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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


彭興龍, Peng, Sing-Long Unknown Date (has links)
真核生物在遺傳資訊核糖核酸實際轉譯成蛋白質之前,可能受環境、序列上的特定二級結構、特定部分序列樣式……等影響,而製造出目的、功能不同的蛋白質,這項生物機制稱為選擇性接合。目前對於選擇性接合機制的形成原因、根據何項資訊作選擇性調控,尚未有全面性的研究足以判斷。本研究嘗試透過發展適當的資料探勘技術,分析大量核糖核酸序列,找出可能影響選擇性接合的序列樣式。 選擇性接合可分為七種類型,我們針對其中一類稱為跳接式選擇性接合的基因資料,根據分析該資料的特性,提出兩類型的容錯資料探勘方法與流程,分別是全序列樣式探勘與轉化重複結構樣式探勘。前者對發生跳接式選擇性接合的整段intron序列,找出所有容錯頻繁樣式。再利用Kum[18]等人提出的一致性序列樣式的近似探勘方法,找出足以代表同一群聚中所有頻繁容錯樣式的一致性序列樣式。 轉化重複結構樣式探勘的作法則是先找出intron序列的前後部分區段中,可能具有容錯轉化重複樣式的序列集合。再進行容錯頻繁樣式探勘與一致性序列樣式的近似探勘方法。由於轉化重複樣式是生物序列中常見的一種序列結構,可能透過該類型結構,影響跳接式選擇性接合的發生方式。因此利用這樣的探勘方法,我們可以找到可能的具重要決定性轉化重複結構樣式。 最後,我們對兩個選擇性接合資料集合Avatar-120和ISIS-54,進行全序列樣式探勘與轉化重複結構樣式探勘實驗,討論發掘出序列樣式的支持度及平均錯誤率。並進一步與Miriami[24]等人研究發表的兩個樣式比較,利用整體序列最佳並列排比,評估樣式間的差異性,以發掘出“新穎”的樣式。 / Before RNA sequences are translated into proteins, eukaryotes may produce different functional proteins from the same RNA sequences. It is due to influence of environment, second structure, specific substring pattern, etc. This mechanism is named alternative splicing. At present, there are still not enough research to judge causes and critical information of alternative splicing. We try to develop suitable data mining technologies to analyze large number of RNA sequences, and find out possible patterns affecting alternative splicing. Basically, there are seven possible types of alternative splicing. We focus on “exon skipping” type. According to the analysis of exon skipping data, we propose two fault-tolerant data mining methods and procedures: “Full Sequence Pattern Mining (FSPM)” and “Inverted Repeat Pattern Mining (IRPM).” Full sequence pattern mining method can be applied to mine all fault-tolerant frequent substrings in the whole intron sequences, and then get consensus sequential patterns using ApproxMap method proposed by Kum[18]. Inverted repeat pattern mining method can be used to look for consenesus patterns with structure of inverted repeat. Because inverted repeat patterns are often appeared in biological sequences and such structural patterns may result in exon skipping. We could discover some important patterns by this method. Finally, we mined patterns from two alternative splicing databsets “Avatar-120” and “ISIS-54”by above two proposed methods. The support and average fault number of mined patterns were discussed. These patterns were also used global alignment method as compared with two patterns (C / G-rich) discovered by Miriami[24]. Novel patterns measured by discrimination were reported.


盧佩秋, Lu, Pei-Chiu Unknown Date (has links)

國中校長教學領導、教師領導與家庭教養文化對學生表現影響之研究 / The Study of the Effects of Junior High School Principal Instructional Leadership, Teacher Leadership, and Family Educational Culture on Student Performances

陳怡潔, Chen, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學校長教學領導、教師領導與家庭教養文化對學生表現之影響。首先,要了解國民中學校長教學領導與教師領導之現況;其次,探討不同家庭背景學生對家庭教養文化知覺的差異情形;再者,分析校長教學領導、教師領導、家庭教養文化與學生學業成就之間的相關情形;最後,利用結構方程式以校長教學領導與家庭教養文化為外衍變項;學校文化、學生參與和認同與學生學業成就為內衍變項,探討各變項之間的直間接效果,並找出對學生表現預測力最強的因素。 本研究以九十五學年度台南市立國民中學之教師與學生為研究對象,並以研究者譯自國外重要問卷編制而成之「學校情形與領導調查問卷」和「學生參與和家庭環境調查問卷」為研究工具,有效樣本為858份,包括教師236位與學生622位。根據受試者之填答結果再分別以平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及結構方程模式(SEM)等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。 本研究獲致之結論如下: 一、 國民中學教師對校長教學領導之知覺為中度表現。 二、 國民中學教師對教師領導之知覺為中度表現。 三、 不同家庭背景之國民中學學生對於家庭教養文化的知覺有顯著差異。 四、 國中校長教學領導與學生學業成就有正相關。 五、 國中教師領導與學生學業成就有正相關。 六、 家庭教養文化與學生學業成就有正相關。 七、 本研究所假設的結構模型在LISREL整體適配度考驗下,為一可接受模型,並可顯示出各變項之間的直間接效果。尤其,家庭教養文化對於學生表現有高度的預測力;而校長教學領導與教師領導必須透過學校文化才能對學生表現造成顯著影響。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以作為教育行政主管機關、國民中學校長、教師、家長以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The Study of the Effects of Junior High School Principal Instructional Leadership, Teacher Leadership, and Family Educational Culture on Student Performances The goal of the study is to explore the relationship among junior high school principal instructional leadership, teacher leadership, family educational culture and student performances. First of all, to understand the common situation of principal instructional leadership and teacher leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school. And then, to explore the differences between students’ perceptions toward family educational cultures and students’ family backgrounds, including brother and sisters’ number in family, family organization type, parents’ education degree, and parents’ occupation. Next, to analyze the correlation between principal instructional leadership &student achievement, teacher leadership&student achievement, and family educational culture&student achievement. Finally, to use the Structural equation modeling to exam the feasibility of the hypothetical model, and through the path analysis to find out the direct and indirect effects between each variable. There were 858 valid cases, including 236 teachers and 622 students. The returned data were analyzed by statistical methods such as “ Mean”, “Standard Deviation”, “One-Way ANOVA”, “Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation”, and“ Structural Equation Modeling”. The major results were summarized as follows: 1. The entire performance of principal instructional leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school is at middle degree. 2. The entire performance of teacher leadership in Tainan municipal junior high school is at middle degree, too. 3. There are obvious differences between students’ perceptions toward family educational cultures and students’ family backgrounds. 4. There is a positive correlation between principal instructional leadership and student achievement. 5. There is a positive correlation between teacher leadership and student achievement. 6. There is a positive correlation between family educational culture and student achievement. 7. Through the LISREL test, improving the hypothetical model in our research could be acceptable, and it could show the direct and indirect effects between variables. We also find out that family educational culture is the most powerful predicator to student performances in the study. At last, to bring up some concrete suggestions according to the study outcomes as references for governmental institution for education, junior high school principals, junior high school teachers and parents, and correlated study in the future.


楊倩蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已經進入投資理財的時代,大眾對於投資理財的興趣與參與度也漸形升高,由於財經雜誌的專業性質對於有意藉投資來理財的讀者影響頗鉅,財經媒體作為金融資訊發聲的重要管道之一,在報導的確實性與議題的設定上應該要負起極大的責任;財經雜誌記者對於財經議題的消息來源掌握與專業態度,反映在議題的呈現上也關乎一般大眾在投資理財的方向,和雜誌本身的可信度,其重要性非同小可。 此外,財經雜誌銷售率仍佔所有雜誌銷售量的十分之一以上,一旦專業性雜誌屈服於市場導向新聞的壓力時,將會直接影響記者的專業表現,無論是在議題設定、採訪報導與採訪人物選擇上,與傳統對專業新聞的認知都將造成極大衝突,衝擊新聞倫理。 本文研究以深度訪問的方式,首度訪問到目前台灣財經雜誌市場在書店及便利商店銷售量排行榜的前十名財經雜誌資深記者,透過他們在財經雜誌第一線的採訪經驗,深入了解財經雜誌在新聞產製過程中,對置入性行銷報導的處理態度與編輯室原則,以及財經雜誌記者接觸置入性行銷報導的程度。 本文研究發現,置入性行銷確實已經成為許多財經雜誌在追求廣告營收上重要的收入管道,同時也發現置入性行銷報導對財經雜誌記者在專業表現上確實產生諸多影響,這些影響所導致的結果不僅是記者對新聞工作的意義產生懷疑,也影響到財經雜誌在新聞報導上的公信力;同時也進一步呈現置入性行銷報導如何改變了目前財經雜誌的新聞產製生態。   大部分的新聞記者對於新聞工作還是充滿了憧憬與對新聞的理想,但是大部分的記者也表達對新聞工作的失望,認為財經雜誌有愈來愈商業化的傾向,所以離職或是換跑道的意願都頗高。本文研究建議,財經雜誌作為投資大眾在理財上的參考之一,應該更為謹慎維持新聞報導中立與價值,重新再思考新聞置入性行銷報導對新聞專業與記者可能造成的長遠影響,同時正視資深記者的價值與加強記者的新聞專業素養。 關鍵詞:財經雜誌、新聞置入性行銷、財經雜誌記者、專業自主權、專業表現 、新聞倫理

高中生睡眠型態與學業表現的關係 / The Relationship between Sleep Pattern and Academic Performance in Senior High School Students

周舒翎, Chou, Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討高中生的睡眠型態與學業表現的關係,試圖分析睡眠時間量及睡眠的規律性與其課業表現以及睡眠相關現象(白天嗜睡程度及睡眠品質)的關係,並探討白天嗜睡及睡眠品質之中介效果及以日夜節律型態之調節效果。本研究以自填「青少年睡眠習慣問卷」,對台灣北區普通高中及綜合高中中學術學程的高中生進行調查,採群集抽樣的方式進行,共進行42個班級施測,發出1,650份問卷,取得有效問卷1,308份樣本分別以日夜節律型態類型及高低成就動機兩種分類方式進行分析,主要研究結果如下: 1.夜貓型高中生之週間週末規律性變項對於學業表現具有影響力。 2.白日型高中生之週間規律性變項對於學業表現具影響力。 3.以高低成就動機分組,兩組之睡眠型態變項對於學業影響力皆未達顯著性。 4.白天嗜睡及睡眠品質在兩種分類分析下,皆無中介效果。 本研究初步結果支持夜貓型高中生在維持週間週末某種程度睡眠規律性對於學業表現具有相當的影響性,而早晨型在週間內維持其規律性也是對於其學業表現是具有顯著影響性,也就是依其日夜節律型態在其睡眠型態維持自己生活作息的規律性,而不在時間點或睡眠量的多寡來作要求,也許對於正值課業壓力或生心理高度變化的青少年時期會是更合適的睡眠作息。 / The purposes of this study are to explore the relationship of the sleep pattern with academic performance, day time sleepiness and sleep quality in senior high school students. Data were collected by sleep pattern questionnaire of the adolescent. The participants included 1650 students form the 10th grade to 12th grade, recruited form senior high schools in Taipei. Using stratified cluster sampling method. There were 1308 of valid questionnaires obtained. The major results are as follow: (1) The variablity of the sleep-wake pattern between weekdays and weekends has significant influences on academic performace in the evening type students. (2) The variablity of the sleep-wake pattern during weekdays showed significant influences on academic performace in the morening type students. (3) In both the high and low achievement motivation groups, sleep pattern showed no significant associations with academic performance. (4) The mediation effect of daytime sleepiness and sleep quality were not proven in all the data analyses. In coclusion, the results indicate that in evening type students, maintaining regularity of sleep pattern between weekdays and weekends would be beneficial to their academic performance; and in the morning type students, keeping regular weekday sleep-wake schedules seem to be more important for better academic performance. Therefore, when considering the influences on academic performance, regularity of sleep seem to be more important than quantity of sleep in high schoolers.


蔡毓智, Tsai, Yuh Jyh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(TEPS)的調查結果,對當前台灣地區國中生家庭教育資源組成結構進行次級資料分析,並探討家庭教育資源與學生學業表現之間的關連性。本研究目的在對家庭教育資源概念提出一探索性概念模型,並經由結構分析的方式,探討家庭教育資源的組成面向之內部結構組成。經由類型學的分析方法,本研究企圖區分出家庭教育資源弱勢與優勢的不同類型,並進行不同類型之間與學業表現的比較。結果發現家庭教育資源的弱勢類型與優勢類型彼此之間的在學業表現上的確存有明顯差異。因此分析結果也驗證了本研究所提出之模型架構與學業表現之間的關連性。 本研究將家庭教育資源區分為經濟性資源與非經濟性資源等二個理論面向,進一步將經濟性資源區分為顯性經濟資源與隱性經濟資源等二個次要面向;而非經濟性資源區分為家庭組成型態、家庭成員互動、家長教育參與、以及家長教育職業等四個次面向。本研究在方法論上採取近似性結構分析方法對各個不同次面向的組成結構進行資源結構近似性之分析。透過結構近似性分析本研究發現不同的家庭教育資源之內部組成結構的確存在某些近似性類型。同時研究探討不同家庭教育資源結構組成類型與學業表現之間的關連性,茲將研究發現摘要如下: 一、家庭居住安排的不同類型中,家長是否缺位為最重要的居住安排類型;且家長是否缺位與學業表現有明顯的關連性存在。同時家庭子女數太多對學業表現也有不利影響。 二、家庭成員互動與學業表現有密切的關係,尤其是家長採取的不同管教方式與學業表現有關;同時親子之間不同的衝突型式所代表的資源性意義並不相同。 三、家長不同的教育參與對子女學業表現影響有所不同,家長在家庭內的教育參與行為與子女的學業表現有關;家長對子女的教育期望與子女的學業表現有明顯的關連;而家長對學校活動的參與在本研究中並未發現與子女學業表現有明顯相關。 四、家長教育職業背景與子女學業表現有明顯關係,低教育職業背景對子女有不利的影響;而高教育職業背景與學業表現有正面關連性存在。 五、家庭經濟資源,不管是顯性或隱性資源,與學生學業表現有明顯關連性存在。家庭經濟情況較佳者,家庭投入較多的資源提供子女學習各種課外活動者對學業表現有較為正面向影響;而家庭經濟情況較差者與從未參加過任何課外學習活動者學業表現較差。 綜言之,本研究發現缺位型家庭、手足人數較多、家長採取較為忽略消極型的管教、親子之間發生外向性衝突、家長低教育職業背景、家庭經濟情況較差、以及家庭從未投入任何課外活動學習資源的學生為弱勢類型的學生;反之,完整型家庭、手足人數較少、家長採取較為積極關心管教、家長關心子女的學業及生活、家長教育職業背景較高、家庭經濟情況較佳、以及持續提供資源供給子女學習課外活動者為相對優勢的類型。同時,弱勢與優勢類型相較,前者明顯對學業表現有不利的影響。根據研究結論建議,相關的教育工作政策制定者及執行者,以及研究者應該投入更多的資源對家庭教育資源弱勢類型的學生進行補救及輔導,以達成社會正義的目標。 除了發現家庭教育資源與學業表現之間的關連性外,本研究在方法論上也突破先前研究對於資料測量層次造成的限制,嘗試經由近似性結構分析的方法,對類別性的資料進行類型學的分析,從而擴大了不同的資料分析方法及概念建構的可行性。 / This study analyzes the constitution structure of family educational resources of Taiwan arena Junior High School students and its connection with academic achievement of students. The secondary data is adapted from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). The goal of this study is to propose an explorative conceptual framework of family educational resources, and investigate the internal constitution structure of its different constitutional dimensions. This study tries to distinguish the relative advantage and disadvantage types of family educational resources by typology method and make a comparison on academic achievement between these different types. The results show that there are significant differences between the advantage and disadvantage types on academic achievement. Accordingly, the results support our proposed model and its connection with academic achievement of students. This study divide family educational resources into two different theoretical dimensions: economic and non-economic resources and subdivide the economic resources into two sub-dimensions of apparent and unapparent resources; subdivide the non-economic resources into four sub-dimensions of family constitution structure, family member interaction, parents involvement, and parents’ education and occupation. The methodology of this study is to analyze the constitutional structures of these sub-dimensions by proximities structure analysis. The results show that there are similarities structure patterns within the constitutional structures of family educational resources. Meanwhile, the results show that there are connections between the different types of family educational resources and academic achievement. Author summarizes the findings as follows: 1. The different types of residential arrangements, the absence of parents is a very crucial type and is very obviously connection with academic achievement. The number of siblings is also crucial to academic achievement. 2. Family members’ interaction is crucial to academic achievement; especially the discipline styles of parents are influential to achievement of their children; meanwhile, the different conflict types of parents and children are very different resources meanings per se. 3. The different educational involvement behaviors are influential to children’s academic achievement, but it depends on the types of behaviors. Parents’ educational involvements within family are influential to children’s achievement; parents’ education expectations to their children are influential to their children; parents’ involvements with school are not found significant connections with academic achievement. 4. The education and occupation backgrounds of parents are found to be a very crucial factor to their children’s achievement, low level background is negative to achievement, and high level background is positive to achievement. 5. Family economic resources whichever apparent or unapparent are crucial to children’s achievement. Those who are richer and invest more resources on extraclass learning are found positive correlation with achievement; those who are poorer and never invest any resources on extraclass learning are found negative correlation with achievement. To summarize, our research found that those who are parent absence, the number of siblings are more than three, parent’s discipline style is negative and ignored, extrovertive conflict between parents and children, low level of parents’ education and occupation background, the poor and the family never invest any resources on extraclass learning are the disadvantage type; in contrast, those who are parent are not absence, the number of siblings are less than two, parent’s discipline style are positive and concerned, parents concern about children’s learning, high level of parents education and occupation background, the richer and invest more on extraclass learning are advantage type. The two different types of family educational resources are different on academic achievement. The performances on academic achievement of the advantages are better than the disadvantages. For the ultimate goal of social justices, results suggest that the educational policy makers, the teachers and researchers should invest more resources on the disadvantages. In additions, this study penetrates the limitations of data measurement level which distract earlier researchers. By proximities structures analysis method, we analyze the categorical data with typology methodology, and enlarge the landscape of secondary data analysis and possibilities of construction of conceptual frameworks.

《古今和歌集》中戀歌之表現-以時間性之對照表現的觀點分析- / The Expression of Koinouta in “Kokinwakashuh” – an Approach to Contrastive Expression of Time –

林怡君, Lin, Yi Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
《古今和歌集》是最早的敕撰和歌集,於延喜五年(905年)成立,其編撰者為紀友則・紀貫之・凡河内躬恒・壬生忠岑。歌數約為一一一〇首,由二十巻構成。在卷別上,分為春(上下巻)・夏・秋(上下巻)・冬・賀・離別・羇旅・物名・恋(巻一~巻五)・哀傷・雑・雑体・大歌所御歌。歌風屬纖細優美。一一一〇首和歌之中,由四季歌(342首)及戀歌(360首)二大支柱構成,四季歌是依據季節的推移來排列。而戀歌是依戀愛的進行過程來排列,其排列被認定具有時間性之推移。因此,本論文將以《古今和歌集》的戀歌為對象,透過「晨與夜」「夢境與現實」「昔時與今日」等時間性之對照表現,來解析戀歌。 本論文首先將和歌分類,整理出同性質之和歌。其次,分析各類和歌中之對照表現,並考察各和歌中對照表現之意義。 本論文由六章構成,第一章論述研究目的等內容。第二章從和歌與戀歌的本質開始,探討《古今集》戀歌的本質及構成,並分析《古今集》戀歌中的時間特質。第三章以「晨與夜」的對照表現為中心。其中分為「特定的晨與夜」、「不特定的晨與夜」二個主題,來探討《古今集》戀歌中晨與夜的對照表現。第四章以「夢境與現實」為中心,其中分為「想於夢中相會」→「無法在夢境相會」→「夢中會面」→「現實中會面」→「無法再於夢境相會」等五個主題來探討。第五章是以「昔時與今日」為中心來分析。分為「相遇之前的昔時與相遇之後的今日」及「相愛的昔時與離別後的今日」二個主題,來考察歌中「昔時」與「今日」的對照表現。第六章是透過與《萬葉集》的比較,來釐清《古今和歌集》中時間性對照表現的角色與意義。 / “Kokinwakashuh” is the first waka collections that Japanese Emperor chose, and it was compiled around the year 905. The editors are Ki no Tsurayuki, Ki no Tomonori, Oshikochi Mitsune, and Mibu no Tadamine. The chapters are Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Congratulations, Partings, Travel, Acrostics, Love, Laments, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Forms, and Traditional Poems from the Bureau of Song. The style is courtly elegance of classical, disciplined beauty. In these 1100 poems, the four season Poems and ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) are two pillars. The Seasons Poems are arranged according to the transition of seasons. The ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) are arranged according to the process of love, and there is the transition of time in the arrangement. It is admitted that time is a critical factor in Poems of “Kokinshuh”. Therefore, the ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) of “Kokinwakashuh” is the subject in this thesis. The ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) are analyzed through the contrastive expression of time, like ‘morning and night’, ‘dream and reality’ and ‘past and present’. In this thesis, poems were classified first, and the homogeneous poems were put together. The contrast expression in the poems of each kind was analyzed, and the meaning of the contrast expression in each poem was investigated. This thesis consists of six chapters. The purpose of research was discussed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, the theory is progressed from the essence of the waka and the ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems). In the same chapter, essence and the composition of the ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) were examined, and the time characteristic in ‘koinouta’ (Love Poems) of “Kokinwakashuh” was analyzed. In Chapter 3, it centered on the contrast expression of ‘morning and night’. It is separated for two subjects, ‘specific morning and night’ and ’unspecific morning and night’. In Chapter 4, it centered on the contrast expression of ‘dream and reality’. It is separated for five subjects. In Chapter 5, it centered on the contrast expression of ‘past and present’. It is separated for two subjects. In Chapter 6, the role and the meaning of a time contrast expression in “Kokinwakashuh” were clarified through the comparison with “Manyoshuh”.

任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策影響效果之研究 / The study of the effect of task performance, contextual performance and adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision

簡博浩, Chien, Po Pao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的在探討工作績效理論中任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策的影響。研究一以「特定職位或職系適用」的角度,以業務經理為標的,運用實驗法以影片模擬實驗法的三因子實驗設計來進行,以233位企業主管為受試對象。研究二以「跨職位適用」的角度,運用調查法以150位主管選取一位部屬來評量三種工作績效表現。兩個研究結果顯示,任務性及脈絡性績效表現如過去研究結論一致,對主管獎酬決策有影響;適應性績效表現亦對主管獎酬決策有影響。透過實驗法驗證,適應性績效表現與脈絡性績效表現的交互效果對主管獎酬決策有影響;但與任務性績效表現的交互效果則是不存在的。透過調查法驗證,在任務越複雜的工作,脈絡性績效表現及適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策的正向關係則越強。在研究三中,針對上述研究結論及實務應用,以兩個職務屬性為干擾效果,發現顧客接觸需求程度及任務相互依賴性越高的職位,適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策的關係就越強。 本論文之研究延伸工作績效內涵,驗證適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策有其影響。並以三個不同的研究來驗證假說,從不同的職務適用觀點及研究方法的角度,更具理論及實務的價值。 / The current research aims to examine how adaptive performance, contextual performance and task performance correlate supervisory reward decision. The study employed the methods of survey and laboratory experiments and virtually comprises three parts. In Part One, from the perspective of specific occupations or job families, 233 manager subjects were recruited to view a previously-videotaped simulated sales executive’s job performance and give rating afterwards in terms of his task performance, contextual performance, and adaptive performance. In Part Two, from the perspective of applicable across jobs, 150 manager subjects randomly chose one of their subordinates and rated his/her task, contextual and adaptive performance. The findings in either Study 1 or Study 2 were congruent with results of previous research, which indicated not only the main effects of task and contextual performance but also (that of) adaptive performance affected supervisory reward decision. In addition, the experiment study justified that the interactional effects of adaptive and contextual performance were crucial factors to modify the supervisory reward decision, while the field study illustrated how employees’ contextual and adaptive performances reinforced supervisory reward decision especially when task complexity were taken into consideration. In Study 3, based on the former findings and practical application, we found that a job position of high customer-contact requirements and high task interdependence significantly strengthened the correlation between adaptive performance and supervisory reward decision. This study not only endorses the essentiality of job performance but also testifies effect of adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision. Moreover, this study, using different methodologies, has extended theory and provided practical implications.


郭恆祺 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區近十年來大型火災死傷頻傳。每逢相關事件發生,大眾媒介總會增加版面或時段擴大報導。而過去研究針對此類災難報導的社會功能評價不一,認為其雖可協助社會大眾了解環境風險,但報導內容有時亦過度強調危險,未來應蒐集更多相關資料以滿足讀者知的權利。本研究之動機與目的,即在觀察災難事件中消息來源與議題類型的關聯性,藉以了解媒介之議題建構過程與特徵。 過去有關消息來源研究多著重與媒介之關係,研究取徑常著重討論哪些消息來源有較多機會接近媒介,或掌握社會權力詮釋社會事象,而議題建構過程之研究則多觀察議題之類別、產生要素和影響機制,以了解不同議題彼此競爭以詮釋媒體或社會真實的機會多寡。本研究認為單從「消息來源」或「議題內容」進行觀察,殊難呈現議題整體建構過程的重要性。根據文獻探討可知,社會議題之建構成功與否,須視媒介是否尋找足夠消息來源詮釋事件因果、進行社會爭論與批評、並提出解決問題以引起大眾之問題意識。社會學家Beck即指出,媒介透過挑選消息來源與議題重點,因而影響了「災難」這類社會問題的定義。由此可知,消息來源和議題兩者似須同時觀察討論,方能了解事件建構的整體過程。 而災難事件正包含豐富之消息來源與議題,適合作為本研究主題。但有關災難報導之研究不多,相關研究曾發現媒介多選擇官方、警方及專家(科學、法律學者)為主要消息來源,而議題內容多以受災反應、受災衝擊情況及檢討責任歸屬為主。 本研究以上述理論推導為基礎,合併「消息來源」和「議題」與「生命週期」三者為研究架構,觀察災難報導之議題建構特徵,並以《中國時報》及《聯合報》有關「衛爾康餐廳大火」(民國84年2月16日至3月15日)之純淨新聞中有關消息來源之引述內容進行文本分析,歸納巨命題並進行編碼與製圖;以下是研究問題及主要研究結果。 1. 在災難新聞報導中,各種消息來源類型主要提供哪些議題? 研究發現,兩報多偏向找尋「評論/涉入者」作為主要引述之消息來源,「當事人」之頻次則偏低。而議題類型出現頻次以「責任歸屬及調查」與「其他」議題為主,「災禍現場描述與逃生情況」與「災因與傷亡損失等檢討」出現頻次最少。在事件發展過程中,消息來源角色所提出之議題類型多與其採取之行動情節相近。 2. 在新聞報導之事件發展過程中,各類消息來源出現是否有其順序與消長? 本研究發現,在事件發展過程中之消長順序在兩家報紙中皆以「當事人」為首日主要引述消息來源,但其出現機會隨即快速減少。接棒之消息來源在整體事件中則往往成為主要引述角色。 3. 在新聞報導之事件發展過程中,個別議題出現是否有順序與消長? 本研究發現,兩報之議題類型長順序皆為「災禍現場描述與逃生情況」→「責任歸屬與調查」及「其他」→各項議題交互出現→「責任歸屬與調查」→「其他」。 4. 不同消息來源所提供的議題是否也有不同消長順序? 「當事人」所涉及之主要議題類型,依序為「災禍現場描述與逃生狀況」與「救援及善後行動」。「處理者」所涉及之主要議題類型順序,兩報均為「災禍現場描述與逃生狀況」與「救援及善後行動」為主要議題,而以「責任歸屬與調查」及「其他」議題為後續主要議題。「評論/涉入者」皆以「責任歸屬與調查」及「其他」為各階段主要議題,以「責任歸屬與調查」為事件結尾之主要議題。

社會閒散與社會彌補之探討 / Social Loafing and Social Compensation

呂錦智, Lu, Chin-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
團體合作的情境對人們工作表現的影響究竟是利抑或是弊?在以往的研究結果大多支持團體合作對人們具有不良的影響,亦即個人在團體中工作會產生偷懶的行為,而且隨著團體愈大,個人的努力程度會愈趨下降,社會心理學家稱之為「社會閒散」現象。然而 Williams 與 Karau(1991)卻發現當工作意義度高且預期到同伴的表現不佳時,團體合作的情境反而會有正面的影響,亦即此時人們會因為重視團體的表現反而較單獨一人時更加努力工作,以彌補同組夥伴表現的不足,故Williams 等人稱之為「社會彌補」現象。此兩種現象均可能發生於團體合作的情境下,但社會彌補現象對組織而言是最有利的,因此若能更進一步地瞭解,則當能有助於組織人力資源的管理及提高組織的生產力。故本研究的目的主要在於以初探的角度,來探討除 Williams 等人所提的條件外,是否存在其他可能的因素會影響社會彌補現象的發生,並再次驗證社會閒散的現象。現象對組織而言是最有利的,因此若能更進一步地瞭解,則當能有助於組織人力資源 的管理及提高組織的生產力。故本研究的目的主要在於以初探的角度,來探討除 Williams 等人所提的條件外,是否存在其他可能的因素會影響社會彌補現象的發生,並再次驗證社會閒散的現象。 本研究採實驗室實驗法,以 180 位大學部同學為受試,並將實驗情境控制在中等意義度的情況下,操弄四個自變項:(1)工作情境(團體組、個別組);(2)知覺低能力同伴(有、無);(3)人際親疏度(親密、疏遠);(4)團體滲透性(高、低)。但因知覺低能力同伴、人際親疏度及團體滲性均無法在個別組中操弄,故本研究採用不完全受試者間實驗設計(2 x 2 x 2 +1),來分析各組受試在腦力激盪作業上的表現。本研究結果發現不論知覺低能力同伴與否、人際關係親疏及團體滲透性高低,團體組的受試者在從事腦力激盪這種勞心性的作業時,與個別組的受試者在工作表現上並無顯著的差異,亦即並未發現所有自變項的主要效果及交互作用,也未能證 實驗社會彌補及社會閒散現象。最後研究者針對上述的結果探討可能發生的原因,並檢討研究的限制及提出未來研究的建議。 / Most of previous research had supported the social loafing phenomenon, which suggested that people will tend to spend less effort when working collectively than working alone. However, Williams and Karau (1991) suggested people will work harder collectively than alone when they expect their co-workers to perform poorly on a meaningful task, which they named "social compensation". In thispresent study we try to eximine this two phenomenon via people work either collectively or alone on a medium meaningful task ( brainstorming task ). Subjects were 74 male and 106 female collage students. The results show that neither consciousness of low ability co-worker ( feedback, non- feedback ), group relationships ( roommate, stranger ) nor group permeability ( open, close ) is associated with subject's performance when they work collectively. In addition,the performance of collective group is the same as alone group (basic contrastgroup ). In other words, the results fail to support either social loafing orsocial compensation phenomenon. Ss' performance has no significant differenceamong nine experiment conditions. Discussion and suggestions are included.

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