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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳志堅, Wu, Chih-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
一般企業所採用的資本預算方法為傳統的現金流量折現法(DCF),其中最常見的為淨現值法(NPV)、內部報酬率法(IRR)。單純的使用傳統的資本預算評估方式來評估投資計畫,似乎不能根據環境的變遷、景氣的循環而對投資計畫做適度的修正,因此可能根據傳統資本預算評估方式的決策法則做出錯誤的決定,喪失不少好的投資機會。此時如果可以加入實質選擇權(Real Options)的觀念,或許能夠彌補傳統評估方式的不足。 因此,本研究主要以Trigeorgis所提出來的對數轉換二項式模型來作為評價實質選擇權的工具。此架構說明了可以針對投資計畫的特性,求算出該投資計畫所包含下列各種型態之實質選擇權,並可同時考慮各實質選擇權間的交互影響(interaction)的情形。再來承襲Trigeorgis(1996)的研究架構,分析了這些實質選擇權間,兩兩發生交互作用的原因以及其交互作用影響的情形。 按照傳統的NPV法來計算,此投資計畫的NPV為新台幣23.79億元,但是傳統的NPV法忽略了投資計畫本身所有的「彈性」的價值,我們在這裡分析出此投資計畫具有規模擴大的選擇權為新台幣65.64億元,大於傳統NPV法所計算出來的23.79億元。本研究將Trigeorgis(1991)的理論基礎帶到目前台灣最具競爭力的半導體產業中,藉此評估南亞科技公司晶圓二廠的投資計畫,並考慮其產業特性、分析了該投資計畫所具有實質選擇權的種類及價值。本研究結合了理論基礎與實務,也給予了後續研究者作為評估投資計畫的依據。 所以本研究將用來分析在一個半導體廠的投資計劃裡,根據高科技產業特性,評估此投資計劃包含了有哪幾種類型的實質選擇權,並且分別求算出它們的直正價值,和以傳統的NPV法來做個比較,期望能給經營管理者在決策評估上一個參考與依據。

「亞太媒體中心計畫」之公共傳播宣導策略研究--兼論發展環境分析 / Strategies of Social Marketing and Communication Campaign for the Asia - Pacific Media Center Plan

姜愛苓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國所提出的「亞太媒體中心計畫」之內涵與媒賤發展環境中的優劣勢,並按此進一步發展該計畫的社會行銷暨宣導策略。本研究透過德懷術研究(Delphi Method),以40位的產、官、學三類專家群為對象,進行專家訪談與兩回的問卷調查,藉由其對「亞太媒選中心」內涵的認知與發展環境的評估,歸納在推展該計畫的過程中,宣導者應對目標對象採取何種宣導策略才能使宣導效果極大化。 整體而言,專家群認為自由化與國際化是「亞太媒體中心計畫」最重要的內涵。所以,促使媒體產品與傳輸通道的國際化,並使產業內的人才、資訊、設備及資金能自由流動,以達成跨媒體、跨產業及跨國界的合作,是專家群最大的期許。對我國來說,應選擇影視媒體為長期發展重心,華語節目仍是其中最優勢的利基,故短期以亞太地區的華話市場為目標市場,中期推及全球華語市場;長期則擴展至全球市場,不受語系限制。 在媒體發展環境方面,我國有助媒體產業發展的優勢是關乎華文、產業活力、科技、經濟、人才、及自由的民主政治體制六方面;而劣勢落在政策穩定性、市場生態。媒體內部人才與預算、土地取得及英語程度不足五方面。 最後,透過Kotler & Roberto(1989)的行銷管理過程,和Solomon(1989)的社會行銷執行步驟,綜合歸納德懷術問卷的最後修訂結果,提出「亞太媒體中心計支之社會行銷暨宣導策略」。分述(一)「亞太媒體中心計畫莖」所處的社會行銷環境;(二)目標群的選擇:包含宣導運動的目標層級(注意-理解、知悉、記憶-行動),及閱聽人分眾策略(政府、業者、學者-立委、記者-民眾);(三)擬定社會行銷策略:決定採取積極自我行銷的手法,切入大型的核心影視產業;(四)企釗社會行銷組合:確立自由化與國際化的定位,以我國的優勢環境為產品,加強說明計王的內涵、商機、現今的法令規定與優惠獎勵措施,並對不同的目標對象採用不同的宣導管道;至於(五)執行與評估行銷成果方面,仍可維持目前政府機構的組織運作,但應增加與民間企業的合作,以求本身能更專注於總體環境工程的營造。 歷經整個研究過程之後,分理論與實務兩方面提出啟示與建議。在理論方面:(一)社會行銷理論於混合性產品上(兼具營利與非營利特性)的適用性有待審慎考量;(二)影視產品在文化意識與商業利益之間擺盪,增加了推動上的限制。 在實務方面:(一)對政府部門的啟示包括(1)規劍單位首當著重於總體環境的改造;(2)保持法令制度上的彈性,以原則綱領取代施行細則;(3)加強政府內部單位的教育宣導,以期提高行政效率;(4)加強對外的宣導工作,多利用大眾傳播媒介,並設立迅速暢通的回饋系統;(5)加強與民間的交流聯繫,注重全民知的權利;(6)注意中國大陸在華語媒體市場中的競爭力。(二)對業者的啟示是(1)成立正式或非正式的組織,加強業界聯繫,提出政策建言; (2)媒體園區正式運作後,業者間可成立管理委員會;(3)相信政府的政策,保持溝通接觸的意願。(三)對媒體記者的啟示(1)持續關心重大政策,監督進度與發展。 對於未來研究的展望,本研究的建議如下:(一)從不同的理論去看待宣導單位與目標群之間的關係,可加入公關理論的討論與應用。(二)將不同性質的政府宣導議題間,做橫向水平的比較,如選擇交通安全、家庭計益、心靈改革等活動,確定貨體產品和無形勞務在宣導策略上的差異;或可進行效果評估,找出政策類型與的傳播宣導方式之間的關聯。(三)由於「亞太媒體中心計畫」是一長期的規劃,所以可以在日後重複目前的研究,或是僅專注於目標群滿意程度的調查,為不同的目標群規劍更細緻的傳播方式。 本論文亦位於http://www,digicor,com/joel。承蒙研究所堯庭同學幫助,特此盛謝。 / Based on the theories of public communication campaign and social marketing, a promoter could synthesize the notes of principal ingredients-who, say what, to whom, in which channel, with what effect (Lasswell, 1948)-while designing a communication campaign. In this research, they are also the foundations for further interviews with professionals and designing the main questionnaire. Through Delphi Method and a two-stage questionnaire survey, the purpose of this research is to clarity the priorities of developmental objectives of Asia-Pacific Media Center, and the proper campaign strategies. The results of this survey show that our strengths include Mandarin popularity, the energy of video industry, technology foundations, economic stability, plentiful human resource and democratic regime. But our weaknesses fall on the insufficiency of policy stability, market guidelines, programme budget, land cost and English using as well. According to Kotler and Roberto's social marketing management process(1989), and Solomon's several important concepts of design and implementation of social campaigns (1989), I turned the final results of questionnaire into the“strategies of social marketing and communication campaign”for Asia-Pacific Media Center plan. All of the strategies were described step by step, including (1) social marketing environment, (2) target audience research (campaign objectives and audience segmentation), (3) social marketing strategies (the markets involved and campaign spirit), (4) social marketing mix (positioning, product, price, messages, and promotion channels), and (5) executing and evaluating marketing efforts. After the whole research being done, I proposed some suggestions in two phases as the following. In theoretical phase: (1) To consider the adaptability of social marketing theory in profit/nonprofit products carefully. (2) To face the value of video industries and products wagging between cultural ideology and commercial benefit which increase the limitations of implementation. In Practical Phase: First, for Government (1) To concentrate their efforts on creating a good macro environment when making plans (2) To maintain the flexibility of laws and regulations-principal outlines are much more important than executing steps. (3) To strengthen the knowledge and significance of this cross-century plan among the departments of the government and to increase the efficiency of administration (4) To increase the external campaigns through mass media as a cost-saving way in order to keep all target audience informed immediately (5) To strengthen the contact with the public and respect people's right to know (6) To track the competition of Mainland China in the Chinese media markets. Secondly, for media enterprises (1) To set up formal or informal organizations to tighten the bounds among the video industries, and to be a proper adviser in government decision-making process (2) To establish a management committee responsible for executive work and campaign planning after the media park being built (3) To trust the policies made by the government and to be willing to communicate with the government. Finally, for reporters (1) To keep an eye on major government policies and to supervise the process and development continuously. As to the prospect of future study, the suggestions are as follows: (1) To view the relationship between the promoter and target audience from different kinds of theories, which could take the theory of public relation into consideration (2) To make horizontal comparisons of different kinds of issues promoted by the government, such as traffic safety, family plan, etc. to ensure the differences of promotion strategies in solid products and invisible service (3) To repeat this kind of research in the future since the Plan of Asia-Pacific Media Center is a long-term plan, or to concentrate on the satisfaction survey of target audience only in order to propose delicate communication methods for different levels of target audience.

原住民社區之公民參與研究--以清泉風景區計畫為例 / Citizen participation in the indigenous coummunity: a case study on the Qingquan scenic area project

何筱筠, Ho, Hsiao Yun Unknown Date (has links)
On August 25, 2004, Taiwan was hit by Typhoon Aere which caused great damage in Taoshan Village Wufong Township in Hsinchu County. Later that year, in order to reconstruct Wufong Township and promote tourism, the Hsinchu County Government proposed the “Second Overall Review of the Qingquan Scenic Area Project”. The residents of Taoshan Village are aborigines. Many factors hinder aborigines from participating in the development of public policy, including incompleteness of information, weakness of mobilization, and cultural differences. This study is a case study of Taoshan Village, Wufong Township, and interviews local residents, resident representatives, and government officials. Through the case study, the thesis aims to develop an understanding of the process of citizen participation of the indigenous people in Wufong Township during the Second Overall Review of the Qingquan Scenic Area Project and to analyze the difficulties in implementing citizen participation during the process of urban planning. The results of the research show that the citizen participation system outlined in the existing urban planning regulations cannot be effectively implemented in the indigenous regions. As a result, the residents have a very limited influence on decision-making. In addition, the study also finds that a lack of citizen participation in the early stages of urban planning led to some problems. Finally, based on the findings and results, this study provides suggestions on policy in hopes that citizen participation can be implemented effectively in indigenous regions.

iChina Forum 企業計畫 / iChina Forum Business Plan

何蘇埃, Josue Daniel Herrera Mayen Unknown Date (has links)
It has been said that the XXI century is the century of people; social media, web2.0 applications and other technology breakthroughs have made the world every single day a smaller place. iChina forum takes advantage of all available existing technology to provide seasoned China experts with a platform that help them share their knowledge with the world. Our purpose is to enhance the mutual understanding between east and west towards and harmonic future. This business plan explains how through the use of open source development tools, a network of partnerships and social media marketing a low cost internet startup is possible.

都市計畫農業區多功能性績效管制機制之探討 / A study on multifunction and performance zoning mechanism for agricultural zone in urban planning district

江瑞如 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來不論係都市計畫主管機關或農業主管機關,皆視都市計畫農業區為都市發展之預備用地,故對其採取寬鬆且開放之管制方式,導致農業區成為都市成長過程中被侵吞的對象,進而形成諸多待解決之課題與困境。然而,在氣候變遷且能源耗竭的今日,都市計畫農業區之劃設有其價值與必要性,即農業區不僅具基本的生產功能,更具開放空間、調節氣候、文化景觀與自然環境等多功能性(Multifunctionality) ,故都市計畫農業區之現況著實無法回應都市實際需求與全球因應氣候變遷之潮流,而為喚起人們重視都市計畫農業區之多功能價值,本研究認為必須重新予以定位並界定其多功能性。 承上所述,都市計畫農業區因具有多功能特性,且實有存在之必要性,故如何確保其多功能性之發揮亦極為重要。都市計畫農業區需要一個積極、具有彈性且重視基地環境與容受力之機制加以調整,而績效管制其特性即為一種極具有力量的管理系統,其考量土地利用效率、環境永續發展、社會公平性與減少外部成本之目標下,以績效管制項目取代僵化的容許使用項目並保護環境脆弱地區,提升計畫方案設計之品質,但同時給予每個基地更多彈性,進而執行與完成計畫以達成規劃之目標。因此,本研究認為都市計畫農業區急需引入績效管制機制,以管理於農業區上活動時產生之負面外部性,並發揮多功能特性之外部效益,同時解決傳統使用分區管制缺失等現況課題。又,研究目的可分為兩項,即:1.藉由重新界定都市農地之定位與多功能性,確認都市計畫農業區之存在價值與必要性,並保護重要且具永續性之農地再生資源;2.建立績效管制機制以確保都市農地多功能性之發揮,並研擬後續相關配套與改善措施,提供政府於規劃與管理都市計畫農業區時之參考。 綜合文獻回顧、理論基礎、國外個案之分析探討與專家學者問卷調查結果,本研究得到之結論,包含:1.確立農地保護理念;2.都市計畫農業區應明確定位;3.都市計畫農業區績效管制機制之建構。而研究結果之建議則有五點,即:1.訂定農地上位計畫並加強空間規劃;2.相關法令檢討與修正並確實執行法規內容;3.都市計畫農業區專案通盤檢討與劃定功能特性;4.制定都市計畫農業區績效管制規則與監測管理系統;5.加強政府之間及對民眾之溝通與宣導。

買菜媽媽網-新創代買菜服務網站商業計畫 / eShoppingMum.com–A new grocery shopping service business plan

張賢鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
現代人生活越來越忙碌,且夫妻皆在工作已是一個普遍的現象,然而許多生活中的雜事並不會因此減少,仍需要花時間處理。除了時間的缺乏之外,新世代的年輕人也缺乏處理生活雜事的經驗,因此處理起來更加的沒有效率,成果通常也不太好。一個最佳的例子就是買菜,在沒時間又不太會買菜的情況下,大部分消費者就選擇外食,或者買菜時只能憑感覺和外觀隨意選購,因而犧牲了健康與生活品質。 本研究將利用雲端理念與資訊科技,與整合社會上閒置人力資源的概念,設計出一個創新的代買菜服務工作,來協助消費者減少生活瑣事的負擔,或解決年輕消費者面對買菜工作的困擾。而此新創服務,除了要讓消費者減少家庭生活瑣事的負擔,同時也保證服務產出的品質,並且讓顧客僅需要支付合理的代價,避免顧客為了使用服務,反而得花更多的時間工作賺取金錢,違背源頭宗旨。 論文內容將以商業計畫書之型式,來評估上述的創新服務與營運模式,在技術與流程設計、市場行銷、和財務分析等三個關鍵的營運考量上,是否具有可執行性和商業價值。也透過此計畫書,說明一個新創網站企業,在實際的商業市場中,將營運模式概念,轉化為實際企業時所需要的工作計畫與考量。

外來高階人才與中國的經濟發展 / Foreign Talents and Economic Development of China

楊婷惠 Unknown Date (has links)
Because of the potential power and rapid economic development, China currently not only has been one of the world’s top exporters, but also endeavors to attract a lot of foreign investments and talents. Beside, currently more and more Taiwanese have jobs in China. Under these circumstances, what I want to research is to explore how China government attracts foreign talents for assisting its economic development. Compared with other seven countries, the issue of attracting foreign talents for China would be new so that I decided to choose several represent countries from North America, Europe, and Asia regions for having further exploration on how different countries attract foreign talents to assist their countries’ economic development. The study found the contribution of most foreign talents in China would focus on the main five industries—electronic information, biomedicine, advanced manufacturing, new materials’ field, resource and environment, and emerging saving and new energies. Rapid economic development has caused the urgent talents’ need in China. In this regard, both of China central and local governments have been triggered on developing and coordinating more comprehensive policies of attracting foreign talents than before. Due to national economic development goals, especially in high-skilled and high-end industries, to attract international student and to relax immigration regulation have been the important tools of attracting and retaining foreign talents. However, what suggestion the study would like to give is that the government should notice the unbalanced incentives provided between foreign and domestic talents. Otherwise, the government may play as a role of forcing domestic talents creating their careers overseas.


邱品方 Unknown Date (has links)
市地重劃對都市發展而言具有許多正面的效益,如提高土地價值、利於公共設施的儘速完成、解決政府重大徵購土地及工程建設的財政負荷,更可藉此推動都市更新,大幅提昇人民生活環境。市地重劃按理說應受到民眾的支持與歡迎,然而實施的結果,並未符合大多數民眾的期望或利益,市地重劃雖具有許多優點,惟若執行不當也可能造成許多弊病。 本研究以衝突管理理論為基礎,經由分析一個實際執行案例,從執行過程中所發生之衝突問題進行探討,並分別對區內土地所有權人及政府行政部門人員利用問卷調查方式瞭解市地重劃開發,可能引發民眾抗爭或衝突議題及其原因,以及政府部門辦理市地重劃在專業分工與部門成見及事權不統一無法整合等問題,並就現行市地重劃業務執行程序等相關階段,將其原因歸納為三個面向(意識形態之衝突、權力結構之衝突及經濟利益之衝突)加以分析及檢討。 本研究的結論如下: 1. 研究結果顯示,土地所有權人認為最易引起爭議而產生衝突之原因分別為重劃辦理期間過長、施工期間造成民眾生活極大干擾與衝擊,以及重劃負擔比例過高與預期利益有偏差等項;而政府部門受訪者則認為都市計畫與通盤檢討未能配合實際需要,以及土地所有權人對重劃土地分配區位不滿意為造成衝突之主因。對於衝突化解方式,以透過協調、協商及加強政策宣導讓民眾充分瞭解計畫內容等為雙方所認同與接受之方式。另對於政府辦理重劃業務事權無法整合的原因,主要關鍵在各單位本位主義作崇,缺乏横向連繫,以及政府組織分工太過僵硬,缺乏調整性等。有鑑於此,本研究提出一套預防衝突的機制,藉由雙向溝通模式,透過組織的運作,將上下雙方意見進行整合,以期在市地重劃辦理的各個階段,將衝突發生的機會減至最低。 2. 本研究企圖建立市地重劃衝突解決模式,從衝突的認知及接受、分析衝突的本質與環境、建立雙向溝通管道、擬定衝突管理策略,到事後的觀察與檢討作一歸納探討,並提出相關配套措施,作為日後政府辦理市地重劃工作之參考。 關鍵字:都市計畫、市地重劃、衝突解決模式


游富勝 Unknown Date (has links)

實施「國中補救教學師資精進計畫」之分析--以新北市國中國文科為例 / A study of the effectiveness of the Education Opportunity and Quality Enhancement for Disadvantaged Students Program in New Taipei City’s junior high schools

佘承宗 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「實施國中補救教學師資精進計畫之分析—以新北市國中國文科為例」為主題,旨在探究新北市政府與國立臺灣師範大學共同合作之國中補救教學師資精進計畫之現況、困境及相關建議。資料蒐集主要採取文件分析法及訪談法,結論如下: 一、參與教師年資偏低、正式教師比例僅佔一半,教師延續參加的比例偏低。 二、教師肯定師訓之精神及其辦理成效,但對偏遠學校有交通不便的困擾,也會干擾教師本身工作之進行。 三、教師能學會補救教學相關專業知能,並能活用教學技巧於其他教學場域,但備課時間過長成為教師之負擔。 四、學生學習成效在動機及語文能力部分有所進步,但很難有立即的成效。 五、政策本身缺乏強制性,造成在學生編班、教師招募、行政執行上有所困難。 最後依據研究結果提出具體建議,提供教育行政機關、學校及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to investigate the topic-the analysis of qualified teachers of the EOQEDS' implementation. Take the major subject of Chinese Literature as an example. The main point is to discuss the current situation, difficulties and suggestions of the EOQEDS cooperated by New Taipei City Government and National Taiwan Normal University. The methods of data collection are adopted by the analysis of documentary and interview survey and the results are as follows: 1.Participating teachers have less seniority; the proportion of formal teachers is only half of the group; the proportion of teachers continuing participating in the group is relatively low. 2.Teachers agree with the spirit of EOQEDS and with the effect of EOQEDS' practice. However, teachers working in remote schools are sometimes annoyed by the inconvenient transportation problems, which may also interfere the process of teaching. 3.Teachers can acquire knowledge related to remedial teaching and utilize skills of teaching to other education fields, but it is a burden that preparation of teaching sources and materials takes too much long time. 4.The effects of the student’s learning are promoted on the motivation and the abilities of the literature, but it takes too long time to be revealed. 5.Policies themselves lack power of compulsory. As a result, it is difficult to group students into class, to hire teachers, and to execute education administration. According to the results, this study provides the conclusion and the suggestions particularly for the institution of educational administration, junior high schools and the research in the future.

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