynamic adaptation, including alignment, fit, trial and error, and commercialization. In the dynamic markets, the optimal status to BMs is to adapt and renew automatically. On one hand, it makes firms to sense and seize opportunities which are coming from external uncertainties; on the other hand, firms have to keep their BMs on the right trajectory with mechanisms of dynamic adaptation. BMs with adapting mechanisms can make firms keep competitive advantages.

黨國的選擇:「組織創造」與「組織改造」--中國地方黨政機構與社會組織的互動 / The choice of Party-State: the interactions between the social organizations and local government

馬浩然 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在討論地方黨政機構對當地社會組織的治理動機及治理行為,以「統合主義」結合「國家能力」作為理論工具,觀察中國現階段地方黨政機構與社會組織互動的實質情況。本文認為,中國的國家與社會關係,目前處於國家統合主義的大架構下,地方黨政機構及官員在對經濟性中介組織進行治理時,其主要理性來自於「幹部責任制」 ,官員為確保自身政治前途,而會極力設法達到上級政府訂定的經濟指標──如「經濟增長」及「財政收入」──因而會產生「增強治理能力」和「延伸治理邊界」兩種動機,對合乎其要求的社會組織進行選擇性的治理行動,即「組織改造」或「組織創造」。文本同時提出,在地方層級,「黨」與「政府」的角色有所分化,地方政府會基於「增強治理能力」的動機,選擇是否創造一個社會組織;而地方黨組織則會基於「延伸治理邊界」的動機,決定是否將已存在的社會組織納入管制範圍,其前者是經濟性的動機,而後者則是政治性的動機,二者分別決定了政府部門與黨組織的行動方式。至於受到選擇的社會組織,因處於國家統合主義的制度環境下,通常會與政府合作作為交換利益的方式,而雙方互動的方式則是以社會資本為媒介進行的組織資源移轉。

新聞記者尋人行為研究:以小人物消息來源採訪為例 / People-seeking research: How journalists seek their sources

徐志偉, Hsu, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
有別於傳統新聞學研究探討記者與消息來源的互動關係,因礙於研究對象的預設限制,因而相關研究大多僅探討記者如何與消息來源培養、鞏固、強化及修補關係,對於記者如何尋覓至消息來源卻少有著墨。有鑑於此,本研究試圖跳脫以往僅以政治人物或公關人員作為研究對象,乃以低社會能見度之小人物作為消息來源,試以探究記者在尋找小人物消息來源的過程中,如何運用環境周遭的物質工具及人際關係網絡等中介資源以達成任務。 透過深度訪談及參與觀察方式,本研究發現記者尋找小人物消息來源乃是一種富涵新聞機構性的行為,在尋人初始階段,記者乃會對於尋找何種類型的小人物存有特定假設;然而,假設的形成並非全然由表徵系統進行控制,而是一循環建構的過程;另一方面,在新聞常規的作用之下,本研究發現小人物新聞乃需與其他新聞類型進行版面競爭,此時,在突發新聞不可獨漏的情況下,又需兼顧因時事議題所發展的小人物專題,記者乃會利用傳播或資訊科技工具來縮短一般新聞的處理時間,進而延長小人物新聞資訊素材的蒐集時間;再者,新聞常規亦會造成小人物新聞遺漏的現象產生,而記者亦會適時選擇特定傳播或資訊科技工具以彌補小人物新聞遺漏的缺口。 除此之外,人際關係網絡更是記者尋人不可或缺的資源之一。本研究發現記者在選擇資訊中間人時,乃會依據雙方之間的關係特質,以形成各式不同策略來與資訊中間人應對,藉以獲取尋人線索或相關資訊素材,尤其記者乃會利用與自身擁有弱連結關係的資訊中間人,作為新資訊擷取與流通的橋樑,而利用強連結關係作為與這些弱連結關係資源交換的籌碼。 綜言之,記者尋人行為乃是一種「配置型智能」的展現,將原先大腦所需承擔的認知負荷交由環境中各式中介資源分散處理;另一方面,記者尋人行為更加蘊含「行動中思考」之過程,任何中介資源的使用,乃是端視記者當下所處情境,是否賦予記者視見中介資源之功能性用途。由此可知,記者尋人的知識即是展現在記者審時度勢的功夫上,以適時運用環境周遭的中介資源,協助解決任務、尋覓至小人物消息來源。 / As previous studies have emphasized on journalist-source relationship for a long time, they provide a jumping-off point for this study to divert from them. In terms of traditional research subjects (politicians and public relations), most of those studies mainly focus on how journalists develop, cement, augment and repair mutual relationship with their sources. However, the question of how journalists seek for their sources has been rarely discussed. Therefore, this study attempts to turn to low-status sources (i.e. ordinary people) and examine how journalists manipulate artifacts and social networks to seek for them. This study conducted by in-depth interview and participant observation shows that the institutionalization of newspapers makes big impacts on journalists’ people-seeking behavior. At the first phase, journalists will be cultivated to form specific hypotheses for the type of sources they are seeking for. Second, it may cause ordinary people news necessary to compete with other news genres for news pages. Finally, it may also cause some of ordinary people news stories to be omitted. However, even though journalists’ people-seeking behavior is constricted to the social structure, they are still able to exercise their agency in the use of information and communication technology to extend the time of newsgathering and to ensure all potential ordinary people news will be found. Moreover, those hypotheses for the people they are seeking for are not totally controlled by journalists’ representational systems either but constituted recursively. In addition, social networks are also one of indispensable resources for journalists’ people-seeking behavior. According to research results, the factor that impacts journalists on deciding which intermediary they will ask help for is based on mutual relational characteristics. Journalists will use weak ties to access new information and strong ties as a bargain chip to negotiate with weak ties for resource exchange. In sum, during the process of people-seeking, journalists’ cognitive functions will be distributed and offloaded to the mediated resources in the situation in a cooperative way to ease the cognitive burden imposed on their brains. In addition, the usage of mediated resources also depends on the situation journalists stay in, which enables them to perceive the function of each mediated resource. All in all, journalists’ knowledge of people-seeking behavior rests on how they consider the situation and manipulate mediated resources properly to solve their tasks.

國中校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A study on relationships among principals' strategic leadership, organizational culture of school, and innovative management effectiveness in junior high schools

沈裕清 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市與苗栗縣國民中學校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能之現況,並分別針對不同校長個人背景變項和學校環境變項在校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能的差異加以探討;其次,分析三者之關係;最後則針對其預測力進行檢證。 本研究採問卷調查法,經分層比例抽樣選取桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市與苗栗縣國民中學之學校主任、組長、導師與專任教師為調查分析的對象,抽樣調查42所學校共500位教育人員,回收樣本495 位。以自編「國民中學校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能調查問卷」為工具進行調查,調查所得的資料則以社會科學統計套裝軟體(SPSS for window 17.0 中文版)進行統計,調查所得的資料分別進行描述與推論統計,包括:描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé事後分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步回歸分析等統計方法進行後續分析與討論後,獲致以下研究結論: 一、 桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣國民中學教師對策略領導、學校 組織文化及學校創新經營效能之運作現況的 知覺屬於程度良好, 其中以「策略思維」、「科層型文化」及「學生活動創新效能」層 面的表現最佳,而「轉化願景」、「創新型文化」及「校園環境創 新能」層面較差。 二、 桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣國民中學不同校長性別在校長策 略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能上具有顯著差異。 三、 不同校長年齡在校長學校組織文化具有顯著差異。而在校長策略領 導與學校創新經營效能上則無顯著差異。 四、 不同校長在校年資在校長策略領導整體及各層面具有顯著差異,而 學校組織文化與學校創新經營未具有顯著差異。 五、 不同校長總年資在校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效 能上具有顯著差異。 六、 不同學校所在地在校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效 能上具有顯著差異。 七、 不同學校歷史在校長策略領導、學校組織文化與學校創新經營效能 之「行政管理創新效能」、「校園環境創新效能」及「社會資源運用 創新效能」方面上具有顯著差異。 八、 不同學校規模在學校組織文化之「創新型文化」層面與學校創新經 營效能上具有顯著差異。而校長策略領導則無顯著差異。 九、 桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣國民中學校長策略領導、學校組 織文化與學校創新經營效能三者之間有密切的正相關。 十、 校長策略領導與學校組織文化對學校創新經營效能整體具有預測力 其中以「創新型文化」、「轉化願景」、「引領變革」與層面最具 預測力。 十一、校長策略領導與學校組織文化各層面對整體學校創新經營效能各 層面具有預測力。 最後,依據研究結果,提出具體建議,俾供教育行政機關、校長以及後續研 究者之參考。 關鍵詞: 校長策略領導、學校組織文化、學校創新經營效能 / This research aims to study the current situations of school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools, especially in the junior high schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County. The school principals’ different personal backgroud and dissimilar environments of different schools are dissected while analyzing the relationship among the three. Moreover, the predictability of the three is examined respestively. The questionnaire investigation of this research adopts stratified random sampling method, and the subjects of the investigation are the school deans, section chiefs, homeroom teachers and subject teachers in the junior high schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County. Questionnaires are distributed to 500 educational personnel in 42 schools, and 495 of which are collected. The questionnaire used in the investigation is self-designed and the collected data and statistics are compiled by exercising SPSS for window 17.0. The acquired data are described, analyzed and discussed by using descriptive statistic, t-Test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffé Method, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple regression analysis, and the findings are as the following. I. The junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County are well aware of the situations of their school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools, especially in the aspects of ‘Tactic Thinking’, ‘Bureaucratic Culture’, and ‘Efficacy of Innovative Student Activities.’ Yet, the teachers don’t realize much about the aspects of ‘Prospect of Transformation’, ‘Innovative Culture’ and ‘Efficacy of Innovative School Environment.’ II. The gender difference of the school principals leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County. III. The age difference of the school principals leads to obvious differences in the organizational cultrue of the schools. Rather, it makes no evidence differences in the school principals’ strategic leadership and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. IV. The difference in the years of working experence in the schools of the school principals leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership. Rather, it makes no evidence differences in the organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. V. The difference in the total years of working experience of the school principals leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. VI. The difference in the location of the schools leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. VII. The difference in the history of the schools leads to obvious differences in school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and ‘Efficacy of Administrative Management’, ‘Efficacy of Innovative School Environment’ and ‘Efficacy of Application of Innovative Social Resources’ of the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. VIII. The difference in the scale of the school leads to obvious differences in the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools, and ‘Innovative Culture’ in organizational cultrue of the schools. Rather, it makes no evidence difference in the school principals’ strategic leadership IX. There is a highly positive correlation among school principals’ strategic leadership, organizational cultrue of the schools, and the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Maoli County. X. School principals’ strategic leadership, and organizational cultrue of the schools have predictability in the overall efficacy of the innovative management in the schools, especially in the aspects of ‘Innovative Culture’, ‘Prospect of Transformation’, and ‘Leading Reformation.’ XI. School principals’ strategic leadership, and organizational culture of the schools have predictability in different perspectives of the efficacy of the innovative management in the schools. At last, accoring to the results of the research, I’ve made some suggestions, hoping to provide reference materials for educational administrative organizations, school principals and other researchers in this field.

從地緣戰略論中國對中亞國家能源外交 / Discussion of China’s Energy Diplomacy to Central Asian Countries by Geostrategic Study.

張鴻俊 Unknown Date (has links)
位於歐亞大陸中心的中亞國家,在蘇聯解體後重新回到世界政治舞台,因所處的敏感地理位置及擁有豐富能源優勢,地緣戰略的重要性格外突顯。中亞國家目前尚處於重大轉型期,油氣資源為其對外發展及穩定內部的有利憑藉,該區域各國莫不積極運用天賦條件,期在大國競逐及全球化衝擊中,有效獲取國家利益。 中國因經濟快速成長,進口石油的依賴程度不斷攀升,制約其經濟與綜合國力的發展,並對國家安全形成威脅。面臨石油安全困境,中國站在全球能源領域的制高點,積極拓展油源,緊鄰的中亞地區石油蘊藏豐富,成為中國強化能源合作關係,以維護來源穩定的首要選擇。 本文從「地緣戰略」的觀點,分析中國及中亞的地緣政治及石油安全形勢,並探討中國在該地區能源外交內涵、佈局與實踐,以及所面臨的機遇與挑戰等議題。綜觀之,中國對中亞的石油整體戰略佈局,係以外交為後盾,國營石油企業為主軸,上海合作組織為平台,雙邊及多邊型式並進,藉由地緣優勢建構中亞和諧地區,並透過籌建中國陸路油氣供應路徑,朝向來源多元化,以避免海上運油風險及分散石油供給集中之制約。另以中亞諸國為謀求現實的戰略利益,採行門戶開放及多邊平衡外交策略,使得美國、歐盟及日本等各主要大國力量進入。中國為維護油源穩定安全,積極踐行「走出去」與「多元化」之戰略,其與各大國在中亞的能源競逐仍將持續,同時影響區域及全球政經局勢。 / The importance of geostrategy is obvious for those Central Asian countries, backing the political stage of the world after dissolution of the Soviet Union, in the central mainland of Euro-Asia because of their sensitive geographical location with advantage of abundant energy. At present, those countries are under reforming period and aggressively try to use their innate conditions, especially the resources of gas or petroleum, for development abroad and stabilization domestically to get interests under the impacts of the great nations’ competition and globalization. On the other hand, China is facing on the economy and comprehensive national strength restriction and national security threaten by petroleum importation dependence and economic growth rapidity. Being face the trouble of petroleum security, China, standing on the commanding point of the global energy field, is aggressive to explore energy resources and try to strength energy cooperative relationships with the Central Asian area, neighbor to China and the best choice, having abundant petroleum to support her stable needs. This study is in the point of view, geostrategy, to analyze the trends of geopolitics and petroleum security between China and those Central Asian countries. The purposes including the energy diplomacy content, layout and practice of China in this area, and the opportunity and challenge are being discussed. To sum up, the overall strategic layouts of petroleum in the Central Asian area for China are using diplomacy as backing, public petroleum enterprise as main axis, Shanghai cooperation organization as platform, both and multi sides processings, Central Asian area harmonizing construction by advantage of geography, and multi-resources via building the terrestrial gas supply routes to avoid the restriction of the risk of petroleum shipping and to decentralize the collection of petroleum supply. Owing to the realistic strategic benefits for those Central Asian countries, by open door policy and multi-sides balance diplomatic strategy, some great nations are trying to get in, including the USA, EU and Japan, etc. For assurance of the stable and security of petroleum supply, China is aggressive to conduct the strategies, “Go out” and “Multiplication”, to continue the energy competition with those great nations, and to influence the area and global economic and political situation.

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