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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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運用記憶體內運算於智慧型健保院所異常查核之研究 / A Research into In-Memory Computing Techniques for Intelligent Check of Health-Insurance Fraud

湯家哲, Tang, Jia Jhe Unknown Date (has links)
我國全民健保近年財務不佳,民國98年收支短絀達582億元。根據中央健康保險署資料,截至目前為止,特約醫事服務機構違規次數累積達13722次。在所有重大違規事件中,大部分是詐欺行為。 健保審查機制主要以電腦隨機抽樣,再由人工進行調查。然而,這樣的審查方式無法有效抽取到違規醫事機構之樣本,造成審查效果不彰。 Benford’s Law又稱第一位數法則,其概念為第一位數的值越小則該數字出現的頻率越大,反之相反。該方法被應用於會計、金融、審計及經濟領域中。楊喻翔(2012)將Benford’s Law相關指標應用於我國全民健保上,並結合機器學習演算法來進行健保異常偵測。 Zaharia et al. (2012)提出了一種具容錯的群集記憶內運算模式 Apache Spark,在相同的運算節點及資源下,其資料運算效率及速度可勝出Hadoop MapReduce 20倍以上。 為解決健保異常查核效果不彰問題,本研究將採用Benford’s Law,使用國家衛生研究院發行之健保資料計算成為Benford’s Law指標和實務指標,接著並使用支援向量機和邏輯斯迴歸來建構出異常查核模型。然而健保資料量龐大,為加快運算時間,本研究使用Apache Spark做為運算環境,並以Hadoop MapReduce作為標竿,比較運算效率。 研究結果顯示,本研究撰寫的Spark程式運算時間能較MapReduce快2倍;在分類模型上,支援向量機和邏輯斯迴歸所進行的住院資料測試,敏感度皆有80%以上;而所進行的門診資料測試,兩個模型的準確率沒有住院資料高,但邏輯斯迴歸測試結果仍保有一定的準確性,在敏感度仍有75%,整體正確率有73%。 本研究使用Apache Spark節省處理大量健保資料的運算時間。其次本研究建立的智慧型異常查核模型,確實能查核出違約的醫事機構,而模型所查核出可能有詐欺及濫用健保之醫事機構,可進行下階段人工調查,最終得改善健保查核效力。 / Financial condition of National Health Insurance (NHI) has been wretched in recent years. The income statement in 2009 indicated that National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) was in debt for NTD $58.2 billion. According to NHIA data, certain medical institutions in Taiwan violated the NHI laws for 13722 times. Among all illegal cases, fraud is the most serious. In order to find illegal medical institutions, NHIA conducted random sampling by computer. Once the data was collected, NHIA investigators got involved in the review process. However, the way to get the samples mentioned above cannot reveal the reality. Benford's law is called the First-Digit Law. The concept of Benford’s Law is that the smaller digits would appear more frequently, while larger digits would occur less frequently. Benford’s Law is applied to accounting, finance, auditing and economics. Yang(2012) used Benford’s Law in NHI data and he also used machine learning algorithms to do fraud detection. Zaharia et al. (2012) proposed a fault-tolerant in-memory cluster computing -Apache Spark. Under the same computing nodes and resources, Apache Spark’s computing is faster than Hadoop MapReduce 20 times. In order to solve the problem of medical claims review, Benford’s Law was applied to this study. This study used NHI data which was published by National Health Research Institutes. Then, we computed NHI data to generate Benford’s Law variables and technical variables. Finally, we used support vector machine and logistics regression to construct the illegal check model. During system development, we found that the data size was big. With the purpose of reducing the computing time, we used Apache Spark to build computing environment. Furthermore, we adopted Hadoop MapReduce as benchmark to compare the performance of computing time. This study indicated that Apache Spark is faster twice than Hadoop MapReduce. In illegal check model, with support vector machine and logistics regression, we had 80% sensitivity in inpatient data. In outpatient data, the accuracy of support vector machine and logistics regression were lower than inpatient data. In this case, logistics regression still had 75% sensitivity and 73% accuracy. This study used Apache Spark to compute NHI data with lower computing time. Second, we constructed the intelligent illegal check model which can find the illegal medical institutions for manual check. With the use of illegal check model, the procedure of medical claims review will be improved.


鈴木, 繁夫 12 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:08610537 研究代表者:鈴木 繁夫 研究期間:1996-1997年度

兩人團隊創意交融系絡之比較個案研究 / Creative collaboration within two-person teams: A comparative case study

樊學良, Fan, Hsueh Liang Unknown Date (has links)
「兩人」是團隊組成的最小單位,回顧人類社會經濟活動的發展,許多重要的創新,經常是從兩人團隊開始。特別是以創意為核心的任務或作為,更易於以兩人為基礎,個別尋覓契合自我價值觀、專業能力,和人格特質的合作搭檔。雖然兩人團隊是人類社會經濟活動的常態,存在著重要的學理和實務意涵需要探討;但是,目前有關兩人團隊的文獻仍不多見。本研究的目的,即在回應此一文獻缺口,探討兩人團隊創意交融的系絡。 研究採取比較個案研究法,以八個兩人設計團隊進行半結構的深度訪談,正式研究前則進行了兩個前導個案的研究。經彙整訪談逐字稿之文本分析內容後,本研究有三個主要發現。第一,兩人設計團隊創意協作的歷程,從成員對產品核心概念的探索開始,之後會經歷共同建構創意、精緻化創意和實踐創意等過程。而產品核心概念的頓悟,通常是兩人在相近的問題意識下,從參與共享的情境當中浮現。此一情境浮現之頓悟並不專屬哪一方,但又必須仰賴兩人共同參與情境而獲得。第二,友誼是促進兩人設計團隊發展交融記憶系統的重要因素,友誼不僅帶動了兩人從玩票接案到正式形成團隊,同時也在團隊運作過程中,增強交融記憶系統本身的能量。第三,成員會透過不同形式的溝通互動,促進資訊的交流並精緻彼此的創意,這些形式包括了競爭型互動、合作型互動,和基於玩興的互動。 整體而言,本研究拓展了吾人對於兩人團隊及其創意交融的理解,也對團隊經營和團隊創意管理的實務有所貢獻。團隊發展實務上,可培養交融記憶系統成為團隊賴以運作的核心能耐,並透過成員共同參與情境的方式,營造有利於兩人從事創意交融活動的場域。 / ‘Two person’ is a basic unit of the composition of a team. Looking back on the historical development of the social and economic activities of the human, many radical innovations were often invented by two-person teams. Especially, creative workers, based on the two-person team structure, are more likely to search for the right partner that whose vision, value, expertise, and personality are best fit with each other. Despite the research on two-person team could provide valuable theoretical and practical implications for team literature; very little attention has given to such phenomena. Using a multi-case of eight two-person design teams, this dissertation explores the creative collaboration within the two-person teams. Through the qualitative analysis of the data, this dissertation provides three major findings. First, the creative collaboration processes within the two-person team contain four stages which begin exploring the core concept of the product. Then, team members collectively co-construct, elaborate and execute the core concept of the product. The insight of core concept of the product usually emerges from the two persons who have similar problem awareness and collectively engage in a shared context. This insight is not exclusive which party, but must rely on both sides to collectively engage in the shared context to develop. Second, friendship plays an important role for facilitating the development of the team’s transactive memory system (TMS). Friendship not only helps the two persons to build a team, help the team’s TMS function well in the team development processes. Third, members within the two-person team use three kinds of dialogue communication for exchanging information and elaborating creative ideas of the members. The three kinds of dialogue are: competitive dialogue, collaborative dialogue, and playfulness dialogue. Overall, this dissertation extends the current knowledge in management area about the creative collaboration within the two-person teams. Results of this dissertation also contribute to the management for two-person teams and the management of team members’ creative ideas. This dissertation suggests the two-person teams can build TMS as a team’s core capability and engage in shared contexts where beneficial for the creative collaboration.

政治受難者之受害地志工參與歷程—國家人權博物館個案研究 / The transformation and transcendence of the traumatic memories of White Terror as the surviving victims returned to the sites of terror to work as volunteer narrators. - the National Human Rights Museum for Case Study.

王逸群, Wang, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討的是,六十五年前台灣受過苦難的白色恐怖政治受難者重回受害地,成為人權博物館兩園區志工之傷痕記憶轉化歷程。此歷程從個人傷痕記憶著手,含括他們參與人權館說故事後的自我轉化,及轉化後對該館於臺灣社會實踐轉型正義中的角色扮演期待。探索個體與集體記憶是件困難的事,是故起點回到綠島、景美兩處受難地,幽暗無聲卻蘊含飽滿故事的場所,參觀者在此可認識歷史並感受他們受過的苦難。 研究動機肇始於,研究者觀察到不是每位經歷過苦難的人都能重回曾經的受害地,更遑論驅離自己內心的黑暗,點亮傳遞人權之火。很多人仍噤聲不語的生活,惟卻有幾十位受難者志工願意回到園區,說出自己的經歷。國家暴力導致之歷史事件,讓他們成為監獄受害地的一部分,監獄經過社會政治制度的轉變成為博物館,出獄多年後或遺忘或埋藏的人與事,當再進入博物館重見押房牆面留存舊時斑駁痕跡,便即喚起他們內心的傷痕記憶。情境讓記憶甦醒,園區成為說故事場所,他們說故事也觸動個人生命轉化。 研究對象以1950~1970年代十位不同意識型態受難者志工為主,研究者經過近兩年多長期間的相處觀察,與兩個多月訪談分析,看見與熟悉著不同受訪對象的情緒風貌,瞭解他們傷痕記憶的異與同,經歸納分析後,提出不同年代他們有所差異的傷痕記憶建構模式。 研究者更透過該等模式深刻瞭解,十個故事中個體與集體,彼此記憶交錯的幾種複雜情緒,與情緒及內心正面力量的交互作用;也分析不同傷痕故事中隱存之歷史脈絡,與脈絡及個體在過去所想、所看的當時集體社會狀態之關連。更獲知,另有一群受難者,有別於當下臺灣社會認知主流冤錯假案外之另類記憶。人與空間的複雜關係,在過去,如暗室囚禁的恐懼,強化傷痕記憶深植於受難者心中,此記憶並與實質囚房空間密切聯結著;時空改變後,現在,監獄囚室的受害場所內涵轉化為展示歷史的博物館,空間與傷痕感受聯結之記憶,便以故事形式於人權館再現。人權館成為受難者生命質變的場所,它讓他們說故事的意義變得不一樣,產生自我傷痕解構後的療癒結果,也對不同年代他們,不僅對自我,也對參觀者、更對台灣社會產生正面影響。 本研究發現,轉型正義必須從人開始,積極實踐的基礎則是,賦予社會生活中的每個人應重視人權教育,與點燃其探詢歷史真相的熱忱,及擁有維護社會公平正義的態度。除了前述實踐基礎發現外,受難者與人權館又促成另者改變,個體轉化後對群體社會狀態的正面影響,即參觀過該館的年輕人開始關注阻止身邊不正義的現象,與挺身制止違反公共道德的主動行為。此等個體與群體行為的改變,更強化受難者更積極投身人權館,促成該館公共性價值的形成,此價值是民主制度構成之關鍵核心原點,即是公民參與由下而上的集體動能。此動能再促使該館運作更符合社會各界期待,令它在台灣實踐轉型正義失落中,扮演還原歷史真相、教育思想傳遞的關鍵角色。 / This research was aimed to live through and to record the transformation and transcendence of the 65-year-old bitter, traumatic memories of White Terror as the surviving victims returned to the sites of terror, namely Green Island and Jingmei, now both divisions of Taiwanese National Human Rights Museum, to work as volunteer narrators. The records of this sublimation process started with the victims’ memories of sufferings, and as they began to voluntarily tell their own stories, they turned their personal traumas into eager expectations for the National Human Rights Museum to trigger the practice of transitional justice in the entire Taiwanese society. To explore every piece of individual as well as collective memory, both sites of terror, where gloomy silence used to haunt with heart-breaking stories untold, were repeatedly visited so that the painful history could be relived. For the rest of their lives, many victims of White Terror could only live in total silence, never to bring themselves back to the place of sufferings again, let alone lighting up the dark corners inside their hearts and passing on the torch of human rights. However, this study was motivated by the observation that several dozens of White Terror victims did come back to where they had been tortured to tell people their sad stories. In the Museum, every little trace on the walls of the preserved prison cells brings back these victims’ traumatic memories. As these victims relive their painful years in prison and share their stories, the Museum becomes a place where history is passed on and life is lifted up to a higher level. The subjects of this research were ten volunteers, each with a different ideology, who had been prisoned for political reasons during the 1950~1970 period. Through more than two years’ close observation as well as intensive depth interviews that spanned more than two months, the researcher was able to depict these storytellers’ deepest emotions and form a time-bound traumatic memory construction model after analyzing the similarities and differences of the interviewees’ traumatic memories. By applying the model developed, the researcher was able to detect several complicated emotions hidden behind intertwined individual/collective memories as well as some conflicting interactions between those dark emotions and certain positive energy inside. Meanwhile, the historical context could also be revealed by studying those traumatic stories, and so could the relation between the social status perceived by the individuals and the historical context at that time. Notably, this study also discovered that a certain group of White Terror victims actually bear in mind some alternative memories of fear that are off the mainstream and are distinct from the so-called cases of injustice. Dynamic relationships have always existed between human beings and space. In the past, fears towards the dark prison cells were planted deeply in the victims’ hearts. Yet, as the very site of persecution has been turned into a window for history display, the memories that used to connect the fear and the prison cells have now become stories that are passed on and on for the sake of human rights enhancement. The storytellers’ lives have thus sublimed, for the repeated actions of storytelling have been decomposing and healing the traumas inside their hearts, and having positive influence to the visitors of the Museum and to the whole Taiwanese society as well. This study has confirmed that transitional justice has to start with people. To actively put transitional justice in practice, every individual in the society has to be well educated to cultivate a good sense of human rights, a positive attitude towards social justice, and enthusiasm for the exploration of historical truths. In the Human Rights Museum, the volunteer narrators have not only transformed their lives from miserable victims into determined social justice promoters but have also influenced and encouraged young visitors to start paying attention to incidences of injustice happening around them and to take actions against them. The positive influences form a cycle and reinforce one another, helping to shape a collective, bottom-up value system that is the very core of democracy.

以情境與行為意向分析為基礎之持續性概念重構個人化影像標籤系統 / Continuous Reconceptualization of Personalized Photograph Tagging System Based on Contextuality and Intention

李俊輝 Unknown Date (has links)
生活於數位時代,巨量的個人生命記憶使得人們難以輕易解讀,必須經過檢索或標籤化才可以進一步瞭解背後的意涵。本研究著力個人記憶裡繁瑣及週期性的廣泛事件,進行於「情節記憶語意化」以及「何以權衡大眾與個人資訊」兩議題之探討。透過生命記憶平台裡影像標籤自動化功能,我們以時空資訊為索引提出持續性概念重構模型,整合共同知識、個人近況以及個人偏好三項因素,模擬人們對每張照片下標籤時的認知歷程,改善其廣泛事件上註釋困難。在實驗設計上,實作大眾資訊模型、個人資訊模型以及本研究持續性概念重構模型,並招收九位受試者來剖析其認知歷程以及註釋效率。實驗結果顯示持續性概念重構模型解決了上述大眾與個人兩模型上的極限,即舊地重遊、季節性活動、非延續性活動性質以及資訊邊界註釋上的問題,因此本研究達成其個人生命記憶在廣泛事件之語意標籤自動化示範。 / In the digital era, labeling and retrieving are ways to understand the meaning behind a huge amount of lifetime archive. Foucusing on tedious and periodic general events, this study will discuss two issues: (1) the semantics of episodic memory (2) the trade-off between common and personal knowledge. Using the automatic image-tagging technique of lifelong digital archiving system, we propose the Coutinuous Reconceptualization Model which models the cognitive processing of examplar categorization based on temporal-spatial information. Integrating the common knowlegde, current personal life and hobby, the Continuous Reconceptualization Model improves the tagging efficiency. In this experiment, we compare the accuracy of cognitive modeling and tagging efficiency of the three distinct models: the common knowledge model, personal knowledge model and Coutinuous Reconceptualization Model. Nine participants were recruited to label the photos. The results show that the Continous Reconceptualization Model overcomes the limitations inherent in other models, including the auto-tagging problems of modeling certain situations, such as re-visiting places, seasonal activities, noncontinuous activities and information boundary. Consequently, the Continuous Reconceptualization Model demonstrated the efficiency of the automatic image-tagging technique used in the semantic labeling of the general event of personal memory.


石井, 澄 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:08610079 研究代表者:石井 澄 研究期間:1996-1998年度

漂泊離散的身份認同:蜜雪兒•克莉芙《天堂無路可通》的後殖民研究 / Identity in Diaspora: A Postcolonial Reading of Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven

洪敦信, Hong, Dun-Xin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,有關文學和殖民宰制之間關係的研究一直是文學研究中重要的一個主題。在我論文的序章,阿圖塞有關意識形態的看法就被拿來詮釋這層共謀的關係。身為文學作品中一份子,蜜雪兒•克莉芙的作品《天堂無路可通》卻藉著呈現後殖民情境下的克蕾兒•薩維巨和她家人的故事試著去翻轉和顛覆主導的意識形態。我就針對變易位置、歷史書寫、身份認同三個糾結在整個故事中的重要主題加以討論。 我的論文的第二章是對後殖民漂泊離散的現象和與這現象相關的放逐和移民的概念加以詳細的說明。在這部分中,柯恩關於文化上飄泊離散的四個標準,用來衡量在《天堂無路可通》中薩維巨一家人的移民狀況是很有幫助的。此外,對於「家」這個概念的政治考量也納入這部分的討論中。克蕾兒遊蕩的旅程引導她去思索在她周圍所圍繞的一些問題:其中之一便是對於「歷史」可信度的疑惑,另一個則是對於自己身份認同探究。因此,在第三章中,我探討的是再現的機制和歷史書寫再現的是宰制意識形態。在《天堂無路可通》中,克蕾兒的個人記憶/個人歷史於是成為了對官方歷史可靠性詰問的對抗力量,也提供了另一版本的歷史。 交織在漂泊離散經驗和對歷史和記憶質疑之中的課題是關於身份的認同,特別是文化上的認同。在我的論文的第四章,我所討論的是身份認同形成的過程和文化認同的轉變。在這章中,首先,以「旅行」的概念來解釋克蕾兒的游牧式旅程。接下來,我陳述有關於本質主義者和非本質主義者個自對於身份認同的看法和他們之間對於這個議題的爭論。而他們之間對於身份認同的不同看法正好明白地昭示在霍爾對於文化身份認同的定義中。此外,巴霸創新的「第三空間」和「居中」的想法也納入這部分關於身份認同的討論中。如何去面對由於移民、放逐和飄泊離散所產生的文化認同危機,如何去調合和重建一個新的文化上的身份認同,和如何以這個新的身份認同去詮釋故事中克蕾兒的回歸牙買加是我最後一部分的討論。希望,經由我對《天堂無路可通》這本小說的研究,能提供一些對了解後殖民小說的見解,特別是本於/有關/來自加勒比海的小說。 / The discussion of the relationship between literature and the colonial manipulation has been an important theme in the study of literature in recent years. In the introduction of my thesis, Louis Althusser’s concept of ideology is utilized to interpret this complicity relationship. As a literary work, Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven tries to reverse and subvert the dominant ideology by presenting the story of Clare Savage and her family under postcolonial condition. My discussions are aimed at three important themes, displacement, history, and identity, interwoven in the whole story. The second chapter of my thesis is the elucidation of the postcolonial phenomenon, the diaspora experiences, and the relative concepts of exile and migration. In this part, Robin Cohen’s four criteria of cultural diaspora are useful to assess the immigrant condition of the Savages in No Telephone to Heaven. Moreover, the politics of “home” is associated within this part of discussion. What Clare’s wandering journey leads her to is the contemplation of the questions arising around her: of these questions, one is the suspicion of the reliability of “history,” and another is the inquiry about her own identity/identities. So, in the third chapter, I discuss the regime of representation and the historiography as a kind of representation of the dominant ideology. The personal memory/history of Clare in No Telephone to Heaven, then, becomes a counter-force to interrogate the reliability of the official history, and provides another version of history. Interweaving with the diaspora experiences and the interrogation of history and memory is the topic about identities, particularly the cultural identity. In the fourth chapter of my thesis, I discuss the process of identity formation and the transformation of cultural identity. In this chapter, first, Clare’s nomadic journey is explained by the concept of “travel.” Then, I state the thoughts about identity between the essentialists and non-essentialists and the debates of identity between them. Such different views of identity are prominently demonstrated in Stuart Hall’s definition of cultural identity. Besides, Homi Bhabha’s innovative idea of “the third space” and the concept of “in-between” are included in this part of discussion about identity. How to face the crisis of cultural identity out of migration, exile, and diaspora, how to negotiate or reconstruct a new cultural identity under postcolonial condition, and how to interpret Clare’s return to Jamaica by virtue of this new identity, are the last parts of my discussion. I hope, through my reading of No Telephone to Heaven, I might provide some insights for understanding the postcolonial novels, especially the novels of/about/from the Caribbean area.

認知能力與一般化強化學習–凱因斯選美賽局實驗之實證分析 / Effects of cognitive on the Generalized Reinforcement Learning(EWA Learning):an empirical study of Keynes's beauty contest experiment

蔡明翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究的主要目的為研究學習行為與智能的相關性,採經驗加權吸引模型(Experience-Weighted Attraction)來描述受測者在選美競賽賽局(Beauty Contest Game)實驗下的決策及行為,不單只選擇強化學習或信念學習模型,其理由為經驗加權吸引模型綜合了以上兩個學習的特點;在智能的部分,本文以實驗所得的工作記憶能力(Working Memory Capacity)分數的高低,來代表智能高低。   從研究結果發現,智能高與低兩類受測者的初始吸引分配,皆與其在第一期的選擇類似,而低智能的受測者在初始吸引部分,所估計的分配結果會與第一期之後期間的分配較不相似,這可能代表著低智能的受測者對於類似賽局實驗以及此實驗的分析或想像較差;在ψ的參數估計上,由於低智能的初始吸引與最後一期猜測的分配較不相似,以理論來說會遞減較快,也就是說會小於高智能所估計的結果,而真實的估計結果也顯示如此,此外,ψ的估計結果,也表示低智能受測者,對於之前吸引遞減較快,遺忘地較快。本文在δ的部分,高智能的受測者明顯地大於低智能的受測者,這表示高智能的受測者,對於失去的報酬比較敏感,會較關心沒有選擇到的數字所能得到的報酬,本文認為此結果可能隱含高智能受測者的認知階層較高。在受測者對於吸引敏感度λ的參數部分,本研究發現,此兩類受測者並無太大差異,也就是此兩類受測者對於吸引的變動,敏感度差距不大,也就代表影響人們對於吸引敏感度的原因,可能不是來自於智商高低。由本文的實證結果,可以發現學習行為與智能的相關性,因此本文建議在往後與學習行為有關的研究上,也許可以納入智能為主要研究探討的核心。 / The purpose of this paper is to explore possible relationships between individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) and behavioral heterogeneity revealed in a repeated beauty contest experiment. We use ‘experience-weighted attraction’ (EWA) learning, to describe the decision-making and learning behavior of subjects in the beauty contest game (BCG) experiment. In the intelligence section, the level of the experiment from the working memory capacity score, to represent the intelligence high or low. We found high and low intelligent of the subject's initial attract allocated all its similar to the first period choice. In parameter estimation of ψ, due to the initial attraction of low intelligence subject is less similar to the choice of the following periods. According to theory,ψ of the low intelligence subjects will decrease faster, and the estimate of the results also show that. In addition, part of δ, high intelligence subjects was larger than the low intelligent subjects, which means that subjects of high intelligence, more sensitive to lost revenue. We think that may be implied the higher intelligent subjects are higher cognitive hierarchy. The sensitivity of players to attractions λ, we found that these two types of intelligent is not much difference. This means that the impact of the sensitivity of players to attractions, may not be from the intelligent level. By the empirical results, we can find the relationship between behavioral heterogeneity and intelligence, so we suggests that it may be incorporated into the intelligent as the main research.

臺灣文獻遺產登錄世界記憶之研究 / The study of Taiwan’s documentary heritage register on the memory of the world

林柏伶, Lin, Po Lin Unknown Date (has links)
聯合國教科文組織於1992年發起世界記憶計畫,目的是為了保護世界瀕臨危機的文獻遺產。世界記憶是一個長期的計畫,主旨在於改變國家、政府、社區及個人能重視、保護進而利用圖書館、檔案館及博物館典藏之文獻遺產。目前世界記憶名錄中,共有245項文獻遺產被登錄。名錄中的文獻遺產項目涵蓋了各種類型的文獻和藏品,包含了古籍、石碑、錄音檔案…等。   臺灣曾於2010年以中央研究院典藏之甲骨文申請世界記憶的經驗。本論文將以此議題為基礎,探討世界記憶之申請流程、標準及其他有資格申請名錄的文獻遺產。同時藉由深度訪談,瞭解國內典藏單位人員對於世界記憶之看法,以及眾多館藏中是否有具有申請資格的藏品。參酌上述訪談資料,提出相關建議,以供我國典藏單位未來欲申請世界記憶名錄之參考。   根據研究結果,本論文提出以下幾點建議:(一)建立社會對文獻遺產的認同感;(二)整合與推廣文獻遺產資源;(三)循序漸進申請世界記憶。 / UNESCO established the Memory of the World Programme in 1992. The purpose is to protect documentary heritage of the world which is in great danger. Memory of the World is a long-term plan, the main objective is to make nations, governments, communities and individuals treasure, safeguard and access the documentary heritage of libraries, archives and museums. There are 245 items of documentary heritage that registered in the list of Memory of the World at present. These items cover all types of literature and collections, including the rare book , inscription, audio files...etc.   In 2010,Taiwan has had the experience of the application of the Memory of the World. According to this issue, this paper aims to explore the application process, criteria of the Memory of World and investigate the documentary heritage that are eligible to apply for the register of Memory of the World. Furthermore, the study uses the in-depth interview to understand the repositories' staffs' opinions about the Memory of the World and to select the eligible documentary heritage in numerous collections. Synthesize the above interview data that propose the conclusions and suggestions in order to provide reference for the repositories that will apply for the Memory of the World List in the future.   Based on the research conclusion, these are three suggestions as follows: (1) To establish the social identity of the documentary heritage; (2) To integrate and popularize the documentary heritage resources; (3) To apply for the register of Memory of the World step by step.

現代ルワンダの親密性―継続する暴力下に生きる人びとの沈黙と応答能力の可能性― / Intimacy in Contemporary Rwanda: People's Silence and Response to Others' Sufferings under Ongoing Violence

近藤, 有希子 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第21898号 / 地博第244号 / 新制||地||90(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科アフリカ地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 太田 至, 准教授 高田 明, 特定准教授 西 真如 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

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