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傳統產業創新升級模式之研究─以台灣自行車業A-Team為例 / The Model of Traditional Industry Evolution Through Innovation─ A Case Study on A-Team in Taiwan's Bicycle Industry謝佩玲, Hsieh, P. L. Linda Unknown Date (has links)
6.A-Team創造自行車產業在台灣與大陸的兩岸分工生產模式──A-Team許多會員原來其實已將公司、廠房移至大陸,在A-Team的要求下才又將部份基地遷回台灣,而形成台灣研發生產高級自行車、大陸生產中低階自行車的分工模式,其中巨大與美利達乃以創造副品牌或第二品牌的方式行銷不同等級的自行車,並堅守高級自行車由台灣生產組裝的原則,以落實兩岸自行車產業的差異化。由此可見,處於全球競爭環境之中,產業與企業在世界工廠的磁吸效應下,外移成本低廉國家並非維持競爭力的唯一途徑,A-Team即是為了解決此種產業兩難問題的創新產物,因此產業創新可參考台灣自行車A-Team模式而發展產業在本地的新價值,此亦可視為一種破壞式創新,而欲解決的是傳統產業「既有市場」(因價格競爭造成產品不夠好)與「新市場」(研發生產夠好的產品以創造新的市場需求)之間的兩難困境,上述亦為本研究一獨特之發現,即傳統產業所面臨的「兩難」與哈佛大學教授克里斯汀生研究科技產業所提出的「創新的兩難」中之「兩難」恰相反,然事實上卻有異曲同工之妙,最後仍可經由實踐「破壞性的創新」而改變市場現況,因此本研究結果不僅印證、更充實了克里斯汀生教授的創新理論內涵。 / Innovation is crucial for any corporation or country to stimulate their economic growth. Innovation should be indispensible in industrial strategy and government competiveness. However, most studies on innovation have focused their subjects on an enterprise rather than an industry; this study would instead try to explore the essence and nature about the innovation of a mature / traditional industry through a successful case, aiming to serve as a reference for industrial innovation practice. This research will study how Taiwan’s bicycle industry upgraded itself through the organization / alliance innovation, as is known for A-Team. A-Team comprises major companies in the bicycle industry. Its members are not only partners but also competitors. The study will gather some key successful factors of the innovation as well as the transformation on Taiwan’s bicycle industry and propose some suggestions for both A-Team and the industry from a perspective of industrial innovation.
The findings of this study basically include:
1. The background and the motivation of Taiwan’s bicycle industrial innovation.
2. How the hub of the innovation in Taiwan’s bicycle industry, A-Team, practices its plans/strategies to achieve its objective of upgrading and renewing Taiwan’s bicycle industry.
3. The potential solutions for certain problems in A-Team’s present practice.
4. The steps for a possible model of an industrial innovation based on the case-study of Taiwan’s bicycle industry.
5. This study further found that it also works for Professor Christensen’s theory—“Disruptive Innovation” to apply in the innovation of a traditional industry, but the innovation dilemma in the traditional industry is a reverse of that in the high-tech industry.
6. This study also demonstrates the “soft power” of Taiwan's small and medium enterprises by the active evolution in Taiwan’s bicycle industry.
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跨海峽企業生態系中的共同演化與制度同形 / The Coevolution and Institutional Isomorphism in the Cross- strait Business Ecosystem程耀輝, Cheng, Yao Hui Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣自行車產業品牌化決策之研究 / Research in the evolution of the Taiwanese Bicycle Industry from Original Equipment Manufacturing(OEM) to Branded Manufacturing劉秀美, Liu,Hsiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來, 台灣在經濟結構的巨幅轉型下,已喪失了原有比較優勢的國際
競爭力。 在政府及民間企業大聲呼籲產業升級下,自創國際品牌成了此
聲浪下頗受矚目的一種作法, 然而觀諸過去企業界對自創品牌的投資及
努力,發現企業追求自創品牌卻導致不盡相同的結果。 因此,本研究嘗
試以個別產業的觀點,深入探討台灣自行車廠商從原廠委託製造 (OEM)
到自創品牌的決策過程, 並假定產品的某些特性應對品牌化決策有所影
響,且進行驗證。 研究過程中實地訪談了十家業績優良的自行車成車及
零件業者,以做進一步的命題發展,研究的問題包括: 1.原廠委託製造(
OEM) 對自行車成車廠及零件廠在自創品牌中所扮演的角色為何? 2.品牌
化過程中,品牌角色的演變。 3.成車廠、零件廠的品牌決策過程是否相
同? 4.成車廠、零件廠雙方在自創品牌過程中的互動關係? 5.自創品牌
的結論為: 1.自行車業在國際自創品牌上的優異表現來自規模經濟的充
分運用 2.企業階段性靈活運用OEM策略,將有助於自創品牌發展 3.企
業妥善規劃品牌化過程之資源配置,有助於成功自創品牌 4.利基市場的
選擇是企業自創品牌的致勝之道 5.聯結衛星體系間之價值鏈,將有助企
業自創品牌之成功 6.企業應審慎評估產業發展程度及產品特性以決定最
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台灣自行車產業與景氣循環之探討駱俊文, Chun-Wen Lo January 1900 (has links)
研究結果顯示,巨大、美利達、愛地雅和台灣加權股價指數具有顯著關係,由於台灣自行車屬於出口導向以及中高價位產品,故全球景氣對台灣自行車業深具影響。其中,巨大和美利達除了ODM外,亦有自有品牌在全球銷售,愛地雅定位專業ODM專業代工廠,前者發展不同市場。 / The word "bicycle" has become one of the pronouns of environmental protection. In the past, Taiwan bicycling industry was treated as low-quality products internationally. With long-time effort, Taiwan bicycling industry was highly appreciated.
Recently, global warming issue, cosmopolitan health sense, dramatically increased oil price, the eruption of financial crisis, and many reasons lead the bicycles have not positively evaluated as means of transportation. Now, it becomes the outdoor recreation mean.
Comparing Taiwan bicycling industry with other traditional industry, it doesn't fall down but highly increase no matter export value or stock price. The manufacturer of Giant, Merida, and Ideal are the top 3 of export recently.
So this study want to explore the things happened before and after the outbreak of the financial crisis that affects bicycle industry in Taiwan, research data for selected between January 2000 and December 2013, relationship between the Giant(9921) shares, Merida (9914) shares, Ideal(8933) shares, TWII, the price of crude oil, industrial production index.
Through the Unit Root Test to test whether the data is the steady state or not. By using cointegration test to make sure whether contains at least one group of solutions and vector error correction model to detect the length of the relationship between variables, and using the multiple regression model to test.
Results of the research shows that Giant, Merida, Ideal has significant relationship with TWII, because Taiwan bicycle are export-oriented and high price products, so the global boom has profound influence to Taiwan bicycle industry, among them, the Giant and Merida except the ODM, have their own brands in global sales, Ideal professional locate, ODM professional contract, the former develops different markets. / 摘要 I
Abstract II
謝辭 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 巨大機械工業股份有限公司簡介 4
第四節 美利達工業股份有限公司簡介 5
第五節 愛地雅工業股份有限公司簡介 6
第六節 研究架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 國內相關文獻 9
第二節 國外相關文獻 11
第三節 國內外文獻一覽表 12
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 單根檢定 20
第二節 共整合檢定 22
第三節 向量誤差修正模型(VECM) 24
第四節 迴歸分析 24
第四章 實證分析 26
第一節 資料來源與處理 26
第二節 敘述統計 31
第三節 單根檢定 32
第四節 共整合檢定 33
第五節 向量誤差修正模型(VECM) 33
第六節 複迴歸模型 35
第五章 結果分析與建議 38
第一節 結果分析 38
第二節 建議 39
參考文獻 40
附錄一 巨大工業股份有限公司沿革 43
附錄二 美利達股份有限公司沿革 47
附錄三 愛地雅股份有限公司沿革 57
圖1-6 研究架構 8
圖4-1-1 台灣自行車業總出口產值(百萬元,美金) 27
圖4-1-2 台灣股價大盤指數(TWII,當日收盤價) 27
圖4-1-3 巨大股價(9921,當日收盤價) 28
圖4-1-4 美利達股價(9914,當日收盤價) 28
圖4-1-5 愛地雅股價(8933,當日收盤價) 29
圖4-1-6 國際原油價格(西德州,美元) 29
圖4-1-7 台灣工業生產指數 30
表1-3 巨大公司基本資料 4
表1-4 美利達公司基本資料 5
表1-5 愛地雅公司基本資料 6
表2-3 國內外相關文獻整理 12
表4-1 資料來源一覽表 26
表4-3-1 ADF 單根檢定 32
表4-3-2 單根檢定-一階差分 32
表4-4-1 共整合檢定 33
表4-5-1 Giant & Merida 向量誤差修正模型 34
表4-5-2 Giant & Ideal 向量誤差修正模型 34
表4-5-3 Merida & Ideal 向量誤差修正模型 34
表4-6-1 自行車產業與景氣循環對巨大股價之影響 37
表4-6-2 自行車產業與景氣循環對美利達股價之影響 37
表4-6-3 自行車產業與景氣循環對愛地雅股價之影響 37
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以策略矩陣分析法探討競合中的動態競爭:自行車產業兩領導廠商為例 / The Strategic Matrix Analysis of Competitive Dynamics in Co-opetition: The Case of Two Leaders in the Bicycle Industry林明翰, Lin, Ming Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結合動態競爭的對偶層次分析及策略矩陣分析法,以策略點為分析基礎,更細緻地展開處於合作情境下的兩家競爭廠商,如何在歐洲自行車市場佈局競爭性行動。根據結構內容分析兩家廠商2006至2016 年間的新聞事件後發現,在合作的前提下,兩家廠商分別在競爭性行動的時間軸、地理涵蓋範圍、價值單元以及策略點皆進行具差異性的佈局,呈現多樣化的競爭內涵。
本研究除擴展競合情境下的動態競爭研究外,亦藉由策略矩陣分析法豐富化廠商間可分析的競爭行為,並探討資源條件不同的廠商間,其競爭行為如何佈局的實質細節。本研究對於廠商如何在競合關係中發起競爭性行動,提供了實務性的指引與參考。 / To present a united front against the stress of price-cutting competition from Mainland China, Taiwan’s two leaders in the bicycle industry, Giant and Merida, established an inter-firm cooperation system between competitors in order to achieve the common goal of delivering high-valued product. However, under the premise of cooperation agreement between two competing leaders, what is the dynamicity in co-opetition and the inter-firm competitive action under the real scenario? And, how can we apply the strategic matrix analysis to inter-firm rivalry on competitive behvior involved in co-opetition relationship?
This study combines dyadic analysis from competitive dynamics with strategic matrix analysis to investigate the two research questions addressed above. By using the “strategic point” as the analytical basis, this study examines two competing leaders under cooperation agreement and extracts their competitive actions in European bicycle market with structured content analysis. Building on the results from the analysis of the news between 2006 and 2016, two competing leaders separately differentiate and conduct their competitive action deployments on four dimensions, which are time-axis, geographical coverage, value unit, and strategic point. Therefore, this study reveals the various
contents of two competing leaders in the cooperation-competition.
More than contributing to the research field of competitive dynamics in co-opetition, this study enriches the analyzability of inter-firm competitive behaviors by
conducting strategic matrix analysis. It provides the details about how the firms compete with each other with different resource endowments. This study broadens our view of the competitive dynamics in co-opetition and introduces
practical guidelines on initiating competitive action to the firms in co-opetition relationship.
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臺北市公共自行車站點需求分析之研究 / A research in the demand of the public bike station in Taipei.張辰尉 Unknown Date (has links)
後續透過文獻分析,擷取影響公共自行車使用量之因素後,本研究嘗試運用一般線性迴歸模型與地理加權迴歸進行模型建立,並探討各影響因素對於旅運需求之影響情形。實證結果顯示,地理加權迴歸模型可以解決一般線性迴歸所產生空間自相關問題,使得模型解釋能力獲得改善。本研究並使用地理加權迴歸進行使用需求分析以及預測,對未來公共自行車營運以及站點擴張提出結論以及建議,期能提升公共自行車系統之使用量。 / Due to the climate change and aggravation of the greenhouse effect in recent years, the public bicycle system with the feature of low-carbon emission has raised more and more attention internationally, and has become one of the targets in developing green transportation policies of transportation departments of governments around the world. Meanwhile Big Data analysis issues, on the other hand, are currently a sought-after topic which has caused great concern as well. In this study, we utilize the rental data of the YouBike system in Taipei to discuss the public usage of YouBike tour at different periods. With the use of social network analysis, we discuss the relationships between different bicycle stops based on applying the number of travels between different sites as the weight. Eventually, the hotspot analysis will be carried out by operating the GIS system. In this way, we are able to discuss the hotspot distribution of YouBike rentals in different time and then visualize the result.
After that this study pick up the variables which will effect the YouBike usage by reference review. This research try to built models by utilizing the Least Squares Method and Geographically Weighted Regression. Then we will have a discussion with the result of the two models. The result shows that Geographically Weighted Regression can resolve the spatial autocorrelation problem which happened in the Least Squares Method and to gain a better result. With the analysis and prediction of public bicycle system from Geographically Weighted Regression, we hope to raise the usage of public bicycle system by concluding as well as making recommendations for the future operation of public bicycle and the expansion of bicycle stops.
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