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財務報表舞弊預警模型黃郁凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在由傳統財務指標及公司治理角度分析近年來我國因財務報表舞弊遭一審判決有罪之公司發生的舞弊警訊(Red Flags),建立財務報表舞弊預警模型,作為會計師執行舞弊偵測時的參考,降低因查核舞弊所產生的審計失敗,並可作為主管機關實質審查選案標準及投資人選擇投資標的之參考。
本文以民國85年至95年因財務報表舞弊遭法院一審判決有罪之27家公司為樣本,分別使用財務及公司治理變數建立財務報表舞弊預警模型,再以Cascade Logistic迴歸分析結合財務及公司治理模型,檢視Cascadev Logistic模型的正確判別率。實證結果顯示,財務變數中舞弊當期應付帳款成長率、舞弊當期存貨成長率、應收帳款收現天數對前期同一比率與財務報表舞弊呈顯著正相關;舞弊當期資產報酬率對前期同一比率、舞弊當期銷貨成長率與財務報表舞弊呈顯著負相關。公司治理變數中董監持股、控制持股、外部個人監事席次與財務報表舞弊顯著負相關;財報重編次數呈顯著正相關,良善的公司治理機制與財務舞弊具負向關連性。而整合的Cascade Logistic模型,財務及公司治理變數均與財務報表舞弊呈顯著相關,且均具增額解釋。 / Presented are a profile of a sample of fraud companies in Taiwan from 1996 to 2006, their financial and corporate governance characteristics, suggested fincial and corporate governance logistic models for detecting fraud and a final combine cascade logistic model.
The results suggest both systematic relationships between the probability of fraud and financial and corporate governance characteristic variables. This evidence is consistent with the usefulness of accounting data in detecting fraud and the effectiveness of proper corporate governance in protecting fraud happening. Because the cascade logistic model correctly identifies approximately 90% of the companies involved or not invleved in fraud, the model can be a useful screening device for auditors to detect fraud, low down the propobility of audit failure and the cost of lawsuit due to fraud.
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查核人員對以房地產為舞弊工具之了解程度卞柏琪, Pien, Po Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過個案研析,找出14項舞弊風險因子,並將其分為四類。在實證結果部分則發現,會計背景之查核人員在以房地產為工具之舞弊風險因子的了解程度上,不如地政背景之查核人員。不過,只有當情境高度涉及地政相關專業時,二種背景之查核人員所評估之該種舞弊風險差異才顯著,一般情境下,二者評估之能力沒有明顯差異。因此,本研究建議會計背景之查核人員應該多了解以房地產為工具之舞弊個案。另外,出於會計背景之查核人員在以房地產為工具之舞弊風險因子的了解程度上,仍有部分較佳;故本研究亦建議實務上如遇處理涉及房地產之案件或查核時,應同時指派地政背景與會計背景之查核人員。 / The case of Rebar Group in 2007 was a serious case in Taiwan. As one part of the case, the fraud in Union Insurance Co. was committed by using real estate as tools, because real estate is difficult in evaluation. In recent two years, there has been a situation that the real estate’s price goes very high in some areas of Taiwan. If we associate these two things, there may be a chance for someone to commit the fraud by using real estate as tools. Fortunately, auditors could prevent the occurrence of this kind of fraud; auditors might have different major.
This research summarized all the cases related, discussed about the tricks of this kind of fraud, and tried to know whether the levels of the auditors in different major fields on these tricks are different or not. Trough the poll(which is aimed at students of accounting and land economics departments), the research measured auditors’ level of comprehending the fraud by using real estate as tools, and tried to find out whether the levels are different or not between auditors majoring in accounting and in land economics.
Trough the cases, this research found 14 fraud risk factors, and classified them into 4 categories. On the other hand, the empirical results show auditors majoring in accounting are not as good as auditors majoring in land economics on comprehending this kind of fraud’s risk factors. Nevertheless, about the ability to evaluate the risk of this kind of fraud, there is no significant difference between auditors major in accounting and in land economics but in the situation highly involved the specialty of land economics. Thus, this research suggests auditors majoring in accounting should get more comprehending on the fraud cases committed by using real estate as tools. Additionally, due to auditors majoring in accounting perform better than whom majoring in land economics on some part of comprehending this kind of fraud’s risk factors, this research also suggests the one who dealing with the cases related to real estate should appoint auditors majoring in land economics and in accounting at the same time.
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會計師執行財務報表查核時偵出舞弊責任的認知研究廖基宏, Liao,Chi-Hung. Unknown Date (has links)
每當重大舞弊案件發生時,社會大眾常將矛頭指向負責財務報表查核的會計師,認為會計師並沒有負起他(她)應負的責任,在國際上,如安隆案(Enron)、世界通訊(Worldcom)的隱瞞虧損、線上時代華納(AOL Time Warner)的虛報廣告營收等等事件皆是如此;在我國,也有赫赫有名的博達等案。
關鍵字:舞弊、會計師責任、透鏡模型 / Every time when there is serious fraud, the public will accuse the audit accountant for not taking the responsibility he/she should take. Internationally, there are Enron and Worldcom concealed their loses, AOL Time Warner overstated their commercial revenues. In Taiwan, there are also cases like procomp.
Due to the profession and independence of accountants, the public trusts the opinion they issued toward the financial statements. However, the assurance that the audit accountant provides is highly but not absolute guarantee. Once there is some incontrollable factors lead to business failure, the interested party will blame the audit accountants. Therefore, the follow-up lawsuit will cause a lot loses to the accountant. The gap between interested party and accountant will be the key point to the lawsuit.
The study tries to analyze the viewpoints of the interested party and accountants toward the accountant duty of inspecting fraud when auditing financial statements. The study uses questionnaire, taking national university graduated and college students as objects, and discuss by the framework of lens model.
The study concluded that all the interviewee think that the audit accountant has the responsibility to examine the fraud. As to the perception of interested party and accountants, on the other hand, though the interest party and accountant own the same clues, they use them to different extent.
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人壽保險業務員舞弊及其預防之研究韓逸驊 Unknown Date (has links)
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粵澳兩地公司高管賄賂犯罪的比較 =Comparative legal analysis of bribery at company's senior management level : Macao's and Guangdong province's persperctives / Comparative legal analysis of bribery at company's senior management level : Macao's and Guangdong province's persperctives;Macao's and Guangdong province's persperctives龍幗英 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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論澳門預防及遏止私營部門賄賂法及其完善 / Law on prevention and repression of corruption in private sector of Macau and its improvements梁國豪 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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銀行舞弊防範之研究周志誠, Zhou, Zhi-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要內容係針對銀行舞弊問題, 分析其原因, 對此提出防範對策。第一章緒論:
行舞弊問題剖析, 首就銀行舞弊下一定義, 次就銀行舞弊原因作一詳究, 再次敘述舞
度、﹙基本防範方法包括1﹒職務劃分, 2﹒雙重控制, 3﹒工作輪調, 4﹒強迫休
假; 會計制度包括內部牽制制度﹚分就此三者提出防範策略。第四章銀行舞弊防範對
策二--有效稽核及其他控制: 分從內部稽核、外部稽核及其他控制﹙如實體安全控制
弊控制策略: 內容有銀行電腦化之趨勢、電腦舞弊案例分析、電腦之一般控制、應用
控制、線上即時系統控制及電腦稽核人員訓練等, 逐一探討。第六章結論及建議。
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財務報表舞弊偵測模型之建立-以中國上市公司為例 / Building Fraudulent Financial Statement Detecting Model: Evidence from China Listed Companies甄典蕙, Chen, Tien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
由於財務報表舞弊往往足以震撼投資大眾,造成資本市場重大損失,各國監管單位無不盡力降低此事件之爆發,以維護資本市場秩序、保障投資人,是以本研究欲瞭解影響中國大陸上市公司舞弊之因素為何,以及如何建立舞弊預測模型提供財務報表使用者作為參考之用。本文利用2007年至2014年受懲罰之上市公司為研究對象,採Logistic迴歸進行實證分析,結果顯示裁決性收入與Z"-Score對於財務報表舞弊無顯著相關,相反的獨立董事比例、是否具ST壓力、存貨週轉率、應收帳款週轉率、主營業務利潤率與財務報表舞弊具顯著關係,另外利用迴歸結果中顯著變數建立財務報表舞弊模型,發現整體正確率為53.31%。 / Due to the severe impacts caused by fraudulent financial reporting, securities regulatory commissions in most countries put much emphasis on maintaining the order of the capital markets and protecting the investors’ interests. In order to realize the factors of financial statement fraud, especially for China listed companies, and build the detecting model for the financial statements users, I select some listed companies punished by the government during the period 2007-2014 as the samples in this dissertation. Then, I use logistic regression model to test which variables are significant to fraudulent financial reporting, and the results show that the discretionary revenue and Z"-Score do not have impact on it. On the contrary, the percentage of independent directors, pressure from avoiding being “ST”, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover, and percentage of income from main operation are significantly relevant to fraudulent financial reporting. Moreover, when including these significant variables in the detecting model, the accuracy of the model can up to 53.31 percent.
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會計師對受查者虛偽銷貨風險之管理─個案研析嚴奕奇 Unknown Date (has links)
3.針對虛偽銷貨會計師查核程序之規劃,則應先辨認出關係人,再規劃辨認異常物流狀況之查核程序。 / In recent years, management fraud in financial statements has been occurred in Taiwan. These reporting frauds were often related to fictitious sales, and then covered the frauds in other ways. Prior studies examined that auditors have higher risk of litigation when the fraud type is fictitious transactions. Auditors are more likely to be sued when the financial statement frauds are of a common variety, and then higher risk of managing the firms.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the patterns of fraud schemes used by management to perpetrate and conceal fraud and finds out the proper audit procedure of fictitious sales to decline the risk of litigation.
After a series case-by-case analysis and questionnaire investigation, it can be concluded as follows:
1.The patterns of fraud schemes in fictitious sales used by management are selling the inventories to related parties. For instance, managements may transact the same inventories between related parties(勁永), sell the fake products(博達), or they might create fake documents such as fake purchase orders, fake invoices and fake shipping documents to conceal fictitious sales(皇統).
2.The most common implication of financial statement fraud is operating and financing activities. The former includes the increasing rate of transaction between the management and related party or varieties of overseas sales and areas with sales aboard; the latter contains the small-sized-firms issued ECB with abnormal conditions, and abnormal increasing ratio of overseas deposit during the fraud.
3.The audit procedure of fictitious sales, we should find out the related parties, and then draw up the audit procedure of indentifying abnormal transaction.
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董事會中女性董事之參與與舞弊發生關聯之研究:來自中國之證據張驥 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,在考慮中國大陸各省區市場發展程度之差異後,女性董事之參與可以降低公司舞弊發生之可能性;同時也發現董事會特性(外部董事之比例和董事長是否兼任總經理)與公司股權結構(國有股比例、法人持股比例、流通股比例、是否存在外國股東和公司最大股東持股比例)皆與公司舞弊之發生有顯著關連性存在。 / My study examines whether female directors’ participation in boardroom have an effect on corporate financial fraud in China. Besides, referring to the past studies, it also examine whether boardroom characteristics, ownership structure and auditors’ quality have an effect on corporate financial fraud. The data come from CSMAR database.
The results from original analysis show that female directors’ participation does not have an effect on corporate financial fraud. But after considering the regional market development differences between the provinces, female directors’ participation in boardroom will deter fraud. The results also demonstrate that boardroom characteristics and ownership structure are important in explaining fraud.
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