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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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少子女化與臺北市大安區家長選擇英語安親班之決策行為 / The selection of bilingual childcare under the trend of low natality in Da-an district of Taipei City

趙秋玲 Unknown Date (has links)
2009年臺灣是全球少子女化最嚴重的國家,家長對子女的期望提升,這些獨生子女的家長對英語安親班的選擇之決策行為情況,為值得探究的議題。本研究旨在探討,在教育市場化的趨勢下,影響國小學生家長選擇子女英語安親班之決策行為之因素。 本研究採質化研究之半結構訪談,立意抽樣12位受訪家長。 研究結果發現: 一、受訪者子女每週上英語次數、時數及每月英語教育費用支出有極大的差異性;對英語安親班選擇各有偏好。 二、家長對孩子期望及早、主動與持續補英語,以期具備良好英文能力。 三、家長認同英文很重要,有利升學、深造,具國際觀,並可增強職場競爭力。四、絕大多數家長本身有能力教而不教,是希望給與子女最適當的學習安排。 五、美語安親班所學遠遠超過在校所學;家長藉由親友及家長之口耳相傳,作為取得英語安親班之訊息最重要來源。 六、決策偏好評估因素為:師資穩定性高及教學經驗豐富;母語是英文之外師教導子女發音純正之道地英文;按照個人程度能力分班;教材使用美國教科書;地點方便性、時間適切性;解決個別家長安親問題;費用合理;在安全及說英語的小班制環境下自然學習。  根據研究發現,本研究做出以下建議: 一、家長須認清英語為外語,子女學習英語完全仰賴英語安親班是件困難的事,家長需幫助子女養成在日常生活中多聽、多看、多說英語。 二、隨著孩子年紀增長,學習會愈來愈加重與吃力,如何在學習樂趣與作業、測驗、時間排擠間取得一個平衡,讓孩子持續對英語的學習動機及熱情不減,需妥思對策。 三、孩子學習英語之路需要被鼓勵與讚美進而展現自信心,家長唯有與子女共同學習,找出適合的學習策略才是一條可行之路。 四、以全美語教學是英語老師必備之能力,學校英語老師應秀出自己的專業能力使家長明白學校和英語安親班英文老師的教學專業不分軒輊。 五、學校與家長共商最適孩子之英語學習資源,爭取外師到校介紹文化等相關議題,讓學生熟習校園有聽、說英語的環境。 六、英語安親班業者需在每一個家長間建立好口碑,使已就讀英語安親班之家長願意提供好的資訊給有需要的家長。 七、英語安親班業者需花心力於把關教師素質,給外師一個安心的教學環境,使用內容廣泛之美國教材;並注意家長接送子女需求;環境安全及學習英語的氛圍 。 / In 2009, Taiwan was ranked the worst place in the world for its low natality. With rising expectation from parents on their only kids, we consider it a worthy topic to study how these parents decide Bilingual Childcare for their only children. This study mainly explores the key factors that influence parents in choosing Bilingual Childcare for their elementary school kids, under the commercialized trend of education. This study uses half-structuralized interview in a qualitative approach and specifically samples 12 parents as interviewees. The research discloses the following results: 1.There are big differences among their English weekly learning times, learning hours and monthly expenditures to Bilingual Childcare in the interviewees’ children. They have personal preferences for Bilingual Childcare. 2.Parents expect to equip kids with English proficiency by studying English as early as possible, taking initiative in learning English and keeping learning English. 3.Parents consider English crucial; good English ability benefits exams, further (graduate) studies, world view and competence in job market. 4.A good majority of parents can teach kids English, but they would rather arrange the best learning institute for kids. 5.What kids learn at Bilingual Childcare is way over what they get at school; parents regard friend or relative’s introduction and recommendation as an index in choosing Bilingual Childcare. 6.Preference in decision making: teacher’s stability and rich experiences, native speaker’s pronunciation, dividing class by individual’s level, using American textbooks, convenient transportation, suitable time, meeting individual parental needs, fair tuition, and a safe and spontaneous learning in a English speaking small class.   Researcher’s suggestion: 1.Parents should regard English as a foreign language. It’s hard to count all English learning on the Bilingual Childcare. Parents need to make it a rule for kids to listen to, read and speak English in their daily living. 2.Along with their growth and increasing pressure from learning, children need to learn how to strike a time balance among fun, assignments and tests so that their passion for English still remains. 3.In learning English, children needs encouragement and praises to nourish their self-confidence. Parents need to work out a proper learning strategy with their kids. 4.Whole language approach is a necessity for English teachers. Elementary school teachers need to show their profession and convince parents that school is nothing inferior to Bilingual Childcare. 5.School and parents should work together to give kids proper English learning resources, invite native speakers to give cultural guidance and let kids listen to and speak English at school. 6.Bilingual Childcare owner need to have good reports among parents so that they can pass a positive image of Bilingual Childcare to other parents. 7.Bilingual Childcare owners need to control the best quality of teaching, giving native speaking teachers a peaceful environment, generously employing American textbooks, meeting parental needs in transporting kids and making sure of safety and good learning.


辛翠芸, Hsin, Tsui-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以文本分析方法,剖析現今台灣兒童英語影視媒介教材,如何運用媒介特性、針對兒童閱聽人呈現英語教學的元素及互動性;並以深度訪談方法,探究兒童英語影視媒介教材產製之發展團隊分工與角色、發展策略、製作流程等面向。進一步剖陳在不同互動層次媒介之產製概念重點、差異、與影響因素,以期瞭解台灣兒童英語影視媒介教材之產製現況,為未來兒童英語教學教材製作之參考與依據。 本研究發現兒童英語影視媒介教材之定位為英語輔助教材,目標對象多未明確界定,產製上亦多以製作者面向思考、缺乏使用者觀點。媒介特性為兒童英語影視媒介教材呈現方式、及產製重點之主要考量;市場因素則為兒童英語影視媒介教材在教學設計與發展上的重要障礙。在發展團隊方面,兒童英語影視媒介教材之產製,需結合不同專業人才、不同執行單位,因而強而有力的品質管控者不可或缺;發展團隊的組成、運作、及角色分工,則受該團隊既有產製思維之影響甚深。評估兒童英語影視媒介教材之產製模式,普遍缺乏分析及總結性評鑑階段,亦需應加強製作階段之形成性評鑑、及評鑑後修正之落實。

網路資源融入國小五年級英語教學之研究 / A study of integrating internet resources into english course on elementary school fifth grade

沈淑芬, Shen, Shu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨以網路資源融入國小五年級英語教學,探討學生對於實際使用英語相關網路資源的學習態度與意見,分析適合國民小學五年級學生學習程度的英語網路資源特質以及探討教師對於利用網站資源融入英語教學的意見與看法;並綜合研究結果,瞭解英語網路資源對於學生的幫助、困難及實施情形。 本研究使用問卷調查法輔以對學生與校內教師進行深度訪談進行研究,透過改編之「網路資源融入英語教學問卷調查表」,以Google 線上問卷形式對五年級196位學生進行調查,調查結果以Excel 統計其次數分配及百分比,並以立意抽樣方式,選取7位學生與3位教師進行深度訪談。 根據資料分析結果,本研究結論如下: 一、 網路資源融入英語教學對學生的英語學習興趣與動機有正面的影響,對學生英語成績的提升有幫助且更能吸收課外知識,還能提升對英語的喜好。 二、 全英文的網頁說明或還沒學過的英語單字是學生認為在使用英語網路資源時會遭遇的困難;網站分類清楚且各項說明容易理解並易於操作,網站內容有依程度分級,或具搜尋功能,較能吸引學生喜愛。 三、 教師篩選彙整資源網站後連結於其教學網站,上課時是老師的雲端資源庫,課後亦可成為學生的學習平台。 四、 動畫、影片是學生最喜愛且認為最具學習幫助的網路素材,動畫語音速度放慢,並附有中文字幕輔助學生理解,較具有輔助英語學習的效果。 五、 使用網路資源融入英語教學能豐富教學內容,有效激發學生的學習動機,並養成學生複習的習慣,是可行的教學方式。 最後根據研究結論,就教師教學、教育行政單位以及後續研究等方面提出建議。 / Through integrating the internet resources into the fifth grade English classroom instruction, the aims of this research are : (1) investigating the students’ attitudes and opinions on the use of English language internet resources, (2) analyzing the characteristics of English language internet resources that are suitable for the level of fifth grade English class as well as (3) discussing the teachers ’suggestions and viewpoints on the integrating the internet resources into the English teaching. In addition, the summary of research results offers the information on the understanding of the assistance given by, difficulty encountered and processing situations in the use of the English language internet resources. This research adopted questionnaire survey and in- depth interviews to realize the openions of students and teachers. The questionnaires accomplished by online survey with Google Forms. The questionnaires received 196 respones of students. Microsoft Excel were taken to compile statistics distribution and percentages. This research also had in-depth interviews conducted with seven fifth grade students and three school teachers in working of teaching English. According to the results of the statistics analysis, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. There are positive impacts on students' interest and motivation in learning English by using internet resources into English class. Not only can enhance the effects of learning English, but also improve the absorption of extra-curricular knowledge. More importantly, can promote the joy of learning English. 2. Students consider that the problems in using English internet resources are the instructions of webpages in English and the vocabularies which have not learned. Students like to use the website which classification is clear, the instructions are easy to understand and operate. If the content can be classified by students’levels and be easy to search, it would be best for student learning. 3. Teachers select and collect English internet resources by linking to their teaching website. It will be the resource library of teachers when they’re teaching. It also can be a platform for student's learning after class. 4. The favorite internet resources of students are animations and films. They help students to learn more. In order to enhance the effects of learning English and increase their understanding of English. It’s necessary to slow down the sound speed of the animation and increase Chinese subtitles 5. Using internet resources into English class can enrich teaching contents and inspire students’ learning motivation effectively. By this method, students can cultivate good habit of reviewing English. Furthermore, it is a practicable teaching method. According to the conclusions of this study, Suggestions and recommendations were provided for the teachers, schools and future studies.

生命と環境 : 身近な問題から考えよう(中学2年生)(II 1999年度総合人間科の取り組みと公開授業の実践報告)(<特集>総合人間科の発展的展開)

佐藤, 俊樹, 仲田, 恵子, 斉藤, 真子, 川合, 勇治 15 November 2000 (has links)

ESL Class Newsletter Project : インターネットを利用したクラス間交流(英語科)(教科研究)

仲田, 恵子 15 October 1998 (has links)

国際理解・人権・平和 : 沖縄から世界を考える(2.高校2年)(II.総合人間科高校の実践報告)(<特集>継続する総合人問科の取り組み)

仲田, 恵子, 斉藤, 真子, 西川, 陽子, 飯島, 幸久, 佐藤, 俊樹, 米田, 閏一, 丸山, 豊 15 October 1999 (has links)


鈴木, 克彦 15 October 1996 (has links)

探究小留學生經驗: 個案檢視小留學生橫跨各階段定位現象 / Toward an understanding of early study abroad experiences: a case study on positioning process before, during, and after study abroad experience

陳德愷, Chen, Te Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在以學習者定位的角度切入,探討小留學生在求學各階段會遭遇到的優勢與挑戰。研究對象為兩位曾經於童年時期在加拿大求學的台灣小留學生,研究方法主要包含研究對象所撰寫之英語學習歷程、口述英語學習歷程與半結構式訪談,目的在於了解研究對象在人生各階段的經歷、自我定位與他者定位,透過「整體 — 內容」分析法,研究結果顯示小留學生在回到母國之後,經常受到他者的正向定位,因而獲得許多優勢,如獲得許多師長、同儕的讚揚、較多參與英語相關活動機會、英語課上獲得老師特別給予的自由、以及在面對大學與研究所課業上相對較少的負擔。而這些小留學生享有的特權也與台灣「英語瘋」的現象息息相關。不過這些小留學生也面臨許多挑戰,如在出國初期遭遇許多語言障礙產生的挫折、回台灣後相當不適應以考試為導向的教學、人際關係上遭遇挫折與國文科目的挑戰。同時交叉分析個案後,顯示出家長在確保小留學生未來學習順利與否,扮演相當關鍵的角色。最後於文末提出給予老師、家長與小留學生的建議,以及未來研究建議方向。 / This study aims to reveal the advantages and challenges that early study abroad students face through exploring the positioning of two Taiwanese students who studied abroad at a young age at different stages of their lives. The study adopts a qualitative research method with written narratives, oral narratives and semi-structured interviews as data and the data collected is analyzed using a holistic-content approach. The research findings indicate that the two early study abroad students positioned themselves and were positioned positively after they returned to their own country and enjoyed various privileges, such as peers’ admiration and teacher’s encouragement for their superior English skills, ample opportunities to participate in many English-related activities in school, freedom granted by teachers in English classes, and less schoolwork burden in university or graduate school. Nevertheless, the participants also face unique challenges. Both of the participants suffer from great frustration at the beginning of their study abroad experiences and were not used to the test-oriented English education after returning to Taiwan. In Jessica’s case, difficulties in learning the Chinese subject and troubled interpersonal relationships also existed. The findings also reveal the importance of parents’ role in facilitating these early study abroad students’ sustained English development. Suggestions for teachers, parents, early study abroad students and implications for future research are provided at the end of the thesis.

國中英語任務型合作學習之電腦活動設計與發展 / Designing and Developing Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Tasks for Junior High EFL Learners in Taiwan

伍如婷, Wu,Ju-ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在歸納電腦輔助國中英語任務教學之設計原則,並探究學生在使用電腦軟體時的互動模式。同時,本研究期望能進一步了解,針對此一教師設計之電腦輔助英語教學軟體,學生在使用過程所遇到的困難及與學習夥伴互動的模式。 本研究採取質的研究方法,並且以設計本位研究的概念為架構。研究者先行設計出一套任務導向之電腦英語教學軟體,作為研究雛型。研究對象為九對高學習成就之國中生。研究時程分為三個階段,每個階段由三對學生者參與。藉由觀察及訪談,分析出學生(1)分別在三個階段所遇到的困難,以及(2)與夥伴互動的模式。在第一部份,先一一探討學生對於每個任務的反應,再歸納出重要的教學議題及軟體在下一階段所應作的修正。在第二部份,先討論學生在互動的過程所扮演的角色,再呈現訪談資料裡學生內心對於互動過程的感受。本研究發現,符合學生學習需求的軟體設計、教師所提供的心理支持、及學生互動的品質,皆是影響電腦英語教學成效之關鍵因素。 本研究根據以上軟體設計及學生互動的討論結果,進一步提供建議,以作為任務導向之電腦英語教學相關議題之研究參考。 / The purpose of this study is to derive useful insights and principles for the design of the computer-supported collaboration tasks and to explore patterns of learners’ interaction when working on the computer tasks. This study attempts to understand how learners react to the teacher-designed computer-supported collaborative learning tasks and how they work together with their partners. This study adopts qualitative approach methods within the design-based research framework. First, a task-based computer program is designed as a prototype. Then 9 pairs of high-achieving junior high school students are selected to use the software. Throughout the three cycles of implementation with three pairs of students in each, qualitative data are collected through direct observations and an interview. The results are presented according to the three cycles with a separate section on the participants’ interaction. In the three cycles, the participants’ reactions to each task within each scene are first described, and then pedagogical issues and design adjustments for the next cycle are discussed. In the interaction section, three roles taken by the participants across three cycles are identified, with a discussion on the participants’ viewpoints on their interaction. It is found in this study that the program design, the teacher’s support, and the nature of the learner’s interaction are the key elements affecting the outcomes of using this CSCL program. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions based on obstacles that the participants encountered during the program are discussed, with the discussion on limitations of this study and suggestions for further research.

由實境學習觀點探討英語課堂中的電影配音活動 / Toward an Understanding of the Use of Film Dubbing Activities in the EFL Classroom through Situated Learning Perspectives

李路得, Lee, Lu De Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討以實境學習觀點來培訓技職校院學生英語口語溝通能力的教學設計與實施。由於技職校院學生英語程度較弱,乃根據實境學習理論中的認知學徒見習期 (cognitive apprenticeship)的二個階段:觀察期(observation)及實作期(practice)來設計教學。在觀察期階段中,藉由觀賞英文電影讓學生觀察英語母語使用者之真實口語溝通情境及技巧;在實作期階段中,則指導學生為電影片段配音,目的在以影片做為前導與幫助(scaffold),使學生在真實語言情境中建立英語口語溝通能力。本研究設計採用設計型研究(Design-based research)探討學生在此電影教學中的知覺及反應,研究結果顯示學生對電影配音活動的反應良好,例如能在其中觀摩英語母語使用者之口語技巧,較容易記得影片中英文單字及句子,以及建立開口說英語的自信與勇氣。 / This study is a design-based research focusing on the application of situated learning perspectives to the EFL classroom for the development of English oral communicative competence. Situated learning theory features cognitive apprenticeship, a learning process in which an apprentice learns a skill or knowledge from a master through the observation of expert process and practice with scaffolds (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Lave & Wenger, 1991). In this study, a teaching project based on film dubbing activities was designed and implemented to 39 vocational college students, who were classified as lower-level EFL learners due to their limited English proficiency, with the purpose of developing their English oral communicative competence through cognitive apprenticeship. Film clips were viewed and instructed in class to provide the students with access to the social context of oral communication by native English speakers. After the students observed the expert process in the film clips, they were instructed to execute film dubbing tasks, in which they practiced oral skills with the scaffolds of the audio-visual presentation in the film clips. As a qualitative case study, the purpose of this study is to explore the students’ learning experiences, including their perceptions and reactions, in the teaching project. The research results reveal the students’ overall positive reactions to the film dubbing activities; for example, they were impressed by the opportunities to make close observation of real English use by native English speakers; they found it easier to remember English vocabulary and sentences through film dubbing activities; and they became more confident in speaking English.

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