1221 |
社會焦慮傾向者與憂鬱傾向者的病理階層模式在靜息態功能聯結網絡之初探 / A preliminary study of RS-fMRI in hierarchical model of social anxiety trait and depression trait羅智宇 Unknown Date (has links)
1222 |
宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能之研究 / Principal’s Distributed Leadership,School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness Research In Yilan Junior High Schools沈志杰 Unknown Date (has links)
為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣公立國民中學24所之正式教師、代理教師、特教教師(不含實習教師、代課教師)為研究對象,以分層隨機抽樣方式,共計發出600份問卷調查,回收率達92%,其中可用問卷達87.3%。並利用SPSS Statistics 18.0 統計套裝軟體進行各項統計及分析,獲得以下結論:
八、宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營對教師教學效能具有預測作用,以學校創新經營之「課程與教學創新經營」的預測力最佳。 / This research focuses on exploring current School Principal’s Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness in Yilan Junior High Schools. This involves dissecting the effect of different external variables on distributed leadership, Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness, and subsequently explores the level of predictability of Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management on Teacher Teaching Effectiveness. Last but not least, actionable recommendations are provided based on insightful findings。
To achieve the research objective above, formal surveys were given and collected on full-time, full-time substitute, special education teaching staff across 24 Junior High Schools in Yilan. Using stratified random sampling method, 600 surveys were sent out with 92% reply rate, and with 87.3% surveys used for final analysis. The research uses SPSS Statistics 18.0 software to calculate related statistical results and analysis insights with the following conclusions:
1.Teaching staff across Yilan Junior High Schools consider School Principal’s Distributed Leadership Level as Medium to High, with the highest awareness in “Clear Structure and Accountability”, and lowest awareness in “Confidence and Modesty”
2.Teaching staff across Yilan Junior High Schools consider School Innovative Management as Medium to High, with the highest awareness in “Information Technology Innovation Management” and the lowest awareness in “External Environment Innovation Management”
3.Teaching Staff across Yilan Junior High Schools receive Medium to High level of Teacher Teaching Effectiveness. With the highest awareness in “Teaching Environment” and lowest awareness “Teaching Strategy” having the lowest awareness
4.There were variations in perspective of School Principal’s Distributed Leadership among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history
5.There were variations in perspective of School Innovative Management among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history
6.There were variations in Teacher Teaching Effectiveness among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history
7.Across Junior High Schools in Yilan, School Principal’s Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness are positively correlated
8.School Principal’s Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management are predictive of Teacher Teaching Effectiveness, and with “Curriculum and Innovation Management” having the best predictability
1223 |
新北市國民小學校長分布式領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationships among Principal’ s Distributed Leadership, Teacher’ s Job Stress and the Effectiveness of School Innovation Management in Elementary Schools in New Taipei City黃國政 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據本研究結果,提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員與未來研究參考。 / The main purposes of this research are to understand the current situations of principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in elementary schools in New Taipei City, and to analyze the differences of principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in terms of principals’ background, teachers’ background and school background in elementary schools. Furthermore, to explore the relationships among principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in elementary schools. Finally, to predict the effectiveness of school innovation management by principal’ s distributed leadership and teacher’ s job stress.
To achieve the purposes, this research adopts a questionnaire survey and the population are teachers of public elementary schools in New Taipei City. The samples include 50 schools and 800 questionnaires were distributed. There were 707 questionnaires retrieved. The response rate of the questionnaire was 88.4%, and there were 668 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistical analysis, overall the usable rate was 94.5%.
A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis are conducted to analyze the data collected. The conclusions of this research are as follows:
1.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding principal’ s distributed leadership are medium-high level. The item “investment in leadership capacity” was the highest, and the item “a culture of trust” was the lowest.
2.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding teacher’ s job stress are low-medium level. The item “work loads” was the highest, and the item “supporting system” was the lowest.
3.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding the effectiveness of school innovation management are medium-high level. The item “innovative effectiveness of environment equipment” was the highest, and the item “innovative effectiveness of administrative service” was the lowest.
4.There are significant differences among gender, age, academic degree, service period, position, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of principal’ s distributed leadership.
5.There are significant differences among gender, marriage, age, academic degree, position, school area, principal’s age, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of teacher’ s job stress.
6.There are significant differences among gender, age, academic degree, position, school size, principal’s gender, principal’s age, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of the effectiveness of school innovation management.
7.Teacher’ s job stress has low-negative correlation to principal’ s distributed leadership and the effectiveness of school innovation management. Principal’ s distributed leadership is medium-high-positively related to the effectiveness of school innovation management.
8.Both principal’ s distributed leadership and teacher’ s job stress serve a predictive function on the effectiveness of school innovation management, especially in the variable of principal’ s distributed leadership and the dimension of “a turning point”.
Based on the above conclusions, some suggestions and references are proposed for educational authorities, principals and teachers of elementary schools, and future research.
1224 |
教師發展標準取向(Standards-based)課程之行動探究──以國民中學課程為例── / A Collaborative Action Research in Standards-based封四維, Sweet Feng January 1993 (has links)
1. 篩選標準是展示優質教學的重要手段,而標準的落實必須是團隊分享而非獨立作業。核心問題與探究學習則是邁向理解學習的關鍵指標。
2. 課程是為解決問題才產生的,科際整合的課程應該是用來解決課程需碎片段的組合,並提供更多的關聯性。有助於學生袪除傳統知識的刻板印象,主動積極擴展學習的視野。
3. 協同行動研究即是一解決問題,探究學習的歷程,它需要熱情、協同、好奇、反省與承諾,它也是增進教師專業知能成長的有力方式。
4. 能力的培養不是速成的,必須採標準與指標性評分活用於教室教學,以規準引導,範例說明,運用實作表現重組學生的知識基模,化為智慧能力,以落實多元質性評量的真意。
5. 課程改革應以期望學習成果或意圖的學習成果做為領域的課程目標,透過單元課程融入情意價值的潛移默化,以展現課程美學。
同時,陳述研究心得與建議,並對後續進階研究作出具體的規劃。簡言之,整體研究均在揭示:如何使學生喜歡上課,享受學習樂趣,擁有契而不捨的探究精神與實作能力,以彰顯教育改革的核心價值。 / This was a school reform study to enhance teachers’ capacity. The purpose of the research was to explore the standards-based curriculum development and build an accessible procedure. The whole process including three periods: (1)Group deliberation period, the researcher and partners learned a great deal about the practical knowledge needed to meet the objective of the study in the workshop. And then widely sifted the literature review materials. (2)Development period, the researcher and teammate made two problem-based interdisciplinary curriculum. And design rubrics to improve the approach of performance based assessment. (3)Implementation period, The field study with collaboration is to investigate the trial outcomes. There are five conclusions resulted from the study, which were as follows: (1)Standards, benchmarks and essential questions are key factors to curriculum quality. (2)The integrated curriculum program is to enhance students’ learning toward enduring understanding, and help them to become independent learners. (3)Teachers’ teamwork and professional conversation is the best policy to solve problems. (4)Professional capacity development is the critical mission of schooling. (5)The goal of curriculum renewal is to empower students to be active learners thus taking responsibility for their own studies.
Above all, Teachers as transformative knowledge workers, think globlly, and act locally, to generate exciting new learning models and real-world performance standards. Meanwhile, the researcher does a follow-up project that support the creation and adoption of interdisciplinary curriculum frameworks to reflect today’s complicated socities.. / 第一章 緒 論……………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景、動機與重要性……………………………… 5
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………… 13
第三節 研究問題………………………………………………… 14
第四節 研究限制………………………………………………… 15
第五節 名詞釋義………………………………………………… 17
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………… 21
第一節 標準的核心理念及其與課程的關係…………………… 23
第二節 深度理解、核心問題與標準的關連性 ……………… 42
第三節 科際整合課程意義與設計原則………………………… 57
第四節 探究學習與批判思考教學……………………………… 71
第五節 指標性評分意涵及其應用 …………………………… 95
第六節 多元智慧的教師知識管理……………………………… 113
第三章 研究方法與實施策略…………………………………… 127
第一節 進入教室場域前的準備工作………………………… 128
第二節 研究者的相關經驗與研究方式……………………… 131
第三節 進入教室場域的研究策略……………………………… 134
第四節 研究資料蒐集與整理分析…………………………… 145
第五節 研究品質多元觀點的建置…………………………… 149
第四章 研究發現與討論分析(一)……………………………… 153
第一節 課程慎思與文獻探究…………………………………… 154
第二節 課程發展與科際整合…………………………………… 166
第三節 課程實踐與行動探究 (一)…………………………… 183
第四節 課程實踐與行動探究(二)…………………………… 201
第五章 研究發現與討論分析(二)……………………………… 211
第一節 知識藝術與建構學習…………………………………… 212
第二節 科際整合與教室評量…………………………………… 219
第三節 心智習性與知識管理…………………………………… 226
第四節 思考教學與閱讀理解…………………………………… 236
第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 245
第一節 結論與省思……………………………………………… 246
第二節 分享與建議……………………………………………… 254
參考資料……………………………………………………………………… 237
附 錄
附錄一………………………………………………………………………… 261
附錄二………………………………………………………………………… 271
附錄三………………………………………………………………………… 295
附錄四………………………………………………………………………… 321
附錄五………………………………………………………………………… 337
1225 |
探討雙酚化合物對神經毒素誘發神經毒害及行為異常的預防與治療效用 / Investigation of the protective and therapeutic effects of biphenols on neuronal damage and abnormal behavior induced by neurotoxins劉郁潔, Liu, Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
雙酚化合物在文獻報導中發現具有抗發炎和抗氧化的能力,因為其親脂性的特性,雙酚化合物可以輕易穿透血腦屏障到中樞神經系統發揮其藥理活性。因此,雙酚化合物被評估可做為潛在預防及治療神經退化性疾病如帕金森氏症的神經保護藥物。本研究目的為探討新合成的雙酚化合物MH101及MH102是否具有神經保護和治療效用,而對抗神經毒素(包含巴拉圭、過氧化氫及MPTP)引起的神經毒害及其誘發的動物行為異常(如: 學習、記憶及運動協調)。研究中應用Oregon-R的果蠅(年齡: 1-2, 7, 20 和 30天)做為檢測模式,果蠅暴露在巴拉圭 (5-20 mM)或過氧化氫(0.3 %-3 %)環境下,並且給予MH101 (0.1-3 μM)。結果顯示MH101未能有效地減緩巴拉圭及過氧化氫所引起果蠅壽命的下降。此外,給予雄性ICR小鼠 (25-30 g) 腹腔注射MPTP (25mg/kg)每天一次連續五天,觀察神經毒素誘發的行為異常和神經毒害。在觀察保護效果的研究中,雄性小鼠在給予MPTP前一小時腹腔注射MH101 (1-3 mg/kg) 或MH102 (0.1-3 mg/kg) 每天一次連續五天,之後單獨給予MH101或MH102治療連續九天。後處理的組別,雄性小鼠在給予MPTP每天一次連續五天後,每天腹腔注射MH101 (1-3 mg/kg) 或MH102 (0.1-3 mg/kg)連續九天。控制組組別,小鼠則給予生理食鹽水(0.9%)及玉米油的混合液。結果顯示,MH101、MH102及MPTP皆不影響小鼠橫桿行走試驗的運動平衡和協調能力。然而,在前處理和後處理MH101或MH102後用新位置辨識能力測試和新物體辨識能力測試觀察MPTP引起的認知缺失,實驗結果顯示MH101及MH102皆恢復短期記憶和長期記憶的認知辨識指標。另外,前處理和後處理MH101或MH102雖有些微恢復紋狀體內MPTP引起多巴胺神經損傷及多巴胺轉運子減少的趨勢,但不顯著。由此推論,雙酚化合物MH101及MH102具有預防及改善神經毒素所引發的認知與學習缺陷,未來可能發展成為神經退化性疾病如帕金森氏症之潛力治療藥物,另針對MH101及MH102在神經損傷及動物行為障礙的恢復和保護藥理機制則需進一步實驗探討。 / Biphenols which are the main constituents of the traditional herbs have been found to possess the antiinflammatory and antioxidative properties. Due to the lipophilic activity, biphenols can readily cross the blood brain barrier to exert their pharmacological effects in the central nervous system. Thus, biphenols are proposed to act as the novel neuroprotective agents for treatment of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). The aim of the present study was to examine whether the new synthetic biphenolic compounds MH101 and MH102 have the neuroprotective and therapeutic actions against the neurotoxicity and the behavioral impairments (e.g. learning, memory, and motor coordination) induced by neurotoxins including paraquat, hydrogen peroxide, and MPTP in PD-like animal models. The following experiments examined the lifespan of flies from Oregon-R strain of Drosophoila melanogaster (age: 1-2, 7, 20 and 30 days) chronically exposed to paraquat (5-20 mM) or hydrogen peroxide (0.3 %-3 %) under MH101 (0.1-3 μM) treatment. Our results showed that MH101 could not effectively influence the reduced lifespan of the flies induced by paraquat and hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, male ICR mice (25-30 g) were administrated with MPTP (25 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 5 consecutive days to induce neuronal damage and cognitive deficits. For the protective study, male mice were administrated with MH101 (1-3 mg/kg, i.p.) or MH102 (0.1-3 mg/kg, i.p.) 1 hour prior to MPTP injection once daily for 5 days, and followed daily treatment with MH101 or MH102 alone for consecutive 9 days after the final injection of MPTP. For the post-treatment study, male mice were administrated with MPTP (25 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 5 consecutive days, and followed by daily treatment of MH101 or MH102 for 9 days. Mice in control group were injected with vehicle (0.9% saline + corn oil). The results showed that MH101, MH102, and MPTP alone did not alter the motor functions of coordination and balance in beam walking test. On the other hand, both pre-treatment and post-treatment of MH101 and MH102 reversed the cognitive dysfunction induced by MPTP detected by novel location recognition test (NLRT) and novel object recognition test (NORT). Data demonstrated that MH101 and MH102 reversed the reduction in recognition index (RI) of short term memory and long term memory in MPTP-induced PD model. However, pre-treatment and post-treatment of MH101 or MH102 slightly recovered MPTP-induced loss of dopamine neurons and dopamine transporter in striatum. Therefore, the results suggest that biphenols including MH101 and MH102 may be the candidates for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as PD. In the future, it will need further study to determine the pharmacological mechanism of MH101 and MH102 in protection and restoration of neuronal injury and cognitive impairment.
1226 |
初階公關人員職能需求與公關人才選任模式之探討 / A Study on the Needs of Junior Public Relations Personnel and Public Relations Personnel Recruitment Models林采煖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出的建議為,1.充分告知工作內容與可能面臨之加班狀況,作為新人是否願意接受工作挑戰之考量;2.透過更詳實的評估,找出具有主動積極與工作熱忱的公關新人;3.利用情境模擬的提問,評估應徵者的溝通能力;4.發展實習制度,培養有潛質的公關人才;5. 設置專職的人力資源單位,並加強主管面試技巧的訓練。 / The present study involved a series of in-depth interviews of mid- and high-ranking public relations (PR) supervisors to identify the key personality traits and PR competencies of junior PR personnel, the recruitment models enterprises utilize to employ PR staff, and the effectiveness of these recruitment models in resulting in permanent productive employment. The participants in the study comprised eight supervisors serving at PR consultancy firms and four supervisors of PR departments in various enterprises.
Interviewed companies included well-known PR groups, small and medium PR agencies, and listed domestic and international companies.
The findings of the study indicated that “initiative” and “enthusiasm” were the personality traits of junior PR personnel that the interviewees most favored during the recruitment process. The study also found that the PR competency of junior PR personnel that the interviewees regarded as the most beneficial was “communication ability,” followed by “writing skill.” Both of these competencies are heavily employed in PR tasks, where personnel are often required to communicate with the media, clients, or third parties, and draft large numbers of news-related documents.
However, the interviewees expressed diverse opinions regarding which personality traits can be developed in the workplace. Several of them argued that because traits such as “initiative” and “enthusiasm” are personality-related, they are difficult to cultivate. By contrast, a majority of the interviewees considered “communication ability” and “planning ability” as the PR competencies that personnel could most easily improve in the workplace, noting nevertheless that the magnitude of development typically depends on an individual’s intelligence, motivation, and attitude for learning.
Regarding recruitment models used to bring in junior PR personnel, the study found that a majority of the enterprises employ written tests and interviews. Typically, the written tests seek to assess the candidate’s skill in Chinese/English translation, proposal, and press release writing. During interviews, interviewers typically endeavor to determine a candidate’s communication ability, whether they possess experience in PR competencies, and their degree of resistance to pressure. The study showed that interviewers try to achieve this by asking candidates to provide their past experiences and by observing their response to failure.
In addition, the participating companies, when they used their current recruitment models, considered “communication ability” to be the competency most lacking in newly-employed junior PR personnel, followed by “planning ability” and “management ability.” The resignation ratio for junior PR personnel was approximately 45%, with personnel changes occurring after an average of 1.47 years of employment. The primary reason for resignation was “trying different areas of work,” followed by “too much pressure,” or “too much work.” A majority of participants conceded that the current recruitment procedures employed by their companies needed to be improved. To effect improvements, they suggested that the PR industry could attempt collective interviews, emphasize recruiting graduates with mass communication degrees, employ cross functional team interviews, consider recommendations, and adopt internship systems.
The study proposed the following: (1) Provide candidates with sufficient information about work content and potential overtime conditions, so that they can use this as a reference when determining whether they are able to accept the work challenges; (2) Identify active and enthusiastic candidates through comprehensive and detailed analyses; (3) Evaluate candidates’ communication ability by asking questions involving situational simulations; (4) Develop internship systems to cultivate potential PR talent; and (5) Establish a dedicated human resources unit and offer training to supervisors to strengthen their interview skills.
1227 |
審計品質與經理人能力對於分析師盈餘預測之相對有用性 / The Relative Usefulness of Audit Quality and Managerial Ability on Financial Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts何國豪, Ho, Kuo Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究檢測審計品質與經理人能力對於分析師盈餘預測行為之相對有用性。根據Compustat 及 I/B/E/S所蒐集之1996至2011年資料,本研究發現,相對於非四大會計師事務所或非產業專家,當公司被四大會計師事務所或產業專家查核時,分析師預測之準確度較高,且離散度較小。此外,本研究發現當公司經理人能力較高時,分析師預測之準確度亦愈高,而離散度亦愈小。最後,為探討沙賓法案對分析師預測行為之影響,本研究將樣本區分為沙賓法案前及沙賓法案後兩組。實證結果顯示,相對於沙賓法案前,在沙賓法案後,分析師較重視審計品質與經理人能力。整體而言,審計品質與經理人能力皆會為分析師的盈餘預測帶來正面影響,而經理人能力之影響較為顯著。 / This study examines the relative usefulness of audit quality and managerial ability on financial analysts’ earnings forecast behavior. Based on data collected from Compustat and I/B/E/S from 1996 to 2011, the empirical results show that analysts' earnings forecast accuracy is higher and dispersion is smaller when firms are audited by a Big 4 auditor or an industry specialist. Similarly, analysts' earnings forecast accuracy is also higher and dispersion is also smaller when firms employ more capable managers. To investigate whether SOX affects analysts’ behavior, sample is divided into pre-SOX and post-SOX groups. The regression results from both groups show that analysts take audit quality and managerial ability into their earnings forecasts after SOX. Overall, the results suggest that both audit quality and managerial ability are associated with analysts’ earnings forecast properties. Importantly, the effect of managerial ability appears to be larger than the effect of audit quality.
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價格敏感度與價格比較之關係-探討行動裝置自我效能之調節效應 / Mobile Device Self-efficacy as a Moderator for the Relationship between Price Sensitivity and Price Comparison魏啓源 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用網路問卷進行研究資料的蒐集,調查對象為擁有智慧型手機的一般消費者,共得有效樣本504份,並利用結構方程模式與多群組分析來驗證整體研究架構。研究結果顯示,行動裝置自我效能之調節效應被確立,當消費者的行動裝置之自我效能越高時,則會更加地影響價格敏感度高的消費者,使他的行動比價意圖相對變得更加強烈,且本研究揣測未來行動裝置自我效能高的消費者,只會隨時間而不斷增加,而商品資訊變得更加透明化,將造成消費者的價格敏感度大幅提升,使得消費者的行動比價意圖變高,進行比價行為。在行動裝置的普及下,消費者的價格敏感度與行動比價之間的關係會更加地強烈。未來後續研究可針對某感興趣的產品類別進行研究以便瞭解訂價策略之研擬,對於特定產品之研究在學術界與實務上皆深具意義。 / Mobile devices are more and more popular today. According to Google’s market report, smart phone penetration rate has reached 51% in Taiwan in 2013. With various features and increasing applications, mobile devices have changed our daily lives in many ways.
There is much literature exploring the relationship between price sensitivity and price comparison behavior. However there is no such research exploring the relationship in a mobile device setting. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study price comparison behavior on a mobile device. Specifically, I explore the moderating effect of mobile device self-efficacy on the relationship between price sensitivity and price comparison on a mobile device. In the paper, I develop a conceptual model according to literature review. To measure constructs in the model, I identify appropriate items based on literature and revise the items to fit the study.
Data were collected using online questionnaires. The survey population is common shoppers in Taiwan who are using mobile device. Total 504 valid samples were obtained. As for data analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM) and multiple-group analysis were used to test the model. The results show that the moderating effect of mobile device self-efficacy is significant. Price-sensitive shoppers compare prices on a mobile device only when they consider themselves capable of operating the device. Specifically, for high price-sensitive shoppers, high mobile device self-efficacy make them much more intend to compare prices on a mobile device. The study has many implications especially when mobile device is becoming a commodity and product prices cannot be more transparent.
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Web 2.0時代社群網站經營效能之評估:以政府部門與社會企業為例之比較分析 / An Evaluation of Social Media Operational Effectiveness in Web 2.0 Era: An Example Comparing Government and Social Enterprise卓筱涵, Cho, Hsiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0 概念的開放、即時、互動、同步、多元的資訊傳遞方式創造出更多的群體價值。社群網站讓組織與使用者的互動更加密切,公眾接觸的概念興起,本研究政府部門的臺北市立動物園與社會企業網路媒體社企流個案,均為良好的公眾接觸個案。越來越多組織應用社群網站的程度,依據在於長期來看,社群網站創造多少效果。因此本研究從資訊系統層面、使用者層面與組織管理層面的文獻檢閱,探討社群網站對於各部門組織的重要性、目標與效果。加入Web 2.0的特性所建立效能衡量架構,檢視社群網站對兩研究個案所帶來的效果與經營策略。
研究發現,資訊系統層面顯著提升資訊系統滿意度,但對於使用者忠誠度與顧客關係目標無顯著關係;資訊品質對使用者態度沒有顯著關係。在第三部門意指使用者認同其理念,社群網站的介面和管理相對不重要。在政府機關,系統品質對於資訊系統滿意度以及使用者忠誠度皆有顯著影響,顯示政府在Web 2.0時代,社群網站管理者已能掌握資訊傳播的系統品質。使用者層面的公眾接觸與社會影響均具有顯著關係,其中公眾接觸構面的涉入與共同創造為最良好的解釋變項。在社會影響構面,在描述性統計評價最低,但與使用者態度有顯著關係,其中公眾形象為良好的解釋變項。使用者態度的顧客關係目標,資訊傳播最容易達成,實際行動與深化關係相對較難。組織管理層面,發現社企流為有機式組織,可以快速應變環境變化,待改善者為組際間合作。而動物園優勢為機關長官支持與跨組室推動,待改善為上級機關仍不熟悉Web 2.0,難掌握民意溝通管道。
從研究發現可以歸納出各部門均可適用的社群網站經營核心,包括「社群」、「內容」、「管道」。實務建議包括鎖定粉絲專頁的目標族群、虛實整合、提升公眾接觸、加強人際網絡建立、深化關係等。經營策略包括精美圖片、回應使用者問題、提供穩定與精彩的資訊內容、配合時事話題、異業合作等。 / In recent years, Web 2.0 has been the buzz word for the field of e-governance due to its openness, immediacy, and interactivity, which facilitate a more collective and effective networking life of the population. In this thesis, author reviews the literature from information system design, civil engagement, and organizational management to research on the importance, objective, and effectiveness of social media usage and its impact on non-profit organizations. Author selects two cases, Taipei City Zoo (the first sector) and Social Enterprise Insights (the third sector), to investigate and compare them to answer questions concerning the objective and effectiveness of utilizing social media.
In this research, a mixed-method approach is adopted to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. An on-line questionnaire was administrated to users of both Facebook Fan Pages and in-depth interviews with organizational staffs. According to literature reviews, the research framework contains two dimensions: information system (system, information and service quality) and civic engagement and social influence on users. Author uses multiple regression to analyze users’ subjective responses.
Findings are as follows. First, information system dimension contributes to merely information system satisfaction and information quality is no significant. Second, users’ dimension is significant, but social influence is the worst in descriptive statistics. Third, compared to deeper engagement and take action, communication of information is easy to obtain. Forth, in the organizational management dimension, SEI is an organic organization to adapt the changing environment. Manager support and cross- unit execution cause good-use of social media in the zoo.
From this research, practical advices to social media “page masters” contains three main parts. First, the keys to manage social media are community, contents, and channels of communication. Second, the managing goals are focusing on target group, integrating virtual with real world, promoting civic engagement and establishing interpersonal network. Finally, the strategies are utilizing eye-catching pictures, promptly responding to users’ questions, and stable provision of interesting contents.
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管理當局能力與管理當局自願性盈餘預測之關聯性 / The Relationship between Managerial Ability and Management Earnings Forecast林姿均, Lin, Tzu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
實證分析結果顯示管理當局能力與管理當局發佈盈餘預測之機率呈顯著正相關,亦即管理當局能力愈好,發佈盈餘預測之機率愈高;再者,本研究發現能力愈佳之管理當局,其盈餘預測之精確度亦會較高;而實證結果亦顯示當管理當局能力較好時,較願意以資訊量較多之完整式財務預測型態發佈財務預測。增額測試結果則顯示市場對於能力較佳之管理當局發佈之自願性盈餘預測反應程度較高。 / The primary objective of this thesis is to explore whether the managerial ability is related to management earnings forecast, earnings forecast accuracy , and disclosure format. Additionally, this thesis investigates whether managerial ability increases the informativeness of management earnings forecast for (potential) investors.
Empirical results show that managers with superior ability tend to announce management earnings forecast and when managers have better ability, they shall announce more precise management earnings forecast. About disclosure format, this thesis finds that managers with superior ability prefer to announce complete earnings forecasts than simple ones. Additionally, market reaction will be more to the informativeness of management earnings forecast which made by managers with better ability.
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